Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 of 21 December 1989 on the control of concentrations between undertakings Basic information Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: September 21, 1990 Entry into force - See Art 25 Date of end of validity: Modified by Corrected by: Modified by: Implemented by: All documents based on this document: Repealed by: Modifies Affected by case Case C-344/21: Request for a preliminary ruling from the tribunal de commerce de Paris (France) lodged on 2 June 2021 — AA, AA, née BB, Groupe AA SNC, SI, AM, RH, RT, OE, MD, CJ, MI, Brouard-Daude SCP, acting through Xavier Brouard in his capacity as insolvency administrator of Groupe AA SNC v Allianz Bank SA, Allianz France SA, successor in law to Métropole SA, Abitbol & Rousselet SCP, acting through Frédéric Abitbol in his capacity as insolvency administrator of Groupe AA SNC, BDR & Associés, acting through Xavier Brouard in his capacity as insolvency administrator of Groupe AA SNC, SELAFA MJA, acting through Jérôme Pierrel, insolvency co-administrator of AA, SELARL Axym, acting through Didier Courtoux, insolvency co-administrator of AA, Bibus SA, formerly Matinvest, Allianz I.A.R.D. SA, successor in law to Métropole SA article 3 paragraph 5 point (a) Legal basis TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, PART SIX - GENERAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS, ARTICLE 235 TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, PART THREE - POLICY OF THE COMMUNITY, TITLE I - COMMON RULES, CHAPTER 1: RULES ON COMPETITION, SECTION 1: RULES APPLYING TO UNDERTAKINGS, ARTICLE 87 EuroVoc Vocabulary Economic concentration Concentrations between undertakings EU Member State Provisions under Article 235 EEC Competition policy Merger control Competition Competition Concentrations