Council Regulation (EEC) No 2456/92 of 13 July 1992 fixing the import quotas to be opened by Member States in respect of State-trading countries in 1992 and amending Regulation (EEC) No 3420/83

COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No 2456/92 of 13 July 1992 fixing the import quotas to be opened by Member States in respect of State-trading countries in 1992 and amending Regulation (EEC) No 3420/83


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 3420/83 of 14 November 1983 on import arrangements for products originating in State-trading countries, not liber-alized at Community level (01)() requires the Council to lay down the import quotas to be opened by the Member States in respect of the various State-trading countries for the products listed in Annex III to that Regulation;

Whereas certain adjustments should be made to the import quotas established for 1991 in respect of State-trading countries in order to adapt them to the foreseeable economic situation in 1992;

Whereas, with regard to the quotas for imports under outward processing arrangements of the textile products falling within categories 4 to 8, a certain degree of flexibility should be maintained in the administration of these quotas by the Member States concerned by means of provision for automatic transfer of quantities from one category to another; whereas, to this end, the equivalences between categories provided for in Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4136/86 of 22 December 1986 on common rules for imports of certain textile products originating in third countries (02)() should be applied;

Whereas the specific quantitative restrictions in respect of certain central and eastern European countries have been abolished in all Member States whilst the non-specific quantitative restrictions in respect of the same countries have been suspended for 1992 in all Member States apart from Spain and Portugal;

Whereas, from 1 January 1993, the continuation of import quotas to be opened solely at national level will be incompatible with the working of the single market to be put into operation on that date; whereas consequently the present arrangements will have to be replaced by a Community mechanism covering any restrictions remaining on 31 December 1992; whereas, pending the adoption of the new mechanism, there should be a derogation, for 1993, from Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3420/83, which stipulates automatic extension of the previous year's import quotas;

Whereas access is needed, at least once a year, to all the statistical data concerning import authorizations granted and utilization by the Member States of each of the quotas opened by this Regulation,


Article 1

1. Member States shall open for 1992, in respect of State-trading countries, the import quotas set out in the Annexes.

2. Imports authorized between 1 January 1992 and the date of adoption of this Regulation shall be deducted from the corresponding quotas.

Article 2

1. In utilizing the quotas for imports of textile products of categories 4 to 8 under outward processing arrangements, Member States may each year transfer quantities from one or more categories to one or more other categories for the same non-member country of up to 20 % overall of each arrival quota.

Where the quantity resulting from the application of this rate is less than 100 000 pieces, such a quantity may be transferred for each arrival quota as long as equivalent quantities remain in the quota or quotas of origin.

2. The table of equivalence between categories set out in Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 4136/86 shall be applicable to the transfers referred to in paragraph 1.

3. The Committee referred to in Article 12 of Regulation (EEC) No 3420/83 shall hold consultations three times a year on the utilization of the quotas for imports of textiles under outward processing arrangements.

The Member States concerned shall take this opportunity to provide the Committee with statistical data on the authorizations granted and imports effected under the quotas referred to in this Article.

These statistics shall be broken down by category and country of origin.

Article 3

Unless otherwise indicated, the import quotas for the United Kingdom for textile categories 1 to 114 shall apply only to products defined in Article 12 of the Arrangement regarding International Trade in Textiles.

Article 4

Member States shall send to the Commission, at its request and at least once a year, a final statement of the import authorizations granted and imports actually charged against each of the quotas opened under this Regulation, their percentage utilization and any unused quantities at the end of the year.

Article 5

The provisions of Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3420/83, stipulating automatic extension of the previous year's quotas, shall not be applicable for 1993.

Article 6

This Regulation shall apply from 1 January 1992.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 13 July 1992.

For the Council The President J. GUMMER


Quotas to be opened by Member States for imports from ALBANIA for the period 1 January to 31 December 1992






(2083)() Including categories 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78 and 83. (2084)() Including categories 16, 17, 76 and 78. (2085)() Including categories 21, 27 and 29. (2086)() Including categories 26, 28, 67, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75 and 83.


Quotas to be opened by Member States for imports from BULGARIA for the period 1 January to 31 December 1992




(2169)() Parts (a) and (c) of Annex XXX to the Act of Accession.


Quotas to be opened by Member States for imports from HUNGARY for the period 1 January to 31 December 1992

The import quotas listed below shall apply only until the date of entry into force of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related measures between the European Economic Community and Hungary (see Council Regulation (EEC) No 517/92, OJ No L 56, 29. 2. 1992, p. 1).


(2356)(00) (2357)(00)(2356)(00) (2357)(00)(2356)(00) (2357)(00)(2356)(00) (2357)(00)(2356)(00) (2357)(00)

(2356)() Parts (a) and (c) of Annex XXX to the Act of Accession. (2357)() This quota falls within the scope of Council Regulation (EEC) No 288/82, in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No 517/92.


Quotas to be opened by Member States for imports from POLAND for the period 1 January to 31 December 1992

The import quotas listed below shall apply only until the date of entry into force of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related measures between the European Economic Community and Poland (see Council Regulation (EEC) No 517/92, OJ No L 56, 29. 2. 1992, p. 1).


(2543)(00) (2544)(00)(2543)(00) (2544)(00)(2543)(00) (2544)(00)(2543)(00) (2544)(00)(2543)(00) (2544)(00)

(2543)() Parts (a) and (c) of Annex XXX to the Act of Accession. (2544)() This quota falls within the scope of Council Regulation (EEC) No 288/82, in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No 517/92.


Quotas to be opened by Member States for imports from ROMANIA for the period 1 January to 31 December 1992




(2737)() Parts (a) and (c) of Annex XXX to the Act of Accession.


Quotas to be opened by Member States for imports from the CZECH and SLOVAK FEDERAL REPUBLIC for the period 1 January to 31 December 1992

The import quotas listed below shall apply only until the date of entry into force of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related measures between the European Economic Community and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (see Council Regulation (EEC) No 517/92, OJ No L 56, 29. 2. 1992, p. 1).


(2923)(00) (2924)(00)(2923)(00) (2924)(00)(2923)(00) (2924)(00)(2923)(00) (2924)(00)(2923)(00) (2924)(00)

(2923)() Parts (a) and (c) of Annex XXX to the Act of Accession. (2924)() This quota falls within the scope of Council Regulation (EEC) No 288/82, in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No 517/92.


Quotas to be opened by Member States for imports from the following states : ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS, GEORGIA, KAZAKHSTAN, KIRGHIZSTAN, MOLDOVA, RUSSIA, TAJIKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN, UZBEKISTAN and UKRAINE for the period 1 January to 31 December 1992








(3111)() PI = possible increase. Subject to increase in accordance with Articles 4 and 7 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3420/83. (3114)() Parts (a) and (c) of Annex XXX to the Act of Accession.


Quotas to be opened by Member States for imports from the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA for the period 1 January to 31 December 1992




(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3300)(00)(3300)(00)(3300)(00)(3300)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3301)(00)(3301)(00) (3311)(00)(3301)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)(3299)(00)













(3359)(00)(3362)(00)(3359)(00)(3363)(00)(3359)(00)(3359)(00)(3359)(00)(3359)(00)(3364)(00)(3365)(00)(3359)(00)(3359)(00)(3359)(00)(3359)(00)(3366)(00)(3366)(00)(3366)(00)(3366)(00)(3366)(00)(3366)(00)(3366)(00)(3363)(00)(3367)(00)(3367)(00)(3368)(00 )(3369)(00)(3369)(00)(3370)(00)(3370)(00)(3370)(00)(3371)(00)(3371)(00)(3371)(00)(3372)(00)(3373)(00)(3374)(00)(3366)(00)(3375)(00)(3376)(00)(3377)(00)(3377)(00)(3377)(00)(3359)(00)(3366)(00)(3359)(00)(3366)(00)(3359)(00)(3366)(00)(3359)(00)(3378)(00)(33 66)(00)

(3299)() For a trial period, import authorizations will be granted even if the quantity/amount is thereby exceeded. (3300)() For a trial period, import authorizations will be granted for commodity codes 6403 40 000, 6403 51 190, 6403 51 990, 6403 59 990, 6403 91 180, 6403 91 980 and 6403 99 980 even if the amount is thereby exceeded. (3301)() For a trial period, import authorizations will be granted for commodity code 6912 00 900 even if the amount is thereby exceeded. (3311)() In exchange for exports of porcelain (CN code 6911) at a ratio of 1 : 1 = ECU 500 000. (3307)() The 1 331 tonne quota may be used as follows : - table honey : 253 tonnes, - industrial honey : 858 tonnes, - acacia honey : 220 tonnes. (3308)() Except 'espadrilles'. (3309)() Parts (a) and (c) of Annex XXX to the Act of Accession. (3310)() Including textile categories ex 10 and ex 87. (3359)() Silk products. (3362)() Including ex-categories 12, 13, 18, 20, 31 and 39 (silk products). (3363)() See quota No 2 of Annex VIII (k) : gloves, mittens and mitts, woven, knitted or crocheted, of flax. (3364)() Including categories ex 78, ex 81, ex 142, 157, 159 and 161; articles of fibres other than cotton, wool, or man-made fibres. (3365)() Including ex-categories 72, 78, 80, 81, 85 and 161 : woven garments, ties, bow ties and cravats, of flax. (3366)() See category ex 18. (3367)() Including category 118. (3368)() Of which : - hand-made products : 31 tonnes, - other products : 29 tonnes. (3369)() See category 117. (3370)() Including category 120. (3371)() See category 118. (3372)() Thrown silk yarns. (3373)() 5007 20 10, 5007 20 21, 5007 20 31, 5007 20 39, 5007 20 41, 5007 20 51, 5007 20 59, 5007 20 69, 5007 20 71, 5007 90 10, 5007 90 30, 5007 90 50, 5007 90 90 and 5803 90 10. (3374)() Woven fabrics of silk of a weight exceeding 58,5 g/m2 in the gum, or exceeding 48,5 g/m2 not in the gum, other than woven fabrics of silk containing not less than 50 % by weight of tussah silk. (3375)() Including categories 150 and 153. (3376)() Including category ex 150 (ex 5310 10 10 and ex 5310 90 00). (3377)() See category 149. (3378)() Shirts and blouses, of linen or ramie.


Quotas to be opened by Member States for imports from NORTH KOREA for the period 1 January to 31 December 1992



(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3493)(00)(3493)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3495)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00 )(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)(3492)(00)





(3559)(00)(3560)(00)(3560)(00)(3561)(00)(3561)(00)(3561)(00)(3561)(00)(3561)(00)(3564)(00)(3560)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3567)(00)(3566)(00 )(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3560)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3560)(00)(3566)(00)(3560)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3562)(00)(3563)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(35 66)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3561)(00)(3566)(00)(3560)(00)(3566)(00)(3560)(00)(3565)(00)(3565)(00)(3565)(00)(3566)( 00)

(3492)() For a trial period, import authorizations will be granted even if the quantity/amount is thereby exceeded. (3493)() For a trial period, import authorizations will be granted for commodity codes 6403 19 000, 6403 20 000, 6403 40 000, 6403 51 110, 6403 51 190, 6403 51 910, 6403 51 990, 6403 59 310, 6403 59 350, 6403 59 910, 6403 59 990, 6403 91 110, 6403 91 180, 6403 91 910, 6403 91 980, 6403 99 310, 6403 99 330, 6403 99 360, 6403 99 910 and 6403 99 980, even if the amount is thereby exceeded. (3495)() For a trial period, import authorizations will still be granted for commodity code 6912 00 900 even if this amount is thereby exceeded. (3559)() Including categories 2, 3, 9, 20, 36, 37, 117 and 118. (3560)() See category 1. (3561)() See category 18. (3562)() 5702 31 10, 5702 31 30, 5702 31 90, 5702 32 10, 5702 32 90, 5702 39 10, 5702 39 90, 5702 41 10, 5702 41 90, 5702 42 10, 5702 42 90, 5702 49 10, 5702 49 90, 5702 51 00, 5702 52 00, 5702 59 00, 5702 91 00, 5702 92 00, 5702 99 00, 5703 10 10, 5703 10 90, 5703 20 11, 5703 20 19, 5703 20 91, 5703 20 99, 5703 30 11, 5703 30 19, 5703 30 51, 5703 30 59, 5703 30 91, 5703 30 99, 5703 90 10, 5703 90 90, 5705 00 10, 5705 00 31, 5705 00 39 and 5705 00 90. (3563)() Including categories 142, 151 A and 151 B. (3564)() Including categories 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 36, 37, 39, 61, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 83, 117 and 118. (3565)() See category ex 59. (3566)() See category 9. (3567)() Including categories 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 39, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78 and 83.


Quotas to be opened by Member States for imports from VIETNAM for the period 1 January to 31 December 1992




(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3678)(00)(3678)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3679)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00 )(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)(3676)(00)







(3748)(00)(3748)(00)(3749)(00)(3750)(00)(3751)(00)(3752)(00)(3753)(00)(3754)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3756)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3757)(00)(3755)(00)(3755)(00 )(3755)(00)(3755)(00)(3758)(00)(3753)(00)(3759)(00)(3760)(00)(3761)(00)(3760)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3760)(00)(3760)(00)(3755)(00)(3760)(00)(3755)(00)(3762)(00)(37 63)(00)(3755)(00)(3755)(00)(3760)(00)(3763)(00)(3760)(00)(3765)(00)(3766)(00) (3767)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3753)(00)(3755)(00)(3763)(00)(3755)(00)(3755)(00)(376 3)(00)(3769)(00)(3770)(00)(3769)(00)(3770)(00)(3769)(00)(3770)(00)(3755)(00)

(3676)() For a trial period, import authorizations will be granted even if the quantity/amount is thereby exceeded. (3678)() For a trial period, import authorizations will be granted for commodity codes 6403 19 000, 6403 20 000, 6403 40 000, 6403 51 110, 6403 51 190, 6403 51 910, 6403 51 990, 6403 59 310, 6403 59 350, 6403 59 910, 6403 59 990, 6403 91 110, 6403 91 180, 6403 91 910, 6403 91 980, 6403 99 310, 6403 99 330, 6403 99 360, 6403 99 910 and 6403 99 980, even if the amount is thereby exceeded. (3679)() For a trial period, import authorizations will still be granted for commodity code 6912 00 900 even if this amount is thereby exceeded. (3748)() Sub-quotas may be established for categories 2 (a) and 3 (a). (3749)() For imports of women's folkloric articles only. (3750)() Including category 20. (3751)() Including categories 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 36, 37, 39, 61, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 83, 117 and 118. (3752)() Including categories 20, 39 and 118. (3753)() See category 18. (3754)() Including category 12. (3755)() See category 9. (3756)() See category 10. (3757)() Including categories 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78 and 83. (3758)() Including categories 22, 23, 34, 35, 36, 39 and 40. (3759)() Including category 23. (3760)() See category 20. (3761)() See category 22. (3762)() Including categories 39, 40, 118 and 120. (3763)() See category 38 B. (3765)() Including categories ex 142 (ex 5702 39 90, ex 5702 49 90, ex 5702 59 00 and ex 5702 99 00), 151 A and 151 B. (3766)() 5702 31 10, 5702 31 30, 5702 31 90, 5702 32 10, 5702 32 90, 5702 39 10, 5702 39 90, 5702 41 10, 5702 41 90, 5702 42 10, 5702 42 90, 5702 49 10, 5702 49 90, 5702 51 00, 5702 52 00, 5702 59 00, 5702 91 00, 5702 92 00, 5702 99 00, 5703 10 10, 5703 10 90, 5703 20 11, 5703 20 19, 5703 20 91, 5703 20 99, 5703 30 11, 5703 30 19, 5703 30 51, 5703 30 59, 5703 30 91, 5703 30 99, 5703 90 10, 5703 90 90, 5705 00 10, 5705 00 31, 5705 00 39 and 5705 00 90. (3767)() Including categories 142, 151 A and 151 B. (3769)() See category ex 59. (3770)() See category 59.


Quotas to be opened by Member States for imports from MONGOLIA for the period 1 January to 31 December 1992


(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3862)(00)(3862)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3863)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00 )(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)(3860)(00)




(3958)(00)(3958)(00)(3958)(00)(3951)(00)(3959)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00 )(3954)(00) (3955)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3960)(00)(3957)(00)(3960)(00)(3957)(00)(3957)(00)(3960)(00)

(3860)() For a trial period, import authorizations will be granted even if the quantity/amount is thereby exceeded. (3862)() For a trial period, import authorizations will be granted for commodity codes 6403 19 000, 6403 20 000, 6403 40 000, 6403 51 110, 6403 51 190, 6403 51 910, 6403 51 990, 6403 59 310, 6403 59 350, 6403 59 910, 6403 59 990, 6403 91 110, 6403 91 180, 6403 91 910, 6403 91 980, 6403 99 310, 6403 99 330, 6403 99 360, 6403 99 910 and 6403 99 980, even if the amount is thereby exceeded. (3863)() For a trial period, import authorizations will still be granted for commodity code 6912 00 90 even if this amount is thereby exceeded. (3951)() Including categories 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 36, 37, 39, 61, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 83, 117 and 118. (3954)() 5702 31 10, 5702 31 30, 5702 31 90, 5702 32 10, 5702 32 90, 5702 39 10, 5702 39 90, 5702 41 10, 5702 41 90, 5702 42 10, 5702 42 90, 5702 49 10, 5702 49 90, 5702 51 00, 5702 52 00, 5702 59 00, 5702 91 00, 5702 92 00, 5702 99 00, 5703 10 10, 5703 10 90, 5703 20 11, 5703 20 19, 5703 20 91, 5703 20 99, 5703 30 11, 5703 30 19, 5703 30 51, 5703 30 59, 5703 30 91, 5703 30 99, 5703 90 10, 5703 90 90, 5705 00 10, 5705 00 31, 5705 00 39 and 5705 00 90. (3955)() Including categories 142, 151 A and 151 B. (3957)() See category ex 59. (3958)() Only 10 % of these quantities may be used for importing cashmere or other fine animal-hair products falling within CN codes 6110 10 10, 6110 10 39 and 6110 10 99. (3959)() Including categories 18, 20, 61, 76, 141 and 142. (3960)() See category 9.