Regulation No 132/67/EEC of the Council of 13 June 1967 laying down general rules for intervention on the market in cereals
- No longer in force
- CELEX number: 31967R0132
- Official Journal: JOP_1967_120_2364_005
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: --
- Languages:
- da
- de
- en
- fr
- it
- nl
Date of document: - June 13, 1967
- June 21, 1967
- July 1, 1967
- Entry into force - See Art 5
- October 31, 1975
- Repealed by 31975R2738
Modified by
Modified by:
All documents based on this document:
- Regulation (EEC) No 1984/73 of the Council of 19 July 1973 defining special conditions for the sale of common wheat held by the Italian intervention agency
- Regulation (EEC) No 2043/73 of the Commission of 27 July 1973 authorizing the Republic of Italy to place on sale under the conditions provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 1984/73 a suplementary quantity of common wheat
- Regulation (EEC) No 2103/73 of the Council of 1 August 1973 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1984/73 defining special conditions for the sale of common wheat held by the Italian intervention agency
- Regulation (EEC) No 2104/73 of the Council of 1 August 1973 on the transfer to and sale by the Italian intervention agency of common wheat held by the German, French and Belgian intervention agencies
Derogated in:
- Regulation (EEC) No 1984/73 of the Council of 19 July 1973 defining special conditions for the sale of common wheat held by the Italian intervention agency
- Regulation (EEC) No 2104/73 of the Council of 1 August 1973 on the transfer to and sale by the Italian intervention agency of common wheat held by the German, French and Belgian intervention agencies
Affected by case
- Judgment of the Court of 1 February 1972. Hagen OGH v Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle für Getreide und Futtermittel. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Hessischer Verwaltungsgerichtshof - Germany. Marketing centres. Case 49-71.
- A01
- Judgment of the Court of 1 February 1972. Wünsche OHG v Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle für Getreide und Futtermittel. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Hessischer Verwaltungsgerichtshof - Germany. Marketing centres. Case 50-71.
- A01
Legal basis
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Cereals