Council Directive 90/658/EEC of 4 December 1990 amending certain Directives on the recognition of professional qualifications consequent upon the unification of Germany
Modified by
  • Council Directive 93/16/EECof 5 April 1993to facilitate the free movement of doctors and the mutual recognition of their diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications, 31993L0016, July 7, 1993
  • Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 7 September 2005on the recognition of professional qualifications(Text with EEA relevance), 32005L0036, September 30, 2005
Council Directiveof 4 December 1990amending certain Directives on the recognition of professional qualifications consequent upon the unification of Germany(90/658/EEC) XXXThis act has been trimmed due to parser errors since it has been repealed.XXX
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