Commission Regulation (EC) No 331/95 of 17 February 1995 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of export refunds on agricultural products
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 331/95 of 17 February 1995 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of export refunds on agricultural products
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 of 30 June 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by the Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden, and in particular Articles 9 (2), 12 (6) and 13 (6) thereof, and to the corresponding provisions of the other Regulations on the common organization of the markets in agricultural products,
Whereas due to the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden to the European Union, it is necessary to introduce linguistic adjustments in Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87 (2), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2955/94 (3);
Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of all Management Committees concerned,
Article 1
Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87 is hereby amended as follows:
1. the following entries are added to Article 6 a (1) (d), second subparagraph:
'- Kuljetusasiakirja, jossa ilmoitetaan yhteisoen tullialueen ulkopuolinen maeaeraepaikka, on esitetty
- Transportdokument med slutlig destination utanfoer gemenskapens tullomraade';
2. the following entries are added to Article 7 (4), first subparagraph:
'- Viety yhteisoen tullialueelta yksinkertaistetussa yhteisoen passitusmenettelyssae rautateitse tai suurissa konteissa.
- Kuljetusasiakirja :
tyyppi : ....................
numero : ....................
- Paeivae, jona rautatieviranomainen tai asianomainen kuljetusyritys hyvaeksyi kuljetettavaksi : ....................
- Utfoersel fraan gemenskapens tullomraade enligt det foerenklade transiteringsfoerfarandet foer jaernvaegstransporter eller transporter i stora containrar :
- Transportdokument :
typ : ....................
nummer : ....................
- Mottagningsdag foer befordran hos jaernvaegsfoeretaget eller det beroerda transportfoeretaget : ....................';
3. the following entries are added to Article 7 (5), first subparagraph:
'- Viety yhteisoen tullialueelta rautateitse yhdistetyssae rautatie- ja maantiekuljetuksessa :
- Kuljetusasiakirja : ....................
tyyppi : ....................
numero : ....................
- Paeivae, jona rautatieviranomainen hyvaeksyi kuljetettavaksi : ....................
- Utfoersel fraan gemenskapens tullomraade paa jaernvaeg vid kombinerad jaernvaegs- och landsvaegstransport :
- Transportdokument :
typ : ....................
nummer : ....................
- Mottagningsdag foer befordran hos jaernvaegsfoeretaget : ....................';
4. the following entries are added to Article 28 (6), second subparagraph (a):
'- Ennakolta maksettu tuki - asetuksen (ETY) N :o 3665/87 28 artiklan 6 kohta : vienti-ilmoitus annettava viimeistaeaen . . . (maeaeraepaeivae vahvistetaan 5 kohdassa mainitun aikarajoituksen mukaisesti)
- Foerskottsbetalning av exportbidrag - artikel 28.6 i foerordning (EEG) nr 3665/87. Exportdeklaration skall ges in senast den . . . (tidpunkt faststaelld enligt den i punkt 5 angivna tidsfristen)';
5. the following items are added to Article 28 (6), second subparagraph (b):
'- Vienti-ilmoituksen vastaanottopaeivaemaeaerae : .......... ..........
- Paeivae, jona viety tullialueelta tai saapunut maeaeraepaikkaan : ....................
- Mottagningsdag foer exportdeklaration : .......... ..........
- Utfoerseldag fraan tullomraadet eller ankomstdag till destinationen : ....................';
6. the following entries are added to Article 39 (2), second subparagraph:
'- Siirto varastoon sekae pakollinen toimittaminen muonitustarkoituksiin - asetuksen (ETY) N :o 3665/87 38 artiklan soveltaminen
- Placering i lager med skyldighet att leverera foer proviantering - artikel 38 i foerordning (EEG) nr 3665/87';
7. the following entries are added to Article 42 (5):
'- Muonitustoimitukset lautoille - asetus (ETY) N :o 3665/87
- Proviant till plattformar - foerordning (EEG) nr 3665/87'.
Article 2
This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
It shall apply with effect from 1 January 1995.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 17 February 1995.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
(1) OJ No L 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21.
(2) OJ No L 351, 14. 12. 1987, p. 1.
(3) OJ No L 312, 6. 12. 1994, p. 5.