Commission Directive 95/43/EC of 20 July 1995 to Council Directive 92/51/EEC on a second general system for the recognition of professional education and training to supplement Directive 89/48/EEC Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31995L0043 Official Journal: JOL_1995_184_R_0021_025 Form: Directive Procedure number: -- Languages: bg cs da de el en et fi fr hu it lv lt mt nl pl pt ro sk sl es sv Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: August 23, 1995 Entry into force - Date pub. + 20 See Art 4 Date of transposition: Date of end of validity: Modified by Modifies Modifies: Affected by case Legal basis EuroVoc Vocabulary Internal market - Principles Approximation of laws Principles and conditions Vocational training Freedom of establishment Education and training Recognition of diplomas Right of establishment Higher education Freedom of movement for workers Professional qualifications Free movement of workers