MSI | VSI | SI |
G | Installation of tachograph |
G1 | Articles 3(1), (4), (4a) and Article 22 | Not having type-approved tachograph installed and used | X | | |
H | Use of tachograph, driver card or record sheet |
H1. | Article 23(1) | Using a tachograph not inspected by an approved workshop | | X | |
H2. | Article 27 | Driver holding and/or using more than one own driver card | | X | |
H3 | Driving with a driver card that has been falsified (considered as driving without driver card) | X | | |
H4. | Driving with a driver card of which the driver is not the holder (considered as driving without driver card) | X | | |
H5. | Driving with a driver card which has been obtained on the basis of false declarations and/or forged documents (considered as driving without driver card) | X | | |
H6 | Article 32(1) | Tachograph not correctly functioning (e.g.: tachograph not properly inspected, calibrated and sealed) | | X | |
H7 | Article 32(1) and Article 33(1) | Tachograph improperly used (e.g.: deliberate, voluntary or imposed misuse, lack of instructions on correct use, etc.) | | X | |
H8. | Article 32(3) | Having in the vehicle and/or using a fraudulent device able to modify the records of the tachograph | X | | |
H9 | Falsifying, concealing, supressing or destroying data recorded on the record sheets or stored and downloaded from the tachograph and/or the driver card | X | | |
H10 | Article 33(2) | Undertaking not keeping record sheets, printouts and downloaded data | | X | |
H11 | Recorded and stored data not available for at least a year | | X | |
H12 | Article 34(1) | Incorrect use of record sheets/driver card | | X | |
H13 | Unauthorised withdrawal of record sheets or driver card which has an impact on the record of relevant data | | X | |
H14 | Record sheet or driver card used to cover a period longer than that for which it is intended and data is lost | | X | |
H15. | Article 34(2) | Use dirty or damaged record sheets or driver card and data not legible | | X | |
H16 | Article 34(3) | Not using manual input when required to do so | | X | |
H17. | Article 34(4) | Not using correct record sheet or driver card not in the correct slot (multi-manning) | | | X |
H18 | Article 34(5) | Incorrect use of switch mechanism | | X | |
I | Producing information |
I1. | Article 34(5), point (b)(v) | Incorrect use or non-use of the ferry/train sign | | | X |
I2 | Article 34(6) | Required information not entered on the record sheet | | X | |
I3. | Article 34(7) | Records not showing the symbols of the countries whose borders were crossed by the driver during the daily working period | | | X |
I4 | Article 34(7) | Records not showing the symbols of the countries where the driver’s daily working period started and finished | | | X |
I5. | Article 36 | Refusing to be checked | | X | |
I6 | Article 36 | Unable to produce manual records and printouts made during the current day and the previous 28 days (until 30 December 2024)Unable to produce manual records and printouts made during the current day and the previous 56 days (as of 31 December 2024) | | X | |
I7 | Article 36 | Unable to produce a driver card, if the driver holds one | | X | |
J | Malfunctioning |
J1. | Article 37(1) and Article 22(1) | Tachograph not repaired by an approved fitter or workshop | | X | |
J2 | Article 37(2) | Driver not marking all required information for the periods of time, which are no longer recorded while tachograph is unserviceable or malfunctioning | | X | |