Regulation (EEC) No 821/68 of the Commission of 28 June 1968 on the definition, applicable to the granting of export refunds, of hulled grains and pearled grains of cereals Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31968R0821 Official Journal: JOL_1968_149_R_0046_020 Form: Regulation Procedure number: -- Languages: bg cs da de el en et fi fr hu it lv lt mt nl pl pt ro sk sl es sv Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: July 1, 1968 Entry into force - See Art 2 Date of end of validity: Modified by Modified by: Commission Regulation (EC) No 39/2007 of 17 January 2007 correcting the Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish versions of Regulation (EEC) No 821/68 on the definition, applicable to the granting of export refunds, of hulled grains and pearled grains of cereals
detail Regulation (EEC) No 1634/71 of the Commission of 27 July 1971 amending Commission Regulation (EEC) No 821/68 of 28 June 1968 on the definition, applicable to the granting of export refunds, of hulled grains and pearled grains of cereals
detail Repealed by: Modifies Affected by case Legal basis EuroVoc Vocabulary Agro-industry Quality standard Cereals Export refund Cereals Cereals