Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1041 of 28 November 2023 amending Regulation (EU) 2022/869 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the Union list of projects of common interest and projects of mutual interest
a cluster of interdependent PCIs/PMIs is defined as a "Cluster X, including the following PCIs/PMIs:". Such cluster has been formed to identify PCIs/PMIs that are all needed to address the same bottleneck across country borders and provide synergies if implemented together. In this case, all the PCIs/PMIs have to be implemented to realise the EU-wide benefits;a cluster of potentially competing PCIs/PMIs is defined as a "Cluster X, including one or more of the following PCIs:". Such cluster reflects an uncertainty around the extent of the bottleneck across country borders. In this case, not all the PCIs/PMIs included in the cluster have to be implemented. It is left to the market to determine whether one, several or all PCIs/PMIs are to be implemented, subject to the necessary planning, permit and regulatory approvals. The need for the PCIs/PMIs shall be reassessed in a subsequent PCIs/PMIs identification process, including with regard to the capacity needs; anda cluster of competing PCIs/PMIs is defined as a "Cluster X, including one of the following PCIs/PMIs:". Such cluster addresses the same bottleneck. However, the extent of the bottleneck is more certain than in the case of a cluster of potentially competing PCIs/PMIs, and therefore, it has been determined that only one PCI/PMI has to be implemented. It is left to the market to determine which PCI/PMI is to be implemented, subject to the necessary planning, permit and regulatory approvals. Where necessary, the need for PCIs/PMIs shall be reassessed in a subsequent PCIs/PMIs identification process.a generic corridor reflects certain significant infrastructure needs that have been identified which could not be adequately addressed by the submitted projects.
Section Guitiriz – Zamora (part of PCI 9.1.3) Section Saint Martin de Crau – Cruzy (part of PCI of 9.1.5) Section Freiburg – Offenbach (part of PCI 9.2.1) Section Limburg area and its connection to the North-South backbone in East of NL (part of PCI 9.6) Ship (part of PCI 9.13.1) Section Poggio Renatico – Gries Pass (part of PCI 10.1.1) Section Karperi – Komotimi (part of PCI 10.3.1) Section Kiruna – Lulea (part of PCI 11.1) 4 internal sections of the Finnish pipeline Kyröskoski; Imatra; Loviisa, through Kotka and Porvoo through Tolkinnen (geographical references are approximate and solely given as indications) (part of PCI 11.2) Pipeline in LT connecting to Klaipeda (part of PCI 11.2) Section Magdeburg – Potsdam (geographical references are approximate and solely given as indications) (part of PCI 11.2) Paperless workflow management, voicebot and chatbot, workforce management automation, joint auctions SK-UA and assets for tourism cave (part of PCI 12.3)
No. | Definition |
1.1 | Portugal – Spain interconnection between Beariz – Fontefría (ES), Fontefria (ES) – Ponte de Lima (PT) and Ponte de Lima – Vila Nova de Famalicão (PT), including substations in Beariz (ES), Fontefría (ES) and Ponte de Lima (PT) (No 2.17 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.2 | Interconnection between Gatica (ES) and Cubnezais (FR) [currently known as "Biscay Gulf"] (No 2.7 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.3 | Interconnection between La Martyre (FR) and Great Island or Knockraha (IE) [currently known as "Celtic Interconnector"] (No 1.6 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.4 |
1.5 | Internal line in Germany between Brunsbüttel/Wilster to Großgartach/Grafenrheinfeld to increase capacity at Northern and Southern borders [currently known as "Suedlink"] (No 2.10 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.6 | Internal line between Osterath and Philippsburg (DE) to increase capacity at Western borders [currently known as "Ultranet"] (No 2.9 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.7 |
1.8 | Interconnection between Lonny (FR) and Gramme (BE) (No 2.32 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.9 | Internal lines at the Belgian north border between Zandvliet and Lillo-Liefkenshoek (BE), and between Liefkenshoek and Mercator, including a substation in Lillo (BE) [currently known as "BRABO II + III"] (No 2.23 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.10 | Interconnection between mainland Italy – Corsica (FR) and Sardinia (IT) [currently known as "SACOI 3"] (No 2.4 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.11 | Kaunertal Storage Extension Project (AT) (No 2.18 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.12 | Purifying-Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage NAVALEO (ES) (No 2.28.2 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.13 | Silvermines Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage (IE) (No 2.29 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.14 | Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage RIEDL (DE) (No 2.30 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.15 | Reversible Hydraulic Pumped Energy Storage LOS GUAJARES (ES) |
1.16 | Green Hydrogen Hub Denmark Compressed Air Energy Storage (DK) (No 1.21 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.17 | Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage WSK PULS (DE) |
1.18 | Reversible Hydraulic Pumped Energy Storage AGUAYO II (ES) |
No | Definition |
1.19 | Interconnection between Sicily (IT) and Tunisia node (TN) [currently known as "ELMED"] (No 2.33 on the fifth PCI list) |
1.20 | Interconnection between Zeebrugge area (BE) and Kemsley, Kent (UK) [currently known as "Cronos"] |
1.21 | Interconnection between Emden areas (DE) and Corringham, Essex (UK) [currently known as "Tarchon"] |
No | Definition |
2.1 |
2.2 | Internal line in Germany between Wolmirstedt and Isar [currently known as "SuedOstLink"] (No 3.12 on the fifth PCI list) |
2.3 |
2.4 | Interconnector between Würmlach (AT) – Somplago (IT) (No 3.4 on the fourth PCI list) |
2.5 |
2.6 |
2.7 | Interconnector between Otrokovice (CZ) – Ladce (SK) |
2.8 | Interconnector between Lienz (AT) – Veneto region (IT) (No 3.2.1 on the second PCI list) |
2.9 | Hydro-pumped storage in Amfilochia (EL) (No 3.24 on the fifth PCI list) |
2.10 | Ptolemaida Battery Energy Storage System (EL) |
2.11 | Modernisation of Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage in Čierny Váh (SK) [currently known as "SE Integrator"] |
No | Definition |
2.12 | Interconnector between Subotica (RS) and Sándorfalva (HU) |
2.13 | Interconnection between Wadi El Natroon (EG) and Mesogeia/St Stefanos (EL) [currently known as "GREGY Interconnector"] |
No | Definition |
3.1 | Internal line between Stanisławów and Ostrołęka (PL) (No 4.5.2 on the fifth PCI list) |
3.2 | Hydro-pumped electricity storage in Estonia (No 4.6 on the fifth PCI list) |
3.3 |
3.4 |
3.5 | |
3.6 | Interconnection between Finland and Estonia [currently known as "Estlink 3"] |
No | Definition |
4.1 | One or more hubs in the North Sea with interconnectors to bordering North Sea countries (Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany) [currently known as "North Sea Wind Power Hub"] (No 1.19 on the fifth PCI list) |
4.2 | Offshore hybrid interconnector between Belgium and Denmark [currently known as "Triton Link"] |
4.3 | High voltage offshore substation and connection to Menuel (FR) [currently known as "Offshore Wind connection Centre Manche 1"] |
4.4 | High voltage offshore substation and connection to Tourbe (FR) [currently known as "Offshore Wind connection Centre Manche 2"] |
No | Definition |
4.5 | Multi-purpose interconnector between Modular Offshore Grid 2 (BE) and Leisten (UK) [currently known as "Nautilus"] (No 1.15 on the fourth PCI list) |
4.6 | Multi-purpose HVDC interconnection between Great Britain and the Netherlands [currently known as "LionLink"] |
No | Definition |
5.1 | Latvia and Estonia Hybrid Offshore interconnector [currently known as "Elwind"] |
5.2 | Bornholm Energy Island (BEI) Hybrid Offshore interconnector between Denmark and Germany |
No | Definition |
6.1 | Offshore Wind Connection Occitanie (FR) |
6.2 | Offshore Wind Connection PACA (FR) |
No | Definition |
8.1 | Offshore Wind Connection South Britanny (FR) |
8.2 | Offshore Wind Connection South Atlantic (FR) |
No | Definition |
9.1 |
9.2 |
9.3 | Internal hydrogen infrastructure in France to the Belgium border [currently known as Franco-Belgian H2 corridor] |
9.4 | Internal hydrogen infrastructure in Germany [currently known as H2ercules West] |
9.5 | Internal hydrogen infrastructure in Belgium [currently known as Belgian Hydrogen Backbone] |
9.6 | Internal hydrogen infrastructure in the Netherlands [currently known as National Hydrogen Backbone] |
9.7 |
9.8 | Offshore hydrogen pipeline Germany [currently known as AquaDuctus] |
9.9 |
9.10 |
9.11 |
9.12 |
9.13 | Ammonia reception facility Dunkerque (FR) |
9.14 | H2Sines.RDAM electrolyser (PT) |
9.15 |
9.16 |
9.17 |
9.18 |
9.19 | Jytske Banke electrolyser (DK) |
9.20 | Danish Hydrogen Storage (DK) |
9.21 | Hystock Opslag H2 storage (NL) |
9.22 |
9.23 | Storage GeoH2 (FR) |
9.24 |
No | Definition |
9.25 | Offshore hydrogen pipeline Norway – Germany [currently known as CHE Pipeline] |
No | Definition |
10.1 |
10.2 |
10.3 |
10.4 | Generic corridor aiming to transmit hydrogen from Ukraine to Slovakia, Czechia, Austria and Germany |
No | Definition |
11.1 | Hydrogen interconnector between Sweden and Finland [currently known as Nordic Hydrogen Route – Bothnian Bay] |
11.2 | Hydrogen interconnector between Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany [currently known as Nordic-Baltic Hydrogen Corridor] |
11.3 | Hydrogen interconnector between Sweden, Finland and Germany [currently known as the Baltic Sea Hydrogen Collector] |
No | Definition |
12.1 | ACON – Again COnnected Networks (CZ, SK), to foster the integration of the Czech and Slovak electricity markets by improving efficiency of distribution networks (No 10.4 on the fifth PCI list) |
12.2 | CARMEN (BG, RO), to reinforce cross-border TSO-TSO cooperation and data sharing, enhance TSO-DSO cooperation, invest in grid expansion and increase capacity for integration of new renewables and improve grid stability, security and flexibility (No 10.10 on the fifth PCI list) |
12.3 | Danube InGrid (HU, SK), to efficiently integrate the behaviour and actions of all market users connected to the electricity networks in Hungary and Slovakia (No 10.7 on the fifth PCI list) |
12.4 | Gabreta Smart Grids (CZ, DE), to increase grid hosting capacity, enable remote monitoring and control of MV grids and improve grid observability and network planning (No 10.11 on the fifth PCI list) |
12.5 | GreenSwitch (AT, HR, SI), to increase hosting capacity for distributed renewable sources and efficient integration of new loads, improving observability of the distribution network and increasing cross-border capacity (No 10.12 on the fifth PCI list) |
No | Definition |
13.1 | CO |
13.2 | Aramis – cross-border CO |
13.3 | ECO2CEE – open-access cross-border CO |
13.4 | Bifrost – transport and storage project with offshore storage in DK from emitters from Denmark, Germany and Poland |
13.5 | Callisto – development of multi-modal CO |
13.6 | CCS Baltic Consortium – cross-border CO |
13.7 | Delta Rhine Corridor – project to transport CO |
13.8 | EU2NSEA – cross-border CO |
13.9 | GT CCS Croatia – construction of pipeline transport infrastructure in Croatia and Hungary, with underground storage in HR |
13.10 | Norne – transport infrastructure in Denmark with onshore and possibly offshore storage, emitters primarily from DK, SE, BE and UK will transport to DK via ship |
13.11 | Prinos – Offshore storage at Prinos field for emissions from EL, by pipeline, and from BG, HR, CY, EL, IT and SI by ship |
13.12 | Pycasso – transport and storage of CO |
No | Definition |
13.13 | Northern Lights – a CO |
13.14 | Nautilus CCS – Emissions from Le Havre, Dunkirk, Duisburg and Rogaland areas to be captured and transported by ship to various sinks in the North Sea (extension of No 12.8 on the fifth PCI list) |
No | Definition |
15.1 | Connection of Malta to the European gas network – pipeline interconnection with Italy at Gela (No 5.19 on the fifth PCI list) |
15.2 | Pipeline from the East Mediterranean gas reserves to Greece mainland via Cyprus and Crete [currently known as "EastMed Pipeline"], with metering and regulating station at Megalopoli (No 7.3.1. on the fifth PCI list) |