Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3624/92 of 15 December 1992 establishing unit values for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods

COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 3624/92 of 15 December 1992 establishing unit values for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Having regard to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1577/81 of 12 June 1981 establishing a system of simplified procedures for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods (1), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 3334/90 (2), and in particular Article 1 thereof,

Whereas Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 1577/81 provides that the Commission shall periodically establish unit values for the products referred to in the classification in the Annex;

Whereas the result of applying the rules and criteria laid down in that same Regulation to the elements communicated to the Commission in accordance with Article 1 (2) of that Regulation is that the unit values set out in the Annex to this Regulation should be established in regard to the products in question,


Article 1

The unit values provided for in Article 1 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1577/81 are hereby established as set out in the table in the Annex hereto.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on 18 December 1992. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 15 December 1992. For the Commission

Christiane SCRIVENER

Member of the Commission

(1) OJ No L 154, 13. 6. 1981, p. 26. (2) OJ No L 321, 21. 11. 1990, p. 6.


Code CN code Description Amount of unit values per 100 kg net ECU Bfrs/Lfrs Dkr DM FF Dr £ Irl Lit Fl £ 1.10 0701 90 51

0701 90 59 New potatoes 92,33 3 726 699,17 181,09 614,18 23 609 68,98 158 023 203,63 74,74 1.20 0702 00 10

0702 00 90 Tomatoes 87,12 3 513 664,55 170,63 583,20 22 557 65,03 151 355 191,97 69,53 1.30 0703 10 19 Onions (other than seed) 9,98 402 76,12 19,54 66,80 2 584 7,45 17 338 21,99 7,96 1.40 0703 20 00 Garlic 195,34 7 878 1 489,98 382,57 1 307,59 50 575 145,81 339 354 430,42 155,91 1.50 ex 0703 90 00 Leeks 35,55 1 434 269,21 69,72 236,48 9 090 26,56 60 845 78,40 28,78 1.60 ex 0704 10 10

ex 0704 10 90 Cauliflowers 31,88 1 340 252,88 65,14 221,09 7 537 24,43 48 965 73,34 22,77 1.70 0704 20 00 Brussels sprouts 53,72 2 267 423,88 110,06 374,08 11 735 41,29 82 719 124,09 37,72 1.80 0704 90 10 White cabbages and red cabbages 31,38 1 265 239,40 61,47 210,09 8 126 23,42 54 525 69,15 25,05 1.90 ex 0704 90 90 Sprouting broccoli or calabrese (Brassica oleracea var. italica) 55,63 2 243 424,36 108,96 372,42 14 404 41,53 96 652 122,59 44,40 1.100 ex 0704 90 90 Chinese cabbage 39,75 1 677 314,32 81,49 274,48 9 909 30,51 61 684 91,79 27,92 1.110 0705 11 10

0705 11 90 Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) 78,50 3 165 598,76 153,73 525,46 20 324 58,59 136 371 172,96 62,65 1.120 ex 0705 29 00 Endives 22,96 965 182,14 46,92 159,25 5 429 17,59 35 268 52,83 16,40 1.130 ex 0706 10 00 Carrots 29,52 1 246 232,51 60,55 203,65 7 364 22,69 45 777 68,23 20,76 1.140 ex 0706 90 90 Radishes 121,98 4 919 930,42 238,89 816,53 31 582 91,05 211 910 268,78 97,36 1.150 0707 00 11

0707 00 19 Cucumbers 65,55 2 643 499,99 128,37 438,78 16 971 48,93 113 876 144,43 52,32 1.160 0708 10 10

0708 10 90 Peas (Pisum sativum) 281,33 11 346 2 145,89 550,98 1 883,21 72 839 210,00 488 740 619,90 224,54 1.170 Beans: 1.170.1 0708 20 10

0708 20 90 Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) 119,52 4 820 911,70 234,09 800,10 30 946 89,22 207 646 263,37 95,40 1.170.2 0708 20 10

0708 20 90 Beans (Phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi) 98,91 3 989 754,45 193,71 662,10 25 609 73,83 171 832 217,94 78,94 1.180 ex 0708 90 00 Broad beans 92,83 3 894 734,40 189,09 645,42 21 793 71,04 142 837 212,96 66,61 1.190 0709 10 00 Globe artichokes 84,51 3 408 644,64 165,51 565,73 21 881 63,08 146 821 186,22 67,45 1.200 Asparagus: 1.200.1 ex 0709 20 00 - green 370,30 14 934 2 824,49 725,22 2 478,74 95 873 276,42 643 295 815,93 295,55 1.200.2 ex 0709 20 00 - other 308,36 12 436 2 352,02 603,90 2 064,11 79 836 230,18 535 688 679,45 246,12 1.210 0709 30 00 Aubergines (egg-plants) 85,51 3 448 652,26 167,47 572,42 22 140 63,83 148 558 188,42 68,25 1.220 ex 0709 40 00 Ribbed celery (Apium graveolens var. dulce) 50,16 2 023 382,65 98,25 335,81 12 988 37,44 87 153 110,54 40,04 1.230 0709 51 30 Chantarelles 1 419,0 57 401 10 720,9 2 789,11 9 463,39 362 312 1 059,4 2 384 427 3 138,97 1 157,8 1.240 0709 60 10 Sweet peppers 77,26 3 116 589,36 151,32 517,21 20 005 57,67 134 231 170,25 61,67 1.250 0709 90 50 Fennel 49,86 2 010 380,32 97,65 333,77 12 909 37,22 86 621 109,86 39,79 1.260 0709 90 70 Courgettes 38,41 1 614 304,72 78,38 267,79 8 982 29,39 59 164 88,32 27,15 1.270 ex 0714 20 10 Sweet potatoes, whole, fresh (intended for human consumption) 98,95 4 174 781,50 202,59 690,51 22 594 75,77 151 536 228,30 69,55 2.10 ex 0802 40 00 Chestnuts (Castanea spp.), fresh 83,78 3 378 639,04 164,08 560,82 21 691 62,54 145 547 184,60 66,87 2.20 ex 0803 00 10 Bananas (other than plantains), fresh 31,13 1 255 237,47 60,97 208,40 8 060 23,24 54 085 68,60 24,84 2.30 ex 0804 30 00 Pineapples, fresh 42,48 1 713 324,03 83,20 284,37 10 998 31,71 73 801 93,60 33,90 2.40 ex 0804 40 10

ex 0804 40 90 Avocados, fresh 96,42 3 889 735,51 188,85 645,47 24 966 71,98 167 517 212,47 76,96 2.50 ex 0804 50 00 Guavas and mangoes, fresh 116,93 4 715 891,89 229,00 782,71 30 274 87,28 203 135 257,65 93,32 2.60 Sweet oranges, fresh: 2.60.1 0805 10 11

0805 10 21

0805 10 31

0805 10 41 - Sanguines and semi-sanguines 17,76 746 139,59 36,23 122,40 4 458 13,61 27 429 40,84 12,80 2.60.2 0805 10 15

0805 10 25

0805 10 35

0805 10 45 - Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins 32,72 1 319 249,63 64,09 219,07 8 473 24,43 56 855 72,11 26,12 2.60.3 0805 10 19

0805 10 29

0805 10 39

0805 10 49 - Others 24,56 990 187,37 48,10 164,43 6 360 18,33 42 674 54,12 19,60 2.70 Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas), fresh; clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids, fresh: 2.70.1 ex 0805 20 10 - Clementines 39,76 1 603 303,27 77,86 266,14 10 294 29,67 69 072 87,60 31,73 2.70.2 ex 0805 20 30 - Monreales and Satsumas 28,81 1 162 219,76 56,42 192,86 7 459 21,50 50 053 63,48 22,99 2.70.3 ex 0805 20 50 - Mandarins and wilkings 57,76 2 438 454,90 118,47 398,43 14 408 44,40 89 560 133,50 40,62 2.70.4 ex 0805 20 70

ex 0805 20 90 - Tangerines and others 100,76 4 063 768,58 197,34 674,50 26 088 75,21 175 050 222,02 80,42 2.80 ex 0805 30 10 Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum), fresh 36,96 1 490 281,91 72,38 247,40 9 569 27,58 64 208 81,44 29,50 2.85 ex 0805 30 90 Limes (Citrus aurantifolia), fresh 128,20 5 170 977,91 251,09 858,20 33 193 95,70 222 725 282,49 102,33 2.90 Grapefruit, fresh: 2.90.1 ex 0805 40 00 - white 29,16 1 176 222,44 57,11 195,21 7 550 21,76 50 663 64,25 23,27 2.90.2 ex 0805 40 00 - pink 49,54 1 998 377,91 97,03 331,65 12 827 36,98 86 072 109,17 39,54 2.100 0806 10 11

0806 10 15

0806 10 19 Table grapes 106,57 4 298 812,93 208,73 713,42 27 594 79,55 185 151 234,84 85,06 2.110 0807 10 10 Water-melons 56,18 2 265 428,55 110,03 376,09 14 546 41,94 97 605 123,80 44,84 2.120 Melons (other than water-melons): 2.120.1 ex 0807 10 90 - Amarillo, Cuper, Honey dew (including Cantalene), Onteniente, Piel de Sapo (including Verde Liso), Rochet, Tendral, Futuro 77,96 3 144 594,68 152,69 521,88 20 185 58,19 135 443 171,79 62,22 2.120.2 ex 0807 10 90 - other 121,19 4 887 924,41 237,35 811,25 31 377 90,46 210 540 267,04 96,73 2.130 0808 10 91

0808 10 93

0808 10 99 Apples 60,47 2 438 461,25 118,43 404,79 15 656 45,14 105 053 133,24 48,26 2.140 Pears 2.140.1 0808 20 31

0808 20 33

0808 20 35

0808 20 39 Pears - Nashi (Pyrus pyrifolia) 205,02 8 268 1 563,83 401,53 1 372,40 53 082 153,04 356 172 451,75 163,64 2.140.2 0808 20 31

0808 20 33

0808 20 35

0808 20 39 Other 68,70 2 770 524,03 134,55 459,88 17 787 51,28 119 351 151,38 54,83 2.150 0809 10 00 Apricots 186,84 7 535 1 425,16 365,92 1 250,71 48 375 139,47 324 590 411,70 149,13 2.160 0809 20 10

0809 20 90 Cherries 79,83 3 352 627,19 162,79 549,98 20 031 61,15 123 238 183,53 57,51 2.170 ex 0809 30 00 Peaches 197,51 7 965 1 506,54 386,82 1 322,12 51 137 147,43 343 123 435,20 157,64 2.180 ex 0809 30 00 Nectarines 139,11 5 610 1 061,06 272,44 931,17 36 016 103,84 241 663 306,51 111,03 2.190 0809 40 11

0809 40 19 Plums 101,75 4 103 776,14 199,28 681,13 26 345 75,95 176 770 224,21 81,21 2.200 0810 10 10

0810 10 90 Strawberries 372,53 15 024 2 841,50 729,59 2 493,67 96 451 278,08 647 170 820,85 297,34 2.205 0810 20 10 Raspberries 1 686,7 71 352 13 344,9 3 467,96 11 643,49 414 554 1 296,5 2 611 963 3 905,77 1 180,3 2.210 0810 40 30 Fruit of the species Vaccinium myrtillus 161,42 6 779 1 268,11 329,16 1 111,99 40 501 123,65 249 172 371,08 116,29 2.220 0810 90 10 Kiwi fruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch.) 50,11 2 021 382,24 98,14 335,45 12 974 37,40 87 057 110,42 39,99 2.230 ex 0810 90 80 Pomegranates 72,39 2 919 552,22 141,79 484,62 18 744 54,04 125 772 159,52 57,78 2.240 ex 0810 90 80 Khakis (including Sharon fruit) 54,76 2 208 417,68 107,24 366,55 14 177 40,87 95 129 120,66 43,70 2.250 ex 0810 90 30 Lychees 337,90 13 627 2 577,34 661,76 2 261,84 87 484 252,23 587 005 744,54 269,69