Commission Regulation (EEC) No 186/89 of 26 January 1989 on the supply of various lots of butteroil as food aid

COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 186/89 of 26 January 1989 on the supply of various lots of butteroil as food aid


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3972/86 of 22 December 1986 on food-aid policy and food-aid management (1), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1870/88 (2), and in particular Article 6 (1) (c) thereof,

Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 1420/87 of 21 May 1987 laying down implementing rules for Regulation (EEC) No 3972/86 on food-aid policy and food-aid management (3) lays down the list of countries and organizations eligible for food-aid operations and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage;

Whereas following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid the Commission has allocated to certain countries and beneficiary organizations 3 087 tonnes of butteroil;

Whereas it is necessary to provide for the carrying-out of this measure in accordance with the rules laid down by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2200/87 of 8 July 1987 laying down general rules for the mobilization in the Community of products to be supplied as Community food aid (4); whereas it is necessary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply and the procedure to be followed to determine the resultant costs,


Article 1

Milk products shall be mobilized in the Community, as Community food aid, for supply to the recipients listed in the Annex in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 2200/87 and under the conditions set out in the Annexes. Supplies shall be awarded by the tendering procedure.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 26 January 1989.

For the Commission


Member of the Commission

(1) OJ No L 370, 30. 12. 1986, p. 1.

(2) OJ No L 168, 1. 7. 1988, p. 7.

(3) OJ No L 136, 26. 5. 1987, p. 1.

(4) OJ No L 204, 25. 7. 1987, p. 1.


LOTS A, B, C, D and E

1. Operation Nos (1): 1238 to 1242/88 - Commission Decision of 1. 3. 1988

2. Programme: 1988

3. Recipient: People's Republic of China

4. Representative of the recipient (6) (8): Dairy Development Project Office, Ministry of Agriculture, No 11 Nong Zhan Guan, Nanli, Beijing, People's Republic of China (Telex 22233 MAGR CN)

5. Place or country of destination: People's Republic of China

6. Product to be mobilized: butteroil

7. Characteristics and quality of the goods (2): to be manufactured from intervention butter (OJ No C 216, 14. 8. 1987, p. 7, (under I.3.1 and I.3.2))

8. Total quantity: 2 587 tonnes

9. Number of lots: five (A: 562 tonnes; B: 338 tonnes; C: 826 tonnes; D: 487 tonnes; E: 374 tonnes)

10. Packaging and marking: 200 kilograms (7) and OJ No C 216, 14. 8. 1987, pp. 7 and 8 (under I.3.3 and I.3.4)

Supplementary markings on packaging:


and OJ No C 216, 14. 8. 1987, p. 8 (under I.3.4)

11. Method of mobilization: purchase of butter from:

Agriculture House,

Kildare Street,

Dublin 2;

Tel. 78 90 11,

Telex 24280+ or 25118+

The addresses of the places of storage are given in Annex II

Selling price determined in accordance with Article 2 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2315/76 (OJ No L 261, 25. 9. 1976, p. 12)

12. Stage of supply: free at port of landing - landed

13. Port of shipment: -

14. Port of landing specified by the recipient: -

15. Port of landing: A: Guangzhou; B: Fuzhou; C: Shanghai; D: Tianjin; E: Dalian

16. Address of the warehouse and, if appropriate, port of landing: -

17. Period for making the goods available at the port of shipment where the supply is awarded at the port of shipment stage: 15 to 22. 3. 1989

18. Deadline for the supply: 15. 5. 1989

19. Procedure for determining the costs of supply: invitation to tender

20. In the case of an invitation to tender, date of expiry of the period allowed for submission of tenders (4): 12 noon on 13. 2. 1989

21. In the case of a second invitation to tender:

(a) deadline for the submission of tenders: 12 noon on 27. 2. 1989

(b) period for making the goods available at the port of shipment where the supply is awarded at the port of shipment stage: 29. 3 to 5. 4. 1989

(c) deadline for the supply: 31. 5. 1989

22. Amount of the tendering security: ECU 20/tonne

23. Amount of the delivery security: 10 % of the amount of the tender in ecu

24. Address for submission of tenders:

Bureau de l'aide alimentaire,

à l'attention de Monsieur N. Arend,

Bâtiment Loi 120, bureau 7/58,

200, rue de la Loi,

B-1049 Bruxelles,

Telex 22037 AGREC B

25. Refund payable on request by the successful tenderer (5): refund applicable on 13. 1. 1989 fixed by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 59/89 (OJ No L 10, 13. 1. 1989, p. 10)


1. Operation No (1): 1110/88 - Commission Decision of 20. 10. 1988

2. Programme: 1988

3. Recipient: Algeria

4. Representative of the recipient (3): Croissant Rouge Algérien, Comité National, 15 bis, Bld Mohamed V, Alger, Dr. Mouloud Belaouane, Telex 52914 HILAL - ALGER, tel. 61 07 41

5. Place or country of destination: Algeria

6. Product to be mobilized: butteroil

7. Characteristics and quality of the goods (2): to be manufactured from intervention butter (OJ No C 216, 14. 8. 1987, p. 7, (under I.3.1 and I.3.2))

8. Total quantity: 500 tonnes

9. Number of lots: one

10. Packaging and marking: five kilograms and OJ No C 216, 14. 8. 1987, pp. 7 and 8 (under I.3.3 and I.3.4)

Supplementary markings on packaging:


and OJ No C 216, 14. 8. 1987, p. 8 (under 1.3.4)

11. Method of mobilization: purchase of butter from:

Agriculture House,

Kildare Street,

Dublin 2,

tel. 78 90 11, telex 24280+ or 25118+

The addresses of the places of storage are given in Annex II

Selling price determined in accordance with Article 2 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2315/76 (OJ No L 261, 25. 9. 1976, p. 12)

12. Stage of supply: free at storage CRA, Alger

13. Port of shipment: -

14. Port of landing specified by the recipient: -

15. Port of landing: -

16. Address of the warehouse and, if appropriate, port of landing: Depôt Central du CRA, Diar es Saada, Alger

17. Period for making the goods available at the port of shipment where the supply is awarded at the port of shipment stage: 1 to 13. 3. 1989

18. Deadline for the supply: 13. 4. 1989

19. Procedure for determining the costs of supply: invitation to tender

20. In the case of an invitation to tender, date of expiry of the period allowed for submission of tenders (4): 13. 2. 1989 at 12 noon

21. In the case of a second invitation to tender:

(a) deadline for the submission of tenders: 27. 2. 1989 at 12 noon

(b) period for making the goods available at the port of shipment where the supply is awarded at the port of shipment stage: 10 to 27. 3. 1989

(c) deadline for the supply: 27. 4. 1989

22. Amount of the tendering security: ECU 20/tonne

23. Amount of the delivery security: 10 % of the amount of the tender in ecu

24. Address for submission of tenders:

Bureau de l'aide alimentaire,

à l'attention de Monsieur N. Arend,

Bâtiment Loi 120, bureau 7/58,

200, rue de la Loi,

B-1049 Bruxelles,

telex 22037 AGREC B

25. Refund payable on request by the successful tenderer (5): refund applicable on 13. 1. 1989 fixed by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 59/89 (OJ No L 10, 13. 1. 1989, p. 10)


(1) The operation number is to be quoted in all correspondence.

(2) At the request of the beneficiary the successful tenderer shall deliver a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the Member State concerned, have not been exceeded.

(3) Commission delegate to be contacted by the successful tenderer: see list published in Official Journal of the European Communities No C 227 of 7 September 1985, page 4.

(4) In order not to overload the telex, tenderers are requested to provide, before the date and time laid down in point 20 of this Annex, evidence that the tendering security referred to in Article 7 (4) (a) of Regulation (EEC) No 2200/87 has been lodged, preferably:

- either by porter at the office referred to in point 24 of this Annex.

- or by telecopier on one of the following numbers in Brussels:

- 235 01 32

- 236 10 97

- 235 01 30

- 236 20 05.

(5) Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2330/87 (OJ L 210, 1. 8. 1987, p. 56) is applicable as regards the export refund and, where appropriate, the monetary and accession compensatory amounts, the representative rate and the monetary coefficient. The date referred to in Article 2 of the abovementioned Regulation is that referred to in point 25 of this Annex.

(6) Commisson delegate to be contacted by the successful tenderer: EEC delegation, Ta Yuan Diplomatic Offices Building 2-6-1, Lian Ma He Nan Lu 14, Beijing, People's Republic of China, tel. 532 44 43, telefax 532 43 42, telex 222690 ECDEL CN.

(7) In new bunged metal drums, coated inside with food-can varnish or having been subject to a procedure giving equivalent guarantees, of 190 to 200 kilograms (to be indicated in the tender) net weight, fully filled and hermetically sealed in an atmosphere of nitrogen. The drums should be strong enough to withstand a long sea journey. Their composition must not be such as to be harmful to human health or to cause a change in the colour, taste or odour of their contents. Each drum must be fully leakproof.

(8) The successful tenderer must nominate a representative in the port of unloading and advise accordingly the undertaking responsible for control, indicated in Article 10 of Regulation (EEC) No 2200/87, and the China National Import and Export Inspection Corporation (CCIC) cable CHINSPECT, telex 210076 SACI CN.

He may nominate the CCIC as representative.


Número de la partida Cantidad Nombre y dirección del almacenista

Partiets nummer Maengde Lagerindehaverens navn og adresse

Nummer der Partie Menge Name und Adresse des Lagerhalters

Arithmos partidon Tonoi Onoma kai diefthynsi enapothikeftoy

Number of lot Quantity Address of store

Numéro du lot Quantité Nom et adresse du stockeur

Numero della partita Quantità Nome e indirizzo del detentore

Nummer van de partij Hoeveelheid Naam en adres van de depothouder

Número do lote Quantidade Nome e direcçao do armazenista


1238/88 702 500 kg - 400 000 kg:

Eirfreeze (Cork) Ltd

Little Island

IRL-County Cork - 146 750 kg:

Ballyclough Coldstore


IRL-County Cork - 100 000 kg:

Colso Enterprise Ltd


IRL-County Cork - 31 750 kg:

Imokilly Coldstore


IRL-County Cork - 12 750 kg:

QK (Grannagh) Coldstore Ltd


IRL-County Waterford - 11 250 kg:

Nordic Coldstore


IRL-County Cork B

1239/88 422 500 kg Jenkinsons Coldstore

Crossagalla Industrial Estate


IRL-County Limerick C

1240/88 1 032 500 kg Colso Enterprises Ltd


IRL-County Cork D

1241/88 608 750 kg - 280 350 kg:

QK (Naas) Coldstore



IRL-County Kildare - 174 750 kg:

Autozero Ltd

Bannow Road

Cabra West

IRL-Dublin 7 - 77 500 kg:

Jenkinsons Coldstore

Crossagalla Industrial Estate


IRL-County Limerick - 76 150 kg:

QK (Grannagh) Coldstore Ltd


IRL-County Waterford E

1242/88 467 500 kg Colso Enterprises Ltd


IRL-County Cork F

1110/88 625 000 kg Autozero Ltd

Bannow Road

Cabra West

IRL-Dublin 7