Commission Regulation (EC) No 577/94 of 16 March 1994 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1912/92 and (EEC) No 1913/92 laying down detailed implementing rules for the specific measures for supplying the Canary Islands and the Azores and Madeira with beef and veal products

COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 577/94 of 16 March 1994 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1912/92 and (EEC) No 1913/92 laying down detailed implementing rules for the specific measures for supplying the Canary Islands and the Azores and Madeira with beef and veal products


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1601/92 of 15 June 1992 concerning specific measures for the Canary Islands with regard to certain agricultural products (1), as amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1974/93 (2), and in particular

Article 4

(4) thereof,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1600/92 of 15 June 1992 concerning specific measures for the Azores and Madeira relating to certain agricultural products (3), as amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1974/93, and in particular Article 10 thereof,

Whereas Annex II to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1912/92 of 10 July 1992 laying down detailed implementing rules for the specific measures for supplying the Canary Islands with products from the beef and veal sector (4), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 179/94 (5), fixes the aid for products included in the forecast supply balance and coming from the Community market;

Whereas Annex II to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1913/92 of 10 July 1992 laying down detailed implementing rules for the specific measures for supplying the Azores and Madeira with products from the beef and veal sector (6), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 179/94, fixes the aid for products included in the forecast supply balance and coming from the Community market;

Whereas in order to safeguard the share of the Canary Islands market held by processed products of Community origin, provision should be made for higher aid of certain preparations manufactured under control and for that aid to be granted subject to presentation of a certificate to the effect that those preparations were manufactured under a system of controls equivalent to those governing manufacture under customs control;

Whereas application of the criteria for the fixing of Community aid to the situation in the market sector concerned and, in particular, to the rates or prices for those products in the European part of the Community and on the world market results in the aid for supplies of beef and veal products to the Canary Islands and Madeira being fixed as shown in the Annex hereto;

Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Beef and Veal,


Article 1

1. Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 1912/92 is replaced by Annex I.

2. Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 1913/92 is replaced by Annex II.

Article 2

The following subparagraphs are added to Article 2 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1912/92:

'However, the aid for beef and veal preparations covered by CN codes 1602 50 10 (120, 140, 160 and 170), 1602 50 31 (125, 135, 325 and 335) and 1602 50 39 (125, 135, 325 and 335) and manufactured under a system of control affording the same guarantees of degree as customs control as referred to in Article 4 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 565/80 shall be as set out in Annex IIa.

The aid shall be granted subject to presentation of a certificate issued by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch and guaranteeing that the product has been manufactured under control in an establishment approved for the purpose.

The Member States shall forward to the Commission the list of authorities empowered to issue the certificates and the model therefore.'

Article 3

This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 16 March 1994.

For the Commission


Member of the Commission

(1) OJ No L 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 13.

(2) OJ No L 180, 23. 7. 1993, p. 26.

(3) OJ No L 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 1.

(4) OJ No L 192, 11. 7. 1992, p. 31.

(5) OJ No L 24, 29. 1. 1994, p. 35.

(6) OJ No L 192, 11. 7. 1992, p. 35.



Aid on products listed in Annex I and coming from the Community market

"" ID="1">0201 10 00 110 (1)> ID="2">73"> ID="1">0201 10 00 120> ID="2">55"> ID="1">0201 10 00 130 (1)> ID="2">99"> ID="1">0201 10 00 140> ID="2">75"> ID="1">0201 20 20 110 (1)> ID="2">99"> ID="1">0201 20 20 120> ID="2">75"> ID="1">0201 20 30 110 (1)> ID="2">73"> ID="1">0201 20 30 120> ID="2">55"> ID="1">0201 20 50 110 (1)> ID="2">124,5 "> ID="1">0201 20 50 120> ID="2">95"> ID="1">0201 20 50 130 (1)> ID="2">73"> ID="1">0201 20 50 140> ID="2">55"> ID="1">0201 20 90 700> ID="2">55"> ID="1">0201 30 00 100 (2)> ID="2">178,5 "> ID="1">0201 30 00 150 (6)> ID="2">107,5 "> ID="1">0201 30 00 190 (6)> ID="2">72"> ID="1">0202 10 00 100> ID="2">48,5 "> ID="1">0202 10 00 900> ID="2">65,5 "> ID="1">0202 20 10 000> ID="2">65,5 "> ID="1">0202 20 30 000> ID="2">48,5 "> ID="1">0202 20 50 100> ID="2">82,5 "> ID="1">0202 20 50 900> ID="2">48,5 "> ID="1">0202 20 90 100> ID="2">48,5 "> ID="1">0202 30 90 400 (6)> ID="2">93"> ID="1">0202 30 90 500 (6)> ID="2">62,5 "> ID="1">1602 50 10 190> ID="2">46"> ID="1">1602 50 10 240> ID="2">20"> ID="1">1602 50 10 260> ID="2">16"> ID="1">1602 50 10 280> ID="2">10"> ID="1">1602 50 31 195> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 31 395> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 39 195> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 39 395> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 39 495> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 39 505> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 39 595> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 39 615> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 39 625> ID="2">15"> ID="1">1602 50 39 705> ID="2">20"> ID="1">1602 50 39 805> ID="2">16"> ID="1">1602 50 39 905> ID="2">10"> ID="1">1602 50 80 195> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 80 395> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 80 495> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 80 505> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 80 515> ID="2">15"> ID="1">1602 50 80 595> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 80 615> ID="2">34"> ID="1">1602 50 80 625> ID="2">15"> ID="1">1602 50 80 705> ID="2">20"> ID="1">1602 50 80 805> ID="2">16"> ID="1">1602 50 80 905> ID="2">10 ""NB: The product codes and the footnotes are defined in Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3846/87, as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 3567/93 (OJ No L 327, 28. 12. 1993, p. 1).



Aid granted on certain processed products listed in Annex I and coming from the Community market

"" ID="1">1602 50 10 120> ID="2">97,50"> ID="1">1602 50 10 140> ID="2">86,50"> ID="1">1602 50 10 160> ID="2">69,50"> ID="1">1602 50 10 170> ID="2">46,00"> ID="1">1602 50 31 125> ID="2">110,00"> ID="1">1602 50 31 135> ID="2">69,50"> ID="1">1602 50 31 325> ID="2">98,00"> ID="1">1602 50 31 335> ID="2">62,00"> ID="1">1602 50 39 125> ID="2">110,00"> ID="1">1602 50 39 135> ID="2">69,50"> ID="1">1602 50 39 325> ID="2">98,00"> ID="1">1602 50 39 335> ID="2">62,00'">



Aid on products listed in Annex I and coming from the Community market

"" ID="1">0201 10 00 110 (1)> ID="2">73 "> ID="1">0201 10 00 120> ID="2">55 "> ID="1">0201 10 00 130 (1)> ID="2">99 "> ID="1">0201 10 00 140> ID="2">75 "> ID="1">0201 20 20 110 (1)> ID="2">99 "> ID="1">0201 20 20 120> ID="2">75 "> ID="1">0201 20 30 110 (1)> ID="2">73 "> ID="1">0201 20 30 120> ID="2">55 "> ID="1">0201 20 50 110 (1)> ID="2">124,5"> ID="1">0201 20 50 120> ID="2">95 "> ID="1">0201 20 50 130 (1)> ID="2">73 "> ID="1">0201 20 50 140> ID="2">55 "> ID="1">0201 20 90 700> ID="2">55 "> ID="1">0201 30 00 100 (2)> ID="2">178,5"> ID="1">0201 30 00 150 (6)> ID="2">107,5"> ID="1">0201 30 00 190 (6)> ID="2">72 "> ID="1">0202 10 00 100> ID="2">55 "> ID="1">0202 10 00 900> ID="2">75 "> ID="1">0202 20 10 000> ID="2">75 "> ID="1">0202 20 30 000> ID="2">55 "> ID="1">0202 20 50 100> ID="2">95 "> ID="1">0202 20 50 900> ID="2">55 "> ID="1">0202 20 90 100> ID="2">55 "> ID="1">0202 30 90 400 (6)> ID="2">107,5"> ID="1">0202 30 90 500 (6)> ID="2">72 ""NB: The product codes and the footnotes are defined in Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3846/87, as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 3567/93 (OJ No L 327, 28. 12. 1993, p. 1).'
