(a) a limit on the greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of energy used on board by a ship arriving at, staying within or departing from ports under the jurisdiction of a Member State; and (b) an obligation to use on-shore power supply (OPS) or zero-emission technology in ports under the jurisdiction of a Member State.
Regulation (EU) 2023/1805 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 September 2023 on the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport, and amending Directive 2009/16/EC (Text with EEA relevance)
(a) the energy used during their stay within a port of call under the jurisdiction of a Member State; (b) the entirety of the energy used on voyages from a port of call under the jurisdiction of a Member State to a port of call under the jurisdiction of a Member State; (c) notwithstanding point (b), one half of the energy used on voyages arriving at or departing from a port of call located in an outermost region under the jurisdiction of a Member State; and (d) one half of the energy used on voyages arriving at or departing from a port of call under the jurisdiction of a Member State, where the previous or the next port of call is under the jurisdiction of a third country.
(1) "greenhouse gas emissions" or "GHG emissions" means the release of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH4 ) and nitrous oxide (N2 O) into the atmosphere;(2) "biofuels" means biofuels as defined in Article 2, second paragraph, point (33), of Directive (EU) 2018/2001; (3) "biogas" means biogas as defined in Article 2, second paragraph, point (28), of Directive (EU) 2018/2001; (4) "recycled carbon fuels" means recycled carbon fuels as defined in Article 2, second paragraph, point (35), of Directive (EU) 2018/2001; (5) "renewable fuels of non-biological origin" (RFNBO) means renewable fuels of non-biological origin as defined in Article 2, second paragraph, point (36), of Directive (EU) 2018/2001; (6) "food and feed crops" means food and feed crops as defined in Article 2, second paragraph, point (40), of Directive (EU) 2018/2001; (7) "zero-emission technology" means a technology that, when used to provide energy, does not result in the release of the following greenhouse gases and air pollutants into the atmosphere by ships: carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH4 ), nitrous oxide (N2 O), sulphur oxides (SOx ), nitrogen oxides (NOx ) and particulate matter (PM);(8) "substitute sources of energy" means renewable energy generated on board or electricity supplied from OPS; (9) "wind-assisted propulsion" means propulsion, whether partial or full, of a ship by wind energy harnessed by means of wind-assistance propulsion systems such as, inter alia, rotor sails, kites, hard or rigid sails, soft sails, suction wings or turbines; (10) "port of call" means a port where ships stop to load or unload cargo or to embark or disembark passengers with the exclusion of stops for the sole purposes of refuelling, obtaining supplies, relieving the crew, going into dry-dock or making repairs to the ship, its equipment or both; stops in port because the ship is in need of assistance or in distress; ship-to-ship transfers carried out outside ports; stops for the sole purpose of taking shelter from adverse weather or rendered necessary by search and rescue activities; and stops of containerships in a neighbouring container transhipment port listed in the implementing act adopted pursuant to Article 2(2); (11) "voyage" means voyage as defined in Article 3, point (c), of Regulation (EU) 2015/757; (12) "outermost region" means a territory referred to in Article 349 TFEU; (13) "company" means the shipowner or any other organisation or person such as the manager or the bareboat charterer, which has assumed the responsibility for the operation of the ship from the shipowner and has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibilities imposed by the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention; (14) "gross tonnage" (GT) means gross tonnage as defined in Article 3, point (e), of Regulation (EU) 2015/757; (15) "ship at berth" means ship at berth as defined in Article 3, point (n), of Regulation (EU) 2015/757; (16) "ship at anchorage" means a ship at berth which is not moored at the quayside; (17) "energy used on board" means the amount of energy, expressed in mega joules (MJ), used by a ship for propulsion and for the operation of any onboard equipment, at sea or at berth; (18) "well-to-wake" means a method for calculating emissions that takes into account the GHG impact of energy production, transport, distribution and use on board, including during combustion; (19) "GHG intensity of the energy used on board" means the amount of GHG emissions, expressed in grams of CO 2 equivalent established on a well-to-wake basis, per MJ of energy used on board;(20) "emission factor" means the average emission rate of a GHG relative to the activity data of a source stream, assuming complete oxidation for combustion and complete conversion for all other chemical reactions; (21) "ice class" means the notation assigned to the ship by the competent national authorities of the flag state or an organisation recognised by that state, showing that the ship has been designed for navigation in sea-ice conditions; (22) "ice edge" means the demarcation at any given time between the open sea and sea ice of any kind, whether fast or drifting, as set out in paragraph 4.4.8 of the World Meteorological Organisation Sea-Ice Nomenclature, March 2014; (23) "sailing in ice conditions" means the sailing by an ice-class ship in a sea area within the ice edge; (24) "on-shore power supply" (OPS) means the system to supply electricity to ships at berth, at low or high voltage, alternate or direct current, including ship-side and port-side installations, when feeding directly the ship main distribution switchboard for powering hotel and service workloads or charging secondary batteries; (25) "electrical power demand at berth" means the demand for electricity of a ship at berth for meeting all energy needs based on electricity on board; (26) "established total electrical power demand of the ship at berth" means the highest value, expressed in kilowatts, of the total demand for electricity of a ship at berth, including hotel and cargo handling workloads; (27) "verifier" means a legal entity carrying out verification activities, which is accredited by a national accreditation body pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 and this Regulation; (28) "FuelEU document of compliance" means a document specific to a ship, issued to a company by a verifier, which confirms that that ship has complied with this Regulation for a specific reporting period; (29) "passenger ship" means a passenger ship as defined in Article 2, point (i), of Directive (EU) 2016/802 of the European Parliament and of the Council ;Directive (EU) 2016/802 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 relating to a reduction in the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels (OJ L 132, 21.5.2016, p. 58 ).(30) "cruise passenger ship" means a passenger ship that has no cargo deck and is designed exclusively for commercial transportation of passengers in overnight accommodation on a sea voyage; (31) "containership" means a ship designed exclusively for the carriage of containers in holds and on deck; (32) "non-compliant port call" means a port call during which the ship does not comply with the requirement set out in Article 6(1), and to which none of the exceptions provided for in Article 6(5) apply; (33) "least favourable pathway" means the most carbon-intensive production pathway used for any given fuel; (34) "CO 2 equivalent" means the metric measure used to compute the emissions from CO2, CH4 and N2 O on the basis of their global-warming potential, by converting amounts of CH4 and N2 O to the equivalent amount of CO2 with the same global warming potential;(35) "compliance balance" means the measure of a ship’s over- or under-compliance with regard to the limits for the yearly average GHG intensity of the energy used on board by a ship or the RFNBO subtarget, which is calculated in accordance with Part A of Annex IV; (36) "compliance surplus" means a compliance balance with a positive value; (37) "compliance deficit" means a compliance balance with a negative value; (38) "total pool compliance balance" means the sum of the compliance balances of all ships included in the pool; (39) "managing body of the port" means managing body of the port as defined in Article 2, point (5), of Regulation (EU) 2017/352; (40) "administering State" means a Member State determined by applying Article 3gf(1) of Directive 2003/87/EC in relation to a company within the meaning of this Regulation, without prejudice to the choice of the competent authorities in charge within the relevant Member State; (41) "reporting period" means a period from 1 January to 31 December of the year during which information referred to in this Regulation is monitored and recorded, where data for voyages starting and ending in two different calendar years is accounted under the calendar year concerned; (42) "verification period" means the calendar year directly following the reporting period.
2 % from 1 January 2025 ;6 % from 1 January 2030 ;14,5 % from 1 January 2035 ;31 % from 1 January 2040 ;62 % from 1 January 2045 ;80 % from 1 January 2050 .
(a) supplement paragraph 5 of this Article with additional elements; (b) inform about the non-applicability of the subtarget referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, resulting from the monitoring referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article or the assessment referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article.
(a) verification and calculation as referred to in Article 16; (b) applicable flexibility mechanisms set out in Articles 20 and 21; (c) applicable FuelEU penalties as referred to in Article 23 and Annex IV.
(a) containerships; (b) passenger ships.
(a) are moored at the quayside for less than two hours, calculated on the basis of time of arrival and time of departure monitored and recorded in accordance with Article 15; (b) use zero-emission technologies which comply with the general requirements for such technologies provided for in Annex III and are listed and specified in the delegated and implementing acts adopted in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 7 of this Article, for all their electrical power demand at berth, while moored at the quayside; (c) due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the ship, have to make an unscheduled port call, which is not made on a systematic basis, for reasons of safety or saving life at sea, other than those already excluded under Article 3, point (10); (d) are unable to connect to OPS due to the unavailability of OPS connection points in a port; (e) are unable to connect to OPS because exceptionally the electrical grid stability is at risk, due to insufficient available shore-power to satisfy the ship’s required electrical power demand at berth; (f) are unable to connect to OPS because the shore installation at the port is not compatible with the onboard on-shore power equipment, provided that the installation for shore-connection on board the ship is certified in accordance with the technical specifications set out in Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 for the shore-connection systems of seagoing ships; (g) for a limited period of time, require the use of onboard energy generation, under emergency situations representing immediate risk to life, the ship or the environment or for other reasons of force majeure ;(h) while remaining connected to OPS, for a period of time limited to what is strictly necessary, require the use of onboard energy generation for maintenance tests or for functional tests carried out at the request of an officer of a competent authority or the representative of a recognised organisation undertaking a survey or inspection.
(a) the application of an exception set out in paragraph 5; (b) the non-compliance of a ship with the requirements set out in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 where none of the exceptions set out in paragraph 5 apply.
(a) the identification and type of the ship, including its name, its International Maritime Organization (IMO) identification number, its port of registry or home port, and the name of the shipowner; (b) the name of the company and the address, telephone and e-mail details of a contact person; (c) a description of the energy conversion systems installed on board, and the related power capacity expressed in megawatt (MW); (d) for ships referred to in Article 6(4), point (b), a description of the standards and characteristics of the equipment to allow connection to OPS, or a zero-emission technology; (e) the value of the established total electrical power demand of the ship at berth, as provided in its electrical load balance or electrical load study used to demonstrate compliance with Regulations 40 and 41 of Chapter II-1 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), as approved by its flag administration or a recognised organisation as defined in the IMO Code for Recognized Organizations adopted by resolutions MEPC.237(65) and MSC.349(92). If a ship is not able to provide that reference, the value considered is 25 % of the total of the maximum continuous ratings of the main engines of the ship as specified in their EIAPP certificate delivered in application of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) or, if the engines are not required to have an EIAPP certificate, on the nameplate of the engines; (f) a description of the intended sources of energy to be used on board while in navigation and at berth to comply with the requirements set out in Articles 4 and 6; (g) a description of the procedures for monitoring the fuel consumption of the ship as well as the energy provided by substitute sources of energy or a zero-emission technology; (h) a description of the procedures for monitoring and reporting the well-to-tank and tank-to-wake emission factors of energy to be used on board, in accordance with the methods specified in Article 10 and Annexes I and II; (i) a description of the procedures used to monitor the completeness of the list of voyages; (j) a description of the procedures used for determining activity data per voyage, including the procedures, responsibilities, formulas and data sources for determining and recording the time spent at sea between the port of departure and the port of arrival and the time spent at berth; (k) a description of the procedures, systems and responsibilities used to update any of the data contained in the monitoring plan over the reporting period; (l) a description of the method to be used to determine surrogate data that can be used for closing data gaps or for identifying and correcting data errors; (m) a revision record sheet to record all details of the revision history; (n) where the company requests to exclude the additional energy used due to the ship’s ice class from the calculation of the compliance balance set out in Annex IV, information on the ice class of the ship; (o) where the company requests to exclude the additional energy used due to sailing in ice conditions from the calculation of the compliance balance set out in Annex IV, information on the ice class of the ship and a description of a verifiable procedure for monitoring the distance travelled for the whole voyage as well as the distance travelled when sailing in ice conditions, the date, time and position when entering and leaving the ice conditions and the fuel consumption when sailing in ice conditions; (p) for a ship equipped with wind-assisted propulsion, a description of the installed wind propulsion equipment on board and the values of P Wind and PProp as defined in Annex I.
(a) a change of company; (b) new energy conversion systems, new types of energy, new systems for connection to OPS, or new substitute sources of energy or new zero-emission technologies enter into use; (c) a change in availability of data, due to the use of new types of measuring equipment, new sampling methods or analysis methods, or for other reasons, may affect the accuracy of the data collected; (d) companies, verifiers or competent authorities have found that data resulting from the monitoring method applied are incorrect; (e) verifiers have identified any part of the monitoring plan as not being in conformity with the requirements of this Regulation and the company is required by the verifier to revise it in accordance with Article 11(1); (f) companies, verifiers or competent authorities have found that the methods to prevent data gaps and identify data errors are inadequate to ensure data accuracy, completeness and transparency.
(a) biofuels and biogas that do not comply with the sustainability and GHG emissions saving criteria set out in Article 29 of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 or that are produced from food and feed crops shall be considered to have the same emission factors as the least favourable fossil fuel pathway for that type of fuel; (b) RFNBO and recycled carbon fuels that do not comply with the GHG emissions savings threshold set out in Article 25(2) of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 shall be considered to have the same emission factors as the least favourable fossil fuel pathway for that type of fuel.
(a) the attribution of fuel consumption and the use of substitute sources of energy to voyages and at berth; (b) the reported fuel consumption data and related measurements and calculations; (c) the choice and the employment of emission factors; (d) the use of OPS or the application of any of the exceptions recorded in the FuelEU database in accordance with Article 6(9), point (a); (e) the data required under Article 10(3).
(a) whether the reported data are coherent in relation to estimated data that are based on ship tracking data and characteristics such as the installed engine power; (b) whether the reported data are free of inconsistencies, in particular when comparing the total volume of fuel purchased annually by each ship and the aggregate fuel consumption during voyages; (c) whether the collection of the data has been carried out in accordance with the applicable rules; and (d) whether the relevant records of the ship are complete and consistent.
(a) port of departure and port of arrival including the date and time of departure and arrival and time spent at berth; (b) for each ship to which Article 6(1) applies, the connection to and use of OPS or the application of any of the exceptions provided for in Article 6(5) as confirmed pursuant to Article 6(9), point (a), where applicable; (c) the amount of each type of fuel consumed at berth and at sea; (d) the amount of electricity delivered to the ship through OPS; (e) for each type of fuel consumed at berth and at sea, the well-to-tank emission factor, the tank-to-wake emission factors of combusted fuel and the tank-to-wake emission factors of slipped fuel associated with the different fuel consumers on board, covering all relevant greenhouse gases; (f) the amount of each type of substitute source of energy consumed at berth and at sea; (g) the ship’s ice class, if the company requests to exclude the additional energy used due to ship’s ice class from the calculation of the compliance balance set out in Annex IV, using the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) Recommendation 25/7 on safety of winter navigation in the Baltic Sea to establish the correspondence between ice classes; (h) the ship’s ice class, the date, time and position when entering and leaving the ice conditions, the amount of each type of fuel consumed and the distance travelled when sailing in ice conditions as well as the total distance travelled for all voyages during the reporting period, if the company requests to exclude the additional energy used due to sailing in ice conditions from the calculation of the compliance balance set out in Annex IV.
(a) the transferring company shall notify to the verifier the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article for the time during which it had responsibility for the operation of the ship; (b) as close as practical to the day of completion of the transfer and no later than one month thereafter, the information referred to in point (a) shall be verified and recorded in the FuelEU database in accordance with Article 16 by the verifier that performed verification activities for the ship under the transferring company; and (c) without prejudice to points (a) and (b), the company that has responsibility for the operation of the ship on 31 December of the reporting period shall be responsible for the compliance of the ship with the requirements set out in Articles 4 and 6 for the entire reporting period during which the transfer or multiple transfers took place.
(a) using the method specified in Annex I, the yearly average GHG intensity of the energy used on board by the ship concerned; (b) using the formula specified in Part A of Annex IV, the ship’s compliance balance; (c) the number of non-compliant port calls in the previous reporting period including the time spent moored at the quayside and, where applicable in accordance with Article 6(9), at anchorage, for each port call by the ship in non-compliance with the requirements set in out Article 6; (d) the amount of the yearly energy used on board by a ship, excluding energy from OPS; (e) the amount of the yearly energy used on board by a ship from the RFNBO.
(a) the FuelEU report that complies with this Regulation established in accordance with Articles 15 and 16; (b) the verification report established in accordance with Article 16; (c) the calculations made by the verifier in accordance with Article 16(4).
(a) for an amount exceeding by more than 2 % the limit set out in Article 4(2), multiplied by the energy consumption of the ship calculated in accordance with Annex I; (b) for two consecutive reporting periods.
(a) identity of the ship (name, IMO identification number and port of registry or home port); (b) name, address and principal place of business of the shipowner; (c) identity of the verifier; (d) date of issue of that document, its period of validity and the reporting period it refers to.
(a) the material and geographical scope of this Regulation, as regards decreasing the gross tonnage threshold referred to in Article 2(1) or expanding the share of energy used by ships in voyages to and from third countries referred to in Article 2(1), point (d); (b) the limit referred to in Article 4(2), with a view to achieving the objectives set out in Regulation (EU) 2021/1119; (c) the ship types and size to which Article 6(1) applies and an extension of the obligations referred to in Article 6(1) to ships at anchorage; (d) the exceptions provided for in Article 6(5); (e) the counting of the electricity delivered through OPS in Annex I and the well-to-tank emission factor associated with that electricity defined in Annex II; (f) the possibility to include in the scope of this Regulation dedicated mechanisms for the most sustainable and innovative fuel technologies with a significant decarbonisation potential, in order to create a clear and predictable legal framework and encourage the market development and deployment of such fuel technologies; (g) the calculation of the compliance balance for ships requesting to exclude the additional energy used due to sailing in ice conditions set out in Annexes IV and V, and the possible extension of the validity of those provisions after 31 December 2034 ;(h) the possibility to include energy provided by wind in the calculation of the GHG intensity of the energy used on board set out in Annex I, subject to the availability of a verifiable method for monitoring and accounting of wind propulsion energy; (i) the possibility to include new GHG abatement technologies, such as onboard carbon capture, in the calculation of the GHG intensity of the energy used on board and of the compliance balance as set out in Annexes I and IV respectively, subject to the availability of a verifiable method for monitoring and accounting of the captured carbon; (j) the possibility to include additional elements in this Regulation, in particular black carbon emissions; (k) the need for measures to address attempts by companies to evade the requirements set out in this Regulation.
"51. The FuelEU document of compliance issued under Regulation (EU) 2023/1805 of the European Parliament and of the Council .Regulation (EU) 2023/1805 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 September 2023 on the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport, and amending Directive 2009/16/EC (OJ L 234, 22.9.2023, p. 48 ).".
) Equation (1) | |
WtT | |
TtW | |
f | Reward factor for wind-assisted propulsion |
Term | Explanation |
i | Index corresponding to the fuel types delivered to the ship in the reporting period |
j | Index corresponding to the fuel consumer units on board the ship. For the purpose of this Regulation the fuel consumer units considered are the main engine(s), auxiliary engine(s), boilers, fuel cells and waste incinerators |
k | Index corresponding to the OPS connection points |
n | Total number of fuel types delivered to the ship in the reporting period |
c | Total number of OPS connection points |
m | Total number of fuel consumer units |
M | Mass of fuel i consumed by fuel consumer unit j [gFuel] |
E | Electricity delivered to the ship per OPS connection point k [MJ] |
CO | WtT GHG emission factor of fuel i [gCO |
WtT GHG emission factor associated with the electricity delivered to the ship at berth per OPS connection point k [gCO | |
LCV | Lower calorific value of fuel i [MJ/gFuel] |
RWDi | Where the fuel is of non-biological origin, a reward factor of 2 from |
C | Non-combusted fuel coefficient as a percentage of the mass of the fuel i consumed by fuel consumer unit j [%]. C |
TtW GHG emission factors by combusted fuel i in fuel consumer unit j [gGHG/gFuel] | |
CO | |
TtW GHG emission factors by slipped fuel i towards fuel consumer unit j [gGHG/gFuel] | |
CO | |
CO |
1. BDNs including fuels other than fossil fuels used on board shall be complemented with the following information regarding those fuels: Lower calorific value [MJ/g], For biofuels, E values as established in accordance with the methodologies laid down in Directive (EU) 2018/2001, Part C of Annex V and Part B of Annex VI [gCO 2 eq/MJ] and related evidence of compliance with the rules set out in that Directive for those fuels, identifying the fuel production pathway,For fuels other than fossil fuels and biofuels, WtT GHG emission factor [gCO 2eq /MJ] and related certificate identifying the fuel production pathway.
2. Where there is product blending, information required by this Regulation shall be given for each product.
1. supplier: name, address, telephone number, email address, representative; 2. receiving ship: IMO number (MMSI), ship name, ship type, flag, ship representative; 3. port: name, location (LOCODE), terminal/berth; 4. OPS connection point: connection point details; 5. OPS time: date/time of commencement/finalisation; 6. energy supplied: power fraction allocated to supply point (if applicable) [kW], electricity consumption (kWh) for the billing period, peak power information (if available); 7. metering.
Reward factor for wind-assisted propulsion – WIND (f | |
≥ |
P Wind is the available effective power of the wind-assisted propulsion systems and corresponds to feff * Peff as calculated in accordance with the 2021 guidance on treatment of innovative energy efficiency technologies for calculation and verification of the attained energy efficiency design index (EEDI) and energy efficiency existing ships index (EEXI) (MEPC.1/Circ.896);P Prop is the propulsion power of the ship and corresponds to PME as defined in the 2018 guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained EEDI for new ships (IMO resolution MEPC.364(79)) and the 2021 guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained EEXI (IMO resolution MEPC.333(76)). Where shaft motor(s) are installed, PProp = PME + PPTI(i),shaft .
TBM stands for To Be Measured, N/A stands for Not Available, The dash means not applicable, E is established in accordance with the methodologies laid down in Directive (EU) 2018/2001, Part C of Annex V and Part B of Annex VI.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
WtT | TtW | |||||||
Fuel Class | Pathway name | Fuel Consumer Unit Class | ||||||
Fossil | ALL ICEs | - | ||||||
ALL ICEs | - | |||||||
ALL ICEs | - | |||||||
Fossil | LNG | 18.5 | LNG Otto (dual fuel medium speed) | |||||
LNG Otto (dual fuel slow speed) | ||||||||
LNG Diesel (dual fuel slow speed) | ||||||||
LBSI | ||||||||
LPG | ALL ICEs | TBM | TBM | N/A | ||||
Fuel Cells | - | - | ||||||
ICE | TBM | |||||||
Fuel Cells | N/A | TBM | N/A | |||||
ICE | N/A | TBM | N/A | |||||
ALL ICEs | TBM | TBM | - | |||||
Biofuels | Ethanol Production Pathways of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 | Value as set out in Annex III of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 | ALL ICEs | TBM | TBM | - | ||
ALL ICEs | TBM | TBM | - | |||||
ALL ICEs | - | |||||||
LNG Otto (dual fuel medium speed) | ||||||||
LNG Otto (dual fuel slow speed) | ||||||||
LNG Diesel (dual fuels) | ||||||||
LBSI | ||||||||
Bio-methanol Production Pathways of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 | ALL ICEs | TBM | TBM | - | ||||
Other Production Pathways of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 | ALL ICEs | - | ||||||
Biofuels | Value as set out in Annex III of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 | N/A | Fuel Cells | - | ||||
ICE | TBM | |||||||
e-diesel | Ref. to Directive (EU) 2018/2001) | ALL ICEs | - | |||||
e-methanol | Ref. to Directive (EU) 2018/2001) | All ICEs | TBM | TBM | - | |||
e-LNG | Ref. To Directive (EU) 2018/2001) | LNG Otto (dual fuel medium speed) | ||||||
LNG Otto (dual fuel slow speed) | ||||||||
LNG Diesel (dual fuels) | ||||||||
LBSI | ||||||||
e-H2 | Ref. to Directive (EU) 2018/2001) | Fuel Cells | - | |||||
ICE | TBM | |||||||
e-NH3 | 0,0186 | N/A | Fuel Cells | N/A | TBM | N/A | ||
ICE | N/A | TBM | N/A | |||||
e-LPG | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ||
e-DME | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | - | ||
Others | Electricity | - | EU ENERGY MIX | On-shore power supply (OPS) | - | - | - | - |
(a) For liquid biofuels, the default values shall be calculated by using the values of E established in accordance with the methodologies laid down in Directive (EU) 2018/2001, Part C of Annex V to that Directive for all liquid biofuels except bio-LNG and Part B of Annex VI to that Directive for bio-LNG, and on the basis of default values related to the particular biofuel used as a transport fuel and its production pathway, laid down in that Directive, Parts D and E of Annex V to that Directive for all liquid biofuels except bio-LNG and in Part D of Annex VI to that Directive for bio-LNG. However, the values of E need to be adjusted by subtracting the ratio of the values contained in column 6 (C f _CO2 ) and column 3 (LCV). This is required under this Regulation, which separates the WtT and the TtW calculations, to avoid double counting of emissions;(b) For RFNBO and other fuels not referred to in point (a) to be taken into account for the purpose referred to in Article 4(1) of this Regulation, default values are to be either calculated by using the methodology of the delegated act referred to in Article 28(5) of Directive (EU) 2018/2001, or, if applicable, a similar methodology if defined under a Union legal act concerning the internal markets in renewable and natural gases and in hydrogen, pursuant to Article 10(1) and (2) of this Regulation.
Types of technology | General requirements for operation |
Fuel cells | Power supplied by onboard fuel cells with a fuel or a system ensuring that, when used to provide energy, it does not release any emissions referred to in Article 3, point (7), into the atmosphere |
On-board electrical energy storage |
On-board power generation from wind and solar energy | Power supplied by on-board renewable energy sources, either directly supplying to the ship grid or via charging of on-board intermediate electrical energy storage |
(a) For the purpose of calculating the compliance balance of a ship for GHG intensity as referred to in Article 4(2), the following formula shall apply: Compliance balance [gCO 2eq ] =(GHGIE target - GHGIEactual ) x [ ]Where: gCO 2eq Grams of CO 2 equivalentGHGIE target GHG intensity limit of the energy used on-board a ship according to Article 4(2) GHGIE actual Yearly average of the GHG intensity of the energy used on-board a ship calculated for the relevant reporting period For any ship having the ice class IC, IB, IA or IA Super or an equivalent ice class, the company may request, until 31 December 2034 , to exclude the additional energy consumption, due to sailing in ice conditions.For any ship having the ice class IA or IA Super or an equivalent ice class, the company may request to exclude the additional energy consumption, due to the technical characteristics of the ship. For both cases in which additional energy consumption is excluded, the calculation of the compliance balance above, the values of M i shall be replaced by the adjusted mass of fuel MiA defined in Annex V and the value of GHGIEactual to be used for calculating the compliance balance shall be recalculated with the corresponding values of MiA .(b) For the purpose of calculating the compliance balance of a ship with respect to the subtarget for RFNBO according to Article 5(3), the following formula shall apply: CB RFNBO [MJ] =Where: CB RFNBO Compliance balance in MJ of RFNBO subtarget referred to in Article 5(3) Annual sum of energy used from RFNBO and/or from fuels providing equivalent GHG emissions savings referred to in Article 5
(a) FuelEU penalty with respect to compliance balance for GHG intensity of the ship according to Article 4(2) FuelEU Penalty = 1. FuelEU Penalty 2. Is in EUR 3. 4. Is the absolute value of the compliance balance 5. 41000 6. Is 1 metric ton of VLSFO that is equivalent to 41000 MJ7. 2400 8. Is the amount to be paid in EUR per equivalent metric ton of VLSFO (b) FuelEU penalty with respect to the subtarget for RFNBO according to Article 5(3) If , the amount of the FuelEU penalty as referred to in Article 23(2) shall be calculated as follows: FuelEU Penalty (RFNBO) = 9. FuelEU Penalty 10. Is in EUR 11. CB RFNBO 12. Is the value of the compliance balance for RFNBO 13. Pd 14. Price difference between RFNBO and fossil fuel compatible with ship installation 15. 41000 16. Is 1 metric ton of VLSFO that is equivalent to 41000 MJ
the additional energy consumption due to technical characteristics of a ship having the ice class IA or IA Super or an equivalent ice class the additional energy consumption of a ship having the ice class IC, IB, IA or IA Super or an equivalent ice class due to sailing in ice conditions the adjusted mass [Mi A] after the deduction of the additional energy, allocated to each fuel i
Σ E i additional ice = Eadditional ice