Commission Regulation (EC) No 1618/94 of 4 July 1994 amending Regulation (EC) No 121/94 relating to the exemption from the import levy for certain products in the cereals sector laid down in the Agreements between the European Community and the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Hungary, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1618/94 of 4 July 1994 amending Regulation (EC) No 121/94 relating to the exemption from the import levy for certain products in the cereals sector laid down in the Agreements between the European Community and the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Hungary, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 3492/93 of 13 December 1993 on certain procedures for applying the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Poland, of the other part (1), and in particular Article 1 thereof,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 3491/93 of 13 December 1993 on certain procedures for applying the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Hungary, of the other part (2), and in particular Article 1 thereof,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 520/92 of 27 February 1992 relating to certain procedures for applying the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the European Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the other part, and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, of the other part (3), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2235/93 (4), and in particular Article 1 thereof,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 of 30 June 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (5), as last amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2193/93 (6), and in particular Article 9 thereof,
Whereas Commission Regulation (EC) No 121/94 of 25 January 1994 relating to the exemption from the import levy for certain products in the cereals sector laid down in the Agreements between the European Community and the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Hungary, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (7) specifies the quantities of barley, wheat flour and non-roasted malt originating in the Czech and Slovak Republics which enjoy preferential access under the Interim Agreement concluded with those countries; whereas the volumes for each of the Republics concerned resulting from the Additional Protocols concluded following the dissolution of the Czech Federal Republic were subsequently discovered to have been calculated incorrectly and must therefore be amended for the 1994/95 and 1995/96 marketing years;
Whereas it is necessary also to amend the period of validity of the import licences in order to bring it into line with the marketing year and by so doing ensure that the rate of importation specified in the Agreements is observed;
Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Cereals,
Article 1
Regulation (EC) No 121/94 is hereby amended as follows:
1. Article 3 is replaced by the following:
'Article 3
Article 8
(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 891/89 notwithstanding, import licences shall be valid from their date of issue until the end of the third month following that in which they were issued. Nevertheless, the validity of licences shall be restricted to the end of July, where licences issued in respect of the previous year's quantity are concerned.'
2. The Annex is replaced by the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2
This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 4 July 1994.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
(1) OJ No L 319, 21. 12. 1993, p. 4.
(2) OJ No L 319, 21. 12. 1993, p. 1.
(3) OJ No L 56, 29. 2. 1992, p. 9.
(4) OJ No L 200, 10. 8. 1993, p. 5.
(5) OJ No L 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21.
(6) OJ No L 196, 5. 8. 1993, p. 22.
(7) OJ No L 21, 26. 1. 1994, p. 3.
I. Products originating in the Republic of Hungary "(tonnes)"" ID="1">Levy reduction (%)> ID="2">60> ID="3">60> ID="4">60"> ID="1">CN code 1001 90 99> ID="2">200 000> ID="3">216 000> ID="4">232 000">
II.A. Products originating in the Czech Republic "(tonnes)"" ID="1">Levy reduction (%)> ID="2">60> ID="3">60> ID="4">60"> ID="1">CN code 1003 00 90> ID="2">23 667> ID="3">25 400> ID="4">27 400"> ID="1">CN code 1101 00 00> ID="2">15 667> ID="3">12 750> ID="4">13 500"> ID="1">CN code 1107 10 99> ID="2">24 371> ID="3">31 800> ID="4">33 900">
II.B. Products originating in the Slovak Republic "(tonnes)"" ID="1">Levy reduction (%)> ID="2">60> ID="3">60> ID="4">60"> ID="1">CN code 1003 00 90> ID="2">12 600> ID="3">12 600> ID="4">13 600"> ID="1">CN code 1101 00 00> ID="2">7 833> ID="3">12 750> ID="4">13 500"> ID="1">CN code 1107 10 99> ID="2">12 186> ID="3">12 700> ID="4">13 600">
III. Products originating in the Republic of Poland "(tonnes)"" ID="1">Levy reduction (%)> ID="2">60> ID="3">60> ID="4">60"> ID="1">CN code 1008 10 00> ID="2">3 800> ID="3">4 100> ID="4">4 350">