COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 1896/93 of 14 July 1993 adjusting the prices and amounts fixed in ecus in the rice sector as a result of the monetary realignments during the 1992/93 marketing year
- No longer in force
- CELEX number: 31993R1896
- Official Journal: JOL_1993_172_R_0013_022
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: --
- Languages:
- da
- de
- el
- en
- fr
- it
- nl
- pt
- es
Date of document: - July 14, 1993
- July 15, 1993
- July 22, 1993
- Entry into force - Date pub. + 7 See Art 2
- September 1, 1993
- Application - See Art 2
- August 31, 1994
- End of season 1993/94 See Annex
Modified by
Affected by case
Legal basis
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 3813/92 of 28 December 1992 on the unit of account and the conversion rates to be applied for the purposes of the common agricultural policy
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 1418/76 of 21 June 1976 on the common organization of the market in rice
- Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3824/92 of 28 December 1992 amending the prices and amounts fixed in ecus as a result of the monetary realignment of September and November 1992
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 3653/90 of 11 December 1990 introducing transitional measures governing the common organization of the market in cereals and rice in Portugal
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Rice
- Rice
- Intervention price
- Target price
- Rice
- Production aid
- Agriculture and Fisheries