Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2104 of 29 July 2022 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards marketing standards for olive oil, and repealing Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2568/91 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 29/2012
Modified by
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2598of 11 September 2023correcting the Slovenian language version of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2104 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards marketing standards for olive oil, 32023R2598, November 20, 2023
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2104of 29 July 2022supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards marketing standards for olive oil, and repealing Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2568/91 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 29/2012
Article 1ScopeThis Regulation lays down rules:(a)on the characteristics of the olive oils referred to in Part VIII, points 1 to 6, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(b)on specific marketing standards for the olive oils referred to in Part VIII, points 1(a) and (b) and points 3 and 6, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, when sold to the final consumer, presented in the natural state or in a foodstuff.
Article 2Categories of olive oil1.Olive oils which comply with the characteristics set out:(a)in point 1 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be extra virgin olive oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 1(a), of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(b)in point 2 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be virgin olive oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 1(b), of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(c)in point 3 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be lampante olive oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 1(c), of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(d)in point 4 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be refined olive oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 2, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(e)in point 5 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be olive oil composed of refined olive oils and virgin olive oils within the meaning of Part VIII, point 3, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(f)in point 6 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be crude olive-pomace oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 4, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(g)in point 7 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be refined olive-pomace oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 5, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(h)in point 8 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be olive-pomace oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 6, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.2.The characteristics of olive oils laid down in Annex I shall be determined in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105.
Article 3Blends and olive oil in other foodstuffs1.Only oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), may be part of blends of olive oil and other vegetable oils.2.Only oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), may be incorporated in other foodstuffs.3.Member States may prohibit the production on their territory of blends of olive oil and other vegetable oils referred to in paragraph 1 for internal consumption. However, they may not prohibit the marketing on their territory of such blends coming from other countries and they may not prohibit the production on their territory of such blends for marketing in another Member State or for exportation.
Article 4Packaging1.Oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), shall be presented to the final consumer in packaging of a maximum capacity of five litres. Such packaging shall be fitted with an opening system that can no longer be sealed after the first time it is opened and shall be labelled in accordance with this Regulation.2.In the case of oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), intended for consumption in restaurants, hospitals, canteens and other similar collective establishments, Member States may set a maximum capacity exceeding five litres for packaging, depending on the type of establishment concerned.
Article 5Labelling1.The labelling of particulars referred to in Articles 6 to 9 shall be mandatory.2.The legal name referred to in Article 6(1) and, where applicable, the place of origin referred to in Article 8(1), shall be grouped together within the principal field of vision, as defined in Article 2(2), point (l), of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011, either on the same label or on several labels attached to the same container, or directly on the same container. Those particulars shall be shown in full and in a homogeneous body of text.3.The labelling of particulars referred to in Articles 10, 11 and 12 shall be voluntary.
Article 6Legal name and labelling of category of oils1.The description of the oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), shall be considered as their legal name within the meaning of Article 2(2), point (n), of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011.2.The label of those oils shall bear, in clear and indelible marking, in addition to the description referred to in paragraph 1, but not necessarily close to it, the following information on the category of oil:(a)extra virgin olive oil:"superior category olive oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means";(b)virgin olive oil:"olive oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means";(c)olive oil composed of refined olive oils and virgin olive oils:"oil comprising exclusively olive oils that have undergone refining and oils obtained directly from olives";(d)olive-pomace oil:(i)"oil comprising exclusively oils obtained by treating the product obtained after the extraction of olive oil and oils obtained directly from olives"; or(ii)"oil comprising exclusively oils obtained by processing olive pomace and oils obtained directly from olives".
Article 7Special storage conditionsInformation on the special storage conditions for oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), namely that they must be stored away from light and heat, shall appear on their containers or on the labels attached to them.
Article 8Place of origin1.For extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil, referred to in Part VIII, points 1(a) and (b), of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the place of origin shall appear on the label.2.For the oils referred to in Part VIII, points 3 and 6, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, no place of origin shall be displayed on the label.3.The place of origin referred to in paragraph 1 shall only consist of:(a)in the case of olive oils originating, in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 7, from one Member State or third country, a reference to that Member State, the Union or the third country, as appropriate; or(b)in the case of blends of olive oils originating, in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 7, from more than one Member State or third country, one of the following indications, as appropriate:(i)"blend of olive oils of European Union origin" or a reference to the Union;(ii)"blend of olive oils not of European Union origin" or a reference to origin outside the Union;(iii)"blend of olive oils of European Union origin and not of European Union origin" or a reference to origin within the Union and outside the Union; or(c)a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012.4.The names of brands or firms whose registration was applied for by 31 December 1998 in accordance with Directive 89/104/EEC or by 31 May 2002 in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 shall not be considered as the place of origin covered by this Regulation.5.In the case of import from a third country, the place of origin shall be determined in accordance with Articles 59 to 63 of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013.6.The place of origin mentioning a Member State or the Union shall correspond to the geographical area in which the olives were harvested and in which the mill where the oil was extracted from the olives is situated.7.If the olives have been harvested in a Member State or third country other than that in which the mill where the oil was extracted from the olives is situated, the place of origin shall contain the following wording: "(extra) virgin olive oil obtained in (the Union or the name of the Member State or third country concerned) from olives harvested in (the Union or the name of the Member State or third country concerned)".
Article 9Packaging plant numberFor oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), the label shall, where applicable, bear the alphanumeric identification of the packaging plant approved in accordance with Article 6 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105.
Article 10Optional reserved termsThe following conditions shall apply for the use of optional reserved terms within the meaning of Annex IX to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, which may appear on the label of oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), of this Regulation:(a)the indication "first cold pressing" may appear only for extra virgin or virgin olive oils obtained at a temperature below 27 °C from a first mechanical pressing of the olive paste by a traditional extraction system using hydraulic presses;(b)the indication "cold extraction" may appear only for extra virgin or virgin olive oils obtained at a temperature below 27 °C by percolation or centrifugation of the olive paste;(c)indications of organoleptic characteristics referring to taste or smell may appear only for extra virgin and virgin olive oils. Only the organoleptic characteristics as defined in Annex IX to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 may appear on the label and only if they are based on an assessment carried out following the method referred to in Annex I, point 5, of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105. The definitions and ranges of results, which allow for indication of these organoleptic characteristics, are set out in Annex II to this Regulation;(d)the indication of the maximum acidity expected by the date of minimum durability referred to in Article 9(1), point (f), of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 may appear only if it is accompanied by an indication, in marking of the same size and in the same visual field, of the maximum values for peroxide, wax content and ultraviolet absorption, determined in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105, expected by the same date.
Article 11Indication of the harvesting year1.Only extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil, referred to in Part VIII, points 1(a) and (b), of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, may bear the indication of the harvesting year.2.The harvesting year may be shown only if 100 % of the contents of the container come from that harvest and shall be indicated on the label either in the form of the relevant marketing year in accordance with Article 6, point (f), of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 or in the form of the month and the year of the harvest, in that order. The month shall correspond to the month of the extraction of the oil from the olives.3.Member States may decide that the harvesting year referred to in paragraph 1 shall be indicated on the label of olive oils referred to in that paragraph, of their domestic production, obtained from olives harvested on their territory and intended for their national markets only.4.The decision referred to in paragraph 3 shall not prevent olive oils labelled prior to the date on which that decision takes effect from being marketed until the stocks are exhausted.5.Member States shall notify the Commission of the decision referred to in paragraph 3 in accordance with Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/1183.
Article 12Indication of the presence of olive oil outside the list of ingredients in blends and foodstuffs1.Where the presence of oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), in a blend with other vegetable oils is highlighted on the label elsewhere than in the list of ingredients, using words, images or graphics, the blend concerned shall bear the following trade description: "Blend of vegetable oils (or the specific names of the vegetable oils concerned) and olive oil", directly followed by the percentage of such oils in the blend.2.The presence of oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), may be highlighted by images or graphics on the label of a blend referred to in paragraph 1 only where it accounts for more than 50 % of the blend concerned.3.With the exception of solid foodstuffs preserved exclusively in olive oil, in particular the products referred to in Council Regulations (EEC) No 2136/89Council Regulation (EEC) No 2136/89 of 21 June 1989 laying down common marketing standards for preserved sardines (OJ L 212, 22.7.1989, p. 79). and (EEC) No 1536/92Council Regulation (EEC) No 1536/92 of 9 June 1992 laying down common marketing standards for preserved tuna and bonito (OJ L 163, 17.6.1992, p. 1)., and where the presence of oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), of this Regulation is stated on the label elsewhere than in the list of ingredients, using words, images or graphics, the name of the food shall be directly followed by the percentage of oil relative to the total net weight of the foodstuff.4.The percentage of added oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), relative to the total net weight of the foodstuff referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article may be replaced by the percentage of added oil relative to the total weight of fats, adding the words "percentage of fats".5.The descriptions referred to in Article 6(1) may be replaced by the words "olive oil" on the label of products referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article.However, where olive-pomace oil is present, the words "olive oil" shall be replaced by the words "olive-pomace oil".6.When other foodstuffs are added to oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), the resulting foodstuff shall not bear any of the legal names referred to in Article 6.
Article 13RepealsRegulation (EEC) No 2568/91 and Implementing Regulation (EU) No 29/2012 are repealed.References to the repealed Regulations shall be construed as references to this Regulation and to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105 and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex III to this Regulation.
Article 14Entry into forceThis Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX ICHARACTERISTICS OF OLIVE OILA.Quality characteristics
The median of the defects is defined as the median of the defect perceived with the greatest intensity.When the median of the bitter and/or pungent attribute is more than 5,0, the panel leader shall report this.The median of defect may be less than or equal to 3,5 when the fruity median is equal to 0,0.
CategoryAcidity(%)(*)Peroxide value(mEq O2/kg)K232K268 or K270ΔΚOrganoleptic characteristicsFatty acid ethyl esters(mg/kg)
Median of defect (Md)(*)Fruity median (Mf)
1.Extra virgin olive oil0,8020,02,500,220,01Md = 0,0Mf > 0,035
2.Virgin olive oil2,020,02,600,250,01Md ≤ 3,5Mf > 0,0
3.Lampante olive oil> 2,0Md > 3,5
4.Refined olive oil0,305,01,250,16
5.Olive oil composed of refined olive oil and virgin olive oils1,0015,01,150,15
6.Crude olive-pomace oil
7.Refined olive-pomace oil0,305,02,000,20
8.Olive-pomace oil1,0015,01,700,18
B.Purity characteristics
Other fatty acids content (%): palmitic: 7,00-20,00; palmitoleic: 0,30-3,50; heptadecanoic: ≤ 0,40; heptadecenoic ≤ 0,60; stearic: 0,50-5,00; oleic: 55,00-85,00; linoleic: 2,50-21,00.When the linolenic acid is more than 1,00 but less than or equal 1,40, the ratio apparent β-sitosterol/campesterol has to be greater than or equal to 24.Total isomers which could (or could not) be separated by capillary column.
CategoryFatty acid compositionTotal transoleic isomers(%)Total translinoleic + trans-linolenic isomers(%)Stigmastadienes(mg/kg)ΔΕCN422-glyceryl monopalmitate(%)
1.Extra virgin olive oil0,031,000,600,500,200,200,050,050,05≤ |0,20|0,9 if total palmitic acid % ≤ 14,00 %
1,0 if total palmitic acid % > 14,00 %
2.Virgin olive oil0,031,000,600,500,200,200,050,050,05≤ |0,20|0,9 if total palmitic acid % ≤ 14,00 %
1,0 if total palmitic acid % > 14,00 %
3.Lampante olive oil0,031,000,600,500,200,200,100,100,50≤ |0,30|0,9 if total palmitic acid % ≤ 14,00 %
1,1 if total palmitic acid % > 14,00 %
4.Refined olive oil0,031,000,600,500,200,200,200,30≤|0,30|0,9 if total palmitic acid % ≤ 14,00 %
1,1 if total palmitic acid% > 14,00 %
5.Olive oil composed of refined olive oil and virgin olive oils0,031,000,600,500,200,200,200,30≤ |0,30|0,9 if total palmitic acid% ≤ 14,00 %
1,0 if total palmitic acid% > 14,00 %
6.Crude olive-pomace oil0,031,000,600,500,300,200,200,10≤ |0,60|1,4
7.Refined olive-pomace oil0,031,000,600,500,300,200,400,35≤ |0,50|1,4
8.Olive-pomace oil0,031,000,600,500,300,200,400,35≤ |0,50|1,2
Table B continued
See the Appendix to this Annex.Apparent β-sitosterol: Δ-5,23-stigmastadienol+clerosterol+ β-sitosterol+sitostanol+ Δ-5-avenasterol+ Δ-5,24-stigmastadienol.Oils with a wax content of between 300 mg/kg and 350 mg/kg are considered to be lampante olive oil if the total aliphatic alcohol content is less than or equal to 350 mg/kg or if the erythrodiol and uvaol content is less than or equal to 3,5 %.Oils with an erythrodiol + uvaol content of between 4,5 and 6 % must have an erythrodiol content of less than or equal to 75 mg/kg.Oils with a wax content of between 300 mg/kg and 350 mg/kg are considered to be crude olive-pomace oil if the total aliphatic alcohol content is above 350 mg/kg and if the erythrodiol and uvaol content is greater than 3,5 %.
CategorySterols compositionTotal sterols(mg/kg)Erythrodiol and uvaol (%)(**)Waxes (mg/kg)(**)
Cholesterol (%)Brassicasterol (%)Campesterol (%)Stigmasterol (%)Apparent β–sito-sterol (%)Δ-7-stigma-stenol (%)
1.Extra virgin olive oil0,50,14,0< Camp.93,00,510004,5C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 150
2.Virgin olive oil0,50,14,0< Camp.93,00,510004,5C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 150
3.Lampante olive oil0,50,14,093,00,510004,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 300
4.Refined olive oil0,50,14,0< Camp.93,00,510004,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 350
5.Olive oil composed of refined olive oil and virgin olive oils0,50,14,0< Camp.93,00,510004,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 350
6.Crude olive-pomace oil0,50,24,093,00,52500> 4,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 > 350
7.Refined olive-pomace oil0,50,24,0< Camp.93,00,51800> 4,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 > 350
8.Olive-pomace oil0,50,24,0< Camp.93,00,51600> 4,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 > 350
Notes:(a)The results of the analyses must be expressed to the same number of decimal places as used for each characteristic. The last digit must be increased by one unit if the following digit is greater than 4.(b)If just a single characteristic does not match the values stated, the category of an oil shall be changed or the oil shall be declared non-compliant for the purposes of this Regulation.(c)For lampante olive oil, both quality characteristics marked with an asterisk (*) may differ simultaneously from the limits established for that category.(d)If a characteristic is marked with two asterisks (**), this means that for crude olive-pomace oil, it is possible for both the relevant limits to be different from the stated values at the same time. For olive-pomace oil and refined olive-pomace oil one of the relevant limits may be different from the stated values.
AppendixDecision treesCampesterol decision tree for virgin and extra virgin olive oils:02022R2104-20231210_en_img_1The other parameters shall comply with the limits fixed in this Regulation.Delta-7-stigmastenol decision tree for:Extra virgin and virgin olive oils02022R2104-20231210_en_img_2The other parameters shall comply with the limits fixed in this Regulation.Lampante olive oils02022R2104-20231210_en_img_3The other parameters shall comply with the limits fixed in this Regulation.Refined olive oils and olive oils composed of refined olive oils and virgin olive oils02022R2104-20231210_en_img_4The other parameters shall comply with the limits fixed in this Regulation.Crude olive-pomace oil, refined olive-pomace oil and olive-pomace oil02022R2104-20231210_en_img_5The other parameters shall comply with the limits fixed in this Regulation.ANNEX IIDefinitions of optional terminology on organoleptic characteristics for labelling purposesUpon request, the leader of the tasting panel established in accordance with Article 10 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105. may certify that the oils which have been assessed comply with the definitions and ranges corresponding solely to the following terms according to the intensity and perception of the attributes.Positive attributes (fruity, bitter and pungent) according to the intensity of perception:Robust, when the median of the attribute is more than 6,0.Medium, when the median of the attribute is more than 3,0 and less or equal to 6,0.Delicate, when the median of the attribute is less or equal to 3,0.Fruitiness: set of olfactory sensations characteristic of the oil which depends on the variety of olive and comes from sound, fresh olives in which neither green nor ripe fruitiness predominates. It is perceived directly and/or through the back of the nose.Green fruitiness: set of olfactory sensations characteristic of the oil which is reminiscent of green fruit, depends on the variety of olive and comes from green, sound, fresh olives. It is perceived directly and/or through the back of the nose.Ripe fruitiness: set of olfactory sensations characteristic of the oil which is reminiscent of ripe fruit, depends on the variety of olive and comes from sound, fresh olives. It is perceived directly and/or through the back of the nose.Well balanced oil: oil which does not display a lack of balance, by which is meant the olfactory-gustatory and tactile sensation where the median of the bitter attribute and the median of the pungent attribute are not more than 2,0 points above the median of the fruitiness.Mild oil: oil for which the median of the bitter and pungent attributes is 2,0 or less.
Terms subject to production of an organoleptic test certificateMedian of the attribute
Ripe fruitiness
Green fruitiness
Delicate fruitiness3,0
Medium fruitiness3,0 < Me ≤ 6,0
Robust fruitiness> 6,0
Delicate ripe fruitiness3,0
Medium ripe fruitiness3,0 < Me ≤ 6,0
Robust ripe fruitiness> 6,0
Delicate green fruitiness3,0
Medium green fruitiness3,0 < Me ≤ 6,0
Robust green fruitiness> 6,0
Delicate bitterness3,0
Medium bitterness3,0 < Me ≤ 6,0
Robust bitterness> 6,0
Delicate pungency3,0
Medium pungency3,0 < Me ≤ 6,0
Robust pungency> 6,0
Well balanced oilThe median of the bitter attribute and the median of the pungent attribute are not more than 2,0 points above the median of the fruitiness.
Mild oilThe median of the bitter attribute and the median of the pungent attribute are 2,0 or less.
ANNEX IIICorrelation Table
Implementing Regulation (EU) No 29/2012Regulation (EEC) No 2568/91This RegulationCommission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105
——————Article 1, point (a)
——————Article 1
——————Article 2(2)
Article 1(1)Article 1, point (b), and Article 1(2)
Article 1(2)Article 1, point (b)
Article 2, first paragraphArticle 4(1)
Article 2, second paragraphArticle 4(2)
Article 3, first paragraphArticle 6(1)
Article 3, second paragraph, points (a) to (d)Article 6(2), points (a) to (d)
Article 4(1), first subparagraphArticle 8(1)
Article 4(1), second subparagraphArticle 8(2)
Article 4(1), third subparagraph-
Article 4(2)Article 8(3)
Article 4(3)Article 8(4)
Article 4(4)Article 8(5)
Article 4(5), first subparagraphArticle 8(6)
Article 4(5), second subparagraphArticle 8(7)
Article 4aArticle 7
Article 4bArticle 5
Article 5, first paragraph, points (a) to (d)Article 10, points (a) to (d)
Article 5, first paragraph, point (e)Article 11(1) and (2)
Article 5, second paragraph-
Article 5a, first paragraphArticle 11(3)
Article 5a, second paragraphArticle 11(4)
Article 5a, third paragraphArticle 11(5)
Article 6(1), first subparagraphArticle 12(1)
Article 6(1), second subparagraphArticle 12(2)
Article 6(1), third subparagraphArticle 3(3)
Article 6(2), first subparagraphArticle 12(3)
Article 6(2), second subparagraphArticle 12(4)
Article 6(3)Article 12(5)
--Article 12(6)
Article 6(4)-
Article 7Article 5(2)
Article 8(1)Article 2(3)
Article 8(2)Article 4(3)
Article 8(3)Article 4(2)
Article 8(4)Article 4(3)
Article 8aArticles 2(1) and 4(1)
Article 9(1), first subparagraphArticle 13(1)
Article 9(1), second subparagraphArticle 13(2)
Article 9(1), third subparagraph——
Article 9(1), fourth subparagraph——
Article 9(1), fifth subparagraph——
Article 9(2),first subparagraphArticle 6(1)
Article 9(2), second subparagraph, points (a), (b) and (c)Article 6(2), points (a), (b) and (c)
Article 9(2), third subparagraphArticle 9
——-Article 6(3)
Article 10, first paragraph, introductory sentenceArticle 14
Article 10, first paragraph, points (a) to (d), and second paragraph——-
Article 10aArticle 14
Annex I-
Annex II-
Article 1(1)Article 2(1)(a) and 2(1)(b)
Article 1(2)Article 2(1)(c)
Article 1(3)Article 2(1)(d)
Article 1(4)Article 2(1)(e)
Article 1(5)Article 2(1)(f)
Article 1(6)Article 2(1)(g)
Article 1(7)Article 2(1)(h)
———-———Article 2(2)
———-———Article 3(1) and (2)
Article 2(1)Article 7
Article 2(1), point (a)Annex I, point 1
Article 2(1), point (b)Annex I, point 2
Article 2(1), point (c)——-
Article 2(1), point (d)——-
Article 2(1), point (e)Annex I, point 3
Article 2(1), point (f)Annex I, point 4
Article 2(1), point (g)Annex I, point 5
Article 2(1), point (h)——-
Article 2(1), point (i)Annex I, point 6
Article 2(1), point (j)Annex I, point 7
Article 2(1), point (k)Annex I, point 8
Article 2(1), point (l)Annex I, point 9
Article 2(1), point (m)Annex I, point 10
Article 2(2), first subparagraph and part of point 9.4 of Annex XIIArticle 10(1)
Article 2(2), second subparagraphArticle 11(1)
Article 2(2), third subparagraphArticle 11(2)
-Article 11(3)
part of point 9.4 of Annex XIIArticle 11(4)
Article 2(3), first subparagraphArticle 3(1)
Article 2(3), second subparagraphArticle 3(2)
Article 2(4), first subparagraphArticle 9(2)
Article 2(4), second subparagraphArticle 9(3)
Article 2(4), third subparagraphArticle 9(4)
Article 2(5)Article 9(5)
Article 2a(1)Article 3(1)
Article 2a(2)Article 3(3)
Article 2a(3)Article 3(4)
Article 2a(4), first subparagraphArticle 3(5)
Article 2a(4), second subparagraphArticle 3(2)
Article 2a(5)Article 9(1)
Article 3, first paragraphArticle 13(1)
Article 3, second paragraphArticle 3(6)
Article 4(1), first subparagraphArticle 10(1)
Article 4(1), second subparagraphArticle 10(2)
Article 4(1), third subparagraphArticle 10(3)
Article 4(2)Article 10(4)
Article 4(3)-
Article 6(1)Article 12(1)
Article 6(2)Article 12(2)
Article 7——
Article 7a, second paragraphArticle 2(2)
Article 8(1)-
Article 8(2)Article 14
Annex IAnnex I
Annex XII, point 3.3Annex II
Annex Ia, except for point 2.1Annex II
Annex Ia, point 2.1Article 9(6)
Annex IbAnnex III
Annex III——
Annex IV——
Annex VII——
Annex IX——
Annex X——
Annex XI——
Annex XII, except for point 3.3 and part of point 9.4——
Annex XVAnnex IV
Annex XVI——
Annex XVII——
Annex XVIII——
Annex XIX——
Annex XX——
Annex XXIAnnex V

Article 1ScopeThis Regulation lays down rules:(a)on the characteristics of the olive oils referred to in Part VIII, points 1 to 6, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(b)on specific marketing standards for the olive oils referred to in Part VIII, points 1(a) and (b) and points 3 and 6, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, when sold to the final consumer, presented in the natural state or in a foodstuff.
Article 2Categories of olive oil1.Olive oils which comply with the characteristics set out:(a)in point 1 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be extra virgin olive oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 1(a), of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(b)in point 2 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be virgin olive oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 1(b), of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(c)in point 3 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be lampante olive oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 1(c), of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(d)in point 4 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be refined olive oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 2, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(e)in point 5 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be olive oil composed of refined olive oils and virgin olive oils within the meaning of Part VIII, point 3, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(f)in point 6 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be crude olive-pomace oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 4, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(g)in point 7 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be refined olive-pomace oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 5, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;(h)in point 8 of Tables A and B of Annex I to this Regulation shall be deemed to be olive-pomace oil within the meaning of Part VIII, point 6, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.2.The characteristics of olive oils laid down in Annex I shall be determined in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105.
Article 3Blends and olive oil in other foodstuffs1.Only oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), may be part of blends of olive oil and other vegetable oils.2.Only oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), may be incorporated in other foodstuffs.3.Member States may prohibit the production on their territory of blends of olive oil and other vegetable oils referred to in paragraph 1 for internal consumption. However, they may not prohibit the marketing on their territory of such blends coming from other countries and they may not prohibit the production on their territory of such blends for marketing in another Member State or for exportation.
Article 4Packaging1.Oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), shall be presented to the final consumer in packaging of a maximum capacity of five litres. Such packaging shall be fitted with an opening system that can no longer be sealed after the first time it is opened and shall be labelled in accordance with this Regulation.2.In the case of oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), intended for consumption in restaurants, hospitals, canteens and other similar collective establishments, Member States may set a maximum capacity exceeding five litres for packaging, depending on the type of establishment concerned.
Article 5Labelling1.The labelling of particulars referred to in Articles 6 to 9 shall be mandatory.2.The legal name referred to in Article 6(1) and, where applicable, the place of origin referred to in Article 8(1), shall be grouped together within the principal field of vision, as defined in Article 2(2), point (l), of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011, either on the same label or on several labels attached to the same container, or directly on the same container. Those particulars shall be shown in full and in a homogeneous body of text.3.The labelling of particulars referred to in Articles 10, 11 and 12 shall be voluntary.
Article 6Legal name and labelling of category of oils1.The description of the oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), shall be considered as their legal name within the meaning of Article 2(2), point (n), of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011.2.The label of those oils shall bear, in clear and indelible marking, in addition to the description referred to in paragraph 1, but not necessarily close to it, the following information on the category of oil:(a)extra virgin olive oil:"superior category olive oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means";(b)virgin olive oil:"olive oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means";(c)olive oil composed of refined olive oils and virgin olive oils:"oil comprising exclusively olive oils that have undergone refining and oils obtained directly from olives";(d)olive-pomace oil:(i)"oil comprising exclusively oils obtained by treating the product obtained after the extraction of olive oil and oils obtained directly from olives"; or(ii)"oil comprising exclusively oils obtained by processing olive pomace and oils obtained directly from olives".
Article 7Special storage conditionsInformation on the special storage conditions for oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), namely that they must be stored away from light and heat, shall appear on their containers or on the labels attached to them.
Article 8Place of origin1.For extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil, referred to in Part VIII, points 1(a) and (b), of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the place of origin shall appear on the label.2.For the oils referred to in Part VIII, points 3 and 6, of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, no place of origin shall be displayed on the label.3.The place of origin referred to in paragraph 1 shall only consist of:(a)in the case of olive oils originating, in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 7, from one Member State or third country, a reference to that Member State, the Union or the third country, as appropriate; or(b)in the case of blends of olive oils originating, in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 7, from more than one Member State or third country, one of the following indications, as appropriate:(i)"blend of olive oils of European Union origin" or a reference to the Union;(ii)"blend of olive oils not of European Union origin" or a reference to origin outside the Union;(iii)"blend of olive oils of European Union origin and not of European Union origin" or a reference to origin within the Union and outside the Union; or(c)a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012.4.The names of brands or firms whose registration was applied for by 31 December 1998 in accordance with Directive 89/104/EEC or by 31 May 2002 in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 shall not be considered as the place of origin covered by this Regulation.5.In the case of import from a third country, the place of origin shall be determined in accordance with Articles 59 to 63 of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013.6.The place of origin mentioning a Member State or the Union shall correspond to the geographical area in which the olives were harvested and in which the mill where the oil was extracted from the olives is situated.7.If the olives have been harvested in a Member State or third country other than that in which the mill where the oil was extracted from the olives is situated, the place of origin shall contain the following wording: "(extra) virgin olive oil obtained in (the Union or the name of the Member State or third country concerned) from olives harvested in (the Union or the name of the Member State or third country concerned)".
Article 9Packaging plant numberFor oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), the label shall, where applicable, bear the alphanumeric identification of the packaging plant approved in accordance with Article 6 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105.
Article 10Optional reserved termsThe following conditions shall apply for the use of optional reserved terms within the meaning of Annex IX to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, which may appear on the label of oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), of this Regulation:(a)the indication "first cold pressing" may appear only for extra virgin or virgin olive oils obtained at a temperature below 27 °C from a first mechanical pressing of the olive paste by a traditional extraction system using hydraulic presses;(b)the indication "cold extraction" may appear only for extra virgin or virgin olive oils obtained at a temperature below 27 °C by percolation or centrifugation of the olive paste;(c)indications of organoleptic characteristics referring to taste or smell may appear only for extra virgin and virgin olive oils. Only the organoleptic characteristics as defined in Annex IX to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 may appear on the label and only if they are based on an assessment carried out following the method referred to in Annex I, point 5, of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105. The definitions and ranges of results, which allow for indication of these organoleptic characteristics, are set out in Annex II to this Regulation;(d)the indication of the maximum acidity expected by the date of minimum durability referred to in Article 9(1), point (f), of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 may appear only if it is accompanied by an indication, in marking of the same size and in the same visual field, of the maximum values for peroxide, wax content and ultraviolet absorption, determined in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105, expected by the same date.
Article 11Indication of the harvesting year1.Only extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil, referred to in Part VIII, points 1(a) and (b), of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, may bear the indication of the harvesting year.2.The harvesting year may be shown only if 100 % of the contents of the container come from that harvest and shall be indicated on the label either in the form of the relevant marketing year in accordance with Article 6, point (f), of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 or in the form of the month and the year of the harvest, in that order. The month shall correspond to the month of the extraction of the oil from the olives.3.Member States may decide that the harvesting year referred to in paragraph 1 shall be indicated on the label of olive oils referred to in that paragraph, of their domestic production, obtained from olives harvested on their territory and intended for their national markets only.4.The decision referred to in paragraph 3 shall not prevent olive oils labelled prior to the date on which that decision takes effect from being marketed until the stocks are exhausted.5.Member States shall notify the Commission of the decision referred to in paragraph 3 in accordance with Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/1183.
Article 12Indication of the presence of olive oil outside the list of ingredients in blends and foodstuffs1.Where the presence of oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), in a blend with other vegetable oils is highlighted on the label elsewhere than in the list of ingredients, using words, images or graphics, the blend concerned shall bear the following trade description: "Blend of vegetable oils (or the specific names of the vegetable oils concerned) and olive oil", directly followed by the percentage of such oils in the blend.2.The presence of oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), may be highlighted by images or graphics on the label of a blend referred to in paragraph 1 only where it accounts for more than 50 % of the blend concerned.3.With the exception of solid foodstuffs preserved exclusively in olive oil, in particular the products referred to in Council Regulations (EEC) No 2136/89Council Regulation (EEC) No 2136/89 of 21 June 1989 laying down common marketing standards for preserved sardines (OJ L 212, 22.7.1989, p. 79). and (EEC) No 1536/92Council Regulation (EEC) No 1536/92 of 9 June 1992 laying down common marketing standards for preserved tuna and bonito (OJ L 163, 17.6.1992, p. 1)., and where the presence of oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), of this Regulation is stated on the label elsewhere than in the list of ingredients, using words, images or graphics, the name of the food shall be directly followed by the percentage of oil relative to the total net weight of the foodstuff.4.The percentage of added oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), relative to the total net weight of the foodstuff referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article may be replaced by the percentage of added oil relative to the total weight of fats, adding the words "percentage of fats".5.The descriptions referred to in Article 6(1) may be replaced by the words "olive oil" on the label of products referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article.However, where olive-pomace oil is present, the words "olive oil" shall be replaced by the words "olive-pomace oil".6.When other foodstuffs are added to oils referred to in Article 1, point (b), the resulting foodstuff shall not bear any of the legal names referred to in Article 6.
Article 13RepealsRegulation (EEC) No 2568/91 and Implementing Regulation (EU) No 29/2012 are repealed.References to the repealed Regulations shall be construed as references to this Regulation and to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105 and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex III to this Regulation.
Article 14Entry into forceThis Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX ICHARACTERISTICS OF OLIVE OILA.Quality characteristics
The median of the defects is defined as the median of the defect perceived with the greatest intensity.When the median of the bitter and/or pungent attribute is more than 5,0, the panel leader shall report this.The median of defect may be less than or equal to 3,5 when the fruity median is equal to 0,0.
CategoryAcidity(%)(*)Peroxide value(mEq O2/kg)K232K268 or K270ΔΚOrganoleptic characteristicsFatty acid ethyl esters(mg/kg)
Median of defect (Md)(*)Fruity median (Mf)
1.Extra virgin olive oil0,8020,02,500,220,01Md = 0,0Mf > 0,035
2.Virgin olive oil2,020,02,600,250,01Md ≤ 3,5Mf > 0,0
3.Lampante olive oil> 2,0Md > 3,5
4.Refined olive oil0,305,01,250,16
5.Olive oil composed of refined olive oil and virgin olive oils1,0015,01,150,15
6.Crude olive-pomace oil
7.Refined olive-pomace oil0,305,02,000,20
8.Olive-pomace oil1,0015,01,700,18
B.Purity characteristics
Other fatty acids content (%): palmitic: 7,00-20,00; palmitoleic: 0,30-3,50; heptadecanoic: ≤ 0,40; heptadecenoic ≤ 0,60; stearic: 0,50-5,00; oleic: 55,00-85,00; linoleic: 2,50-21,00.When the linolenic acid is more than 1,00 but less than or equal 1,40, the ratio apparent β-sitosterol/campesterol has to be greater than or equal to 24.Total isomers which could (or could not) be separated by capillary column.
CategoryFatty acid compositionTotal transoleic isomers(%)Total translinoleic + trans-linolenic isomers(%)Stigmastadienes(mg/kg)ΔΕCN422-glyceryl monopalmitate(%)
1.Extra virgin olive oil0,031,000,600,500,200,200,050,050,05≤ |0,20|0,9 if total palmitic acid % ≤ 14,00 %
1,0 if total palmitic acid % > 14,00 %
2.Virgin olive oil0,031,000,600,500,200,200,050,050,05≤ |0,20|0,9 if total palmitic acid % ≤ 14,00 %
1,0 if total palmitic acid % > 14,00 %
3.Lampante olive oil0,031,000,600,500,200,200,100,100,50≤ |0,30|0,9 if total palmitic acid % ≤ 14,00 %
1,1 if total palmitic acid % > 14,00 %
4.Refined olive oil0,031,000,600,500,200,200,200,30≤|0,30|0,9 if total palmitic acid % ≤ 14,00 %
1,1 if total palmitic acid% > 14,00 %
5.Olive oil composed of refined olive oil and virgin olive oils0,031,000,600,500,200,200,200,30≤ |0,30|0,9 if total palmitic acid% ≤ 14,00 %
1,0 if total palmitic acid% > 14,00 %
6.Crude olive-pomace oil0,031,000,600,500,300,200,200,10≤ |0,60|1,4
7.Refined olive-pomace oil0,031,000,600,500,300,200,400,35≤ |0,50|1,4
8.Olive-pomace oil0,031,000,600,500,300,200,400,35≤ |0,50|1,2
Table B continued
See the Appendix to this Annex.Apparent β-sitosterol: Δ-5,23-stigmastadienol+clerosterol+ β-sitosterol+sitostanol+ Δ-5-avenasterol+ Δ-5,24-stigmastadienol.Oils with a wax content of between 300 mg/kg and 350 mg/kg are considered to be lampante olive oil if the total aliphatic alcohol content is less than or equal to 350 mg/kg or if the erythrodiol and uvaol content is less than or equal to 3,5 %.Oils with an erythrodiol + uvaol content of between 4,5 and 6 % must have an erythrodiol content of less than or equal to 75 mg/kg.Oils with a wax content of between 300 mg/kg and 350 mg/kg are considered to be crude olive-pomace oil if the total aliphatic alcohol content is above 350 mg/kg and if the erythrodiol and uvaol content is greater than 3,5 %.
CategorySterols compositionTotal sterols(mg/kg)Erythrodiol and uvaol (%)(**)Waxes (mg/kg)(**)
Cholesterol (%)Brassicasterol (%)Campesterol (%)Stigmasterol (%)Apparent β–sito-sterol (%)Δ-7-stigma-stenol (%)
1.Extra virgin olive oil0,50,14,0< Camp.93,00,510004,5C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 150
2.Virgin olive oil0,50,14,0< Camp.93,00,510004,5C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 150
3.Lampante olive oil0,50,14,093,00,510004,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 300
4.Refined olive oil0,50,14,0< Camp.93,00,510004,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 350
5.Olive oil composed of refined olive oil and virgin olive oils0,50,14,0< Camp.93,00,510004,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 350
6.Crude olive-pomace oil0,50,24,093,00,52500> 4,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 > 350
7.Refined olive-pomace oil0,50,24,0< Camp.93,00,51800> 4,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 > 350
8.Olive-pomace oil0,50,24,0< Camp.93,00,51600> 4,5C40 + C42 + C44 + C46 > 350
Notes:(a)The results of the analyses must be expressed to the same number of decimal places as used for each characteristic. The last digit must be increased by one unit if the following digit is greater than 4.(b)If just a single characteristic does not match the values stated, the category of an oil shall be changed or the oil shall be declared non-compliant for the purposes of this Regulation.(c)For lampante olive oil, both quality characteristics marked with an asterisk (*) may differ simultaneously from the limits established for that category.(d)If a characteristic is marked with two asterisks (**), this means that for crude olive-pomace oil, it is possible for both the relevant limits to be different from the stated values at the same time. For olive-pomace oil and refined olive-pomace oil one of the relevant limits may be different from the stated values.
AppendixDecision treesCampesterol decision tree for virgin and extra virgin olive oils:02022R2104-20231210_en_img_1The other parameters shall comply with the limits fixed in this Regulation.Delta-7-stigmastenol decision tree for:Extra virgin and virgin olive oils02022R2104-20231210_en_img_2The other parameters shall comply with the limits fixed in this Regulation.Lampante olive oils02022R2104-20231210_en_img_3The other parameters shall comply with the limits fixed in this Regulation.Refined olive oils and olive oils composed of refined olive oils and virgin olive oils02022R2104-20231210_en_img_4The other parameters shall comply with the limits fixed in this Regulation.Crude olive-pomace oil, refined olive-pomace oil and olive-pomace oil02022R2104-20231210_en_img_5The other parameters shall comply with the limits fixed in this Regulation.ANNEX IIDefinitions of optional terminology on organoleptic characteristics for labelling purposesUpon request, the leader of the tasting panel established in accordance with Article 10 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105. may certify that the oils which have been assessed comply with the definitions and ranges corresponding solely to the following terms according to the intensity and perception of the attributes.Positive attributes (fruity, bitter and pungent) according to the intensity of perception:Robust, when the median of the attribute is more than 6,0.Medium, when the median of the attribute is more than 3,0 and less or equal to 6,0.Delicate, when the median of the attribute is less or equal to 3,0.Fruitiness: set of olfactory sensations characteristic of the oil which depends on the variety of olive and comes from sound, fresh olives in which neither green nor ripe fruitiness predominates. It is perceived directly and/or through the back of the nose.Green fruitiness: set of olfactory sensations characteristic of the oil which is reminiscent of green fruit, depends on the variety of olive and comes from green, sound, fresh olives. It is perceived directly and/or through the back of the nose.Ripe fruitiness: set of olfactory sensations characteristic of the oil which is reminiscent of ripe fruit, depends on the variety of olive and comes from sound, fresh olives. It is perceived directly and/or through the back of the nose.Well balanced oil: oil which does not display a lack of balance, by which is meant the olfactory-gustatory and tactile sensation where the median of the bitter attribute and the median of the pungent attribute are not more than 2,0 points above the median of the fruitiness.Mild oil: oil for which the median of the bitter and pungent attributes is 2,0 or less.
Terms subject to production of an organoleptic test certificateMedian of the attribute
Ripe fruitiness
Green fruitiness
Delicate fruitiness3,0
Medium fruitiness3,0 < Me ≤ 6,0
Robust fruitiness> 6,0
Delicate ripe fruitiness3,0
Medium ripe fruitiness3,0 < Me ≤ 6,0
Robust ripe fruitiness> 6,0
Delicate green fruitiness3,0
Medium green fruitiness3,0 < Me ≤ 6,0
Robust green fruitiness> 6,0
Delicate bitterness3,0
Medium bitterness3,0 < Me ≤ 6,0
Robust bitterness> 6,0
Delicate pungency3,0
Medium pungency3,0 < Me ≤ 6,0
Robust pungency> 6,0
Well balanced oilThe median of the bitter attribute and the median of the pungent attribute are not more than 2,0 points above the median of the fruitiness.
Mild oilThe median of the bitter attribute and the median of the pungent attribute are 2,0 or less.
ANNEX IIICorrelation Table
Implementing Regulation (EU) No 29/2012Regulation (EEC) No 2568/91This RegulationCommission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2105
——————Article 1, point (a)
——————Article 1
——————Article 2(2)
Article 1(1)Article 1, point (b), and Article 1(2)
Article 1(2)Article 1, point (b)
Article 2, first paragraphArticle 4(1)
Article 2, second paragraphArticle 4(2)
Article 3, first paragraphArticle 6(1)
Article 3, second paragraph, points (a) to (d)Article 6(2), points (a) to (d)
Article 4(1), first subparagraphArticle 8(1)
Article 4(1), second subparagraphArticle 8(2)
Article 4(1), third subparagraph-
Article 4(2)Article 8(3)
Article 4(3)Article 8(4)
Article 4(4)Article 8(5)
Article 4(5), first subparagraphArticle 8(6)
Article 4(5), second subparagraphArticle 8(7)
Article 4aArticle 7
Article 4bArticle 5
Article 5, first paragraph, points (a) to (d)Article 10, points (a) to (d)
Article 5, first paragraph, point (e)Article 11(1) and (2)
Article 5, second paragraph-
Article 5a, first paragraphArticle 11(3)
Article 5a, second paragraphArticle 11(4)
Article 5a, third paragraphArticle 11(5)
Article 6(1), first subparagraphArticle 12(1)
Article 6(1), second subparagraphArticle 12(2)
Article 6(1), third subparagraphArticle 3(3)
Article 6(2), first subparagraphArticle 12(3)
Article 6(2), second subparagraphArticle 12(4)
Article 6(3)Article 12(5)
--Article 12(6)
Article 6(4)-
Article 7Article 5(2)
Article 8(1)Article 2(3)
Article 8(2)Article 4(3)
Article 8(3)Article 4(2)
Article 8(4)Article 4(3)
Article 8aArticles 2(1) and 4(1)
Article 9(1), first subparagraphArticle 13(1)
Article 9(1), second subparagraphArticle 13(2)
Article 9(1), third subparagraph——
Article 9(1), fourth subparagraph——
Article 9(1), fifth subparagraph——
Article 9(2),first subparagraphArticle 6(1)
Article 9(2), second subparagraph, points (a), (b) and (c)Article 6(2), points (a), (b) and (c)
Article 9(2), third subparagraphArticle 9
——-Article 6(3)
Article 10, first paragraph, introductory sentenceArticle 14
Article 10, first paragraph, points (a) to (d), and second paragraph——-
Article 10aArticle 14
Annex I-
Annex II-
Article 1(1)Article 2(1)(a) and 2(1)(b)
Article 1(2)Article 2(1)(c)
Article 1(3)Article 2(1)(d)
Article 1(4)Article 2(1)(e)
Article 1(5)Article 2(1)(f)
Article 1(6)Article 2(1)(g)
Article 1(7)Article 2(1)(h)
———-———Article 2(2)
———-———Article 3(1) and (2)
Article 2(1)Article 7
Article 2(1), point (a)Annex I, point 1
Article 2(1), point (b)Annex I, point 2
Article 2(1), point (c)——-
Article 2(1), point (d)——-
Article 2(1), point (e)Annex I, point 3
Article 2(1), point (f)Annex I, point 4
Article 2(1), point (g)Annex I, point 5
Article 2(1), point (h)——-
Article 2(1), point (i)Annex I, point 6
Article 2(1), point (j)Annex I, point 7
Article 2(1), point (k)Annex I, point 8
Article 2(1), point (l)Annex I, point 9
Article 2(1), point (m)Annex I, point 10
Article 2(2), first subparagraph and part of point 9.4 of Annex XIIArticle 10(1)
Article 2(2), second subparagraphArticle 11(1)
Article 2(2), third subparagraphArticle 11(2)
-Article 11(3)
part of point 9.4 of Annex XIIArticle 11(4)
Article 2(3), first subparagraphArticle 3(1)
Article 2(3), second subparagraphArticle 3(2)
Article 2(4), first subparagraphArticle 9(2)
Article 2(4), second subparagraphArticle 9(3)
Article 2(4), third subparagraphArticle 9(4)
Article 2(5)Article 9(5)
Article 2a(1)Article 3(1)
Article 2a(2)Article 3(3)
Article 2a(3)Article 3(4)
Article 2a(4), first subparagraphArticle 3(5)
Article 2a(4), second subparagraphArticle 3(2)
Article 2a(5)Article 9(1)
Article 3, first paragraphArticle 13(1)
Article 3, second paragraphArticle 3(6)
Article 4(1), first subparagraphArticle 10(1)
Article 4(1), second subparagraphArticle 10(2)
Article 4(1), third subparagraphArticle 10(3)
Article 4(2)Article 10(4)
Article 4(3)-
Article 6(1)Article 12(1)
Article 6(2)Article 12(2)
Article 7——
Article 7a, second paragraphArticle 2(2)
Article 8(1)-
Article 8(2)Article 14
Annex IAnnex I
Annex XII, point 3.3Annex II
Annex Ia, except for point 2.1Annex II
Annex Ia, point 2.1Article 9(6)
Annex IbAnnex III
Annex III——
Annex IV——
Annex VII——
Annex IX——
Annex X——
Annex XI——
Annex XII, except for point 3.3 and part of point 9.4——
Annex XVAnnex IV
Annex XVI——
Annex XVII——
Annex XVIII——
Annex XIX——
Annex XX——
Annex XXIAnnex V