Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1599/84 of 5 June 1984 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for products processed from fruit and vegetables
Amendments and corrections
June 11, 1991 Repealed by 31991R1558
February 16, 1990 Modified by 31990R0396 - detail
1990 Modified by 31990R0396 - detail
January 1, 1990 Modified by 31990R3688 - detail
July 1, 1989 Modified by 31989R2321 - detail
May 10, 1989 Modified by 31989R2260 - detail
December 22, 1988 Modified by 31988R3997 - detail
December 6, 1988 Modified by 31988R3794 - detail
August 2, 1988 Modified by 31988R2396 - detail
March 11, 1988 Modified by 31988R0648 - detail
February 12, 1988 Modified by 31988R0392 - detail
1988 Modified by 31988R2396 - detail
July 24, 1987 Modified by 31987R2163 - detail
December 27, 1986 Modified by 31986R3951 - detail
April 25, 1986 Modified by 31986R1155 - detail
1986 Modified by 31986R3445 - detail
1986 Modified by 31986R0518 - detail
June 4, 1985 Modified by 31985R1455 - detail
March 6, 1985 Corrected by 31984R1599R(04)
November 8, 1984 Corrected by 31984R1599R(03)
August 3, 1984 Corrected by 31984R1599R(02)
July 1, 1984 Application - Varied dates See Art 21
June 19, 1984 Corrected by 31984R1599R(01)
June 11, 1984 Entry into force - Date pub. + 3 See Art 21
1984 Modified by 31984R2040 - detail
Consolidated texts