Council Regulation (EEC) No 3491/90 of 26 November 1990 on imports of rice originating in Bangladesh
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  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1532/2007of 17 December 2007amending Regulation (EEC) No 3491/90 on imports of rice originating in Bangladesh, 32007R1532, December 21, 2007
  • Regulation (EU) No 539/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 16 April 2014on imports of rice originating in Bangladesh and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 3491/90, 32014R0539, May 27, 2014
Council Regulation (EEC) No 3491/90of 26 November 1990on imports of rice originating in Bangladesh THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Whereas the Community has undertaken, in the context of the Uruguay Round mid-term review, to offer preferential import arrangements for rice originating in the least-developed non-ACP States having shown an interest and which are listed in Annex V to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4258/88 of 19 December 1988 applying generalized tariff preferences for 1989 in respect of certain agricultural products originating in developing countriesOJ No L 375, 31. 12. 1988, p. 47. ;Whereas the preferential import arrangements which are the subject of the offer addressed to the least-developed countries involve a reduction in the levy on imports into the Community within the limits of those quantities traditionally imported by the Community, providing that an export tax of an amount corresponding to the reduction is collected by the exporting country ;Whereas one of the countries to which the offer was addressed, Bangladesh, has indicated its interest in the development of trade in rice ;Whereas a certificate of origin could ensure that the advantages of the arrangements are restricted solely to rice originating in Bangladesh,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION :
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