(a) the use of the financial derivative instruments is: (i) economically appropriate for the ELTIF at the ELTIF level; (ii) consistent with the risk-profile of the ELTIF;
(b) the use of the financial derivative instruments aims at a verifiable reduction of the risks at the ELTIF level; (c) the underlyings of the financial derivative instruments are assets to which an ELTIF is exposed, or, where the financial derivative instruments to hedge the risks arising from the exposure to such assets are not available, the underlyings of financial derivative instruments are of the same or economically similar asset class.
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/2759 of 19 July 2024 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2015/760 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying when derivatives will be used solely for hedging the risks inherent to other investments of the European long-term investment fund (ELTIF), the requirements for an ELTIF’s redemption policy and liquidity management tools, the circumstances for the matching of transfer requests of units or shares of the ELTIF, certain criteria for the disposal of ELTIF assets, and certain elements of the costs disclosure
(a) the liquidity profile of each of the individual assets of the ELTIF; (b) the liquidity profile of the ELTIF’s portfolio on a weighted basis; (c) the timing of the acquisition and the disposal of each of the individual assets of the ELTIF, assessed against the background of the economic life-cycle of the assets, and the life of the ELTIF; (d) the investment objective of the ELTIF; (e) where an ELTIF provides for the possibility of redemptions during the life of the ELTIF, the redemption policy of the ELTIF; (f) the cash management needs and expected cash-flow and liabilities of the ELTIF; (g) the possibility to roll over, or terminate, the exposure of the ELTIF to the individual assets of the ELTIF; (h) the availability of a reliable, sound, and up-to-date valuation of the assets in the ELTIF’s portfolio; (i) the portfolio composition and the life-cycle management of the ELTIF’s assets throughout the life of the ELTIF.
(a) the long-term nature and investment strategy of the ELTIF; (b) the underlying asset classes of the ELTIF, their liquidity profile, and their position in their life-cycle; (c) the ELTIF’s investment policy, and the extent to which the ELTIF takes part in the investment policy and governance of the underlying assets in which the ELTIF invests; (d) the investor base of the ELTIF and: (i) where the ELTIF is marketed to retail investors, the expected aggregate concentration of retail investors; (ii) the information on the degree of concentration of the ownership of the professional investors in the ELTIF, where available;
(e) the liquidity profile of the ELTIF; (f) the procedures for the valuation of the ELTIF’s assets, and the time required to produce a reliable, sound, and up-to-date (based on the most recent data) valuation; (g) the extent to which the ELTIF lends or borrows cash, grants loans, or enters into securities lending, securities borrowing, repurchase transactions, or any other agreement which has an equivalent economic effect and poses similar risks; (h) the portfolio composition and diversification of the ELTIF; (i) the average and mean length of life, where applicable, of the assets of the portfolio of the ELTIF; (j) the duration and the characteristics of the life-cycle of the ELTIF and the ELTIF’s redemption policy; (k) the timeframe for the investment phase of the investment strategy of the ELTIF; (l) whether the minimum holding period, where applicable, is consistent and commensurate with the time necessary to complete the investment of the ELTIF’s capital contributions, and in particular: (i) whether that minimum holding period covers at least the initial investment phase of the ELTIF; (ii) unless duly justified by the manager of the ELTIF, whether the minimum holding period lasts at least until the ELTIF’s aggregate capital contributions have been invested.
(a) the redemption policy of the ELTIF, which shall contain and clearly indicate all of the following: (i) information on the periodicity and the duration of the redemptions; (ii) a description of the available liquidity management tools, and the conditions for their activation; (iii) the conditions and procedures for requesting redemptions and for processing the redemption requests received;
(b) the entities responsible for managing the redemption process and how the redemptions will be documented; (c) a description of how the assets and liabilities of the ELTIF will be managed to meet redemption requests; (d) a description of the procedures, if any, to prevent redemptions causing dilution effects for investors; (e) a description of the valuation procedures of the ELTIF set out in accordance with Article 19(3), third subparagraph, of Directive 2011/61/EU, and Articles 72 and 74 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 231/2013 .Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 231/2013 of 19 December 2012 supplementing Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to exemptions, general operating conditions, depositaries, leverage, transparency and supervision (OJ L 83, 22.3.2013, p. 1 , ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg_del/2013/231/oj).(f) the results, assumptions and inputs used for liquidity stress tests, where such liquidity stress tests are to be carried out pursuant to Article 15(3), point (b), and Article 16(1), second subparagraph, of Directive 2011/61/EU, demonstrating whether and how, in severe but plausible scenarios, the ELTIF is able to deal with redemption requests; (g) the liquidity offered to investors of the ELTIF, and the liquidity profiles of the investments of the ELTIF, both under normal and stressed conditions; (h) information about the implementation of the liquidity management tools; (i) the elements referred to in Article 5(1) of this Regulation; (j) the approach used by the manager of the ELTIF to determine the maximum percentage referred to in Article 18(2), first subparagraph, point (d), of Regulation (EU) 2015/760 as per Article 5(5) first subparagraph, of this Regulation; (k) any other information that the competent authority of the ELTIF considers relevant to assess whether the redemption policy of the ELTIF and the liquidity management tools meet the requirements set out in Regulation (EU) 2015/760.
(a) up-to-date and detailed information on whether the liquidity management tools of the ELTIF have been activated and used to manage redemption requests, and if so, in which circumstances and how; (b) up-to-date results of the liquidity stress tests and up-to-date assumptions and inputs used for the liquidity stress tests performed, both under exceptional and stressed market conditions; (c) up-to-date information referred to in paragraph 1 in case of material changes to that information.
(a) the conditions under which redemptions can be granted; (b) the time window within which redemptions can be granted; (c) the frequency or periodicity at which redemptions can be granted; (d) the timing limitations, if any, and the procedures and requirements applicable to the redemptions, including: (i) the notice period and the extension of the notice period, if any, and a description of how and within which time investors will be repaid; (ii) the conditions and procedures for redemptions requests; (iii) the role and responsibilities of the entities involved in the procedures;
(e) whether and how investors can request the cancellation of their redemption requests that have not been fully executed; (f) whether the ELTIF provides for the possibility of repayments in kind out of the ELTIF’s assets, as referred to in Article 18(5) of Regulation (EU) 2015/760; (g) whether the ELTIF has a minimum holding period as referred to in Article 18(2), first subparagraph, point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2015/760, and if so, the duration of, and conditions for such minimum holding period; (h) a description of the available liquidity management tools and of the conditions for their activation; (i) the percentage referred to in Article 18(2), first subparagraph, point (d), of Regulation (EU) 2015/760.
(a) the composition of the portfolio of the ELTIF, including the assets referred to in Article 9(1), point (b), of Regulation (EU) 2015/760; (b) the life of the ELTIF; (c) the liquidity profile of the ELTIF; (d) the methods and documented process for the valuation of the assets of the ELTIF; (e) the market conditions and material events that may affect the possibility of the manager of the ELTIF to implement the redemption policy; (f) the minimum holding period determined by the manager of the ELTIF in accordance with Article 3 of this Regulation, and the criteria used to determine that minimum holding period, where applicable; (g) the available liquidity management tools, their calibration, and the conditions for their activation; (h) the percentage referred to in Article 18(2), first subparagraph, point (d), of Regulation (EU) 2015/760, and the criteria used to determine that percentage; (i) the liquidity stress tests, where such liquidity stress tests are to be carried out pursuant to Article 15(3), point (b), and Article 16(1) of Directive 2011/61/EU, and their results; (j) how the interests of investors will be protected.
(a) the different features of the redemption policy, including the redemption frequency; (b) the minimum holding period, where applicable; (c) the date referred to in Article 17(1), first subparagraph, point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2015/760; (d) the liquidity management tools referred to in Article 18(2), first subparagraph, point (b), of Regulation (EU) 2015/760.
(a) the redemption frequency and the notice period of the ELTIF, including the extension of the notice, if any, depending on which of one of the three options referred to in Annex I to this Regulation is selected by the manager of the ELTIF; or (b) the redemption frequency and the minimum percentage of the assets referred to in Article 9(1), point (b), of Regulation (EU) 2015/760, as specified in Annex II to this Regulation.
(a) the assets referred to in Article 9(1), point (b) of Regulation (EU) 2015/760 at that redemption date; and (b) the expected cash flow, forecasted on a prudent basis over 12 months.
(a) anti-dilution levies; (b) swing pricing; (c) redemption fees.
(a) the ELTIF’s liquidity profile, assets and liabilities, risks of liquidity mismatches, and expected inflows and outflows; (b) the life-cycle of the assets of the ELTIF, the life of the ELTIF, the overall stability of the investment strategy of the ELTIF throughout its life and the potential market events that may affect the ELTIF; (c) the planned and expected frequency of redemptions of the ELTIF and the risks of dilution effects of such redemptions for investors; (d) the availability and nature of existing liquidity management tools; (e) the financial performance of the ELTIF, including the free cash flows and the ELTIF’s balance sheet; (f) potential market circumstances and conditions that would affect the ELTIF when the percentage is set, and the extent to which the units or shares of the ELTIF can be redeemed in such market circumstances and conditions; (g) the availability of reliable information on the valuation of the ELTIF’s assets; (h) the ELTIF’s stability, investment strategy, and portfolio composition throughout the life-cycle of the ELTIF after a redemptions; (i) other relevant information, based on the circumstances of the ELTIF and its assets and investment strategy, that are necessary to determine that percentage in stressed market conditions and normal market conditions.
(a) the format, process, and the timing of the matching; (b) the frequency or periodicity of the matching window, and the duration of that window; (c) the dealing dates; (d) the requirements for the submission of purchase and exit requests, including the deadlines for submitting such requests; (e) the settlement and pay-out periods; (f) any safeguards to avoid any potential arbitrage against investors’ interest due to the asymmetry of information inherent to the matching of transfer requests; (g) where the manager of the ELTIF imposes a notice period for receiving purchase and exit requests, the details regarding such a notice period.
(a) where there are purchasing orders but no sale orders, or vice versa , whether the requests are cancelled or carried over;(b) where exit orders are lower than purchasing orders, that exit orders are carried out and that purchasing orders that are to be satisfied are selected on the basis of the criterion established by the manager of the ELTIF, and whether the excess purchasing orders are carried over and, if so, for how long; (c) where exit orders are higher than purchasing orders, that the manager of the ELTIF executes the exit orders on the basis of the criterion established by the manager of the ELTIF, and whether the excess exit orders are carried over and, if so, for how long.
(a) predetermined dealing dates and settlement or pay-out periods; (b) deadlines for the submission of purchase or exit orders; (c) the frequency at which the matching is available; (d) where the execution price is calculated by using methods or tools that are different from the net asset value, the specific criteria on the basis of which the execution price is to be determined and the manner in which investors will be informed thereof; (e) any exit or subscription fees, charges or costs related to the matching of transfer requests that are to be borne by existing or potential investors; (f) any notice period for receiving purchase or exit orders; (g) by when, by whom, and how new investors will be informed that they have acquired the units or shares of the ELTIF, and when and how the exiting investors will receive the corresponding amount for their units or shares of the ELTIF; (h) the rules that specify how and under which conditions matching is to be carried out on a pro rata basis.
(a) whether one or more potential buyers are present in the market; (b) whether the manager of the ELTIF, based on an assessment conducted with due skill, care and diligence at the time of the completion of the itemised schedule referred to in Article 21(1) of Regulation (EU) 2015/760, expects potential buyers to be dependent on external financing for buying the asset concerned; (c) where there are no immediate buyers for an asset, the length of time likely to be necessary to find one or more buyers for that asset; (d) the specific maturity profile of the asset; (e) whether the manager of the ELTIF, based on an assessment conducted with due skill, care and diligence at the time of the completion of the itemised schedule referred to in Article 21(1) of Regulation (EU) 2015/760, expects the following risks to materialise: (i) risks associated with legislative changes that could affect the market for potential buyers; (ii) political risks that could affect the market for potential buyers;
(f) whether the elements referred to in points (a) and (b) may be adversely impacted during the disposal period by overall economic conditions in the market or markets relevant to the asset.
(a) payments to the following persons or entities, including any person to whom those persons or entities have delegated any function; (i) the depositary; (ii) the custodians; (iii) any investment adviser; (iv) providers of valuation, fund accounting services, and fund administration; (v) providers of property management and of similar services; (vi) other providers that trigger transaction costs; (vii) prime-brokerage service providers; (viii) providers of collateral management services; (ix) securities lending agents; (x) legal and professional advisers;
(b) provisioned fees for specific treatment of gains and losses; (c) operating costs under a fee-sharing arrangement with a third party; (d) audit, registration and regulatory fees.
(a) the overall cost ratio of the ELTIF shall be expressed as a percentage to two decimal places; (b) the overall cost ratio of the ELTIF shall be based on the most recent cost calculations by the manager of the ELTIF and they shall be calculated and updated on an annual basis; (c) the costs shall be assessed on an "all taxes included" basis.
Notice Period / Redemption frequency | No Notice Period | 2 weeks Notice Period | 1 month Notice Period | 3 months Notice Period | 6 months Notice Period | 9 months Notice Period | 12 months Notice Period |
12 months | |||||||
6 months | |||||||
3 months | |||||||
2 months | |||||||
1 month | |||||||
Bi-weekly | |||||||
Weekly |
Notice Period / Redemption frequency | No Notice Period | 2 weeks Notice Period | 1 month Notice Period | 3 months Notice Period | 6 months Notice Period | 9 months Notice Period | 12 months Notice Period |
12 months | |||||||
6 months | |||||||
3 months | |||||||
2 months | |||||||
1 month or more frequent than 1 month | On an aggregate basis, during the period of one month: | On an aggregate basis, during the period of one month: | On an aggregate basis, during the period of one month: | On an aggregate basis, during the period of one month | On an aggregate basis, during the period of one month | On an aggregate basis, during the period of one month | On an aggregate basis, during the period of one month |
Notice Period / Redemption frequency | No Notice Period | 2 weeks Notice Period | 1 month Notice Period | 3 months Notice Period | 6 months Notice Period | 9 months Notice Period | 12 months Notice Period |
12 months | |||||||
6 months | |||||||
3 months | |||||||
2 months or more frequent than 2 months | On an aggregate basis, during the period of | On an aggregate basis, during the period of | On an aggregate basis, during the period of | On an aggregate basis, during the period of | On an aggregate basis, during the period of | On an aggregate basis, during the period of | On an aggregate basis, during the period of |
Redemption frequency | Minimum percentage of assets referred to in Article 9(1), point (b) | Maximum percentage referred to in Article 18(2), first subparagraph, point (d) |
12 months, and less frequent | ||
6 months | ||
3 months | ||
1 month or more frequent |