Regulation (EEC) No 1120/75 of the Commission of 17 April 1975 laying down conditions for the entry of port, Madeira, sherry, Setubal muscatel and Tokay (Aszu and Szamorodni) wines falling within subheading 22.05 C III a) 1 and b) 1 and 2 and 22.05 C IV a) 1 and b) 1 and 2 of the Common Customs Tariff
Amendments and corrections
December 31, 1987 Repealed by 31987R4131
December 2, 1983 Modified by 31983R3391 - detail
January 1, 1981 Modified by 11979HN01/01
July 1, 1977 Modified by 31977R1216 - detail
July 1, 1976 Modified by 31976R1379 - detail
January 1, 1976 Modified by 31975R3277 - detail
July 1, 1975 Entry into force - See Art 7
Consolidated texts