Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2755/80 of 28 October 1980 on the conditions for implementing and suspending intervention buying in of sheepmeat
Amendments and corrections
1989 Modified by 31989R2070 - detail
1988 Modified by 31988R1982 - detail
July 15, 1987 Modified by 31987R2069 - detail
1986 Modified by 31986R2109 - detail
July 15, 1985 Modified by 31985R1717 - detail
July 15, 1984 Modified by 31984R2048 - detail
July 15, 1983 Modified by 31983R1884 - detail
July 15, 1982 Modified by 31982R1962 - detail
October 30, 1980 Entry into force - See Art 3
Consolidated texts