Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2746 of 25 October 2024 laying down rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 setting up the Farm Sustainability Data Network and repealing Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/220
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2746of 25 October 2024laying down rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 setting up the Farm Sustainability Data Network and repealing Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/220 THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 of 30 November 2009 setting up the Farm Sustainability Data NetworkOJ L 328, 15.12.2009, p. 27, ELI:, and in particular Article 4a(3), Article 5(1), third subparagraph, Article 5a(2) and (4), Article 5b(7), Article 7(2), Article 8(4), Article 8a(2) and Article 19(4) thereof,Whereas:(1)Regulation (EU) 2023/2674 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) 2023/2674 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 November 2023 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 as regards conversion of the Farm Accountancy Data Network into a Farm Sustainability Data Network (OJ L, 2023/2674, 29.11.2023, ELI: amended Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009. With this amendment, the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) is transformed into a Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN). To ensure the proper functioning of the new legal framework resulting from that amendment, certain rules should be adopted by means of implementing acts.(2)In accordance with Article 5(1), third paragraph, of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, it is necessary to fix thresholds for the economic size of holdings. Such thresholds need to vary according to the Member State and, in some cases, according to the FSDN division, to take account of their different farming structures.(3)Article 5a of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 provides that each Member State is to draw up a plan for the selection of returning holdings ("selection plan") that ensures a representative sample of the field of survey. For creating the selection plan, the field of survey should be stratified based on the FSDN divisions listed in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, as well as based on types of farming and economic sizes. The selection plan should be drawn up before the beginning of the reporting year so that the Commission can review its content before it can be used to select returning holdings. To maintain the representativeness of the sample selected in relation to the economic variables, while incorporating other sustainability aspects, the models and methods relating to selection plan’s form and content should be updated. The selection of holdings operated by the Member States should take into account environmental and social topics introduced with the conversion to the FSDN.(4)To meet the objectives set out in Article 5b of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, which apply for the purposes of the FSDN, implementing rules for the Union typology should be established.(5)The type of farming and the economic size of the holding should be determined using an economic criterion. It is appropriate to use the standard output referred to in Article 5b(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 for that purpose. These standard outputs need to be established by product and should align with the list of core structural data variables set out in Annex III to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) 2018/1091 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on integrated farm statistics and repealing Regulations (EC) No 1166/2008 and (EU) No 1337/2011 (OJ L 200, 7.8.2018, p. 1, ELI: In this respect, a correspondence between the characteristics of the structure surveys and the headings of the farm return of the FSDN should be ensured.(6)As the non-agricultural activities of the holding become more important, a classification variable reflecting the importance of such gainful activities directly related to the holding should be included in the Union typology.(7)Since it is appropriate to use the standard output referred to in Article 5b(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 as an economic criterion to determine the type of farming and the economic size of the holding, it is further necessary to lay down certain rules for the transmission to the Commission of the standard outputs and the data needed for their calculation.(8)To achieve the objectives of the FSDN, the characteristics of the farm return should be modified, including start and end of the reporting year, the form and layout of the farm return, the definition of variables and the frequency of data transmission. In particular, the new variables relating to the economic, environmental, and social sustainability dimensions of farming should cover the topics set out in Annex -I of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009. General principles for compiling the farm returns, including the need to collect environmental and social variables and the new possibilities provided by data sharing with other data sources, should be established.(9)Variables and definition of variables linked to one or more of the topics set out in Annex -I of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 should be detailed, providing information necessary to carry out their specific analysis. The definition of new variables should be consistent with the existing accountancy data, which are included within FSDN data, based on similar form and layout.(10)Article 8(4), point (d), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 lays down that methods and deadlines for data transmission to the Commission, including possible extensions of deadlines and exemptions for specific variables that may be granted to a Member State, should be established. It is appropriate, taking in account the different organisation and methods for data compilation across Member States, to establish relevant deadlines for certain variables within the period of reporting year 2025 to reporting year 2027. Such period should apply both for establishing the timetable for submitting the data and for the management of the annual budget.(11)Duly completed farm returns should be sent to the Commission in time by the liaison agency appointed by each Member State in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, to ensure the uniform and timely management of the delivered data. The delivery process of the data to the Commission should be made practical and secure. Therefore, provision should be made for the liaison agency to send the information concerned directly to the Commission via the computerised system set up by the Commission for the purposes of that Regulation as well as for further modalities in that regard. It is appropriate that the time limits for the submission of such data to the Commission take into account Member States' past record in delivering such data.(12)Every farm return delivered to the Commission should be duly completed in order to be considered as eligible for payment of the amount.(13)The limit on the total number of duly completed farm returns eligible for Union financing per Member State and per FSDN division is laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009. However, to take account of structural changes, flexibility in the maximum number of returning holdings eligible for Union financing per FSDN division should be allowed in order to compensate for under-deliveries in other FSDN divisions, provided that the maximum number of the returning holdings of the Member State concerned is respected, as laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009.(14)According to Article 19(1), point (a), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, an amount should be payable to the Member States for the delivery of the duly completed farm returns within a set deadline. In order to ensure a smooth transition between the FADN and the FSDN, the rules governing the amount payable to Member States should be adapted for the payments within the period of reporting year 2025 to reporting year 2027 and take account of the extent to which the duly completed farm returns delivered provide all the information required to analyse the topics set out in Annex-I to Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009.(15)The Commission, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in respect of those Member States participating in enhanced cooperation pursuant to Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 of 12 October 2017 implementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office ("the EPPO") (OJ L 283, 31.10.2017, p. 1, ELI:, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the Court of Auditors are to have the power to exert their respective competences, including to carry out audits, on-the-spot-checks and investigations on the expenditure financed by the Union under this Regulation.(16)In order to implement rules on data sharing included in Article 4a of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, it is necessary to set out provisions on the data to be extracted from the different datasets. Technical specifications and deadlines for data transmission should be set out with the aim to reduce administrative burden for the Member States’ authorities, taking into account the feasibility to extract data, other electronic systems already in place and the management of the FSDN computerised data system. To align with the implementation of the Strategic Plans under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) as laid down in Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 December 2021 establishing rules on support for strategic plans to be drawn up by Member States under the common agricultural policy (CAP Strategic Plans) and financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and repealing Regulations (EU) No 1305/2013 and (EU) No 1307/2013 (OJ L 435, 6.12.2021, p. 1, ELI: and Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 December 2021 on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 (OJ L 435, 6.12.2021, p. 187, ELI:, in particular in Article 67(3) thereof, it is appropriate to set deadlines for data transmission that will allow to link FSDN data with the CAP aid applications submitted by the same holdings. Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDirective 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) (OJ L 108, 25.4.2007, p. 1, ELI: and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138 of 21 December 2022 laying down a list of specific high-value datasets and the arrangements for their publication and re-use (OJ L 19, 20.1.2023, p. 43, ELI: should also be taken into account with regards to sharing spatial data of agricultural parcels.(17)In order to implement rules on storage, processing, reuse and sharing of data included in Article 8a of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, it is necessary to set out provisions about the computerised data system to transmit and analyse data in accordance with Commission Decision (EU, Euratom) 2017/46Commission Decision (EU, Euratom) 2017/46 of 10 January 2017 on the security of communication and information systems in the European Commission (OJ L 6, 11.1.2017, p. 40, ELI: number, relevance, and definition of variables, as well as financial provisions, including the definition of a duly completed farm return, and data sharing provisions should be subject to revision in 2027, taking into account the experience gained after the compilation of data for the first reporting year, and on the basis of a feasibility analysis taking into account, among others, input from Member States, including the availability and quality of new and existing data sources, possible implementation of new methods, and the financial burden on the Member States and returning holdings.(19)The new rules introduced by this Regulation replace the existing rules laid out in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/220Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/220 of 3 February 2015 laying down rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 setting up a network for the collection of accountancy data on the incomes and business operation of agricultural holdings in the European Union (OJ L 46, 19.2.2015, p. 1, ELI: That Implementing Regulation should therefore be repealed. However, to ensure that data transmission, data verification and payments for all accounting years prior to 2025 can be finalised, that Implementing Regulation should continue to apply after 1 January 2025.(20)Considering the need for Member States to transition from the FADN to the FSDN this Regulation should apply as from reporting year 2025.(21)To allow Member States to start preparing the selection plan promptly, this Regulation should enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.(22)The European Data Protection Supervisor was consulted in accordance with Article 42(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39, ELI: and delivered formal comments on 13 September 2024.(23)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Farm Sustainability Data Network Committee,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Threshold of economic sizeThe thresholds of economic size, as referred to in Article 5(1), first subparagraph, of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, are set out in Annex I to this Regulation.
Article 2Number of returning holdingsThe number of returning holdings per Member State and per Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN) division, referred to in Article 5a(2) and (3) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, is set out in Annex II to this Regulation.
Article 3Selection plan1.Models and methods relating to the form and content of the data referred to in Article 5a(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 are set out in Annex III to this Regulation.2.Member States shall notify the Commission, by electronic means, of the selection plan referred to in Article 5a(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 and approved by the National Committee referred to in Article 6(2) of that Regulation, no later than two months before the beginning of the reporting year to which that selection plan relates.
Article 4Particular types of farming specialisationsThe methods for the calculation of particular types of farming specialisations, referred to in Article 5b(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, and their correspondence with general and principal types of farming, referred to in that Article, are set out in Annex IV to this Regulation.
Article 5Economic size of the holdingThe method for the calculation of the economic size of the holding, referred to in Article 5b(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, and the economic size classes, referred to in Article 5b(1) of that Regulation, are set out in Annex V to this Regulation.
Article 6Standard output coefficient and total standard output of a holding1.The method of calculation to determine the standard output coefficient of each characteristic, referred to in Article 5b(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, and the procedure for collecting the corresponding data are set out in Annexes IV and VI to this Regulation.The standard output coefficient of the different characteristics of a holding, referred to in Article 5b(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, shall be determined for the crop and livestock variables listed in Part 2.1. of Annex IV to this Regulation and for each geographical unit referred to in point 2(b) of Annex VI to this Regulation.2.The total standard output of a holding shall be obtained by multiplying the standard output coefficient of each crop and livestock variable by the number of corresponding units.
Article 7Other gainful activities directly related to the holdingThe other gainful activities directly related to the holding, referred to in Article 5b(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, are defined in Part 1 of Annex VII to this Regulation. Their economic importance to the holding shall be expressed as a percentage band of the holding turnover.The method to estimate the importance of the gainful activities referred to in the first paragraph is set out in Parts 2 and 3 of Annex VII to this Regulation.The percentage bands referred to in the first paragraph are set out in Part 3 of Annex VII to this Regulation.
Article 8Notification of standard outputs and data for their determination1.Member States shall submit to the Commission (Eurostat) the standard outputs, the data for their determination and corresponding metadata, as referred to in Article 5b(6) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, for a reference period of year N before 31 December of the year N+3.2.For the submission of the data and metadata referred to in paragraph 1, Member States shall use the computerised systems made available by the Commission (Eurostat) for that purpose.
Article 9The start and the end of the reporting yearThe reporting year of 12 consecutive months, referred to in Article 8(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, shall end during the period from 31 December to 30 June inclusive.
Article 10The definitions of variables, the form and layout of the farm return and the frequency of data transmissionThe definitions of variables linked to one or more of the topics set out in Annex -I to Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, the form and layout of presentation of the data, and the frequency of data transmission, referred to in Article 8(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, are laid down in Annex VIII to this Regulation.
Article 11The methods and deadlines for data transmission to the Commission1.The farm returns shall be submitted to the Commission by the liaison agency referred to in Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 via a computerised data system, in accordance with Article 8a of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009. The required information shall be exchanged electronically on the basis of models made available to the liaison agency via that computerised data system.2.Member States shall be informed of the general conditions for implementing the computerised system referred to in paragraph 1, at the Committee for the Farm Sustainability Data Network.3.FSDN tables and variables are set out in Annex IX. Member States shall submit in the farm returns the data referred to in Article 10 from the reporting years 2025 and 2027 in accordance with the timetable set out in Annex IX. For the reporting year 2026, the variables to be submitted shall be the same as for reporting year 2025. With regards to the tables indicated in Annex IX, new FSDN variables laid down in Annex IX shall be submitted for the first time for the reporting year 2025 or 2027. After these reporting years, it shall continue to be submitted each year.However, data required to be submitted for the reporting year 2027 may also be submitted in an earlier year.4.The farm returns shall be transmitted to the Commission by 15 December, after the end of the reporting year in question.However, Germany may transmit the farm returns to the Commission within 15 weeks after the deadline referred to in the first subparagraph.5.Farm returns shall be deemed to be delivered to the Commission once the data referred to in Article 10 have been introduced in the computerised data system referred to in paragraph 1, the subsequent computer-based checks have been executed and the liaison agency has confirmed that the data are ready to be loaded into that computerised data system.
Article 12Extensions of deadlines and exemptions for specific variables1.For the reporting year 2025, the exemptions from submitting data relating to specific variables referred to in Annex VIII to this Regulation granted to certain Member States, as referred to in Article 8(4), point (d), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, are set out in Annex IX to this Regulation.2.For the reporting years 2026 and 2027, the Commission may extend the deadline for submitting data on specific variables referred to in Article 11(4), first subparagraph, if the Member State makes a justified request. This request shall be sent to the Commission by the Member State concerned no later than 31 May of the year preceding the reporting year in question.3.For the reporting years 2026 and 2027, the Commission may exempt Member States from submitting data on specific variables referred to in Annex VIII for a given reporting year if the Member State makes a justified request. This request shall be sent to the Commission by the Member State concerned no later than 31 May of the year preceding the reporting year.
Article 13Duly completed farm returns1.For the purposes of Article 19(1), point (a), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, a farm return is duly completed when its content is factually accurate, reliable and verifiable, and the data contained therein are recorded and presented in accordance with the form and layout set out in Annex VIII to this Regulation.2.By way of derogation from paragraph 1, in order to be considered duly completed, farm returns data during the period for reporting years 2025, 2026 and 2027 shall contain the data of the tables set out in Annex VIII, taking into account the exemptions referred to in Annex IX.
Article 14Eligible number of farm returns for the payment1.The total number of duly completed and submitted farm returns per Member State, referred to in Article 5a(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, that are eligible for the payment of the amount payable to each Member States shall not exceed the total number of returning holdings laid down for that Member State in Annex II to this Regulation.2.Where Member States have more than one FSDN division, the number of duly completed and submitted farm returns per FSDN division that are eligible for payment may be up to 20 % higher than the number laid down for the FSDN division concerned in Annex II, provided that the total number of duly completed and submitted farm returns of the Member State concerned shall not be higher than the total number laid down for that Member State in Annex II.However, farm returns from an FSDN division with a higher number of submitted farm returns than laid down for that FSDN division in Annex II shall not be considered to be eligible for the payment in an FSDN division for which less than 80 % of the required number of returning holdings is submitted by the Member State.
Article 15Payment of the amount1.The amount payable to each Member State, referred to in Article 19(1), point (a), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, shall be paid in two instalments:(a)a prefinancing payment corresponding to 50 % of the total amount established on the basis of Articles 16 and 17 of this Regulation that shall be made at the beginning of each reporting year;(b)the balance payment shall be paid after the delivered farm returns have been verified and deemed by the Commission to have been duly completed.2.The amount paid to each Member State shall contribute to any of the following actions: due completion of the farm returns, improvements of data delivery timings, processes, systems, procedures and overall quality of the farm returns.3.The Commission reserves the right to recover any amounts unduly paid.
Article 16Amount payable to Member States1.The amount payable to each Member State, referred to in Article 19(1), point (a), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, shall be fixed at EUR 636 per farm return.2.If the 80 % thresholds referred to in Article 19(1), point (a), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 are neither met at the level of an FSDN division, nor at the level of the Member State concerned, the reduction referred to in that provision shall be applied only at the Member State level.
Article 17Amount payable to Member States for reporting years 2025, 2026 and 20271.By way of derogation from Article 16(1) of this Regulation, for the reporting years 2025, 2026 and 2027, the amount payable to each Member State referred to in Article 19(1), point (a), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 is the maximum amounts set out in Annex X to this Regulation. This amount consists of:(a)an amount established based on the need for the delivery of the data laid down in the tables A to M in Annex VIII to this Regulation ("FADN data") with the exception of the variables listed in Annex IX to this Regulation;(b)an amount established based on the need for improvements of data delivery timings, processes, systems, procedures and overall quality of the farm returns;(c)an amount established based on the need for the delivery of all FSDN data, with the exception of FADN data, in accordance with the exemptions set out in Annex IX to this Regulation.2.If, for a Member State, the total number of duly completed farm returns delivered within the deadline laid down in Article 11 is lower than the maximum number of returning holdings laid down for that Member State in Annex II, the amounts referred to in paragraph 1, points (a) and (c), shall be reduced proportionately.However, in accordance with Article 19(1), point (a), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, where the total number of duly completed and delivered farm returns in respect of an FSDN division or a Member State is less than 80 % on the returning holdings laid down in Annex II to this Regulation, a reduction shall be applied to the amounts referred to in paragraph 1, points (a) and (c), of this Article.3.For FSDN data, with the exception of existing FADN data, as referred to in paragraph 1, point (c), if a Member State delivers, as a part of a farm return, a table where data is missing, such farm return shall, by derogation to Article 13(2), be considered as duly completed. However, the amount provided for in paragraph 1, point (c), shall be reduced by EUR 21 per incomplete table, taking into account the exemptions set out in Annex IX.4.For FADN data referred to in paragraph 1, point (a), if a Member State delivers, as a part of a farm return, a table where data is missing, the amount payable for the farm return containing the incomplete table will not be allocated.5.If a Member State delivers, for the reporting years 2025 or 2026, as a part of a farm return, a table with data that is only required for the reporting year 2027 in accordance with Annex IX, an additional amount of EUR 21 shall be paid to the Member State for each table delivered in advance.The maximum annual amounts for advance deliveries of data due according to Annex IX for reporting year 2027 are set out in Annex X under the heading "Reserve for advance deliveries". If the total amount resulting from application of the first subparagraph of this paragraph is greater than the maximum amount of the reserve for advance deliveries laid down in Annex X, the amount per table shall be reduced proportionally to ensure that the total amount does not exceed the maximum annual amount laid down in Annex IX.
Article 18The data to be extracted from the datasetThe data to be extracted from the dataset referred to in Article 4a(1), point (a), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 are laid down in Annex XI to this Regulation.
Article 19The technical specifications and deadlines for data transmission to the Commission1.The data shall be submitted to the Commission by the liaison agency referred to in Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 via a computerised data system, as laid down in Article 8a of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009. The form and layout of the data are laid down in Annex XI to this Regulation.2.The Commission shall inform the liaison agencies of the general conditions for implementing the computerised data system referred to in paragraph 1, at the Committee for the Farm Sustainability Data Network.3.The data in relation to reporting year N shall be transmitted to the Commission by 15 December of the year N+2.4.The first year of data transmission shall be 2027 in relation to reporting year 2025. However, liaison agencies may transmit data in relation to previous reporting years. The Commission may exempt liaison agencies from submitting data for a given reporting year upon a justified request submitted to the Commission by 31 October of reporting year N+1.5.Data are deemed to have been delivered to the Commission once these conditions are met:(a)the data referred to in Article 18 have been introduced in the computerised data system referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article;(b)the subsequent computer-based checks have been executed; and(c)the liaison agency has confirmed that the data are ready to be loaded into that computerised data system.6.The liaison agencies shall provide the data contained in the dataset referred to in Article 4 a(1), point (a), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009. The liaison agencies are not required to ensure complete consistency of that data set with the FSDN data submitted to the Commission.
Article 20The data to be extracted from the datasetThe data to be extracted from the dataset referred to in Article 4a(1), point (b), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 are laid down in Annex XII to this Regulation.
Article 21The technical specifications and deadlines for data transmission to the Commission1.The liaison agency referred to in Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 shall submit the data to the Commission via a computerised data system, as referred to in Article 8a of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009. The form and layout of the data are laid down in Annex XII to this Regulation.2.The Commission shall inform the liaison agency of the general conditions for implementing the computerised data system referred to in paragraph 1, at the Committee for the Farm Sustainability Data Network.3.The data in relation to reporting year N shall be transmitted to the Commission by 15 December of the year N+1.4.The first year of data transmission shall be 2028 in relation to the reporting year 2027.However, the liaison agencies may transmit data in relation to previous reporting years.The Commission may exempt liaison agencies, as of reporting year 2027 onwards, from submitting data for a given reporting year upon a justified request to be sent by 31 October of reporting year N.5.Data are deemed to have been delivered to the Commission once these conditions are met:(a)the data referred to in Article 20 have been introduced in the computerised data system referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article;(b)the subsequent computer-based checks have been executed; and(c)the liaison agency has confirmed that the data are ready to be loaded into that computerised data system.6.The liaison agencies shall provide the data contained in the dataset referred to in Article 4a(1), point (b), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009. The liaison agencies are not required to ensure complete consistency of that data set with the FSDN data submitted to the Commission.
Article 22Computerised data systemThe computerised data system, referred to in Article 8a(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, established by the Commission, shall ensure the secure exchange of information between the Member States and the Commission.The computerised data system referred to in the first subparagraph shall ensure an information technology security policy applicable to the personnel using the system in accordance with relevant Union rules, in particular Decision (EU, Euratom) 2017/46.Individual data obtained during the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 shall be used in accordance with Articles 16, 16a and 16b of that Regulation.
Article 23Revision clause1.Definitions of variables as set out in Annex VIII to this Regulation, financial rules set out in Section 4 of this Regulation, and delivery of data provisions set out in Section 5 of this Regulation shall be revised by the Commission at the latest by 30 September 2027, following the procedure laid down in Article 19b of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009.2.The revision referred to in paragraph 1 shall be preceded by the Commission’s analysis of the feasibility of the proposed amendments to this Regulation based, among others, on the input from Member States.
Article 24RepealCommission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/220 is repealed with effect from 1 January 2025.However, that Regulation shall continue to apply in respect of the accounting years prior to 2025.
Article 25Entry into force and applicationThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.It shall apply from the reporting year 2025.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 25 October 2024.For the CommissionThe PresidentUrsula von der LeyenANNEX IThreshold of economic size for the field of survey referred to in Article 1
Member State/FSDN divisionThreshold (in EUR)
France (with the exception of La Réunion and Antilles françaises)25000
France (only La Réunion and Antilles françaises)15000
ANNEX IINumber of returning holdings referred to in Article 2
Reference numberName of FSDN divisionNumber of returning holdings per reporting year
Total Belgium1100
831Северозападен (Severozapaden)393
832Северен централен (Severen tsentralen)377
833Североизточен (Severoiztochen)347
834Югозападен (Yugozapaden)222
835Южен централен (Yuzhen tsentralen)482
836Югоизточен (Yugoiztochen)381
Total Bulgaria2202
Total Germany5111
450Μακεδονία — Θράκη (Macedonia-Thrace)1050
460Ήπειρος — Πελοπόννησος — Νήσοι Ιονίου (Epirus, Peloponnese, Ionian Islands)920
470Θεσσαλία (Thessaly)370
480Στερεά Ελλάς — Νήσοι Αιγαίου — Κρήτη (Sterea Ellas, Aegean Islands, Crete)626
Total Greece2966
515País Vasco352
525La Rioja244
540Islas Baleares180
545Castilla y León950
555Castilla-La Mancha900
560Comunidad Valenciana638
Total Spain8700
141Nord-Pas de Calais280
162Pays de la Loire460
203Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur420
207La Réunion160
208Antilles françaises120
Total France7600
861Jadranska Hrvatska329
862Kontinentalna Hrvatska922
Total Croatia1251
221Valle d'Aosta233
242Alto Adige418
244Friuli-Venezia Giulia374
Total Italy9418
Total Hungary1900
785Pomorze i Mazury1340
790Wielkopolska i Śląsk2960
795Mazowsze i Podlasie3600
800Małopolska i Pogórze1100
Total Poland9000
615Norte e Centro1233
640Alentejo e Algarve399
650Açores e Madeira317
Total Portugal2300
Total Romania5100
675Pohjanmaa, Sisä- and Pohjois-Suomi326
Total Finland650
720Skogs- och mellanbygdslän258
730Län i norra Sverige130
Total Sweden1025
ANNEX IIIModels and methods for the preparation of the selection plan referred to in Article 3(1)Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 requires each Member State to draw up a plan for the selection of returning holdings that ensures a representative sample of the field of survey. To ensure representativeness of FSDN data for its field of survey on a division level, no cluster of FSDN divisions shall be applied in the selection plan.Similarly, all relevant types and sizes of farming represented in the integrated farm statistics (IFS) census or survey are to be covered at the level of detail which provides representative results on important farm groups, within the limits of the sample size. Given the currently available organisational and technical solutions at the Commission level to provide weighted results for the field of survey of FSDN, a FSDN sample delivered by Member States to the Commission is not to under- or overrepresent major characteristics of farms in the field of survey significantly. This includes also farming methods such as organic farming and characteristics of farms such as part of the activity dedicated to beekeeping. In cases of a non-random selection of sample farms (returning holdings) for FSDN, the selection procedure is to aim at avoiding bias and provide suitable samples for the purpose of FSDN, in particular, for a proper assessment of income of the surveyed farms. Separate clusters are to refer clearly to general and principal types of farming and/or particular types of farming specialisations to identify them univocally based on the classification, with particular regard to types of farming of particular importance in the Member State.The data referred to in Article 5a(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 shall be notified to the Commission on the basis of the following structure:1.FACT-SHEET
1.General information
1.1.Reporting year
1.2.Member State
1.3.Name of the liaison agency
1.4.Is the liaison agency part of the public administration (yes/no)?
2.Basis of the selection plan
2.1.Source of the total population of holdings
2.2.Year of the population of holdings used
2.3.Year of the standard output coefficients
3.Procedures for stratifying the field of survey
3.1.Clustering by type of farm
3.2.Clustering by size class of farm
3.3.Additional national criterion used for the stratification of the field of survey
3.3.1.Explain in detail the national criterion used if applicable:
3.3.2.Is the additional national criterion used in the national selection of the sample?
3.3.3.Is the additional national criterion used in the national weighting of the sample?
3.3.4.If the national criterion is used for the Union selection, please explain your choice and detail the implications for the representativeness of the Union FSDN field of survey.
4.The methods for determining the selection rate and sample size chosen for each stratum
Proportional allocationOptimal allocationProportional and optimal allocations combinedOther method
5.The procedures for the selection of returning holdings
Random selectionNon-random selectionRandom and non-random selections combinedOther method
6.Is an update of this selection plan expected? For which reason?
7.Additional information not covered in previous points
8.The selection plan was approved at the national committee, date
2.SELECTION PLAN TABLESDetails on the reference population and on the sample designed for the related reporting year shall be provided on the basis of the models of the following tables which are an integral part of the selection plan documentation. Table 4 shall be submitted as a separate file in the format defined by the Commission .
Table 1Clustering rules applied for Union FSDN sample farm selection
Table structure
Column numberColumn description
1FSDN division code (use reference numbers as in Annex II)
2Clusters of types of farming (use numbers representing types of farming as in Annex IV)
3Clusters of economic size classes (use numbers representing economic size classes as in Annex V)
Table 2Coverage of the sample
Table structure
Column numberColumn description
1Economic size classes (as set out in Annex V)
2Lower limits of the economic size classes (in EUR)
3Upper limits of the economic size classes (in EUR)
4Number of holdings of the population represented
5Inverse cumulative percentage of number of holdings of the population represented
6Utilised agricultural area (ha) of the population represented
7Inverse cumulative percentage of utilised agricultural area represented
8Total standard output of the population represented
9Inverse cumulative percentage of total standard output represented
10Number of livestock units of the population represented
11Inverse cumulative percentage of number of livestock units represented
12Number of Annual Work Units (AWU) of the population represented
13Inverse cumulative percentage of AWU represented
Table 3Distribution of farms in the population
Table structure
Column numberColumn description
1Code — principal type of farming (as set out in Annex IV)
2Description — principal type of farming
3Economic size class — 1 (classes as set out in Annex V)
4Economic size class — 2
5Economic size class — 3
6Economic size class — 4
7Economic size class — 5
8Economic size class — 6
9Economic size class — 7
10Economic size class — 8
11Economic size class — 9
12Economic size class — 10
13Economic size class — 11
14Economic size class — 12
15Economic size class — 13
16Economic size class — 14
17Total number of holdings in the population in the given principal type of farming
Table 4Machine-readable selection plan
Table structure
Column numberColumn description
1Reporting year
2Member State code as defined by the data delivery system
3FSDN division code (reference numbers as set in Annex II)
4Clusters of types of farming (farm type numbers as set in Annex IV)
5Clusters of economic size classes (class numbers as set in Annex V)
6Number of holdings to be selected
7Number of holdings in the population
ANNEX IVParticular types of farming specialisations and their correspondence with general and principal types of farming referred to in Article 4The following definitions apply:(a)Standard output (SO) is the standard value of gross production. The SO is used for classifying farms according to the Union farm typology (in which the type of farming is defined by main production activities) and for determining economic farm size.(b)Standard output coefficient (SOC) is the average monetary value of gross production of each agricultural variable referred to in Article 6(1), corresponding to the average situation in a given region, per unit of production. SOCs are calculated at farm-gate price, in euro per hectare of crop or euro per head of livestock (exceptions apply for mushrooms in euro per 100 m2, poultry in euro per 100 heads and bees in euro per hive). VAT, taxes and subsidies are not included in the farm-gate price. SOCs are updated at least every time a European survey on the structure of agricultural holdings is conducted.(c)Total SO of a holding is the sum of the individual production units of a specific holding multiplied by their respective SOC.1.PARTICULAR TYPES OF FARMING SPECIALISATIONThe particular types of farming specialisation are defined by two features:(a)The nature of the variables concerned;The variables refer to the relevant list of variables surveyed in the IFS data collections: they are indicated by using the codes presented in the table of correspondence in Part 2.1. of this Annex or by a code regrouping several of those variables as set out in Part 2.2. of this AnnexThe variables SO_CLND019 (Other root crops n.e.c.), SO_CLND037 (Plants harvested green from arable land), SO_CLND049 (Fallow land), SO_CLND073_085 (Kitchen gardens and other UAA under glass or high accessible cover n.e.c.), SO_CLND051 (Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazing), SO_CLND052 (Rough grazings), SO_CLND053 (Permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for the payment of subsidies), SO_CLVS001 (Bovine animals less than 1 year old), SO_CLVS014 (Other sheep), SO_CLVS017 (Other goats) and SO_CLVS018 (Piglets, live weight of under 20 kg) are used only under certain conditions (see point 5 of Annex VI)..(b)The conditions determining the class limits;Unless otherwise indicated, these conditions are expressed as fractions of the total SO of the holding.All conditions indicated for particular types of farming specialisation have to be met cumulatively in order for the holding to be classified under the related particular type of farming specialisation.Specialist holdings – crop products
Types of farming(for better readability the six columns under this heading are reproduced in Part C of this Annex)Methods for the calculation of particular types of farming specialisationsIF (C1) AND (C2) AND (C3) THEN (S1)
GeneralDescriptionPrincipalDescriptionParticular specialisationsDescription(S1)Description of the calculation(D1)Code of variables and conditions(ref. Part B of this Annex)
Condition 1(C1)Condition 2(C2)Condition 3(C3)
1Specialist field crops
15Specialist cereals oilseeds and protein crops
151Specialist cereals (other than rice), oilseeds and protein cropsCereals, excluding rice, oilseeds, dried pulses and protein crops > 2/3P1 > 2/3P15 + P16 + SO_CLND014 > 2/3P151 + P16 + SO_CLND014 > 2/3
152Specialist riceRice > 2/3P1 > 2/3P15 + P16 + SO_CLND014 > 2/3SO_CLND013 > 2/3
153Cereals, oilseeds, protein crops and rice combinedHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding holdings in classes 151 and 152P1 > 2/3P15 + P16 + SO_CLND014 > 2/3
16General field cropping
161Specialist root cropsPotatoes, sugar beet and other root crops not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) > 2/3P1 > 2/3P15 + P16 + SO_CLND014 ≤ 2/3P17 > 2/3
162Cereals, oilseeds, protein crops and root crops combinedCereals, oilseeds, dried pulses protein crops > 1/3 AND roots > 1/3P1 > 2/3P15 + P16 + SO_CLND014 ≤ 2/3P15 + P16 + SO_CLND014 > 1/3 AND P17 > 1/3
163Specialist field vegetablesFresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Open field > 2/3P1 > 2/3P15 + P16 + SO_CLND014 ≤ 2/3SO_CLND045 > 2/3
164Specialist tobaccoTobacco > 2/3P1 > 2/3P15 + P16 + SO_CLND014 ≤ 2/3SO_CLND032 > 2/3
165Specialist cottonCotton > 2/3P1 > 2/3P15 + P16 + SO_CLND014 ≤ 2/3SO_CLND030 > 2/3
166Various field crops combinedHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding holdings in classes 161, 162, 163, 164 and 165P1 > 2/3P15 + P16 + SO_CLND014 ≤ 2/3
2Specialist horticulture
21Specialist horti-culture indoor
211Specialist vegetables indoorFresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries under glass or high accessible cover > 2/3P2 > 2/3SO_CLND081 + SO_CLND082 > 2/3SO_CLND081 > 2/3
212Specialist flowers and ornamentals indoorFlowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) under glass or high accessible cover > 2/3P2 > 2/3SO_CLND081 + SO_CLND082 > 2/3SO_CLND082 > 2/3
213Mixed horticulture indoor specialistHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding those in classes 211 and 212P2 > 2/3SO_CLND081 + SO_CLND082 > 2/3
22Specialist horti-culture outdoor
221Specialist vegetables outdoorFresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Market gardening > 2/3P2 > 2/3SO_CLND044 + SO_CLND046 > 2/3SO_CLND044 > 2/3
222Specialist flowers and ornamentals outdoorFlowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) > 2/3P2 > 2/3SO_CLND044 + SO_CLND046 > 2/3SO_CLND046 > 2/3
223Mixed horticulture outdoor specialistHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding those in classes 221 and 222P2 > 2/3SO_CLND044 + SO_CLND046 > 2/3
23Other horticulture
231Specialist mushroomsMushrooms > 2/3P2 > 2/3SO_CLND044 + SO_CLND046 ≤ 2/3 AND SO_CLND081 + SO_CLND082 ≤ 2/3SO_CLND079 > 2/3
232Specialist nurseriesNurseries > 2/3P2 > 2/3SO_CLND044 + SO_CLND046 ≤ 2/3 AND SO_CLND081 + SO_CLND082 ≤ 2/3SO_CLND070 > 2/3
233Various horticultureHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding those in classes 231 and 232P2 > 2/3SO_CLND044 + SO_CLND046 ≤ 2/3 AND SO_CLND081 + SO_CLND082 ≤ 2/3
3Specialist permanent crops
35Specialist vineyards
351Specialist quality wineGrapes for wines with protected designation of origin (PDO) and grapes for wines with protected geographical indication (PGI) > 2/3P3 > 2/3SO_CLND062> 2/3SO_CLND064 + SO_CLND065 > 2/3
352Specialist wine other than quality wineGrapes for other wines n.e.c. (without PDO/PGI) > 2/3P3 > 2/3SO_CLND062> 2/3SO_CLND066 > 2/3
353Specialist table grapesGrapes for table use > 2/3P3 > 2/3SO_CLND062> 2/3SO_CLND067 > 2/3
354Other vineyardsHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding those in classes 351, 352 and 353P3 > 2/3SO_CLND062> 2/3
36Specialist fruit and citrus fruit
361Specialist fruit (other than citrus, tropical and subtropical fruits and nuts)Fruit of temperate climate zones and berries (excluding strawberries) > 2/3P3 > 2/3SO_CLND055+ SO_CLND061> 2/3SO_CLND056_57 + SO_CLND059 > 2/3
362Specialist citrus fruitCitrus fruits > 2/3P3 > 2/3SO_CLND055+ SO_CLND061> 2/3SO_CLND061> 2/3
363Specialist nutsNuts > 2/3P3 > 2/3SO_CLND055 + SO_CLND061> 2/3SO_CLND060 > 2/3
364Specialist tropical and subtropical fruitsFruit from subtropical and tropical climate zones > 2/3P3 > 2/3SO_CLND055 + SO_CLND061> 2/3SO_CLND058 > 2/3
365Specialist fruits, citrus, tropical and subtropical fruits and nuts: mixed productionHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding those in classes 361, 362, 363 and 364P3 > 2/3SO_CLND055 + SO_CLND061> 2/3
37Specialist olives
370Specialist olivesOlives > 2/3P3 > 2/3SO_CLND069 > 2/3
38Various permanent crops combined
380Various permanent crops combinedHoldings meeting condition C1, excluding those in classes 351 to 370P3 > 2/3
Specialist holdings — Animal production
Types of farming(for better readability the six columns under this heading are reproduced in Part C of this Annex)Methods for the calculation of particular types of farming specialisationsIF (C1) AND (C2) AND (C3) THEN (S1)
GeneralDescriptionPrincipalDescriptionParticular specialisationsDescription(S1)Description of the calculation(D1)Code of variables and conditions(ref. Part B of this Annex)
Condition 1(C1)Condition 2(C2)Condition 3(C3)
4Specialist grazing livestock
45Specialist dairy
450Specialist dairyDairy cows > 3/4 of total grazing livestock AND grazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forageP4 > 2/3SO_CLVS009 + SO_CLVS011 > 3/4 GL AND GL > 1/10 P4
46Specialist cattle — rearing and fattening
460Specialist cattle — rearing and fatteningAll bovine (i.e. bovine animals less than 1 year old, bovine animals 1 to less than two years old and bovine animals 2 years old and over (male, heifers, dairy cows, non-dairy cows and buffalo cows))> 2/3 of grazing livestock AND dairy cows ≤ 1/10 of grazing livestock ANDgrazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forageP4 > 2/3P46 > 2/3 GL AND SO_CLVS009 + SO_CLVS011 ≤ 1/10 GL AND GL > 1/10 P4
47Cattle — dairy, rearing and fattening combined
470Cattle — dairy, rearing and fattening combinedAll bovine > 2/3 of grazing livestock AND dairy cows > 1/10 of grazing livestock AND grazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forage; excluding those holdings in class 450P4 > 2/3P46 > 2/3 GL AND SO_CLVS009 + SO_CLVS011 > 1/10 GL AND GL > 1/10 P4; excluding 450
48Sheep, goats and other grazing livestock
481Specialist sheepSheep > 2/3 of grazing livestock AND grazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forageP4 > 2/3Holdings meeting condition C1, excluding those in classes 450, 460 and 470SO_CLVS012 > 2/3 GL AND GL > 1/10 P4
482Sheep and cattle combinedAll bovine > 1/3 of grazing livestock AND sheep > 1/3 of grazing livestock AND grazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forageP4 > 2/3Holdings meeting condition C1, excluding those in classes 450, 460 and 470P46 > 1/3 GL AND SO_CLVS012 > 1/3 GL AND GL > 1/10 P4
483Specialist goatsGoats > 2/3 of grazing livestock AND grazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forageP4 > 2/3Holdings meeting condition C1, excluding those in classes 450, 460 and 470SO_CLVS015 > 2/3 GL AND GL > 1/10 P4
484Various grazing livestockHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding those in 481, 482 and 483P4 > 2/3Holdings meeting condition C1, excluding those in classes 450, 460 and 470
5Specialist granivores
51Specialist pigs
511Specialist pig rearingBreeding sows > 2/3P5 > 2/3P51 > 2/3SO_CLVS019 > 2/3
512Specialist pig fatteningPiglets and other pigs > 2/3P5 > 2/3P51 > 2/3SO_CLVS018 + SO_CLVS020 > 2/3
513Pig rearing and fattening combinedHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding those in classes 511 and 512P5 > 2/3P51 > 2/3
52Specialist poultry
521Specialist laying hensLaying hens > 2/3P5 > 2/3P52 > 2/3SO_CLVS022 > 2/3
522Specialist poultry-meatBroilers and other poultry > 2/3P5 > 2/3P52 > 2/3SO_CLVS021 + SO_CLVS023 > 2/3
523Laying hens and poultry-meat combinedHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding those in classes 521 and 522P5 > 2/3P52 > 2/3
53Various granivores combined
530Various granivores combinedHoldings meeting condition C1, excluding those in classes 511 to 523P5 > 2/3
Mixed holdings
Types of farming(for better readability the six columns under this heading are reproduced in Part C of this Annex)Methods for the calculation of particular types of farming specialisationsIF (C1) AND (C2) AND (C3) THEN (S1)
GeneralDescriptionPrincipalDescriptionParticular specialisationsDescription(S1)Description of the calculation(D1)Code of variables and conditions(ref. Part B of this Annex)
Condition 1 (C1)Condition 2(C2)Condition 3(C3)
6Mixed cropping
61Mixed cropping
611Horticulture and permanent crops combinedHorticulture > 1/3 AND permanent crops > 1/3(P1 + P2 + P3) > 2/3 AND P1 ≤ 2/3 AND P2 ≤ 2/3 AND P3 ≤ 2/3P2 > 1/3 AND P3 > 1/3
612Field crops and horticulture combinedGeneral cropping > 1/3 AND horticulture > 1/3(P1 + P2 + P3) > 2/3 AND P1 ≤ 2/3 AND P2 ≤ 2/3 AND P3 ≤ 2/3P1 > 1/3 AND P2 > 1/3
613Field crops and vineyards combinedGeneral cropping > 1/3 AND vineyards > 1/3(P1 + P2 + P3) > 2/3 AND P1 ≤ 2/3 AND P2 ≤ 2/3 AND P3 ≤ 2/3P1 > 1/3 AND SO_CLND062> 1/3
614Field crops and permanent crops combinedGeneral cropping > 1/3 AND permanent crops > 1/3 AND vines ≤ 1/3(P1 + P2 + P3) > 2/3 AND P1 ≤ 2/3 AND P2 ≤ 2/3 AND P3 ≤ 2/3P1 > 1/3 AND P3 > 1/3 AND SO_CLND062 ≤ 1/3
615Mixed cropping, mainly field cropsGeneral cropping > 1/3 AND no other activity > 1/3(P1 + P2 + P3) > 2/3 AND P1 ≤ 2/3 AND P2 ≤ 2/3 AND P3 ≤ 2/3P1 > 1/3 AND P2 ≤ 1/3 AND P3 ≤ 1/3
616Other mixed croppingHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding holdings in classes 611, 612, 613, 614 and 615(P1 + P2 + P3) > 2/3 AND P1 ≤ 2/3 AND P2 ≤ 2/3 AND P3 ≤ 2/3
7Mixed livestock
73Mixed livestock, mainly grazing livestock
731Mixed livestock, mainly dairyBovine, dairy > 1/3 of grazing livestock AND dairy cows > 1/2 of dairy bovineP4 + P5 > 2/3 AND P4 ≤ 2/3; P5 ≤ 2/3P4 > P5P45 > 1/3 GL AND SO_CLVS009 + SO_CLVS011 > 1/2 P45
732Mixed livestock, mainly non-dairy grazing livestockHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding holdings in class 731P4 + P5 > 2/3 AND P4 ≤ 2/3 AND P5 ≤ 2/3P4 > P5
74Mixed livestock, mainly granivores
741Mixed livestock: granivores and dairyBovine, dairy > 1/3 of grazing livestock AND granivores > 1/3 AND dairy cows > 1/2 of bovine, dairyP4 + P5 > 2/3 AND P4 ≤ 2/3 AND P5 ≤ 2/3P4 ≤ P5P45 > 1/3 GL AND P5 > 1/3 AND SO_CLVS009 + SO_CLVS011 > 1/2 P45
742Mixed livestock: granivores and non-dairy grazing livestockHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding holdings in class 741P4 + P5 > 2/3 AND P4 ≤ 2/3 AND P5 ≤ 2/3P4 ≤ P5
8Mixed crops – livestock
83Field crops – grazing livestock combined
831Field crops combined with dairyBovine, dairy > 1/3 of grazing livestock AND dairy cows + buffalo cows> 1/2 of bovine, dairy AND bovine, dairy < general croppingHoldings not included in classes 151-742 and 999P1> 1/3 AND P4 > 1/3P45 > 1/3 GL AND SO_CLVS009 + SO_CLVS011 > 1/2 P45 AND P45 < P1
832Dairy combined with field cropsBovine, dairy > 1/3 of grazing livestock AND dairy cows + buffalo cows> 1/2 of bovine, dairy AND bovine, dairy ≥ general croppingHoldings not included in classes 151-742 and 999P1> 1/3 AND P4 > 1/3P45 > 1/3 GL AND SO_CLVS009 + SO_CLVS011 > 1/2 P45 AND P45 ≥ P1
833Field crops combined with non-dairy grazing livestockGeneral cropping > grazing livestock and forage, excluding holdings in class 831Holdings not included in classes 151-742 and 999P1> 1/3 AND P4 > 1/3P1 > P4; excluding 831
834Non-dairy grazing livestock combined with field cropsHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding holdings in classes 831, 832 and 833Holdings not included in classes 151-742 and 999P1> 1/3 AND P4 > 1/3
84Various crops and livestock combined
841Field crops and granivores combinedGeneral cropping > 1/3 AND granivores > 1/3Holdings not included in classes 151-742 and 999Holdings meeting condition C1, excluding holdings in classes 831, 832, 833 and 834P1> 1/3 AND P5 > 1/3
842Permanent crops and grazing livestock combinedPermanent crops > 1/3 AND grazing livestock and forage > 1/3Holdings not included in classes 151-742 and 999Holdings meeting condition C1, excluding holdings in classes 831, 832, 833 and 834P3 > 1/3 AND P4 > 1/3
843ApicultureBees > 2/3Holdings not included in classes 151-742 and 999Holdings meeting condition C1, excluding holdings in classes 831, 832, 833 and 834SO_CLVS030 > 2/3
844Various mixed crops and livestockHoldings meeting conditions C1 and C2, excluding holdings in classes 841, 842 and 843Holdings not included in classes 151-742 and 999Holdings meeting condition C1, excluding holdings in classes 831, 832, 833 and 834
Non-classified holdings
Types of farming(for better readability the six columns under this heading are reproduced in Part C of this Annex)Methods for the calculation of particular types of farming specialisationsIF (C1) AND (C2) AND (C3) THEN (S1)
GeneralDescriptionPrincipalDescriptionParticular specialisationsDescription(S1)Description of the calculationCode of variables and conditions(ref. Part B of this Annex)
Condition 1(C1)Condition 2(C2)Condition 3(C3)
9Non-classified holdings
99Non-classified holdings
999Non-classified holdingsTotal SO = 0
2.TABLE OF CORRESPONDENCE AND REGROUPING CODES2.1.Correspondence between the headings of the core structural data variables listed in Annex III to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091, the headings to be collected for the SOC and the farm return of the FSDN
Equivalent headings for the application of SOCs
IFS codeIFS labelSOC codeSOC headingFSDN farm return(Annex VIII to this Regulation)
CLND004Common wheat and speltSOC_CLND004Common wheat and spelt10110.Common wheat and spelt
CLND005Durum wheatSOC_CLND005Durum wheat10120.Durum wheat
CLND006Rye and winter cereal mixtures (maslin)SOC_CLND006Rye and winter cereal mixtures (maslin)10130.Rye and winter cereal mixtures (maslin)
CLND008Oats and spring cereal mixtures (mixed grain other than maslin)SOC_CLND008Oats and spring cereal mixtures (mixed grain other than maslin)10150.Oats and spring cereal mixtures (mixed grain other than maslin)
CLND009Grain maize and corn-cob mixSOC_CLND009Grain maize and corn-cob mix10160.Grain maize and corn-cob mix
CLND010TriticaleSOC_CLND010_011_012Triticale, sorghum and other cereals n.e.c. (buckwheat, millet, canary seed, etc.)10190.Triticale, sorghum and other cereals n.e.c. (buckwheat, millet, canary seed, etc.)
CLND012Other cereals n.e.c. (buckwheat, millet, canary seed, etc.)
CLND014Dry pulses and protein crops for the production of grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses)SOC_CLND014Dry pulses and protein crops for the production of grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses)10210.Field peas, beans and sweet lupins10220.Lentils, chickpeas and vetches10290.Other protein crops
CLND015Field peas, beans and sweet lupinsSOC_CLND015Field peas, beans and sweet lupins10210.– of which: Field peas, beans and sweet lupins
CLND017Potatoes (including seed potatoes)SOC_CLND017Potatoes (including seed potatoes)10300.Potatoes (including early potatoes and seed potatoes)
CLND018Sugar beet (excluding seed)SOC_CLND018Sugar beet (excluding seed)10400.Sugar beet (excluding seed)
CLND019Other root crops n.e.c.SOC_CLND019Other root crops n.e.c.10500.Other root crops, fodder beet and fodder plants of the Brassicae family, grown for the root or the stem, and other fodder root and tuber crops n.e.c.
CLND022Rape and turnip rape seedsSOC_CLND022Rape and turnip rape seeds10604.Rape and turnip rape seeds
CLND023Sunflower seedSOC_CLND023Sunflower seed10605.Sunflower seed
CLND025Oil flax (Linseed)SOC_CLND025Oil flax (Linseed)10607.Oil flax (Linseed)
CLND026Other oilseed crops n.e.c.SOC_CLND026Other oilseed crops n.e.c.10608.Other oil seed crops n.e.c
CLND028Fibre flaxSOC_CLND028Fibre flax10609.Fibre flax
CLND031Other fibre crops n.e.c.SOC_CLND031Other fibre crops n.e.c.10611.Other fibre crops n.e.c
CLND034Aromatic, medicinal and culinary plantsSOC_CLND034Aromatic, medicinal and culinary plants10612.Aromatic, medicinal and culinary plants
CLND035Energy crops n.e.c.SOC_CLND035_036Energy and other industrial crops n.e.c.10613.Sugar cane
CLND036Other industrial crops n.e.c.10690.Energy and other industrial crops n.e.c.
CLND037Plants harvested green from arable landSOC_CLND037Plants harvested green from arable land
CLND038Temporary grasses and grazingsSOC_CLND038Temporary grasses and grazings10910.Temporary grasses and grazings
CLND039Leguminous plants harvested greenSOC_CLND039Leguminous plants harvested green10922.Leguminous plants harvested green
CLND040Green maizeSOC_CLND040Green maize10921.Green maize
CLND041Other cereals harvested green (excluding green maize)SOC_CLND041_042Other plants and cereals (excluding maize) harvested green n.e.c.10923.Other plants and cereals (excluding green maize) harvested green n.e.c.
CLND042Other plants harvested green from arable land n.e.c.
CLND043Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberriesSOC_CLND043Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries – outdoor
CLND044Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Market gardeningSOC_CLND044Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Market gardening10712.Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Market gardening
CLND045Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Open fieldSOC_CLND045Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Open field10711.Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Open field
CLND046Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries)SOC_CLND046Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) - outdoor10810.Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) - outdoor
CLND047Seeds and seedlingsSOC_CLND047Seeds and seedlings11000.Arable land seed and seedlings
CLND048Other arable land crops n.e.c.SOC_CLND048_083Other arable land crops n.e.c. including under glass or high accessible cover11100.Other arable land crops n.e.c. including under glass or high accessible cover
CLND083Other arable land crops under glass or high accessible cover
CLND049Fallow landSOC_CLND049Fallow land11200.Fallow land
CLND050Permanent grasslandSOC_CLND050Permanent grassland
CLND051Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazingsSOC_CLND051Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings30100.Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings
CLND052Rough grazingsSOC_CLND052Rough grazings30200.Rough grazings
CLND053Permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for the payment of subsidiesSOC_CLND053Permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for the payment of subsidies30300.Permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for the payment of subsidies
CLND055Fruits, berries and nuts (excluding citrus fruits, grapes and strawberries)SOC_CLND055Fruits, berries and nuts (excluding citrus fruits, grapes and strawberries)
SOC_CLND056_057Fruit of temperate climate zones
CLND056Pome fruitsSOC_CLND056Pome fruits40101.Pome fruits
CLND057Stone fruitsSOC_CLND057Stone fruits40102.Stone fruits
CLND058Fruits from subtropical and tropical climate zonesSOC_CLND058Fruits from subtropical and tropical climate zones40115.Fruits from subtropical and tropical climate zones
CLND059Berries (excluding strawberries)SOC_CLND059Berries (excluding strawberries)40120.Berries (excluding strawberries)
CLND061Citrus fruitsSOC_CLND061Citrus fruits40200.Citrus fruits
CLND063Grapes for winesSOC_CLND063Grapes for wines
CLND064Grapes for wines with protected designation of origin (PDO)SOC_CLND064Grapes for wines with protected designation of origin (PDO)40411.Wine with protected designation of origin (PDO)
40451.Grapes for wines with protected designation of origin (PDO)
CLND065Grapes for wines with protected geographical indication (PGI)SOC_CLND065Grapes for wines with protected geographical indication (PGI)40412.Wine with protected geographical indication (PGI)
40452.Grapes for wines with protected geographical indication (PGI)
CLND066Grapes for other wines n.e.c. (without PDO/PGI)SOC_CLND066Grapes for other wines n.e.c. (without PDO/PGI)40420.Other wines
40460.Grapes for other wines
CLND067Grapes for table useSOC_CLND067Grapes for table use40430.Grapes for table use
CLND068Grapes for raisinsSOC_CLND068Grapes for raisins40440.Grapes for raisins
SOC_CLND069ANormally producing table olives40310.Table olives
SOC_CLND069BNormally producing olives for oil production40320.Olives for oil production (sold in the form of fruit)
40330.Olive oil
CLND071Other permanent crops including other permanent crops for human consumptionSOC_CLND071Other permanent crops40600.Other permanent crops
CLND072Christmas treesSOC_CLND072Christmas trees40610.– of which Christmas trees
CLND073Kitchen gardensSOC_CLND073_085Kitchen gardens and other UAA under glass or high accessible cover n.e.c.20000.Kitchen gardens
CLND085Other UAA under glass or high accessible cover n.e.c.
CLND079Cultivated mushroomsSOC_CLND079Cultivated mushrooms60000.Cultivated mushrooms
CLND081Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries under glass or high accessible coverSOC_CLND081Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries under glass or high accessible cover10720.Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries under glass or high accessible cover
CLND082Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) under glass or high accessible coverSOC_CLND082Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) under glass or high accessible cover10820.Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) under glass or high accessible cover
CLND084Permanent crops under glass or high accessible coverSOC_CLND084Permanent crops under glass or high accessible cover40700.Permanent crops under glass or high accessible cover
CLVS001Bovine animals less than 1 year oldSOC_CLVS001Bovine animals less than 1 year old210.Bovine animals less than 1 year old
CLVS003Male bovine animals, 1 to less than 2 years oldSOC_CLVS003Male bovine animals, 1 to less than 2 years old220.Male bovine animals, 1 to less than 2 years old
CLVS004Heifers, 1 to less than 2 years oldSOC_CLVS004Heifers, 1 to less than 2 years old230.Heifers, 1 to less than 2 years old
CLVS005Male bovine animals, 2 years old and overSOC_CLVS005Male bovine animals, 2 years old and over240.Male bovine animals, 2 years old and over
CLVS007Heifers, 2 years old and overSOC_CLVS007Heifers, 2 years old and over251.Breeding heifers
252.Heifers for fattening
CLVS009Dairy cowsSOC_CLVS009Dairy cows261.Dairy cows
CLVS010Non-dairy cowsSOC_CLVS010Non-dairy cows269.Non-dairy cows
CLVS011Buffalo-cowsSOC_CLVS011Buffalo-cows262.Buffalo dairy cows
CLVS012Sheep (all ages)SOC_CLVS012Sheep (all ages)
CLVS013Breeding female sheepSOC_CLVS013Breeding female sheep311.Breeding female sheep
CLVS014Other sheepSOC_CLVS014Other sheep319.Other sheep
CLVS015Goats (all ages)SOC_CLVS015Goats (all ages)
CLVS016Breeding female goatsSOC_CLVS016Breeding female goats321.Breeding female goats
CLVS017Other goatsSOC_CLVS017Other goats329.Other goats
CLVS018Piglets, live weight of under 20 kgSOC_CLVS018Piglets, live weight of under 20 kg410.Piglets, live weight of under 20 kg
CLVS019Breeding sows, live weight 50 kg and overSOC_CLVS019Breeding sows, live weight 50 kg and over420.Breeding sows, live weight 50 kg and over
CLVS020Other pigsSOC_CLVS020Other pigs491.Pigs for fattening
499.Other pigs
CLVS021BroilersSOC_CLVS021Broilers510.Poultry - broilers
CLVS022Laying hensSOC_CLVS022Laying hens520.Laying hens
CLVS023Other poultrySOC_CLVS023Other poultry530.Other poultry
CLVS029Breeding female rabbitsSOC_CLVS029Breeding female rabbits610.Breeding female rabbits
2.2.Codes regrouping several variables included in IFS 2020:
P45.Bovine, dairy = SO_CLVS001 (Bovine animals less than 1 year old) + SO_CLVS004 (Heifers, 1 to less than 2 years old) + SO_CLVS007 (Heifers 2 years old and over) + SO_CLVS009 (Dairy cows) + SO_CLVS011 (Buffalo-cows)
P46.Bovine = P45 (Bovine, dairy) + SO_CLVS003 (Male bovine animals, 1 to less than 2 years old) + SO_CLVS005 (Male bovine animals, 2 years old and over) + SO_CLVS010 (Non-dairy cows)
GLGrazing livestock = P46 (Bovine) + SO_CLVS013 (Breeding female sheep) + SO_CLVS014 (Other sheep) + SO_CLVS016 (Breeding female goats) + SO_CLVS017 (Other goats)
If GL = 0 THEN
FCP1Forage for sale = SO_CLND019 (Other root crops n.e.c) + SO_CLND037 (Plants harvested green from arable land) + SO_CLND051 (Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings) + SO_CLND052 (Rough grazings)
FCP4Forage for grazing livestock = 0
P17Roots = SO_CLND017 (Potatoes (including seed potatoes)) + SO_CLND018 (Sugar beet (excluding seed)) + SO_CLND019 (Other root crops n.e.c)
If GL > 0 THEN
FCP1Forage for sale = 0
FCP4Forage for grazing livestock = SO_CLND019 (Other root crops n.e.c) + SO_CLND037 (Plants harvested green from arable land) + SO_CLND051 (Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings) + SO_CLND052 (Rough grazings)
P17Roots = SO_CLND017 (Potatoes (including seed potatoes)) + SO_CLND018 (Sugar beet (excluding seed))
P151.Cereals excluding rice = SO_CLND004 (Common wheat and spelt) + SO_CLND005 (Durum wheat) + SO_CLND006 (Rye and winter cereal mixtures (maslin)) + SO_CLND007 (Barley) + SO_CLND008 (Oats and spring cereal mixtures (mixed grain other than maslin)) + SO_CLND009 (Grain maize and corn-cob mix) + SO_CLND010_011_012 (Triticale, sorghum and other cereals n.e.c. (buckwheat, millet, canary seed, etc.))
P15.Cereals = P151 (cereals without rice) + SO_CLND013 (Rice)
P16.Oilseeds = SO_CLND022 (Rape and turnip rape seeds) + SO_CLND023 (Sunflower seed) + SO_CLND024 (Soya) + SO_CLND025 (Oil flax (Linseed) + SO_CLND026 (Other oilseed crops n.e.c.)
P51.Pigs = SO_CLVS018 (Piglets, live weight of under 20 kg) + SO_CLVS019 (Breeding sows, live weight 50 kg and over) + SO_CLVS020 (Other pigs)
P52.Poultry = SO_CLVS021 (Broilers) + SO_CLVS022 (Laying hens) + SO_CLVS023 (Other poultry)
P1.General cropping = P15 (Cereals) + SO_CLND014 (Dry pulses and protein crops for the production of grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses)) + SO_CLND017 (Potatoes (including seed potatoes)) + SO_CLND018 (Sugar beet (excluding seed)) + SO_CLND032 (Tobacco) + SO_CLND033 (Hops) + SO_CLND030 (Cotton) + P16 (oilseeds) + SO_CLND028 (Fibre flax) + SO_CLND029 (Hemp) + SO_CLND031 (Other fibre crops n.e.c.) + SO_CLND034 (Aromatic, medicinal and culinary plants) + SO_CLND035_036 (Energy and other industrial crops n.e.c.) + SO_CLND045 (Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Open field)) + SO_CLND047 (Seeds and seedlings) + SO_CLND048_083 (Other arable land crops n.e.c., including under glass or high accessible cover) + SO_CLND049 (Fallow land) + FCP1 (Forage for sale)
P2.Horticulture = SO_CLND044 (Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Market gardening)) + SO_CLND081 (Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries under glass or high accessible cover) + SO_CLND046 (Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) + SO_CLND082 (Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) under glass or high accessible cover) + SO_CLND079 (Cultivated mushrooms) + SO_CLND070 (Nurseries)
P3.Permanent crops = SO_CLND055 (Fruits, berries and nuts (excluding citrus fruits, grapes and strawberries)) + SO_CLND061 (Citrus fruits) + SO_CLND069 (Olives) + SO_CLND062 (Grapes) + SO_CLND071(Other permanent crops) + SO_CLND084 (Permanent crops under glass)
P4.Grazing livestock and forage = GL (Grazing livestock) + FCP4 (Forage for grazing livestock)
P5.Granivores = P51 (Pigs) + P52 (Poultry) + SO_CLVS029 (Breeding female rabbits)
3.TYPES OF FARMING AS REFERRED TO IN PART 1Specialist holdings — crops
General type of farmingPrincipal type of farmingParticular types of farming specialisations
1.Specialist field crops15.Specialist cereals, oilseeds and protein crops151.Specialist cereals (other than rice), oilseeds and protein crops152.Specialist rice153.Cereals, oilseeds, protein crops and rice combined
16.General field cropping161.Specialist root crops162.Cereals, oilseeds, protein crops and root crops combined163.Specialist field vegetables164.Specialist tobacco165.Specialist cotton166.Various field crops combined
2.Specialist horticulture21.Specialist horticulture indoor211.Specialist vegetables indoor212.Specialist flowers and ornamentals indoor213.Mixed horticulture indoor specialist
22.Specialist horticulture outdoor221.Specialist vegetables outdoor222.Specialist flowers and ornamentals outdoor223.Mixed horticulture outdoor specialist
23.Other horticulture231.Specialist mushrooms232.Specialist nurseries233.Various horticulture
3.Specialist permanent crops35.Specialist vineyards351.Specialist quality wine352.Specialist wine other than quality wine353.Specialist table grapes354.Other vineyards
36.Specialist fruit and citrus fruit361.Specialist fruit (other than citrus, tropical and subtropical fruits and nuts)362.Specialist citrus fruit363.Specialist nuts364.Specialist tropical and subtropical fruits365.Specialist fruit, citrus, tropical and subtropical fruits and nuts: mixed production
37.Specialist olives370.Specialist olives
38.Various permanent crops combined380.Various permanent crops combined
Specialist holdings — animal production
General type of farmingPrincipal type of farmingParticular types of farming specialisations
4.Specialist grazing livestock45.Specialist dairy450.Specialist dairy
46.Specialist cattle — rearing and fattening460.Specialist cattle — rearing and fattening
47.Cattle — dairy, rearing and fattening combined470.Cattle — dairy, rearing and fattening combined
48.Sheep, goats and other grazing livestock481.Specialist sheep482.Sheep and cattle combined483.Specialist goats484.Various grazing livestock
5.Specialist granivores51.Specialist pigs511.Specialist pig rearing512.Specialist pig fattening513.Pig rearing and fattening combined
52.Specialist poultry521.Specialist laying hens522.Specialist poultry-meat523.Laying hens and poultry-meat combined
53.Various granivores combined530.Various granivores combined
Mixed holdings
General type of farmingPrincipal type of farmingParticular types of farming specialisations
6.Mixed cropping61.Mixed cropping611.Horticulture and permanent crops combined612.Field crops and horticulture combined613.Field crops and vineyards combined614.Field crops and permanent crops combined615.Mixed cropping, mainly field crops616.Other mixed cropping
7.Mixed livestock73.Mixed livestock, mainly grazing livestock731.Mixed livestock, mainly dairy732.Mixed livestock, mainly non-dairy grazing livestock
74.Mixed livestock, mainly granivores741.Mixed livestock: granivores and dairy742.Mixed livestock: granivores and non-dairy grazing livestock
8.Mixed crops — livestock83.Field crops — grazing livestock combined831.Field crops combined with dairy832.Dairy combined with field crops833.Field crops combined with non-dairy grazing livestock834.Non-dairy grazing livestock combined with field crops
84.Various crops and livestock combined841.Field crops and granivores combined842.Permanent crops and grazing livestock combined843.Apiculture844.Various mixed crops and livestock
9.Non-classified holdings99.Non-classified holdings999.Non-classified holdings
ANNEX VEconomic size of holdings and economic size classes referred to in Article 51.ECONOMIC SIZE OF THE HOLDINGThe economic size of a holding is measured as the total standard output of the holding expressed in EUR.2.ECONOMIC SIZE CLASSES OF HOLDINGSHoldings are classified by size classes, the limits of which are set out below.
ClassesLimits in EUR
Iless than 2000
IIfrom 2000 to 3999
IIIfrom 4000 to 7999
IVfrom 8000 to 14999
Vfrom 15000 to 24999
VIfrom 25000 to 49999
VIIfrom 50000 to 99999
VIIIfrom 100000 to 249999
IXfrom 250000 to 499999
Xfrom 500000 to 749999
XIfrom 750000 to 999999
XIIfrom 1000000 to 1499999
XIIIfrom 1500000 to 2999999
XIV3000000 and more
Size classes II and III; III and IV; IV and V; III to V; VI and VII; VIII and IX; X and XI; XII to XIV; or X to XIV can be grouped together.
ANNEX VIStandard Output Coefficients (SOCs) referred to in Article 61.DEFINITION AND PRINCIPLES FOR CALCULATION OF SOCs(a)The standard output (SO), standard output coefficient (SOC) and total SO of a holding are defined as laid down in Annex IV of this Regulation.(b)Production periodThe SOCs correspond to a production period of 12 months.For crop products and livestock products for which the period of production is less than or exceeds 12 months, a SOC corresponding to growth or production in a 12-month period is calculated.(c)Basic data and reference periodThe SOCs are determined on the basis of the production per unit and the farm-gate price referred to in the definition of SOC in Annex IV to this Regulation. To this end, the basic data are collected in the Member States for a reference period defined in Article 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1417Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1417 of 13 March 2024 supplementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 setting up the Farm Sustainability Data Network with rules for annual income determination, holding sustainability analysis and access to data for research purposes, and repealing Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1198/2014 (OJ L, 2024/1417, 24.5.2024, ELI: units:(a)the SOCs for crop variables are determined on the basis of area expressed in hectares.(b)for mushrooms, the SOCs are determined on the basis of gross output for all the annual successive harvests and are expressed per 100 m2 of area under crops. For their use in the context of the FSDN, such SOCs for mushrooms are divided by the number of annual successive harvests, which is to be communicated to the Commission pursuant to Article 8 of this Regulation.(c)the SOCs relating to livestock variables are determined by head.(d)exceptions apply for poultry, for which SOC are determined in terms of 100 heads, and for bees, for which they are determined by hive.(2)Monetary units and rounding:The basic data for determining the SOCs and the calculated SOs are established in EUR. For the Member States not taking part in the Economic and Monetary Union, the SOCs are converted into EUR using the average exchange rates for the reference period as defined in point 1(c) of this Annex. These average exchange rates are calculated based on the official exchange rates published by the Commission (Eurostat).The SOCs may be rounded to the nearest EUR 5 where appropriate.2.BREAKDOWN OF SOCs(a)By crop and livestock variablesThe SOCs are determined for all the agricultural variables corresponding to the headings for the application of SOCs listed in Table 2.1. in Annex IV of this Regulation.(b)Geographical breakdownThe SOCs are determined at least on the basis of geographical units which are usable for the IFS and for the FSDN. These geographical units are all based on the general Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) (OJ L 154, 21.6.2003, p. 1, ELI: These units are described as a regrouping of NUTS 3 regions. Areas with natural constraints are not considered as a geographical unit.No SOC is determined for variables which are not relevant in the region concerned.3.COLLECTION OF DATA FOR DETERMINING SOCs(a)The basic data for determining SOCs are renewed at least each time a European survey on the structure of agricultural holdings is carried out in the form of a census as referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) 2018/1091 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on integrated farm statistics and repealing Regulations (EC) No 1166/2008 and (EU) No 1337/2011 (OJ L 200, 7.8.2018, p. 1, ELI: the IFS may be carried out as sample survey as referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1091, the updating of the SOCs shall be carried out:(a)either by renewing the basic data in a manner similar to that specified in point (a),(b)or by applying a coefficient of change whereby SOCs are updated to take account of changes, as estimated by the Member State, in quantities produced per unit and in prices with respect to each variable and region, that have occurred since the last reference period, as referred to in Article 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1417.4.EXECUTIONThe Member States are responsible, in accordance with this Annex, for collecting the basic data needed for calculating the SOCs and for calculating them, for converting them into EUR and for collecting the data required for applying the updating method, as appropriate. Member States shall transmit the data and metadata to the Commission using a technical format specified by the Commission (Eurostat). The data and metadata shall be provided to the Commission (Eurostat) through the single entry point services. At the request of the Commission, Member States shall provide explanations on calculations of the SOC to be used by the Commission to ensure coherence of the SOC calculation methodology throughout the Union and to propose adjustments to that calculation methodology.5.TREATMENT OF SPECIAL CASESThe following specific rules are laid down for the calculation of SOCs for certain variables and for calculating the total SO of the holding:(a)Fallow landThe SOC relating to fallow land is taken into account when calculating the total SO of the holding only when there are other positive SOCs on that holding.(b)Kitchen gardensSince the produce of kitchen gardens is normally intended for the holder’s own consumption and not for sale, the SOCs for kitchen gardens are regarded as equal to zero.(c)LivestockFor livestock the variables are split by category of age. The output corresponds to the value of growth of the animal during the time spent in the category i.e. it corresponds to the difference between the value of the animal when it leaves the category and its value when it enters the category (named also the replacement value).(d)Bovine animals less than 1 year oldSOCs relating to bovine animals under one year old are taken into account when calculating the total SO of the holding only when there are more bovine animals under one year than cows on the holding. Only the SOCs relating to the surplus number of bovine animals under one year are taken into account. There is only one SOC relating to bovine animals less than 1 year old irrespective of the sex of the animal.(e)Other sheep and other goatsSOCs relating to other sheep are taken into account when calculating the total SO of the holding only when there are no breeding female sheep on the holding.SOCs relating to other goats are taken into account when calculating the total SO of the holding only when there are no breeding female goats on the holding.(f)PigletsSOCs relating to piglets are taken into account when calculating the total SO of the holding only when there are no breeding sows on the holding.(g)ForageIf there are no grazing livestock (i.e. bovine, sheep or goats) on the holding, the forage (i.e. roots, plants harvested green, pasture and meadows) is considered as intended for sale and is part of the general cropping output.If there are grazing livestock on the farm, the forage is considered as intended to feed the grazing livestock and is part of the grazing livestock and forage output.ANNEX VIIOther gainful activities directly related to the holding referred to in Article 71.DEFINITION OF THE OTHER GAINFUL ACTIVITIES (OGA) DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE HOLDINGThe gainful activities directly related to the holding other than the agricultural activities of the holding comprise all activities other than farm work, directly related to the holding and having an economic impact on the holding. Those are activities where either the resources of the holding (area, buildings, machinery, agricultural products, etc.) or the products of the holdings are used.Gainful activities for these purposes mean active work; pure financial investments are excluded. Renting out the land or other agricultural resources of the farm for diverse activities without being further involved in these activities is not considered as an OGA but as part of the agricultural activity of the holding.All processing of farm products is considered as OGA unless the processing is regarded as a part of an agricultural activity. Wine and olive oil production are regarded as agricultural activities if the bought-in proportion of wine or olive oil is not significant.All processing of a primary agricultural product to a processed secondary product on the holding, regardless of whether the raw material is produced on the holding or bought from outside are considered as OGA. This includes processing meat, making cheese, etc.2.ESTIMATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF THE OTHER GAINFUL ACTIVITIES DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE HOLDINGThe share of the OGA directly related to the holding in the output of the holding is estimated as the share of the OGA directly related to the holding turnover in the sum of total turnover of the holding and direct payments of that holding under Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing rules for direct payments to farmers under support schemes within the framework of the common agricultural policy and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 637/2008 and Council Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 608, ELI: REFLECTING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE OGA DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE HOLDINGHoldings are classified by classes reflecting the share of OGA directly related to the holding in the output of the holding. The following limits shall apply:
ClassesPercentage bands
IFrom 0 % to 10 % (marginal share)
IIFrom more than 10 % to 50 % (medium share)
IIIFrom more than 50 % to less than a 100 % (significant share)
ANNEX VIIIDefinition of the variables, form and layout of the farm return and transmission frequencies referred to in Article 10The data to be compiled is transmitted annually.The data shall be compiled following an accountancy-based principle, which means to fill in FSDN data with the most updated and reliable information on a specific variable, derived firstly from a systematic and regular recording of transactions and activities of the farm, based primarily on its source documents (such as invoices, delivery/dispatch notes, soil or other laboratory analysis).As set out in Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, the information can be compiled from other data sources as well as using data compilation methods or innovative approaches for data sharing and compiling.In case source documents or other data sources are not available, the information should be derived as much as possible from other available quantifications, which can include modelling results.Other qualitative or quantitative information should be compiled based on standardised classifications.The data to be compiled is classified by table and broken down into groups, categories and columns. The convention used to refer to a specific data field is:<table code>.<group>.<category code>(.<other specific category codes).columnWith the conversion to FSDN, tables are indicated by a code based on the following rules:tables codes with one digit: FADN tables existing before reporting year 2025.tables codes with two digits: new FSDN tables introduced from reporting year 2025.tables codes with three digits: new FSDN tables introduced from reporting year 2025 related to the same topic.The order of the tables in Annex VIII to this Regulation reflects the order of the topics indicated in Annex -I of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009.Specific data values are captured at column level. In the tables set out below, clear cells are where data values can be accepted; greyed cells marked with a "—" have no meaning in the group context, so no data is accepted in those.Examples:B.UT.20.A (column A of the group UT, category 20, from table B) represents the "Area" of "Rented UAA" to be recorded under the "UAA for tenant farming" in table B;I.A.10110.1.0.TA (column TA of the group A, category 10110, from table I) represents the total area of "Common wheat and spelt" for type of crop 1 "Field scale crops – main crop, combined crop" and missing data code 0"No data missing";M.S.1150.1.2.V (column V of the group S, category 1150 with other specific category codes 1 and 2 from table M) represents the subsidy value of "Basic Income Support for Sustainability – based on payments entitlements" that is financed solely from the Union budget and is granted per ha.When a value is not relevant or missing for any particular holding, do not enter value "0".For tables, the first table shows the high-level matrix for groups and columns. The second table sets out the breakdown for categories where each category is represented by one or more codes and sub-codes.The data in a farm return shall be provided in accordance with the following rules:financial values: are expressed in monetary terms without VAT and without taking into account grants and subsidiesGrants and subsidies are understood to be all forms of direct aid from public funds which have resulted in a specific receipt., which are recorded separately, in EUR or in national monetary units. However, for national currencies where the unit represents a low relative value compared to EUR, it may be agreed between the liaison agency of a Member State concerned and the Commission to express the values in hundreds or thousands of national currency units;physical quantities: in quintals (1 q = 100 kg) except for eggs, which will be expressed in thousands and wine and related products which will be expressed in hectolitres;areas: in ares (1 a = 100 m2), except for mushrooms which will be expressed in square metres of total cropped area and except in table M "Subsidies", where basic units are to be registered in ha;average livestock numbers: at least to two decimal places, except for poultry and rabbits, which are to be given in whole numbers, and bees which are to be expressed in number of occupied bee hives;labour units: at least to two decimal places.For each table category and column value, further definitions and instructions are set out below the table concerned.
Table AGeneral information on the holding
Category of general informationCode (*)
Group of informationFSDN DivisionSubdivisionSerial number of holdingGridNUTSDateWeight of the farmType of farmingEconomic size classCode
IDIdentification of the holding
LOLocation of the holding
AIAccounting information
OTOther particulars of the holding
Code (*)DescriptionGroupRSHGRNDTWTFESC
10Number of the holdingID
25INSPIRE grid codeLO
60Type of accountingAI
70Date of closure of accountsAI
80National weight calculated by the Member StateTY
90Classification at the time of selectionTY
100Other gainful activities (OGA) directly related to the holdingCL
110Type of ownership/ economic objectiveCL
120Legal statusCL
130Level of liability of the holder(s)CL
140Organic farmingCL
142Year in which the farm started conversion to organicCL
145Share of organic farming productsCL
150Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) / Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) / Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) / mountain productCL
151Sectors with PDO/PGI /TSG/mountain productCL
160Areas facing natural and other specific constraintsCL
190Natura 2000 areaCL
200Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) areaCL
210Irrigation systemOT
220Livestock unit grazing days on common landOT
230Member of Producer Organisations (POs)OT
231Economic relevance of Producer Organisations (POs) to the farmOT
232Number of members of Producer Organisations (POs)OT
240Participation in mutual fundsOT
241Compensation of lossesOT
A.ID.Identification of the holdingA number is assigned to each returning holding when it is selected for the first time. The holding retains this number for the duration of its inclusion in the FSDN network. A number once assigned shall not be allotted to another holding.However, where the holding undergoes a fundamental change, and, in particular, where this change is the result of a subdivision into two separate holdings or of a merger with another holding, it may be considered as a new holding. In this case a new number shall be assigned to it. A change in the type of farming practised on the holding does not require an assignment of a new number. Where confusion with any other returning holding may result from the holding keeping the number it has (e.g. when new regional subdivisions are created), the number shall be changed. A table showing the equivalence of old and new numbers is to be forwarded to the Commission by the Member State concerned.The holding number comprises three groups of indications as follows:A.ID.10.R. FSDN Division: a code number is to be given, corresponding to the code set in Annex II to this Regulation.A.ID.10.S. Subdivision: a code number is to be given.The subdivisions chosen shall be based on the common system of classification of the regions, referred to as the nomenclature of territorial statistical units (NUTS) established by the Commission (Eurostat) in cooperation with the national institutes for statistics.In any case, the Member State concerned shall transmit to the Commission a table indicating, for each subdivision code used, the corresponding NUTS regions, as well as the corresponding region for which specific values of standard output are calculated.A.ID.10.H. Serial number of the holding.A.LO.Location of the holdingThe location of the holding is given with two indications: the INSPIRE grid code and the code of the NUTS level 3 territorial units.A.LO.25.GR. The cell code of the 1 km INSPIRE Statistical Units Grid for pan-European usage, as established by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services. (OJ L 323, 8.12.2010, p. 11, ELI: where the farm is located. This code shall be used only for transmission purposes.For data dissemination purposes, in addition to the normal disclosure control mechanisms for tabular data, nested grids shall be used to ensure that there are more than 15 agricultural holdings in the grid or within a NUTS administrative unit.A.LO.40.N. The NUTS3 code means the code of the NUTS level 3 territorial unit where the holding is located. The latest version of the code as described in Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 shall be given.A.AI.Accounting informationA.AI.60.C. Type of accounting: an indication shall be given on the type of accounting that the farm keeps. The following code numbers shall be used:1Double-entry accounting2Single-entry accounting3NoneA.AI.70.DT. Date of closure of accounts: to be recorded in format "YYYY-MM-DD", for example 2009-06-30 or 2009-12-31A.TY.TypologyA.TY.80.W. National weight of the farm: the value of the extrapolating factor calculated by the Member State shall be given.A.TY.90.TF. Type of farming at the time of selection: holding type of farming code in accordance with Annex IV to this Regulation at the time of selection for the accounting year in question.A.TY.90.ES. Economic size at the time of selection: economic size class code of holding in accordance with Annex V to this Regulation at the time of selection for accounting year in question.A.CL.ClassesA.CL.100.C. Other gainful activities directly related to the holding: to be provided as a percentage band indicating the share of turnoverSee Annex VII to this Regulation. coming from the other gainful activities directly related to the holding in the total farm turnover. The following code numbers are to be used:1≥ 0 to ≤ 10 % (marginal share)2> 10 % to ≤ 50 % (medium share)3> 50 % to < 100 % (significant share)A.CL.110.C. Type of ownership/economic objective: an indication of what are the ownership and economic objectives of the holding shall be given. The following code numbers shall be used:1family farm: the holding uses the labour and capital of the holder(s)/manager(s) and his/her family and they are the beneficiaries of the economic activity2partnership: the production factors for the holding are provided by several partners, at least some of whom participate in the work of the farm as unpaid labour. The benefits go to the partnership3company with profit objective: the benefits are used to remunerate shareholders with dividends/profits. The holding is owned by the company4company with non-profit objective: the benefits are used primarily to maintain employment or similar social objective. The holding is owned by the companyA.CL.120.C. Legal status: an indication shall be given whether the holding is a legal person or not. The following code numbers are to be used:0False1TrueA.CL.130.C. Level of liability of the holder(s): an indication shall be given on the level of liability (economic responsibility) of the (main) holder. The following code numbers are to be used:1Full.2Partial.A.CL.140.C. organic farming: an indication shall be given whether the holding applies organic production methods, within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 (OJ L 150, 14.6.2018, p. 1, ELI:, in particular Articles 4 and 5 thereof. The following code numbers are to be used:1the holding does not apply organic production methods2the holding applies only organic production methods for all its products3the holding applies both organic and other production methods4the holding is converting to organic production methodsA.CL.142.DT. Year in which the farm started the conversion to organic: year is to be given in in format "YYYY".A.CL.145.C. Share of organic farming products sold as organic in certified farms: in case a holding is certified for organic farming, to be provided as a percentage band indicating the share of sales in monetary values of products sold as organic on the total farm sales. The following code numbers are to be used:10 %2> 0 to ≤ 25 %3> 25 % to ≤ 50 %4> 50 % to ≤ 75 %5> 75 % to < 100 %6100 %A.CL.150.C. "Protected Designation of Origin" / "Protected Geographical Indication" / "Traditional Speciality Guaranteed" / "mountain product": an indication is to be given whether the holding produces agricultural products and/or foodstuffs protected by a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), a Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) or a mountain product indications or whether it produces agricultural products which are known to be used to produce foodstuffs protected by PDO/PGI/TSG/"mountain product", within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2024/1143 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) 2024/1143 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 April 2024 on geographical indications for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products, as well as traditional specialities guaranteed and optional quality terms for agricultural products, amending Regulations (EU) No 1308/2013, (EU) 2019/787 and (EU) 2019/1753 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 (OJ L, 2024/1143, 23.4.2024, ELI: The following code numbers are to be used:1the holding does not produce any product or foodstuff protected by PDO, PGI, TSG or "mountain product" indications, nor any product known to be used to produce foodstuffs protected by PDO, PGI, TSG or "mountain product" indications;2the holding produces only products or foodstuffs protected by PDO, PGI, TSG or "mountain product" indications, and/or products known to be used to produce foodstuffs protected by PDO, PGI, TSG or "mountain product" indications;3the holding produces some products or foodstuffs protected by PDO, PGI, TSG or "mountain product" indications, and/or some products known to be used to produce foodstuffs protected by PDO, PGI, TSG or "mountain product" indications.A.CL.151.C. Sectors with Protected Designation of Origin / Protected Geographical Indication / Traditional Speciality Guaranteed / mountain product: if the majority of the production of some specific sectors is made of products or foodstuffs protected by PDO, PGI, TSG or "mountain product" indications and/or of products known to be used to produce foodstuffs protected by PDO, PGI, TSG or "mountain product" indications, an indication of the sectors of production should be given (multiple selections are allowed). The code numbers listed below are to be used. When the holding produces some products or foodstuffs protected by PDO, PGI, TSG or "mountain product" indications or some products known to be used to produce foodstuffs protected by PDO, PGI, TSG or "mountain product" indications, but it does not account for the majority of production in that particular sector, the code for "not applicable" is to be used. The following code numbers are to be used:0not applicable31cereals32oilseeds and protein crops33fruits and vegetables (including citrus fruits, but excluding olives)34olives35vineyards36beef37cow's milk38pigmeat39sheep and goats (milk and meat)40poultry meat41eggs42other sectorThe items A.CL.150.C. Protected Designation of Origin / Protected Geographical Indication / Traditional Speciality Guaranteed / mountain product and A.CL.151.C are optional for the Member States. If they are applied by the Member State, they shall be filled in for all sample farms of the Member State. If A.CL.150.C is applied, A.CL.151.C shall be applied as well.A.CL.160.C. Areas facing natural and other specific constraints: An indication is to be given of whether the majority of the utilised agricultural area of the holding is situated in an area covered by Article 32 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 ( OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 487, ELI: The following code numbers are to be used:1the majority of the utilised agricultural area of the holding is not situated in an area facing natural and other specific constraints, within the meaning of Article 32 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013;21the majority of the utilised agricultural area of the holding is situated in an area facing significant natural constraints, within the meaning of Article 32(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013;22the majority of the utilised agricultural area of the holding is situated in an area affected by specific constraints, within the meaning of Article 32(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013;3the majority of the utilised agricultural area of the holding is situated in a mountain area within the meaning of Article 32(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013.A.CL.170.C. Altitude: The altitude is to be indicated by the corresponding code number:1the major part of the holding is located at < 300 m;2the major part of the holding is located at 300 to 600 m;3the major part of the holding is located at > 600 m.A.CL.190.C. Natura 2000 area: an indication is to be given of whether the majority of the utilised agricultural area of the holding is situated in areas related to the implementation of Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDirective 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds (OJ L 20, 26.1.2010, p. 7, ELI: and Council Directive 92/43/EECCouncil Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (OJ L 206, 22.7.1992, p. 7, ELI: (Natura 2000). The following code numbers are to be used:1the majority of the utilised agricultural area of the holding is not situated in a Natura 2000 area;2the majority of the utilised agricultural area of the holding is situated in a Natura 2000 area.A.CL.200.C. Water Framework directive (Directive 2000/60/EC) area: an indication is to be given of whether the majority of the utilised agricultural area of the holding is situated in areas eligible for payments to compensate for disadvantages imposed by requirements resulting from the implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDirective 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (OJ L 327, 22.12.2000, p. 1, ELI:, as established by national CAP Strategic Plans pursuant to Article 72 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 December 2021 establishing rules on support for strategic plans to be drawn up by Member States under the common agricultural policy (CAP Strategic Plans) and financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and repealing Regulations (EU) No 1305/2013 and (EU) No 1307/2013 (OJ L 435, 6.12.2021, p. 1, ELI: The following code numbers are to be used:1the majority of the utilised agricultural area of the holding is not situated in an area eligible to payments to compensate disadvantages imposed by requirements resulting from the implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC;2the majority of the utilised agricultural area of the holding is situated in an area eligible to payments to compensate disadvantages imposed by requirements resulting from the implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC.A.OT.Other particulars concerning the holdingA.OT.210.C. Irrigation system: an indication is to be given on the main irrigation system used on the farm in the reporting year:0not applicable (when no irrigation occurred on the farm)1surface2sprinkler3drip4otherA.OT.220.C. Livestock unit grazing days on common land: Number of livestock unit grazing days by farm animals on common land used by the holding.A.OT.230.C Member of Producer Organisations (POs): Indication if the farm (farm holder(s) or manager(s)) is a member of a producer organisation which shares costs and/or promotes the marketing of agricultural products, and if yes, which of the farm’s products are marketed by the producer organisation (choose all sectors covered by POs the farm is a member of). For the purpose of this survey, "producer organisations" mean any type of entity that has been formed at the initiative of producers to pursue joint activities in a specific sector (horizontal cooperation). Producer organisations must be controlled by producers, they can take different legal forms e.g. agricultural cooperatives, farmers’ associations, or private companies with producers as shareholders.0not a member of a producer organisationA member of a producer organisation to share production, administrative and investments costs and/or, a member of a producer organisation to market the farm’s products such as:31Cereals32oilseeds and protein crops33fruits and vegetables (including citrus fruits, but excluding olives)34olives35vineyards36beef37cow’s milk38pigmeat39sheep and goats (milk and meat)40poultry meat41eggs42other sector.A.OT.231.C Economic relevance of Producer Organisations (POs) to the farm: Indication of the share of the farm’s overall production (total sales), in terms of value, that is marketed through the producer organisations.1≥ 0 to ≤ 10 % (marginal share)2> 10 % to ≤ 50 % (medium share)3> 50 % to ≤ 100 % (significant share)A.OT.232.C Number of members of Producer Organisations (POs): Indication of the size of the main PO of which the farm (farm holder(s) or manager(s)) is a member. The "main PO" is the PO that markets most of the farm’s production (in terms of value).1PO has less than 10 members2PO has 10 to 19 members3PO has 20 to 49 members4PO has 50 to 99 members5PO has 100 to 499 members6PO has 500 to 999 members7PO has 1000 members (or more)Germany is exempt from submitting data relating to variables A.OT.230.C, A.OT.231.C, and A.OT.232.C for the reporting year 2025.A.OT.240.C Participation in mutual funds: An indication is to be provided on whether the farmer participates in a mutual fund. A mutual fund is a scheme accredited by a Member State in accordance with its national law for affiliated farmers to insure themselves, whereby compensation payments are made to affiliated farmers who experience economic losses. The establishment of mutual funds can be encouraged by different kinds of public support, among them: i) contribution to start-up capital; ii) governmental allowances to annual contributions to the fund, including by farmers; iii) compensation of payments made to farmers; iv) fiscal incentives to the deposits of funds. An example of public support for mutual funds can be found in Article 76(3), point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 , according to which Member States may grant financial contributions to mutual funds, including for the administrative cost of setting up.The following code numbers are to be used:0No, the farmer does not participate in any mutual fund.1Yes, the farmer participates in a mutual fund.A.OT.241.C Compensation of losses: An indication is to be provided whether the farmer filed an application for compensation of losses due to extreme events inside or outside the insurance schemes for which the costs of insurance premiums are recorded in Table H under codes 5051 and/or 5055. Compensation outside the insurance schemes may be relevant either because the farmer is not insured or because the farmer’s insurance does not cover the damage. If no such costs are recorded in Table H, it means that the application for compensation of losses due to extreme events was filed under ex-post crisis support schemes such as CAP agricultural reserve, EU Solidarity Fund, State aid, etc.The following code numbers are to be used:0No1Yes, under an insurance contract2Yes, under a public ex-post crisis support schemes3Yes, both.COLUMNS IN TABLE AColumn R refers to the FSDN division, column S to the subdivision, column H to the serial number of the holding, column GR to the INSPIRE Statistical Units Grid, column N to the NUTS, column AO to the number of the accounting office, column DT to the date, column W to the weight of the farm, column TF to the type of farming, column ES to the economic size class, and column C to the code.
Table BType of occupation
Category of Utilised agricultural area (UAA)Code (*)
Group of informationUtilised Agricultural Area
UOUAA for owner farming
UTUAA for tenant farming
USUAA for sharecropping or other modes
Code (*)Description of categoriesGroupA
10UAA for owner farmingUO
20Rented UAAUT
30Sharecropped UAAUS
Land of holdings held in common by two or more partners is to be recorded as owner-occupied, rented or sharecropped according to the arrangement in force between the partners.Utilised agricultural area (UAA) is the total area consisting of arable land, permanent grassland, permanent crops and kitchen gardens used by the holding regardless of the type of tenure. Common land used by the holding is not to be included.The following groups of information and categories shall be used:
B.UO.UAA for owner farmingB.UO.10.A UAA (arable land, permanent grassland, permanent crops and kitchen gardens) of which the farmer is the owner, tenant for life or leaseholder and/or UAA held on similar terms.B.UT.UAA for tenant farmingB.UT.20.A UAA (arable land, permanent grassland, permanent crops and kitchen gardens) worked by a person other than the owner, tenant for life or leaseholder, holding a tenancy on the said area (the rent is payable in cash and/or in kind; being generally fixed in advance, it does not normally vary with the farming results) and/or UAA farmed on similar terms of tenure.Rented area does not include land the harvest of which is bought as a standing crop. The sums paid for the purchase of standing crops is to be provided in table H under codes 2020 to 2040 (purchased feedstuffs) in the case of grassland or fodder crops and under code 3090 (other specific crop costs) in the case of marketable crops (products which are usually marketed). Marketable crops bought standing are to be provided without specifying the area in question (table H).Land rented for less than one year on an occasional basis and the production thereof is to be treated in a similar way as land the harvest of which is bought as a standing crop.B.US.UAA for sharecropping or other modesB.US.30.A UAA (arable land, grassland and permanent pasture, permanent crops and kitchen gardens) farmed jointly by the grantor and the sharecropper on the basis of a sharecropping agreement and/or utilised agricultural area farmed on similar terms.COLUMNS IN TABLE BColumn A refers to UAA.
Table CLabourStructure of the table
Table C
Category of labourCode (*)
Group of informationGeneralTotal work on the holding (agricultural work and work for OGA directly related to the holding)Share of work for OGA directly related to the holdingAverage wageSocial security
Number of personsGenderMenWomenYear of birthAgricultural training of the managerAnnual time workedAnnual Work Units% of annual time workedWage per yearWage per hourRetirement
IntegerCodeIntegerIntegerFour digitsCodehoursAWU%National currencyNational currencyCode
URUnpaid regular
UCUnpaid non-regular
PRPaid regular
PCPaid non-regular
Code (*)DescriptionGroupPGG1G2BTY1W1Y2AWAW1R
20Holder(s)/not manager(s)UR
30Manager(s)/not holder(s)UR
60Non-regular workUC
70Paid managerPR
80External workersEX
The term "labour" includes all persons who have been engaged on work on the farm during the reporting year. However, some data are to be provided also for persons who have done this work on behalf of another person or undertaking (external workers whose costs are included in table H under code 1020).In the case of mutual assistance between holdings, where this assistance consists of an exchange of work, the assistance received being equivalent in principle to the assistance given, the time worked by the farm labour and any related wages are specified in the farm return.Sometimes assistance received is offset by assistance of another kind (e.g. aid received in the form of work is offset by the supply of machinery). When the exchange of services is on a limited scale, nothing is to be indicated in the farm return (in the above example, the aid received is not shown under labour; machinery costs, however, include the costs of making the equipment available). In exceptional cases, when the exchange of services is on a large scale, the procedure is one of the following:(a)assistance received in the form of work is offset by a service of another kind (e.g. the supply of machinery): working time received is recorded as paid farm work (groups PR or PC depending on whether the labour is employed on the farm on a regular basis or otherwise); the value of the assistance given is recorded both as production under the corresponding category in other tables (in this example, table L code 2010 "Contractual work") and as a cost (table H code 1010 "Wages and social security");(b)assistance given in the form of work is offset by a service of another kind (e.g. the supply of machinery): in this situation the working time provided and any related wages are left out of consideration; the value of the service received is recorded as an input under the corresponding group in another table (in this example, table H code 1020 "Contract work and machinery hire").The following groups of information and categories of labour are to be distinguished:
C.UR.Unpaid regular labourUnpaid labour or labour which receives less remuneration (in cash or in kind) than the amount normally paid for the services rendered (such payment should not appear in farm costs) and which during the reporting year participated (outside normal holidays) for at least a whole day of each week.A person employed regularly on a farm, but engaged for a limited period in the reporting year due to special reasons, is nevertheless entered (for the number of hours worked) as regular labour.The following cases or similar ones may arise:(a)special production conditions on the farm for which labour is not required throughout the year: e.g. olive or wine holdings, and farms specialising in the seasonal fattening of animals or in the production of fruit and vegetables in the open;(b)absence from work other than for normal holidays, e.g. military service, illness, accident, maternity, extended leave, etc.;(c)joining or leaving the holding;(d)total cessation of work on the holding due to accidental causes (flood, fire, etc.).There are the following categories:C.UR.10.Holder(s)/manager(s)Person who assumes economic and legal responsibility for the holding and undertakes its day-to-day management. In the case of sharecropping, the sharecropper is indicated as holder/manager.C.UR.20.Holder(s)/not manager(s)Person who assumes economic and legal responsibility for the holding without undertaking its day-to-day management.C.UR.30.Manager(s)/not holder(s)Person who undertakes day-to-day management of the holding without assumption of economic and legal responsibility for it.C.UR.50.Other unpaid regular labourRegular unpaid labour not included in the preceding categories also includes foreman and sub-managers not responsible for management of the whole farm.C.UC.Unpaid non-regular labourC.UC.60.Unpaid labour which has not worked regularly on the holding during the accounting year is aggregated under this category.C.PR.Paid regular labourLabour paid (in cash and/or in kind) on the normal scale for services rendered and which during the accounting year (excluding normal holidays) worked for at least one whole day per week for the holding.The following categories are to be shown:C.PR.10.Holder(s)/manager(s)Person who assumes economic and legal responsibility for the holding and undertakes its day-to-day management. In the case of sharecropping, the sharecropper is indicated as holder/manager.C.PR.20.Holder(s)/not manager(s)Person who assumes economic and legal responsibility for the holding without undertaking its day-to-day management.C.PR.70.Paid managerSalaried person responsible for the day-to-day management of the holding.C.PR.50.OtherAll regular paid labour (except for the holding’s salaried manager) is aggregated under this group. Includes also foreman and sub-managers not responsible for management of the whole farmC.PC.Paid non-regular labourC.PC.60.Paid labour which did not regularly work on the holding during the accounting year (including piece workers) is aggregated under this category.C.EXExternalsC.EX.80.ExternalsThis group refers to workers recruited via third parties (e.g., temporary employment agencies). External workers are not part of the farm’s payroll; nevertheless, they are managed by the holder/manager. These workers may be regular or non-regular.COLUMNS IN TABLE CNumber of persons (column P)The number of persons shall be indicated in the categories where they can appear (categories 50 and 60 from the groups "unpaid regular labour" UR or "paid regular labour" PR and 80 from the group "externals" EX).Gender (column G)Gender shall be specified for the holder(s), manager(s) in the categories where they can appear (categories 10 to 30 and 70 from groups "regular unpaid labour" UR or "regular paid labour" PR). The gender is indicated by a code number, i.e.:1man2womanMember States that have legal provisions or practices recognising that individuals may not fall into male and female categories or may not wish to be associated with one of them may use additional codes.Men, Women (columns G1 and G2)The number of men and women shall be given only for categories 50 and 60 from groups "unpaid regular labour" UR and "paid regular labour" PR and 80 from the group "externals" EX. For category 80 "externals" this information is optional.Member States that have legal provisions or practices recognising that individuals may not fall into male and female categories or may not wish to be associated with one of them may use additional columns.Year of birth (column B)The year of birth shall be given only for the holder(s) and/or manager(s), (categories 10 to 30 and 70 from groups "regular unpaid labour" UR or "regular paid labour" PR) using the four figures of the year of birth.Agricultural training of the manager (column T)The agricultural training shall be given only for the manager(s) (categories 10, 30 and 70 from groups "unpaid regular labour" UR or "paid regular labour" PR). The agricultural training is indicated by a code number, i.e.:1only practical agricultural experience2basic agricultural training3full agricultural trainingTotal work on the holding (agricultural work and work for OGA directly related to the holding)Work on the holding includes all the work of organisation, supervision and execution, both manual and administrative, done in connection with the farm agricultural work and the work related to the OGA directly related to the holding:Farm agricultural work:financial organisation and management (farm sales and purchases, bookkeeping, etc.),work in the field (ploughing, sowing, harvesting, orchard maintenance, etc.),livestock husbandry (feed preparation, feeding of animals, milking, care of livestock, etc.),preparation of products for market, storage, direct sales of farm products, processing of farm products for self-consumption, production of wine and olive oil,maintenance of buildings, machinery, equipment, hedges, ditches, etc.,transport for the holding and carried out by the labour force of the holding.Work for the OGA directly related to the holdingcontractual work (using production means of the holding),tourism, accommodation and other leisure activities,processing of farm products (whether the raw material is produced on the holding or bought from outside), e.g. cheese, butter, processed meat…,production of renewable energy,forestry and wood processing,other OGA (care farming, handicraft, aquaculture, …).The following are not included in the work of the holding:work in production of fixed assets (construction or major repairs of buildings or machinery, planting of orchards, demolition of buildings, grubbing up of orchards, etc.),work performed for the household of the holder(s) or manager(s).Annual time worked (column Y1)Time worked shall be indicated in hours for all groups and categories. It shall refer to the time devoted to the work of the holding. In the case of less able workers the time worked shall be reduced in proportion to their capacities. The time worked by piece-work labour is estimated by dividing the total amount paid for the work by the hourly wage of a worker employed on a time basis.Annual work units (column W1)Regularly employed work force is converted into annual work units. The number of annual work units is not recorded for non-regular labour (category 50 of both unpaid UC and paid PC labour) and for category 80 externals EX. One annual work unit is equivalent to one person working full-time on the holding. One person cannot exceed one work unit equivalent, even if their actual working time exceeds the norm for the region and type of holding. A person who does not work the whole year on the holding represents a fraction of an "annual unit". The "annual work unit" of each such person is obtained by dividing their actual annual working time by the normal annual working time of a full-time worker in the region under consideration and on the same type of holding.In the case of less able workers the annual work unit equivalent shall be reduced in proportion to their capacities.Share of work for OGA in % of annual time worked (column Y2)The share of work for OGA in terms of time worked is compulsory for all categories. It is given in % of hours worked during the reporting year.Wages and social security costs per year (column AW)Wages and social security costs for paid labour per year (explanations are provided in table H under code 1010) shall be provided for the categories 10, 20, 50 and 70 under the group "paid regular labour" PR. For categories 10, 20, 70 it refers to each person whereas for category 50 it should be an average amount.Wages and social security costs per hour (column AW1)Average wages and social security costs for paid labour per hour (explanations are provided in table H under code 1010) shall be provided for the category 60 under the group "paid non-regular labour" PC.Retirement (column R)An indication shall be given whether the holders and/or managers will be entitled to a retirement pension (mandatory and/or complementary, for their work in agriculture and/or in other sectors). This information shall be given only for unpaid regular labour (UR) for the categories 10, 20 and 30.The retirement scheme coverage is indicated by a code number, i.e.:1yes (the person will be entitled to a retirement pension)2no (the person will not be entitled to a retirement pension)
Table DAssets and investmentsStructure of the table
Category of assetsCode (*)
Group of informationValue
OVOpening valuation
ADAccumulated depreciation
DYDepreciation of the current year
IPInvestment/Purchase, before deduction of subsidies
CVClosing valuation
Code (*)Description of categoriesOVADDYIPSSACV
1005Cash, receivables, other current assets and equivalents
2010Biological assets – plants
3010Agricultural land
3020Land improvements
3030Farm buildings
4010Machinery and equipment
5010Forest land including standing timber
7005Intangible assets
8010Other non-current assets
The following categories of assets shall be used:1005.Cash, receivables, other current assets and equivalentsCash and other assets that can be easily converted to cash. Short-term assets, amounts owed to the holding, normally arising from business activities. Any other assets that are easily sold or expected to be paid within a year.1040.InventoriesStocks of products owned by the holding that can be used either as inputs or are held for sale whether produced by the holding or purchased.2010.Biological assets — plantsValues of all plants that have not been harvested yet (all permanent and standing crops). Accumulated depreciation (D.AD) and Depreciation of the current year (D.DY.) are to be only reported for Permanent crops.3010.Agricultural landAgricultural land owned by the holding.3020.Land improvementsLand improvements (e.g. fencing, drainage, fixed irrigation equipment) belonging to the holder irrespective of the type of occupancy of the land. The amounts entered are subject to depreciation at column DY.3030.Farm buildingsBuildings belonging to the holder whatever the type of occupancy of the land. The heading shall be completed and the amounts entered are subject to depreciation at column DY.4010.Machinery and equipmentTractors, motor cultivators, lorries, vans, cars, major and minor farming equipment. The heading must be completed and the amounts entered are subject to depreciation at column DY.5010.Forest land including standing timberForest land in owner occupation included in the agricultural holding.7005.Intangible assetsAll intangible assets that can be easily bought or sold (e.g. quotas and rights when they are tradable without land and an active market exists), as well as those that cannot easily be bought or sold (e.g. software, licences, etc.). The heading shall be completed and the amounts entered are subject to depreciation in column DY.All other intangible assets that cannot easily be bought or sold (e.g. software, licences, etc.). The heading shall be completed and the amounts entered are subject to depreciation in column DY.8010.Other non-current assetsOther long-term assets. The heading shall be completed and, if applicable, the amounts of depreciation recorded at column DY.
Groups of information in Table DThe groups of information are: (OV) opening valuation, (AD) accumulated depreciation, (DY) depreciation of the current year, (IP) investment or purchase before deduction of subsidies, (S) subsidies, (SA) sales, (CV) closing valuation. They are explained hereafter.There is only one column (V) value.Valuation methodsThe following valuation methods are used:
Fair value less the estimate point-of-sale costsamount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction less the cost estimated to incur in relation to the sale3010, 5010, 7005 if tradeable
Historical costnominal or original cost of an asset when acquired2010, 3020, 3030, 4010, 7005 if non-tradeable
Book valuevalue at which an asset is carried on a balance sheet1005, 1040, 8010
D.OV.Opening valuationOpening valuation is the value of assets at the beginning of the accounting year. For the farms present in the sample also in the previous year, the opening valuation has to be equal to the closing valuation of the previous year.D.AD.Accumulated depreciationAccumulated depreciation is the sum of depreciation of assets from the start of its life until the end of the previous period.D.DY.Depreciation of the current yearSystematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life.A table with the annual rates of depreciation applied by each Member State shall be communicated to the Commission in due time for the set-up of the computerised delivery and control system referred to in Article 11(1) of this Regulation.D.IP.Investments/PurchasesTotal expenditure on purchases, major repairs and the production of fixed assets during the accounting year. Where grants and subsidies have been received in respect of these investments, the amount expended before deducting the said grants and subsidies is to be entered in column IP.Purchases of minor items of machinery and equipment as well as of young trees and bushes for a minor replanting operation do not appear in these columns but are included in the costs for the accounting year.Major repairs which effectively increase the value of the machinery and equipment compared to their value before repair, are also included under this column, either as an integral part of the machinery or equipment depreciation, which, as appropriate, will be adjusted to take account of the extended life (due to the repairs) of the item in question or by spreading the cost of the major repairs over the expected useful life.The value of the fixed assets produced is to be assessed on the basis of their cost (including the value of the paid and/or unpaid labour) and shall be added to the value of the fixed assets given under codes 2010 to 8010 of table D "Assets".D.S.Investment subsidiesCurrent portion of all subsidies received (in previous or current accounting years) for assets recorded in this table.D.SA.SalesTotal sales of assets during the accounting year.D.CV.Closing valuationClosing valuation is the value of assets at the end of the accounting year.
CommentsFor items 3010 and 5010 the difference between OV + IP-SA and CV is considered as an income or loss (coming from both change in unit price and volume) for these assets for the accounting year.Information about Biological assets — animals is recorded in the table J "Livestock production".
Table EQuotas and other rights
Quotas and other rights
Category of quota or rightCode(*)
Group of informationOwned quotaRented in quotaRented out quotaTaxes
QQQuantity at the end of the accounting year
QPQuota purchase
QSQuota sold
OVOpening valuation
CVClosing valuation
PQPayments for quota leased or rented in quota
RQReceipts from leasing or renting out quota
50Organic manure
60Entitlements for payments under basic payment scheme and entitlements for payments under basic income support for sustainability
The quantities of quota (owned quota, rented-in quota and rented-out quota) are compulsory items. Only the quantity as of the end of the accounting year is recorded.The values concerning quotas which can be traded separately from associated land are recorded in this table. The quotas which cannot be traded separately from associated land are only recorded in Table D "Assets". The quotas originally acquired freely must be entered as well and valuated at current market values if they can be traded separately from land.Some data entries are simultaneously included, individually or as components of aggregates, at other groups or categories in Tables D "Assets", H "Inputs" and/or I "Crops".The following categories must be used:50Organic manure60Entitlements for payments under the basic payment scheme and entitlements for payments under basic income support for sustainability.The following groups of information must be used:
E.QQ.Quantity (to be recorded for columns N, I, O only)The units to be used are:*Category 50 (organic manure): number of animals converted with standard conversion factors for manure excretion,*Category 60 (basic payment scheme and basic income support for sustainability): number of entitlementsE.QP.Quota purchased (to be recorded for column N only)The amount paid for purchase during the accounting year of quotas or other rights which can be traded separately from associated land should be recorded.E.QS.Quota sold (to be recorded for column N only)The amount received for sale during the accounting year of quotas or other rights which can be traded separately from associated land should be recorded.E.OV.Opening valuation (to be recorded for column N only)The value at opening valuation of the quantities at the holder’s own disposal, whether originally acquired freely or purchased, should be recorded at current market values, if the quotas can be traded separately from associated land.E.CV.Closing valuation (to be recorded for column N only)The value at closing valuation of the quantities at the holder’s own disposal, whether originally acquired freely or purchased, should be recorded at current market values if the quotas can be traded separately from associated land.E.PQ.Payments for quota leased or rented in quota (to be recorded for column I only)Amount paid for leasing or renting of quotas or other rights. Also included in rent paid under category 5070 (Rent paid) in Table H "Inputs".E.RQ.Receipts from leasing or renting out quota (to be recorded for column O only)Amount received for renting or leasing of quotas or other rights. Also included under category 90900 ("Other") in Table I "Crops".E.TX.Taxes, additional levy (column T)Amount paid.COLUMNS IN TABLE EColumn N refers to owned quota, column I to rented-in quota, column O to rented-out quota, and column T to taxes.
Table FDebts and creditsStructure of the table
Category of debtsCode (*)
Group of informationShort termLong-term
OVOpening valuation
CVClosing valuation
Code (*)Description of categoriesSL
1010Commercial standard
1020Commercial special
1030Family/private loans
3000Other liabilities
Liabilities of the holding: the amounts indicated shall relate only to amounts still outstanding, i.e., loans contracted minus the repayments already made.The following categories are to be used:1010. Debt — commercial standard — refers to loans not supported by any public policy targeting loan-taking.1020. Debt — commercial special — refers to loans benefiting from a public policy support (interest subsidies, guarantees, etc.).1030. Debt — family/private loans — loans concluded with a physical person thanks to their family/private relationship with the debtor.2010. Payables — amounts owed to suppliers.3000. Other liabilities — liabilities other than loans or payables.Two groups of information are to be registered: (OV) opening valuation and (CV) closing valuation.There are two columns: (S) short-term liabilities and (L) long-term liabilities:Short-term liabilities — debt and other liabilities in respect of the holding due in less than one year.Long-term liabilities — debt and other liabilities in respect of the holding for duration of one year and over.
Table GValue added tax (VAT)Structure of the table
Category of VAT systemsCode (*)
Group of informationVAT systembalance non-investments transactionsbalance investment transactions
VAVAT systems in the farm
Code (*)Description of categories
1010Main VAT system in the farm
1020Minority VAT system in the farm
List of VAT systems for both categoriesCNII
Normal VAT system1
Partial offsetting system2
Data in monetary terms in the farm return are expressed exclusive of VAT.The following details on VAT should be provided as categories:1010.Main VAT system in the farm
1.Normal VAT systemthe VAT system which is guaranteed to be income-neutral for agricultural holdings as the VAT balance is cleared with tax authorities.
2.Partial offsetting systemthe VAT system which does not guarantee to be income-neutral for agricultural holdings, although it may contain some approximate mechanism to offset VAT paid and received.
1020.Minority VAT system in the farmCodes as defined for the main VAT system.There is only one group of information (VA) VAT system in the farm. There are three columns: (C) code of the VAT system, (NI) balance non-investments transactions and (I) balance investment transactions.For the normal VAT system, only its indication is to be entered. If the holding is subject to the partial offsetting system of VAT, then also the VAT balance of non-investments transactions and VAT balance of investment transactions have to be provided.When VAT turnover increases the revenue of the holding, the above VAT balance is a positive figure. In case of decreased revenue, the balance is negative.
Table HInputsStructure of the table
Category of inputsCode (*)
Group of informationColumns
LMLabour and machinery costs and inputs
SLSpecific livestock costs
SCSpecific crop costs and inputs
OSSpecific costs for OGA
FOFarming overheads
Code(*)GroupDescription of categoriesVQ
1010LMWages and social security costs for paid labour
1020LMContract work and machinery hire
1030LMCurrent upkeep of machinery and equipment
1040LMMotor fuels and lubricants
1050LMCar expenses
2010SLPurchased concentrated feedstuffs for grazing stock (equines, ruminants)
2020SLPurchased coarse fodder for grazing stock (equines, ruminants)
2030SLPurchased feedstuffs for pigs
2040SLPurchased feedstuffs for poultry and other small animals
2050SLFarm-produced feedstuffs for grazing stock (equines, ruminants)
2060SLFarm-produced feedstuffs for pigs
2070SLFarm-produced feedstuffs for poultry and other small animals
2080SLVeterinary expenses
2090SLOther specific livestock costs
3010SCSeeds and seedlings purchased
3020SCSeeds and seedlings produced and used on the farm
3030SCFertilisers and soil improvers
3031SCQuantity of N used in mineral fertilisers
30311SCof which solid urea (optional)
30312SCof which urea in Urea-Ammonium Nitrate and Urea-Ammonium Sulphate (optional)
30313SCof which Calcium-Ammonium Nitrate fertilisers (optional)
3032SCQuantity of P2O5 used in mineral fertilisers
3033SCQuantity of K2O used in mineral fertilisers
3034SCPurchased manure
3040SCCrop protection products
3090SCOther specific crop costs
4010OSSpecific costs for forestry and wood processing
4020OSSpecific costs for crop processing
4030OSSpecific costs for cow’s milk processing
4045OSSpecific costs for other animals’ milk processing
4070OSSpecific costs for meat processing and other animal products processing
4090OSOther specific costs for other gainful activities
5010FOCurrent upkeep of land improvements and buildings
5030FOHeating fuels, total
5031FOof which natural gas and manufactured gases
5032FOof which oil and petroleum products
5033FOof which solid fossil fuels
5034FOof which renewable fuels (wood, straw, biogas, …)
5035FOof which other origin
5051FOAgricultural insurance
5055FOOther farm insurance
5061FOTaxes and other dues
5062FOTaxes and other charges on land and buildings
5070FORent paid, total
5071FOof which rent paid for land
5080FOInterest and financial charges paid
5090FOOther farming overheads
Farm inputs (costs in cash and in kind, and quantities of selected inputs) relate to the "consumption" of productive resources (including farm use of own produced inputs) corresponding to the output of the farm during the accounting year or to the "consumption" of those resources during the accounting year. When certain use relates partly to private use and partly to farm use (e.g., electricity, water, heating fuels and engine fuels, etc.) only the latter part shall be included in the farm return. The proportion of the use of private cars corresponding to their use for farm purposes is also to be included.In calculating costs relating to the output of the accounting year, the purchases and farm use during the year shall be adjusted for valuation changes (including changes in cultivations). For each item, the total of costs paid for and the value of the farm use shall be recorded separately.Where the costs indicated are for the total "consumption" of inputs during the accounting year but do not correspond to production during that year, changes in stocks of inputs shall be indicated in Table D under the code 1040 Inventories, except for costs accruing to growing permanent and standing crops which should be registered to 2010 Biological assets — plants.When the holding's production resources (paid or unpaid labour, machinery or equipment) are used to increase fixed assets (construction or major repairs of machinery, construction, major repairs or even demolition of buildings, planting or felling of fruit trees), the corresponding costs — or an estimate thereof — are not to be included in the working costs of the holding. In any case, labour costs and hours worked to produce fixed assets are to be excluded from both costs and data on labour. In exceptional cases, if certain costs (other than labour costs) used to produce fixed assets cannot be calculated separately (e.g. use of the holding's tractor) and if these expenses are then included under costs, an estimate of all these costs used to produce fixed assets is to be entered in Table I "Crops" with the category of crop code 90900 ("Other").The costs relating to "consumption" of capital assets are represented by depreciation, hence expenditure on acquisition of capital assets is not to be treated as a farm cost. Instructions on depreciation are set out in Table D "Assets".Expenditure on cost items compensated during the accounting year or later (e.g., repairs to a tractor as a result of an accident covered by an insurance policy or by a third party liability) shall not be entered as farm costs, and the corresponding receipts shall not be included in the farm's accounts.Receipts from resale of purchased supplies are to be deducted from corresponding inputs.Grants and subsidies related to costs are not deducted from the corresponding cost items but are entered under appropriate codes 4100 to 4900 in table M "Subsidies" (see instructions regarding those codes). Investment grants and subsidies are shown in table D "Assets".Costs also include any expenditure on purchases relating to each cost item.Inputs are classified as follows:
1010.Wages and social security costs for paid labourThis item includes the following:salaries and wages actually paid in cash to wage earners irrespective of the basis of remuneration (piece work or by the hour), with deduction of any social allowances paid to the holder as employer to offset the payment of a salary which does not correspond to actual work done (e.g. absence from work due to an accident, vocational training, etc.),salaries and wages in kind (e.g. lodging, board, housing, farm produce, etc.),bonuses for productivity or qualifications, gifts, gratuities, share of profits,other expenditure associated with labour (recruitment expenses),social security payments incumbent upon the employer and those paid by him on behalf of and instead of the employee,occupational accident insurance.The holder's personal social security charges and insurance and those of unpaid labour shall not be regarded as farm costs.The amounts received by unpaid workers (which by definition are lower than a normal wage — see definition of unpaid labour) shall not appear in the farm return.Allowances (in cash or in kind) paid to retired paid workers no longer employed on the holding shall not be entered under this item but under the code "Other farming overheads".1020.Contract work and machinery hireThis item includes the following:total expenditure in respect of work on the farm carried out by agricultural contractors. This may include the cost of the use of equipment (including fuel) and the work. In case the cost of the materials employed other than fuel (i.e., crop protection products, fertilisers and seeds) is also included in the contract, the cost of these materials shall be excluded. This amount (if necessary by estimation) shall be entered under the corresponding cost item (e.g., pesticides to be recorded under code 3040 "Crop protection products"),cost of hiring machines operated by the farm's labour. The fuel costs related to the use of the rented machinery, shall be recorded under code 1040 "Motor fuels and lubricants",cost of leasing machines operated by the farm's labour. The fuel and maintenance costs of leased machines shall be recorded under the relevant codes (codes 1030 "Current upkeep of machinery and equipment" and 1040 "Motor fuels and lubricants").1021.Contract workCost of contract workers not including the cost of the use of equipment. It includes the cost of workers recruited via third parties (e.g., temporary employment agencies).1022.Machinery hireCost of hiring and leasing machines operated by the farm's labour and cost of service providers including both contract workers and the supply of machinery.1030.Current upkeep of machinery and equipmentCost of upkeep of machinery and equipment and of minor repairs not affecting the market value of the appliances (payment of mechanic, cost of replacement parts, etc.).This item includes purchases of minor equipment, the cost of saddlery and horse shoeing, the purchase of tyres, forcing frames, protective clothing for unsanitary work, detergents for the cleaning of equipment in general, and the proportion of the cost of private cars corresponding to their use for farm purposes (see also code 1050). Detergents used for cleaning livestock equipment (e.g., milking machines) are entered under code 2090 "Other specific livestock costs".Major repairs which increase the value of equipment, compared with its value before repairs, are not included under this code (see also instructions on depreciation in Table D "Assets").1040.Motor fuels and lubricantsThis item also includes the proportion of fuel and lubricant costs for private cars corresponding to their use for farm purposes (see also code 1050).Where the products are employed both as motor fuels and as heating fuels, the total sum is divided into two codes:
1040."Motor fuels and lubricants".
5030."Heating fuels".
1050.Car expensesWhere the farm proportion of expenditure on private cars is calculated arbitrarily (e.g., a fixed amount per km), these costs are indicated under this code.
FeedstuffsUsed feedstuffs are divided into those purchased and those produced on the farm.The purchased feedstuffs include mineral licks, milk products (bought or returned to the farm) and products for the preservation and storage of feedstuffs, as well as the expenditure on agistment, on the use of common pasture and grazing land not included in the UAA and on renting forage land not included in the UAA. Purchased litter and straw are also included with purchased feedstuffs.Feedstuffs purchased for grazing stock are subdivided into concentrated feedstuffs and coarse fodder (including agistments and expenditure on the use of common pastures, grazing land and forage land not included in the UAA and purchased litter and straw).The code 2010 "Purchased concentrated feedstuffs for grazing stock (equines, ruminants)" includes, in particular, oilcakes, compound feeds, cereals, dried grass, dried sugar beet pulp, fish meal, milk and dairy products, minerals and products for the preservation and storage of such feedstuffs.Expenditure on work carried out by agricultural contractors for the production of coarse fodder, e.g., silage, is entered under code 1020 "Contract work and machinery hire".Feedstuffs produced and used on the farm include saleable farm products used as feedstuffs (including milk and milk products but excluding milk suckled by calves, which is not taken into account). Litter and straw produced on the holding are only included if they are a saleable product in the region and year in question.The following breakdown is to be given:Purchased feedstuffs:
2010.Purchased concentrated feedstuffs for grazing stock (equines, ruminants)
2020.Purchased coarse fodder for grazing stock (equines, ruminants)
2030.Purchased feedstuffs for pigs
2040.Purchased feedstuffs for poultry and other small animals
Farm-produced feedstuffs used on farms:
2050.Farm-produced feedstuffs for grazing stock (equines, ruminants)
2060.Farm-produced feedstuffs for pigs
2070.Farm-produced feedstuffs for poultry and other small animals
2080.Veterinary expensesCost of veterinary fees and medicines.2090.Other specific livestock costsAll expenditure relating directly to livestock production for which there is no separate provision in the other Table H codes: stud fees, artificial insemination, castration, milk tests, subscription and registration in herd-books, detergents for cleaning livestock equipment (e.g. milking machines), packing materials for livestock products, costs of storage and market preparation of livestock products of the farm done outside the farm, cost of marketing the livestock products of the farm, cost of disposal of excess manure, etc. It includes also short-term rent of buildings used to house animals or store products in connection therewith. It excludes specific costs of animal products processing recorded under codes 4030 to 4070 of table H.3010.Seeds and seedlings purchasedAll purchased seeds and seedlings, including bulbs, corms and tubers. The costs of young trees and bushes for a new plantation represent an investment and should appear either under Table D code 2010 "Biological assets — plants" or under Table D code 5010 "Forest land including standing timber". However, the costs of young trees and bushes for a minor replanting operation are to be considered costs for the accounting year and are to be indicated under the present code except for those relating to forests linked to the agricultural holding which are to be entered under code 4010 "Specific costs for forestry and wood processing".The costs of processing the seeds (sorting, disinfection) are also included under this code.3020.Seeds and seedlings produced and used on the farmAll seeds and seedlings (including bulbs, corms and tubers) produced and used on the farm.3030.Fertilisers and soil improversAll purchased fertilisers and soil improvers (e.g., lime) including compost, peat and manure (excluding manure produced on the holding).Fertilisers and soil improvers used for forests forming part of the agricultural holding are to be entered under code 4010 "Specific costs for forestry and wood processing".3031Quantity in quintals of N used in mineral fertilisers30311of which solid urea (optional)Quantity (weight) of nitrogen in terms of N in solid urea fertiliser30312of which urea in Urea-Ammonium Nitrate and Urea-Ammonium Sulphate fertiliserQuantity (weight) of nitrogen in terms of N in Urea-Ammonium Nitrate and Urea-Ammonium Sulphate fertilisers (optional)30313of which Calcium-Ammonium Nitrate fertilisersQuantity (weight) of nitrogen in terms of N in Calcium-Ammonium Nitrate (optional)3034.Purchased manureValue of purchased manure.3040.Crop protection productsAll material for the protection of crops and plants against pests and diseases, wild animals, bad weather, etc. (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, poisoned baits, bird scarers, anti-hail shells, frost protection, etc.). If the crop protection operations are carried out by a contractor and if the cost of the protection materials used is not separately known, the total should be entered under code 1020 "Contract work and machinery hire".Protective materials used for forests forming part of the agricultural holding are to be entered under code 4010 "Specific costs for forestry and wood processing".3090.Other specific crop costsAll costs having a direct connection with crop production (including permanent meadows and grassland) for which there is no separate provision in the other cost items: packing and binding materials, string and rope, cost of soil analysis, crop competition costs, plastic coverings (e.g., for strawberry growing), supplies for the preservation of crops, storage and market preparation of crops done outside the farm, cost of marketing the crop products of the farm, sums paid for the purchase of marketable standing crops or to rent land for a period of less than one year to grow marketable crops, supplies of grapes and olives processed on the holding, etc. Excludes specific costs for processing of crops other than grapes and olives, which should be recorded under code 4020. Includes also short-term rent of buildings used for marketable crops.4010.Specific costs for forestry and wood processingFertilisers, protective materials, miscellaneous specific costs. Labour costs, contract work and mechanisation are not included; these are shown under the appropriate cost codes.4020.Specific costs for crop processingIngredients, raw materials or semi-processed products, own or purchased and other specific costs of crop processing (e.g., the specific packaging or marketing costs). Labour costs, contract work and mechanisation are not included; these are shown under the appropriate cost codes.4030.Specific costs for cow's milk processingIngredients, raw materials or semi-processed products, own or purchased and other specific cow's milk processing (e.g., the specific packaging or marketing costs). Labour costs, contract work and mechanisation are not included; these are shown under the appropriate cost codes.4045.Specific costs for other animals’ milk processingIngredients, raw materials or semi-processed products, own or purchased and other specific costs of other animals’ (e.g., buffalo, sheep, goat) milk processing (e.g., the specific packaging or marketing costs). Labour costs, contract work and mechanisation are not included; these are shown under the appropriate cost codes.4070.Specific costs for meat processing and other animal products processingIngredients, raw materials or semi-processed products, own or purchased and other specific costs of processing meat or other animal products not mentioned under codes 4030 to 4060 (e.g., the specific packaging or marketing costs). Labour costs, contract work and mechanisation are not included; these are shown under the appropriate cost codes.4090.Other specific costs for other gainful activitiesRaw materials, own or purchased and other specific costs of other gainful activities. Labour costs, contract work and mechanisation are not included; these are shown under the appropriate cost codes.5010.Current upkeep of land improvements and buildingsMaintenance (tenant-type) of buildings and land improvements including greenhouses, frames and supports. The purchase of building materials for the current upkeep of buildings should be entered under this code.The purchase of building materials for new investments should be entered under the appropriate codes in the "Investment/Purchase" group of information of Table D "Assets".The cost of major repairs to buildings which increases their value (major maintenance) is not included under this code. These costs are shown as investment in Table D code 3030 "Farm buildings".5020.ElectricityTotal consumption of electricity for farm business use.5030.Heating fuels (total)Total consumption value of purchased heating fuels for farm business use, including the heating of glasshouses. This category includes heating consumption of purchased fossil fuels: natural and manufactures gases, oil, petroleum products and solid fossil fuels as well as consumption of purchased renewable energy sources (e.g., wood, straw, pellets, biogas).5031.Of which natural gas and manufactured gasesTotal consumption of natural gas and other manufactured, fossil-based gases for farm business use, including the heating of glasshouses.5032.Of which oil and petroleum productsTotal consumption of oil and petroleum products for farm business use, including the heating of glasshouses.5033.Of which solid fossil fuelsTotal consumption of solid fossil fuels (e.g., coal) for farm business use, including the heating of glasshouses.5034.Of which renewable fuelsTotal consumption of renewable fuels (e.g., wood, straw, pellets, biogas) for farm business use, including the heating of glasshouses.The submission of data relating to variables 5031, 5032, 5033 and 5034 is voluntary as from the accounting year 2023 and mandatory as from the accounting year 2025.5035.Of which other originTotal consumption of energy produced by other origin not included in previous categories. Examples could be geothermal, district heating etc.District heating provides heat from a centralised location. In this system, a central plant generates heat in the form of hot water, often through the combustion of fossil fuels, biomass, or other renewable sources, and distributes it through a network of pipes.5040.WaterCost of connection to the mains and consumption of water for all farm purposes including irrigation. The costs of using farm-owned water equipment are to be entered in the appropriate codes: depreciation of machinery and equipment, current upkeep of machinery and equipment, motor fuels, electricity.5051.Agricultural insuranceThe cost of insurance of agricultural production income or any of its components, including insurance against death of livestock and damage to crops, etc. Includes the fee of participation in mutual funds.5055.Other farm insuranceAll insurance premiums covering other farm risks (except agricultural), such as the holder's third-party liability, fire, flood damages, except insurance premiums covering accidents at work shown under code 1010 of this table. It includes insurance premiums for the buildings.5061.Farm taxes and other duesAll taxes and other dues relating to the farm business, including those levied in connection with environmental protection measures, but excluding VAT and taxes levied on land, buildings or labour. Direct income taxes of the holder are not to be counted as farm costs.5062.Taxes and other charges on land and buildingsTaxes, rates and other charges payable in respect of the ownership of farmland and buildings in owner-occupation and sharecropping.5070.Rent paidRent paid (in cash or in kind) for rented land, buildings, quotas and other rights for the farm business. Only the farm business part of farmhouses and other rented buildings should be entered. Leasing or renting costs of quotas not attached to land should also be entered in Table E.5071.Of which rent paid for land5080.Interest and financial charges paidInterest and financial charges on borrowed capital (loans) obtained for farm purposes. This information is compulsory.Subsidies on interest are not deducted but are entered in Table M under code 3550.5090.Other farming overheadsAll other farming costs not mentioned under the preceding codes (accountants' fees, secretarial services and office expenses, telephone charges, miscellaneous contributions and subscriptions, etc.).
Table ILand use and cropsStructure of the table:
Category of cropCode (*)
Type of cropCode (**)
Missing dataCode (***)
Group of informationColumns
Total areaof which is irrigatedof which is used for energy cropsof which is fully organicof which is in conversion to organicQuantityValue
NUQuantity of N used in mineral fertilisers
PUQuantity of P2O5 used in mineral fertilisers
KUQuantity of K2O used in mineral fertilisers
OVOpening valuation
CVClosing valuation
FCFarm household consumption and benefits in kind
FUFarm use
For the category of crop, the following codes should be used:
Code (*)Description
Cereals for the production of grain (including seeds)
10110Common wheat and spelt
10120Durum wheat
10130Rye and winter cereal mixtures (maslin)
10150Oats and spring cereal mixtures (mixed grain other than maslin)
10160Grain maize and corn-cob mix
10190Triticale, sorghum and other cereals n.e.c. (buckwheat, millet, canary seed, etc.)
Dried pulses and protein crops for the production of grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses)
10210Field peas, beans and sweet lupins
10220Lentils, chickpeas and vetches
10290Other protein crops
Roots and Tubers
10300Potatoes (including early potatoes and seed potatoes)
10310- of which potatoes for starch
10390- of which other potatoes
10400Sugar beet (excluding seed)
10500Other root crops, fodder beet and fodder plants of the Brassicae family, grown for the root or the stem, and other fodder root and tuber crops n.e.c.
Industrial crops
10604Rape and turnip rape seeds
10605Sunflower seed
10607Oil flax (Linseed)
10608Other oil seed crops n.e.c.
10609Fibre flax
10611Other fibre crops n.e.c.
10612Aromatic, medicinal and culinary plants
10613Sugar cane
10690Energy and other industrial crops n.e.c.
Fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries of which:
Fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries — Outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective cover
10711Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Open field
10712Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - Market gardening
10720Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries under glass or high accessible cover
Details for all sub-categories of ‘fresh vegetables (including melons and strawberries):
10731Cauliflower and broccoli
10734Sweet corn
10790Other vegetables
Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries)
10810Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) - outdoor
10820Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) under glass or high accessible cover
Details for all sub-categories of ‘flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries)
10830Flower bulbs, corms and tubers
10840Cut flowers and flower buds
10850Flowering and ornamental plants
Plants harvested green
10910Temporary grasses and grazings
Other plants harvested green
10921Green maize
10922Leguminous plants harvested green
10923Other plants and cereals harvested green n.e.c.
Seeds and seedlings and other arable land crops
11000Seeds and seedlings
11100Other arable land crops
Fallow land
11200Fallow land
Kitchen gardens
20000Kitchen gardens
Permanent grassland
30100Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings
30200Rough grazings
30300Permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for the payment of subsidies
Permanent crops
Fruit species, of which:
40101Pome fruits
40111of which apples
40112of which pears
40102Stone fruits
40113of which peaches and nectarines
40115Fruit from subtropical and tropical climate zones
40120Berries (excluding strawberries)
Citrus plantations
40200Citrus fruits
40210of which oranges
40230of which lemons
Olive plantations
40310Table olives
40320Olives for oil production (sold in the form of fruit)
40330Olive oil
40340Olive by-products
40411Wine with protected designation of origin (PDO)
40412Wine with protected geographical indication (PGI)
40420Other wines
40430Grapes for table use
40440Grapes for raisins
40451Grapes for wine with protected designation of origin (PDO)
40452Grapes for wine with protected geographical indication (PGI)
40460Grapes for other wines
40470Miscellaneous products of vines: grape must, juice, brandy, vinegar and others produced on the farm
40480Vine by-products (marc, lees)
Nurseries, other permanent crops, permanent crops under glass or high accessible cover and young plantations
40600Other permanent crops
40610of which Christmas trees
40700Permanent crops under glass or high accessible cover
40800Growth of young plantations
Other land
50100Unutilised agricultural land
50200Wooded area
50210of which short rotation coppices
50900Other land (land occupied by buildings, farmyards, tracks, ponds, quarries, infertile land, rock, etc.)
60000Cultivated mushrooms
Other products and receipts
90100Receipts from renting out agricultural land
90200Compensation by crop insurance not allocable to specific crops
90300Crop by-products other than from olives and vine
90320Sugar beet tops
90330Other by-products
The types of crop codes are to be selected form the list below:
Code (**)Description
0Not applicable: this code is to be used in the case of processed products, stocks and by-products.
1Field scale crops — main crop, combined crop: field scale main- and combined crops comprise:single crops, i.e. crops which are the only ones grown on a given area during the accounting year,mixed crops: crops sown, cultivated and harvested together and producing a mixture as the final product,in the case of crops grown successively in the course of the accounting year on a given area, the crop which remains longest in the ground,crops growing for some time together on the same land and each normally producing a distinct harvest in the course of the accounting year. The total area is divided between these crops in proportion to the area actually occupied by each,fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries grown in open field.
2Field scale crops — follow up crop(s): field scale follow up crops comprise crops grown in succession during the accounting year on a given area and not regarded as main crops.
3Open ground market garden crops and flowers: open ground market garden crops and flowers comprise fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries grown in market gardens in the open and open-grown flowers and ornamental plants.
4Crops under accessible protective cover: crops under accessible protective cover comprise fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries under shelter, flowers and ornamental plants (annual or perennial) under shelter, permanent crops under shelter.
The missing data codes are to be selected form the list below:
Code (***)Description
0Code 0 is entered when no data are missing.
1Code 1 is entered when the area covered by a crop cannot be reported, for example in the case of sales of marketable crop products purchased as standing crops or coming from land rented for a period of less than 1 year on an occasional basis.
2Code 2 is entered when the actual production cannot be determined in quintals (or hectolitres for wine and wine-related products) because of the conditions of sale or when there is no actual production.
4Code 4 is entered when the area covered by a crop cannot be reported and there is no actual production or actual production cannot be determined in quintals (or hectolitres for wine and wine-related products)
The information on crop production during the accounting year is to be recorded in the format of Table I "Crops". Information on each crop is to be recorded in a separate record. The content of the table is defined by selecting a category of crop code, the type of crop code and the missing data code.Detailed information concerning potatoes (codes 10310, 10390), fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries (codes 10731, 10732, 10733, 10734, 10735, 10736, 10737, 10738, 10739, 10790), flowers and ornamental plants (codes 10830, 10840, 10850) and crop by-products other than from olives and vine (codes 90310, 90320, 90330) has to be provided only if the data is available in the farm accounts.
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE ITable I contains the following groups of information:Mandatory groups of information: area (A), opening valuation (OV), closing valuation (CV), production (PR), sales (SA), farm household consumption and benefits in kind (FC), farm use (FU).Optional group of information: Quantity of N, P2O5 and K2O in mineral fertilisers.COLUMNS IN TABLE IIn Table I the following information are to be recorded: the total area (TA), the area which is irrigated (IR), the area which is used for energy crops (EN), the area which is fully organic (OR), the area that is under conversion to organic (CO), the quantity of nutrients’ input, production, sales, (Q) and the value (V). In the following it is described for each group of information which columns have to be completed:I.AAreaFor the group of information area (A), the total area (TA), the area which is irrigated (IR), the area which is used for energy crops (EN), the area on which crops are grown organically as defined in Article 3(2) of Regulation (EU) 2018/848(OR), the area that is under conversion to organic production as defined in Article 3, point (6) and Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848(CO), are to be recorded. In each case the area is to be given in ares (100 ares = 1 hectare), except in the case of land used for mushroom growing which is given in square metres. The areas recorded under columns OR and CO are mutually exclusive.I.NUQuantity of N used in mineral fertilisersOptional data. Total quantity (weight) of nitrogen in terms of N in mineral fertilisers used, estimated on the basis of the quantity of mineral fertilisers and their N content. The quantity is to be given in quintals (100 kg).I.PUQuantity of P2O5 used in mineral fertilisersOptional data. Total quantity (weight) of phosphorus in terms of P2O5 in mineral fertilisers used, estimated on the basis of the quantity of mineral fertilisers and their P2O5 content. The quantity is to be given in quintals (100 kg).I.KUQuantity of K2O used in mineral fertilisersOptional data. Total quantity (weight) of potassium in terms of K2O in mineral fertilisers used, estimated on the basis of the quantity of mineral fertilisers and their K2O content. The quantity is to be given in quintals (100 kg).I.OVOpening valuationFor the group of information opening valuation (OV), the value (V) of products in stock (storage) at the beginning of the accounting year is to be recorded. The products shall be valued at farm-gate prices on the day of valuation.I.CVClosing valuationFor the group of information closing valuation (CV), the value (V) of products in stock (storage) at the end of the accounting year is to be recorded. The products shall be valued at farm-gate prices on the day of valuation.I.PRProductionFor the group of information production (PR) the quantities of crops produced (Q) during the accounting year (excluding any losses in the field and at the farm) are to be recorded. These quantities are indicated for the principal products of the holding (except by-products).These quantities shall be indicated in quintals (100 kg) with the exemption of wine and wine-related products, which are expressed in hectolitres. When, because of the conditions of sale, actual production in quintals cannot be determined, the missing data code 2 shall be entered.For the 10790 "Other vegetables" and 90900 "Other", the quantity is not to be provided.I.SATotal salesFor the group of information total sales (SA) the quantity of sales (Q) and the value of sales (V) of products in stock at the start of the accounting year or harvested during the year are to be recorded. When marketing costs, if any, are known, they are not deducted from the sales total, but are to be recorded in table H "Inputs".I.FCFarm household consumption and benefits in kindFor the group of information farm household consumption and benefits in kind (FC) the value (V) of the products consumed by the holder's household and/or used for payments in kind for goods and services (including remuneration in kind) are to be recorded. The products in question are valued at farm-gate prices.I.FUFarm useFor the group of information farm use (FU) the farm-gate value (V) of the holding's products in stock (storage) at the beginning of the accounting year and/or produced during the year, used as inputs on the holding during the year are to be recorded. This includes:animal feed:the farm-gate value of the holding's saleable products (products which are currently marketable) used during the year as animal feed. The holding's straw used on the farm (as fodder and bedding) is valued only when it is a saleable product in the region and for the year under consideration. The products concerned are valued at the "farm-gate" selling price,seeds:the farm-gate value of saleable farm products used as seed for crops during the year,other farm use (including products from the holding used for the preparation of meals for holidaymakers).
Table JLivestock productionStructure of the table
Category of livestockCode (*)
Group of InformationAverage numberNumberValueTime grazingAccess to yardType of housing
ANAverage number
OROf which organic
COOf which in conversion to organic
RNReference number
OVOpening valuation
CVClosing valuation
SATotal Sales
SSSales for slaughtering
SRSales for further rearing/breeding
SUSales with unknown destination
DLNumber of deaths, including emergency killings
FCFarmhouse consumption
FUFarm use
THType of housing
TOTime spent outdoor
Code (*)Description
210Bovine animals less than 1 year old, male and female
220Male bovine animals, 1 to less than 2 years old
230Heifers, 1 to less than 2 years old
240Male bovine animals, 2 years old and over
251Breeding heifers
252Heifers for fattening
261Dairy cows
262Buffalo dairy cows
269Non-dairy cows
311Breeding female sheep
319Other sheep
321Breeding female goats
329Other goats
410Piglets, live weight of under 20 kg
420Breeding sows, live weight 50 kg and over
491Pigs for fattening
499Other pigs
510Poultry — broilers
520Laying hens
530Other poultry
610Breeding female rabbits
699Other rabbits
900Other animals
Categories of livestockThe following categories of livestock are to be distinguished:100.EquidaeIncludes also race- and riding horses, donkeys, mules, hinnies etc.210.Bovine animals, less than 1 year old, male and female220.Male bovine animals, 1 to less than 2 years old230.Heifers, 1 to less than 2 years oldExcluding female bovine animals which have calved.240.Male bovine animals, 2 years old and over251.Breeding heifersFemale bovine animals 2 years old or over which have not yet calved and which are intended for breeding.252.Heifers for fatteningFemale bovine animals 2 years old or over which have not yet calved and which are not intended for breeding.261.Dairy cowsFemale bovine animals which have calved (including those less than 2 years old) which are kept exclusively or principally for milk production for human consumption or processing as dairy products. Includes cull dairy cows.262.Buffalo dairy cowsFemale buffalo animals which have calved (including those less than two years old) which are kept exclusively or principally for milk production for human consumption or processing as dairy products. Includes cull buffalo’s cows.269.Non-dairy cows1.Female bovine animals which have calved (including those less than 2 years old) which are kept exclusively or principally for production of calves and whose milk is not used for human consumption or processing as dairy products.2.Cows for work.3.Non-dairy cull cows (whether or not fattened before slaughter).Categories 210 to 252 and 269 also include the corresponding categories of buffaloes and/or female buffaloes.311.Breeding female sheepEwes 1 year old or over intended for breeding.319.Other sheepSheep of all ages excluding breeding female sheep.321.Breeding female goats329.Other goatsGoats other than breeding females.410.Piglets, live weight of under 20 kgPiglets of less than 20 kg live weight.420.Breeding sows, live weight 50 kg and overBreeding sows of 50 kg or more excluding cull sows (see category 499 "Other pigs").491.Pigs for fatteningPigs for fattening of 20 kg live weight or more, excluding cull sows and boars (see category 499 "Other pigs").499.Other pigsPigs of 20 kg live weight or more excluding breeding sows (see category 420) and pigs for fattening (see category 491).510.Poultry — broilersTable chickens. Excluding laying hens and cull hens. Not including chicks.520.Laying hensIncluding pullets, laying hens, cull hens and breeding cocks for laying hens when these are stalled as laying hens. Pullets are young hens which have not yet begun to lay. Not including chicks.530.Other poultryIncludes ducks, turkeys, geese, guinea fowl, ostriches and breeding males (excluding those mentioned above for laying hens). Includes breeding females. Not including chicks.610.Breeding female rabbits699.Other rabbits700.BeesTo be indicated in number of occupied hives.900.Other animalsIncludes chicks, deer, fur animals. Includes also other animals used for farm tourism. Excludes products of other animals (see Table K, category 900).
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE JJ.AN.Average number (to be recorded for column A only)Each unit refers to the presence of one animal on the holding for one year. Animals are counted in proportion to the length of time they have been on the holding during the accounting year.The average number is determined either by means of periodical inventories or by the recording of arrivals and departures. It includes all animals present on the holding, also animals raised or fattened under contract (animals not belonging to the holding, which are raised or fattened there in such a manner that the activity merely constitutes a service rendered by the holder, who does not assume the financial risk normally associated with the rearing or fattening of such animals) and animals taken or given into agistment for the period of the year during which they are present on the holding.Average Number (column A)This information is not be provided for the other animals (category 900).J. OR OrganicAverage number of animals reared following the production rules laid down in Articles 9, 10, 11 and 14 and in Part II of Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2018/848, excluding those still in the conversion period as defined in Article 3 point (6) and Article 10 of that Regulation.J. CO in conversion to organicAverage number of animals reared following the production rules laid down in Articles 9, 10, 11 and 14 and in Part II of Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2018/848, which are still in the conversion period as defined in Article 3(6) and Article 10 of that Regulation.J.RN.Reference number (to be recorded for column N only)The reference number is the number of animals typically present on the farm at a given moment. It is used to calculate the standard output of the holding and its economic size. Contrary to the average number (AN), it enables to account for a period during which there is a lower number or no livestock on the holding for an exceptional period of time due to an exceptional break in the production cycle (e.g. disease outbreaks).Number (column N)Number of livestock is to be indicated in heads or in number for beehives.This information is not to be provided for the other animals (category 900).The data relating to the variable "J.RN.Reference number" may be provided in exceptional cases (e.g. disease on the holding, or culling for sanitary reason). The submission of this data is optional.J.OVOpening valuationLivestock belonging to the holding at the beginning of the accounting year, whether or not they are on the holding at that time.Number (column N)Number of livestock is to be indicated in heads or in number for beehives.This information is not to be provided for the other animals (category 900).Value (column V)Value of livestock is to be determined at fair value less estimated point-of-sale costs on the day of valuation.J.CVClosing valuationLivestock belonging to the holding at the end of the accounting year, whether or not they are on the holding at that time.Number (column N)Number of livestock is to be indicated in heads or in number for beehives.This information is not to be provided for the other animals (category 900).Value (column V)Value of livestock shall be determined at fair value less estimated point-of-sale costs on the day of valuation.J.PUPurchasesRefer to the total livestock purchased during the accounting year.Number (column N)Number of livestock is to be indicated in heads. This information is not to be provided for the other animals (category 900).Value (column V)Value of purchases includes purchasing costs. The related grants and subsidies are not deducted from the total of these purchases, but are specified in Table M "Subsidies" in the appropriate category (codes 5100 to 5900).J.SATotal salesRefer to the total of the livestock sold during the accounting year.It includes the sales to consumers for their own consumption of livestock or of meat whether the animals are slaughtered on the farm or not.Number (column N)Number of livestock is to be indicated in heads. This information is not to be provided for the other animals (code 900).Value (column V)When the marketing costs, if any, are known they are not deducted from the sales total, but these costs are given under code 2090 ("Other specific livestock costs"). The related grants and subsidies are not included in the sales total but are specified in Table M "Subsidies" in the appropriate category of Coupled Income Support (codes 23111 to 2900).J.SSSales for slaughteringRefer to the livestock sold during the accounting year for which the destination is slaughtering. This information is not to be provided for breeding heifers (code 251), bees (code 700) and other animals (code 900).Number (column N)See Total salesValue (column V)See Total salesJ.SRSales for further rearing or breedingRefer to the livestock sold during the accounting year for which the destination is further rearing or breeding. This information is not be provided for heifers for fattening (code 252), bees (code 700) and other animals (code 900).Number (column N)See Total salesValue (column V)See Total salesJ.SUSales with unknown destinationRefer to the livestock sold during the accounting year for which the destination is unknown. This information is not to be provided for bees (code 700) and other animals (code 900).Number (column N)See Total salesValue (column V)See Total salesJ.DLNumber of deaths, including emergency killingsNumber (column N)Number of livestock shall be indicated in heads. It includes emergency killings and depopulation. Emergency killing refers to killing of animals which are injured or have a disease associated to severe pain or suffering. Depopulation refers to the process of killing animals for public health, animal health, welfare or environmental reasons under the supervision of the competent authority.J.FCFarmhouse consumption and benefits in kindRefer to the livestock consumed by the farm household or used for benefits in kind during the accounting year.Number (column N)Number of livestock shall be indicated in heads. This information is not to be provided for the other animals (category 900).Value (column V)Value of livestock shall be determined at fair value.J.FUFarm useRefer to the livestock used as inputs for a further processing in the context of OGA on the holding during the accounting year. This includes livestock used for:catering, tourism accommodation,processing of livestock into meat products and feed.Sales of livestock or of meat whether the animals are slaughtered on the farm or not are excluded (see information on sales SA).This value is also recorded in table H, as costs for the OGA directly related to the holding using code 4070 (specific costs for meat processing and other animal products processing).Number (column N)Number of livestock shall be indicated in heads. This information is not to be provided for the other animals (category 900).Value (column V)Value of livestock shall be determined at fair value.J.TH Type of housingCode (column C)The codes defining the type of housing are to be selected from the list below, for each individual animal category included therein:
Table JType of housing codes
CodeType of animalType of housing
10Bovine animals (categories 210 – 269)Tied stalls (slurry)
20Tied stalls (solid manure)
30Loose/cubicle housing (slurry)
40Loose/cubicle housing (solid manure)
50Always outdoor
60Other type of housing (slurry)
70Other type of housing (solid manure)
80Sheep and goats (categories 311-329)Deep litter
90Slatted floor
100Solid floor
110Always outdoor
120Pigs (categories 410 – 499)Fully slatted floor
130Partially slatted floor
140Solid floor (solid manure)
150Entire surface is deep litter
160Outdoor (free range)
170Other type of housing (slurry)
180Other type of housing (solid manure)
190Poultry (categories 510 – 530)Deep litter
200Aviary house
210Cages with manure belt
220Cages with deep pit
230Cages with stilt house
240Outdoor (free range)
250Other type of housing
If for any category of animals, more than one type of housing is used, only the type of housing where the majority of the animals in that animal category are housed shall be reported. Data shall be reported in the farm returns annually. However, data may be compiled or collected at a lower frequency, provided that this is done at least once every five years.Description of housing systemsTied stalls: Tied stalls are animal houses where the animals are tied to their places and are not allowed to move freely. These types of housing can contain manure separated in the form of solid dung and liquid manure when the floors of the stalls are on sloping concrete with bedding (e.g. straw, chopped straw, sawdust) and a shallow gutter at the rear of the animals to collect part of the faeces and the urine, whilst part is regularly removed as solid manure. In some cases, the gutter is equipped with a drainage pipe to collect seepage or there can be a deeper channel instead of a gutter to collect and store the liquid fraction. The manure is normally removed mechanically outside the building as solid dung/farmyard manure. They can also contain manure in the form of slurry when the floors of the stalls are level concrete with a channel covered by a grid at the rear of the animals or fully slatted floor to collect faeces and urine as slurry. In this case, the manure and urine drop down below the floor into a pit, where they form slurry.Loose and cubicle housing Loose housing refers to animal houses where the animals are allowed to move freely and have free access over the whole area of the building or pen (a small enclosure for livestock). Loose housing may contain manure in the solid form when there is a concrete floor which is cleaned more frequently by scraping in the area where the animals stand to feed and/or drink. It is common for a deep layer of bedding (usually straw) to be spread over the floor. This bedding is removed from the building, typically once or twice per winter, as farmyard manure. This type of housing also includes cubicle housing, which are buildings.Outdoor Includes pasture, free range and paddock.Slatted floor housing Refers to animal houses where the floors are completely slatted. The whole floor has slats where the manure and urine drop down below the floor into a pit, where they form slurry.Partially slatted floor Refers to animal houses where the floors are partially slatted. Part of the floor has slats where the manure and urine drop down below the floor into a pit, where they form slurry.Deep litter for pigs: housing on straw-beds (deep litter-loose housing) where the floor is covered with a thick layer of litter (straw, peat, sawdust, or other similar material binding the manure and urine) that is removed only at intervals that may be several months apart.Other types of housing Types of housing different from the ones mentioned above.Free range Free range is a method of farming husbandry where the animals, for at least part of the day, can roam freely outdoor, rather than being confined in an enclosure for 24 hours each day.Deep litter for poultry laying hen housing on straw-beds (equivalent to deep litter-loose housing) where the floor is covered with a thick layer of litter (straw, peat, sawdust, or other similar material binding the manure) that is removed only at intervals that may be several months apart. A simple closed building that is thermally insulated and with forced ventilation or natural ventilation. At least a third of the floor area must be covered with bedding (e.g. chopped straw, wood shavings) and two thirds arranged as a pit covered with slats to collect droppings (waste voided by poultry) over the 13-15-month egg-laying period. Laying nests, feeders and water supply are placed over the slatted area to keep the litter dry.Aviary housing Aviaries are also called multi-level systems or percheries. They consist of a ground floor plus one or more levels of perforated platforms, from which manure cannot fall on birds below. At some point across the system there will be at least two levels available for birds. An aviary house is a construction with thermal insulation, forced ventilation and either natural or artificial light. They can be combined with free range and outside scratching area. Birds are kept in large groups and are free to move over the entire house area over multiple levels. The space is subdivided into different areas: feeding and drinking, sleeping and resting, scratching, egg laying. Because animals can use several levels, higher stock densities are allowed in comparison to the deep litter regime. Droppings are removed by manure belts or collected in a manure pit.Cages with manure belts Battery cages are animal housing systems where the laying hens are kept in cages, one or more in each, inside closed buildings with forced ventilation and with or without a lighting system. Birds are kept in tiered cages, usually made of steel wire, arranged in long rows. Droppings fall through the bottom of the cages and are collected and stored underneath in a deep pit or channel or are removed by a belt or scraper system. The droppings from laying hens in battery systems are not mixed with other material such as litter and may be dried or have water added to make the manure easier to manage. Battery cages with manure belt are battery cages where the manure is removed mechanically by a belt below the cages to outside the building to form solid dung/farmyard manure.
J. TOTime spent outdoorGrazing time (column D)Number of full grazing day. If the animals graze less than 2 hours a day, this is not considered a grazing day. Information shall be reported for categories 261 dairy cows, 269 non-dairy cows, 311 breeding female sheep, and 321 breeding female goats.Access to yard (column Y)Exercise yards:Outdoor areas with permanent access, normally with impermeable floor, including grassy area without grazing, where animals can exercise for part of the day. If the yard is accessible to the animals, it shall be counted.The following codes are to be used:0No, the livestock does not have access to yard1Yes, the livestock has access to yard
Table KAnimal products and servicesStructure of the table
Category of animal products or servicesCode (*)
Missing dataCode (**)
Group of InformationQuantityValue
OVOpening valuation
CVClosing valuation
FCFarmhouse consumption
FUFarm use
Code (*)Description
261Cow’s milk
262Buffalo-cow’s milk
311Sheep’s milk
321Goat’s milk
531Eggs for human consumption (all poultry)
532Eggs for hatching (all poultry)
700Honey and products of beekeeping
900Other animal products
1100Contract rearing
1200Other animal services
Missing data
Code (**)Description
0Code 0 is entered when no data are missing.
2Code 2 should be entered for when the actual production cannot be determined in quintals (or thousands of eggs) because of the conditions of sale.
4Code 4 should be entered when there are only stocks and no actual production.
Categories of animal products and servicesThe following categories of animal products and services should be distinguished:
261Cow's milk
262Buffalo-cow's milk
311Sheep's milk
321Goat's milk
531Eggs for human consumption (all poultry)
532Eggs for hatching (all poultry)
700Honey and products of bee-keeping: honey, hydromel and other products and by-products of bee-keeping
900Other animal products (stud fees, embryos, wax, goose or duck liver, milk of other animals, etc.)
1100Contract rearingAmount of receipts for contract rearing corresponding mainly to payment for services rendered and where the holder does not assume the economic risk normally involved in rearing or fattening these animals, e.g.: cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry.
1200Other animal servicesAmount of receipts for other animal services (agistment, etc.)
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE KFor the manure (code 800) only the information on sales (SA) shall be provided in column value (V).For the other animal products (code 900) information shall be provided only in value (in column V) as the quantity cannot be provided for an aggregate of heterogeneous products.For animal services such as contract rearing (codes 1100) and others (code 1200) the only information to provide are the receipts that are to be recorded under the information on sales (SA) in column value (V).Quantity (column Q)These quantities shall be indicated in quintals (100 kg) except in the case of eggs (codes 531 and 532), which are to be given in thousands.In the case of products of bee-keeping other than honey (code 700), the quantity is to be expressed in quintals of "honey equivalents".K.OVOpening valuationThe products in stock (storage) at the beginning of the accounting year, excluding livestock.Quantity (column Q)See instructions for table K.Value (column V)The products shall be valued at fair value on the day of valuation.K.CVClosing valuationThe value of products in stock (storage) at the end of the accounting year, excluding livestock.Quantity (column Q)Instructions for table K apply.Value (column V)The products shall be valued at fair value on the day of valuation.K.PRProduction during the accounting yearQuantity (column Q)The quantities of animal products produced during the accounting year (excluding any losses). These quantities are indicated for the principal products of the holding (except by-products). The production used for processing in the framework of OGA related to the farm is included.Milk suckled by calves is not included in the production.K.SASalesTotal of products sold during the accounting year, in stock at the start of the accounting year and produced during the year.Quantity (column Q)Instructions for table K apply.Value (column V)Total value of sales (whether or not the proceeds have been received during the accounting year) of products in stock at the start of the accounting year and produced during the year.The total for products sold includes the value of products returned to the farm (skimmed milk etc.). The latter value is also entered under farm costs.Any compensation payments (e.g. insurance payments) during the accounting year are to be added to the total for sales of the products concerned wherever they can be allocated to the production of such products. Otherwise, they are to be entered under code 900 "Other animal products".Grants and subsidies received for products during the accounting year are not included in the total for sales; they are entered in Table M "Subsidies" in the appropriate category of Coupled Income Support (codes between 23111 and 2900).When marketing costs, if any, are known, they are not deducted from the sales total, but are given in Table H "Inputs" under code 2090 "Other specific livestock costs".K.FCFarmhouse consumption and benefits in kindProducts consumed by the holder's household and/or used for payments in kind for goods and services (including remuneration in kind). This information is not to be provided for eggs for hatching (code 532).Quantity (column Q)Instructions for table K apply.Value (column V)The products shall be valued at fair value.K.FUFarm useProducts of the holding in stock (storage) at the beginning of the accounting year and/or produced during the year, used as inputs on the holding during the year. This includes:animal feed: the holding's saleable products (products which are currently marketable) used during the year as animal feed. Milk suckled by calves is not included under farm use,products used in the framework other gainful activities directly related to the farm:catering, tourism accommodation, etc.,for further processing (milk processed in butter, cheese, etc.).Quantity (column Q)Instructions for table K apply.Value (column V)The products shall be valued at fair value. These values are also entered under farm costs.
Table LOGA directly related to the farmStructure of the table
Category of OGACode (*)
Missing dataCode (**)
Group of InformationQuantityValue
OVOpening valuation
CVClosing valuation
FCFarmhouse consumption
FUFarm use
Code (*)Description
261Processing of cow’s milk
263Processing of other animals’ milk
900Processing of meat or other animal products
1010Processing of crop
1020Forestry and wood processing
2010Contractual work
2020Tourism, accommodation, catering and other leisure activities
2030Production of renewable energy
9000Other OGA directly related to the farm
Code (**)Description
0Code 0 is entered when no data are missing.
1Code 1 should be entered in the case of production obtained by processing purchased livestock or animal or crops products.
2Code 2 should be entered when the actual production cannot be determined in quintals because of the conditions of sale.
4Code 4 should be entered when there are only stocks and no actual production.
Categories of OGA directly related to the farmThe following categories of OGA should be distinguished:
261Processing of cow's milk
263Processing of other animals’ milk, e.g. buffalo-cow’s milk, sheep’s milk, goat’s milk
900Processing of meat or other animal products
1010Processing of crop products, excluding wine and olive oil. It includes production of alcohol other than from grapes, cider or perry.
1020Forestry and wood processing. It covers the sales of felled and standing timber, of forestry products other than timber (cork, pine resin, etc.) and of processed wood during the accounting year.
2010Contract work for others. Hiring out of equipment of the holding without farm labour force or using only farm labour force in contract work are not considered as OGA but as part of the agricultural activity.
2020Tourism, accommodation, catering and other leisure activities. They include rent from tourism (camping sites, cottages, riding facilities, hunting, fishing, etc.).
2030Production of renewable energy. It covers the production of renewable energy for the market including biogas, biofuels or electricity, by wind turbines, other equipment or from agricultural raw materials. It excludes the following items, as they are to be considered part of the agricultural activity of the holding:the production of renewable energy only for the holding's own use,renting out the land or of the roof only for the establishing of installation such as wind mill or solar energy panels,the sales of raw material to another enterprise for the production of renewable energy.
9000Other OGA directly related to the holding. OGA directly related to the holding not mentioned elsewhere.
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE LQuantity (column Q)These quantities shall be indicated in quintals (100 kg).In the case of milk processed products (codes 261 and 263), the quantity of liquid milk is indicated regardless of the form in which it is sold, consumed on the farm or used for benefits in kind or for farm purposes (cream, butter, cheese, etc.).L.OVOpening valuationThe products in stock (storage) at the beginning of the accounting year.This information is not to be provided for contractual work (code 2010), tourism activities (code 2020), production of renewable energy (code 2030) and other "other gainful activities" directly related to the holding (code 9000).Value (column V)Value of products shall be determined at fair value less estimated point-of-sale costs on the day of valuation.L.CVClosing valuationThe value of products in stock (storage) at the end of the accounting year.This information is not to be provided for contractual work (code 2010), tourism activities (code 2020), production of renewable energy (code 2030) and other "other gainful activities" directly related to the holding (code 9000).Value (column V)Value of products shall be determined at fair value less estimated point-of-sale costs on the day of valuation.L.PRProduction for the accounting yearQuantity (column Q)This information shall only be provided for the categories concerning the milk processing (codes 261 and 263).It corresponds to the quantity of liquid milk produced on the farm during the accounting year and used for the production of processed products.L.SASalesTotal of products sold during the accounting year, in stock at the start of the accounting year and produced during the year and receipts from OGA.Value (column V)Total value of sales (whether or not the proceeds have been received during the accounting year) of products in stock at the start of the accounting year and produced during the year.Any compensation payments (e.g. insurance payments) during the accounting year are to be added to the total for sales of the products concerned wherever they can be allocated to the production of such products. Otherwise they are to be entered in Table I "Crops" under code 90900 "Other".Grants and subsidies received for products during the accounting year are not included in the total for sales; they are entered in Table M "Subsidies" in the appropriate category of Coupled Income Support (codes between 23111 and 2900). When marketing costs, if any, are known, they are not deducted from the sales total, but are given in Table H "Inputs" in the appropriate category of specific OGA costs (codes 4010 to 4090).L.FCFarmhouse consumption and benefits in kindProducts consumed by the holder's household and/or used for payments in kind for goods and services (including remuneration in kind).This information is not to be provided for contractual work (code 2010), tourism activities (code 2020) and production of renewable energy (code 2030).Value (column V)The products shall be valued at fair value.L.FUFarm useProducts of the holding in stock (storage) at the beginning of the accounting year and/or produced during the year, used as inputs on the holding during the year. This includes products processed on the farming (milk processed in cheese, cereals processed in bread, meat processed in ham, etc.) and used as input for catering or tourism accommodation.This information is not to be provided for contractual work (code 2010), tourism activities (code 2020) and production of renewable energy (code 2030).Value (column V)The products shall be valued at fair value.
Table MSubsidiesStructure of the table
Category of subsidy/administrative informationCode (*)
FinancingCode (**)
Basic unitCode (***)
Group of informationColumns
Number of basic unitsValueType
AIAdministrative information
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
Code (*)GroupDescription of categoriesColumns
Decoupled payments
1250SBasic Income Support for Sustainability
1300SComplementary redistributive income support for sustainability
1400SSchemes for the climate, the environment and animal welfare (eco-schemes)
1600SComplementary income support for young farmers
1700SPayments for small farmers
Coupled Income Support
Arable crops
COP (cereals, oilseeds and protein crops)
23114SProtein crops & grain legumes
23121SOf which potatoes for starch
2313SSugar beet
Industrial crops
23144SSugar cane
23149SOther industrial crops
Other crops
2316SFallow land
2319SArable crops not defined
2320SPermanent grassland
2321SDried fodder
2322SCrop specific payment for cotton
2323SNational restructuring programme for the cotton sector
2324SSeed production
Permanent crops
2332SPome and stone fruit
2333SCitrus plantations
2334SOlive plantations – olive oil and table olives
2339SPermanent crops not mentioned elsewhere
2342SBeef and veal
2343SCattle (type not specified)
2344SSheep and goat
2345SPigs and poultry
2347SApiculture products
2349SAnimals not mentioned elsewhere
2410SShort rotation coppices
2490SOther coupled payments not mentioned elsewhere
Grants and subsidies of exceptional character
2810SDisaster payments
2890SOther grants and subsidies of exceptional character
2900SOther direct payments not mentioned elsewhere
Rural development
3100SInvestments, including in irrigation
3200SSetting-up of young farmers and new farmers and rural business start-up
3310SManagement commitments (environmental, climate-related and other) (excluding animal welfare and organic farming)
3320SAnimal welfare payments
3350SOrganic farming
3400SArea-specific disadvantages resulting from certain mandatory requirements (e.g. Natura 2000, Water Framework Directive)
3500SNatural or other area-specific constraints
SForestry/non-productive investments
3610SInvestments in forest area development and improvement of the viability of forests
3620SNatura 2000 payments for forestry and forest-environmental and climate services and forest conservation support
3750SSupport to restoring agricultural production potential damaged by natural disasters and catastrophic events and introduction of appropriate prevention actions
3760SRisk management tools
3770SKnowledge exchange and dissemination of information
3900SOther payments for rural development
Grants and subsidies on costs
4100SWages and social security
4200SMotor fuels
4310SFeed for grazing livestock
4320SFeed for pig and poultry
4330SOther livestock costs
4430SCrop protection
4440SOther specific crop costs
Farming overheads
4520SHeating fuels, total
4521Sof which natural gas and manufactured gases
4522Sof which oil and petroleum products
4523Sof which solid fossil fuels
4524Sof which renewable fuels
4600SCosts for OGA
4900SOther costs
Grants and subsidies on livestock purchases
5100SDairy purchases
5200SBeef purchases
5300SSheep and goat purchases
5400SPigs and poultry purchases
5900SOther animals purchases
9000SDifferences from the previous accounting years
Obligations of Member States relating to good agricultural and environmental conditions of land (GAEC standards 2, 8 and 9)
10010AIGAEC 2 on wetland and peatlands
10011AIGAEC 2: number of hectares of wetland and peatlands – permanent grassland
10012AIGAEC 2: number of hectares of wetland and peatlands – arable land
10013AIGAEC 2: number of hectares of wetland and peatlands – permanent crops
10400AIGAEC 9: ban on conversion or ploughing
10401AIGAEC 9: number of hectares of permanent grassland in Natura 2000 sites
10402AIGAEC 9: number of hectares of designated environmentally sensitive permanent grassland in Natura 2000 sites protected under GAEC 9 and declared by farmers;
10403AIGAEC 9: number of hectares of designated environmentally sensitive permanent grassland outside Natura 2000 sites, protected under GAEC 9 and declared by farmers, where applicable.
The codes describing how the subsidy is financed are to be selected form the list below:
Code (**)Description
0Not applicable: this code is to be used in the case of administrative information
1The subsidy is financed solely from the Union budget.
2The measure is co-financed by the Union and the Member State.
3The measure is not financed from the Union budget but by other public sources.
The codes defining the basic units are to be selected form the list below:
Code (***)Description
0Not applicable: this code is to be used in the case of administrative information
1The subsidy is granted per head of livestock.
2The subsidy is granted per ha.
3The subsidy is granted per tonne.
4Farm/other: the subsidy is granted for the whole farm or in a way which does not fit in the other categories.
Table M "SUBSIDIES" covers grants and subsidies received by agricultural holdings from public bodies, financed by both the national and the Union budget. It also covers administrative information on good agricultural and environmental conditions of land.
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE MSSubsidiesGrants and subsidies are defined by category of subsidy (S), financing and basic units. For each entry, the number of basic units (N) and the amount received (V) are to be recorded. There might be several records per category of subsidy as the basic units and/or financing origins might differ.As a general rule, grants and subsidies registered in Table M correspond to the current accounting year regardless of when the payment is received (accounting year is equal to claim year). Investment subsidies and rural development payments other than payments to areas facing natural or other specific constraints constitute an exception to this general rule as registered amounts should refer to payments actually received during the accounting year (accounting year is equal to payment year).AIAdministrative informationCertain obligations of Member States relating to good agricultural and environmental conditions of land (GAEC standards 2, and 9) are defined by category of administrative information (AI). The number of basic units (N) and/or the type (T) are to be recorded for each entry, as specified in the table.The number of basic units (N) corresponds to area concerned by GAEC standards are expressed in hectares.The type (T) refers to the application of the GAEC at farm level and is to be selected from the list below:
1Agricultural holding has an obligation to comply with the administrative requirement.
2Agricultural holding benefits from an exemption or derogation as defined in CAP Strategic Plan pursuant to Article 13(1), second subparagraph, and Article 13(2a) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115.
Table MIMarket integrationStructure of the table
Group of informationShare of value sold (%)Contract typePrice arrangementsValue sharingContract terms
MIMarket integration
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
100Direct sale to consumerMI
200Producer organisation/CooperativeMI
400Food processorMI
600Other farmsMI
700Export intermediariesMI
The group of information on market integration refers to the sale of the main farm product in terms of sales value within a given reporting year. For the given main product, an indication is to be provided on the share of product sold to different buyers and the characteristics of the relevant contractual agreements. If the main product is sold to different buyers and/or with different contract arrangements, the same criterion of the higher sales value shall apply (i.e., recorded information shall refer to the main buyer and/or the main contract in terms of sold value).Description of columns
S.Share of value sold (%)The calculation of the share of value sold refers to determining the percentage of the total value of the main farm product in terms of sales value that has been sold within a given reporting year by type of buyer.C.Contract typeAn indication is to be given on the existence of a written contract between the farmer and the buyer on the sale of the main farm product. If the given main farm product is sold with different contracts, only the information on the main contract in terms of sales value should be reported.Codes to be used:0No1YesP.Price arrangementsIn case a written contract exists (i.e., the value entered under point C is equal to 2), an indication is to be given on the type of price agreement for the sale of the main farm product covered by such contract.Codes to be used:1Static price (i.e., the contract provides for a price which is not subject to change regardless of fluctuations in costs, market conditions, or other variables).2Variable price (i.e., the contract provides for a price-formula laying down indicators, indices and/or methods of calculation which reflect changes in market conditions, quantities, and the quality and composition of the products delivered).V.Value sharingIn case a written contract exists (i.e., the value entered under point C is equal to 2), an indication is to be given on whether the contract determines how any evolution of relevant market prices for the products concerned or other commodity markets profits or losses is to be allocated between the contractual parties, including through bonuses or sharing of losses.Codes to be used:0No1YesR.Contract termsIn case a written contract exists (i.e., the value entered under point C is equal to 2), an indication is to be given on contract terms concerning the quantities of goods to be delivered, frequency of the deliveries, as well as payment terms and penalties for non-compliance as regards the sale of the main farm product covered by such contract.Codes to be used (multiple selection possible):1.The contract requires regular deliveries of the products during the entire duration of the contract.2.The duration of the contract is up to 1 year without automatic renewal clause (i.e., all terms included in the contract, in addition to price, are automatically prolonged, including frequency of deliveries, payment terms, etc.).3.The payments for the products delivered under the contract is to be made up to 30 days from the delivery of the goods.4.The contracts include penalties for the producer for non-compliance and/or in the event of force majeure.
Table DIInnovation and digitalisationStructure of the table
Categories of innovation and digitalisationCode
Group of informationParticipationUptake
INInnovation projects and networks
FMFarm management
PFPrecision farming
LMMachinery for livestock management
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
110Research and innovation projectIN-
120EIP operational groupIN-
130Demonstration farmIN-
140Farmers networkIN-
150Other networkIN-
210Farm management information systemFM-
310Robotics for crop productionPF-
320Variable rate techniquesPF-
330Precision monitoring of cropsPF-
410Welfare and health monitoring of animalsLM-
420Automatic feeding systemsLM-
430Automatic regulation of barn climateLM-
440Milking robotsLM-
DESCRIPTION OF CATEGORIES110Research and innovation projectResearch and innovation (R&I) projects undertaken by companies aim to innovate and introduce new products and services or to improve existing offer. They may be the result of collaboration between farmers, researchers, and other businesses through a multi-actor approach which enhances R&I efforts and farm’s uptake of R&I’s results.120EIP operational groupAn EIP-AGRI Operational Group project includes partners with complementary knowledge (e.g., scientific, technical, organisational, etc.) who co-create practical solutions for agriculture, forestry, and rural communities in an innovation project. It may include various actors from European Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS), including farmers, foresters, researchers, advisors, businesses, environmental groups, consumer interest groups or other NGOs to advance innovation for agriculture, forestry, and rural areas.130Demonstration farmA demonstration farm (or experimental or model farm) contributes to research or demonstrates various agricultural techniques.140Farmers networkA farmer network is a way for farmers to exchange information and technical knowledge, as well as to create connection opportunities on a regular basis.150Other networkOther farm network includes initiatives such as LEADER and smart villages.210Farm management information systemManagement information systems are decision support tools, either on an own computer or via an on–line system. They include but are not restricted to tools such as digital field book or digital herd book.310Robotics for crop productionIt includes self–driving machinery, berry–picking robots, very high precision equipment based on RTK–GPS (1 cm accuracy), and other. Equipment using GPS guidance for the application of PPPs and equipment for band-spraying of PPPs are also included.320Variable rate techniquesIn variable rate techniques, the rate of application is based on the precise location or qualities of the area. They are used for one or more of the following farming operations:FertilisationPlant protectionWeedingSowingPlantingOther330Precision monitoring of cropsCrop monitoring techniques such as:Weather stationsDigital mapping (soil quality mapping, yield mapping, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) mapping)Soil scanningYield monitoring sensorsOther410Welfare and health monitoring of animalsMonitoring of farm animals using one or more of the following techniques:Camera monitoringSound monitoringAlert systemsActivity sensorsAnimal trackingHealth monitoring (e.g., temperature, weight, lameness, or mastitis monitoring)Feeding registrationDrinking registrationOther420Automatic feeding systemsAutomatic feeding systems for animals automate and optimise the feeding process, providing consistent and controlled feed delivery to the animals while minimising labour and ensuring efficient resource utilisation.430Automatic regulation of barn climateEquipment for automatic regulation of barn climate including temperature control, ventilation, humidity management, lighting control, alarm, and monitoring system.440Milking robotsAutomatic milking systems which replace the practice of milking by hand.DESCRIPTION OF COLUMNSParticipation (P)The code indicates whether the farm participated in innovation projects or networks during the last three years. The following code numbers are to be used:0No1YesUptake (U)The code indicates whether the farmer owned, rented, or used the given technology in the reporting year. It may include the use of the given technology by a service provider if the technology used to perform the farming operations is specified in the contract or in the invoices or if the farmer is aware of the technology used by direct knowledge or information. The following code numbers are to be used:0No1Yes
Table OFIndicative share of off-farm incomeStructure of the table
Group of informationCode
OIOff-farm income
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
100Share of off-farm incomeOI
200Sources of off-farm incomeOI
The group of information of off-farm income refers to farmer’s incomes from employment other than farm work and other than other gainful activities directly related to the farm (OGA). It includes off-farm employment and self-employment of unpaid holder/manager or holder/not manager or manager/not holder. If income values are not yet known for the FSDN reporting year, the period of observation may refer to the previous 12-month income reference period, namely the previous calendar or tax year for both farm and off-farm incomes (for example, 2026 farm and off-farm incomes to be considered for FSDN reporting year 2027). The period of observation (i.e., the FSDN reporting year or the previous 12-month income reference period) applied by each Member State shall be communicated to the Commission in due time for the set-up of the computerised delivery and control system referred to in Article 11(1) of this Regulation.The following categories are to be distinguished:OF.OI.100.C.Share of off-farm incomeAn indication is to be provided on the indicative proportion of off-farm income compared with income from farming and OGA (i.e., an indication if the off-farm income is higher or lower compared with farm income and to what degree). The following code numbers are to be used:0No presence of off-farm income – i.e., off-farm income equals to 01Off-farm income is a secondary source of income – i.e., off-farm income is lower than 50 % compared to income from farming and OGA2Off-farm income is a significant source of income – i.e., off-farm income is between 50 % and 100 % compared to income from farming and OGA3Off-farm income is greater than income from farming and OGA – i.e., off-farm income is more than 100 % compared to income from farming and OGAThe following calculation formula may be used to estimate the share of off-farm income:Share = 32024R2746_en_img_2×100However, such calculation is not required and should not be performed especially when, due to certain income values (e.g., negative income), the result would not be meaningful.OF.OI.200.C.Sources of off-farm incomeAn indication of the sources of off-farm income is to be given if the code used to fill in OF.OI.100.C is different from 0. The following code numbers are to be used:1Mostly employment2Mostly self-employment
Table FP1Farming practices 1Environmental and climate farming practices are any protection, commitment or investment actions undertaken by a farmer or a land manager with the aim to improve the environmental conditions of farming, and to mitigate and adapt to climate change.Structure of the table
Category of farming practicesCode (*)
Group of informationAreaQuantity
TITillage management
SCSoil cover
OFOrganic fertilisation
ALApplication of lime
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
Code (*)GroupDescriptionTAQ
100TIConventional tillage
200TINo tillage
300TIConservation (low) tillage
400SCWinter soil cover on arable land
500SCHerbaceous cover in permanent crops
600OFUse of compost
700OFUse of digestates or nutrients-rich fractions
800OFGreen manuring
900OFUse of sewage sludge
1000ALApplication of lime
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE FP1TITillageFor each entry, the area (TA) under the different tillage management practices is to be recorded. The area is to be given in ares (100 ares = 1 hectare).SCSoil coverFor each entry, the covered area (TA) is to be recorded. The area is to be given in ares (100 ares = 1 hectare).OFOrganic fertilisationFor each entry, the quantity (Q) is to be recorded, except for green manuring, for which area (TA) is to be recorded. The quantity of organic fertiliser applied during the reporting year shall be indicated in quintals (100 kg). For green manuring the area refers to the total area planted with crops used specifically for this purpose. The area is to be given in ares (100 ares = 1 hectare).ALApplication of limeFor each entry, the quantity (Q) is to be recorded. The quantity shall be indicated in quintals (100 kg).Categories of farming practices100Conventional tillageTillage which involves inversion of the soil, normally with a mouldboard or a disc plough as the primary tillage operation, followed by secondary tillage with a disc harrow.200No tillagePractice in which the crop is sown directly into soil not tilled since the harvest of the previous crop (also referred to as direct seeding). Weed control is achieved by the use of herbicides and/or appropriate mulching and other techniques like intermediate crops or under-sowing and stubble is retained for erosion control. No tillage is applied between harvest and sowing. Sod seeding practices shall be recorded in this category.300Conservation (low) tillageConservation (low) tillage refers to tillage practices or system that do not entail soil inversion. This category includes tillage methods that involve low degrees of soil disturbance (e.g., minimum tillage, subsoil tillage, non-inversion, or surface inversion), as well as strip tillage or zonal tillage, tined tillage or vertical tillage and ridge tillage.400Winter Soil cover on arable landIt is the area of arable land that is covered (not bare) during winter. It includes:Area cultivated with regular winter cropsArea cultivated with cover crops, catch crops and/or any plants that are sown specifically to manage soil erosion, fertility, and quality, water, weeds, pests, diseases, biodiversity and wildlife, between harvest and sowing, during winter.Arable land covered with the plant residues and stubble of the previous crop season and/or land covered with mulch (loose covering with material that is either natural such as litter, cut grass, straw, foliage, pruning residues, bark or sawdust, or artificial such as paper or synthetic fibres).500Herbaceous cover in permanent cropsArea covered by herbaceous vegetation, either spontaneous or planted (including cover crops), on utilised agricultural area occupied by permanent crops. It includes herbaceous cover between the rows for vineyards and orchards planted in rows, as well as the area between trees in orchards not planted in row. To be accounted for, the herbaceous cover shall have been maintained for a period of at least 6 months during the reporting year.600Use of compostCompost is the product of composting, a biological process that submits biodegradable waste to anaerobic or aerobic decomposition and that results in a product used on land or for the production of growing media or substrates. Compost is commonly prepared by decomposing plant and food waste, recycling organic materials, and manure.700Digestates or nutrients-rich fractionsApplication of digestates or nutrients-rich fractions recovered from manure. The digestate is a residue that is not decomposed in the anaerobic digestion process such as the one for the production of biogas. Different types of fractions and digestate are included in this category such as manure liquid fraction, manure solid fractions, manure only-digestate, co-digestate, digestate liquid fractions, manure/digestate mineral concentrates.800Green manuringThe total area planted with crops used for green manuring shall be reported. Green manure crops are plants that are grown, cut and incorporated into the soil to enhance soil fertility. Mustard, radish and some leguminous crops are used as green manure. Incorporation of straw or crop residues from the main crops shall not be considered green manuring.900Use of sewage sludgeResidual, semi-solid material that is produced as a by-product during sewage treatment of industrial or municipal wastewater.1000Application of limeApplication to soil of calcium (Ca)- and magnesium (Mg)-rich materials in various forms, including loam, chalk, limestone, burnt lime or hydrated lime.
Table FP2Farming practices 2Structure of the table
Category of farming practicesCode (*)
Group of informationColumns
CRCrop rotation
LUSpecific land uses
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
100CRCrop rotation
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE FP2 – Farming practices 2CRCrop rotationThe total area (TA) is to be recorded. The area is to be given in ares (100 ares = 1 hectare).LUSpecific land usesThe total area (TA) is to be recorded. The area is to be given in ares (100 ares = 1 hectare).Categories of farming practices100Crop rotationTotal area under crop rotation. Crop rotation is the practice of alternating crops grown on a specific field in a planned pattern or sequence in successive crop years so that crops of the same species are not grown without interruption on the same field. Crop rotation applies to arable land cultivated for crop production or area in set aside (less than five year); the area of a plot is to be considered part of a crop rotation scheme as soon as it has not been planted or covered continuously with the same crop or lying fallow in the last 3 years.The following crops shall not be accounted for when calculating the area under crop rotation:Arable land under glass or high accessible cover;Cultivated mushrooms.200AgroforestryAgroforestry is a type of land-use system where woody perennials (trees, shrubs) are deliberately used on the same land management unit together with agricultural crops, grasslands and/or animals.300PaludicultureArea under Paludiculture, defined as a type of land-use where intact or rewetted peatland is used to produce biomass for commercial purposes.
Table NM1Nutrient use and management – Manure storageStructure of the table
Category of manure storage systemCode (*)
Group of informationColumns
MSManure storage facilities
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
100Manure solid storage in heaps
200Solid manure stored in compost piles
300Solid manure stored in pits below animal confinement
400Solid manure stored in deep litter systems
500Liquid manure / slurry storage without cover
600Liquid manure / slurry storage with permeable cover
700Liquid manure / slurry storage with impermeable cover
800Solid manure stored in other facilities n.e.c.
900Liquid manure/slurry stored in other facilities n.e.c
1000Solid Manure daily spread
1100Liquide manure/slurry daily spread
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE NM1 – Manure storageMNManure storage facilitiesData shall be reported in the farm returns annually. However, data may be compiled or collected at a lower frequency, provided that this is done at least once every five years.The storage facilities for manure management systems cover the storage of solid manure and liquid manure/slurry.Liquid manure is urine from domestic animals including possibly a small amount of excrement and/or water. Liquid manure has up to 4 % dry matter. Slurry is manure in liquid form, a mixture of excrements and urine of domestic animals, including possibly also water and/or a small amount of litter. The share of dry matter content is 4-20 %. For the purpose of FSDN, liquid manure and slurry are considered jointly.Solid manure, including farmyard manure, are excrements, with or without litter, of domestic animals including possibly a small amount of urine. Solid manure has at least 20 % dry matter. It is handled with front-end loaders and/or pitchforks.Description of categories of manure storage systems100Manure solid storage in heapsManure which is stored in unconfined piles or stacks or in open confinement area, normally for a period of several months. These facilities may or may not have a roof, or may or may not be covered.200Solid manure stored in compost pilesManure stored in confined compost piles, which are aerated and/or mixed.300Solid manure stored in pits below animal confinementManure stored with little or no added water, typically below a slatted floor in an enclosed animal confinement facility, usually for periods of less than 1 year. Includes cattle and swine deep litter and poultry manure without litter.400Solid manure stored in deep litter systemsManure which is accumulated over a production cycle, which can extend to 6 or 12 months.500Liquid manure / slurry storage without coverManure which is stored in uncovered tanks, or ponds, usually for a period of less than 1 year. Includes uncovered anaerobic lagoons and aerobic treatment lagoons.600Liquid manure / slurry storage with permeable coverManure stored in tanks or ponds, usually for a period of less than 1 year and that is covered with a permeable cover (such as clay, straw or natural crust).700Liquid manure / slurry storage with impermeable coverManure stored in tanks or ponds, usually for a period of less than 1 year and that is covered with an impermeable cover (such as high-density polyethylene or negative pressure covers).800Solid manure stored in other facilities n.e.c.Solid manure stored in other facilities not elsewhere classified.900Liquid manure/slurry stored in other facilities n.e.c.Liquid manure/slurry stored in other facilities not elsewhere classified.1000Solid manure daily spreadManure which is routinely removed from a confinement facility and is applied to cropland or pasture within 24 hours of excretion.1100Liquide manure/slurry daily spreadManure which is routinely removed from a confinement facility and is applied to cropland or pasture within 24 hours of excretion.Description of the columnsShare (S)It refers to the share (in percentages) of own-produced solid manure that is stored in each type of storage facility (%) and the percentages of own-produced liquid manure/slurry that is stored in each type of storage facility (%).
Table NM2Nutrient use and management – Manure applicationStructure of the table
Category of manure application technicsCode (*)
Group of informationColumns
MAManure application technics
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
100Solid manure broadcast incorporation within 4 hours-
110Liquid manure/Slurry broadcast incorporation within 4 hours-
120Solid manure broadcast incorporation after 4 hours-
130Liquid manure/Slurry broadcast incorporation after 4 hours-
140Solid manure broadcast no incorporation-
150Liquid manure/Slurry broadcast no incorporation-
160Liquid manure/slurry band spread trailing hose-
170Liquid manure/slurry band spread trailing shoe-
180Liquid manure/slurry injection shallow/open slit-
190Liquid manure/slurry injection deep/closed slit-
200Solid manure used in own biogas plant (own produced)
210Liquid manure/slurry used in own biogas plant (own produced)
220Export of solid manure from the farm-
230Export of liquid manure/slurry from the farm-
240Import of solid manure into the farm-
250Import of liquid manure/slurry into the farm-
Categories of manure application100Solid manure broadcast incorporation within 4 hours; 110 Liquid manure/Slurry broadcast incorporation within 4 hours, 120 Solid manure broadcast incorporation after 4 hours; 130 Liquid manure/Slurry broadcast incorporation after 4 hours; 140 Solid manure broadcast no incorporation; 150 Liquid manure/Slurry broadcast no incorporation.Broadcasting can be used for the application of solid, slurry and liquid manure. Application techniques include box spreaders, tank wagons, tow hoses, and irrigation systems. Broadcasting requires the least amount of energy and time, and results in a uniform application pattern.Immediate incorporation of manure consists of techniques which allow an immediate incorporation of solid dung or slurry. For effective abatement, the incorporation is to happen as rapidly as possible. This means that the applied manure is directly incorporated by a manure or slurry spreading machine or the spreading machine is immediately followed by another machine incorporating the manure into the soil (chisel or disk ploughing). The 4-hour threshold may be considered as the approximate time limit to distinguish immediate incorporation.160Liquid manure/slurry band spread trailing hose; 170 Liquid manure/slurry band spread trailing shoeBand spreading is the placement of fertiliser in a concentrated layer or location (band) in the soil, commonly 8-15 cm below the surface. Fertiliser bands may be placed with the seed, below the seed, or both.Trailing hose: Slurry is discharged at ground level to grass or arable land through a series of flexible hoses. Application between the rows of a growing crop is feasible.Trailing shoe: Slurry is normally discharged through rigid pipes which terminate in metal "shoes" designed to ride along the soil surface, parting the crop so that slurry is applied directly to the soil surface and below the crop canopy. Some types of trailing shoes are designed to cut a shallow slit in the soil to aid infiltration.180Liquid Manure/slurry injection shallow/open slitShallow injection: the application of liquid manure by placement in shallow, vertical slots, typically about 50 mm deep and 25-30 cm apart, cut into the soil by a tine or disc; they are more commonly used on grassland.190Liquid Manure/slurry injection deep/closed slitDeep injection: the application of slurry or liquid manure by placement in deep, vertical slots, typically about 150 mm deep, cut into the soil by specially designed tines; the tines are fitted with lateral wings which aid the dispersion in the soil; typically, these are used on arable land as they have an increased risk of physically damaging the grass swards.200Solid manure used in biogas plant (own produced); 210 Liquid manure/slurry used in own biogas plant (own produced)Manure which was used for energy production in biogas plants.220Export of solid manure from the farmIt is the quantity of solid manure exported from the farm for direct use as fertiliser or intended for industrial processing regardless of whether it is sold, exchanged or given away for free. It includes manure that was used for energy production and at a later stage is to be re-used in agriculture.230Export of liquid manure/slurry from the farmIt is the quantity of liquid manure/slurry manure exported from the farm for direct use as fertiliser or intended for industrial processing regardless of whether it is sold,exchanged or given away for free. It includes manure that was used for energy production and at a later stage is to be re-used in agriculture.240Import of solid manure into the farm; 250 Import of liquid manure/slurry into the farmIt is the quantity of manure imported on the farm for direct use as fertiliser or intended for industrial processing regardless of whether it is bought, exchanged or obtained for free. It includes manure that was used for energy production and at a later stage is to be re-used in agriculture.Description of columnsShare (S)It refers to the share (in percentages) of total (own-produced and imported) solid manure that has been applied by different application technique or used in biogas plant (%); and the share (in percentages) of total (own-produced and imported) liquid manure/slurry that has been applied by different application technique or used in biogas plant (%).Quantity (Q)The quantity shall be indicated in quintals (100 kg) for solid manure and in cubic meter for liquid manure/slurry.
Table NM3Nutrient use and management – Feed InputStructure of the table
Category of feedCode (*)
Group of informationColumns
QuantityNumber of animals
FIFeed input
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
Code(*)Category of feedQN
110Oilseeds and their derivatives-
120Protein crops and their derivatives-
130By products of the processing industry-
140Fermented bulk fodder (haylage and silage)-
150Non-silage fibre fodder-
160Fats and oils-
190Feed additives for methane reduction-
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE NM3 – Feed inputFIFeed inputFor categories 100 to 180, the quantity of feed refers to the amount of feed imported into the farm (purchased or obtained for free) and used for animal feed during the accounting year should be recorded. The quantity shall be expressed in quintals (100 kg).For category 190, the number of dairy cows and reproductive bovine animals that are fed in a stable and are given the additive 3-NOP to reduce methane emissions from enteric fermentation should be recorded.Description of categories:100CerealsIncludes: soft and durum wheat, maize, barley, oats, triticale, sorghum, rye110Oilseeds and their derivativesIncludes: extracted rapeseed meal, extracted sunflower meal, extracted oilseeds, flakes, other oilseeds and their derivates120Protein crops and their derivatesIncludes: full-fat/extruded soybean (minimum 18% crude fat content), other extruded protein crops (fodder peas, broad beans, lupins), extracted soybean meal, other soybean products (flakes and soya meal pellets), dried alfalfa (pellets and meal), other protein crops and their derivatives130By-products of the processing industryIncludes: cereals and maize DDGS/WDGS, dry and wet CGF, corn gluten meal (CGM), maize germ, beet pulp, molasses, by-product of malting (bran), dairy by-products, by-products of the beer industry, canning by-products, other by-products of the processing industry140Fermented bulk fodder (haylage and silage)Includes: grain maize with cobs (CCM) and leaves, grass, green fodder (sugar sorghum, rye, barley), legume forage (alfalfa, clover, etc.), forage brassicas (turnip rape, fodder cabbage), green fodder mix (autumn, spring), root, tuber and cucurbit fodder, other fermented bulk fodder (haylage and silage)150Non-silage fibre fodderIncludes: hay, straw, pasture grass, other non-silage fibre fodder160Fats and oils170MineralsIncludes: phosphate content materials, limestone, salt, etc)180ConcentratesIncludes: complete feed, milk replacer, complementary feed, premixtures190Feed additives for methane reductionFeed additive 3-NOP for reducing methane emission from enteric fermentation. It can be administered to dairy cows and reproductive animals only, and only when they are fed in a stable.
Table STSoil testThis information is optional for Member States. In case Member States decide to provide this information, soil test results may be submitted if they are available and have been conducted within the last 5 years. The soil test pertains to a single parcel, where the sampling occurred. If more than 1 test was conducted on the same parcel within the last 5 years, the most recent one is to be provided. If data related to more than one parcel are available, multiple entries are possible.Structure of the table
Parcel IDCode (*)
Categories of testCode (**)
Group of informationQuantity
STSoil test
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
100Bulk density in topsoil (g/cm3)
110Bulk density in subsoil (g/cm3)
120Soil water holding capacity (% of volume of water / volume of saturated soil)
130Soil Erosion rate (ton/ha/year)
140Soil basal respiration (mm3 O2/g/hr) in dry soil
150Soil texture
160Soil Acidity (pH)
170Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) concentration (g/kg)
180Electrical Conductivity (dS/m - deci-Siemens per meter)
190CaCO3 (m/m %)
200Nitrogen in soil (g/cm3)
210Extractable phosphorous (mg/kg) (according to ISO 11263:1994)
220K2O (mg/kg)
230Cd (μg/kg)
240Cu (μg/kg)
250Pb (μg/kg)
260Zn (μg/kg)
Table BD1Biodiversity – Landscape featuresStructure of the table
Group of InformationColumns
LFType of Landscape FeaturesPresenceArea
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
110LFHedgerows, individual or group of trees, tree rows
120LFField margins, patches or buffer strips
150LFSmall ponds
160LFSmall wetlands
190LFCultural features
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE BD1 – Landscape featuresLF: Landscape features. Each holding has to record the presence (P) of landscape features on the farm area.The codes to be used:0No1YesThe recording of the area of landscape features is optional. The area (TA) is to be indicated in ares (100 ares = 1 hectare).Description of categories100TerracesTerraced hillsides are anthropogenic structures created to reduce the risk of erosion, consisting of one or more "steps" (steep sections covered permanent woody or grassy vegetation or stone walls) and "land blocks" (flat sections that are used for agricultural production, separated by the steps). Herbaceous vegetation is considered to be an integral part of terraces.110Hedgerows, individual or group of trees, trees rowsIncludes isolated trees, trees in line, hedgerows, riparian woody vegetation (along water course), or any narrow strips (<20 m) of land covered by trees and shrubs within an agricultural context. This type may also include small groups of trees, field copses, or any small groups of woody semi-natural vegetation in an agricultural context. In case there is a grass (herb) layer under the woody vegetation, the woody feature is considered to incorporate the underlying grass layer too. The maximum area for a woody landscape feature is 0,5 ha.120Field margins, patches or buffer stripsField margins, patches or buffer strips consist of permanent semi-natural herbaceous vegetation (typically grass and/or perennial herbs) which are in the agricultural context, and which are not directly used for grazing, or fodder production. This may include field margins, buffer strips (along ditches or ponds), or any other small pieces of semi-natural herbaceous vegetation as long as they are between arable or permanent crops fields. The minimum width of this type of landscape feature is 1 m (for ensuring persistency). Nevertheless, this type of landscape feature excludes parcels of actively managed grasslands (used for grazing or fodder production), and large patches of natural and semi-natural grasslands (wider than 20 m). Furthermore, farm tracks with grass, and grass strips between the rows of vineyards/orchards are also excluded (they shall be recorded under variable 680) and "grassy margins" that are next to grassland patches shall not be registered, either. Permanent grass/herbs landscape features do not include the grass layer under a woody feature, nor wet marsh vegetation. It includes temporary herbaceous, which consists of narrow strips of cropland planted with non-productive crops or flower-rich fallow (weed) vegetation inside arable land or permanent crops (typically along field margins), deliberately sown by the farmers to support biodiversity.It excludes area in table I under categories 30100 (pasture and meadow), 30200 (rough grazing), 30300 (permanent grassland).130Ditches, 140 StreamsThis type includes small water courses within an agricultural context, including the open water surface of streams, ditches, and small channels and the adjacent marsh vegetation up to a maximum width of 20 m. Ditches that are dry at the time of observation may also be registered if the vegetation reveals a regular presence of water. Exclusions: Artificial constructions (channels with walls of concrete and subterranean constructions) are excluded.150Small ponds, 160 Small wetlandsThis type of landscape features includes small patchy landscape features characterized by wetlands and water bodies in an agricultural context up to a maximum size of 0,5 ha. The type also includes accumulations of still water formed naturally (e.g. wetlands, lakes, natural lagoons, seepage areas) or artificially (e.g. pits and waterholes). Small ponds may contain a core of open water and an adjacent wetland, characterized by marsh vegetation (e.g. reed or sedge beds) adapted to and dependent on the regular presence of surface water and high water levels. Exclusions: reservoirs lined with concrete or plastic and depressions used as landfills.170Stonewalls, 180 CairnsThis type of landscape features includes piles of rock or stone in an agricultural context, and terraced agricultural landscapes. Such features may be natural (e.g. secular stones) or man-made, often historical, objects (e.g. dry stone walls, clearance cairns, terraces). If trees and shrubs (liana) cover the stone walls, both features shall be registered.190Cultural featuresThis type of landscape features may include monuments, archaeological sites, cultural heritage objects (like shadoofs, burial mounds), historical/traditional buildings.
Table BD2Biodiversity – Biological control and grassland managementStructure of the table
Category of farming practicesCode (*)
AreaTime OptionalCode
BIBiological Control
GRGrassland management
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
Code (*)GroupDescriptionTACTOptional
100BIBiological control
110BIBiological control with microbials
120BIBiological control with macrobials
130BIBiological control with semiochemicals
140BIBiological control with natural substances
200GRArea mowed once a year
210GRArea mowed twice a year
220GRArea mowed three times or more a year
250GRGrassland Reseeding
260GRGrassland ploughing
270GRTime of first mowing
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE BD2BIBiological controlThe following codes (C) are to be used:0the practice was not applied on the farm during the reporting year1the practice was applied on the farm during the reporting yearGRGrassland managementFor categories 200 to 260, the area (TA) shall be reported in acres (1 ha = 100 acres), for category 270 the time of first mowing (T) should be indicated. The indication of time of first mowing is optional.Categories of Biological Control100Biological control means the control of organisms harmful to plants or plant products using natural means of biological origin or substances identical to them, such as micro-organisms, semiochemicals, extracts from plant products as defined in Article 3(6) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC (OJ L 309, 24.11.2009, p. 1, ELI:, or invertebrate macro-organisms.110Macrobials: multicellular organisms: insects, predatory mites, parasitic wasps, and beneficial nematodes that feed on pests. Optional data.120Microbials: unicellular organisms: bacteria (e.g. Bacillus thuringiensis) fungi (e.g. Trichoderma), viruses, and their derivatives. Optional data.130Semiochemicals: chemicals released by organisms to affect the behaviour of others (e.g. pheromones, allelochemicals). Optional data.140Natural substances: derived from natural materials such as animals, plants, bacteria, and certain minerals. Optional data.Categories of Grassland Management200 to 220For grassland that has been mowed during the reporting year, the area mowed once, twice, three times or more during the reporting year is to be reported, in ares (100 ares = 1 hectares).250Grassland ReseedingIt is the area of grassland on which new grass seeds were planted, regardless of whether the grassland was previously ploughed or not.260Grassland ploughingIt is the area of grassland that has been ploughed during the reporting year, through conventional tillage techniques (see definition in table FP1). Grassland areas that were tilled using conservation tillage methods (see definition in table FP1), shall not be considered here.270The time of first mowing represents the period of the year in which the majority of the grassland area was first mowed. This information is optional for Member StatesFor Column (T) the following codes shall be used:1January2February3First half of March4Second half of March5First half of April6Second half of April7First half of May8Second half of May9First half of June10Second half of June11First half of July12Second half of July13First half of August14Second half of August15September16October17November18December
Table WTWater managementStructure of the table
Category of water managementCode (*)
Group of informationColumns
WSWater source
PTPayment terms
BMAdoption of best management practices
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
200Payment termsPT
300Adoption of irrigation schedulingBM
400Adoption of tailwater recovery systemsBM
Description of categories:100SourceThe following codes are to be used to indicate the main water source of the holding for irrigation:1Rainfall storage2Natural or artificial surface watercourses3Groundwater4Mains water supply5Wastewater reuse (reclaimed water)Defined as urban wastewater that has been treated in compliance with the requirements set out in Directive 91/271/EEC and which results from further treatment in a reclamation facility in accordance with Section 2 of Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2020/741.6Other7The farm has no irrigation system200Payment terms for irrigation waterCodes to be used:1Did not pay for water2Paid a fee based on the area of land irrigated3Paid a fee based on the volume of water4Other payment modalities300Adoption of irrigation schedulingCodes to be used:0No1YesIrrigation scheduling refers to an irrigation system where water is applied to the cultivation according to predetermined schedules based upon the monitoring of the soil water status and crop water requirements.400Tailwater recoveryCodes to be used:0No1YesTailwater recovery involves the recollection of recoverable irrigation runoff water and is applied to conserve irrigation water supplies and/or improve offsite water quality. An irrigation tailwater recovery system is an irrigation system in which some facilities have been installed for the collection, storage, and transportation of irrigation tailwater for reuse.
Table I2Plant protection product useStructure of the table
Parcel ID (optional)Code (*)
Category of crop (optional)Code (**)
UnitCode (***)
Active substanceCode (****)
Group of informationColumns
PPPlant protection product use
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE I1Quantity of plant protection product applied during the reporting year shall be provided by active substances.The categories of crops are in line with the list of crops as in table I. The data provided on crop level is optional for Member States.Multiple entries are possible.The types of unit codes are to be selected form the list below:
Code (***)Description
Parcel IDThe parcel ID must include both the reference parcel ID as referred to in Article 2(2) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1172Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1172 of 4 May 2022 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the integrated administration and control system in the common agricultural policy and the application and calculation of administrative penalties for conditionality (OJ L 183, 8.7.2022, p. 12, ELI: and the agricultural parcel ID as referred to in Article 8(3), point (a), of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1173Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1173 of 31 May 2022 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the integrated administration and control system in the common agricultural policy (OJ L 183, 8.7.2022, p. 23, ELI: The data provided on parcel level is optional for Member States.Description of columnsQuantity (Q): Quantity of product (active substance) applied during the reporting year.
Table J1Antimicrobial UseStructure of the table
Type of active substancesCode (*)
UnitCode (**)
Group of informationColumns
AUAntimicrobial use
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE J1Antimicrobial use (AU)Antimicrobials that are used during the reporting year in livestock production to maintain health and productivity.Description of columnsQuantity (Q)Total quantity of antimicrobials that are used during the reporting year by active substances.The types of unit codes are to be selected form the list below:
Code (**)Description
Table CSEnvironmental certification schemesStructure of the table
Category of certification schemesCode (*)
Group of informationColumns
CSCertification status and characteristics
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
Code (*)DescriptionCYS
10UNI-EN-ISO 14001 standard certification-
20EMAS certification-
30Carbon farming certification-
40Other voluntary international Certification schemes or ecolabels
50Other voluntary national schemes
Certification schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs provide assurance (through a certification mechanism) that certain characteristics or attributes of the product or its production method or system have been observed.Excludes: environmental certification schemes referring to organic farming, unless they include additional requirements compared to Regulation (EU) 2018/848.
DESCRIPTION OF CATEGORIES10UNI-EN-ISO 14001 standard certificationThe farm has a certification Quality management system compliant to the UNI-EN-ISO 14001 standard.20EMAS certificationThe farm has an EMAS certification (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS), repealing Regulation (EC) No 761/2001 and Commission Decisions 2001/681/EC and 2006/193/EC (OJ L 342, 22/12/2009, p. 1, ELI: farming certificationThe farm has a carbon farming certificationWithin the meaning of the definition in the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Union certification framework for carbon removals – COM/2022/672 final - 2022/0394(COD).40Other voluntary International Certification schemes or EcolabelsThe farm is certified under an internationally recognised certification scheme/ecolabel in the agricultural/food sector50Other voluntary national EcolabelsThe farm is certified under a national (or sub/national) certification scheme/ecolabel in the agricultural/food sector, officially recognised at Member State level.For variables 30, 40 and 50 voluntary certification schemes or ecolabels are to be recorded if they comply with the following basic requirements as set out in the Commission guidelines for voluntary certification schemes for agricultural products (2010/C 341/04)Commission Communication — EU best practice guidelines for voluntary certification schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs (OJ C 341, 16.12.2010, p. 5).:Certification of compliance with the scheme requirements is carried out by an independent body accredited:by the national accreditation body appointed by Member States according to Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 (OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, p. 30, ELI:, in accordance with relevant European or international standards and guides setting out general requirements for bodies operating product certification systems, or —by an accreditation body signatory to the multilateral recognition arrangement (MLA) for product certification of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF)DESCRIPTION OF COLUMNSCertification status (C)Codes to be used:0the farm is not certified1the farm has an active and valid certification2the farm has started but not yet completed the certification processYear (Y)The year in which the certification process was formally started. Year shall be provided with four digits.Sectors covered (S)This information refers to the set of standards, indicators, criteria and commitments the farm has to follow to obtain and maintain the certification. Multiple choices are possible:1Enhanced organic farming: the ecolabel/scheme is based on (and compliant with) the Regulation (EU) 2018/848 but introduces additional or stricter requirements2Carbon farming: it includes all practices aimed at increasing carbon sequestration and/or reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, through soil management techniques or other practices3Nutrient use and management: includes any practice/ commitment on nutrient use, restriction on the use of fertilisers, e.g. quantity, source/type of nutrient (organic, mineral etc.), application techniques, timing4Animal welfare and health: include measures/commitment on housing conditions (space allowance, ventilation, light, temperature, humidity etc.), access to outdoor grazing and outdoor space, limitations on the use of antimicrobials5Integrated pest management: measures to optimize and limit the use of plant protection products, following the principles established by Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDirective 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides (OJ L 309, 24.11.2009, p. 71, ELI: to biodiversity: it includes any practice aimed at supporting functional biodiversity (pollinators, pest predators), such as establishment and maintenance of landscape features, semi-natural habitats, plantation of flowering strips, refuges and shelter for insects and birds, small mammals etc.7Forestry: it includes practices related to sustainable forest management
Table ENEnergyStructure of the table
Category of productionCode (*)
Group of informationColumns
Share of energy needCode
EPOn-farm renewable energy production-
EFRenewable energy production facilities-
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
CodeGroupDescriptionShare of energy needs covered by this sourceCode
100EPOwn produced electricity from renewable sources (wind, solar, biogas, hydropower)-
200EPOwn produced heating fuels from renewable sources (firewood, pellets, straw, solar, biogas, other biomass)-
300EFBiogas plants-
400EFSolar panels-
500EFWind turbines-
600EFGeothermal system-
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE ENEPOn-farm renewable energy productionEFRenewable energy production facilities used by the farmerCOLUMNS IN TABLE ENShare of energy needs (S)Share of energy needs to be provided as a percentage band indicating the proportion of energy requirements covered by the specific source. The following code numbers are to be used:00 %1> 0 to ≤ 25 %2> 25 % to ≤ 50 %3> 50 % to ≤ 75 %4> 75 % to ≤ 100 %5> 100 %Code (C)An indication is to be provided on whether the given technology or asset is owned by the farmer, rented, co-owned with other partners (such as biogas plants used by several farms) or owned by other subjects (such as photovoltaic panels owned by other subjects installed on the farm’s land). In case the farmer uses more than one facility under different ownership structures, the code is to indicate the predominant type of ownership.The following code numbers are to be used:1The asset is owned by the farmer2The asset is rented by the farmer3The asset is co-owned with other partners4The asset is owned by other subjects
Table FLOn-farm loss of production for food and feed usesStructure of the table
Category of food lossCode(*)
Group of informationCode
FLFood/feed loss
On-farm loss of production for food and feed uses is the amount of farm produce initially intended for human or animal consumption that is discarded or lost (i.e. that it does not reach the market or it is not used as intended as food and/or feed). For crops, it comprises any loss occurred from the moment when products are already mature enough to be harvested, until the post-harvest phase, when products reach the farm gate.For live animals, it comprises any loss occurred from the moment animals are considered mature enough to be slaughtered until the products reach the farm gate.For animal products (milk and eggs), losses shall be counted from the moment milk has been drawn from the udder and eggs are laid by the bird.It includes:mature crops left unharvested (e.g. due to very low market prices or damages);products harvested and treated in-situ at farm (e.g., composted at farm, burnt), or discharged off-farm;products rejected by the buyer (e.g., due to quality and commercial requirements, overproduction) that return to the production site or are discharged;other losses occurred during storage, transportation, on-farm processing.It does not include:products initially intended for human consumption that are diverted to use as feed for livestock;non-marketed products consumed on farm or donated to charities, food banks or other similar channels.The categories are to be selected from the list below:
Code(*)Description of categoriesGroupC
100Reason of lossesFL
DESCRIPTION OF COLUMNSThe following codes are to be used to indicate the reason of losses as defined above occurred during the reporting year (multiple entries are allowed).Code (C)1Mature crops left unharvested2Products harvested and treated on farm or discharged off-farm.3Products rejected by the buyer due to quality and/or commercial requirements (crops)4Products rejected by the buyer due to quality and/or commercial requirements (animals and animal products)5Losses occurred during storage and/or transportation and/or on-farm processing (crop products)6Losses occurred during storage and/or transportation and/or on-farm processing (animals and animal products)7Other reasons not mentioned above (e.g. unforeseen market changes)
Table TRTrainingStructure of the table
Categories of trainingCode (*)
Group of informationC
TTTraining topics
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
CodeDescription of categoriesGroups of informationC
1000Farm managementTT
1020Occupational safety and healthTT
1030Risk prevention and managementTT
1040Digitalisation and mechanisationTT
1050Organic farming and integrated pest management (IPM)TT
1060Carbon farmingTT
1070Plant protection productsTT
1090Soil and water managementTT
1100Energy useTT
1110Animal husbandryTT
1120Animal welfareTT
GROUPS AND CATEGORIES OF INFORMATION IN TABLE TRTR.TT.1000.C to TR.TT.1140.C: Vocational training by topic: an indication is to be given whether vocational training courses for each topic were attended by the holder(s) and/or manager(s) and the workers during the reporting year. It refers to vocational training, a training measure or activity, provided by a trainer or a training institution primarily aimed at the acquisition of new skills related to the farm activities or activities related directly to the agricultural holding or the development and improvement of existing ones. In case a training course covers more than one topic, all the relevant topics shall be reported.The following code numbers are to be used:0No1YesTR.TT.1000.C.Farm managementFarm management may include accounting, finance, marketing.TR.TT.1010.C.LegislationLegislation may refer to legal requirements, taxes, CAP and other subsidies. It excluded occupational safety and health, which needs to be reported under TR.TT.1020.C.TR.TT.1020.C.Occupational safety and healthOccupational safety and health may refer to anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of hazards arising in or from the workplace that could impair the health and well-being of workers.TR.TT.1030.C.Risk prevention and managementRisk prevention and management training may refer to any traditional and innovative risk management practices and strategies to mitigate risk in agricultural production, as well as management techniques to mitigate financial risks in farming. It may include training on managing risks by means of input management strategies for crop and livestock production, equipment decisions, pest and diseases control, private insurances, government programs, marketing strategies, land tenure agreements, agricultural credit, on-farm diversification (e.g., OGA directly related to the farm), off-farm employment, etc.TR.TT.1040.C.Digitalisation and mechanisationDigitalisation and mechanisation training may refer to understanding and applying mechanisation and new technology in farming and learn about how technology can enhance farm management and on-farm productivity. It may include raising awareness, skills, and knowledge to increase on-farm uptake of technologies related to digitalisation in agriculture, including data analysis tools.TR.TT.1050.C.Organic farming and integrated pest management (IPM)Organic farming is an agricultural method that aims to produce food using natural substances and processes. Integrated pest management measures to optimise and limit the use of plant protection products, following the principles established by Directive 128/2009/EC.TR.TT.1060.C.Carbon farmingCarbon farming includes all practices aimed at increasing carbon sequestration and/or reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, through soil management techniques or other practices.TR.TT.1070.C.Plant protection productsPlant protection products (PPP) training may refer to any practice/commitment on PPP use and restriction on the use of PPP.TR.TT.1080.C.NutrientsNutrient use and management may refer to any practice/commitment on nutrient use, restriction on the use of fertilisers, e.g., quantity, source/type of nutrient (organic, mineral etc.), application techniques, timing.TR.TT.1090.C.Soil and water managementSoil management is the application of operations, practices, and treatments to protect soil and enhance its performance (such as soil fertility or soil mechanics). It includes soil conservation, soil amendment, and optimal soil health. Water management refers to the strategic planning, development, and use of water resources to optimise crop and animal production and maintain sustainable farming practices. It includes efficient use of irrigation, water conservation, scheduling, drainage management, rainwater harvesting and water reuse. Soil and water management may also refer to crop and grassland management.TR.TT.1100.C.Energy useTraining on energy may refer to production of energy (e.g., biomass, solar) and measures for energy savings.TR.TT.1110.C.Animal husbandryTraining on animal husbandry may refer to breeding, feeding and animal housing. It excludes animal welfare, which needs to be reported under TR.TT.1120.C. Animal welfareTR.TT.1120.C.Animal welfareAnimal welfare and health include measures/commitment on housing conditions (space allowance, ventilation, light, temperature, humidity etc.), access to outdoor grazing and outdoor space, limitations on the use of antimicrobials.TR.TT.1130.C.OtherTraining topics not listed above.
Table SASafetyStructure of the table
Categories of facilities and safetyCode (*)
Group of informationCode
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
CodeDescription of categoriesC
100Farm safety planSA
200Accidents at workSA
The following details should be provided:
SA.SA.100.C.Farm safety planAn indication is to be given whether the farm has carried out a workplace risk assessment with the aim of reducing work-related hazards, resulting in a written document (such as a "farm safety plan"). Data shall be reported in the farm returns annually. However, data may be compiled or collected at a lower frequency, provided that this is done at least once every five years.The following code numbers are to be used:0No1YesSA.SA.200.C.:Accidents at workAn indication is to be given on the whether the holder(s) and/or manager(s) or workers have experienced an accident at work during the reporting year (resulting in one or more days of absence from work). An accident at work is a discrete occurrence during the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm.The following code numbers are to be used:0No1Yes
Table SISocial inclusionStructure of the table
Categories of social inclusionCode (*)
Group of informationC
SFSocial farming
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
Code (*)Description of categoriesGroupC
100Presence of social farming activitiesSF
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE SISI.SF.100.C:Social farmingSocial farming is the use of agricultural resources and the natural environment of the farm for the provision of care activities and social services for vulnerable people (elderly, people with disabilities etc.) while involving them in the farming activity.The following code numbers are to be used:0No1Yes
Table SEServices accessible to farmersStructure of the table
Categories of servicesCode (*)
Group of informationEnter codeEnter code
ICInternet connection
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
Code (*)Description of categoriesGroupCS
100Fixed broadbandIC
200Mobile broadbandIC
GROUPS AND CATEGORIES OF INFORMATION IN TABLE SEFor the following data points, data shall be reported in the farm returns annually. However, data may be compiled or collected at a lower frequency, provided that this is done at least once every five years.SE.IC.100.C.Fixed broadband internet connection coverageAn indication is to be given whether the farm is reached/reachable by fixed broadband internet connection such as DSL, ADSL, VDSL, cable, optical fibre, satellite or public Wi-Fi connections.Codes to be used:0No1YesSE.IC.100.S.Fixed broadband internet connection subscriptionAn indication is to be given whether the farm has a subscription for a broadband internet connection such as DSL, ADSL, VDSL, cable, optical fibre, satellite or public Wi-Fi connections.To be asked only for holdings that may be reached by a fixed broadband internet connection (answer to SE.IC.100.C.=1).Codes to be used:0No1YesSE.IC.200.C.Mobile broadband internet connection coverageAn indication is to be given whether the farm is reached/reachable by a mobile broadband internet connection (via mobile phone network, at least 4G).Codes to be used:0No1Partially2YesSE.IC.200.S.Mobile broadband internet connection subscriptionAn indication is to be given whether the farm has subscribed for a mobile broadband internet connection available on the farm (via mobile phone network, at least 4G).To be asked only for holdings that may be reached by a mobile broadband internet connection (answer to SE.IC.200.C.=1 or 2).Codes to be used:0No1Yes
Table GRGenerational renewalStructure of the table
Categories of management and successorsCode (*)
Group of informationCodeYear
GRGenerational renewal
The categories are to be selected from the list below:
Code (*)DescriptionGroupCY
100Year when the holder took overGR
300Plans for stopping the activityGR
GROUPS OF INFORMATION IN TABLE GRGR.GR.100.Y.Year when the holder took overAn indication is to be given about the year when the current holder (holder/manager or holder/non-manager) took over the farm, to be recorded in format "YYYY".In case of more than one holder/manager or holder/non-manager working in the farm (and therefore reported in Table C), the year shall refer to the first one who took over the holding.To be asked only if the farm has holder/manager(s) or holder/non manager(s) reported in Table C.Data shall be reported in the farm returns annually. However, data may be compiled or collected at a lower frequency, provided that this is done at least once every five years.GR.GR.200.C.TransmissionAn indication is to be given about the person from whom the holding was transferred to the current holder/manager or holder/non-manager, when they took over.In case of more than one holder/manager or holder/non manager working in the farm (and therefore reported in Table C), the answer shall refer to the first one who took over the holding.Where there is more than one method of transmission, the largest by value shall be reported. To be asked only if the farm has holder/manager(s) or holder/non-manager(s) reported in Table C.Data shall be reported in the farm returns annually. However, data may be compiled or collected at a lower frequency, provided that this is done at least once every five years.The following code numbers are to be used:0not applicable (the farm has no holder/manager – holder/non manager)1farm transferred from a family member (via donation, succession or other forms)2farm transferred from a non-family member3farm created by the current holder/manager or holder/non managerGR.GR.300.C.Plans for stopping the activityAn indication has to be given whether the holder/manager or holder/non-manager has made specific plans for how the farm’s resources will be managed when they stop their activity (e.g. after retirement).To be asked only if the oldest holder/manager or holder/non-manager reported in Table C is above 60 years old.Where there is more than one method of transmission, the largest by value shall be reported.The following code numbers are to be used:0not applicable (the farm has no holder/manager or holder/not manager)1no plans for the moment2the farm will be transferred to a family member (via donation, succession or other forms)3the farm will be transferred to a non-family member4the holder/manager or holder/non manager has planned to rent out the farm/farmland5otherCOLUMNS IN TABLE GRColumn C refers to code, column Y refers to the year.
ANNEX IXTimetable for submitting the data referred to in Article 11(3) and exemptions for specific variables referred to in Article 12In column "Annex VIII table" it is possible to identify existing FADN tables (1-digit code from A to M) and newly introduced FSDN tables and variables:new FSDN tables are indicated as lines and identified by 2- or 3-digit codes,new FSDN variables in existing FADN tables are indicated with the code of the specific variable as additional lines under the corresponding FADN table.For existing FADN tables it is possible to ask for exemptions only for new FSDN variables, explicitly indicated in relation to FADN existing tables.
Annex VIII tables and new FSDN variablesFirst reporting yearExemptions from submitting specific variables (the first reporting year is indicated)
Table A - General information on the holdingXNot applicable except for:
A.CL.142.DT.Year in which the farm started conversion to organicGermany, France, Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia in 2026Romania in 2027
A.CL.145.C.Share of organic farming products sold as organic in certified farmsGermany, France, Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia, Sweden in 2026Romania in 2027
A.OT.240.CParticipation in mutual fundsGermany, France, Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia, Sweden in 2026Romania in 2027
A.OT.241.CCompensation of lossesGermany, France, Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia, Sweden in 2026Romania in 2027
Table B - Type of occupationXNot applicable
Table C - LabourXNot applicable except for:
C.EX ExternalsGermany, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Sweden in 2026Romania, Latvia in 2027France, Malta in 2028
Column G – Gender (for workers)Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal in 2026Romania, Latvia in 2027
Columns AW - Wages and social security costs per year / per hourFrance, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal in 2026Romania, Malta, Latvia, Sweden in 2027
Column R - RetirementFrance, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal in 2026Romania, Malta, Latvia in 2027
Table D - Assets and investmentsXNot applicable
Table E - Quotas and other rightsXNot applicable
Table F - Debts/creditsXNot applicable
Table G - Value added tax (VAT)XNot applicable
Table H - InputsXNot applicable except for:
5035.Of which other originGreece, Cyprus in 2026Romania, Malta in 2027
Table I - Land use and cropsXNot applicable except for:
Columns "of which is fully organic – of which in conversion to organic"Greece, Cyprus in 2026Romania, Latvia in 2027Luxembourg in 2028
Table J - Livestock productionXNot applicable except for:
J. OR Organic - J. CO in conversion to organicFrance, Greece, Cyprus in 2026Romania, Slovakia, Latvia, Croatia in 2027
J.DL Number of deaths, including emergency killingsFrance, Greece, Cyprus, Sweden in 2026Romania in 2027
J.TH Type of housingBelgium, Germany, France, Greece, Cyprus, Sweden in 2026Romania, Latvia in 2027
J. TO Time spent outdoorBelgium, Germany, France, Greece, Cyprus, Sweden in 2026Romania, Latvia in 2027
Table K - Animal products and servicesXNot applicable
Table L - OGA directly related to the farmXNot applicable
Table M - SubsidiesXNot applicable except for:
3770 - Knowledge exchange and dissemination of informationGermany, France, Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia in 2026Romania, Malta in 2027
3780 - CooperationGermany, France, Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia in 2026Romania, Malta in 2027
Table MI - Market integrationXGermany, France, Czechia, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Sweden in 2026Belgium, Romania, Slovakia, Malta, Latvia, Croatia in 2027
Table DI – Innovation and digitalisationXFrance, Malta in 2028
Table OF - Indicative share of off-farm incomeXFrance, Malta in 2028
Table FP1 - Farming practicesXGermany, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Sweden in 2026Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Romania, Slovakia, Latvia, Croatia in 2027France, Malta in 2028
Table FP2 - Farming practicesXFrance, Malta in 2028
Table NM1 - Nutrient use and management – Manure storageXBelgium, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Latvia, Sweden in 2026Czechia, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia in 2027France, Malta in 2028
Table NM2 - Nutrient use and management – Manure applicationXGermany, Greece, Cyprus, Latvia, Sweden in 2026Belgium, Estonia, Czechia, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia in 2027France, Malta in 2028
Table NM3 - Nutrient use and management – Feed InputXFrance, Malta, Spain in 2028
Table ST - Soil test (optional)X
Table BD1 - Biodiversity – Landscape featuresXGermany, Greece, Cyprus in 2026Romania in 2027France, Luxembourg, Malta in 2028
Table BD2 - Biodiversity – Biological control and grassland managementXFrance, Luxembourg, Malta in 2028
Table WT - Water managementXFrance, Malta in 2028
Table I2 - Plant protection product useXFrance, Malta, Spain in 2028
Table J1 - Antimicrobial useXFrance, Malta, Spain in 2028
Table CS - Environmental certification schemesXBelgium, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Sweden in 2026Romania, Slovakia, Malta in 2027
Table EN - EnergyXFrance, Malta in 2028
Table FL - On-farm loss of production for food and feed usesXFrance, Luxembourg, Malta, Croatia in 2028
Table TR - TrainingXFrance, Malta in 2028
Table SA - SafetyXGermany, Greece, Cyprus in 2026Romania in 2027France, Malta in 2028
Table SI - Social inclusionXGermany, Greece, Cyprus in 2026Romania in 2027France, Malta in 2028
Table SE - Services accessible to farmersXGermany, Greece, Cyprus, Sweden in 2026Romania, Malta in 2027
Table GR - Generational renewalXGermany, Greece, Cyprus, Sweden in 2026Romania, Slovakia in 2027France, Malta in 2028
ANNEX XAmount payable to Member States, in EUR (current prices), for the reporting years 2025, 2026 and 2027, as referred to in Article 17
Reporting year 2025Reporting year 2026Reporting year 2027
Amount as referred to in Article 17(1), point (a)Amount as referred to in Article 17(1), point (b)Amount as referred to in Article 17(1), point (c)Maximum amountAmount as referred to in Article 17(1), point (a)Amount as referred to in Article 17(1), point (b)Amount as referred to in Article 17(1), point (c)Maximum amountAmount as referred to in Article 17(1), point (a)Amount as referred to in Article 17(1), point (c)Maximum amount
EU total1274238018622269111418934250654212742380174765911343325243652223127423802862985441372234
Reserve for advance deliveries24934581347777
ANNEX XIForm and layout of the data to be extracted from the datasets referred to in Article 18This text provides further guidance about the submission of disaggregated data on interventions and beneficiaries and defines the form and content of these data.Referred to Article 4a (1), point (a) of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 and with the aim to link FSDN returning holdings to the correspondent beneficiary files, including disaggregated data on beneficiaries, and intervention files, including disaggregated data on interventions, included in the data for monitoring and evaluation dataset as referred to in Article 8 and Annex IV of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1475Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1475 of 6 September 2022 laying down detailed rules for implementation of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plans and the provision of information for monitoring and evaluation (OJ L 232, 7.9.2022, p. 8, ELI:, Member States shall choose one of the following options.Option 1:If the member states chooses to provide to the Commission the beneficiary identifier related to the returning holding, the following data shall be shared from the intervention and beneficiary files:M030 / B010 unique beneficiary ID referred to in Annex IV to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1475.FSDN number: Linked to the unique beneficiary ID, Member State shall provide the FSDN number of the returning holding.Multiple entries are possible, as one FSDN holding may have multiple beneficiaries associated with it and one beneficiary may be associated with multiple FSDN holdings.Option 2:If the member state chooses to provide the Commission directly the data related to the returning holding, the following data shall be shared from the intervention and beneficiary files:FSDN number: Linked to the data, Member State shall provide the FSDN number of the returning holding.Multiple entries are allowed, as one FSDN holding may have multiple beneficiaries associated with it and one beneficiary may be associated with multiple FSDN holdings.DISAGGREGATED DATA ON INTERVENTIONS
Monitoring variables to report administrative information
M010paying agency code
M020unique code for aid application or payment claim for an intervention
M040budget code
Monitoring variables to report amounts spent
M050total Union funds amount
M060total public expenditure
M070total additional national financing
Monitoring variables to report the area eligible and determined
M080number of hectares of eligible area determined before application of limits, excluding forestry
M085number of hectares of eligible forestry area determined before application of limits
M090number of hectares of eligible area excluding forestry
M095number of hectares of eligible forestry area determined after application of limits
Monitoring variables to report units paid
M100number of hectares of eligible area paid
M101number of hectares of eligible arable land area paid for practices for maintenance of non-productive areas, such a land lying fallow
M102number of hectares of eligible arable land area paid for practices for the establishment of new landscape features as laid down in Article 31(1a) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115
M110number of animal heads paid
M120number of livestock units paid
M130number of operations paid
M140number of farms supported
M150number of mutual funds paid
M160number of other units paid – unit of measurement
M161number of other units paid – output generated
Monitoring variables reporting whether a condition is fulfilled
M170investment resulting in a net increase of irrigated area
M180investment resulting in an improvement of existing irrigation installations
M190investment in the use of reclaimed water
M200investment in broadband
M210investment in bio-methane
B030young farmer
B040geographical location – municipality
B050area with natural or other specific constraints
B060nitrate vulnerable zone
B070characteristics of farm’s location in a river basin management plan
B080NATURA 2000 area
B090organic farm
B100number of hectares of arable land declared
B110number of hectares of permanent grassland declared
B120number of hectares with permanent crops declared
B130number of hectares of other areas eligible for direct payments
B141GAEC 2 – number of hectares of wetland and peatlands – permanent grassland
B142GAEC 2 – number of hectares of wetland and peatlands – arable land
B143GAEC 2 – number of hectares of wetland and peatlands – permanent crops
B170GAEC 9 – number of hectares subject to the ban on conversion or ploughing
B171GAEC 9 – number of hectares of permanent grassland in Natura 2000 sites
B172GAEC 9 – number of hectares of designated environmentally sensitive permanent grassland in Natura 2000 sites protected under GAEC 9 and declared by farmers
B180number of hectares of designated environmentally sensitive permanent grassland outside Natura 2000 sites, protected under the scope of the GAECs and declared by farmers, where applicable
ANNEX XIIForm and layout of the data to be extracted from the datasets referred to in Article 20This text provides further guidance regarding the submission of disaggregated data from the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) established by Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and the CouncilRegulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 December 2021 on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 (OJ L 435, 6.12.2021, p. 187, ELI: States shall determine the correspondence between the Identification Numbers (IDs) of the returning holding in the IACS and FSDN systems, ensuring they refer to the same entity.With reference to Article 4a(1), point (b), of Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009, Member States shall choose one of the following options 1, 2.1 or 2.2.Option 1:If the member state chooses to provide to the Commission the parcel identifiers related to the returning holding, the following data shall be shared from the IACS system:In case Member States choose this option, they shall provide the Commission with the following identifiers from IACS linked to the FSDN ID: unique identification number (ID) of reference parcels, agricultural parcels and non-agricultural areas considered eligible by the Member States for receiving support for the area-based interventions, as referred to in Article 2 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1172 and Article 8(3), point (a), of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1173.Multiple entries are possible, as one FSDN holding may have multiple associated reference parcels, agricultural parcels and non-agricultural areas considered eligible by the Member State.Option 2:If the member state chooses to provide the Commission directly with the data related to the returning holding, the following spatial information shall be shared from the IACS system:Option 2.1In case Member States choose this option, they shall provide the Commission with the following spatial data set of reference parcels and agricultural parcels, as referred to in Directive 2007/2/ECDirective 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) (OJ L 108, 25.4.2007, p. 1, ELI: and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138 of 21 December 2022 laying down a list of specific high-value datasets and the arrangements for their publication and re-use ( OJ L 19, 20.1.2023, p. 43)., including the following attributes:Geometry (boundary and area of each parcel): reference parcels, agricultural parcels and units of land containing non-agricultural areas considered eligible by the Member State as described in Article 2 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1172 and Article 8(3), point (a), of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1173.Land uses (crops or crop groups).Landscape features as referred to in Article 8(3), point (c), of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1173.Area under organic farming as referred to in Article 8(3), point (e), of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1173.Linked to the IACS spatial data, Member States shall provide the FSDN number of the returning holding.Multiple entries are allowed, as one FSDN holding may have multiple reference parcels, associated agricultural parcels and non-agricultural areas considered eligible by the Member State.Option 2.2In case Member States choose this option, they shall provide the Commission with the following indicators:Holding fragmentation: number of agricultural parcels, average size of parcels, maximum distance between farthest parcels, average distance between parcels, number of parcels clusters within a buffer of 1 km and 10 km.Land use change: land conversion from previous year to the following land use categories: forest land, cropland, grassland, wetlands, settlements, and other land as referred to Regulation (EU) 2018/841Regulation (EU) 2018/841 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 on the inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry in the 2030 climate and energy framework, and amending Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 and Decision No 529/2013/EU (OJ L 156, 19.6.2018, p. 1, ELI: features: The areas of landscape features included in Annex VIII - Table BD1 - Biodiversity – Landscape features shall be provided.