Council Regulation (EEC) No 3797/85 of 20 December 1985 laying down detailed rules concerning quantitative restrictions on imports into Portugal from third countries of certain agricultural products subject to the system of transition by stages Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31985R3797 Official Journal: JOL_1985_367_R_0023_034 Form: Regulation Procedure number: -- Languages: Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: March 1, 1986 Entry into force - See Art 4 Date of end of validity: Modified by Modified by: All documents based on this document: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 596/86 of 28 February 1986 fixing the quota for imports into Portugal of maize starch from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 607/86 of 28 February 1986 fixing the initial quota for cheese imports into Portugal from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 614/86 of 28 February 1986 fixing, for 1986, the initial quotas for imports into Portugal of certain pigmeat products from third countries and certain detailed rules for the application thereof Commission Regulation (EEC) No 618/86 of 28 February 1986 fixing, for 1986, the initial quotas for imports into Portugal of certain egg and poultrymeat products from third countries and certain detailed rules for the application thereof Commission Regulation (EEC) No 637/86 of 28 February 1986 fixing the quantitative restrictions on imports into Portugal of certain fruit and vegetables from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 841/86 of 21 March 1986 fixing the initial quotas for 1986 to be opened by Portugal in respect of certain products of the wine sector from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1613/86 of 27 May 1986 amending Regulation (EEC) No 841/86 fixing the initial quotas for 1986 to be opened by Portugal in respect of certain products of the wine sector from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1995/86 of 27 June 1986 amending Regulations (EEC) No 612/86, (EEC) No 613/86, (EEC) No 614/86 and (EEC) No 615/86 as regards staggering the initial quotas for 1986 for imports of pigmeat products into Spain and Portugal Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1996/86 of 27 June 1986 amending Regulations (EEC) No 618/86, (EEC) No 619/86, (EEC) No 620/86, (EEC) No 621/86 and (EEC) No 622/86 as regards staggering the initial quotas for 1986 for imports into Portugal and Spain of egg and poultrymeat products and of meat of domestic rabbits Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3802/86 of 12 December 1986 fixing, for 1987, the quotas for imports into Portugal of certain pigmeat products from third countries and certain detailed rules for the application thereof Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3943/86 of 23 December 1986 fixing the quota, for 1987, for cheese imports into Portugal from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 34/87 of 7 January 1987 fixing the quotas for 1987 to be opened by Portugal in respect of certain products of the wine sector from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 175/87 of 22 January 1987 fixing, for 1987, the quotas for imports into Portugal of certain egg and poultrymeat products from third countries and certain detailed rules for the application thereof Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3600/87 of 30 November 1987 fixing the quota, for 1988, for cheese imports into Portugal from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3718/87 of 11 December 1987 fixing, for 1988, the quotas for imports into Portugal of certain pigmeat products from third countries and certain detailed rules for the application thereof Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3942/87 of 22 December 1987 amending Regulation (EEC) No 637/86 fixing the quantitative restrictions on imports into Portugal of certain fruit and vegetables from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 4010/87 of 22 December 1987 fixing, for 1988, the quotas for imports into Portugal of certain egg and poultrymeat products from third countries and certain detailed rules for the application thereof Commission Regulation (EEC) No 911/88 of 6 April 1988 fixing the quotas for 1988 to be opened by Portugal in respect of certain wine-sector products from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3917/88 of 15 December 1988 fixing, for 1989, the quota for imports into Portugal of live swine from third countries and certain detailed rules for the application thereof Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3935/88 of 16 December 1988 amending Regulation (EEC) No 637/86 fixing the quantitative restrictions on imports into Portugal of certain fruit and vegetables from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 351/89 of 13 February 1989 repealing Regulations (EEC) No 596/86 and (EEC) No 597/86 fixing the quotas for imports into Portugal of maize starch Commission Regulation (EEC) No 380/89 of 15 February 1989 repealing Regulation (EEC) No 3935/88 and (EEC) No 3936/88 fixing the quantitative restrictions on imports into Portugal of certain fruit and vegetables from third countries and from the Canary Islands Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1047/89 of 21 April 1989 fixing the quotas for 1989 to be opened by Portugal for certain wine-sector products from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3916/89 of 20 December 1989 fixing, for 1990, the quota for imports into Portugal of live swine from third countries and certain detailed rules for the application thereof Commission Regulation (EEC) No 468/90 of 23 February 1990 fixing the quotas for 1990 to be opened by Portugal for certain wine-sector products from third countries Modifies Affected by case Legal basis DOCUMENTS CONCERNING THE ACCESSION OF THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN AND THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC TO THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, ACT CONCERNING THE CONDITIONS OF ACCESSION OF THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN AND THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC AND THE ADJUSTMENTS TO THE TREATIES, ARTICLE 258 EuroVoc Vocabulary Import restriction Portugal Commercial policy Agricultural product Common import arrangements Quantitative restriction Quantitative restrictions Third country Agriculture and Fisheries Accession