Mem-ber State | Species code | Area code | Species name | Area name | Initial quota 2021 (in kilo grams) | Permitted landings 2021 (Total adapted quantity in kilo grams) | Total catches 2021 (quantity in kilo grams) | Quota con-sumption related to permitted landings (in %) | Overfishing related to permitted landing (quantity in kilograms) | Multi-plying factor | Addit-ional Multi-plying factor, | Out-standing deductions from previous year(s) (quantity in kilo grams) | Deductions from fishing quotas for 2022 and subsequent years (quantity in kilo grams) | Deductions from 2022 fishing quotas for the overfished stocks (quantity in kilo grams) | Deductions from 2022 fishing quotas for alternative stocks (quantity in kilo grams) | To be deducted from fishing quotas for 2023 and subsequent year(s) (quantity in kilo grams) |
CYP | SWO | MED | Swordfish | Mediterranean Sea | 52230 | 52230 | 55703 | 106,65 % | 3473 | / | C | / | 3473 | 3473 | / | / |
DEU | HER | 4AB. | Herring | United Kingdom, Union and Norwegian waters of 4 north of 53°30' N | 33852000 | 17152318 | 18844967 | 109,87 % | 1692649 | / | A | / | 1692649 | 1692649 | / | / |
DNK | COD | 03AN. | Cod | Skagerrak | 1515000 | 1556000 | 1598949 | 102,76 % | 42949 | / | C | / | 42949 | 42949 | / | / |
DNK | HER | 4AB. | Herring | United Kingdom, Union and Norwegian waters of 4 north of 53°30' N | 49993000 | 49711223 | 51805988 | 104,21 % | 2094765 | / | / | / | 2094765 | 2094765 | / | / |
ESP | COD | 1/2B. | Cod | 1 and 2b | 11331000 | 8580172 | 8604667 | 100,29 % | 24495 | / | A | / | 24495 | 24495 | / | / |
ESP | GHL | 1N2AB. | Greenland halibut | Norwegian waters of 1 and 2 | / | 6000 | 43778 | 729,63 % | 37778 | 1,00 | A | / | 56667 | / | 56667 | / |
ESP | HAD | 1N2AB. | Haddock | Norwegian waters of 1 and 2 | / | 0 | 19059 | N/A | 19059 | 1,00 | / | / | 19059 | / | 19059 | / |
ESP | OTH | 1N2AB. | Other species | Norwegian waters of 1 and 2 | / | 0 | 27571 | N/A | 27571 | 1,00 | A | / | 41357 | / | 41357 | / |
EST | GHL | N3LMNO | Greenland halibut | NAFO 3LMNO | 331000 | 502500 | 515085 | 102,50 % | 12585 | / | / | / | 12585 | 12585 | / | / |
FRA | RED | 51214S | Redfishes | Union and international waters of 5; international waters of 12 and 14 | 0 | 0 | 3516 | N/A | 3516 | 1,00 | / | / | 3516 | / | 3516 | / |
FRA | WHM | ATLANT | White Marlin | Atlantic Ocean | 1000 | 1000 | 2972 | 297,20 % | 1972 | 1,00 | C | / | 2958 | 2958 | / | / |
GRC | BFT | AE45WM | Bluefin tuna | Atlantic Ocean, east of 45° W, and Mediterranean | 314030 | 314030 | 322640 | 102,74 % | 8610 | / | C | / | 8610 | 8610 | / | / |
IRL | HER | 6AS7BC | Herring | 6aS, 7b, 7c | 1236000 | 1513457 | 1605894 | 106,11 % | 92437 | / | / | / | 92437 | 92437 | / | / |
IRL | RJC | 07D. | Thornback ray | 7d | / | 0 | 1741 | N/A | 1741 | 1,00 | / | / | 1741 | 1741 | / | / |
LTU | HER | 4AB. | Herring | United Kingdom, Union and Norwegian waters of 4 north of 53°30' N | / | 452600 | 466192 | 103,00 % | 13592 | / | / | / | 13592 | / | 13592 | / |
LVA | SPR | 3BCD-C | Sprat | Union waters of subdivisions 22-32 | 30845000 | 28709205 | 29084587 | 101,31 % | 375382 | / | C | / | 375382 | 375382 | / | / |
NLD | HER | 4AB. | Herring | United Kingdom, Union and Norwegian waters of 4 north of 53°30' N | 46381000 | 45488813 | 46533481 | 102,30 % | 1044668 | / | / | / | 1044668 | 1044668 | / | / |
POL | MAC | 2A34. | Mackerel | United Kingdom and Union waters of 2a, 3 and 4 | / | 0 | 63850 | N/A | 63850 | 1,00 | / | / | 63850 | / | 63850 | / |
PRT | ALF | 3X14- | Alfonsinos | Union and international waters of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14 | 145000 | 136677 | 139363 | 101,97 % | 2686 | / | / | / | 2686 | 2686 | / | / |
PRT | ANE | 9/3411 | Anchovy | 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1 | 7829000 | 8752733 | 10863270 | 124,11 % | 2110537 | 1,40 | / | / | 2954752 | 1477376 | / | 1477376 |
PRT | ANF | 8C3411 | Anglerfishes | 8c, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1 | 584000 | 648238 | 657235 | 101,39 % | 8997 | / | C | / | 8997 | 8997 | / | / |
PRT | BFT | AE45WM | Bluefin tuna | Atlantic Ocean, east of 45° W, and Mediterranean | 572970 | 572970 | 583215 | 101,79 % | 10245 | / | C | / | 10245 | 10245 | / | / |
PRT | HKE | 8C3411 | Hake | 8c, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1 | 2483000 | 2093417 | 2207568 | 105,45 % | 114151 | / | C | / | 114151 | 114151 | / | / |
SWE | HER | 03A. | Herring | 3a | 9498000 | 13085112 | 13223209 | 101,06 % | 138097 | / | / | / | 138097 | 138097 | / | / |