Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2984 of 29 November 2024 laying down implementing technical standards for the application of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to forms, formats and templates for the crypto-asset white papers
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2984of 29 November 2024laying down implementing technical standards for the application of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to forms, formats and templates for the crypto-asset white papers(Text with EEA relevance) THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 2023 on markets in crypto-assets and amending Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 and (EU) No 1095/2010 and Directives 2013/36/EU and (EU) 2019/1937OJ L 150, 9.6.2023, p. 40, ELI:, and in particular Article 6(11), third subparagraph, Article 19(10), third subparagraph, and Article 51(10) third subparagraph, thereof,Whereas:(1)In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 it is necessary to establish standard forms, formats and templates for crypto-asset white papers so that they can be made available in a machine-readable format. Those templates should provide for data fields for the information to be included in the crypto-asset white papers in accordance with that Regulation.(2)To avoid duplication of requirements and reduce the compliance burden, where a valid legal entity identifier code is provided in the crypto-asset white paper, it should not be required for the crypto-asset white paper to contain the information that is retrievable from that legal entity identifier. That concerns the following information: legal form, registered address and head office (where different) and identity of the parent company of the issuer.(3)To ensure a unique and consistent identification of the crypto-asset service provider, a crypto-asset service provider identifier is necessary in addition to the name of crypto-asset service provider. To obtain authorisation as a crypto-asset service provider, a legal entity identifier is required in accordance with Article 62(2), point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114. Therefore, for the identification of crypto asset service providers, its legal entity identifier should be provided.(4)To avoid duplication of requirements and reduce the compliance burden, where a valid Digital Token Identifier is provided in the crypto-asset white paper, it should not be required for the crypto-asset white paper to contain data that is retrievable from the Digital Token Identifier Foundation Registry. That concerns the following information: crypto-asset’s name and abbreviation, commercial name or trading name of the issuer, and distributed ledger technology.(5)To further facilitate the analysis and comparability of the crypto-asset white papers, they should be marked up using eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). XBRL is a machine-readable format which allows for the automated consumption of large amount of information. It is well established and in use in a number of jurisdictions.(6)To ensure the protection of retail investors, crypto-asset white papers should be human readable and easily accessible without specialised software. The use of Inline XBRL technology for embedding XBRL markups in XHTML documents enables such documents to be at the same time machine-readable and human readable.(7)The use of XBRL requires the development of a taxonomy. To achieve a harmonised approach to the use of XBRL, the elements of the taxonomy to be used for the crypto-asset white papers should be exclusively the fields included in the standardised templates.(8)The taxonomy for the use of XBRL is accessed in the form of XBRL files ("XBRL taxonomy files"), which provide a structured representation of the fields to be reported. The fields and their appropriate data type should be made available in a simple human-readable form. It is important that persons drawing up a crypto-asset white paper use XBRL taxonomy files that comply with all applicable technical and legal requirements. To facilitate compliance and to enhance transparency, the European Securities and Markets Authority ("ESMA") should publish the XBRL taxonomy files on its website in a machine-readable and freely downloadable format.(9)To allow time to adapt to the requirements related to the preparation of the white paper in the machine-readable format, it is necessary to defer the date of application of this Regulation by 12 months. Persons drawing up the white papers should be required to publish the relevant white papers on their websites in separate sections titled "white papers" in accordance with the requirements laid down respectively in Articles 6, 19 and 51 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 and in Annexes I, II and III to that Regulation from the date of entry into application of the relevant provisions set out in Regulation (EU) 2023/1114.(10)This Regulation is based on the draft implementing technical standards, developed by ESMA in cooperation with the European Banking Authority, submitted to the Commission by ESMA.(11)ESMA has conducted open public consultations on the draft implementing technical standards on which this Regulation is based, analysed the potential related costs and benefits and requested the advice of the Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group established in accordance with Article 37(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) No 1095/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Securities and Markets Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/77/EC (OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p. 84, ELI:,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Templates for crypto-asset white papers1.Persons drawing up a crypto-asset white paper referred to in Article 6(1), Article 19(1) or Article 51(1) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 shall provide the information required by this Regulation in a manner that is non-discriminatory, fair, clear and not misleading, presented in a concise and comprehensible form and shall not omit material information.2.The templates for the white papers for crypto-assets other than asset-referenced tokens or e-money tokens, for asset-referenced tokens and for e-money tokens are set out in the Annex respectively.
Article 2Format of the crypto-asset white paper1.Crypto-asset white papers shall be drawn up in XHTML format marking the fields set out in the Annex using Inline XBRL 1.1 specifications of the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) and shall comply with the following requirements:(a)the Inline XBRL instance document containing the crypto-asset white paper shall be submitted as a single XHTML file;(b)issuers of a crypto-asset referred to in Article 19(1) and Article 51(1) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 shall be indicated in the Inline XBRL instance document using the ISO 17442 legal entity identifier, where available;(c)persons drawing up a crypto-asset white paper referred to in Article 6(1), and other persons than the issuer drawing up a crypto-asset white paper referred to in Article 19(1) and Article 51(1) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 shall be indicated in the Inline XBRL instance document using the ISO 17442 legal entity identifier, where available, or another identifier required pursuant to applicable national law.2.Taxonomy shall be used for the drawing up of a crypto-asset white paper and the elements shall be those set out in Table 2, Table 3 or Table 4 of the Annex.
Article 3Taxonomy filesESMA may publish machine-readable and downloadable XBRL taxonomy files based on the taxonomy referred to in Article 2(2).
Article 4Entry into force and applicationThis Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.It shall apply from 23 December 2025.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 29 November 2024.For the CommissionThe PresidentUrsula von der LeyenANNEXTEMPLATES FOR THE CRYPTO-ASSET WHITE PAPERS
Table 1Legend for Tables 2, 3 and 4
{ALPHANUM-n}Up to n alphanumerical charactersFree text field.
{CFI_CODE}6 charactersISO 10962 CFI code
{COUNTRYCODE_2}2 alphanumerical characters2 letter country code, as defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
{CURRENCYCODE_3}3 alphanumerical characters3 letter currency code, as defined by ISO 4217 currency codes
{DATE_TIME_FORMAT}ISO 8601 date and time formatDate and time in the following format:YYYY-MM-DDThh: mm:ss.ddddddZ."YYYY" is the year;kos"MM" is the month;"DD" is the day;"T" – means that the letter "T" shall be used"hh" is the hour;"mm" is the minute;"ss.dddddd" is the second and its fraction of a second;Z is UTC time.Dates and times shall be reported in UTC.
{DATEFORMAT}ISO 8601 date formatDates shall be formatted in the following way: YYYY-MM-DD.
{DECIMAL-n/m}Decimal number of up to n digits in total of which up to m digits can be fraction digitsNumerical field for both positive and negative values.decimal separator is "." (full stop);negative numbers are prefixed with "-" (minus); Values are rounded and not truncated.
{DTI}9 alphanumerical charactersDigital token identifier as defined in ISO 24165 standard
{DURATION}3 charactersRepresents a duration of time expressed as number of days.
{INTEGER-n}Integer number of up to n digits in totalNumerical field for integer values.
{ISIN}12 alphanumerical charactersISIN code, as defined in ISO 6166 standard
{LEI}20 alphanumerical charactersLegal entity identifier as defined in ISO 17442 standard
{MIC}4 alphanumerical charactersMarket identifier as defined in ISO 10383
Table 2Template for white papers for crypto-assets other than asset-referenced tokens or e-money tokens
00Table of contentsTable of contentsAlphanumerical text
01Date of notificationDate of notificationYYYY-MM-DD
02Statement in accordance with Article 6(3) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Regarding offerors:"This crypto-asset white paper has not been approved by any competent authority in any Member State of the European Union. The offeror of the crypto-asset is solely responsible for the content of this crypto-asset white paper."Regarding the persons seeking admission to trading:"This crypto-asset white paper has not been approved by any competent authority in any Member State of the European Union. The person seeking admission to trading of the crypto-asset is solely responsible for the content of this crypto-asset white paper."Regarding the operators of trading platforms:"This crypto-asset white paper has not been approved by any competent authority in any Member State of the European Union. The operator of the trading platform of the crypto-asset is solely responsible for the content of this crypto-asset white paper."Predefined alphanumerical text
03Compliance statement in accordance with Article 6(6) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"This crypto-asset white paper complies with Title II of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the Council and, to the best of the knowledge of the management body, the information presented in the crypto-asset white paper is fair, clear and not misleading and the crypto-asset white paper makes no omission likely to affect its import."Predefined alphanumerical text
04Statement in accordance with Article 6(5), points (a), (b), (c), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"The crypto-asset referred to in this crypto-asset white paper may lose its value in part or in full, may not always be transferable and may not be liquid."Predefined alphanumerical text
05Statement in accordance with Article 6(5), point (d), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"The utility token referred to in this white paper may not be exchangeable against the good or service promised in this white paper, especially in the case of a failure or discontinuation of the crypto-asset project.""true" – Yes"false" – Not applicableIf Yes, Predefined alphanumerical text
06Statement in accordance with Article 6(5), points (e) and (f), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114The crypto-asset referred to in this white paper is not covered by the investor compensation schemes under Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council or the deposit guarantee schemes under Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.Predefined alphanumerical text
07Warning in accordance with Article 6(7), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"WarningThis summary should be read as an introduction to the crypto-asset white paper.The prospective holder should base any decision to purchase this crypto –asset on the content of the crypto-asset white paper as a whole and not on the summary alone.The offer to the public of this crypto-asset does not constitute an offer or solicitation to purchase financial instruments and any such offer or solicitation can be made only by means of a prospectus or other offer documents pursuant to the applicable national law.This crypto-asset white paper does not constitute a prospectus as referred to in Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council or any other offer document pursuant to Union or national law."Predefined alphanumerical text
08Characteristics of the crypto-assetA brief, clear and non-technical description of the characteristics of the crypto asset including information about rights and obligations of the purchaser, procedure and conditions for the exercise of those rights and conditions, if any, under which these rights and obligations may be modified.Free alphanumerical text
09Only applicable if field 05 is true. Information about the quality and quantity of goods or services to which the utility tokens give access and restrictions on the transferability.Free alphanumerical text
10Key information about the offer to the public or admission to tradingA brief and non-technical description of the offer to the public including information about the amount of the offer, including, where applicable, any minimum and maximum target subscription goals, issue price of the crypto-asset and subscription fees, the total number of crypto-assets to be offered; prospective holders; description, where applicable, of the various phases of the offer to the public of crypto-assets, including information on discounted purchase price for early purchasers of crypto-assets and subscription period.When applicable, the name of the crypto-asset service provider in charge of the placing of crypto-assets and the form of such placement (with or without a firm commitment basis);When applicable, a brief and non-technical description of the admission to trading, including the name of the trading platform for which the admission is sought.Free alphanumerical text
Part A - Information about the offeror or the person seeking admission to trading
A.1NameNameFree alphanumerical text
A.2Legal formOnly applicable if a (LEI) is not provided in field A.6Legal formISO standard 20275 "Financial Services – Entity Legal Forms (ELF)"
A.3Registered addressOnly applicable if a legal entity identifier is not provided in field A.6Address and country of registrationISO standard 3166-1 alpha 2 country codes and codes for their subdivisionsandFree alphanumerical text
A.4Head officeOnly applicable if an LEI is not provided in field A.6Address and country of the Head office, where different than registered addressISO standard 3166-1 alpha 2 country codes and codes for their subdivisionsandFree alphanumerical text
A.5Registration dateDate of the registrationISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
A.6Legal entity identifierLegal entity identifier of the offeror or person seeking admission to trading, when available{LEI}
A.7Another identifier required pursuant to applicable national lawField to be filled in only if a legal entity identifier is not provided in field A.6.National identifier based on the nationality of the offeror or the person seeking admission to trading, if required under the applicable national law.This field only applies to entities for which a national identifier is required in accordance with applicable national law.Free text
A.8Contact telephone numberContact telephone number of the offeror or the person seeking admission to tradingFree alphanumerical text
A.9E-mail addressE-mail address of the offeror or the person seeking admission to tradingFree alphanumerical text
A.10Response time (Days)Period of days within which an investor will receive an answer via that telephone number or e-mail address{DURATION}
A.11Parent companyField to be filled in only if a legal entity identifier is not provided in field A.6Where applicable, the name of the parent companyFree alphanumerical text
A.12Members of the management bodyIdentity, business address and functions of each person that is member of the management body, as defined in Article 3(1), point (27), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, of the offeror or the person seeking admission to tradingFree alphanumerical text presented in a tabular format
A.13Business activityBusiness or professional activity of the offeror or person seeking admission to tradingFree alphanumerical text
A.14Parent company business activityWhere applicable, business or professional activity of the parent company, including principal activities and principal marketsFree alphanumerical text
A.15Newly establishedIndication as to whether the offeror or person seeking admission to trading has been established for the past three years"true" – Yes"false" – No
A.16Financial condition for the past three yearsWhere the offeror or person seeking admission to trading has been established for the past three years, the financial condition of the offeror or person seeking admission to trading over the past three years.This shall be assessed based on a fair review of the development and performance of the business of the offeror or person seeking admission to trading and of its position for each year and interim period for which historical financial information is required, including the causes of material changes.The review shall be a balanced and comprehensive analysis of the development and performance of the business of the offeror or person seeking admission to trading and of its position, consistent with the size and complexity of the business.Free alphanumerical text
A.17Financial condition since registrationWhere the offeror or person seeking admission to trading has not been established for the past three years, description of its financial condition since the date of its registration.This shall be assessed based on a fair review of the development and performance of the business of the offeror or person seeking admission to trading and of its position for each year and interim period for which historical financial information is available, including the causes of material changes.The review shall be a balanced and comprehensive analysis of the development and performance of the business of the offeror or person seeking admission to trading and of its position, consistent with the size and complexity of the business.Free alphanumerical text
Part B - Information about the issuer, if different from the offeror or person seeking admission to trading
B.1Issuer different from offeror or person seeking admission to tradingIndication as to whether the issuer is different from the offeror or person seeking admission to trading"true" – Yes"false" – No
B.2NameNameFree alphanumerical text
B.3Legal formField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field B.7Legal formISO standard 20275 "Financial Services – Entity Legal Forms (ELF)"
B.4Registered addressField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field B.7Address and country of registrationISO standard 3166-1 alpha 2 country codes and codes for their subdivisionsandFree alphanumerical text
B.5Head officeField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field B.7Address of the Head office, where different than registered addressISO standard 3166-1 alpha 2 country codes and codes for their subdivisionsandFree alphanumerical text
B.6Registration dateDate of the registrationISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
B.7Legal entity identifierLegal entity identifier of the issuer, where available{LEI}
B.8Another identifier required pursuant to applicable national lawField to be filled in only if a legal entity identifier is not provided in field B.7.National identifier based on the nationality of the issuer, if required under the applicable national lawThis field only applies to entities for which a national identifier is required under applicable national lawFree text
B.9Parent companyField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field B.7Where applicable, the name of the parent companyFree alphanumerical text
B.10Members of the management bodyIdentity, business address and functions of each of the persons that are members of the management body, as defined in Article 3(1), point (27), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, of the issuerFree alphanumerical text presented in a tabular format
B.11Business activityBusiness or professional activity of the issuerFree alphanumerical text
B.12Parent company business activityWhere applicable, business or professional activity of the parent companyFree alphanumerical text
Part C- Information about the operator of the trading platform in cases where it draws up the crypto-asset white paper and information about other persons drawing the crypto-asset white paper pursuant to Article 6(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114
C.1NameNameFree alphanumerical text
C.2Legal formField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field C.6Legal formISO standard 20275 "Financial Services – Entity Legal Forms (ELF)"
C.3Registered addressField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field C.6Address of registrationISO standard 3166-1 alpha 2 country codes and codes for their subdivisionsandFree alphanumerical text
C.4Head officeField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field C.6Address of the Head office, where different than registered addressISO standard 3166-1 alpha 2 country codes and codes for their subdivisionsandFree alphanumerical text
C.5Registration dateDate of the registrationISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
C.6Legal entity identifierLegal entity identifier of the operator of the trading platform{LEI}
C.7Another identifier required pursuant to applicable national lawNational identifier based on the nationality of the issuer, if required under the applicable national law.This field only applies to entities for which a national identifier is required under applicable national law.Free text
C.8Parent companyField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field C.6Where applicable, the name of the parent companyFree alphanumerical text
C.9Reason for crypto-Asset white paper PreparationThe reason why the operator of the trading platform drew up the crypto-asset white paperFree alphanumerical text
C.10Members of the Management bodyIdentity (name or other identifiers), business address and functions of each of the persons that are members of the management body, as defined in Article 3(1), point (27), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, of the operator of the trading platformFree alphanumerical text presented in a tabular format
C.11Operator business activityBusiness or professional activity of the operator, including principal activities and principal marketsFree alphanumerical text
C.12Parent company business activityWhere applicable, business or professional activity of the parent company, including principal activities and principal marketsFree alphanumerical text
C.13Other persons drawing up the crypto-asset white paper according to Article 6(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Where different from the offeror, person seeking admission to trading, issuer, or operator of the trading platform, indication of the identity of the person drawing up the crypto-asset white paperFree alphanumerical text
C.14Reason for drawing the white paper by persons referred to in Article 6(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Where the white paper is drawn up by a person different from the offeror, person seeking admission to trading, issuer, or operator of the trading platform, reason for drawing up the white paperFree alphanumerical text
Part D- Information about the crypto-asset project
D.1Crypto-asset project nameName of the crypto-asset project, if different from the name of the offeror or person seeking admission to tradingFree alphanumerical text
D.2Crypto-assets nameField to be filled in only if a Digital Token Identifier (DTI) is not provided in field F.13.Name of the crypto-assets, if different from the name of the offeror or person seeking admission to tradingFree alphanumerical text
D.3AbbreviationField to be filled in only if a DTI is not provided in field F.13.Abbreviation or ticker handlerFree alphanumerical text
D.4Crypto-asset project descriptionA brief description of the crypto-asset projectFree alphanumerical text
D.5Details of all natural or legal persons involved in the implementation of the crypto-asset projectDetails of advisors, development team, crypto-assets service providers and other persons involved in the implementation of the crypto-asset project, including business addresses or domicile of the companyFree alphanumerical text presented in a tabular format
D.6Utility Token ClassificationIndication as to whether the crypto-asset project concerns utility tokens"true" – Yes"false" – No
D.7Key Features of Goods/Services for Utility Token ProjectsWhere applicable, key features of the goods or services to be developed for utility tokens crypto-asset projectsFree alphanumerical text
D.8Plans for the tokenInformation about the crypto-asset project, including the description of the past and future milestonesFree alphanumerical text
D.9Resource allocationWhere applicable, information about resources, including financial resources, already allocated to the projectFree alphanumerical text
D.10Planned use of Collected funds or crypto-AssetsWhere applicable, planned use of any funds or other crypto-assets collectedFree alphanumerical text
Part E - Information about the offer to the public of crypto-assets or their admission to trading
E.1Public offering or admission to tradingIndication as to whether the crypto-asset white paper concerns an offer to the public of crypto-assets or their admission to trading"OTPC" - offer to the public"ATTR" - admission to trading
E.2Reasons for public offer or admission to tradingThe reasons for the offer to the public or for seeking admission to trading, including the planned use of the funds or other crypto assets collectedFree alphanumerical text
E.3Fundraising targetWhere applicable, the amount that the offer to the public intends to raise in funds or in any other crypto-asset in an official currency or any other crypto-assetsAmount in monetary value {DECIMAL-18/3}OrNumerical {INTEGER-n}
E.4Minimum subscription goalsWhere applicable, minimum subscription goals set for the offer to the public of the crypto-assets in an official currency or any other crypto-assetsAmount in monetary value {DECIMAL-18/3}orNumerical {INTEGER-n}
E.5Maximum subscription goalsWhere applicable, any maximum target subscription goals set for the offer to the public of the crypto-assets in an official currency or any other crypto-assetsAmount in monetary value {DECIMAL-18/3}orNumerical {INTEGER-n}
E.6Oversubscription acceptanceIndication whether oversubscriptions are accepted"true"- Yes"false" – No
E.7Oversubscription allocationWhere oversubscriptions are accepted, a description of how they are allocatedFree alphanumerical text
E.8Issue priceThe issue price of the crypto-asset being offered to the public in an official currency or any other crypto-assetsAmount in monetary value{DECIMAL-18/3}OrNumerical {INTEGER-n}
E.9Official currency or any other crypto-assets determining the issue priceThe official currency or any other crypto-assets on the basis of which the issue price of the crypto asset is being offered to the public{CURRENCYCODE_3}or{DTI}
E.10Subscription feeAny applicable subscription fee in an official currency or any other crypto-assetsAmount in monetary value {DECIMAL-18/3}OrNumerical {INTEGER-n}
E.11Offer price determination methodMethod in accordance with which the offer price will be determinedFree alphanumerical text
E.12Total number of offered/traded crypto-assetsWhere applicable, the total number of crypto-assets to be offered to the public or admitted to tradingNumerical {INTEGER-n}
E.13Targeted holdersIndication of the prospective holders targeted by the offer to the public of the crypto-asset or admission of such crypto-asset to trading"RETL" – retail investors"PROF" – professional investors"ALL" – all types of investors
E.14Holder restrictionsIndication of any restriction as regards the type of holders for such crypto-assetFree alphanumerical text
E.15Reimbursement notice"Purchasers participating in the offer to the public of crypto-asset will be able to be reimbursed if the minimum target subscription goal is not reached at the end of the offer to the public, if they exercise the right to withdrawal provided for in Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the Council or if the offer is cancelled"Predefined alphanumerical text
E.16Refund mechanismDetailed description of the refund mechanismFree alphanumerical text
E.17Refund timelineExpected timeline of when the refunds will be completedFree alphanumerical text
E.18Offer phasesInformation about the various phases of the offer to the public of the crypto-assetFree alphanumerical text
E.19Early purchase discountInformation on discounted purchase price for early purchasers of the crypto-asset - (pre-public sales) and in the case of discounted purchase price for some purchasers, an explanation as to why the purchase prices may be different and a description of the impact on the other investorsFree alphanumerical text
E.20Time-limited offerIndication whether the offer is time-limited"true"- Yes"false" – No
E.21Subscription periodbeginningFor time-limited offers, the beginning of the subscription period during which the offer to the public is openISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
E.22Subscription period endFor time-limited offers, the end of the subscription period during which the offer to the public is openISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
E.23Safeguarding arrangements for offered funds/crypto-AssetsThe arrangements to safeguard funds or other crypto-assets as referred to in Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 during the time-limited offer to the public or during the withdrawal periodFree alphanumerical text
E.24Payment methods for crypto-asset purchaseMethods of payment to purchase the crypto-assetsFree alphanumerical text
E.25Value transfer methods for reimbursementMethods of transfer of the value to the purchasers when they are entitled to be reimbursedFree alphanumerical text
E.26Right of withdrawalIn the case of offers to the public , information on the right of withdrawal as referred to in Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Free alphanumerical text
E.27Transfer of purchased crypto-assetsManner of transferring purchased crypto-assets to the holdersFree alphanumerical text
E.28Transfer time scheduleTime schedule of transferring purchased crypto-assets to the holdersISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
E.29Purchaser's technical requirementsInformation about technical requirements that the purchaser is required to fulfil to hold the crypto-assetsFree alphanumerical text
E.30Crypto-asset service provider (CASP) nameWhere applicable, the name of the crypto-asset service provider (CASP) in charge of the placing of crypto-assetsFree alphanumerical text
E.31CASP identifierThe legal entity identifier of the crypto-asset service provider in charge of the placing of crypto-assets{LEI}
E.32Placement formWhere applicable, the form of the placement‘WITH- with a firm commitment basis"WOUT" - without a firm commitment basis"NTAV" - Not applicable
E.33Trading platforms nameWhere applicable, the name of the trading platforms for crypto-assets where admission to trading is soughtFree alphanumerical text
E.34Trading platformsMarket identifier code (MIC)Segment MIC for the trading platform where the admission to trading of the crypto-assets is sought.{MIC}
E.35Trading platforms accessWhere applicable, information about how investors can access the trading platformsFree alphanumerical text
E.36Involved costsWhere applicable, information about the costs involved in relation to the access of investors to the trading platformsFree alphanumerical text
E.37Offer expensesExpenses related to the offer to the public of crypto-assets, in an official currency or any other crypto-assets. If more than one type of offer expense, expenses should be presented in a tabular formatFree alphanumerical text and Amount in monetary value {DECIMAL-18/3}
E.38Conflicts of interestPotential conflicts of interest of the persons involved in the offer to the public or admission to trading, arising in relation to the offer or admission to tradingFree alphanumerical text
E.39Applicable lawThe law applicable to the offer to the public of the crypto-assetDrop-down list of applicable laws
E.40Competent courtCompetent courtFree alphanumerical text
Part F - Information about the crypto-assets
F.1Crypto-asset typeThe type of crypto-asset that will be offered to the public or for which admission to trading is soughtFree alphanumerical text
F.2Crypto-asset functionalityA description of the functionality of the crypto-assets being offered or admitted to tradingFree alphanumerical text
F.3Planned application of functionalitiesInformation about when the functionalities of the crypto-assets being offered or admitted to trading are planned to applyFree alphanumerical text
A description of the characteristics of the crypto-asset, including the data necessary for classification of the crypto-asset white paper in the register referred to in Article 109 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, as specified in accordance with paragraph 8 of that Article
F.4Type of crypto-asset white paperThe type of white paper notifiedOTHR
F.5The type of submissionType of submissionNEWT = NewMODI = ModifyEROR = ErrorCORR = Correction
F.6Crypto-asset characteristicsA description of the characteristics of the crypto-assetFree alphanumerical text
F.7Commercial name or trading nameField to be filled in only if a DTI is not provided in field F.13.Commercial name or trading name of the issuer.Free alphanumerical text
F.8Website of the issuerWebsite of the issuerFree alphanumerical text
F.9Starting date of offer to the public or admission to tradingStarting date or, if not available at the time of the notification by the competent authority, the intended starting date of offer to the public or admission to trading.YYYY-MM-DD
F.10Publication dateEffective or intended publication date of the crypto-asset white paper or of the modified white paperYYYY-MM-DD
F.11Any other services provided by the issuerAny other services provided by the issuer not covered by Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, with a reference to the applicable Union or national legal acts regulating those servicesFree alphanumerical text
F.12Language or languages of the crypto-asset white paperLanguage or languages in which the crypto-asset white paper is draftedWhen multiple languages have been used, this field shall be reported as many times as necessaryClosed list of EU languages
F.13Digital token identifier code used to uniquely identify the crypto-asset or each of the several crypto assets to which the white paper relates, where availableCode used to uniquely identify the crypto-asset or each of the several crypto assets to which the crypto-asset white paper relates, where availableISO 24165 Digital Token Identifier
F.14Functionally fungible group digital token identifier, where availableCode used to uniquely identify the functionally fungible group to which the digital asset belongs (i.e., common to each of the several assets to which the white paper relates, i.e. Code used to identify the white paper ISO 24165 DTI of type = 3 (i.e., functionally fungible group), where availableISO 24165 FFG DTI
F.15Voluntary data flagFlag indicating the mandatory or voluntary nature of the crypto-asset white paper provided for in Article 4(8) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"true" – voluntary"false" – mandatory
F.16Personal data flagFlag indicating if the submitted white paper contains personal data"true" – Yes"false" – No
F.17LEI eligibilityIndication that the issuer is eligible for a Legal Entity Identifier"true" – eligible"false" – not eligible
F.18Home Member StateHome Member State as defined in Article 3(1), point (33), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Closed list of EU Member States
F.19Host Member StatesHost Member State as defined in Article 3(1), point (34), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Closed list of EU Member States
Part G - Information on the rights and obligations attached to the crypto-assets
G.1Purchaser rights and obligationsA description of the rights and obligations, if any, of the purchaserFree alphanumerical text
G.2Exercise of rights and obligationsProcedure and conditions for the exercise of rightsFree alphanumerical text
G.3Conditions for modifications of rights and obligationsDescription of the conditions under which the rights and obligations may be modifiedFree alphanumerical text
G.4Future public offersWhere applicable, information on the future offers to the public of crypto-assets by the issuerFree alphanumerical text
G.5Issuer retained crypto-assetsWhere applicable, information on the number of crypto-assets retained by the issuer itselfNumerical {INTEGER-n}
G.6Utility token classificationIndication as to whether the offer to the public of crypto-assets or their admission to trading concerns utility tokens"true" – Yes"false" – No
G.7Key features of goods/services of utility tokensInformation about the quality and quantity of goods or services to which the utility tokens give accessFree alphanumerical text
G.8Utility tokens redemptionOnly applicable if field G.6 is true.Information on how utility tokens can be redeemed for goods or services to which they relateFree alphanumerical text
G.9Non-trading requestIndication whether an admission to trading is sought"true" – sought"false" – not sought
G.10Crypto-assets purchase or sale modalitiesWhere an admission to trading is not sought, information on how and where the crypto-assets can be purchased or sold after the offer to the publicFree alphanumerical text
G.11Crypto-assets transfer restrictionsRestrictions on the transferability of the crypto-assets that are being offered or admitted to tradingFree alphanumerical text
G.12Supply adjustment protocolsIndication as to whether the crypto-asset has protocols for the increase or decrease of its supply in response to changes in demand"true" – Yes"false" – No
G.13Supply adjustment mechanismsWhere the crypto-asset has protocols for the increase or decrease of its supply in response to changes in demand, a description of the functioning of such protocolsFree alphanumerical text
G.14Token value protection schemesIndication as to whether the crypto-asset has a protection scheme protecting the value of the crypto-asset"true" – Yes"false" – No
G.15Token value protection schemes descriptionWhere the field G.14 is true, a description of the protection schemes protecting the value of the crypto-assetsFree alphanumerical text
G.16Compensation schemesIndication as to whether the crypto-asset has a compensation scheme"true" – Yes"false" – No
G.17Compensation schemesdescriptionWhere the field G.16 is true, a description of the compensation schemesFree alphanumerical text
G.18Applicable lawThe law applicable to the crypto-assetsDrop-down list of applicable laws
G.19Competent courtCompetent courtFree alphanumerical text
Part H – information on the underlying technology
H.1Distributed ledger technology (DTL)Field to be filled in only if a DTI is not provided in field F.13.Information on the technology used, including distributed ledger technologyFree alphanumerical text
H.2Protocols and technical standardsInformation about protocols and technical standards usedFree alphanumerical text
H.3Technology usedOther information on the technology usedFree alphanumerical text
H.4Consensus mechanismInformation on the consensus mechanism, where applicableFree alphanumerical text
H.5Incentive mechanisms and applicable feesInformation on incentive mechanisms to secure transactions and any fees applicableFree alphanumerical text
H.6Use of distributed ledger technologyIndication as to whether the crypto-assets are issued, transferred and stored using distributed ledger technology that is operated by the issuer, the offeror or a third-party acting on their behalf"true" – Yes, DLT operated by the issuer or a third-party acting on the issuer’s behalf"false" – No, DLT not operated by the issuer or a third-party acting on the issuer’s behalf
H.7DLT functionality descriptionIf the DLT is operated by the issuer or a third party acting on the issuer’s behalf, a detailed description of the functioning of such distributed ledger technologyFree alphanumerical text
H.8AuditIndication as to whether an audit of the technology used was conducted"true" – Yes"false" – No
H.9Audit outcomeIf an audit was conducted, information on the outcome of the audit of the technology usedFree alphanumerical text
Part I – Information on risks
I.1Offer-related risksA description of the risks associated with the offer to the public of crypto-assets or their admission to tradingFree alphanumerical text
I.2Issuer-related risksA description of the risks associated with the issuer, if different from the offeror or person seeking admission to tradingFree alphanumerical text
I.3Crypto-assets-related risksA description of the risks associated with the crypto-assetsFree alphanumerical text
I.4Project implementation-related risksA description of the risks associated with project implementationFree alphanumerical text
I.5Technology-related risksA description of the risks associated with the technology usedFree alphanumerical text
I.6Mitigation measuresMitigation measures of the risks associated with the technology, if anyFree alphanumerical text
Part J – Information on the sustainability indicators in relation to adverse impact on the climate and other environment-related adverse impacts
J.1Adverse impacts on climate and other environment-related adverse impactsInformation referred to Commission Delegated Regulation establishing technical standards adopted pursuant to Article 6(12), fourth subparagraph, Article 19(11), fourth subparagraph, Article 51(15), fourth subparagraph, and Article 66(6), fourth subparagraph of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilFree alphanumerical text
Table 3Template for white papers for asset-referenced tokens
I.00Table of contentsTable of contentsalphanumerical text
I.01Date of notificationDate of notificationYYYY-MM-DD
I.02Statement in accordance with Article 19(4), points (a) to (e), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"The asset-referenced token referred to in this crypto-asset white paper may lose its value in part or in full, may not always be transferable and may not be liquid.The asset-refenced token referred to in this crypto-asset white paper is not covered by the investor compensation schemes under Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council or the deposit guarantee schemes under Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council."Predefined alphanumerical text
I.03Compliance statement in accordance with Article 19(5) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"This crypto-asset white paper complies with Title III of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the Council and to the best of the knowledge of the management body, the information presented in this crypto-asset white paper is fair, clear and not misleading and the crypto-asset white paper makes no omission likely to affect its import."Predefined alphanumerical text
I.04Warning in accordance with Article 19(6), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"WarningThis summary should be read as an introduction to the crypto-asset white paper.The prospective holder should base any decision to purchase this asset-referenced token on the content of the crypto-asset white paper as a whole and not on the summary alone.The offer to the public of this crypto-asset does not constitute an offer or solicitation to purchase financial instruments and any such offer or solicitation can be made only by means of a prospectus or other offer documents pursuant to the applicable national law.This crypto-asset white paper does not constitute a prospectus as referred to in Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council or any other offer document pursuant to Union or national law."Predefined alphanumerical text
I.05Characteristics of the crypto-assetA brief, clear and non-technical description of the characteristics of the asset-referenced token concerned in order to help prospective holders of that asset-referenced token make an informed decisionFree alphanumerical text
I.06Right of redemption"The holders of asset-referenced tokens have a right of redemption at any time"Description of the conditions for such redemptionPredefined alphanumerical textFree alphanumerical text
I.07Key information about the offer to the public and/or admission to tradingKey information about the offer to the public of the asset-referenced token or the intended admission to trading of the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
Part A – Information about the issuer of the asset-referenced token
A.1Statutory nameStatutory nameFree alphanumerical text
A.2Trading nameTrading nameFree alphanumerical text
A.3Legal formField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field A.7Legal formISO standard 20275 "Financial Services – Entity Legal Forms (ELF)"
A.4Registered addressField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field A.7Address and country of registrationISO standard 3166-1 alpha 2 country codes and codes for their subdivisionsandFree alphanumerical text
A.5Head officeField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field A.7Address and country of the Head office, where different than registered addressISO standard 3166-1 alpha 2 country codes and codes for their subdivisionsandFree alphanumerical text
A.6Registration dateDate of the registrationISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
A.7Legal entity identifierLegal entity identifier of the issuer{LEI}
A.8Other identifier required pursuant to applicable national lawNational identifier based on the nationality of the issuer, if required under the applicable national law.This field only applies to entities for which a national identifieris required under applicable national law.Free text
A.9Parent companyField to be filled in only if an LEI is not provided in field A.7Where applicable, the name of the parent companyFree alphanumerical text
A.10Members of the management bodyIdentity, business address and functions of each person that is member of the management body, as defined in Article 3(1), point (27), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, of the issuerFree alphanumerical text presented in a tabular format
A.11Business activityBusiness or professional activity of the issuer,Free alphanumerical text
A.12Parent company business activityBusiness or professional activity of the parent company (if applicable)Free alphanumerical text
A.13Newly establishedIndication as to whether the issuer has been established for the past three years"true" – Yes"false" – No
A.14Financial condition for the past three yearsFinancial condition of the issuer over the past three years.This shall be assessed based on a fair review of the development and performance of the business of the issuer and of its position for each year and interim period for which historical financial information is required, including the causes of material changes.The review shall be a balanced and comprehensive analysis of the development and performance of the business of the issuer and of its position, consistent with the size and complexity of the business.Free alphanumerical text
A.15Financial condition since registrationWhere the issuer has not been established for the past three years, its financial condition since the date of its registration.This shall be assessed based on a fair review of the development and performance of the business of the issuer and of its position for each year and interim period for which historical financial information is required, including the causes of material changes.The review shall be a balanced and comprehensive analysis of the development and performance of the business of the issuer and of its position, consistent with the size and complexity of the business.Free alphanumerical text
A.16Governance arrangementsA detailed description of the issuer’s governance arrangementsFree alphanumerical text
A.17Exemption from authorisationIndication of whether the issuer of asset-referenced tokens is exempted from authorisation"NOEX" – No exemption"EX17" – Exemption in accordance with Article 17"EX16" – Exemption in accordance with Article 16
A.18Authorisation as issuer of asset-referenced tokenIf not exempted from authorisation, details about the authorisation as an issuer of an asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
A.19Authorisation authorityName of the competent authority that granted the authorisation as issuer of asset-referenced tokensClosed list of competent authorities – one per Member State
A.20Competent authority for credit institutionsFor credit institutions, name of the competent authority of the home Member StateClosed list of competent authorities – one per Member State
A.21Issuance of other crypto-assetsIndication of whether the issuer of the asset-referenced token also issues other crypto-assets"true" – Yes"false" – No
A.22Activities related to other crypto-assetsIndication of whether the issuer of the asset-referenced token also has activities related to other crypto-assets"true" – Yes"false" – No
A.23Connection between the issuer and the entity running the DLTIndication of whether there is any connection between the issuer and the entity running the distributed ledger technology used to issue the crypto-asset, including if the protocols are run or controlled by a person closely connected to the project participants"true" – Yes"false" – No
A.24Description of the connection between the issuer and the entity running the DLTDescription of the connection between the issuer and entity running the distributed ledger technology used to issue the crypto-asset, including if the protocols are run or controlled by a person closely connected to the project participantsFree alphanumerical text
AA- information on other persons offering to the public or seeking admission to trading of asset-referenced tokens other than the issuer and on other persons drawing up the crypto-asset white paper in accordance with Article 19(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114
AA.1Persons other than the issuer offering to the public or seeking admission to trading of the asset referenced token according to Article 19(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Where different from the issuer, indication of the identity of the person offering to the public or seeking admission to trading of the asset referenced token{LEI}
AA.1.2Persons other than the issuer offering to the public or seeking admission to trading of the asset referenced token according to Article 19(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Field to be filled in only if a legal entity identifier is not provided in field AA.1National identifier based on the nationality of the person other than the issuer offering to the public or seeking admission to trading, if required under the applicable national law.This field only applies to entities for which a national identifier is required in accordance with applicable national law.Another identifier required pursuant to applicable national law
AA.2Reason for offering to the public or seeking admission to trading the asset-referenced token by persons referred to in Article 19(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Where the offeror or the person seeking admission to trading is different from the issuer, reason for offering to the public or seeking admission to trading of the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
AA.3Other persons drawing up the crypto-asset white paper according to Article 19(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Where different from the issuer, indication of the identity of the person drawing up the crypto-asset white paper{LEI}
AA.3.1Other persons drawing up the crypto-asset white paper according to Article 19(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Field to be filled in only if a legal entity identifier is not provided in field AA.3National identifier based on the nationality of the person drawing up the crypto-asset white paper, if required under the applicable national law.This field only applies to entities for which a national identifier is required in accordance with applicable national law.Another identifier required pursuant to applicable national law
AA.4Reason for drawing the white paper by persons referred to in Article 19(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Where the white paper is drawn up by a person different from the issuer, reason for drawing up the white paperFree alphanumerical text
Part B - Information about the asset-referenced token
B.1Asset-referenced token nameField to be filled in only if a DTI is not provided in field B.15Name of the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
B.2Token abbreviationField to be filled in only if a DTI is not provided in field B.15Abbreviation or ticker handler of the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
B.3Details of all natural or legal persons involved in the operationalisation of the asset-referenced tokenDetails of advisors, development team, CASPs and all other natural or legal persons involved in the implementation of the crypto-asset project, including business addresses or domicile of the companyFree alphanumerical text presented in a tabular format
B.4Third-party rolesA description of the role, responsibility and accountability of any third-party entities referred to in Article 34(5), first subparagraph, point (h), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Free alphanumerical text presented in a tabular format
B.5Plans for the tokenInformation about the plans for the asset-referenced tokens, including description of past and expected future milestonesFree alphanumerical text
B.6Resource allocationWhere applicable, information about resources already allocated to the projectFree alphanumerical text
A description of the characteristics of the asset referenced token, including the data necessary for classification of the crypto-asset white paper in the register referred to in Article 109 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, as specified in accordance with paragraph 8 of that Article
B.7Type of crypto-asset white paperThe type of white paper notifiedARTW
B.8The type of submissionType of submissionNEWT = NewMODI = ModifyEROR = ErrorCORR = Correction
B.9Crypto-asset characteristicsA description of the characteristics of the asset referenced token being offered or admitted to tradingFree alphanumerical text
B.10Website of the issuerWebsite of the issuerFree alphanumerical text
B.11Starting date of offer to the public or admission to tradingStarting date or, if not available at the time of the notification by the competent authority, the intended starting date of offer to the public or admission to tradingYYYY-MM-DD
B.12Publication dateEffective or intended publication date of the white paper or of the modified white paperYYYY-MM-DD
B.13Any other services provided by the issuerAny other services provided by the issuer not covered by Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, with a reference to the applicable Union or national legal acts regulating those servicesFree alphanumerical text
B.14Language or languages of the crypto-asset white paperLanguage or languages in which the crypto-asset white paper is draftedWhen multiple languages have been used, this field shall be reported as many times as necessaryClosed list of EU languages
B.15Digital token identifier code used to uniquely identify the crypto-asset or each of the several crypto assets to which the white paper relates, where availableCode used to uniquely identify the crypto-asset or each of the several crypto assets to which the crypto-asset white paper relates, where availableISO 24165 Digital Token Identifier
B.16Functionally fungible group digital token identifier, where availableCode used to uniquely identify the functionally fungible group to which the digital asset belongs (i.e., common to each of the several assets to which the white paper relates, i.e. Code used to identify the white paper ISO 24165 DTI of type = 3 (i.e., functionally fungible group), where availableISO 24165 FFG DTI
B.17Personal data flagFlag indicating if the submitted white paper contains personal data"true" – Yes"false" – No
B.18LEI eligibilityIndication that the issuer is eligible for a Legal Entity Identifier"true" – eligible"false" – not eligible
B.19Home Member StateHome Member State as defined in Article 3(1), point (33), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Closed list of EU Member States
B.20Host Member StatesHost Member State as defined in Article 3(1), point (34), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Closed list of EU Member States
Part C - Information about the offer to the public of the asset-referenced token or its admission to trading
C.1Public offering or admission to tradingIndication as to whether the crypto-asset white paper concerns an offer to the public of the asset-referenced token or its admission to trading"OTPC" - offer to the public"ATTR" - admission to trading
C.2Fundraising targetWhere applicable, the amount that the offer to the public of the asset-referenced token intends to raise in funds in an official currency or in any other crypto-assetAmount in monetary value {DECIMAL-18/3}orNumerical {INTEGER-n}
C.3Minimum subscription goalsWhere applicable, any minimum target subscription goals set for the offer to the public of the asset-referenced token in an official currency or any other crypto-assetsAmount in monetary value {DECIMAL-18/3}orNumerical {INTEGER-n}
C.4Maximum subscription goalsWhere applicable, any maximum target subscription goals set for the offer to the public of the asset-referenced token in an official currency or any other crypto-assetsAmount in monetary value {DECIMAL-18/3}orNumerical {INTEGER-n}
C.5Oversubscription acceptanceIndication whether oversubscriptions are accepted"true"- Yes"false" - No"NTAV" - Not applicable
C.6Oversubscription allocationWhere oversubscriptions are accepted, description of how they are allocatedFree alphanumerical text
C.7Token offering/trading quantityWhere applicable, the total number of units of the asset-referenced token to be offered or admitted to tradingNumerical {DECIMAL-18/3}
C.8Targeted holdersIndication of the prospective holders targeted by the offer to the public of the asset-referenced token or admission of such asset-referenced token to trading"RETL" – retail investors"PROF" – professional investors
C.9Holder restrictionsIndication of any restriction as regards the type of holders for the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
C.10Reimbursement notice"Purchasers participating in the offer to the public of this asset-referenced token will be able to be reimbursed if the minimum target subscription goal is not reached at the end of the offer to the public, if they exercise the right to withdrawal provided for in Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the Council or if the offer is cancelled"Predefined alphanumerical text
C.11Refund timelineExpected timeline of when such refunds will be completedFree alphanumerical text
C.12Explicit consequencesDescription of the consequences of exceeding a maximum target subscription goalFree alphanumerical text
C.13Offer phasesInformation about the various phases of the offer to the public of the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
C.14Early purchase discountInformation on discounted purchase price for early purchasers of the asset-referenced token (pre-public sales) and in the case of discounted purchase price for some purchasers, an explanation as to why the purchase prices may be different and a description of the impact on the other investorsFree alphanumerical text
C.15Time-limited offerIndication whether the offer is time-limited"true"- Yes"false" – No
C.16Subscription period beginningFor time-limited offers, the beginning of the subscription period during which the offer to the public is openISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
C.17Subscription period endFor time-limited offers, the end of the subscription period during which the offer to the public is openISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
C.18Token purchase/redemption paymentMethods of payment to purchase and to redeem the asset-referenced token offeredFree alphanumerical text
C.19Token transferInformation on the method and time schedule of transferring the purchased asset-referenced token to the holdersFree alphanumerical text
C.20Purchasers technical requirementsInformation about technical requirements that the purchaser is required to fulfil to hold the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
C.21CASP nameWhere applicable, the name of the crypto-asset service provider in charge of the placing of asset-referenced tokensFree alphanumerical text
C.22CASP identifierThe legal entity identifier of the crypto-asset service provider in charge of the placing of asset-referenced tokens{LEI}
C.23Placement formWhere applicable, the form of such placement (with or without a firm commitment basis)‘WITH- with a firm commitment basis"WOUT" - without a firm commitment basis"NTAV" - Not applicable
C.24Trading platforms nameWhere applicable, the name of the trading platforms for crypto-assets where admission to trading is soughtFree alphanumerical text
C.25Trading platforms market identifier code (MIC)Segment MIC for the trading platform operated by the CASP, where available, otherwise operating MIC.{MIC}
C.26Trading platforms accessWhere applicable, information about how investors can access such trading platformsFree alphanumerical text
C.27Involved costsWhere applicable, information about the costs involved for accessing the trading platform for investorsFree alphanumerical text
C.28Offer expensesExpenses related to the offer to the public of the asset-referenced token, in an official currency or any other crypto-assets. If more than one type of expense, expenses should be presented in a tabular format.Free alphanumerical text and Numerical {DECIMAL-18/3} presented in tabular format
C.29Conflicts of interestPotential conflicts of interest of the persons involved in the offer to the public or admission to trading, arising in relation to the offer or admission to tradingFree alphanumerical text
C.30Applicable lawThe law applicable to the offer to the public of the asset-referenced tokenDrop-down list of applicable laws
C.31Competent courtCompetent courtFree alphanumerical text
Part D - Information on the rights and obligations attached to the asset-referenced token
D.1Token functionalitiesA description of the functionality of the asset-referenced token being offered or admitted to tradingFree alphanumerical text
D.2Planned functionalities useInformation about when the functionalities are planned to applyISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
D.3Purchaser rights and ObligationsA description of the rights and obligations, if any, of the purchaserFree alphanumerical text
D.4Rights exercise procedureA description of the procedure and conditions for the exercise of those rightsFree alphanumerical text
D.5Conditions for modifications of rights and obligationsA description of the conditions under which the rights and obligations may be modifiedFree alphanumerical text
D.6Future public offersWhere applicable, information on the future offers to the public of the asset-referenced token by the issuerFree alphanumerical text
D.7Issuer retained unitsWhere applicable, information on the number of units of the asset-referenced token retained by the issuer itselfNumerical {INTEGER-n}
D.8Non-trading requestIndication as to whether an admission to trading is sought"true" –sought"false" – not sought
D.9Token purchase or sale modalitiesWhere an admission to trading is not sought, information on how and where the asset-referenced token can be purchased or sold after the offer to the publicFree alphanumerical text
D.10Token transfer restrictionsAny restrictions on the transferability of the asset-referenced token that is being offered or admitted to tradingFree alphanumerical text
D.11Supply adjustment protocolsIndication as to whether the asset-referenced token has protocols for the increase or decrease of their supply in response to changes in demand"true" – Yes"false" – No
D.12Supply adjustment mechanismsWhere the asset-referenced token has protocols for the increase or decrease of their supply in response to changes in demand, a description of the functioning of such protocolsFree alphanumerical text
D.13Token value protection SchemesIndication as to whether the asset-referenced token has a protection scheme protecting the value of the asset-referenced token"true" – Yes"false" – No
D.14Token value protection schemes descriptionWhere yes in the field D.13, a description of the protection schemes protecting the value of the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
D.15Compensation schemesIndication as to whether the asset-referenced token has a compensation scheme"true" – Yes"false" – No
D.16Compensation schemes descriptionWhere yes in the field D.15, a description of compensation schemesFree alphanumerical text
D.17Nature and enforceability of rightsInformation on the nature and enforceability of rights, including permanent rights of redemption and any claims that holders and any legal or natural person as referred to in Article 39(2) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, may have against the issuer, including information on how such rights will be treated in the case of insolvency procedures and whether different rights are allocated to different holders and the non-discriminatory reasons for such different treatmentFree alphanumerical text
D.18Referenced assets descriptionDetailed description of the claim that the asset-referenced token represents for holders, including a description of each referenced asset including the ISIN code where available and specified proportions of each of those assetsFree alphanumerical text presented in a tabular format{ISIN} where applicable
D.19Referenced assets proportionsDescription of the amount of the claim and the reserve of assetFree alphanumerical text
D.20Value-claim-reserve interrelationRelation between the value of the referenced assets and the amount of the claim and the reserve of assetsFree alphanumerical text
D.21Transparent claim valuationDescription how a fair and transparent valuation of components of the claim is undertaken, which identifies, where relevant, independent partiesFree alphanumerical text
D.22Other details about the claim the asset referenced token represents over referenced assetsAdditional details describing the claim that the asset-referenced token represents for the holdersFree alphanumerical text
D.23Liquidity arrangementsWhere applicable, information on the arrangements put in place by the issuer to ensure the liquidity of the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
D.24Liquidity providersWhere applicable, the name of the entities in charge of ensuring liquidityFree alphanumerical text
D.25Complaint submission contactContact details for submitting complaintsFree alphanumerical text
D.26Complaints handling proceduresDescription of the complaints-handling proceduresFree alphanumerical text
D.27Dispute resolution mechanismDescription of any dispute resolution mechanism or redress procedure established by the issuer of the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
D.28Holder rights in default or insolvencyA description of the rights of the holders when the issuer is not able to fulfil its obligations, including in insolvencyFree alphanumerical text
D.29Rights in recovery plan implementationA description of the rights in the context of the implementation of the recovery planFree alphanumerical text
D.30Rights in redemption plan implementationA description of the rights in the context of the implementation of the redemption planFree alphanumerical text
D.31Redemption formDetailed information on how the asset-referenced token is redeemedFree alphanumerical text
D.32Redemption form optionsIndication whether the holder will be able to choose the form of redemption"true" – Yes"false" – No
D.33Transference form optionsIndication as to whether the holder will be able to choose the form of transference"true" – Yes"false" – No
D.34Form of transferenceForm of transferenceFree alphanumerical text
D.35Redemption currencyThe official currency of redemption{CURRENCYCODE_3}
D.36Applicable lawThe law applicable to the asset-referenced tokenDrop-down list of applicable laws
D.37Competent courtCompetent courtFree alphanumerical text
Part E - Information on the underlying technology
E.1Distributed ledger technologyFill in the field only if a DTI is not provided in field B.15Information on the distributed ledger technologyFree alphanumerical text
E.2Protocols and technical standardsInformation on the protocols and technical standards used, allowing for the holding, storing and transfer of the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
E.3Technology usedOther information on the technology used allowing for the holding, storing and transfer of asset-referenced tokens, if relevantFree alphanumerical text
E.4Consensus mechanismThe consensus mechanism, where applicableFree alphanumerical text
E.5Incentive mechanisms and applicable feesIncentive mechanisms to secure transactions and any fees applicableFree alphanumerical text
E.6Use of distributed ledger technologyIndication as to whether the asset-referenced tokens are issued, transferred and stored using distributed ledger technology that is operated by the issuer or a third-party acting on the issuer’s behalf"true" – Yes, DLT operated by the issuer or a third-party acting on the issuer’s behalf"false" – No, DLT not operated by the issuer or a third-party acting on the issuer’s behalf
E.7DLT functionality descriptionIf the DLT is operated by the issuer or a third party acting on the issuer’s behalf, a detailed description of the functioning of such distributed ledger technologyFree alphanumerical text
E.8AuditIndication as to whether an audit of the technology used was conducted"true" – Yes"false" – No
E.9Audit outcomeIf an audit was conducted, information on the outcome of the audit of the technology usedFree alphanumerical text
Part F - Information on the risks
F.1Risks related to Asset ReserveThe risks related to the reserve of assets, when the issuer is not able to fulfil its obligationsFree alphanumerical text
F.2Issuer-related risksA description of the risks associated with the issuer of the asset-referenced tokenFree alphanumerical text
F.3Offer-related risksA description of the risks associated with the offer to the public of the asset-referenced token or its admission to tradingFree alphanumerical text
F.4Token-related risksDescription of the risks associated with the asset-referenced token, in particular with regard to the asset referencedFree alphanumerical text
F.5Risks related to operationalisation of the asset-referenced Token projectA description of the risks associated with the operationalisation of the asset-referenced token projectFree alphanumerical text
F.6Technology-related risksDescription of the risks associated with the technology usedFree alphanumerical text
F.7Mitigation measuresMitigation measures of the risks associated with the technology used, if anyFree alphanumerical text
Part G - Information on the reserve of assets
G.1Value alignment mechanismDetailed description of the mechanism aimed at aligning the value of the reserve of assets with the claim associated with the asset-referenced token, including legal and technical aspectsFree alphanumerical text
G.2Asset reserve descriptionDetailed description of the reserve of assets and their compositionFree alphanumerical text
G.3Token issuance and redemption mechanismsA description of the mechanisms through which asset-referenced tokens are issued and redeemedFree alphanumerical text
G.4Investment of reserve of assetsInformation on whether a part of the reserve assets are invested"true" – Yes"false" – No
G.5Reserve asset investment policyIf a part of the reserve assets are invested, a description of the investment policy for the reserve assetsFree alphanumerical text
G.6Reserve asset custody arrangementsDescription of the custody arrangements for the reserve assets, including their segregationFree alphanumerical text
G.7Custodian service providersName of crypto-asset service providers providing custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of clients, credit institutions, or investment firms appointed as custodians of the reserve assetsFree alphanumerical text
G.8Custodian service providersLEI of the CASP providing custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of clients, credit institutions, or investment firms appointed as custodians of the reserve assets{LEI}
Part H – Information on the sustainability indicators in relation to adverse impact on the climate and other environment-related adverse impacts
H.1Adverse impacts on climate and other environment-related adverse impactsInclude information referred to Commission Delegated Regulation establishing technical standards adopted pursuant to Article 6(12), fourth subparagraph, Article 19(11), fourth subparagraph, Article 51(15), fourth subparagraph, and Article 66(6), fourth subparagraph of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilFree alphanumerical text
Table 4Template for white papers for e-money tokens
I.00Table of contentsTable of contentsAlphanumerical text
I.01Date of notificationDate of notificationYYYY-MM-DD
I.02Statement in accordance with Article 51(3) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"This crypto-asset white paper has not been approved by any competent authority in any Member State of the European Union. The issuer of the crypto-asset is solely responsible for the content of this crypto-asset white paper."Predefined alphanumerical text
I.03Compliance statement in accordance with Article 51(5) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"This crypto-asset white paper complies with Title IV of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the Council and to the best of the knowledge of the management body, the information presented in this crypto-asset white paper is fair, clear and not misleading and the crypto-asset white paper makes no omission likely to affect its import."Predefined alphanumerical text
I.04Warning in accordance with Article 51(4), points (a) and (b), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"This e-money token is not covered by the investor compensation schemes under Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council or the deposit guarantee schemes under Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council."Predefined alphanumerical text
I.05Warning in accordance with Article 51(6), second subparagraph of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"WarningThis summary should be read as an introduction to the crypto-asset white paper.The prospective holder should base any decision to purchase this e-money token on the content of the crypto-asset white paper as a whole and not on the summary alone.The offer to the public of this crypto-asset does not constitute an offer or solicitation to purchase financial instruments and that any such offer or solicitation can be made only by means of a prospectus or other offer documents pursuant to the applicable national law.This crypto-asset white paper does not constitute a prospectus as referred to in Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council or any other offer document pursuant to Union or national law."Predefined alphanumerical text
I.06Characteristics of the crypto-assetA brief, clear and non-technical description of the characteristics of the crypto-assets concerned in order to help prospective holders of the crypto-asset make an informed decisionFree alphanumerical text
I.07Right of redemption"The holders of this e-money token have a right of redemption at any time and at par value."Description of the conditions for such redemption.Predefined alphanumerical textFree alphanumerical text
I.08Key information about the offer and/ or admission to tradingKey information about the offer to the public of the e-money token or the intended admission to trading of such e-money token.Free alphanumerical text
Part A- Information about the issuer of the e-money token
A.1Statutory nameStatutory NameFree alphanumerical text
A.2Trading nameTrading NameFree alphanumerical text
A.3Legal formFill in the field only if LEI is not provided in field A.7. Legal formISO standard 20275 "Financial Services – Entity Legal Forms (ELF)"
A.4Registered addressFill in the field only if LEI is not provided in field A.7. Address and country of registrationISO standard 3166-1 alpha 2 country codes and codes for their subdivisionsandFree alphanumerical text
A.5Head officeFill in the field only if LEI is not provided in field A.7. Address and country of the Head office, where different than registered addressISO standard 3166-1 alpha 2 country codes and codes for their subdivisionsandFree alphanumerical text
A.6Registration dateDate of the registrationISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
A.7Legal entity identifierLegal entity identifier of the issuer, where available{LEI}
A.8Another identifier required pursuant to applicable lawNational identifier based on the nationality of the issuer, if required under the applicable national law.This field only applies to entities for which a national identifier is required under applicable national law.Free text
A.9Contact telephone numberContact telephone number of the issuerFree alphanumerical text
A.10E-mail addressE-mail address of the issuerFree alphanumerical text
A.11Response time (days)Period of days within which an investor via that telephone number or email address will receive an answer{DURATION}
A.12Parent companyFill in the field only if an LEI is not provided in field A.7. Where applicable, the name of the parent companyFree alphanumerical text
A.13Members of the management bodyIdentity, business address and functions of persons (names or other identifiers) within the management body, as defined in Article 3(1), point (27), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, of the issuerFree alphanumerical text presented in a tabular format
A.14Business activityBusiness or professional activity of the issuer, including principal activities and principal marketsFree alphanumerical text
A.15Parent company business activityBusiness or professional activity of the parent company (if applicable), including principal activities and principal marketsFree alphanumerical text
A.16Conflicts of interest disclosurePotential conflicts of interestFree alphanumerical text
A.17Issuance of other crypto-assetsIndication of whether the issuer of the e-money token also issues other crypto-assets"true" – Yes"false" – No
A.18Activities related to other crypto-assetsIndication of whether the issuer of the e-money token also has activities related to other crypto-assets."true" – Yes"false" – No
A.19Connection between the issuer and the entity running the DLTIndication of whether there is any connection between the issuer and the entity running the distributed ledger technology used to issue the crypto-asset, including if the protocols are run or controlled by a person closely connected to the project participants"true" – Yes"false" – No
A.20Description of the connection between the issuer and the entity running the DLTDescription of the connection between the issuer and entity running the distributed ledger technology used to issue the crypto-asset, including if the protocols are run or controlled by a person closely connected to the project participantsFree alphanumerical text
A.21Newly establishedIndication as to whether the issuer has been established for the past three years"true" – Yes"false" – No
A.22Financial condition for the past three yearsFinancial condition of the issuer over the past three years.This shall be assessed based on a fair review of the development and performance of the business of the issuer and of its position for each year and interim period for which historical financial information is required, including the causes of material changes.The review shall be a balanced and comprehensive analysis of the development and performance of the business of the issuer and of its position, consistent with the size and complexity of the business.The analysis shall include both financial and, where appropriate, non-financial Key Performance Indicators relevant to the particular business.The analysis shall, where appropriate, include references to, and additional explanations of, amounts reported in the annual financial statements (when available), information regarding unusual or infrequent events or new developments, materially affecting the income from operations and indicate the extent to which income was so affected, information concerning capital resources (both short term and long term) and an explanation of the sources and amounts of and a narrative description of the cash flows.Free alphanumerical text
A.23Financial condition since registrationWhere the issuer has not been established for the past three years, its financial condition since the date of its registration.This shall be assessed based on a fair review of the development and performance of the business of the issuer and of its position for each year and interim period for which historical financial information is required, including the causes of material changes.The review shall be a balanced and comprehensive analysis of the development and performance of the business of the issuer and of its position, consistent with the size and complexity of the business.The analysis shall include both financial and, where appropriate, non-financial Key Performance Indicators relevant to the particular business.The analysis shall, where appropriate, include references to, and additional explanations of, amounts reported in the annual financial statements (when available), information regarding unusual or infrequent events or new developments, materially affecting the income from operations and indicate the extent to which income was so affected, information concerning capital resources (both short term and long term) and an explanation of the sources and amounts of and a narrative description of the cash flows.Free alphanumerical text
A.24Exemption from authorisationIndication of whether the issuer of e-money token is exempted from authorisation in accordance with Article 48(4) and (5) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114"true" – Yes"false" – No
A.25E-money token authorisationIf not exempted from authorisation in accordance with Article 48(4) and (5) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, details about the authorisation as an issuer of an e-money tokenFree alphanumerical text
A.26Authorisation authorityName of the competent authority that granted the authorisationClosed list of competent authorities – one per Member State
A.27Persons other than the issuer offering to the public or seeking admission to trading of the e-money token in accordance with Article 51(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Where different from the issuer, indication of the identity of the person offering to the public or seeking admission to trading of the e-money token{LEI}
A.28Persons other than the issuer offering to the public or seeking admission to trading of the e-money token in accordance with Article 51(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Field to be filled in only if a legal entity identifier is not provided in field A.27National identifier based on the nationality of the person other than the issuer offering to the public or seeking admission to trading of the e-money token, if required under the applicable national law.This field only applies to entities for which a national identifier is required in accordance with applicable national law.Another identifier required pursuant to applicable national law
A.29Reason for offering to the public or seeking admission to trading of the e-money token by persons referred to in Article 51(1), second subparagraph, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Where the offeror or the person seeking admission to trading is different from the issuer, reason for offering to the public or seeking admission to trading of the e-money tokenFree alphanumerical text
Part B - Information about the e-money token
B.1NameField to be filled in only if a DTI is not provided in field B.12e-money token nameFree alphanumerical text
B.2AbbreviationField to be filled in only if a DTI is not provided in field B.12e-token abbreviationFree alphanumerical text
B.3Details of all natural or legal persons involved in design and developmentDetails of advisors, development team members, CASPs and all natural and legal persons involved in the design and development of the crypto-asset project, including business addresses or domicile of the company, presented in a tabular formatFree alphanumerical text presented in a tabular format
B. A description of the characteristics of the e-money token, including the data necessary for classification of the crypto-asset white paper in the register referred to in Article 109, as specified in accordance with paragraph 8 of that Article
B.4Type of white paperThe type of white paper notified.EMTW
B.5The type of submissionType of submissionNEWT = NewMODI = ModifyEROR = ErrorCORR = Correction
B.6Crypto-asset characteristicsA description of the characteristics of the e-money tokenFree alphanumerical text
B.7Website of the issuerWebsite of the issuerFree alphanumerical text
B.8Starting date of offer to the public or admission to tradingStarting date or, if not available at the time of the notification by the competent authority, the intended starting date of offer to the public or admission to trading.YYYY-MM-DD
B.9Publication dateEffective or intended publication date of the white paper or of the modified white paperYYYY-MM-DD
B.10Any other services provided by the issuerAny other services provided by the issuer not covered by Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, with a reference to the applicable Union or national legal acts regulating those servicesFree alphanumerical text
B.11Language or languages of the white paperLanguage or languages in which the crypto-asset white paper is draftedWhen multiple languages have been used, this field shall be reported as many times as necessaryClosed list of EU languages
B.12Digital token identifier code used to uniquely identify the crypto-asset or each of the several crypto assets to which the white paper relates, where availableCode used to uniquely identify the crypto-asset or each of the several crypto assets to which the white paper relates, where availableISO 24165 Digital Token Identifier
B.13Functionally fungible group digital token identifier, where availableCode used to uniquely identify the functionally fungible group to which the digital asset belongs (i.e., common to each of the several assets to which the white paper relates, i.e. Code used to identify the white paper ISO 24165 DTI of type = 3 (i.e., functionally fungible group), where availableISO 24165 FFG DTI
B.14Personal data flagFlag indicating if the submitted white paper contains personal data"true" – Yes"false" – No
B.15LEI eligibilityIndication that the issuer is eligible for a Legal Entity Identifier"true" – eligible"false" – not eligible
B.16Home Member StateHome Member State as defined in Article 3(1), point 33, of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Closed list of EU Member States
B.17Host Member StatesHost Member State as defined in Article 3(1), point (34), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114Closed list of EU Member States
Part C - Information about the offer to the public of the e-money token or its admission to trading
C.1Public offering or tradingIndication as to whether the crypto-asset white paper concerns an offer to the public of the e-money token or an admission to its trading"OTPC" – offer to the public"ATTR" – admission to trading
C.2Number of unitsWhere applicable, the total number of units of the e-money token to be offered to the public or admitted to tradingNumerical {DECIMAL-18/3}
C.3Trading platforms nameWhere applicable, the name of the trading platforms for crypto-assets where admission to trading is soughtFree alphanumerical text
C.4Trading platforms market identifier code (MIC)Segment MIC for the trading platform operated by the CASP, where available, otherwise operating MIC{MIC}
C.5Applicable lawThe law applicable to the offer to the public of the e-money tokenDrop-down list of applicable laws
C.6Competent courtCompetent courtFree alphanumerical text
Part D - Information on the rights and obligations attached to e-money tokens
D.1Holder’s rights and obligationsA detailed description of the rights and obligations, if any, that the holder of the e-money token has, including the right of redemption at par value as well as the procedure and conditions for the exercise of those rightsFree alphanumerical text
D.2Conditions of modifications of rights and obligationsDescription of the conditions under which the rights and obligations may be modifiedFree alphanumerical text
D.3Description of the rights of the holdersDescription of the rights of the holders when the issuer is not able to fulfil its obligations, including in insolvencyFree alphanumerical text
D.4Rights in implementation of recovery planDescription of rights in the context of the implementation of the recovery planFree alphanumerical text
D.5Rights in implementation of redemption planDescription of the rights in the context of the implementation of the redemption planFree alphanumerical text
D.6Complaint submission contactContact details for submitting complaintsFree alphanumerical text
D.7Complaints handling proceduresDescription of the complaints-handling proceduresFree alphanumerical text
D.8Dispute resolution mechanismDescription of any dispute resolution mechanism or redress procedure established by the issuer of the e-money tokenFree alphanumerical text
D.9Token value protection schemesIndication as to whether the crypto-asset has a protection scheme protecting the value of the crypto-asset"true" – Yes"false" – No
D.10Token value protection schemes descriptionWhere field D.9 is true, a description of protection schemes protecting the value of the crypto-asset and of compensation schemesFree alphanumerical text
D.11Compensation schemesIndication as to whether the crypto-asset has a compensation scheme"true" – Yes"false" – No
D.12Compensation schemesDescriptionWhere field D.11 is true, a description of compensation schemesFree alphanumerical text
D.13Applicable lawThe law applicable to the e-money tokenDrop-down list of applicable laws
D.14Competent courtCompetent courtFree alphanumerical text
Part E - Information on the underlying technology
E.1Distributed ledger technologyField to be filled in only if a DTI is not provided in field B.13Information on the distributed ledger technologyFree alphanumerical text
E.2Protocols and technical standardsInformation on the protocols and technical standards used, allowing for the holding, storing and transfer of e-money tokenFree alphanumerical text
E.3Technology usedOther information on the technology used allowing for the holding, storing and transfer of e-money tokens, if relevantFree alphanumerical text
E.4Purchaser’s technical requirementsInformation about the technical requirements that the purchaser has to fulfil to gain control over the e-money tokenFree alphanumerical text
E.5Consensus mechanismThe consensus mechanism, where applicableFree alphanumerical text
E.6Incentive mechanisms and applicable feesIncentive mechanisms to secure transactions and any fees applicableFree alphanumerical text
E.7Use of distributed ledger technologyIndication as to whether the e-money tokens are issued, transferred and stored using distributed ledger technology that is operated by the issuer or a third-party acting on the issuer’s behalf"true" – Yes, DLT operated by the issuer or a third-party acting on the issuer’s behalf"false" – No, DLT not operated by the issuer or a third-party acting on the issuer’s behalf
E.8DLT functionality descriptionIf the DLT is operated by the issuer or a third party acting on the issuer’s behalf, a detailed description of the functioning of such distributed ledger technologyFree alphanumerical text
E.9AuditIndication as to whether an audit of the technology used was conducted"true" – Yes"false" – No
E.10Audit outcomeIf an audit was conducted, information on the outcome of the audit of the technology usedFree alphanumerical text
Part F - Information on the risks
F.1Issuer-related risksA description of the risks associated with the issuer of the e-money tokenFree alphanumerical text
F.2Token-related risksA description of the risks associated with the e-money tokenFree alphanumerical text
F.3Technology-related risksDescription of the risks associated with the technology usedFree alphanumerical text
F.4Mitigation measuresMitigation measures of the risks associated with the technology used, if anyFree alphanumerical text
Part G – Information on the sustainability indicators in relation to adverse impact on the climate and other environment-related adverse impacts
G.1Adverse impacts on climate and other environment-related adverse impactsInclude the information referred to Commission Delegated Regulation establishing technical standards adopted pursuant to Article 6(12), fourth subparagraph, Article 19(11), fourth subparagraph, Article 51(15), fourth subparagraph, and Article 66(6), fourth subparagraph of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilFree alphanumerical text