Commission Regulation (EEC) No 594/83 of 14 March 1983 continuing the measures referred to in Regulation (EEC) No 273/82 in respect of technical assistance for the development of the use and consumption of milk products of Community origin outside the Community
- No longer in force
- CELEX number: 31983R0594
- Official Journal: JOL_1983_071_R_0024_014
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: --
- Languages:
- da
- de
- el
- en
- fr
- it
- nl
Date of document: - March 14, 1983
- March 17, 1983
- March 20, 1983
- Entry into force - Date pub. + 3 See Art 9
- March 31, 1986
- See Art. 1
Modified by
Modified by:
- Commission Regulation (EEC) No 790/86 of 18 March 1986 amending Regulations (EEC) No 592/83 and (EEC) No 594/83 as regards the time limits for completion of the measures for the expansion of the markets in milk and milk products - detail
- Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2863/83 of 13 October 1983 altering the deadlines for concluding the contracts specified in Regulations (EEC) No 592/83 and (EEC) No 594/83 concerning measures for expanding the markets in milk and milk products - detail
- Commission Regulation (EEC) No 280/84 of 1 February 1984 altering the time limits for implementation of the measures referred to in Regulation (EEC) No 592/83 and (EEC) No 594/83 on measures for expanding the markets in milk and milk products - detail
Affected by case
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Milk products
- European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)
- Milk products