Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2630/81 of 10 September 1981 on special detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences in the sugar sector
Amendments and corrections
October 1, 1995 Repealed by 31995R1464
July 1, 1993 Modified by 31993R1754 - detail
April 21, 1992 Modified by 31992R1170 - detail
January 1, 1988 Modified by 31988R1714 - detail
March 1, 1986 Modified by 31985R3819 - detail
November 28, 1982 Modified by 31982R3130 - detail
October 23, 1981 Modified by 31981R3027 - detail
September 21, 1981 Entry into force - Date pub. + 10 See Art 12
September 19, 1981 Corrected by 31981R2630R(01)
Consolidated texts