Regulation (EEC) No 193/70 of the Commission of 2 February 1970 establishing the procedure for giving effect to measures to promote the marketing of oranges and mandarins in the Community
Amendments and corrections
September 30, 1975 Repealed by 31975R2498
February 2, 1975 Modified by 31975R0261 - detail
December 13, 1974 Modified by 31974R3135 - detail
December 7, 1973 Modified by 31973R3302 - detail
January 1, 1973 Modified by 31973D0101(01)
December 9, 1972 Modified by 31972R2592 - detail
December 16, 1971 Modified by 31971R2672 - detail
1971 Modified by 31971R2672 - detail
December 12, 1970 Modified by 31970R2509 - detail
February 27, 1970 Modified by 31970R0344 - detail
February 3, 1970 Entry into force - See Art 10 OJ
February 3, 1970 Modified by 31971R0562 - detail
February 3, 1970 Modified by 31971R0282 - detail
1970 Modified by 31970R0344 - detail
Consolidated texts