Council Directive 93/37/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31993L0037 Official Journal: JOL_1993_199_R_0054_009 Form: Directive Procedure number: -- Languages: cs da de el en et fi fr hu it lv lt mt nl pl pt sk sl es Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: July 5, 1993 Entry into force - Date notif. Date of end of validity: Modified by Corrected by: Modified by: Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded - Annex II: List referred to in Article 20 of the Act of Accession - 1. Free movement of goods - I. Public procurement
detail Commission Directive 2001/78/EC of 13 September 2001 amending Annex IV to Council Directive 93/36/EEC, Annexes IV, V and VI to Council Directive 93/37/EEC, Annexes III and IV to Council Directive 92/50/EEC, as amended by Directive 97/52/EC, and Annexes XII to XV, XVII and XVIII to Council Directive 93/38/EEC, as amended by Directive 98/4/EC (Directive on the use of standard forms in the publication of public contract notices) (Text with EEA relevance)
detail ACT concerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, ANNEX I - List referred to in Article 29 of the Act of Accession - XI. INTERNAL MARKET AND FINANCIAL SERVICES - E. PROCUREMENT
detail European Parliament and Council Directive 97/52/EC of 13 October 1997 amending Directives 92/50/EEC, 93/36/EEC and 93/37/EEC concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public service contracts, public supply contracts and public works contracts respectively
detail All documents based on this document: Repealed by: Modifies Modifies: Repeal: Implicit repeal: Council Decision of the European Communities of 1 January 1973 adjusting the documents concerning the accession of the new Member States to the European Communities Affected by case Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 27 November 2001. Impresa Lombardini SpA - Impresa Generale di Costruzioni v ANAS - Ente nazionale per le strade and Società Italiana per Condotte d'Acqua SpA (C-285/99) and Impresa Ing. Mantovani SpA v ANAS - Ente nazionale per le strade and Ditta Paolo Bregoli (C-286/99). Reference for a preliminary ruling: Consiglio di Stato - Italy. Directive 93/37/EEC - Public works contracts - Award of contracts - Abnormally low tenders - Detailed rules for explanation and rejection applied in a Member State - Obligations of the awarding authority under Community law. Joined cases C-285/99 and C-286/99. Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 16 October 1997. Hera SpA v Unità sanitaria locale nº 3 - genovese (USL) and Impresa Romagnoli SpA. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tribunale amministrativo regionale della Liguria - Italy. Directive 93/37/EEC - Public procurement - Abnormally low tenders. Case C-304/96. Case C-138/08: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 15 October 2009 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Fővárosi Ítélőtábla (Republic of Hungary)) — Hochtief AG, Linde-Kca-Dresden GmbH v Közbeszerzések Tanácsa Közbeszerzési Döntőbizottság (Procedures for the award of public works contracts — Procedures initiated after the entry into force of Directive 2004/18/EC and before the expiry of the period for transposition of that directive — Negotiated procedures with publication of a contract notice — Obligation to admit a minimum number of suitable candidates — Obligation to ensure genuine competition) {AR|} 22.3 Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 23 January 2003. Makedoniko Metro and Michaniki AE v Elliniko Dimosio. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Dioikitiko Efeteio Athinon - Greece. Public works contracts - Rules for participating - Group of contractors submitting a tender - Change in the composition of the group - Prohibition laid down in the contract documents - Compatibility with Community law - Review procedures. Case C-57/01. Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 16 September 1999. Metalmeccanica Fracasso SpA and Leitschutz Handels- und Montage GmbH v Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung für den Bundesminister für wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Bundesvergabeamt - Austria. Public works contract - Contract awarded to sole tenderer judged to be suitable. Case C-27/98. Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 12 December 2002. Universale-Bau AG, Bietergemeinschaft: 1) Hinteregger & Söhne Bauges.m.b.H. Salzburg, 2) ÖSTÜ-STETTIN Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH v Entsorgungsbetriebe Simmering GmbH. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Vergabekontrollsenat des Landes Wien - Austria. Directive 93/37/EEC - Public works contracts - Definition of 'contracting authority' - Body governed by public law - Restricted procedure - Rules for weighting of criteria for selecting candidates invited to tender - Advertisement - Directive 89/665/EEC - Review procedures relating to public procurement - Time-limits for review. Case C-470/99. Joined Cases C-147/06 and C-148/06: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 15 May 2008 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato (Italy)) — SECAP SpA (C-147/06) v Comune di Torino, intervening parties: Tecnoimprese Srl, Gambarana Impianti Snc, ICA Srl, Cosmat Srl, Consorzio Ravennate, ARCAS SpA, Regione Piemonte, and Santorso Soc. coop. arl (C-148/06) v Comune di Torino, intervening parties: Bresciani Bruno Srl, Azienda Agricola Tekno Green Srl, Borio Giacomo Srl, Costrade Srl (Public works contracts — Award of contracts — Abnormally low tenders — Exclusion rules — Works contracts not reaching the thresholds laid down in Directives 93/37/EEC and 2004/18/EC — Obligations upon the contracting authorities deriving from the fundamental principles of Community law) {AR|} 6.1 PT A) Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 18 January 2007. Jean Auroux and Others v Commune de Roanne. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tribunal administratif de Lyon - France. Public procurement - Directive 93/37/EEC - Award without call for tenders - Contract for the implementation of a development project concluded between two contracting authorities - Definition of "public works contract' and "work' - Method of calculation of the value of the contract. Case C-220/05. Case C-213/07: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 16 December 2008 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Simvoulio tis Epikratias — Greece) — Michaniki AE v Ethniko Simvoulio Radiotileorasis, Ipourgos Epikratias (Public works contracts — Directive 93/37/EEC — Article 24 — Grounds for excluding participation in a contract — National measures establishing an incompatibility between the public works sector and that of the media) {AR|} 24 L1 Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 3 October 2000. The Queen v H.M. Treasury, ex parte The University of Cambridge. Reference for a preliminary ruling: High Court of Justice (England & Wales), Queen's Bench Division (Divisional Court) - United Kingdom. Public contracts - Procedure for the award of public contracts for services, supplies and works - Contracting authority - Body governed by public law. Case C-380/98. Case C-74/09: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 15 July 2010 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour de Cassation — Belgium) — Bâtiments et Ponts Construction SA, WISAG Produktionsservice GmbH, formerly ThyssenKrupp Industrieservice GmbH v Berlaymont 2000 SA (Public works contracts — Directive 93/37/EEC — Article 24 — Grounds for exclusion — Obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions and taxes — Tenderers’ registration obligation, on pain of exclusion — ‘Registration Committee’ and its powers — Examination of the validity of certificates issued by the competent authorities of the Member State in which a foreign tenderer is established) {AR|} 24 1 Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 3 March 2005. Fabricom SA v Belgian State. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Conseil d'État - Belgium. Public procurement - Works, supplies and services - Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors - Prohibition on participation in a procedure of submission of a tender by a person who has contributed to the development of the works, supplies or services concerned. Joined cases C-21/03 and C-34/03. Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 7 October 2004. Sintesi SpA v Autorità per la Vigilanza sui Lavori Pubblici. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tribunale amministrativo regionale per la Lombardia - Italy. Directive 93/37/EEC - Public works contracts - Award of contracts - Right of the contracting authority to choose between the criterion of the lower price and that of the more economically advantageous tender. Case C-247/02. Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 16 October 2003. Traunfellner GmbH v Österreichische Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-AG (Asfinag). Reference for a preliminary ruling: Bundesvergabeamt - Austria. Directive 93/37/EEC - Public works contracts - Concept of a variant - Conditions for consideration and assessment for the purpose of awarding a contract. Case C-421/01. Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 12 July 2001. Ordine degli Architetti delle province di Milano e Lodi, Piero De Amicis, Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti and Leopoldo Freyrie v Comune di Milano, and Pirelli SpA, Milano Centrale Servizi SpA and Fondazione Teatro alla Scala. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tribunale amministrativo regionale per la Lombardia - Italy. Public works contracts - Directive 93/37/EEC - National legislation under which the holder of a building permit or approved development plan may execute infrastructure works directly, by way of set-off against a contribution - National legislation permitting the public authorities to negotiate directly with an individual the terms of administrative measures concerning him. Case C-399/98. Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 15 October 2009. Hochtief AG and Linde-Kca-Dresden GmbH v Közbeszerzések Tanácsa Közbeszerzési Döntőbizottság. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Fővárosi Ítélőtábla - Hungary. Procedures for the award of public works contracts - Procedures initiated after the entry into force of Directive 2004/18/EC and before the expiry of the period for transposition of that directive - Negotiated procedures with publication of a contract notice - Obligation to admit a minimum number of suitable candidates - Obligation to ensure genuine competition. Case C-138/08. Judgment of the Court of 15 January 1998. Mannesmann Anlagenbau Austria AG and Others v Strohal Rotationsdruck GesmbH. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Bundesvergabeamt - Austria. Public procurement - Procedure for the award of public works contracts - State printing office - Subsidiary pursuing commercial activities. Case C-44/96. Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber), 10 July 2014. Impresa Pizzarotti & C. SpA v Comune di Bari and Others. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato. Reference for a preliminary ruling — Public works contracts — Directive 93/37/EEC — ‘Undertaking to let’ buildings which have not yet been constructed — Decision of a national court having the authority of res judicata — Scope of the principle of res judicata in the event of a situation which is incompatible with EU law. Case C‑213/13. Order of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 4 October 2012. Vivaio dei Molini Azienda Agricola Porro Savoldi ss v Autorità per la Vigilanza sui Contratti Pubblici di lavori, servizi e forniture. Reference for a preliminary ruling – Consiglio di Stato – Interpretation of Article 6 of Council Directive 93/37/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts (OJ 1993 L 199, p. 54) – Principle of non-discrimination – National legislation reserving the right to participate in public tendering procedures to companies engaged in a commercial activity and excluding agricultural undertakings in the form of civil partnerships (società semplici). Public works contracts – Directive 93/37/EEC – Article 6 – Principles of equal treatment and openness – Admissibility of rules reserving the right to participate in public tendering procedures to companies engaged in a commercial activity and excluding civil partnerships (società semplici) – Institutional and statutory objectives – Agricultural undertakings. Case C‑502/11. Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 15 July 2010. Bâtiments et Ponts Construction SA and WISAG Produktionsservice GmbH v Berlaymont 2000 SA. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Cour de cassation - Belgium. Public works contracts - Directive 93/37/EEC - Article 24 - Grounds for exclusion - Obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions and taxes - Tenderers’ registration obligation, on pain of exclusion - ‘Registration Committee’ and its powers - Examination of the validity of certificates issued by the competent authorities of the Member State in which a foreign tenderer is established. Case C-74/09. Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 16 December 2008. Michaniki AE v Ethniko Symvoulio Radiotileorasis and Ypourgos Epikrateias. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Symvoulio tis Epikrateias - Greece. Public works contracts - Directive 93/37/EEC - Article 24 - Grounds for excluding participation in a contract - National measures establishing an incompatibility between the public works sector and that of the media. Case C-213/07. Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 19 April 2007. Asociación Nacional de Empresas Forestales (Asemfo) v Transformación Agraria SA (Tragsa) and Administración del Estado. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tribunal Supremo - Spain. Reference for a preliminary ruling - Admissibility - Article 86(1) EC - No independent effect - Factors permitting material which enables the Court to give a useful answer to the questions referred - Directives 92/50/EEC, 93/36/EEC and 93/37/EEC - National legislation enabling a public undertaking to perform operations on the direct instructions of the public authorities without being subject to the general rules for the award of public procurement contracts - Internal management structure - Conditions - The public authority must exercise over a distinct entity a control similar to that which it exercises over its own departments - The distinct entity must carry out the essential part of its activities with the public authority or authorities which control it. Case C-295/05. Case C-299/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale ordinario di Torino (Italy) lodged on 11 April 2019 — Techbau SpA v Azienda Sanitaria Locale AL Case C-362/18: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Székesfehérvári Törvényszék (Hungary) lodged on 5 June 2018 — Hochtief AG v Fővárosi Törvényszék Case C-620/17: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Székesfehérvári Törvényszék (Hungary) lodged on 2 November 2017 — Hochtief Solutions AG Magyarországi Fióktelepe v Fővárosi Törvényszék Legal basis TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, PART TWO - FOUNDATIONS OF THE COMMUNITY, TITLE III - FREE MOVEMENT OF PERSONS, SERVICES AND CAPITAL, CHAPTER 3: SERVICES, ARTICLE 66 TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, PART TWO - FOUNDATIONS OF THE COMMUNITY, TITLE III - FREE MOVEMENT OF PERSONS, SERVICES AND CAPITAL, CHAPTER 2: RIGHT OF ESTABLISHMENT, ARTICLE 57 undefined EuroVoc Vocabulary European standard Works contract Administrative procedure Freedom of establishment Public works contracts Internal market - Principles Technical standard Approximation of laws Public contract