Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3188/88 of 17 October 1988 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 3626/82 on the implementation in the Community of the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora
COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 3188/88 of 17 October 1988 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 3626/82 on the implementation in the Community of the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna und flora
THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3626/82 of 3 December 1982 on the implementation in the Community of the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora(1), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 869/88(2), and in particular Article 4, thereof,
Whereas alterations were made to Appendix III to the Convention; whereas Appendix III of Annex A to Regulation (EEC) No 3626/82 should now be amended to incorporate the amendments accepted by the Member States parties to the abovementioned Convention;
Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora,
Article 1 Appendix III of Annex A to Regulation (EEC) No 3626/82 is hereby replaced by the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2 This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
It shall apply from 21 September 1988.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 17 October 1988 For the CommissionStanley CLINTON DAVISMember of the Commission (1)OJ No L 384, 31. 12. 1982, p. 1.
(2)OJ No L 87, 31. 3. 1988, p. 67.
1.References to taxa higher than species are for the purpose of information or classification only.
2.Two asterisks (**) placed against the name of a species indicate that one sub-species is included in Appendix II and that this sub-species is excluded from Appendix III.
3.The symbol ´=' followed by a number placed against the name of a species denotes that the name of that species shall be interpreted as follows:
=372Includes synonym Tamandua mexicana =373Includes synonym Cabassous gymnurus =374Includes synonym Manis longicaudata =375Includes generic synonym Coendou =376Includes generic synonym Cuniculus =377Includes synonym Nasua narica =378Includes synonym Galictis allamandi =379Includes generic synonym Viverra,
=380Also referenced as Tragelaphus eurycerus; includes generic synonym Taurotragus =381Also referenced as Ardeola ibis =382Also referenced as Egretta alba =383Also referenced as Spatula clypeata =384Also referenced as Nyroca nyroca =385Includes synonym Dendrocygna falva =386Also referenced as Cairina hartlaubii =387Also referenced as Pauxi pauxi =388Includes synonym Arborophila orientalis =389Also referenced as Turturoena iriditorques or Columba malherbii (partim) =390Also referenced as Columba mayeri =391Also referenced as Treron australis (partim) =392Also referenced as Calopelia brehmeri; includes synonym Calopelia puella =393Also referenced as Tympanistria tympanistria =394Also referenced as Terpsiphone bourbonnensis =395Also referenced as Estrilda subflava or Sporaeginthus subflavus =396Also referenced as Estrilda larvata; includes synonym Lagonosticta vinacea =397Includes generic synonym Spermestes =398Also referenced as Euodice cantans =399Also referenced as Hypargos nitidulus =400Includes synonym Parmoptila rubrifrons =401Includes synonym Pyrenestes frommi and Pyrenestes rothschildi =402Also referenced as Estrilda bengala =403Includes synonym Bubalornis niger =404Also referenced as Euplectes afra =405Also referenced as Coliuspasser ardens =406Includes synonym Coliuspasser macrourus =407Includes synonym Euplectes franciscanus =408Also referenced as Anaplectes melanotis =409Includes synonym Passer diffusus, Passer gongonensis, Passer suahelicus and Passer swainsonii =410Includes synonym Ploceus nigriceps =411Includes synonym Ploceux atrogularis =412Also referenced as Sitagra luteola =413Also referenced as Sitagra melanocephala =414Includes synonyms Ploceus katangae, Ploceus reichardi, Ploceus ruweti and Ploceus vitellinus =415Also referenced as Hypochera chalybeata; includes synonyms Vidua amauropteryx, Vidua centralis, Vidua neumanni, Vidua okavangoensis and Vidua ultramarina =416Includes synonym Vidua orientalis =417Also referenced as Pelusios subniger =418Formerly included in genus Natrix 4.The names of the countries placed against the names of species are those of the parties submitting these species for inclusion in this Appendix.
5.Any animal or plant, whether live or dead, of a species listed in this Appendix is covered by the provisions of the Convention, as is any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof, except plant seeds, spores, pollen (including pollinia), tissue cultures and flasked seedling cultures (Resolutions Conf. 4.24 and Conf. 6.18).
SpeciesCountry 19. 10. 88No L 285/ FAUNA ANIMALS MAMMALIA MAMMALS CHIROPTERA Bats PhyllostomidaeVampyrops lineatusUruguay New World leaf-nosed batsFalse vampire bat EDENTATA Edendates MyrmecophagidaeTamandua tetradactyla (**) =372Guatemala Ant-eatersCollared ant-eater CholoepidaeCholoepus hoffmanniCosta Rica SlothsHoffmann's sloth DasypodidaeCabassous centralisCosta Rica ArmadillosNorthern naked-tailed armadillo Cabassous tatouay =373Uruguay Eleven-banded or broad-banded armadillo PHOLIDOTA Pangolins or scaly ant-eaters ManidaeManis gigantea(C 1)Ghana PangolinsGiant pangolin Manis tetradactyla =374(C 1)Ghana Long-tailed pangolin Manis tricuspis(C 1)Ghana Small-scaled tree pangolin RODENTIA Rodents SciuridaeEpixerus ebiiGhana Squirrels and marmotsEbian's palm squirrel Sciurus deppeiCosta Rica Deppe's squirrel AnomaluridaeAnomalurus beecroftiGhana Scaly-tailed squirrelsBeecroft's flying squirrel Anomalurus derbianusGhana Lord Derby's flying squirrel Anomalurus peliGhana Pel's flying squirrel Idiurus macrotisGhana Long-eared flying squirrel HystricidaeHystrix cristataGhana Old World porcupinesNorth African porcupine ErethizontidaeSphiggurus mexicanus =375Honduras New World porcupinesMexican porcupine Sphiggurus spinosus =375Uruguay South American tree-porcupines AgoutidaeAgouti paca =376Honduras Paca or spotted cavy DasyproctidaeDasyprocta punctataHonduras Agouti CARNIVORA Carnivores UrsidaeMelursus ursinusIndia Sloth bear ProcyonidaeBassaricyon gabbiiCosta Rica RaccoonsBushy-tailed olingo Bassariscus sumichrastiCosta Rica Central American cacomistle Nasua nasua =377Honduras Coati Nasua nasua solitariaUruguay South Brazilian coati Potos flavusHonduras Kinkajou MustelidaeEira barbaraHonduras Weasels, badgers, skunks andTayra others Galictis vittata =378Costa Rica Grison Mellivora capensisGhana, Botswana Ratel or honey-badger ViverridaeCivettictis civetta =379Botswana Genets, civets and mongoosesAfrican civet or civet cat ProtelidaeProteles cristatusBotswana HyaenasAardwolf PINNIPEDIA Seals and walruses OdobenidaeOdobenus rosmarusCanada WalrusesAtlantic walrus ARTIODACTYLA Even-toed ungulates HippopotamidaeHippopotamus amphibius(C 2)Ghana HippopotamusesCommon hippopotamus TraguilidaeHyemoschus aquaticusGhana ChevrotainsWater chevrotain CervidaeCervus elaphus barbarusTunisia True deerBarbary deer Mazama americana cerasinaGuatemala Costa Rican red brocket Odocoileus virginianus mayensisGuatemala BovidaeAntilope cervicapraNepal Cattle, sheep, goats, antelopes, etc.Blackbuck or Indian antelope Boocercus eurycerus =380Ghana Bongo Bubalus bubalisNepal Asiatic or water buffalo, or arna Damaliscus lunatusGhana Swift topi or sassaby Gazella cuvieriTunisia Cuvier's gazelle Gazella dorcasTunisia Dorcas gazelle Gazella leptocerosTunisia Slender-horned or Loder's gazelle Tetracerus quadricornisNepal Four-horned antelope or chousingha Tragelaphus spekeiGhana Sitatunga or marshbuch AVES BIRDS RHEIFORMES Rheas RheidaeRhea americana ()Uruguay RheasCommon rhea or nandu, so South American ostrich CICONIIFORMES Wading birds (herons and kin) ArdeidaeArdea goliathGhana Herons and bitternsGoliath heron Bubulcus ibis =381(C 1)Ghana Cattle egret Casmerodius albus =382(C 1)Ghana Common or great egret Egretta garzetta(C 1)Ghana Little egret CiconiidaeEphippiorhynchus senegalensisGhana StorksSaddle-billed stork Leptoptilos crumeniferusGhana Marabou (adjutant) stork ThreskiornithidaeHagedashia hagedashGhana Ibises and spoonbillsHadada ibis Lampribis raraGhana Spotted-breasted ibis Threskiornis aethiopicusGhana Sacred ibis ANSERIFORMES Waterfowl AnatidaeAlopochen aegyptiacus(C 1)Ghana Ducks, geese and swansEgyptian goose Anas acutaGhana Common pintail Anas capensisGhana Cape teal Anas clypeata =383Ghana Northern Shoveller Anas creccaGhana Common teal Anas penelopeGhana Eurasian wigeon Anas querquedula(C 1)Ghana Garganey Aythya nyroca =384(C 1)Ghana Ferruginous duck Cairina moschataHonduras Muscovy duck Dendrocygna autumnalisHonduras Red-billed whistling duck Dendrocygna bicolor =385Ghana, Honduras Fulvous whistling duck Dendrocygna viduataGhana Write faced tree duck Nettapus auritusGhana African pygmy goose Plectropterus gambensisGhana Spur-winged goose Pteronetta hartlaubii =386Ghana Hartlaub's duck FALCONIFORMESSarcoramphus papaHonduras CathardidaeKing vulture GALLIFORMES Gamebirds or fowl-like birds CracidaeCrax albertiColombia Curassows and guansBlue-billed curassow Crax daubentoniColombia Yellow-knobbed curassow Crax globulosaColombia Wattled curassow Crax pauxi =387Colombia Helmeted curassow Crax rubra(C 2)Colombia, Costa Rica,
Great curassowGuatemala, Honduras Ortalis vetula(C 2)Guatemala, Honduras Plain chachalaca Penelope purpurascensHonduras Crested guan Penelopina nigra(C 2)Guatemala Highland guan PhasianidaeAgelastes meleagridesGhana Pheasants, partridges, quails andWhite-breasted guinea fowl peacocks Agriocharis ocellataGuatemala Ocellated turkey Arborophila brunneopectus =388Malaysia Brown-breasted tree partridge Arborophila charltoniiMalaysia Chesnut-breasted tree partridge Caloperdix oculeaMalaysia Ferruginous wood partridge Lophura erythrophthalmaMalaysia Crestless fireback pheasant Lophura ignitaMalaysia Crested fireback pheasant Melanoperdix nigraMalaysia Black wood partridge Polyplectron inopinatumMalaysia Rotschild's peacock-pheasant, mountain peacock-pheasant Rhizothera longirostrisMalaysia Long-billed wood partridge Rollulus rouloulMalaysia Crested wood partridge or roulroul Tragopan satyraNepal Horned tragopan or pheasant, satyn tragopan CHARADRIIFORMES BurhinidaeBurhinus bistriatusGuatemala Thick-kneesDouble striped thick-knee COLUMBIFORMES Pigeons, sandgrouse and dodos ColumbidaeColumba guineaGhana Pigeons and dovesSpeckled pigeon or Guinea pigeon Columba iriditorques =389Ghana Bronze-naped pigeon Columba livia(C 1)Ghana Rock dove Columba unicinctaGhana African wood pigeon or Afer pigeon Nesoenas mayeri =390Mauritius Pink pigeon Oena capensisGhana Masked, cape or namaqua dove Streptopelia decipiensGhana Mourning dove Streptopelia roseogriseaGhana Pink-headed dove Streptopelia semitorquataGhana Senegal, palm or laughing dove Streptopelia senegalensisGhana Red-eyed dove Streptopelia turturGhana Turtle dove Streptopelia vinaceaGhana Vinaceous dove Treron calva =391Ghana African green pigeon Treron waaliaGhana Yellow-bellied green pigeon Turtur abyssinicusGhana Black-billed wood dove Turtur aferGhana Blue-spotted wood dove Turtur brehmeri =392Ghana Blue-headed wood dove Turtur tympanistria =393Ghana Tambourine dove PSITTACIFORMES Parrots and kin PsittacidaePsittacula krameriGhana ParrotsRing-necked parrakeet CUCULIFORMES Cuckoos and kin MusophagidaeCorythaeola cristataGhana Turacos or plantain eatersGreat blue turaco Crinifer piscatorGhana Western grey plantain-eater Musophaga violaceaGhana Violet turaco Tauraco macrorhynchusGhana Crested turaco PICIFORMES RamphastidaeRamphastos sulfuratusGuatemala ToucansKeel-billed toucans PASSERIFORMES Song birds or perching birds CotingidaeCephalopterus ornatusColombia CotingasAmazonian umbrella-bird Cephalopterus penduligerColombia Long-wattled umbrella-bird PittidaePitta guajanaThailand PittasBlue tailed pitta or banded pitta Pitta gurneyiThailand Gurney's pitta MuscicapidaeBebrornis rodericanusMauritius Old World flycarchersRodrigues warbler Tchitrea bourbonnensis =394Mauritius Mascarene paradise flycatcher IcteridaeXanthopsar flavusUruguay IcteridsSaffron-cowled blackbird FringillidaeSerinus gularisGhana Finches or New World seed-eatersStreaky-headed seed-eater Serinus leucopygiusGhana Grey-fronted canary or grey singing finch Serinus mozambicusGhana Yellow-fronted canary or green singing finch EstrildidaeAmadina fasciataGhana EstrildidfinchesCut-throat weaver, cut-throat or ribbon finch Amandava subflava =395Ghana Zebra waxbill, golden or orange-breasted waxbill Estrilda astrildGhana Common waxbill or St Helena waxbill Estrilda caerulescensGhana Lavender finch or lavender waxbill Estrilda melpodaGhana Orange-cheeked waxbill Estrilda troglodytesGhana Grey, red-eared, pink-cheeked or black-rumped waxbill Lagonosticta larvata =396Ghana Black-faced or masked-firefinch Lagonosticta raraGhana Black-belliedmarant firefinch Lagonosticta rubricataGhana Blue-billed firefinch Lagonosticta rufopictaGhana Bar-breasted firefinch Lagonosticta senegalaGhana Senegal or red-billed firefinch Lonchura bicolor =397Ghana Black-and-white, black-breasted or rufous- backed mannikin Lonchura cucullata =397Ghana Bronze mannikin Lonchura fringilloides =397Ghana Magpie mannikin Lonchura malabarica =398Ghana Silverbill, white-throated munia Mandingoa nitidula =399Ghana Green-backed twinspot Nesocharis capistrataGhana Grey-headed oliveback Nigrita bicolorGhana Chesnut-breasted negro finch Nigrita canicapillaGhana Grey-crowned negro-finch Nigrita fusconotaGhana White-breasted negro finch Nigrita luteifronsGhana Pale-fronted negro finch Ortygospiza atricollisGhana African quailfinch Parmoptila woodhousei =400Ghana Flowerpecker weaver finch Pholidornis rushiaeGhana Tit-hylia Pyrenestes ostrinus =401Ghana Black-bellied seedcracker Pytilia hypogrammicaGhana Yellow-winged or red-faced pytilia Pytilia phoenicopteraGhana Crimson-winged pytilia or aurora finch Spermophaga haematinaGhana Blue-billed weaver or western bluebill Uraeginthus bengalus =402Ghana Cordon-bleu PloceidaeAmblyospiza albifronsGhana Weaver-birdsGrosbeak weaver Anomalospiza imberbisGhana Cuckoo weaver Bubalornis albirostris =403Ghana White-billed buffalo weaver Euplectes afer =404Ghana Yellow-crowned bishop, golden bishop, Napoleon weaver Euplectes ardens =405Ghana Red-collared widow-bird or whydah Euplectes hordeaceusGhana Black-winged red bishop Euplectes macrourus =406Ghana Yellow-mantled widow-bird, yellow-backed or yellow-mantled whydah Euplectes orix =407Ghana Red bishop, orange or grenadier weaver Malimbus cassiniGhana Black-throated malimbe Malimbus malimbicusGhana Crested malimbe Malimbus nitensGhana Blue-billed malimbe Malimbus rubriceps =408Ghana Red-headed weaver Malimbus rubricollisGhana Red-necked weaver Malimbus scutatusGhana Red-vented malimbe Passer griseus =409Ghana Grey-headed sparrow Petronia dentataGhana Bush-sparrow Plocepasser superciliosusGhana Chestnut-crowned sparrow-weaver Ploceus albinuchaGhana Maxwell's black weaver Ploceus aurantiusGhana Orange weaver Ploceus cucullatus =410Ghana Rufous-necked, black-headed, spotted-backed or village weaver Ploceus heuglini =411Ghana Heuglin's masked weaver Ploceus luteolus =412Ghana Little weaver Ploceus melanocephalus =413Ghana Black-headed weaver Ploceus nigerrimusGhana Vieillot's black weaver Ploceus nigricollisGhana Black-necked weaver Ploceus pelzelniGhana Stender-billed weaver Ploceus preussiGhana Yellow-capped weaver Ploceus superciliosusGhana Compact weaver Ploceus tricolorGhana Yellow-mantled weaver Ploceus velatus =414Ghana Vitelline or half-masked weaver Quelea erythropsGhana Red-headed quelea Sporopipes frontalisGhana Speckle-fronted weaver Vidua chalybeata =415Ghana Village indigo-bird, steel finch, Senegal combassou Vidua interjectaGhana Uelle paradise whydah Vidua larvaticolaGhana Bako indigo-bird Vidua macrouraGhana Pin-tailed whydah Vidua paradisaea =416Ghana Broad-tailed paradise whydah Vidua raricolaGhana Jambandu indigo-bird Vidua togoensisGhana Togo paradise whydah Vidua wilsoniGhana Pale-winged indigo-bird, Wilson's indigo-bird REPTILIA REPTILES TESTUDINATA Chelonians (tortoises, terrapins and turtles) TrionychidaeTrionyx triunguisGhana Soft-shelled turtlesNile soft-shelled turtle PelomedusidaePelomedusa subrufaGhana Side-necked turtlesHelmeted turtle Pelusios adansoniiGhana Adanson's mud turtle Pelusios castaneusGhana West African mud turtle Pelusios gabonensis =417Ghana Stripe-backed side necked turtle Pelusios nigerGhana Black side-necked turtle SERPENTES Snakes ColubridaeAtretium schistosumIndia HarmlessOlive keelback water snake Cerberus rhynchopsIndia Dog-faced water snake Ptyas muscosusIndia Common rat-snake Xenochrophis piscator =418India Checkered water snake ElapidaeMicrurus diastemaHonduras Front-fanged snakesAtlantic coral snake Micrurus nigrocinctusHonduras Black-banded coral snake Naja najaIndia Asiatic cobra Ophiophagus hannahIndia King cobra ViperidaeAgkistrodon bilineatusHonduras VipersCantil Bothrops asperHonduras Yellow-jawed tommygoff or Barba amarilla or Fer-de-lance Bothrops nasutusHonduras Horned hog-nose pit viper Bothrops nummiferHonduras Jumping viper Bothrops ophryomegasHonduras Corniz Bothrops schlegeliiHonduras Horned palm viper or eyelash viper Crotalus durissusHonduras Neotropical rattlesnake Vipera russelliiIndia Russell's viper FLORA PLANTS GNETACEAEGnetum montanumNepal MAGNOLIACEAETalauma hodgsoniiNepal Magnolia familySafan PAPAVERACEAEMeconopsis regiaNepal Poppy family PODOCARPACEAEPodocarpus neriifoliusNepal Podocarpus familyYellow wood TETRACENTRACEAETetracentron sinenseNepal' (1)The entries ´(C 1)' ´(C 2)' after the name of a species or a higher taxon show that one or more sub-species or species, of that species or taxon, appear in part 1 or 2 of Annex C to the Regulation.
(2)The translations of the Latin names are given as a guide only.