Regulation (EEC) No 1259/72 of the Commission of 16 June 1972 on the disposal of butter at a reduced price to certain Community processing undertakings
Amendments and corrections
January 31, 1975 Repealed by 31975R0232
November 10, 1974 Modified by 31974R2819 - detail
September 4, 1974 Modified by 31974R2273 - detail
June 24, 1974 Modified by 31974R1570 - detail
April 9, 1974 Modified by 31974R0816 - detail
March 13, 1974 Modified by 31974R0576 - detail
March 13, 1974 Modified by 31974R0561 - detail
February 1, 1974 Modified by 31974R0324 - detail
August 18, 1973 Modified by 31973R2248 - detail
July 18, 1973 Modified by 31973R1910 - detail
May 18, 1973 Modified by 31973R1237 - detail
May 6, 1973 Modified by 31973R1175 - detail
April 15, 1973 Modified by 31973R1008 - detail
March 10, 1973 Modified by 31973R0677 - detail
February 28, 1973 Modified by 31973R0555 - detail
February 1, 1973 Modified by 31973R0453 - detail
February 1, 1973 Modified by 31973R0376 - detail
October 11, 1972 Modified by 31972R2161 - detail
August 9, 1972 Modified by 31972R1716 - detail
July 14, 1972 Corrected by 31972R1259R(01)
June 20, 1972 Entry into force - See Art 21 OJ +3
1972 Modified by 31972R1716 - detail
1972 Modified by 31972R2815 - detail
Consolidated texts