Regulation (EEC) No 1579/74 of the Commission of 24 June 1974 on the procedure for calculating the import levy on products processed from cereals and from rice and for the advance fixing of this levy for these products and for compound feedingstuffs manufactured from cereals
Regulation (EEC) No 1579/74 of the Commissionof 24 June 1974on the procedure for calculating the import levy on products processed from cereals and from rice and for the advance fixing of this levy for these products and for compound feedingstuffs manufactured from cereals THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community;Having regard to Council Regulation No 120/67/EECOJ No 117, 19. 6. 1967, p. 2269/67. of 13 June 1967 on the common organization of the market in cereals, as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1125/74OJ No L 128, 10. 5. 1974, p. 12., and in particular Articles 15 (3) and 24 thereof;Having regard to Council Regulation No 359/67/EECOJ No 174, 31. 7. 1967, p. 1. of 25 July 1967 on the common organization of the market in rice, as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1129/74OJ No L 128, 10. 5. 1974, p. 20., and in particular Articles 13 (3) and 25 thereof;Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1052/68OJ No L 179, 25. 5. 1968, p. 8. of 23 July 1968 on the import and export system for products processed from cereals and from rice, as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 881/73OJ No L 86, 31. 3. 1973, p. 30., and in particular Articles 2 (2) and 5 thereof;Whereas the variable component of the levy on the processed products covered by Regulation (EEC) No 1052/68 is normally fixed for a month and altered in the intervening period in line with variations of the levy on the basic product; whereas these variations do not always have an immediate effect on the price of imported processed products; whereas, moreover, the abovementioned Regulation provided that the variable component should not be altered during the month unless the variation in the levy on basic products reaches a certain limit to be fixed;Whereas, with a view to the implementation of Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 1052/68, the variable component of the levy on processed products qualifying for a production refund granted on basic products used in their manufacture should be reduced by the amount of such refund on the quantities of such products used for calculating the variable component;Whereas, in accordance with Article 15 (3) of Regulation 120/67/EEC and Article 13 (3) of Regulation No 359/67/EEC, the provisions for the advance fixing of the import levy may be extended in whole or in part to cover processed products and compound feeding stuffs manufactured from cereals; whereas, in view of market conditions and the requirements of international trade, in respect of these products, such extension should now be carried out;Whereas, owing to the conditions in and the sensitivity of the malt trade, provision should be made, where a levy is fixed in advance, for the charging of a premium so that malt imported under this system reaches the Community under conditions that cannot upset the market;Whereas Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1080/68OJ No L 181, 27. 7. 1968, p. 6. of 26 July 1968 on the procedure for calculating the levy on products processed from cereals and from rice and for the advance fixing of the levy for some of these products, as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1047/73OJ No L 104, 19. 4. 1973, p. 30., provides for the advance fixing of the import levy only for certain processed products; whereas, moreover, that Regulation has been amended several times; whereas, in the interests of clarity, it should be replaced by this Regulation;Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the Opinion of the Management Committee for Cereals,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
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