Council Regulation (EEC) No 196/91 of 21 January 1991 amending, in respect of products which are subject to national quantitative restrictions, Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 288/82 on common rules for imports

COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) N° 196/91 of 21 January 1991 amending, in respect of products which are subject to national quantitative restrictions,

Annex I to Regulation (EEC) N° 288/82 on common rules for imports


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,

Having regard to the instruments establishing common organization of agricultural markets and the instruments concerning processed agricultural products adopted in pursuance of Article 235 of the Treaty, in particular the provisions of those instruments which allow for derogation from the general rule that all quantitative restrictions or measures having equivalent effect are replaced solely by the measures provided for in those instruments,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Whereas Regulation (EEC) N° 288/82 (1), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) N° 3156/90 (2), refers, with regard to the description and codification of the products originating in third countries not liberalized within the Community and listed in Annex I thereto, to the Common Customs Tariff

nomenclature and the NIMEXE nomenclature; whereas

these two nomenclatures have been replaced by a new nomenclature known as Combined Nomenclature (CN), whose codes and product descriptions replace those contained in the first two nomenclature as from 1 January 1988; whereas Annex I to Regulation (EEC) N° 288/82 should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1

Annex I to Regulation (EEC) N° 288/82 is hereby replaced by the Annex attached to this Regulation.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 21 January 1991.

For the Council

The President


(1) OJ N° L 35, 9. 2. 1982, p. 1.

(2) OJ N° L 304, 1. 11. 1990, p. 5 and Corrigendum published in OJ N° L 313, 13. 11. 1990, p. 42.



Practical scope of the restriction



completely restricted;



partially restricted. For an exact description of restrictions see Appendix to this Annex which concerns the description of the products;



complete or partial quantitative restriction for products of chapters 51 to 63, applicable to certain third countries.

Geographical scope

Where there are no special indications, the restriction applies to all the countries covered by this Regulation.

Where the restriction applies to a geographical zone or to one or more countries, a marginal note describes the country or countries or the zone or zones to which the restriction applies. These geographical zones are described at the end of this Annex.

In any event, the application of these restrictions is subject to the specific common rules referred to in Article 1 (1), first indent of this Regulation and any special rules laid down in the agreements concluded between the Community and certain third countries.

This list covers only national restrictions.

The import regime set out in this Annex is drawn up without prejudice to the rules applicable to State enterprises to which Member States grant, formally or in effect, exclusive or special privileges in trade with third countries. At present there are no Community restrictions which come within the scope of this Regulation; any such measures which may be taken pursuant to Title V will be listed in an ad hoc publication.


;(¹) Article 77 (c) of the Act of Accession.

¹(²) Article 280 (Annex XXVI) of the Act of Accession.

¹(³) Article 77 (b) of the Act of Accession.

¹(%) Article 245 (Annex XXI) of the Act of Accession.

¹(¹) Article 363 (Annex XXIX) of the Act of Accession.

¹(() Article 176 (Annex XIV) of the Act of Accession.

¹()) Article 343 of the Act of Accession.

¹(§) Quantitative restrictions with regard to Zone II.

(¹*) Quantitative restrictions with regard to Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yugoslavia, EFTA and zone A 3.

(¹¹) Quantitative restrictions in the case of imports originating in countries which are not members of the International Coffee Agreement, provided that quotas are in operation - Quantitative restrictions suspended - Council Decision of 29 September 1989 (OJ N° L 299, 17. 10. 1989, p. 4).

(¹²) Article 94 of the Act of Accession.

(¹³) Article 292 of the Act of Accession.

(¹%) Quantitative restrictions with regard to the dollar area countries, except for Liberia.

(¹¹) Subject to quantitative restrictions with regard to Japan.

(¹() Subject to quantitative restrictions with regard to Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, EFTA and zone A 3.

(¹)) Article 177 (3) (Annex XV (a)) of the Act of Accession.

(¹ 7) Article 364 (3) (Annex XXX (b)) of the Act of Accession.

(¹§) Quantitative restrictions without any limitation of quantity.

(²*) Quantitative restrictions with regard to countries which are not contracting members of GATT.

(²¹) Freed from quantitative restrictions with regard to Turkey and Yugoslavia.

(²²) Quantitative restrictions with regard to motors for cars, motorcycles and bicycles.

(²³) Quantitative restrictions with regard to the Latin American countries, Canada, Lebanon, Liberia, the Philippines, South Korea, Syria and USA.

(²¹) Article 364 (3) (Annex XXX (a)) of the Act of Accession.

(²() Article 177 (3) (Annex XV (b)) of the Act of Accession.

(²§) Article 177 (5) Annex XVI of the Act of Accession.

(³³) Quantitative restrictions with regard to Taiwan.

(³%) Quantitative restrictions with regard to Asian countries.

(³¹) Quantitative restrictions with regard to Hong Kong without any limitation of quantity.

(³() Quantitative restrictions with regard to South Korea without any limitation of quantity.

(³ 7) Specific common regimes substituting national restrictions previously in force applicable to certain third countries.

(³§) Quantitative restrictions with regard to Thailand without any limitation of quantity.

(%*) Article 77 (b) of the Act of Accession, excluding goods originating in Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yugoslavia.

(%¹) Article 77 (b) of the Act of Accession excluding goods originating in Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Syria and Yugoslavia.

(%³) Article 176 (Annex XIV) of the Act of Accession, excluding goods originating in Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Syria and Yugoslavia.


CN code

Member State

Exact description of certain goods

Appendix to Annex I Description of products covered by the partial quantitative restrictions listed in Annex I



Geographical zones to which, in general, the quantitative restrictions apply


024 Iceland

025 Faroe Islands

028 Norway

030 Sweden

032 Finland

036 Switzerland

038 Austria

043 Andorra

044 Gibraltar

045 Vatican City State

046 Malta

048 Yugoslavia

052 Turkey

021 Canary Islands

204 Morocco

022 Ceuta and Melilla

208 Algeria

212 Tunisia

220 Egypt

224 Sudan

228 Mauritania

232 Mali

236 Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)

240 Niger

244 Chad

247 Republic of Cape Verde

248 Senegal

252 Gambia

257 Guinea Bissau

260 Guinea

264 Sierra Leone

268 Liberia

272 Ivory Coast

276 Ghana

280 Togo

284 Benin

288 Nigeria

302 Cameroon

306 Central African Republic

310 Equatorial Guinea

311 São Tomé and Principe

314 Gabon

318 Congo

322 Zaire

324 Rwanda

328 Burundi

329 St Helena and dependencies

330 Angola

334 Ethiopia

338 Djibouti

342 Somalia

346 Kenya

350 Uganda

352 Tanzania

355 Seychelles and dependencies

357 British Indian Ocean Territory

366 Mozambique

370 Madagascar

373 Mauritius

375 Comoros

378 Zambia

382 Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia)

386 Malawi

391 Botswana

393 Swaziland

395 Lesotho

400 United States of America

404 Canada

406 Greenland

413 Bermuda

421 Belize

452 Haiti

453 Bahamas

454 Turks and Caicos Islands

455 West Indies

456 Dominican Republic

457 Virgin Islands of the United States

460 Dominica

463 Cayman Islands

464 Jamaica

465 St Lucia

467 St Vincent

469 Barbados

472 Trinidad and Tobago

473 Grenada

476 Netherlands Antilles

488 Guyana

492 Suriname

529 Falkland Islands and dependencies

600 Cyprus

604 Lebanon

608 Syria

624 Israel

628 Jordan

636 Kuwait

640 Bahrain

644 Qatar

647 United Arab Emirates

649 Oman

656 South Yemen

684 Laos

696 Kampuchea (Cambodia)

701 Malaysia

703 Brunei

706 Singapore

740 Hong Kong

743 Macao

801 Papua New Guinea

803 Nauru

806 Solomon Islands

807 Tuvalu (formerly Ellice Islands)

808 American Oceania

812 Kiribati

813 Pitcairn Islands

815 Fiji

816 Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides)

817 Tonga

819 Western Samoa


216 Libya

390 Republic of South Africa and Namibia

412 Mexico

416 Guatemala

424 Honduras

428 El Salvador

432 Nicaragua

ZONE II (cont'd)

436 Costa Rica

442 Panama

448 Cuba

480 Colombia

484 Venezuela

500 Ecuador

504 Peru

508 Brazil

512 Chile

516 Bolivia

520 Paraguay

524 Uruguay

528 Argentina

612 Iraq

616 Iran

632 Saudi Arabia

652 North Yemen

660 Afghanistan

662 Pakistan

664 India

666 Bangladesh

667 Maldives

669 Sri Lanka

672 Nepal

675 Bhutan

676 Burma

680 Thailand

700 Indonesia

708 Philippines

728 South Korea

732 Japan

736 Taiwan

800 Australia

802 Australian Oceania

804 New Zealand

814 New Zealand Oceania


Geographical zones to which, barring exceptions, the quantitative restrictions apply


(a) Overseas countries and territories associated with the EEC (OCT):

476 Netherlands Antilles

(Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St Eustatius and southern part of St Martin)

021 Canary Islands

022 Ceuta and Melilla

377 Mayotte

809 New Caledonia and dependencies

822 French Polynesia

811 Wallis and Futuna Islands

463 Cayman Islands

529 Falkland Islands and dependencies

455 Montserrat

813 Pitcairn

329 St Helena and dependencies

455 West Indies Associated States


890 British Antarctic Territory

357 British Indian Ocean Territory

454 Turks and Caicos Islands

455 British Virgin Islands


ACP States

330 Angola and Cabinda

459 Antigua and Barbuda

236 Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)

453 Bahamas

469 Barbados

421 Belize

284 Benin

391 Botswana

703 Brunei

328 Burundi

302 Cameroon

247 Republic of Cape Verde

306 Central African Republic

244 Chad

375 Comoros

318 Congo

272 Ivory Coast

460 Dominica

334 Ethiopia

452 Haiti

456 Dominican Republic

815 Fiji

314 Gabon

252 Gambia

276 Ghana

464 Jamaica

338 Djibouti

473 Grenada

(including the Southern Grenadines)

260 Guinea

257 Guinea Bissau

310 Equatorial Guinea

488 Guyana

346 Kenya

812 Kiribati (formerly Gilbert Islands)

395 Lesotho

268 Liberia

370 Madagascar

386 Malawi

232 Mali

228 Mauritania

373 Mauritius

449 Nevis

240 Niger

288 Nigeria

801 Papua New Guinea

324 Rwanda

806 Solomon Islands

449 St Christopher

819 Western Samoa

465 St Lucia

467 St Vincent

(including the Northern Grenadines)

311 São Tomé and Principe

355 Seychelles

248 Senegal

264 Sierra Leone

342 Somalia

224 Sudan

492 Suriname

393 Swaziland

352 Tanzania

280 Togo

b) ACP States

ZONE A 2 (cont'd)

817 Tonga

472 Trinidad and Tobago

807 Tuvalu (formerly Ellice Islands)

350 Uganda

816 Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides)

322 Zaire

378 Zambia

382 Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia)



038 Austria

032 Finland

024 Iceland

028 Norway

030 Sweden

036 Switzerland


SAP countries

208 Algeria

600 Cyprus

220 Egypt

025 Faeroes

628 Jordan

624 Israel

048 Yugoslavia

604 Lebanon

046 Malta

204 Morocco

608 Syria

212 Tunisia

052 Turkey

406 Greenland


660 Afghanistan

647 United Arab Emirates

(Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Qaiwan,

Ras al Khaimah and Fujairah)

043 Andorra

632 Saudi Arabia

528 Argentina

800 Australia (and territories under Australian administration)

640 Bahrain

666 Bangladesh

413 Bermuda

675 Bhutan

676 Burma

516 Bolivia

508 Brazil

404 Canada

512 Chile

480 Colombia

728 South Korea

436 Costa Rica

448 Cuba

500 Ecuador

428 El Salvador

708 Philippines

044 Gibraltar

416 Guatemala

424 Honduras

740 Hong Kong

664 India

700 Indonesia

612 Iraq

616 Iran

696 Kampuchea (Cambodia)

636 Kuwait

684 Laos

216 Libya

743 Macao

701 Malaysia

667 Maldives

412 Mexico

366 Mozambique

803 Nauru

672 Nepal

432 Nicaragua

804 New Zealand (and territories under New Zealand


649 Oman

662 Pakistan

442 Panama

520 Paraguay

504 Peru

644 Qatar

706 Singapore

669 Sri Lanka

400 United States of America (and territories under United States administration)

390 South Africa

736 Taiwan

680 Thailand

524 Uruguay

484 Venezuela

652 North Yemen

656 South Yemen (People's Republic)


732 Japan


Geographical zones to which, barring exceptions, the quantitative restrictions apply


516 Bolivia

404 Canada

480 Colombia

436 Costa Rica

448 Cuba

500 Ecuador

428 El Salvador

416 Guatemala

424 Honduras

II. DOLLAR ZONE (cont'd)

268 Liberia

412 Mexico

432 Nicaragua

442 Panama

708 Philippines

400 United States of America

484 Venezuela

II. RESIDUAL TEXTILE ZONE = all countries and territories other than:

208 Algeria

528 Argentina

666 Bangladesh

516 Bolivia

508 Brazil

480 Colombia

428 El Salvador

416 Guatemala

740 Hong Kong

664 India

700 Indonesia

616 Iran

628 Jordan

728 South Korea

743 Macao

701 Malaysia

412 Mexico

432 Nicaragua

662 Pakistan

520 Paraguay

504 Peru

708 Philippines

706 Singapore

669 Sri Lanka

608 Syria

736 Taiwan

680 Thailand

524 Uruguay

703 Brunei

667 Maldives

442 Panama

and those making up the ACP zone, the Community-EFTA zone, the Far East zone and West zone, the Mediterranean zone and the OCT zone.


453 Bahamas

469 Barbados

284 Benin

391 Botswana

328 Burundi

302 Cameroon

247 Republic of Cape Verde

306 Central African Republic

244 Chad

375 Comoros

318 Congo

338 Djibouti

460 Dominica

310 Equatorial Guinea

334 Etiopia

815 Fiji

452 Haiti

456 Dominican Republic

314 Gabon

252 Gambia

330 Angola

459 Antigua and Barbuda

421 Belize

464 Jamaica

366 Mozambique

450 St Christopher and Nevis

816 Vanuatu

382 Zimbabwe

276 Ghana

473 Grenada

260 Guinea

257 Guinea Bissau

488 Guyana

272 Ivory Coast

346 Kenya

812 Kiribati

395 Lesotho

268 Liberia

370 Madagascar

386 Malawi

232 Mali

228 Mauritania

373 Mauritius

240 Niger

288 Nigeria

801 Papua New Guinea

324 Rwanda

465 St Lucia

467 St Vincent

311 São Tomé and Principe

248 Senegal

355 Seychelles

264 Sierra Leone

806 Solomon Islands

342 Somalia

224 Sudan

492 Suriname

393 Swaziland

352 Tanzania

280 Togo

817 Tonga

472 Trinidad and Tobago

807 Tuvalu (formerly Ellice Islands)

350 Uganda

236 Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)

819 Western Samoa

322 Zaire

378 Zambia



038 Austria

002 Belgium

008 Denmark

032 Finland

001 France

004 Germany

009 Greece

024 Iceland

007 Ireland

005 Italy

002 Luxembourg

003 Netherlands

028 Norway

040 Portugal

030 Sweden

036 Switzerland-Liechtenstein

006 United Kingdom

042 Spain



800 Australia

404 Canada

732 Japan

804 New Zealand

400 United States of America



600 Cyprus

220 Egypt

624 Israel

604 Lebanon

046 Malta

204 Morocco

212 Tunisia

052 Turkey

048 Yugoslavia



421 Belize

890 British Antarctic Territory

357 British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)

890 French Southern and Antarctic Territories

406 Greenland

450 Montserrat

451 West Indies

(Antigua, St Christopher (St Kitts), Nevis-Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Montserrat)

463 Cayman Islands

529 Falkland Islands and dependencies

822 French Polynesia

377 Mayotte

476 Netherlands Antilles

(Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St Eustatius,

St Martin (South))

809 New Caledonia and dependencies

813 Pitcairn

329 St Helena and dependencies

408 St Pierre and Miquelon

454 Turks and Caicos Islands

811 Wallis and Futuna Islands.