Commission Regulation (EEC) No 844/83 of 8 April 1983 on arrangements for imports into the United Kingdom and France of certain textile products originating in Macao



of 8 April 1983

on arrangements for imports into the United Kingdom and France of certain textile products originating in Macao



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3589/82 of 23 December 1982 on common rules for imports of certain textile products originating in third countries (1), and in particular Articles 11 and 15 thereof,

Whereas Article 11 of Regulation (EEC) No 3589/82 lays down the conditions on which quantitative limitations may be established; whereas during the negotiations of the bilateral agreement consultations were envisaged; whereas these took place on 1 February 1983 in conformity with the provisions of paragraph 5 of the above Article;

Whereas following these consultations it is necessary to make the imports of knitted and crocheted outer garments (category 71) and of occupational clothing (category 76) into the United Kingdom, and of women's, girls' and infants' suits (categories 74 and 75) and of women's, girls' and infants' outer garments (category 80) into France, originating in Macao, subject to quantitative limitations for the years 1983 to 1986;

Whereas Article 11 (13) ensures that the quantitative limit is observed by means of a double-checking system in accordance with Annex V to the aforesaid Regulation;

Whereas the products in question exported from Macao between 1 January 1983 and the date of entry into force of this Regulation must be set off against the quantitative limit for 1983;

Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Textiles Committee,


Article 1

Importation into the United Kingdom and France of the categories of products originating in Macao and specified in the Annex hereto shall be subject to the quantitative limits given in that Annex and to the provisions of Article 2 (1).

Article 2

1. The products as referred to in Article 1 shipped from Macao to the United Kingdom and France before the date of entry into force of this Regulation, which have not yet been released for free circulation, shall be so released subject to the presentation of a bill of lading or other transport document proving that shipment actually took place during that period.

2. Imports of products shipped from Macao to the United Kingdom and France after the entry into force of this Regulation shall be subject to the double-checking system described in Annex V to Regulation (EEC) No 3589/82.

3. For the purposes of applying the provisions of paragraph 2, the quantities of products shipped from Macao on or after 1 January 1983 and released for free circulation shall be set off against the quantitative limit established for 1983.

Article 3

This Regulation shall enter into force on the second day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

It shall apply until 31 December 1986.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 8 April 1983.

For the Commission

Karl-Heinz NARJES

Member of the Commission

(1) OJ No L 374, 31. 12. 1982, p. 106.

ANNEX // // // // // // // // // Cate- gory // CCT heading No // NIMEXE code (1983) // Description // Member states // Units // Years // Quantitative limits // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // 71 // 60.05 A II b) 1 // // Outer garments and other articles, knitted or crocheted, not elastic or rubberized: A. Outer garments and clothing accessories: II. Other: b) Other: 1. Babies' garments; girls' garments up to and including commercial size 86 // UK // Tonnes // 1983 1984 1985 1986 // 65 67 70 72 // // // 60.05-06, 07, 08, 09 // Babies' knitted outer garments, of wool, of cotton or of man-made textile fibres // // // // // // // // // // // // // 74 and 75 // 60.05 A II b) 4 gg) 11 22 33 44 // 60.05-71, 72, 73, 74 // Outer garments and other articles, knitted or crocheted, not elastic or rubberized: A. Outer garments and clothing accessories: II. Other: Women's, girls' and infants' (other than babies') suits and costumes (including coordinate suits consisting of two or three pieces which are ordered, packed, consigned and normally sold together), of knitted or crocheted fabric, not elastic or rubberized, of wool, of cotton or of man-made textile fibres, excluding ski suits // F // 1 000 (1) pieces // 1983 1984 1985 1986 // 750 (2) 780 811 844 // // 60.05 A II b) 4 ff) // 60.05-66, 68 // Outer garments and other articles, knitted or crocheted, not elastic or rubberized: A. Outer garments and clothing accessories: II. Other: Men's and boys' suits (including coordinate suits consisting of two or three pieces which are ordered, packed, consigned and normally sold together), of knitted or crocheted fabric, not elastic or rubberized, of wool, of cotton or of man-made textile fibres, excluding ski suits // // // // // 1,8 // (1) Equivalence: 950 g per piece. (2) Categories 74 and 75 have been merged; category 74 was already subject to quantitative limitation. // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // Cate- gory // CCT heading No // NIMEXE code (1983) // Description // Member states // Units // Years // Quantitative limits // // // // // // // // // // 76 // 61.01 B I 61.02 B II a) // 61.01-13, 15, 17, 19 61.02-12, 14 // Men's and boys' outer garments: Women's, girls' and infants' outer garments: B. Other: Men's and boys' woven industrial and occupational clothing; women's, girls' and infants' woven aprons, smock-overalls and other industrial and occupational clothing (whether or not also suitable for domestic use), of wool, of cotton or of man-made textile fibres // UK // Tonnes // 1983 1984 1985 1986 // 330 338 347 356 // // // // // // // // // 80 // 61.02 A 61.04 A // 61.02-01, 03 61.04-01, 09 // Women's, girls' and infants' outer garments: A. Babies' garments; girls' garments up to and including commercial size 86: Women's, girls' and infants' under garments: A. Babies' garments; girls' garments up to and including commercial size 86: Babies' woven garments of wool, of cotton or of man-made textile fibres // F // Tonnes // 1983 1984 1985 1986 // 70 73 76 79 // // // // // // // //