Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2339 of 12 December 2017 establishing a prohibition of fishing for skates and rays in Union waters of VIId by vessels flying the flag of Belgium
N | 36/TQ127 |
État membre | Belgique |
Stock | SRX/07D. (y compris condition particulière, RJC/07D., RJE/07D., RJH/07D., RJM/07D., RJN/07D., RJU/07D., RJC/*67AKD, RJH/*67AKD, RJM/*67AKD, RJN/*67AKD, RJU/*67AKD) |
Espèce | Raies ( |
Zone | Eaux de l'Union de la zone VII d |
Date de fermeture |