Commission Regulation (EEC) No 954/87 of 1 April 1987 on sampling of catches for the purpose of determining the percentage of target species and protected species when fishing with small-meshed nets
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 954/87of 1 April 1987on sampling of catches for the purpose of determining the percentage of target species and protected species when fishing with small-meshed nets THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 170/83 of 25 January 1983 establishing a Community system for the conservation and management of fishery resourcesOJ No L 24, 27. 1. 1983, p. 1.,Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3094/86 of 7 October 1986, laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of fishery resourcesOJ No L 288, 11. 10. 1986, p. 1., as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 4026/86OJ No L 376, 31. 12. 1986, p. 1., and in particular Article 15 thereof,Whereas Article 2 of Regulation (EEC) No 3094/86 provides for the possibility of using one or more representative samples as the basis for determining the percentage of target species and protected species;Whereas it is appropriate to define the meaning of "representative sample";Whereas it is necessary for the purpose of this Regulation, to define the terms "small-mesh species" and "small-meshed nets";Whereas it is appropriate to define a method of sampling to be used for determining the percentage of target species and protected species when fishing with small-meshed nets;Whereas it is necessary to define the inspection procedure for the purpose of enforcement;Whereas the new rules established by the present regulation make it necessary to repeal Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3421/84 of 5 December 1984 on sampling of catches for the purpose of determining the by-catch percentage when fishing with small-meshed netsOJ No L 316, 6. 12. 1984, p. 34.;Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Fishery Resources,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
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