"formality" means a coherent set of data elements to be reported by a declarant to the maritime national single window in order to fulfil one or more reporting obligations, "user desktop" means an area in the graphical user interface of the maritime national single window that requires a natural person to perform authentication by entering login credentials, "spreadsheet" means an electronic document in which data is arranged in rows and columns and that may be manipulated and used in calculations, "spreadsheet file" means an electronic file that contains one or more spreadsheets, "data cell" means an intersection of a row and a column in a spreadsheet with a unique address made up of its column letter and row number for the purpose of data input, "ship record" means a collection of data elements about the same ship stored in the EMSWe ship database.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/204 of 28 October 2022 laying down technical specifications, standards and procedures for the European Maritime Single Window environment pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/1239 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)
information about the maritime National Single Window; a link to the online support website and to the estimated and actual arrival and departure times of ships; a login section for user authentication to access the "user desktop".
Pre-arrival notification, Pre-departure notification, Pre-arrival notification for ships subject to expanded inspection, Security notification, Waste notification, Waste delivery receipt, Crew list and crew’s effects, Passenger list, Ship’s stores, General cargo declaration, Dangerous and polluting goods, Maritime declaration of health, Itinerary of cruise ship, Bunker information.
Category | Information to provide |
Vessel information | |
Voyage Information | |
Arrival Notification details | Date and time of arrival – actual in local time |
Departure Notification details | Date and time of departure – actual in local time |
Port call status | Status of the port call (with values: Expected Arrival, Arrived, Departed, Cancelled) |
Port of Call – to be selected either from a predefined list or entering the port of call in an input field; Date Time Range – to be selected between a range of date times; Ship Name – to be entered in an input field; Ship IMO number – to be entered in an input field; Port call status – to be chosen from a list of predefined values.
: it shall contain introductory information about the maritime National Single Window and a menu with the links to the following sections:Support website main page : this section shall provide instructions and guidance on the available reporting channels for a port call, including the following usage guidance:Guidance on MNSW usage Usage of Graphical User Interface, including usage conditions (information about the registration process), manuals and links to other relevant information sources and harmonised digital spreadsheets and explanation of their usage; Usage of Reporting Interface Module, including usage conditions (information about the registration process), non-sensitive information about required messages and, as minimum, information on where to get further details on processes for sending messages; Usage of other reporting channels – including guidance and information on other reporting channels, if any, the ports in which other reporting channels are available and links to the relevant information of such other reporting channels such port community systems.
: this section shall provide information for users on services, business information or to gain assistance in troubleshooting known issues. This section shall fulfil the following requirements:Frequently Asked Questions Questions shall be split by thematic areas; An answer shall be provided for each question; Where relevant, provided answers to questions shall also include links to other related questions, resources or files.
: this section shall provide the contact details of the authorities involved in the port call processes or gateways:Contact details of authorities Name of authority and brief description of its competences and responsibilities; Internet Site.
: This section shall provide contact information of the national helpdesk support point for any user to provide help, in form of email addresses, phone numbers or a web form.MNSW helpdesk contacts : This section shall provide references to the relevant national and local legislation and other requirements establishing relation to the reporting obligations during port calls in the Member State.Relevant national legislation
Online support website: mnsw.{xyz}.{ccTLD}/info Website for arrival departure times of ships: mnsw.{xyz}.{ccTLD}/arrivals_departures
ship identification information and particulars, composed of elements of the EMSWe data set related to a ship that are static or subject to limited changes over time; information of ship reporting exemptions issued by Member States and reported in the Union Maritime Information and Exchange System (SafeSeaNet) referred to in Directive 2002/59/EC.
ensure that the EMSWe Ship Database, its interfaces, services and the user management are set up; ensure that the maritime National Single Windows can establish the connection with the EMSWe Ship Database; coordinate the execution of the commissioning tests; ensure that the operational and technical documentation of the EMSWe Ship Database is made available to the National Coordinators and kept up to date.
consulting the content of the EMSWe Ship Database; downloading ship information based on different criteria in different formats;
(a) United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations (UN/LOCODE) ;https://unece.org/trade/cefact/unlocode-code-list-country-and-territory (b) IMO GISIS port facilities; (c) SafeSeaNet specific codes.
ensure that the Common Location Database, its interfaces, services and the user management are set up; ensure that the maritime national single windows can establish the connection with the Common Location Database; coordinate the execution of the commissioning tests; ensure that the operational and technical documentation of the Common Location Database is made available to the National Coordinators and kept up to date.
consulting the content of the Common Location Database; downloading the list of location and port facility codes based on different criteria in different formats.
International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG); International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC); International Code of the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC); International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC); International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL Annex I); Tripartite Agreements (MEPC.2/Circular).
ensure that the Common Hazmat Database, its interfaces, services and the user management are set up; ensure that the maritime national single windows can establish the connection with the Common Hazmat Database; coordinate the execution of the commissioning tests; ensure that the operational and technical documentation of the Common Hazmat Database is made available to the National Coordinators and kept up to date.
consulting the list of dangerous and polluting goods; consulting information from the MAR-CIS database on associated hazards and risks of dangerous and polluting goods; downloading the list of dangerous and polluting goods based on different criteria in different formats.
the latest version of the IMO Codes and Conventions (IMDG, IMSBC, IGC, IBC, MARPOL Annex I) available in Rulecheck ;http://www.emsa.europa.eu/rulecheck.html the latest published Tripartite Agreements list (MEPC.2/Circular), excluding Provisional Tripartite Agreements.
UCC DE No | Data element/class name Data sub-element/sub-class name | EMSWe Data Set No |
11 03 000 000 | Goods item number | DE-048-01 |
12 02 008 000 | Additional information, Code | DE-048-12 |
12 02 009 000 | Additional information, Text | DE-048-13 |
12 03 001 000 | Supporting document, Reference number | DE-048-14 |
12 03 002 000 | Supporting document, Type | DE-048-15 |
12 05 001 000 | Transport document, Reference number | DE-056-02 |
12 05 002 000 | Transport document, Type | DE-056-03 |
12 08 000 000 | Reference number/UCR | DE-047-14 |
13 02 016 000 | Consignor, Name | DE-058-01 |
13 02 017 000 | Consignor, Identification number | DE-058-02 |
13 02 028 000 | Consignor, Type of person | DE-058-03 |
13 02 018 023 | Consignor, Address, Street | DE-058-05 |
13 02 018 024 | Consignor, Address, Street additional line | DE-058-06 |
13 02 018 025 | Consignor, Address, Number | DE-058-07 |
13 02 018 026 | Consignor, Address, P.O. Box | DE-058-08 |
13 02 018 027 | Consignor, Address, Sub-division | DE-058-11 |
13 02 018 020 | Consignor, Address, Country | DE-058-12 |
13 02 018 021 | Consignor, Address, Postcode | DE-058-09 |
13 02 018 022 | Consignor, Address, City | DE-058-10 |
13 02 029 015 | Consignor, Communication, Identifier | DE-058-13 |
13 02 029 002 | Consignor, Communication, Type | DE-058-14 |
13 03 016 000 | Consignee, Name | DE-059-01 |
13 03 017 000 | Consignee, Identification number | DE-059-02 |
13 03 028 000 | Consignee, Type of person | DE-059-03 |
13 03 018 023 | Consignee, Address, Street | DE-059-05 |
13 03 018 024 | Consignee, Address, Street additional line | DE-059-06 |
13 03 018 025 | Consignee, Address, Number | DE-059-07 |
13 03 018 026 | Consignee, Address, P.O. Box | DE-059-08 |
13 03 018 027 | Consignee, Address, Sub-division | DE-059-11 |
13 03 018 020 | Consignee, Address, Country | DE-059-12 |
13 03 018 021 | Consignee, Address, Postcode | DE-059-09 |
13 03 018 022 | Consignee, Address, City | DE-059-10 |
13 03 029 015 | Consignee, Communication, Identifier | DE-059-13 |
13 03 029 002 | Consignee, Communication, Type | DE-059-14 |
13 13 016 000 | Notify party, Name | DE-062-01 |
13 13 017 000 | Notify party, Identification number | DE-062-02 |
13 13 028 000 | Notify party, Type of person | DE-062-03 |
13 13 018 023 | Notify party, Address, Street | DE-062-04 |
13 13 018 024 | Notify party, Address, Street additional line | DE-062-05 |
13 13 018 025 | Notify party, Address, Number | DE-062-06 |
13 13 018 026 | Notify party, Address, P.O. box | DE-062-07 |
13 13 018 027 | Notify party, Address, Sub-division | DE-062-10 |
13 13 018 020 | Notify party, Address, Country | DE-062-11 |
13 13 018 021 | Notify party, Address, Postcode | DE-062-08 |
13 13 018 022 | Notify party, Address, City | DE-062-09 |
13 13 029 015 | Notify party, Communication, Identifier | DE-062-12 |
13 13 029 002 | Notify party, Communication, Type | DE-062-13 |
13 14 031 000 | Additional supply chain actor, Role | DE-057-01 |
13 14 017 000 | Additional supply chain actor, Identification number | DE-057-02 |
15 03 000 000 | Estimated date and time of arrival | DE-022-03 |
16 05 020 000 | Place of delivery, Country | DE-047-08 |
16 05 037 000 | Place of delivery, Location | DE-047-09 |
16 13 036 000 | Place of loading, UN/LOCODE | DE-047-01 |
16 13 020 000 | Place of loading, Country | DE-047-02 |
16 13 037 000 | Place of loading, Location | DE-047-03 |
16 14 036 000 | Place of unloading, UN/LOCODE | DE-047-04 |
16 14 020 000 | Place of unloading, Country | DE-047-05 |
16 14 037 000 | Place of unloading, Location | DE-047-06 |
16 16 037 000 | Place of acceptance, Location | DE-047-11 |
18 03 000 000 | Total gross mass | DE-047-16 |
18 04 000 000 | Gross mass | DE-048-03 |
18 05 000 000 | Description of goods | DE-048-04 |
18 06 003 000 | Packaging, Type of packages | DE-048-10 |
18 06 004 000 | Packaging, Number of packages | DE-048-09 |
18 06 054 000 | Packaging, Shipping Marks | DE-048-08 |
18 07 055 000 | Dangerous goods, UN number | DE-049-03 |
18 08 000 000 | CUS code | DE-048-07 |
18 09 056 000 | Commodity code, Harmonized System sub-heading code | DE-048-05 |
18 09 057 000 | Commodity code, Combined nomenclature code | DE-048-06 |
19 01 000 000 | Container indicator | DE-047-15 |
19 03 000 000 | Mode of transport at the border | DE-014-03 |
19 07 063 000 | Transport equipment, Container identification number | DE-051-01 |
19 07 064 000 | Transport equipment, Container size and type identification | DE-051-13 |
19 07 065 000 | Transport equipment, Container packed status | DE-051-03 |
19 08 017 000 | Active border transport means, Identification number | DE-005-03 |
19 08 067 000 | Active border transport means, Type of means of transport | DE-005-16 |
19 09 017 000 | Passive border transport means, Identification number | DE-065-04 |
19 09 067 000 | Passive border transport means, Type of means of transport | DE-048-11 |
19 10 068 000 | Seal, Number of seals | DE-051-04 |
19 10 015 000 | Seal, Identifier | DE-051-05 |