(a) the fruit and vegetables sector referred to in Article 1(2), point (i), of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013; (b) dried fruits of CN codes 08042090 ,080620 andex0813 listed in Part X of Annex I to that Regulation;(c) the bananas of CN code 08039010 listed in Part XI of Annex I to that Regulation.
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2429 of 17 August 2023 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards marketing standards for the fruit and vegetables sector, certain processed fruit and vegetable products and the bananas sector, and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 1666/1999 and Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) No 543/2011 and (EU) No 1333/2011
(a) dried fruits of CN code ex0813 , as defined in Part X of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(b) dried figs of CN code 08042090 ;(c) dried grapes of CN code 080620 ;(d) ripened bananas of CN code 08039010 and resulting of the ripening on the Union territory.
(a) apples; (b) citrus fruit; (c) kiwifruit; (d) lettuces, curled leaved and broad-leaved endives; (e) peaches and nectarines; (f) pears; (g) strawberries; (h) sweet peppers; (i) table grapes; (j) tomatoes; (k) bananas.
(a) the specific marketing standard of the bananas sector is set out in Part B, Part 11 of Annex I for bananas of the varieties listed in the Appendix to that Annex, excluding bananas intended for processing. This marketing standard shall apply to bananas originating in third countries at the stage of release for free circulation, to bananas originating in the Union at the stage of first unloading in the Union, and to bananas delivered fresh to the consumer in the producing region at the stage of leaving the packing shed; (b) the specific marketing standard referred to in point (a) shall not affect the application, at later stages of marketing, of national rules which: (i) do not impede the free circulation of bananas originating in third countries or other regions of the Union and complying with the marketing standard referred to in the first subparagraph; and (ii) are not incompatible with the marketing standard referred to in the first subparagraph.
(a) the following products shall not be required to conform to the marketing standards: (i) products that are clearly marked with the words "intended for processing" or "for animal feed" or any other equivalent wording and are: intended for industrial processing, or presented for retail sale to consumers for their personal use and intended for processing by them, or intended for the preparation of the products referred to in subparagraph (b)(xvii) of this paragraph, or intended for animal feed or other non-food use;
(ii) products sold by the producer directly to consumers for their personal use on their holding or, within a given production area as defined by the competent authority: on a local market in a place reserved only to producers, or by direct delivery;
(iii) products marketed as edible sprouts, following germination of seeds of plants classified as fruit and vegetables listed in Part IX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013; (iv) products of a given region which are sold by the retail trade of that region in case of well-established traditional local consumption or in exceptional and duly justified cases, subject to the conditions laid down in paragraph 4 of this Article;
(b) the following products shall not be required to conform to the marketing standard except regarding the indication of the country of origin as referred to in Article 76(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013: (i) non-cultivated mushrooms of CN code ex070951 toex070956 and070959 ;(ii) capers of CN code 07099940 ;(iii) bitter almonds of CN code 08021110 ;(iv) shelled almonds of CN code 080212 ;(v) shelled hazelnuts of CN code 080222 ;(vi) shelled walnuts of CN code 080232 ;(vii) shelled pistachios of CN code 080252 ;(viii) shelled macadamia of CN code 080262 ;(ix) shelled pine nuts of CN code 080292 ;(x) pecans of CN code 08029910 ;(xi) other nuts of CN code 08029990 ;(xii) dried plantains of CN code 08031090 ;(xiii) dried citrus of CN code ex0805 ;(xiv) mixtures of tropical nuts of CN code 08135031 ;(xv) mixtures of other nuts of CN code 08135039 ;(xvi) saffron of CN code 091020 ;(xvii) products classified as fruit and vegetables and listed in Part IX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, having undergone any preparation beyond the extent of trimming as indicated in the applicable UNECE specific standard, or not intact within the meaning of the general marketing standard and making them ready to be directly consumed fresh or cooked;
(c) in case of donation, other than the free distribution covered by agreements and decisions referred to in Article 222 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 or supported within operational programs under Article 52 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council , the products covered by this Regulation shall be required to conform to the general marketing standard except regarding marking provisions, provided they are clearly marked with the words "intended for donation" or equivalent marking.Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 December 2021 establishing rules on support for strategic plans to be drawn up by Member States under the common agricultural policy (CAP Strategic Plans) and financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and repealing Regulations (EU) No 1305/2013 and (EU) No 1307/2013 (OJ L 435, 6.12.2021, p. 1 ).
(a) products sold or delivered by the grower to preparation and packaging stations or storage facilities, or shipped from his holding to such stations; (b) products shipped from storage facilities to preparation and packaging stations; (c) products of EU origin that do not conform to the marketing standards set in this Regulation due to a situation of "force majeure" which allows Member States to decide that the products may be marketed within their territory under the conditions they specify.Commission notice C(88) 1696 concerning "force majeure in European agricultural law" ( OJ C 259, 6.10.1988, p. 10 ).
(a) the products and species of products are of uniform quality and each one complies with the relevant specific marketing standard as applicable or, where no specific marketing standard exists for a particular product, the general marketing standard as applicable; (b) the package is labelled in accordance with this Regulation and the applicable provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011; and (c) the mix of different products is not such as to mislead the consumer.
(a) "EU"; (b) "non-EU"; (c) "EU and non-EU".
(a) be official bodies or bodies officially recognised by a third country’s competent authority; (b) provide satisfactory guarantees and dispose of the necessary personnel, equipment and facilities to carry out checks in accordance with the methods referred to in Article 10(1) of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2430 or equivalent methods.
a slight lack of freshness and turgidity, a slight deterioration due to their development and their tendency to perish.
intact, sound; products affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make them unfit for consumption are excluded, clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter, practically free from pests, free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste. The condition of the products must be such as to enable them: to withstand transportation and handling, to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or Dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations). The code mark shall be preceded by the ISO 3166 (alpha) country/area code of the recognising country, if not the country of origin; for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Union indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
a slight lack of freshness and turgidity, for products graded in classes other than the "Extra" Class, a slight deterioration due to their development and their tendency to perish.
intact, sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter, practically free from pests, free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh, free from serious watercore, except for varieties marked with "V" listed in the appendix to this standard, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
to withstand transportation and handling, and to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
3/4 of total surface red coloured in case of colour group A, 1/2 of total surface mixed red coloured in case of colour group B, 1/3 of total surface slightly red coloured, blushed or striped in case of colour group C, no minimum colour requirement in case of colour group D.
very slight skin defects, very slight russeting such as:Varieties marked with "R" in the appendix to this standard are exempt from the provisions on russeting. brown patches that may not go outside the stem cavity and may not be rough, and/or slight isolated traces of russeting.
1/2 of total surface red coloured in case of colour group A, 1/3 of total surface mixed red coloured in case of colour group B, 1/10 of total surface slightly red coloured, blushed or striped in case of colour group C, no minimum colour requirement in case of colour group D.
a slight defect in shape, a slight defect in development, a slight defect in colouring, slight bruising not exceeding 1 cm 2 of total surface area and not discoloured,slight skin defects which must not extend over more than: 2 cm in length for defects of elongated shape, 1 cm 2 of total surface area for other defects, with the exception of scab (Venturia inaequalis ), which must not extend over more than 0,25 cm2 , cumulative, in area,
slight russeting such as:Varieties marked with "R" in the appendix to this standard are exempt from the provisions on russeting. brown patches that may go slightly beyond the stem or pistil cavities but may not be rough, and/or thin net-like russeting not exceeding 1/5 of the total fruit surface and not contrasting strongly with the general colouring of the fruit, and/or dense russeting not exceeding 1/20 of the total fruit surface, while thin net-like russeting and dense russeting taken together may not exceed a maximum of 1/5 of the total surface of the fruit.
defects in shape, defects in development, defects in colouring, slight bruising not exceeding 1,5 cm 2 in area which may be slightly discoloured,skin defects which must not extend over more than: 4 cm in length for defects of elongated shape, 2,5 cm 2 of total surface area for other defects, with the exception of scab (Venturia inaequalis ), which must not extend over more than 1 cm2 , cumulative, in area;
slight russeting such as:Varieties marked with "R" in the appendix to this standard are exempt from the provisions on russeting. brown patches that may go beyond the stem or pistil cavities and may be slightly rough, and/or thin net-like russeting not exceeding 1/2 of the total fruit surface and not contrasting strongly with the general colouring of the fruit, and/or dense russeting not exceeding 1/3 of the total fruit surface, while thin net-like russeting and dense russeting taken together may not exceed a maximum of 1/2 of the total surface of the fruit.
(a) for fruit sized by diameter: 5 mm for "Extra" Class fruit and for Classes I and II fruit packed in rows and layers. However, for apples of the varieties Bramley’s Seedling (Bramley, Triomphe de Kiel) and Horneburger, the difference in diameter may amount to 10 mm, and 10 mm for Class I fruit packed in sales packages or loose in the package. However, for apples of the varieties Bramley’s Seedling (Bramley, Triomphe de Kiel) and Horneburger, the difference in diameter may amount to 20 mm.
(b) for fruit sized by weight: For "Extra" Class and Classes I and II apples packed in rows and layers: Range (g) Weight difference (g) 70 -90 15 91 -135 20 136 -200 30 201 -300 40 > 300 50 For Class I fruit packed in sales packages or loose in the package: Range (g) Uniformity (g) 70 -135 35 136 -300 70 > 300 100
5 mm or more below the minimum diameter, 10 g or more below the minimum weight.
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or Dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations). The code mark shall be preceded by the ISO 3166 (alpha) country/area code of the recognising country, if not the country of origin; for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Union indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
"Apples" if the contents are not visible from the outside. Name of the variety. In the case of a mixture of apples of distinctly different varieties, names of the different varieties. The name of the variety may be replaced by a synonym. A trade name may only be given in addition to the variety or the synonym.A trade name can be a trade mark for which protection has been sought or obtained or any other commercial denomination. In the case of mutants with varietal protection, this variety name may replace the basic variety name. In case of mutants without varietal protection, this mutant name may only be indicated in addition to the basic variety name. "Miniature variety", where appropriate.
Class, Size, or for fruit packed in rows and layers, number of units.
(a) for produce subject to the uniformity rules, as minimum and maximum diameters or minimum and maximum weights; (b) optionally, for produce not subject to the uniformity rules, as the diameter or the weight of the smallest fruit in the package followed by "and over" or equivalent denomination or, where appropriate, followed by the diameter or weight of the largest fruit in the package.
lemons grown from the species Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f. and hybrids thereof,Persian limes grown from the species Citrus latifolia (Yu. Tanaka) Tanaka, a large fruited acid lime known also as Bearss or Tahiti and hybrids thereof,Mexican limes grown from the species Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle, also known as sour limes and key limes and hybrids thereof,Indian sweet limes, Palestine sweet limes grown from the species Citrus limettioides Tanaka and hybrids thereof,mandarins grown from the species Citrus reticulata Blanco, including satsumas (Citrus unshiu Marcow), clementines (Citrus clementina hort. ex Tanaka), common mandarins (Citrus deliciosa Ten.) and tangerines (Citrus tangerina Tanaka) grown from these species and hybrids thereof,oranges grown from the species Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck and hybrids thereof,grapefruit grown from the species Citrus paradisi Macfad. and hybrids thereof,pummelos or Shaddock grown from the species Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. And hybrids thereof.
a slight lack of freshness and turgidity, for products graded in classes other than the "Extra" Class, a slight deterioration due to theirdevelopment and their tendency to perish.
intact, free of bruising and/or extensive healed overcuts, sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter, practically free from pests, free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh, free of signs of shrivelling and dehydration, free of damage caused by low temperature or frost, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
to withstand transportation and handling, and to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
minimum juice content, minimum total soluble solids content, i.e. minimum sugar content, minimum sugar/acid ratio ,Calculated as described in the OECD guidance on objective tests, available at: http://www.oecd.org/agriculture/fruit-vegetables/publications/guidelines-on-objective-tests.pdf colouring.
Fruit | Minimum juice content (%) | Minimum sugar/acid ratio | Colouring | |
Must be typical of the variety. Fruit with a green (but not dark green) colour is allowed, provided it satisfies the minimum requirements as to juice content | ||||
Persian lime | The fruit should be green but may show yellow patches up to 30 % of its surface for Persian limes and up to 20 % for Mexican and Indian limes | |||
Mexican and Indian sweet limes | ||||
Satsumas | Must be typical of the variety on at least one third of the surface of the fruit | |||
Clementines | ||||
Other mandarin varieties and their hybrids | ||||
Blood oranges | ||||
Navels group | ||||
Other varieties | ||||
Mosambi, Sathgudi and Pacitan with more than one fifth green colour | ||||
Other varieties with more than one fifth green colour | ||||
All varieties and hybrids | ||||
Oroblanco | ||||
Pummelos (Shaddock) and hybrids | Must be typical of the variety on at least two thirds of the surface of the fruit |
a slight defect in shape, slight defects in colouring, including slight sunburn, slight progressive skin defects, provided they do not affect the flesh, slight skin defects occurring during the formation of the fruit, such as silver scurfs, russets or pest damage, slight healed defects due to a mechanical cause such as hail damage, rubbing or damage from handling, slight and partial detachment of the peel (or rind) for all fruit of the mandarin group.
defects in shape, defects in colouring, including sunburn, progressive skin defects, provided they do not affect the flesh, skin defects occurring during the formation of the fruit, such as silver scurfs, russets or pest damage, healed defects due to a mechanical cause such as hail damage, rubbing or damage from handling, superficial healed skin alterations, rough skin, a slight and partial detachment of the peel (or rind) for oranges and a partial detachment of the peel (or rind) for all fruit of the mandarin group.
Fruit | Diameter (mm) |
Lemons | |
Persian limes | |
Mexican and Indian sweet limes | |
Satsumas, other mandarin varieties and hybrids | |
Clementines | |
Oranges | |
Grapefruit and hybrids | |
Pummelos and hybrids |
(a) To ensure uniformity in size, the range in size between produce in the same package shall not exceed: 10 mm, if the diameter of the smallest fruit (as indicated on the package) is < 60 mm, 15 mm, if the diameter of the smallest fruit (as indicated on the package) is ≥ 60 mm but < 80 mm, 20 mm, if the diameter of the smallest fruit (as indicated on the package) is ≥ 80 mm but < 110 mm, there is no limitation of difference in diameter for fruit ≥ 110 mm.
(b) When size codes are applied, the codes and ranges in the following tables must be respected: Sizes below 45 mm refer to clementines only. Fruit Size code Diameter (mm) Lemons 0 79 –90 1 72 –83 2 68 –78 3 63 –72 4 58 –67 5 53 –62 6 48 –57 7 45 –52 Limes Persian limes 1 58 –67 2 53 –62 3 48 –57 4 45 –52 5 42 –49 Mexican and Indian sweet limes 1 > 45 2 40,1 –45 3 35,1 –40 4 30,1 –35 5 25 –30 Satsumas, clementines, and other mandarin varieties and hybrids 1 – XXX 78 and above1 – XX 67 –78 1 or 1 – X 63 –74 2 58 –69 3 54 –64 4 50 –60 5 46 –56 6 43 –52 7 41 –48 8 39 –46 9 37 –44 10 35 –42 Oranges 0 92 –110 1 87 –100 2 84 –96 3 81 –92 4 77 –88 5 73 –84 6 70 –80 7 67 –76 8 64 –73 9 62 –70 10 60 –68 11 58 –66 12 56 –63 13 53 –60 Grapefruit and hybrids 0 > 139 1 109 –139 2 100 –119 3 93 –110 4 88 –102 5 84 –97 6 81 –93 7 77 –89 8 73 –85 9 70 –80 Pummelos and hybrids 0 > 170 1 156 –170 2 148 –162 3 140 –154 4 132 –146 5 123 –138 6 116 –129 7 100 –118 Uniformity in size is achieved by the above-mentioned size scales, unless otherwise stated as follows: For fruit in bulk bins and fruit in sales packages of a maximum net weight of 5 kg, the maximum difference must not exceed the range obtained by grouping three consecutive sizes in the size scale. (c) For fruit sized by count, the difference in size should be consistent with point (a).
Fruit | Diameter (mm) |
Lemons | |
Persian limes | |
Mexican and Indian sweet limes | Not applicable |
Satsumas, other mandarin varieties and hybrids | |
Clementines | |
Oranges | |
Grapefruit and hybrids | |
Pummelos and hybrids |
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or Dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations). The code mark shall be preceded by the ISO 3166 (alpha) country/area code of the recognising country, if not the country of origin; for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Union indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
Country of origin and, optionally, district where grown, or national, regional or local place name.The full or commonly used name shall be indicated. In the case of a mixture of citrus fruit of distinctly different species of different origins, the indication of each country of origin shall appear next to the name of the species concerned.
Class. Size expressed as: Minimum and maximum sizes (in mm), or Size code(s) followed, optionally, by a minimum and maximum size, or Count.
When used, mention of the preserving agent or other chemical substances used at post-harvest stage.
a slight lack of freshness and turgidity, for products graded in classes other than the "Extra" Class, a slight deterioration due to their development and their tendency to perish.
intact (but free of peduncle), sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter, practically free from pests, free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh, adequately firm; not soft, shrivelled or water-soaked, well formed, double/multiple fruit being excluded, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
to withstand transportation and handling, and to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
a slight defect in shape (but free of swelling or malformations), slight defects in colouring, slight skin defects, provided the total area affected does not exceed 1 cm 2 ,small "Hayward mark" like longitudinal lines and without protuberance.
defects in shape, defects in colouring, skin defects such as small healed cuts or scarred/grazed tissue, provided that the total area affected does not exceed 2 cm 2 ,several more pronounced "Hayward marks" with a slight protuberance, slight bruising.
10 g for fruit of weight up to 85 g, 15 g for fruit weighing between 85 g and 120 g, 20 g for fruit weighing between 120 g and 150 g, 40 g for fruit weighing 150 g or more.
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or Dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations). The code mark shall be preceded by the ISO 3166 (alpha) country/area code of the recognising country, if not the country of origin; for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Union indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
"Kiwifruit" and/or "Actinidia", if the contents are not visible from the outside. Name of the variety (optional). Flesh colour or equivalent indication, if not green.
Class. Size expressed by the minimum and maximum weight of the fruit. Number of fruits (optional).
lettuces of varieties (cultivars) grown from: Lactuca sativa var.capitata L. (head lettuces including crisphead and "Iceberg" type lettuces),Lactuca sativa var.longifolia Lam. (cos or romaine lettuces),Lactuca sativa var.crispa L. (leaf lettuces),crosses of these varieties and
curled-leaved endives of varieties (cultivars) grown from Cichorium endivia var.crispum Lam. andbroad-leaved (Batavian) endives (escaroles) of varieties (cultivars) grown from Cichorium endivia var.latifolium Lam.
a slight lack of freshness and turgidity, a slight deterioration due to their development and their tendency to perish.
intact, sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean and trimmed, i.e. practically free from all earth or other growing medium and practically free of any visible foreign matter, fresh in appearance, practically free from pests, practically free from damage caused by pests, turgescent, not running to seed, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
to withstand transportation and handling, and to arrive in a satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
well formed, firm, taking into account the cultivation methods and the type of produce, free from damage or deterioration impairing edibility, free from frost damage.
reasonably well-formed, free from damage and deterioration which may seriously impair edibility.
slight discolouration, slight damage caused by pests.
(a) Lettuces: 40 g when the lightest unit weighs less than 150 g per unit, 100 g when the lightest unit weighs between 150 g and 300 g per unit, 150 g when the lightest unit weighs between 300 g and 450 g per unit, 300 g when the lightest unit weighs more than 450 g per unit.
(b) Curled-leaved and broad-leaved (Batavian) endives: 300 g.
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or Dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations). The code mark shall be preceded by the ISO 3166 (alpha) country/area code of the recognising country, if not the country of origin; for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Union indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
"Lettuces", "butterhead lettuces", "batavia", "crisphead lettuces (Iceberg)", "cos lettuces", "leaf lettuce" (or, for example and where appropriate, "Oak leaf", "Lollo bionda", "Lollo rossa"), "curled-leaved endives", "broad-leaved (Batavian) endives", or equivalent denomination if the contents are not visible from the outside. "Grown under protection", or equivalent denomination where appropriate. Name of the variety (optional). "Mixture of lettuces/endives", or equivalent denomination in the case of a mixture of lettuces and/or endives of distinctly different varieties, commercial types and/or colours. If the produce is not visible from the outside, the varieties, commercial types and/or colours, and the quantity of each in the package must be indicated.
Country of origin and, optionally, district where grown, or national, regional or local place name.The full or the commonly used name shall be indicated. In the case of a mixture of lettuces and/or endives of distinctly different varieties, commercial types and/or colours of different origins, the indication of each country of origin shall appear next to the name of the variety, commercial type and/or colour concerned.
Class, Size, expressed by the minimum weight per unit, or number of units.
a slight lack of freshness and turgidity, for products graded in classes other than the "Extra" Class, a slight deterioration due to their development and their tendency to perish.
intact, sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter, practically free from pests, free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh, free of fruit split at the stalk cavity, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
to withstand transportation and handling, and to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
a slight defect in shape, a slight defect in development, slight defects in colouring, slight pressure marks not exceeding 1 cm 2 in total surface area,slight skin defects which must not extend over more than: 1,5 cm in length for defects of elongated shape, 1 cm 2 in total surface area for other defects.
defects in shape, defects in development, including split stones, provided the fruit is closed and the flesh is sound, defects in colouring, bruises which may be slightly discoloured and not exceeding 2 cm 2 in total surface area,skin defects which must not extend over more than 2,5 cm in length for defects of elongated shape, 2 cm 2 in total surface area for other defects.
56 mm or 85 g in "Extra" Class, 51 mm or 65 g in Classes I and II.
(a) For fruit sized by diameter: 5 mm for fruit below 70 mm, 10 mm for fruit of 70 mm and more.
(b) For fruit sized by weight: 30 g for fruit below 180 g, 80 g for fruit of 180 g and more.
(c) For fruit sized by count, the difference in size should be consistent with point (a) or (b).
Diameter | or | weight | ||||
code | from | To | from | to | ||
(mm) | (mm) | (g) | (g) | |||
1 | D | |||||
2 | C | |||||
3 | B | |||||
4 | A | |||||
5 | AA | |||||
6 | AAA | |||||
7 | AAAA | > | > |
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations). The code mark shall be preceded by the ISO 3166 (alpha) country/area code of the recognising country, if not the country of origin; for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Union indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
"Peaches" or "Nectarines", if the contents are not visible from the outside. Colour of the flesh. Name of the variety (optional).
Class. Size (if sized) expressed as minimum and maximum diameters (in mm) or minimum and maximum weights (in g) or as size code. Number of units (optional).
a slight lack of freshness and turgidity, for products graded in classes other than the "Extra" Class, a slight deterioration due to their development and their tendency to perish.
intact, sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter, practically free from pests, free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
to withstand transportation and handling, and to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
a slight defect in shape, a slight defect in development, slight defects in colouring, very slight rough russeting, slight skin defects which must not extend over more than: 2 cm in length for defects of elongated shape, 1 cm 2 of total surface area for other defects, with the exception of scab (Venturia pirina andV. inaequalis ), which must not extend over more than 0,25 cm2 cumulative in area,
slight bruising not exceeding 1 cm 2 in area.
defects in shape, defects in development, defects in colouring, slight rough russeting, skin defects which must not extend over more than: 4 cm in length for defects of elongated shape, 2,5 cm 2 of total surface area for other defects, with the exception of scab (Venturia pirina andV. inaequalis ), which must not extend over more than 1 cm2 cumulative in area,slight bruising not exceeding 2 cm 2 in area.
(a) For fruit sized by diameter: "Extra" (mm) Class I (mm) Class II (mm) Large-fruited varieties 60 55 55 Other varieties 55 50 45 (b) For fruit sized by weight: "Extra" (g) Class I (g) Class II (g) Large-fruited varieties 130 110 110 Other varieties 110 100 75
(a) For fruit sized by diameter: 5 mm for "Extra" Class fruit and for Class I and II fruit packed in rows and layers, 10 mm for Class I fruit packed in sales packages or loose in the package.
(b) For fruit sized by weight: for "Extra" Class fruit and Class I and II fruit packed in rows and layers: Range (g) Weight difference (g) 75 –100 15 100 –200 35 200 -250 50 > 250 80 for Class I fruit packed in sales packages or loose in the package: Range (g) Weight difference (g) 100 –200 50 > 200 100
5 mm or more below the minimum diameter, 10 g or more below the minimum weight.
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or Dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations). The code mark shall be preceded by the ISO 3166 (alpha) country/area code of the recognising country, if not the country of origin; for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Union indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
"Pears", if the contents of the package are not visible from the outside. Name of the variety. In the case of a mixture of pears of distinctly different varieties, names of the different varieties. The name of the variety may be replaced by a synonym. A trade name may only be given in addition to the variety or the synonym.A trade name can be a trade mark for which protection has been sought or obtained or any other commercial denomination.
Class. Size, or for fruit packed in rows and layers, number of units. If identification is by the size, this should be expressed: (a) for produce subject to the uniformity rules, as minimum and maximum diameters or minimum and maximum weights; (b) optionally, for produce not subject to the uniformity rules, as the diameter or the weight of the smallest fruit in the package followed by "and over" or equivalent denomination or, where appropriate, the diameter or the weight of the largest fruit in the package.
a slight lack of freshness and turgidity, for products graded in classes other than the "Extra" Class, a slight deterioration due to their development and their tendency to perish.
intact, undamaged, sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter, fresh in appearance, but not washed, practically free from pests, practically free from damage caused by pests, with the calyx (except in the case of wood strawberries); the calyx and the stalk (if present) must be fresh, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
to withstand transportation and handling, and to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
bright in appearance, allowing for the characteristics of the variety, free from soil.
a slight defect in shape, presence of a small white patch, not exceeding one tenth of the total surface area of the fruit, slight superficial pressure marks.
defects in shape, a white patch not exceeding one fifth of the total surface area of the fruit, slight dry bruising not likely to spread, slight traces of soil.
25 mm in "Extra" Class, 18 mm in Classes I and II.
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or Dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations). The code mark shall be preceded by the ISO 3166 (alpha) country/area code of the recognising country, if not the country of origin; for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Union indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
"Strawberries" if the contents of the package are not visible from the outside. Name of the variety (optional).
a slight lack of freshness and turgidity, for products graded in classes other than the "Extra" Class, a slight deterioration due to their development and their tendency to perish.
intact, sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter, fresh in appearance, firm, practically free from pests, free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh, free of damage caused by low temperature or frost, with peduncles attached; the peduncle must be neatly cut and the calyx be intact, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
withstand transport and handling, and arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
a slight defect in shape, slight silvering or damage caused by thrips covering not more than 1/3 of the total surface area, slight skin defects, such as: pitting, scratching, sunburn, pressure marks covering in total not more than 2 cm for defects of elongated shape, and 1cm 2 for other defects, ordry superficial cracks covering in total not more than 1/8 of the total surface area,
slightly damaged peduncle.
defects in shape, silvering or damage caused by thrips covering not more than 2/3 of the total surface area, skin defects, such as: pitting, scratching, sunburn, bruising, and healed injuries covering in total not more than 4 cm in length for defects of elongated shape and 2,5 cm 2 of the total area for other defects; ordry superficial cracks covering in total not more than 1/4 of the total surface area
blossom end deterioration not more than 1 cm 2 ,shrivelling not exceeding 1/3 of the surface, damaged peduncle and calyx, provided the surrounding flesh remains intact.
(a) For sweet peppers sized by diameter: 20 mm.
(b) For sweet peppers sized by weight: 30 g where the heaviest piece weighs 180 g or less, 80 g where the lightest piece weighs more than 180 g but less than 260, No limit where the lightest piece weighs 260 g or more.
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or Dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations). The code mark shall be preceded by the ISO 3166 (alpha) country/area code of the recognising country, if not the country of origin; for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Union indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
"Sweet peppers" if the contents are not visible from the outside. "Mixture of sweet peppers", or equivalent denomination, in the case of a mixture of distinctly different commercial types and/or colours of sweet peppers. If the produce is not visible from the outside, the commercial types and/or colours and the quantity of each in the package must be indicated.
Class. Size (if sized) expressed as minimum and maximum diameters or minimum and maximum weights. Number of units (optional). "Hot" or equivalent denomination, where appropriate.
a slight lack of freshness and turgidity, for products graded in classes other than the "Extra" Class, a slight deterioration due to their development and their tendency to perish.
sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter, practically free from pests, practically free from damage caused by pests, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
intact, well formed, normally developed.
to withstand transportation and handling, and to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
12 ° Brix for the Alphonse Lavallée, Cardinal and Victoria varieties, 13 ° Brix for all other seeded varieties, 14 ° Brix for all seedless varieties.
a slight defect in shape, slight defects in colouring, very slight sun scorch affecting the skin only, slight skin defects.
defects in shape, defects in colouring, slight sun scorch affecting the skin only, slight bruising, skin defects.
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or Dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations). The code mark shall be preceded by the ISO 3166 (alpha) country/area code of the recognising country, if not the country of origin; for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Union indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
"Table Grapes" if the contents are not visible from the outside. Name of the variety. In the case of a mixture of table grapes of distinctly different varieties, names of the different varieties.
Country of origin and, optionally, district where grown, or national, regional or local place name.The full or the commonly used name shall be indicated. In the case of a mixture of distinctly different varieties of table grapes of different origins, the indication of each country of origin shall appear next to the name of the variety concerned.
"round", "ribbed", "oblong" or "elongated", "cherry/cocktail" tomatoes (miniature varieties) of all shapes.
a slight lack of freshness and turgidity, for products graded in classes other than the "Extra" Class, a slight deterioration due to their development and their tendency to perish.
intact, sound, produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter, fresh in appearance, practically free from pests, free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
to withstand transportation and handling, and to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
a slight defect in shape and development, slight defects in colouring, slight skin defects, very slight bruises.
healed cracks not more than 1 cm long, no excessive protuberances, small umbilicus, but no suberisation, suberisation of the stigma up to 1 cm 2 ,fine blossom scar in elongated form (like a seam), but not longer than two-thirds of the greatest diameter of the fruit.
defects in shape and development, defects in colouring, skin defects or bruises, provided the fruit is not seriously affected, healed cracks not more than 3 cm in length for round, ribbed or oblong tomatoes.
more pronounced protuberances than allowed under Class I, but without being misshapen, an umbilicus, suberisation of the stigma up to 2 cm 2 ,fine blossom scar in elongated form (like a seam).
cherry and cocktail tomatoes below 40 mm in diameter; ribbed tomatoes of irregular shape; and Class II.
(a) For tomatoes sized by diameter: 10 mm, if the diameter of the smallest fruit (as indicated on the package) is under 50 mm, 15 mm, if the diameter of the smallest fruit (as indicated on the package) is 50 mm and over but under 70 mm, 20 mm, if the diameter of the smallest fruit (as indicated on the package) is 70 mm and over but under 100 mm, there is no limitation of difference in diameter for fruit equal or over 100 mm.
In case size codes are applied, the codes and ranges in the following table have to be respected: Size code Diameter (mm) 0 ≤ 20 1 > 20 ≤25 2 > 25 ≤30 3 > 30 ≤35 4 > 35 ≤40 5 > 40 ≤47 6 > 47 ≤57 7 > 57 ≤67 8 > 67 ≤82 9 > 82 ≤102 10 > 102 (b) For tomatoes sized by weight or by count, the difference in size should be consistent with the difference indicated in point (a).
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or Dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations). The code mark shall be preceded by the ISO 3166 (alpha) country/area code of the recognising country, if not the country of origin; for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Union indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
"Tomatoes" or "trusses of tomatoes" and the commercial type, or "cherry/cocktail tomatoes" or "trusses of cherry/cocktail tomatoes") or equivalent denomination for other miniature varieties if the contents are not visible from the outside. "Mixture of tomatoes", or equivalent denomination, in the case of a mixture of distinctly different varieties, commercial types and/or colours of tomatoes. If the produce is not visible from the outside, the colours, varieties or commercial types and the quantity of each in the package must be indicated. Name of the variety (optional).
Class. Size (if sized) expressed as: minimum and maximum diameters; or minimum and maximum weights; or size code as specified in Section III; or count followed by the minimum and maximum sizes.
green and unripened, intact, firm, sound, produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter, fresh in appearance, practically free from pests, practically free from damage caused by pests, with the stalk intact, without bending, fungal damage or dessication, with pistils removed, free from malformation or abnormal curvature of the fingers, practically free from bruises, practically free from damage due to low temperatures, free from abnormal external moisture, free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
a sufficient portion of crown of normal colouring, sound and free from fungal contamination, a cleanly cut crown, not beveled or torn, with no stalk fragments.
to withstand transportation and handling, and arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination in order to attain an appropriate degree of maturity after ripening.
slight defects in shape, slight skin defects due to rubbing and other slight superficial blemishes not covering a total of more than 2 cm 2 of the surface of the finger,
defects of shape, skin defects due to scraping, rubbing or other causes, provided that the total area affected does not cover more than 4 cm 2 of the surface of the finger.
the length of the fingers is determined along the outside curve from the blossom end to the base of the pedicel where the edible pulp ends and the diameter is defined as the thickness of a transverse section between the lateral faces; the grade, that is the measurement, in millimetres, of the thickness of a transverse section of the fruit between the lateral faces and the middle, perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis.
the median finger on the outer row of the hand; the finger next to the cut sectioning the hand, on the outer row of the cluster.
The word "Bananas" where the contents are not visible from the outside. The name of the variety or commercial type.
production area, and (optionally) national, regional or local name.
Class. Net weight. Size, expressed as minimum length and, optionally, as maximum length.
Varieties | Mutant | Synonyms | Trademarks | Colour group | Additional specifications |
African Red | African Carmine ™ | B | |||
Akane | Tohoku 3, Primerouge | B | |||
Alkmene | Early Windsor | C | |||
Alwa | B | ||||
Amasya | B | ||||
Ambrosia | Ambrosia ® | B | |||
Annurca | B | ||||
Ariane | Les Naturianes ® | B | |||
Arlet | Swiss Gourmet | B | R | ||
AW 106 | Sapora ® | C | |||
Belgica | B | ||||
Belle de Boskoop | Schone van Boskoop, Goudreinette | D | R | ||
Boskoop rouge | Red Boskoop, Roter Boskoop, Rode Boskoop | B | R | ||
Boskoop Valastrid | B | R | |||
Berlepsch | Freiherr von Berlepsch | C | |||
Berlepsch rouge | Red Berlepsch, Roter Berlepsch | B | |||
Bonita | A | ||||
Braeburn | B | ||||
Hidala | Hillwell ® | A | |||
Joburn | A | ||||
Lochbuie Red Braeburn | A | ||||
Mahana Red Braeburn | Redfield ® | A | |||
Mariri Red | Eve ™, Aporo ® | A | |||
Royal Braeburn | A | ||||
Bramley’s Seedling | Bramley, Triomphe de Kiel | D | |||
Cardinal | B | ||||
Caudle | Cameo ®, Camela® | B | |||
Cauflight | Cameo ®, Camela® | A | |||
CIV323 | Isaaq ® | B | |||
CIVG198 | Modi ® | A | |||
Civni | Rubens ® | B | |||
Collina | C | ||||
Coop 38 | Goldrush ®, Delisdor ® | D | R | ||
Coop 39 | Crimson Crisp ® | A | |||
Coop 43 | Juliet ® | B | |||
Coromandel Red | Corodel | A | |||
Cortland | B | ||||
Cox’s Orange Pippin | Cox orange, Cox’s O.P. | C | R | ||
Cripps Pink | Pink Lady ®, Flavor Rose ® | C | |||
Lady in Red | Pink Lady ® | B | |||
Rosy Glow | Pink Lady ® | B | |||
Ruby Pink | B | ||||
Cripps Red | Sundowner ™, Joya ® | B | |||
Dalinbel | Antares ® | B | R | ||
Dalitron | Altess ® | D | |||
Delblush | Tentation ® | D | |||
Delcorf | Delbarestivale ® | C | |||
Celeste | B | ||||
Bruggers Festivale | Sissired ® | A | |||
Dalili | Ambassy ® | A | |||
Wonik* | Appache ® | A | |||
Delcoros | Autento ® | A | |||
Delgollune | Delbard Jubilé ® | B | |||
Delicious ordinaire | Ordinary Delicious | B | |||
Discovery | C | ||||
Dykmanns Zoet | C | ||||
Egremont Russet | D | R | |||
Elise | De Roblos, Red Delight | A | |||
Elstar | C | ||||
Bel-El | Red Elswout ® | C | |||
Daliest | Elista ® | C | |||
Daliter | Elton ™ | C | |||
Elshof | C | ||||
Elstar Boerekamp | Excellent Star ® | C | |||
Elstar Palm | Elstar PCP ® | C | |||
Goedhof | Elnica ® | C | |||
Red Elstar | C | ||||
RNA9842 | Red Flame ® | C | |||
Valstar | C | ||||
Vermuel | Elrosa ® | C | |||
Empire | A | ||||
Fengapi | Tessa ® | B | |||
Fiesta | Red Pippin | C | |||
Fresco | Wellant ® | B | R | ||
Fuji | B | V | |||
Aztec | Fuji Zhen ® | A | V | ||
Brak | Fuji Kiku ® 8 | B | V | ||
FUCIV51 | SAN-CIV ® | A | V | ||
Fuji Fubrax | Fuji Kiku ® Fubrax | B | V | ||
Fuji Supreme | A | V | |||
Fuji VW | King Fuji ® | A | V | ||
Heisei Fuji | Beni Shogun ® | A | V | ||
Raku-Raku | B | V | |||
Gala | C | ||||
Alvina | A | ||||
ANABP 01 | Bravo ™ | A | |||
Baigent | Brookfield ® | A | |||
Bigigalaprim | Early Red Gala ® | B | |||
Devil Gala | A | ||||
Fengal | Gala Venus | A | |||
Gala Schnico | Schniga ® | A | |||
Gala Schnico Red | Schniga ® | A | |||
Galafresh | Breeze ® | A | |||
Galaval | A | ||||
Galaxy | Selekta ® | B | |||
Gilmac | Neon ® | A | |||
Imperial Gala | B | ||||
Jugala | B | ||||
Mitchgla | Mondial Gala ® | B | |||
Natali Gala | B | ||||
Regal Prince | Gala Must ® | B | |||
Royal Beaut | A | ||||
Simmons | Buckeye ® Gala | A | |||
Tenroy | Royal Gala ® | B | |||
ZoukG1 | Gala One® | A | |||
Galmac | Camelot ® | B | |||
Gloster | B | ||||
Golden 972 | D | ||||
Golden Delicious | Golden | D | |||
CG10 Yellow Delicious | Smothee ® | D | |||
Golden Delicious Reinders | Reinders ® | D | |||
Golden Parsi | Da Rosa ® | D | |||
Leratess | Pink Gold ® | D | |||
Quemoni | Rosagold ® | D | |||
Goldstar | Rezista Gold Granny ® | D | |||
Gradigold | Golden Supreme ™, Golden Extreme ™ | D | |||
Gradiyel | Goldkiss ® | D | |||
Granny Smith | D | ||||
Dalivair | Challenger ® | D | |||
Gravensteiner | Gravenstein | D | |||
GS 66 | Fräulein ® | B | |||
HC2-1 | Easy pep’s! Zingy ® | A | |||
Hokuto | C | ||||
Holsteiner Cox | Holstein | C | R | ||
Honeycrisp | Honeycrunch ® | C | |||
Horneburger | D | ||||
Idared | B | ||||
Idaredest | B | ||||
Najdared | B | ||||
Ingrid Marie | B | R | |||
Inored | Story ®, LoliPop ® | A | |||
James Grieve | D | ||||
Jonagold | C | ||||
Early Jonagold | Milenga ® | C | |||
Dalyrian | C | ||||
Decosta | C | ||||
Jonagold Boerekamp | Early Queen ® | C | |||
Jonagold Novajo | Veulemanns | C | |||
Jonagored | Morren’s Jonagored ® | C | |||
Jonagored Supra | Morren’s Jonagored ® Supra ® | C | |||
Red Jonaprince | Wilton’s ®, Red Prince ® | C | |||
Rubinstar | C | ||||
Schneica | Jonica | C | |||
Vivista | C | ||||
Jonathan | B | ||||
Karmijn de Sonnaville | C | R | |||
Kizuri | Morgana ® | B | |||
Ladina | A | ||||
La Flamboyante | Mairac ® | B | |||
Laxton’s Superb | C | R | |||
Ligol | B | ||||
Lobo | B | ||||
Lurefresh | Redlove ® Era ® | A | |||
Lureprec | Redlove ® Circe ® | A | |||
Luregust | Redlove ® Calypso ® | A | |||
Luresweet | Redlove ® Odysso ® | A | |||
Maigold | B | ||||
Maribelle | Lola ® | B | |||
MC38 | Crimson Snow ® | A | |||
McIntosh | B | ||||
Melrose | C | ||||
Milwa | Diwa ®, Junami ® | B | |||
Minneiska | SweeTango ® | B | |||
Moonglo | C | ||||
Morgenduft | Imperatore | B | |||
Mountain Cove | Ginger Gold ™ | D | |||
Mored | Joly Red ® | A | |||
Mutsu | Crispin | D | |||
Newton | C | ||||
Nicogreen | Greenstar ® | D | |||
Nicoter | Kanzi ® | B | |||
Northern Spy | C | ||||
Ohrin | Orin | D | |||
Paula Red | B | ||||
Pinova | Corail ® | C | |||
RoHo 3615 | Evelina ® | B | |||
Piros | C | ||||
Plumac | Koru ® | B | |||
Prem A153 | Lemonade ®, Honeymoon ® | C | |||
Prem A17 | Smitten ® | C | |||
Prem A280 | Sweetie™ | B | |||
Prem A96 | Rockit ™ | B | M | ||
R201 | Kissabel ® Rouge | A | |||
Rafzubin | Rubinette ® | C | |||
Frubaur | Rubinette ® Rossina | A | |||
Rafzubex | Rubinette ® Rosso | A | |||
Rajka | Rezista Romelike ® | B | |||
Regalyou | Candine ® | ||||
Red Delicious | Rouge américaine | A | |||
Campsur | Red Chief ® | A | |||
Erovan | Early Red One ® | A | |||
Evasni | Scarlet Spur ® | A | |||
Stark Delicious | A | ||||
Starking | C | ||||
Starkrimson | A | ||||
Starkspur | A | ||||
Topred | A | ||||
Trumdor | Oregon Spur Delicious ® | A | |||
Reine des Reinettes | Gold Parmoné, Goldparmäne | C | V | ||
Reinette grise du Canada | Graue Kanadarenette, Renetta Canada | D | R | ||
RM1 | Red Moon ® | A | |||
Rome Beauty | Belle de Rome, Rome, Rome Sport | B | |||
RS1 | Red Moon ® | A | |||
Rubelit | A | ||||
Rubin | C | ||||
Rubinola | B | ||||
Šampion | Shampion, Champion, Szampion | B | |||
Reno 2 | A | ||||
Šampion Arno | Szampion Arno | A | |||
Santana | B | ||||
Sciearly | A | ||||
Scifresh | Jazz ™ | B | |||
Sciglo | Southern Snap ™ | A | |||
Scilate | Envy ® | B | |||
Sciray | GS48 | A | |||
Scired | NZ Queen | A | R | ||
Sciros | A | ||||
Senshu | C | ||||
Shinano Gold | Yello ® | D | |||
Spartan | A | ||||
SQ 159 | A | ||||
Stayman | B | ||||
Summerred | B | ||||
Sunrise | A | ||||
Sunset | D | R | |||
Suntan | D | R | |||
Sweet Caroline | C | ||||
TCL3 | Posy ® | A | |||
Topaz | B | ||||
Tydeman’s Early Worcester | Tydeman’s Early | B | |||
Tsugaru | C | ||||
UEB32642 | Opal ® | D | |||
WA 2 | Sunrise Magic ™ | A | |||
WA 38 | Cosmic Crisp ™ | A | |||
Worcester Pearmain | B | ||||
Xeleven | Swing ® natural more | A | |||
York | B | ||||
Zari | B | ||||
Zouk 16 | B | ||||
Zouk 31 | Rubisgold ® | D | |||
Zouk 32 | Coryphée ® | A |
Variety | Synonyms | Trade marks | Size |
Abbé Fétel | Abate Fetel | L | |
Abugo o Siete en Boca | SP | ||
Aκςa | SP | ||
Alka | L | ||
Alsa | L | ||
Amfora | L | ||
Alexandrine Douillard | L | ||
Bambinella | SP | ||
Bergamotten | SP | ||
Beurré Alexandre Lucas | Lucas | L | |
Beurré Bosc | Bosc, Beurré d’Apremont, Empereur Alexandre, Kaiser Alexander | L | |
Beurré Clairgeau | L | ||
Beurré d’Arenberg | Hardenpont | L | |
Beurré Giffard | SP | ||
Beurré précoce Morettini | Morettini | SP | |
Blanca de Aranjuez | Agua de Aranjuez, Espadona, Blanquilla | SP | |
Carusella | SP | ||
Castell | Castell de Verano | SP | |
Colorée de Juillet | Bunte Juli | SP | |
Comice rouge | L | ||
Concorde | L | ||
Condoula | SP | ||
Coscia | Ercolini | SP | |
Curé | Curato, Pastoren, Del cura de Ouro, Espadon de invierno, Bella de Berry, Lombardia de Rioja, Batall de Campana | L | |
D’Anjou | L | ||
Dita | L | ||
D. Joaquina | Doyenné de Juillet | SP | |
Doyenné d’hiver | Winterdechant | L | |
Doyenné du Comice | Comice, Vereinsdechant | L | |
Erika | L | ||
Etrusca | SP | ||
Flamingo | L | ||
Forelle | L | ||
Général Leclerc | Amber Grace™ | L | |
Gentile | SP | ||
Golden Russet Bosc | L | ||
Grand champion | L | ||
Harrow Delight | L | ||
Jeanne d’Arc | L | ||
Joséphine | L | ||
Kieffer | L | ||
Klapa Mīlule | L | ||
Leonardeta | Mosqueruela, Margallon, Colorada de Alcanadre, Leonarda de Magallon | SP | |
Lombacad | Cascade ® | L | |
Moscatella | SP | ||
Mramornaja | L | ||
Mustafabey | SP | ||
Packham’s Triumph | Williams d’Automne | L | |
Passe Crassane | Passa Crassana | L | |
Perita de San Juan | SP | ||
Pérola | SP | ||
Pitmaston | Williams Duchesse | L | |
Précoce de Trévoux | Trévoux | SP | |
Président Drouard | L | ||
Rosemarie | L | ||
Santa Maria | Santa Maria Morettini | SP | |
Spadoncina | Agua de Verano, Agua de Agosto | SP | |
Suvenirs | L | ||
Taylors Gold | L | ||
Triomphe de Vienne | L | ||
Vasarine Sviestine | L | ||
Williams Bon Chrétien | Bon Chrétien, Bartlett, Williams, Summer Bartlett | L |
Groups | Subgroups | |
AA | Sweet-fig | Sweet-fig, Pisang Mas, Amas Date, Bocadillo |
AB | Ney-Poovan | Ney Poovan, Safet Velchi |
AAA | Cavendish | Dwarf Cavendish |
Giant Cavendish | ||
Lacatan | ||
Poyo (Robusta) | ||
Williams | ||
Americani | ||
Valery | ||
Arvis | ||
Gros Michel | Gros Michel ("Big Mike") | |
Highgate | ||
Hybrids | Flhorban 920 | |
Pink Fig | Figue Rose | |
Figue Rose Verte | ||
Ibota | ||
AAB | Fig apple | Fig apple, Silk |
Pome (Prata) | Pacovan | |
Prata Ana | ||
Mysore | Mysore, Pisang Ceylan, Gorolo |
Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 | Regulation (EU) No 1333/2011 | This Regulation | Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2430 |
Article 1 | — | Article 1 | Article 1 |
Article 2 | — | — | — |
Article 3(1) and (3) | — | Article 2 | — |
Article 3(2) | Article 4 | ||
Article 4 | — | Article 5 | — |
Article 5 | — | Article 6 | — |
Article 6 | — | Article 7 | — |
Article 7 | — | Article 8 | — |
Article 8 | — | — | — |
Article 9 | — | — | Article 2 |
Article 10 | — | — | Article 3 |
Article 11 | — | Article 5 | |
Article 12 | — | Article 4 | |
Article 13 | — | — | Article 6 |
Article 14 | — | — | Article 7 |
Article 15 | — | Article 9 | Article 8 |
Article 16 | — | — | Article 9 |
Article 17 | — | — | Article 10 |
Article 18 | — | — | Article 11 |
Articles 19 to 151 | — | — | — |
— | Article 1 | Article 4(1) | — |
— | Article 2 | Article 4(2) | — |
— | Article 3 | — | — |
— | Article 4 | — | — |
— | Article 5 | — | — |
— | Article 6 | — | Article 10 |
— | Article 7 | — | — |
— | Article 8 | — | Article 5 |
— | Article 9 | — | Article 4 |
— | Article 10 | — | — |
— | Article 11 | — | — |
— | Article 12 | — | — |
— | Article 13 | — | — |
Annex I | — | Annex I, Part A and B, Parts 1 to 10 | |
Annex II | — | — | Annex I |
Annex III | — | — | Annex III |
Annex IV | — | Annex IV | |
Annex V | — | Annex V | |
Annex Va to Annex XX | — | — | — |
— | Annex I | Annex I, Part B, Part 11 | — |
— | Annex II | — | Annex III |
— | Annex III | — | Annex II |
— | Annex IV | Appendix to Annex I, Part B, Part 11 | |
— | Annex V | — | — |
— | Annex VI | — | — |