Council Directive 92/52/EEC of 18 June 1992 on infant formulae and follow-on formulae intended for export to third countries
Council Directive 92/52/EECof 18 June 1992on infant formulae and follow-on formulae intended for export to third countries THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the CommissionOJ No C 124, 16. 5. 1992, p. 14 and OJ No C 155, 20. 6. 1992, p. 18.,Having regard to the opinion of the European ParliamentOJ No C 125, 18. 5. 1992.,Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social CommitteeOJ No C 106, 27. 4. 1992, p. 4.,Whereas Community rules concerning infant formulae and follow-on formulae are laid down by Council Directive 89/398/EEC of 3 May 1989 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to foodstuffs for particular nutritional usesOJ No L 186, 30. 6. 1989, p. 27. in Commission Directive 91/321/EECOJ No L 175, 4. 7. 1991, p. 35.;Whereas given the nature of the products in question it is desirable that Community rules or international standards relating to their composition are made applicable to such products intended for export to third countries;Whereas in order to prevent inappropriate use of these products which could prejudice the health of infants it is also desirable to extend the application of the Community rules on labelling of infant formulae and follow-on formuale to those products intended for export to third countries;Whereas the products complying with Directive 91/321/EEC may be marketed in the Community as from 1 December 1992; whereas no legislation prohibits the export of such products to third countries,HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:
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