Council Directive 76/625/EEC of 20 July 1976 concerning the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States in order to determine the production potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees
Modified by
  • Council Directiveof 14 February 1977(77/159/EEC), 31977L0159, February 19, 1977
  • Act of Accession of Greece, 11979H, November 19, 1979
  • Council Directiveof 15 December 1981(81/1015/EEC), 31981L1015, December 23, 1981
  • Council Regulation (EEC) No 3768/85of 20 December 1985, 31985R3768, December 31, 1985
  • Council Directiveof 25 February 1986(86/84/EEC), 31986L0084, March 22, 1986
  • Council Directiveof 18 December 1986(86/652/EEC), 31986L0652, December 31, 1986
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1057/91of 26 April 1991, 31991R1057, April 27, 1991
  • Act of Accession of Austria, Sweden and Finland(adapted by Council Decision 95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 11994N31995D0001, August 29, 1994
  • (adapted by Council Decision 95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 31995D0001, January 1, 1995
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1103/97of 17 June 1997on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro, 31997R1103, June 19, 1997
  • Directive 1999/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 23 November 1999amending Council Directive 76/625/EEC concerning the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States in order to determine the production potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees, 31999L0087, January 21, 2000
  • Directive 2001/109/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 19 December 2001concerning the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States in order to determine the production potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees, 32001L0109, January 16, 2002
Council Directiveof 20 July 1976concerning the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States in order to determine the production potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees(76/625/EEC) XXXThis act has been trimmed due to parser errors since it has been repealed.XXX
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