COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 3638/93 of 20 December 1993 totally or partially suspending the duties applicable to certain products falling within Chapters 1 to 24 of the combined nomenclature and originating in Malta (1994)

COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 3638/93 of 20 December 1993 totally or partially suspending the duties applicable to certain products falling within Chapters 1 to 24 of the combined nomenclature and originating in Malta (1994)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products (1), and in particular Article 12 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Whereas, pursuant to Annex I to the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Malta (2) the Community must partially suspend the Common Customs Tariff duties applicable to certain products; whereas it would also be appropriate provisionally to adjust or supplement certain of the tariff benefits provided for in the said Annex; whereas, in respect of products listed in the Annex to this Regulation and originating in Malta, the Community should accordingly suspend the fixed component of the charge applicable to goods covered by Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 and the customs duty applicable to other goods at the levels indicated for each product from 1 January to 31 December 1994;

Whereas the decision for the suspension of customs duties on products covered by this Regulation should be taken by the Community,


Article 1

1. From 1 January to 31 December 1994 products listed in the Annex and originating in Malta shall be imported into the Community at the rates of duty indicated in the Annex for each product.

2. For the purposes of applying this Regulation, the rules of origin shall be those in force at the time for the implementation of the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Malta.

Article 2

Where products benefiting from the arrangements, provided for in Article 1, are imported into the Community in such quantities or at such prices that they cause or threaten to cause material injury to Community producers of like or directly competing products, the duties applicable may be partially or totally reimposed on the products concerned. Such measures may be taken also in the event of material injury or threat of material injury limited to one region of the Community.

Article 3

1. In order to implement Article 2 the Commission may adopt a Regulation reimposing customs duties for a given period.

2. Where a Member State asks the Commission to adopt such a Regulation, the Commission shall reach its decision within a maximum of 10 working days from the day on which it receives the request and shall inform the Member States of the action taken.

3. Any Member State may refer the measure taken by the Commission to the Council within 10 working days of notification. The fact that the matter is referred to the Council shall not cause the measure to be suspended. The Council shall meet immediately. It may, acting on a qualified majority, amend or rescind the measure in question.

Article 4

This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

It shall apply as from 1 January 1994.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 20 December 1993.

For the Council

The President


(1) OJ No L 323, 29. 11. 1980, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1436/90 (OJ No L 138, 31. 5. 1990, p. 9).

(2) OJ No L 61, 14. 3. 1971, p. 3.


List of products falling within Chapters 1 to 24 originating in Malta (a) "" ID="1">16.0040> ID="2">0206 10 99 0206 21 00> ID="3">Edible offal fresh, chilled or frozen Of bovine animals> ID="4">2 %"> ID="1">16.0055> ID="2">0208 10 11 0208 10 19> ID="3">Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh, chilled or frozen of domestic rabbits> ID="4">7 %"> ID="1">16.0060> ID="2">0208 10 90> ID="3">Of rabbits, other than domestic rabbits, or hares> ID="4">Free"> ID="1">16.0070> ID="2">0208 20 00> ID="3">Of frogs' legs"> ID="1">16.0160> ID="2">0302 65 > ID="3">Dogfish and other sharks> ID="4">4 %"> ID="1">16.0210> ID="2">0303 75 > ID="3">Dogfish and other sharks> ID="4">4 %"> ID="1">16.0230> ID="2">0304 10 11> ID="3">Fish fillets and other fish meat, chilled or frozen> ID="4">10 %"> ID="2">0304 20 11> ID="3">Frozen fillets of trout"> ID="1">16.0330> ID="2">0306 12 > ID="3">Lobsters> ID="4">4 %"> ID="1">16.0340> ID="2">0306 13 10> ID="3">Shrimps and prawns"> ID="1">16.0350> ID="2">0306 13 90> ID="3">Other shrimps and prawns> ID="4">4,5 %"> ID="1">16.0360> ID="2">0306 14 > ID="3">Crabs> ID="4">4 %"> ID="1">16.0370> ID="2">0306 19 10> ID="3">Freshwater crayfish"> ID="1">16.0380> ID="2">ex 0306 19 90> ID="3">Perullus spp,"> ID="1">16.0400> ID="2">0306 22 > ID="3">Lobsters> ID="4">4 %"> ID="1">16.0410> ID="2">0306 23 10> ID="3">Shrimps and prawns"> ID="1">16.0420> ID="2">0306 23 90> ID="3">Other shrimps and prawns> ID="4">4,5 %"> ID="1">16.0500> ID="2">0307 39 90> ID="3">Mussels (Perna spp.)> ID="4">4 %"> ID="1">16.0510> ID="2">0307 41 0307 49 11> ID="3">Cuttlefish and squid"> ID="1">16.0520> ID="2">0307 49 19> ID="3">Cuttlefish> ID="4">5,5 %"> ID="1">16.0530> ID="2">0307 49 31 0307 49 33 0307 49 35 0307 49 38> ID="3">Squid> ID="4">4 %"> ID="1">16.0540> ID="2">0307 49 51> ID="3">Cuttlefish"> ID="1">16.0550> ID="2">0307 49 71 0307 49 91 0307 49 99> ID="3">Squid "> ID="1">16.0560> ID="2">0307 51 00 0307 59 10 0307 59 90 0307 91 00 0307 99 13 0307 99 19 0307 99 90> ID="3">Octopus> ID="4">4 %"> ID="1">16.0570> ID="2">0409 00 00> ID="3">Natural honey> ID="4">25 %"> ID="1">16.0580> ID="3">Edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included> ID="4">4 %"> ID="2">ex 0410 00 00> ID="3">- Royal jelly"> ID="2">ex 0410 00 00> ID="3">- Other> ID="4">2 %"> ID="1">16.0690> ID="2">0603 90 00> ID="3">Cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared> ID="4">7 %"> ID="1">16.0734> ID="2">0707 00 19> ID="3">Cucumber, fresh or chilled, from 16 May to 31 October> ID="4">16 %"> ID="1">16.0740> ID="3">Other vegetable, fresh or chilled> ID="4">12 %"> ID="2">ex 0709 20 00> ID="3">Asparagus, from 31 October"> ID="1">16.0750> ID="2">ex 0709 30 00> ID="3">Aubergines, from 1 January to 31 March> ID="4">9 %"> ID="1">16.0760> ID="2">ex 0709 40 00> ID="3">Celery, other than celeriac, from 1 January to 31 March"> ID="1">16.0790> ID="2">ex 0709 90 90> ID="3">Pumpkins and courgettes, from 1 January to the last day of February> ID="4">9 %"> ID="3">Other, excluding parsley from 1 January to 31 March"> ID="1">16.0795> ID="2">ex 0709 90 90> ID="3">Okra or comboux (Hibiscus esculentus L. or Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench), Moringa oleifera (drumsticks)> ID="4">exemption"> ID="1">16.0825> ID="2">0711 40 00> ID="3">Cucumbers and gherkins> ID="4">12 %"> ID="1">16.0860> ID="2">ex 0712 30 00> ID="3">Mushrooms, excluding cultivated mushrooms> ID="4">6 %"> ID="1">16.0880> ID="2">0713 10 90> ID="3">Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skimmed or split> ID="4">2 %"> ID="1">16.1070> ID="2">ex 0807 10 10> ID="3">Watermelons, from 1 November to 30 April> ID="4">6,5 %"> ID="1">16.1300> ID="2">0814 00 00> ID="3">Peel of citrus fruit or melons, fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions> ID="4">Free"> ID="1">16.1610> ID="2">1212 10 91> ID="3">Locust bean seeds, not decorticated, crushed or ground> ID="4">Free"> ID="1">16.1620> ID="2">1212 10 99> ID="3">Other locust bean seeds> ID="4">6 %"> ID="1">16.2020> ID="3">Other fixed vegetable fats and oils (including jojoba oil) and their fractions> ID="4">2,5 %"> ID="2">1515 21 10> ID="3">Maize (corn) oil and its fractions for technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption (e)"> ID="1">16.2290> ID="2">ex 1602 90 31> ID="3">Prepared or preserved rabbit> ID="4">14 %"> ID="1">16.2510> ID="2">1704 90 30> ID="3">White chocolate> ID="4">4 %"> ID="1">16.2520> ID="2">ex 1704 90 51 1704 90 55 1704 90 61 1704 90 65> ID="3">Other plates, including marzipan Throat pastilles and cough drops Sugar-coated (panned) goods Gum confectionery and jelly confectionery> ID="4">6 %"> ID="2">1704 90 71 1704 90 75 1704 90 81 1704 90 99> ID="3">Boiled sweets whether or not filled Toffees, caramels and similar sweets Compressed tablets Other"> ID="1">16.2580> ID="3">Food preparations of flour, meal, starch nor malt extract, not containing cocoa powder or containing cocoa powder in a proportion by weight of less than 50 %, not elsewhere specified or included; food preparations of goods of heading Nos 0401 to 0404, not containing cocoa powder or containing cocoa powder in a proportion by weight of less than 10 %, not elsewhere specified or included> ID="4">Free"> ID="2">ex 1901 10 00> ID="3">Preparations for infant use, put for retail sale, not containing cocoa powder"> ID="2">1901 20 00> ID="3">Mixed and doughs for the preparation of bakers' wares of heading No 1905"> ID="2">ex 1901 90 90> ID="3">Other, not containing cocoa powder"> ID="1">16.2600> ID="3">Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting for cereals or cereal products (for example, corn flakes), cereals, other than maize (corn), in grain form, pre-cooked or otherwise prepared> ID="4">Free"> ID="2">1904 10 10 1904 10 30 1904 10 90> ID="3">Prepared food obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products"> ID="1">16.2610> ID="2">1904 90 10> ID="3">Of rice> ID="4">3 %"> ID="1">16.2620> ID="2">1904 90 90> ID="3">Of other cereals> ID="4">2 %"> ID="1">16.2630> ID="2">1905 10 00> ID="3">Crispbread> ID="4">Free"> ID="1">16.2660> ID="2">1905 90 10> ID="3">Matzos> ID="4">Free"> ID="1">16.2670> ID="2">1905 90 20> ID="3">Communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products> ID="4">Free"> ID="1">16.2680> ID="2">1905 90 30> ID="3">Bread> ID="4">4 %"> ID="1">16.2690> ID="3">Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid> ID="4">14 %"> ID="2">2001 20 00> ID="3">- Onions"> ID="1">16.2700> ID="2">2001 90 50> ID="3">- Mushrooms> ID="4">14 %"> ID="2">2001 90 65> ID="3">- Olives"> ID="2">2001 90 75> ID="3">- Salad beetroot"> ID="2">2001 90 85> ID="3">- Red cabbages"> ID="2">ex 2001 90 95> ID="3">- Other, excluding 'mixed pickles' and papaya chutney"> ID="1">16.2725> ID="2">ex 2001 90 95> ID="3">'Papaya chutney'> ID="4">9 %"> ID="1">16.2750> ID="2">ex 2004 90 30> ID="3">Capers> ID="4">12 %"> ID="1">16.2800> ID="2">2005 90 30> ID="3">Capers> ID="4">12 %"> ID="1">16.2820> ID="3">Fruits, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glacé or crystallized)> ID="4">6 %"> ID="2">ex 2006 00 39> ID="3">Other, with a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight"> ID="3">Fruit falling within heading Nos 0801, 0803, 0804 (except figs and pineapples), 0805 40 00, 0807 20 00, 0810 40 10, 0810 40 50, 0810 30 90, 0810 20 90, 0810 40 90, 0810 90 10, 0810 90 30 and 0810 90 80"> ID="1">16.2830> ID="2">ex 2006 00 90> ID="3">Other, with a sugar content not exceeding 13 %> ID="4">6 %"> ID="3">Fruit falling within heading Nos 0801, 0803, 0804 (except figs and pineapples), 0805 40 00, 0807 20 00, 0810 40 10, 0810 40 50, 0810 30 90, 0810 20 90, 0810 40 90, 0810 90 10, 0810 90 30 and 0810 90 80"> ID="1">16.2840> ID="3">Jams, fruit jellies. marmalades, fruit or nut purée and fruit or nut pastes, being cooked, preparations, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter> ID="4">8 %"> ID="2">ex 2007 10 90> ID="3">Other"> ID="3">Fruit falling within heading Nos 0801, 0803, 0804 (excluding figs and pineapples), 0807 20 00, 0810 20 90, 0810 30 90, 0810 40 10, 0810 40 50, 0810 40 90, 0810 90 10, 0810 90 30 and 0810 90 80"> ID="1">16.2850> ID="3">Jams and marmalades of citrus fruit> ID="4">18 %"> ID="2">ex 2007 91 10> ID="3">With a sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight, excluding orange jam and marmalade"> ID="2">ex 2007 91 30> ID="3">With sugar content exceeding 13 % but not exceeding 30 % by weight, excluding orange jam and marmalade"> ID="1">16.2860> ID="2">ex 2007 91 90> ID="3">Other, excluding orange jam and marmalade> ID="4">19 %"> ID="1">16.2865> ID="2">2007 99 31> ID="3">Jam, jellies marmalades, cherry purée and cherry pastes with a sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight> ID="4">25 %"> ID="1">16.2870> ID="2">ex 2007 99 39> ID="3">With a sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight> ID="4">8 %"> ID="3">Fruit falling within heading Nos 0801, 0803, 0804 (except figs and pineapples), 0807 20 00, 0810 20 90, 0810 30 90, 0810 40 10, 0810 40 50, 0810 40 90, 0810 90 10, 0810 90 30 and 0810 90 80"> ID="1">16.2880> ID="2">ex 2007 10 10> ID="3">With a sugar content exceeding 13 % but not exceeding 30 % by weight> ID="4">8 %"> ID="2">ex 2007 99 58> ID="3">Fruit falling within heading Nos 0801, 0803, 0804 (except figs and pineapples), 0807 20 00, 0810 20 90, 0810 30 90, 0810 40 10, 0810 40 50, 0810 40 90, 0810 90 10, 0810 90 30 and 0810 90 80"> ID="1">16.2890> ID="2">ex 2007 99 99> ID="3">Other> ID="4">8 %"> ID="3">Fruit falling within heading Nos 0801, 0803, 0804 (excluding figs and pineapples), 0807 20 00, 0810 20 90, 0810 30 90, 0810 40 10, 0810 40 50, 0810 40 90, 0810 90 10, 0810 90 30 and 0810 90 80"> ID="1">16.2900> ID="3">Fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included> ID="4">6 %"> ID="2">2008 11 91> ID="3">Ground-nuts"> ID="2">2008 11 99 ex 2008 19 10> ID="3">Other, including mixtures in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg, excluding almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts"> ID="1">16.3290> ID="3">Fruit juices (including grape musts) and vegetable juices, unfermented and not containing added spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter> ID="4">28 %"> ID="2">2009 20 11> ID="3">Grapefruit juices"> ID="1">16.3300> ID="2">2009 20 19> ID="3">Grapefruit juice> ID="4">28 %"> ID="1">16.3310> ID="2">2009 20 91 2009 20 99> ID="3">Grapefruit juice> ID="4">7 %"> ID="1">16.3320> ID="2">ex 2009 30 31> ID="3">Citrus fruit juices (excluding lemon juices) containing added sugar> ID="4">13 %"> ID="2">ex 2009 30 39> ID="3">Citrus fruit juices (excluding lemon juices) not containing added sugar"> ID="1">16.3340> ID="2">2009 30 91> ID="3">Other citrus fruit juices> ID="4">14 %"> ID="3">With an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight"> ID="2">2009 30 95> ID="3">With an added sugar content not exceeding 30 % by weight"> ID="1">16.3360> ID="2">2009 40 30> ID="3">Pineapple juice> ID="4">17 %"> ID="1">16.3370> ID="2">2009 40 91> ID="3">Pineapple juice> ID="4">17 %"> ID="1">16.3400> ID="2">ex 2009 80 39> ID="3">Date juice> ID="4">Free"> ID="1">16.3550> ID="2">2102 10 31 2102 10 39> ID="3">Bakers' yeast> ID="4">4 %"> ID="1">16.3580> ID="2">2102 20 90> ID="3">Other> ID="4">Free"> ID="1">16.3760> ID="3">Preparation of a kind used in animal feeding> ID="4">3 %"> ID="2">2309 10 90> ID="3">Other dog or cat food"">

Taric codes

"" ID="1">16.0380> ID="2">ex 0306 19 90> ID="3">0306 19 90 * 20"> ID="1">16.0580> ID="2">ex 0410 00 00> ID="3">0410 00 00 * 10"> ID="2">ex 0410 00 00> ID="3">0410 00 00 * 90"> ID="1">16.0740> ID="2">ex 0709 20 00> ID="3">0709 20 00 * 12"> ID="3">* 92"> ID="1">16.0750> ID="2">ex 0709 30 00> ID="3">0709 30 00 * 10"> ID="3">* 20"> ID="1">16.0760> ID="2">ex 0709 40 00> ID="3">0709 40 00 * 13"> ID="3">* 91"> ID="1">16.0790> ID="2">ex 0709 90 90> ID="3">0709 90 90 * 12"> ID="3">* 51"> ID="3">* 52"> ID="3">* 58"> ID="3">* 91"> ID="1">16.0795> ID="2">ex 0709 90 90> ID="3">0709 90 90 * 23"> ID="3">* 24"> ID="3">* 25"> ID="3">* 26"> ID="3">* 31"> ID="3">* 32"> ID="1">16.0860> ID="2">ex 0712 30 00> ID="3">0712 30 00 * 22"> ID="3">* 24"> ID="3">* 27"> ID="1">16.1070> ID="2">ex 0807 10 10> ID="3">0807 10 10 * 10"> ID="3">* 20"> ID="1">16.2290> ID="2">ex 1602 90 31> ID="3">1602 90 31 * 20"> ID="1">16.2520> ID="2">ex 1704 90 51> ID="3">1704 90 51 * 90"> ID="1">16.2580> ID="2">ex 1901 10 00> ID="3">1901 10 00 * 31"> ID="3">* 33"> ID="3">* 35"> ID="3">* 37"> ID="3">* 81"> ID="3">* 83"> ID="3">* 85"> ID="3">* 87"> ID="2">ex 1901 90 90> ID="3">1901 90 90 * 16"> ID="3">* 18"> ID="3">* 27"> ID="3">* 29"> ID="3">* 71"> ID="3">* 73"> ID="3">* 75"> ID="3">* 77"> ID="3">* 97"> ID="3">* 99"> ID="1">16.2700> ID="2">2001 90 65"> ID="2">2001 90 75"> ID="2">2001 90 85"> ID="2">ex 2001 90 95> ID="3">2001 90 95 * 41"> ID="3">* 49"> ID="3">* 61"> ID="3">* 69"> ID="3">* 70"> ID="3">* 92"> ID="3">* 93"> ID="3">* 97"> ID="3">* 98"> ID="1">16.2750> ID="2">ex 2004 90 30> ID="3">2004 90 30 * 20"> ID="1">16.2820> ID="2">ex 2006 00 39> ID="3">2006 00 39 * 10"> ID="1">16.2830> ID="2">ex 2006 00 90> ID="3">2006 00 90 * 10"> ID="1">16.2840> ID="2">ex 2007 10 90> ID="3">2007 10 90 * 11"> ID="3">* 19"> ID="1">16.2850> ID="2">ex 2007 91 10> ID="3">2007 91 10 * 19"> ID="2">ex 2007 91 30> ID="3">2007 91 30 * 19"> ID="1">16.2860> ID="2">ex 2007 91 90> ID="3">2007 91 90 * 19"> ID="1">16.2870> ID="2">ex 2007 99 39> ID="3">2007 99 39 * 10"> ID="1">16.2880> ID="2">ex 2007 10 10> ID="3">2007 10 10 * 11"> ID="3">* 19"> ID="2">ex 2007 99 58> ID="3">2007 99 58 * 11"> ID="3">* 19"> ID="1">16.2890> ID="2">ex 2007 99 99> ID="3">2007 99 99 * 11"> ID="3">* 19"> ID="1">16.2900> ID="2">ex 2008 19 10> ID="3">2008 19 10 * 90"> ID="1">16.3320> ID="2">ex 2009 30 31> ID="3">2009 30 31 * 90"> ID="2">ex 2009 30 39> ID="3">2009 30 39 * 90"> ID="1">16.3400> ID="2">ex 2009 80 39> ID="3">2009 80 39 * 20">

(1)() Notwithstanding the rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, the wording for the description of the products is to be considered as having no more than an indicative value, the preferential scheme being determined, within the context of this Annex, by the coverage of the CN codes. Where ex CN codes are indicated, the preferential scheme is to be determined by application of the CN code and corresponding description taken together.

(2)(b) Without prejudice to the levying of any additional duties applicable.