Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 of the Commission of 27 July 1968 on detailed rules of application for intervention on the market in Grana padano and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31968R1107 Official Journal: JOL_1968_184_R_0029_018 Form: Regulation Procedure number: -- Languages: Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: July 29, 1968 Entry into force - See Art 18 Date of end of validity: Modified by Modified by: Regulation (EEC) No 859/75 of the Commission of 2 April 1975 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 on detailed rules of application for intervention on the market in Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1442/83 of 3 June 1983 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1107/68 and (EEC) No 2496/78 as regards the level of aid for the private storage of Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano and Provolone cheeses
detail Regulation (EEC) No 2704/74 of the Commission of 25 October 1974 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 as regards private storage aid for Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses
detail Regulation (EEC) No 1093/75 of the Commission of 28 April 1975 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1107/68 and (EEC) No 1108/68 as regards the conditions for the purchase by the intervention agencies of certain cheeses and skimmed-milk powder
detail Règlement (CEE) n° 1479/70 de la Commission, du 23 juillet 1970, modifiant différents règlements de la Commission à la suite de la fixation des prix pour la campagne laitière 1970/1971
detail Regulation (EEC) No 71/75 of the Commission of 13 January 1975 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 as regards the fat content of Grana Padano cheese bought in by intervention agencies
detail COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 2441/93 of 2 September 1993 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 on detailed rules of application for intervention on the market in Grana padano and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses
detail Regulation (EEC) No 2329/74 of the Commission of 11 September 1974 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 as regards transport costs for Grana Padano and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses bought in by intervention agencies
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1756/93 of 30 June 1993 fixing the operative events for the agricultural conversion rate applicable to milk and milk products
detail Règlement (CEE) n° 2437/69 de la Commission, du 6 décembre 1969, prorogeant différents règlements de la Commission pour la campagne laitière 1969/1970
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3493/88 of 9 November 1988 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1107/68, (EEC) No 685/69, (EEC) No 625/78 and (EEC) No 1362/87 as regards conditions that must be met for intervention buying in and the grant of aid for private storage in the milk and milk products sector
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1681/78 of 17 July 1978 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 on detailed rules of application for intervention on the market in Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2159/80 of 13 August 1980 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1107/68 and (EEC) No 2496/78 as regards the level of aid for the private storage of Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano and Provolone cheeses
detail Regulation (EEC) No 2165/73 of the Commission of 8 August 1973 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 in respect of private storage aid for Grana padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses
detail COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 1752/93 of 30 June 1993 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 on detailed rules of application for intervention on the market in Grana padano and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses
detail Regulation (EEC) No 699/75 of the Commission of 17 March 1975 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 on detailed rules of application for intervention on the market in Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses
detail Commission Regulation (EC) No 1003/94 of 29 April 1994 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 on detailed rules of application for intervention on the market in Grana padano and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1758/82 of 2 July 1982 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1107/68 and (EEC) No 2496/78 as regards the level of aid for the private storage of Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano and Provolone cheeses
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2793/83 of 6 October 1983 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1107/68, (EEC) No 2496/78, (EEC) No 1402/83 and (EEC) No 1441/83 with regard to the detailed rules for the granting of private storage aid for Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano, Provolone, Pecorino Romano and other long-keeping cheeses
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2211/79 of 10 October 1979 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1107/68 and (EEC) No 2496/78 with regard to the detailed rules for the granting of private storage aid for Grana Padano, Parmigiano-Reggiano and Provolone cheeses
detail Regulation (EEC) No 871/72 of the Commission of 27 April 1972 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 in respect of private storage aid for Grana padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1526/90 of 6 June 1990 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 on detailed rules of application for intervention on the market in Grana Padano and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses
detail Regulation (EEC) No 714/74 of the Commission of 29 March 1974 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 in respect of private storage aid for Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 14/84 of 4 January 1984 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1107/68, (EEC) No 2496/78, (EEC) No 1402/83, (EEC) No 1441/83 and (EEC) No 2769/83 with regard to the detailed rules for the granting of private storage aid for certain cheeses
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 250/76 of 4 February 1976 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 on detailed rules of application for intervention on the market in Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses
detail Regulation (EEC) No 755/71 of the Commission of 7 April 1971 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1107/68 as regards private storage aid for Grana padano and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
detail Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1261/81 of 12 May 1981 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1107/68 and (EEC) No 2496/78 as regards the level of aid for the private storage of Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano and Provolone cheeses
detail Derogated in: Repealed by: Modifies Affected by case Legal basis EuroVoc Vocabulary Milk products European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) Milk products