Commission Regulation (EEC) No 798/80 of 31 March 1980 laying down general rules on the advance payment of export refunds and positive monetary compensatory amounts in respect of agricultural products
Amendments and corrections
January 1, 1988 Repealed by 31987R3665
March 1, 1987 Modified by 31987R0471 - detail
December 23, 1986 Modified by 31986R3903 - detail
September 29, 1986 Modified by 31986R2965 - detail
December 8, 1985 Modified by 31985R3445 - detail
April 15, 1985 Modified by 31985R0952 - detail
August 20, 1984 Modified by 31984R2267 - detail
July 7, 1981 Corrected by 31980R0798R(02)
January 1, 1981 Modified by 31981R1663 - detail
November 1, 1980 Modified by 31980R2674 - detail
June 18, 1980 Corrected by 31980R0798R(01)
April 1, 1980 Entry into force - See Art 14
Consolidated texts