Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2990/76 of 9 December 1976 on special detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences for sugar
Amendments and corrections
September 20, 1981 Repealed by 31981R2630
February 14, 1981 Modified by 31981R0342 - detail
January 1, 1981 Modified by 31980R3475 - detail
June 26, 1978 Modified by 31978R1367 - detail
August 5, 1977 Modified by 31977R1790 - detail
July 22, 1977 Modified by 31977R1634 - detail
February 18, 1977 Corrected by 31976R2990R(01)
February 10, 1977 Modified by 31977R0278 - detail
December 20, 1976 Entry into force - See Art 12
Consolidated texts