Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1750/91 of 19 June 1991 re-establishing the levying of customs duties applicable to third countries on certain products originating in Yugoslavia

COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 1750/91 of 19 June 1991 re-establishing the levying of customs duties applicable to third countries on certain products originating in Yugoslavia


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Having regard to the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1), and in particular Protocol 1 thereto,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3412/90 of 19 November 1990 establishing ceilings and Community surveillance for imports of certain products originating in Yugoslavia (1991) (2), and in particular Article 1 thereof,

Whereas the abovementioned Protocol 1 and Article 15 of the Cooperation Agreement provide that the products listed in the Annex hereto are imported exempt of customs duty into the Community, subject to the annual ceiling shown in the Annex hereto, above which the customs duties applicable to third countries may be re-established;

Whereas imports into the Community of those products, originating in Yugoslavia, have reached that ceiling; whereas the situation on the Community market requires that customs duties applicable to third countries on the products in question be re-established,


From 24 June to 31 December 1991, the levying of customs duties applicable to third countries shall be re-established on imports into the Community of the products listed in the Annex, originating in Yugoslavia. Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 19 June 1991. For the Commission

Christiane SCRIVENER

Member of the Commission (1) OJ No L 41, 14. 2. 1983, p. 2. (2) OJ No L 335, 30. 11. 1990, p. 1.


Order No CN code Description Ceiling (tonnes) 01.0160 7304 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel: 7304 10 Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines: 7304 10 10 Of an external diameter not exceeding 168,3 mm 7304 10 30 Of an external diameter exceeding 168,3 mm, but not exceeding 406,4 mm 7304 10 90 Of an external diameter exceeding 406,4 mm 7304 20 Casing, tubing and drill pipe, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas: Other: 7304 20 91 Of an external diameter not exceeding 406,4 mm 7304 20 99 Of an external diameter exceeding 406,4 mm Other, of circular cross-section, of iron or non-alloy steel: 7304 31 Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced): Other: 7304 31 91 Precision tubes 7304 31 99 Other 7304 39 Other: 7304 39 10 Unworked, straight and of uniform wall-thickness, for use solely in the manufacture of tubes and pipes with other cross-sections and wall-thicknesses Other: Other Other: Threaded or threadable tubes (gas pipe): 14 986 7304 39 51 Plated or coated with zinc 7304 39 59 Other Other, of an external diameter: 7304 39 91 Not exceeding 168,3 mm 7304 39 93 Exceeding 168,3 mm, but not exceeding 406,4 mm 7304 39 99 Exceeding 406,4 mm Other, of circular cross-section, of stainless steel: 7304 41 Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced): 7304 41 90 Other 7304 49 Other: 7304 49 10 Unworked, straight and of uniform wall-thickness, for use solely in the manufacture of tubes and pipes with other cross-sections and wall-thicknesses Other: Other: 7304 49 91 Of an external diameter not exceeding 406,4 mm 7304 49 99 Of an external diameter exceeding 406,4 mm Other, of circular cross-section, of other alloy steel: 7304 51 Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced): Straight and of uniform wall-thickness, of alloy steel containing by weight not less than 0,9 % but not more than 1,15 % of carbon, not less than 0,5 % but not more than 2 % of chromium and not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum, of a length: 01.0160 (cont'd) 7304 51 11 Not exceeding 4,5 m 7304 51 19 Exceeding 4,5 m Other: Other: 7304 51 91 Precision tubes 7304 51 99 Other 7304 59 Other: 7304 59 10 Unworked, straight and of uniform wall-thickness, for use solely in the manufacture of tubes and pipes with other cross-sections and wall-thicknesses Other, straight and of uniform wall-thickness, of alloy steel containing by weight not less than 0,9 % but not more than 1,15 % of carbon, not less than 0,5 % but not more than 2 % of chromium and not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum, of a length: 7304 59 31 Not exceeding 4,5 m 7304 59 39 Exceeding 4,5 m Other: Other: 7304 59 91 Of an external diameter not exceeding 168,3 mm 7304 59 93 Of an external diameter exceeding 168,3 mm, but not exceeding 406,4 mm 7304 59 99 Of an external diameter exceeding 406,4 mm 7304 90 Other: 7304 90 90 Other 7305 Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having internal and external circular cross-sections, the external diameter of which exceeds 406,4 mm, of iron or steel 7306 Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles (for example, open seam or welded, riveted or similarly closed), of iron or steel: 14 986 (cont'd) 7306 10 Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines: Longitudinally welded, of an external diameter of: 7306 10 11 Not more than 168,3 mm 7306 10 19 More than 168,3 mm, but not more than 406,4 mm 7306 10 90 Spirally welded 7306 20 00 Casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas 7306 30 Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of iron or non-alloy steel: Other: Precision tubes, with a wall thickness: 7306 30 21 Not exceeding 2 mm 7306 30 29 Exceeding 2 mm Other: Threaded or threadable tubes (gas pipe): 7306 30 51 Plated or coated with zinc 7306 30 59 Other Other, of an external diameter: Not exceeding 168,3 mm: 7306 30 71 Plated or coated with zinc 7306 30 78 Other 7306 30 90 Exceeding 168,3 mm, but not exceeding 406,4 mm 7306 40 Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of stainless steel: Other: 7306 40 91 Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) 7306 40 99 Other 01.0160 (cont'd) 7306 50 Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of other alloy steel: Other: 7306 50 91 Precision tubes 7306 50 99 Other 7306 60 Other, welded, of non-circular cross-section: 14 986 (cont'd) Other: Of rectangular (including square) cross-section, with a wall thickness: 7306 60 31 Not exceeding 2 mm 7306 60 39 Exceeding 2 mm 7306 60 90 Of other sections 7306 90 00 Other