Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1475 of 6 September 2022 laying down detailed rules for implementation of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plans and the provision of information for monitoring and evaluation
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- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2157of 17 October 2023amending and correcting Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1475 as regards the description of the budget code structure and the type and format of information to be provided for monitoring and evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plans, 32023R2157, October 18, 2023
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/1962of 18 July 2024amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2289 as regards the presentation of the content of the CAP Strategic Plans regarding GAEC standards 7 and 8 and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1475 as regards the provision of certain data for monitoring and evaluation by Member States, 32024R1962, July 19, 2024
(a) Member States shall plan the evaluations of the specific objectives referred to in Article 6(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 which are addressed in their CAP Strategic Plans, in accordance with the CAP Strategic Plan’s intervention logic, by objective or by comprehensive evaluations covering several objectives, or provide a justification of why a specific objective has not been evaluated during the implementing period; (b) Member States shall assess their CAP Strategic Plans using the relevant evaluation criteria and assess the impacts of their CAP Strategic Plans taking into account the scope, the type and the uptake of the CAP Strategic Plan’s interventions; (c) where relevant, Member States shall take into account the territorial scope of interventions, particularly for those interventions not implemented at national level, but at regional or local level; (d) where relevant, based on Member States’ evaluation needs and taking into account the CAP Strategic Plan’s intervention logic and implementation, Member States shall assess also specific interventions or topics of the CAP Strategic Plans, such as the environmental and climate architecture referred to in Article 109(2), point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115, added value of LEADER as defined in Article 3, point (15), of that Regulation, CAP networks referred to in Article 126 of that Regulation or the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) defined in Article 3, point (9), of that Regulation; (e) Member States shall carry out evaluations in time to be able to prepare the subsequent CAP Strategic Plan’s period. Where relevant, Member States shall use also data of the previous programming period.
(a) disaggregated data on interventions and beneficiaries; (b) the ratio of permanent grassland established each year pursuant to Article 48(2) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/126 ;Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/126 of 7 December 2021 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council with additional requirements for certain types of intervention specified by Member States in their CAP Strategic Plans for the period 2023 to 2027 under that Regulation as well as rules on the ratio for the good agricultural and environmental condition (GAEC) standard 1 (OJ L 20, 31.1.2022, p. 52 ).(ba) data on temporary derogations granted by Member States pursuant to Article 13(2a) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (c) data on interventions in certain sectors, referred to in Title III, Chapter III, of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (d) data on EIP operational groups referred to in Article 127(3) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (e) data on LAGs and their activities for LEADER as defined in Article 3, point (15), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115.
(a) the GAEC standard and requirement concerned by the temporary derogation; (b) the reasons for the temporary derogation; (c) the change to the on farm practice granted by the temporary derogation; (d) the territorial scope of the temporary derogation; (e) the area covered by the temporary derogation (in hectares); (f) the number of farmers and other beneficiaries concerned by the temporary derogation; (g) the types of farmers and other beneficiaries covered by the temporary derogation; (h) the duration of the temporary derogation.
(a) 15 June of the year N in relation to data of the calendar year N-1 referred to in points 1, 2(a) and (c), and 3 to 7 of Annex V; (b) 31 January of the year N in relation to data of the calendar year N referred to in point 2(b) of Annex V; (c) 15 June of the year N in relation to data of the financial year N-1 referred to in points 8 to 10 of Annex V.
(a) Member States shall report every 2 years the data referred to in points 5 and 6 of Annex V; (b) data referred to in point 5 of Annex V shall cover the calendar year preceding the year of reporting; (c) data referred to in point 6 of Annex V shall cover the two calendar years preceding the year of reporting; (d) the first year of reporting shall be 2023 for data referred to in points 4, 5 and 6 of Annex V and 2024 for point 9 of that Annex. In 2023, the data referred to in points 5 and 6 of Annex V may be reported by 15 September.
(a) by 30 April 2026 in relation to operations paid in the financial years from 2023 to 2025, cumulatively; and(b) by 30 April 2030 in relation to operations paid in the financial years from 2023 to 2029, cumulatively.
Objective | Key elements to assess | Recommended factors of success |
Agricultural income level in farms supported is increasing or, at least, is stable and disparities between farms and to other economic sectors are decreasing, taking into account general economy trends. | ||
Income support is distributed to farmers most in need. | ||
Agri-food trade is increasing. | ||
Productivity in farms supported is increasing. | ||
Resilience of agriculture to climate change is increasing. | ||
Number of young and new farmers are increasing. | ||
Number of rural business are increasing. | ||
Local services and infrastructures are improving. | ||
(a) evaluations to assess the contribution of the CAP Strategic Plans to the CAP objectives, to be carried out during the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan; (b) where relevant, the evaluations to assess specific topics referred to in Article 2, point (d); (c) support studies and other research and analytical activities for evaluations.
Indicator code | Indicator name |
Reducing income disparities: Evolution of agricultural income compared to the general economy | |
Reducing farm income variability: Evolution of agricultural income | |
Supporting viable farm income: Evolution of agricultural income level by type of farming (compared to the average in agriculture) | |
Contributing to territorial balance: Evolution of agricultural income in areas with natural constraints (compared to the average) | |
Contributing to climate change mitigation: Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture | |
Increasing sustainable energy in agriculture: Sustainable production of renewable energy from agriculture and forestry | |
Improving air quality: Ammonia emissions from agriculture | |
Improving water quality: Gross nutrient balance on agricultural land | |
A fairer CAP: Distribution of CAP support |
(a) the value of the output generated by an intervention shall be reported under the relevant monitoring variables set out in point 2 of this Annex; (b) the value of the output generated by an intervention shall also be reported under the result variables, set out in point 3 of this Annex, for the result indicators set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 selected by Member States in their CAP Strategic Plan ("relevant result indicators"); (c) the value of the output contributing to the calculation of the numerator of the result indicators shall be reported in full from the first payment (excluding advances referred to in Article 32(4), point (a), Article 32(5) and Article 44(3) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2116).
(a) monitoring variables to report administrative information (M010 to M040): (i) M010: paying agency code This field provides the unique code of the paying agency. It corresponds to the dedicated department or body of a Member State responsible for the management and control of expenditure from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD); (ii) M020: unique code for aid application or payment claim for an intervention This field provides a unique code per aid application for the interventions covered by the integrated system and payment claim for the other interventions; (iii) M030: unique beneficiary identifier This field provides a unique beneficiary identifier for all CAP beneficiaries, which is allocated to each applicant at Member State level. The unique beneficiary identifier shall not contain any personal information. The identifier remains unchanged over years; (iv) M040: budget code This field provides the budget code, which includes budget nomenclature, type of intervention, sector and subsector, output indicator, intervention, unit amount, reduction of payment or contribution rate, and calendar year;
(b) monitoring variables to report amounts spent (M050 to M070): (i) M050: total EU funds amount This field provides the total amount of EAGF or EAFRD support paid in euros for the claim, by unit amount; (ii) M060: total public expenditure This field provides the total amount of public support paid in euros for the claim, by unit amount including the national contribution and excluding the additional national financing referred to in Article 115(5) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 ("additional national financing"); (iii) M070: total additional national financing This field provides the total amount of additional national financing paid in euros for the claim;
The amounts spent referred to in points (i), (ii) and (iii) shall be reported in euros before application of sanctions and penalties; (c) monitoring variables to report the area eligible and determined (M080 to M095): (i) M080: number of hectares of eligible area determined before application of limits, excluding forestry This field provides the eligible area (excluding forestry) in full determined after controls and before application of payment entitlements or maximum thresholds; (ii) M085: number of hectares of eligible forestry area determined before application of limits This field provides the eligible forestry area in full determined after controls and before application of payment entitlements or maximum thresholds; (iii) M090: number of hectares of eligible area excluding forestry For interventions paid in hectares, this field provides the eligible area (excluding forestry) in full determined after controls and after application of payment entitlements or maximum thresholds. For interventions on land paid in other units than hectares, where relevant, it provides the number of hectares (excluding forestry) supported by the interventions; (iv) M095: number of hectares of eligible forestry area determined after application of limits This field provides the eligible forestry area in full determined after controls and after application of payment entitlements or maximum thresholds. For forestry interventions paid in other units than hectares, where relevant, it provides the number of hectares supported by the interventions;
The output values referred to in points (i) to (iv) shall always be reported in full. For the interventions covered by the integrated system, outputs shall be reported in full in year N in relation to interventions claimed in year N-2; (d) monitoring variables to report units paid (M100 to M160): (i) M100: number of hectares of eligible area paid This field provides the area paid, independently from the nature of the area (i.e. forestry or not); (ia) M101: number of hectares of eligible arable land area paid for practices for maintenance of non-productive areas, such a land lying fallow as laid down in Article 31(1a) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (ib) M102: number of hectares of eligible arable land area paid for practices for the establishment of new landscape features as laid down in Article 31(1a) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (ii) M110: number of animal heads paid (iii) M120: number of livestock units paid (iv) M130: number of operations paid This field provides the number of operations as defined in Article 3, point (4), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 supported by the CAP. It covers the interventions paid per operation; (v) M140: number of farms supported This field provides the number of farms benefitting from relevant CAP support, when paid as a lump sum; (vi) M150: number of mutual funds paid This field provides information of the number of mutual funds as defined in Article 3, point (11), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 covered by risk management support referred to in Article 76 of that Regulation; (vii) M160: number of other units paid – unit of measurement (viii) M161: number of other units paid – output generated Fields under points (vii) and (viii) provide information on the outputs generated by interventions which are based on other units of measurement, than those listed in points (i) to (vi). For each other unit paid, Member States shall report in two separated fields the unit of measurement (M160) and the output generated (M161);
The output values for the units paid after controls and after application of maximum thresholds referred to in points (i) to (viii) shall be reported as a proportion of the expenditure effectively paid in relation to the total expenditure committed for that output in the agricultural financial year concerned. In the agricultural financial year when the final payment is made, the output value corresponds to the balance; (e) monitoring variables reporting whether a condition is fulfilled (M170 to M210): (i) M170: investment resulting in a net increase of irrigated area This field provides information on whether the intervention concerns an investment resulting in a net increase of the irrigated area (including investments in new irrigation installations or infrastructure, and the creation or expansion of a reservoir) pursuant to Article 74(6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (ii) M180: investment resulting in an improvement of existing irrigation installations This field provides information on whether the intervention concerns the improvement of an existing irrigation installations or element of irrigation infrastructure pursuant to Article 74(4) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (iii) M190: investment in the use of reclaimed water This field provides information on whether the intervention concerns an investment in the use of reclaimed water as an alternative water supply pursuant to Article 74(5) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (iv) M200: investment in broadband This field provides information on whether the intervention aimed at improving access to broadband; (v) M210: investment in bio-methane This field provides information on whether the intervention concerns installed production capacity for bio-methane.
(a) result variables R001, R002, R003, R004, R005, R009, R010, R012, R013, R014, R015, R016, R017, R018, R019, R020, R021, R022, R023, R024, R025, R026, R027, R028, R029, R030, R031, R032, R033, R034, R035, R036, R037, R038, R039, R040, R041, R042, R043 and R044 corresponding respectively to result indicators R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, R.5, R.9, R.10, R.12, R.13, R.14, R.15, R.16, R.17, R.18, R.19, R.20, R.21, R.22, R.23, R.24, R.25, R.26, R.27, R.28, R.29, R.30, R.31, R.32, R.33, R.34, R.35, R.36, R.37, R.38, R.39, R.40, R.41, R.42, R.43 and R.44. These fields provide the value of the outputs generated in full by an operation for the calculation of the specific result indicators; (b) for the result variable R017, contributing to result indicator R.17 (Afforested land), Member States shall report the breakdown for the calculation of the result indicator, as follows: (i) R117: afforested area; (ii) R217: restored area; (iii) R317: agro-forestry area; (iv) R417: planted wooded landscape features Fields under points (i), (ii) and (iii), provide the area supported while this field provides the estimated area actually planted with wooded landscape features;
(c) for the result variable R043 contributing to result indicator R.43 (Limiting antimicrobial use), Member States shall report the breakdown for the calculation of the result indicator by species, as follows: (i) R143: number of pigs livestock units; (ii) R243: number of bovine livestock units; (iii) R343: number of poultry livestock units; (iv) R443: number of sheep and goats livestock units; (v) R543: number of other livestock units;
(d) for the result variable R044 contributing to result indicator R.44 (Improving animal welfare), Member States shall report the breakdown for the calculation of the result indicator by species, as follows: (i) R144: number of pigs livestock units; (ii) R244: number of bovine livestock units; (iii) R344: number of poultry livestock units; (iv) R444: number of sheep and goats livestock units; (v) R544: number of other livestock units.
(a) B010: unique beneficiary identifier This field provides the same unique beneficiary identifier used for the data on interventions in monitoring variable M030, referred to in point 2(a)(iii), of this Annex; (b) B020: gender This field provides information on the gender of the beneficiary. In case the beneficiary is a group of natural persons, a legal person or a group of legal persons, the gender of the main manager(s) of the farm shall be reported. The main manager means the person who has the decision-making power in relation to the agricultural activities exercised on the farm and who bears benefits and financial risks related to those activities. Member States may provide additional explanatory data on the share of management responsibilities exercised by gender category; (c) B030: young farmer This field provides information on whether the beneficiary is a young farmer, i.e. below the age limit set by Member States in their CAP Strategic Plans pursuant to Article 4(6) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115. Member States shall provide this information for all beneficiaries who are natural persons. For groups of natural persons or legal entities, the information shall be provided only for the beneficiaries granted support for generational renewal under Article 30, Article 75(2), point (a), and Article 77 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115); (d) B040: geographical location – municipality This field provides the Local Administrative Unit code of the municipality where all or the majority of the area of the beneficiary is located or where the main building of the holding is located; (e) B050: area with natural or other specific constraints This field indicates whether the holding is located in an area with natural or other specific constraints as referred to in Article 71 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115. The holding shall be classified as located in an area with natural or other specific constraints when all or the majority of the area of the beneficiary or the main building of the holding are located in an area with natural or other specific constraints. Where a beneficiary is granted support under Article 71 of that Regulation, their holding shall be classified as located in an area with natural or other specific constraints; (f) B060: nitrate vulnerable zone This field indicates whether the holding is located in a nitrate vulnerable zone designated under Council Directive 91/676/EEC . Holdings shall be classified as located in a nitrate vulnerable zone when all or the majority of the area of the beneficiary or the main building of the holding are located in a nitrate vulnerable zone;Council Directive 91/676/EEC of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (OJ L 375, 31.12.1991, p. 1 ).(g) B070: characteristics of farm’s location in a river basin management plan The field indicates whether the holding is located in an area included in a river basin management plan referred to in Article 72(3), point (c), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115. Holdings are classified located in an area included in a river basin management plan when all or the majority of the area of the beneficiary or the main building of the holding are located in an area included in a river basin management plan; (h) B080: NATURA 2000 area The field indicates whether the holding is located in Natura 2000 area as referred to in Article 72(3), point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115. Holdings are classified as located in Natura 2000 area when all or the majority of the area of the beneficiary or the main building of the holding are located in Natura 2000 area. Member States may provide additional explanatory data on the share of the holding’s area located in Natura 2000 area; (i) B090: organic farm The field indicates whether the holding is farmed organically as laid down in Regulation (EU) 2018/848 the European Parliament and of the Council , partially farmed organically or not farmed organically.Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 (OJ L 150, 14.6.2018, p. 1 ).The holding shall be classified as farmed organically when all or the majority of the area of the beneficiary (> 50 % of the total area) is farmed organically and partially farmed organically when only of a minority of the area of the beneficiary (< 50 % of the total area) is farmed organically; (j) B100: number of hectares of arable land declared This field provides the total number of hectares of arable land as defined by Member States in their CAP Strategic Plans pursuant to Article 4(3), point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (k) B110: number of hectares of permanent grassland declared This field provides the total number of hectares of permanent grassland area as defined by Member States in their CAP Strategic Plans pursuant to Article 4(3), point (c), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (l) B120: number of hectares with permanent crops declared This field provides the total number of hectares with permanent crops as defined by Member States in their CAP Strategic Plans pursuant to Article 4(3), point (b), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (m) B130: number of hectares of other areas eligible for direct payments This field provides the total number of hectares on which no agricultural activity is performed, but which is still eligible for direct payments pursuant to Article 4(4), point (c), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (n) B141: GAEC 2 – number of hectares of wetland and peatlands – permanent grassland This field provides the total number of hectares of permanent grassland in wetland and peatlands subject to GAEC 2 as laid down in Annex III to Regulation (EU) 2021/2115; (o) B142: GAEC 2 – number of hectares of wetland and peatlands – arable land This field provides the total number of hectares of arable land in wetland and peatlands which are subject to GAEC 2; (p) B143: GAEC 2 – number of hectares of wetland and peatlands – permanent crops This field provides the total number of hectares of permanent crops in wetland and peatlands which are subject to GAEC 2; (q) B150: GAEC 8 – number of hectares used to fulfil the minimum share of arable land devoted to non-productive areas and features This field provides the total number of hectares, before possible weighting factors, used to fulfil the minimum share of arable land devoted to non-productive areas and features under GAEC 8 as laid down in Annex III to Regulation (EU) 2021/2115. Member States shall provide a breakdown of this beneficiary variable as follows: (i) B151: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of land laying fallow; (ii) B152: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of hedgerows, individual or group of trees, trees rows; (iii) B153: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of field margins, patches or buffer strips; (iv) B154: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of ditches and streams; (v) B155: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of small ponds and small wetlands; (vi) B156: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of stonewalls; (vii) B157: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of cairns; (viii) B158: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of terraces; (ix) B159: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of cultural features; (x) B160: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of other non-productive areas and features; (xi) B161: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of catch crops cultivated without the use of plant protection products; (xii) B162: GAEC 8 – number of hectares of nitrogen fixing crops cultivated without the use of plant protection products;
(r) B170: GAEC 9 – number of hectares subject to the ban on conversion or ploughing This field provides the number of hectares that are subject to the ban on converting or ploughing permanent grassland designated as environmentally sensitive permanent grassland in Nature 2000 sites under GAEC 9 as laid down in Annex III to Regulation (EU) 2021/2115. Member States shall provide the following information: (i) B171: GAEC 9 – number of hectares of permanent grassland in Natura 2000 sites; (ii) B172: GAEC 9 – number of hectares of designated environmentally sensitive permanent grassland in Natura 2000 sites protected under GAEC 9 and declared by farmers;
(s) B180: number of hectares of designated environmentally sensitive permanent grassland outside Natura 2000 sites, protected under the scope of the GAECs and declared by farmers, where applicable.
1. Form A.1. This form concerns the fruit and vegetables sector, the apiculture sector, the wine sector, the hops sector, the olive oil and table olives sector, and the other sectors referred to in Article 42, points (a) to (f), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 respectively, for which Member States shall report annually the references (hyperlinks) to national legislation adopted by Member States in the preceding calendar year to implement sectoral interventions; 2. Form A.2. This form concerns the fruit and vegetables sector, the hops sector, the olive oil and table olives sector, and the other sectors. Member States shall report annually the following market information: (a) list of transnational producer organisations (TPOs) and transnational association of producer organisations (TAPOs) having their headquarters in the Member States; (b) amount of approved operational funds split by producers organisations (POs), association of producers organisations (APOs), TPOs and TAPOs broken down as follows: (i) total amount; (ii) amount of the financial contribution of the organisation; (iii) amount of Union financial assistance;
(c) amount of final operational fund split by POs, APOs, TPOs and TAPOs, broken down as follows: (i) total amount; (ii) amount of the financial contribution of the organisation; (iii) amount of Union financial assistance;
The information referred to in point (a) and (c) shall be reported for the preceding calendar year. The information referred to in point (b) shall be reported for the current calendar year; 3. Form A.3. This form concerns the fruit and vegetables sector, for which Member States shall report annually the market information on national financial assistance to POs for the preceding calendar year, as follows: (a) amount actually paid (in euros or national currency); (b) list of the beneficiary regions;
4. Form A.4. This form concerns the information which Member States shall report annually in the apiculture sector: total number of beehives ready for wintering in the territory of the Member States between 1 September and 31 December determined according to an established reliable method laid down in the CAP Strategic Plans; 5. Form A.5. This form concerns other market information Member States shall report every 2 years in the apiculture sector, covering the calendar year preceding its notification: (a) the number of beekeepers; (b) the number of beekeepers managing more than 150 beehives; (c) the total number of beehives managed by beekeepers with more than 150 beehives; (d) the number of beekeepers organised in beekeepers’ associations; (e) the range of prices in euros for multi-floral honey at the site of production; (f) the range of prices in euros for multi-floral honey in bulk at wholesalers; (g) the estimated average production cost in euros (fixed and variable) per kilogram of honey produced;
6. Form A.6. This form concerns other market information, which Member States shall report every two years in the apiculture sector, for the 2 calendar years preceding its notification: (a) the annual national production of honey in kilograms; (b) the estimated annual average yield in kilograms of honey per beehive;
7. Form A.7. This form concerns the fruit and vegetables sector, the hops sector, the olive oil and table olives sector, and the other sectors referred to in Article 42, points (a) and (d) to (f), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115, for which Member States shall report annually the following market information for the preceding calendar year: (a) total area (in hectares) of fruit and vegetables production by POs, TPOs, APOs, TAPOs (excluding mushrooms); (b) total area (in hectares) of hops production by POs, TPOs, APOs, TAPOs; (c) total area (in hectares) of olive oil and table olives production by POs, TPOs, APOs, TAPOs; (d) for other sectors: for crop sectors referred to in Article 1(2), points (a) to (e), (h), (k), and (m), of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 and the sectors covering products listed in Annex VI to Regulation (EU) 2021/2115, the total area (in hectares) covered and/or volume (in tonnes) produced by POs, TPOs, APOs and TAPOs; for livestock sectors referred to in Article 1(2), points (o) to (t), and (w), of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 and the sectors covering products listed in Annex VI to Regulation (EU) 2021/2115, the total number of animals and/or volume (in tonnes) produced by POs, TPOs, APOs, and TAPOs.
8. Form B.1. This form concerns the fruit and vegetables sector, the hops sector, the olive oil and table olives sector, and the other sectors referred to in Article 42, points (a), and (d) to (f), of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115, for which Member State shall report annually the following information related to the preceding agricultural financial year broken down by sector: (a) expenditure (in euros or national currency) of POs, APOs, TPOs and TAPOs, per intervention and per objective as referred to in Article 46, points (a) to (k), of that Regulation; (b) administrative and personnel costs (in euros or national currency) by POs, APOs, TPOs and TAPOs; (c) for market withdrawal for free distribution and other destinations, broken down by product: (i) total annual volume (in tonnes), broken down as follows: (1) free distribution; (2) composting; (3) processing industry; (4) other destination;
(ii) total expenditure (in euros or national currency); (iii) amount of Union financial assistance (in euros or in national currency);
(d) total area (in hectares) per intervention, broken down as follows: (i) investments in irrigation resulting in a net increase of the irrigated area; (ii) replanting of orchards or olive groves; (iii) green-harvesting; (iv) non-harvesting; (v) organic production; (vi) integrated production; (vii) improved use and sound management of water; (viii) improved soil conservation; (ix) creation and maintenance of habitats favourable to biodiversity;
(e) percentages for minimum water savings targets for investments; (f) number of energy projects implemented; (g) percentage and volume of reclaimed water use; (h) number of promotion, communication and marketing interventions per objective as referred to in Article 46, point (h) and (i), of that Regulation;
9. Form B.2. This form concerns the apiculture sector, for which Member States shall report annually the total public expenditure incurred (in euros or in national currency) during the agricultural financial year, broken down by intervention; 10. Form B.3. This form concerns the wine sector, for which Member States shall report annually the following information related to the preceding agricultural financial year: (a) for restructuring and conversion of vineyards and green harvesting: (i) Union financial assistance; (ii) total expenditure of beneficiaries; (iii) number of beneficiaries; (iv) number of operations;
(b) for investments in enterprises, investments in enterprises in convergence regions, investments in enterprise in other than convergence regions, investments in enterprise in outermost regions and investment in enterprise in small Aegean Islands regions: (i) Union financial assistance (in euros or national currency); (ii) total expenditure (in euros or national currency) of beneficiaries; (iii) number of beneficiaries;
(c) for harvest insurance: (i) Union financial assistance (in euros or national currency); (ii) total expenditure (in euros or national currency) of beneficiaries; (iii) number of beneficiaries; (iv) number of financed insurance policies;
(d) for innovation: (i) Union financial assistance (in euros or national currency); (ii) total expenditure (in euros or national currency) of beneficiaries; (iii) number of beneficiaries;
(e) for by-products distillation: (i) Union financial assistance (in euros or national currency); (ii) number of beneficiaries (distilleries); (iii) lees (range of max support); (iv) marcs (range of max support); (v) quantity of lees distilled; (vi) quantity of marcs distilled; (vii) million hectolitres of alcohol obtained;
(f) for actions undertaken by interbranch organisations recognised by Member States in the wine sector in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council aiming at enhancing the reputation of Union vineyards by promoting wine tourism in production regions:Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007 (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671 ).(i) Union financial assistance (in euros or national currency); (ii) total expenditure (in euros or national currency) of beneficiaries; (iii) number of beneficiaries; (iv) number of operations;
(g) for actions undertaken by interbranch organisations recognised by Member States in the wine sector in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 aiming at improving market knowledge: (i) Union financial assistance (in euros or national currency); (ii) total expenditure (in euros or national currency) of beneficiaries; (iii) number of beneficiaries; (iv) number of operations;
(h) for information in Member States and promotion and communications in third countries: (i) number of beneficiaries; (ii) number of operations; (iii) per information or promotion action: (1) beneficiaries; (2) eligible measure; (3) description; (4) targeted market; (5) period; (6) total expenditure (in euros or national currency) of which: Union financial assistance under sectoral interventions, Union financial assistance under other support, State aid, expenditure of beneficiaries.
(a) title of the project: short title of the project in native language; (b) title of the project in English: short title of the project in English; (c) editor of the text: name of the person or body responsible for drafting the information encoded in the electronic system for the secure exchange of information, hereinafter referred to as "SFC2021"; (d) project coordinator: name, address, email and telephone of the person responsible for the project management according to the cooperation agreement or project description; (e) project partner(s): name, address, email, telephone and type of partner(s); (f) "practice abstract" in native language which shall include: (i) the objective of the project describing the problems and/or opportunities the project addresses; (ii) a short summary on the findings (expected or final). This summary should at least contain the following information, in an easy to understand language oriented to practitioners and end-users of project results: (1) main findings of the project (expected or final); (2) the main practical recommendation(s);
(g) "practice abstract" in English: translation of the "practice abstract" in English; (h) keywords category: keywords applicable to the project selected from a pre-defined list of categories, set out in SFC2021; (i) project status: ongoing, completed, cancelled; (j) additional funding source(s): source of additional funding besides EIP CAP support, such as Horizon 2020, established by Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council , if any;Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) and repealing Decision No 1982/2006/EC (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 104 ).(k) project period: project start and end date; (l) geographical location: NUTS 3 region where the main project activities take place; (m) project contribution to CAP specific objectives: the CAP specific objective(s) referred to in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 to which the project will contribute; (n) cross-border/transnational operational groups: (i) whether the project is cross-border and/or transnational; (ii) which Member State/region coordinates and encodes the project in SFC2021; (iii) which Member State(s)/region(s) form part of the project (using the NUTS 3 code); (iv) budget per Member State(s)/region(s) which form part of the project, in public expenditure, summing all contributions (EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing, if applicable);
(o) final report: comprehensive description of the project outcomes after its completion; (p) total budget: total project contributions (EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing, if applicable); (q) project contribution to Union strategies: the objective(s) of the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork Strategy , the EU Biodiversity strategyCommission communication of 20 May 2020 entitled "A Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system". , the Forestry strategyCommission communication of 20 May 2020 entitled "EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Bringing nature back into our lives". and the EU strategy on carbon removalsCommission communication of 16 July 2021 entitled "New EU Forest Strategy for 2030". to which the project is likely to contribute, to be selected from the following list:Commission communication of 15 December 2021 entitled "Sustainable Carbon Cycles".(i) achieving climate neutrality; (ii) reducing the overall use and risk of chemical pesticides; (iii) fostering organic farming and/or organic aquaculture; (iv) reducing the use of antimicrobials for farmed animals and in aquaculture; (v) reducing nutrient losses and the use of fertilisers, while maintaining soil fertility; (vi) improving management of natural resources used in agriculture, such as water, soil and air; (vii) protecting and/or restoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services within agricultural and forest systems; (viii) bringing back agricultural area under high-diversity landscape features; (ix) facilitating access to fast broadband internet in rural areas; (x) improving animal welfare; (xi) fostering biodiversity friendly afforestation and reforestation.
(a) audiovisual material: material from the project developed for practitioner and end-users or project results (including videos, photos, podcasts, etc.); (b) website of the project: URL of the website(s); (c) other website(s): URL of the website(s), which will host the information on the project results also after the project’s end; (d) description of project activities in native language: short summary highlighting main the project activities; (e) description of project activities in English: short summary highlighting the main project activities.
(a) additional fields for additional practice abstracts in native language; (b) additional fields for additional practice abstracts in English; (c) description of the context of the project: free text to describe the drivers at the origin of the project, such as legislation, markets or other causes; (d) additional information on the project: free text providing details as required by specific guidance at national/regional level, such as for monitoring purposes; (e) additional comments: free text to list enabling elements or obstacles in project implementation, suggestions for future actions/operational groups/research, messages to consumers, etc.
(a) L100: identification of LAG (ID) This field provides a unique code of each LAG; (b) L200: LAG’s name This field provides information on the name of the local action group; (c) L300: municipality codes This field provides a list of the Local Administrative Unit code of the municipalities within the LAG area. Multiple codes may be selected; (d) L400: total population This field provides information on the population within the LAG area. The calculation of this variable shall follow the calculation method of the Result indicator R.38 "LEADER coverage" set out in point 8(j) of the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2290; (e) L500: support of a LAG by more than one Fund pursuant to Article 31(3) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 This field indicates whether the LAG is supported by other Funds than the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). If the value L500 is "yes" the LAG shall provide the following variables: (i) L501: use of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) support: whether the LAG is receiving support under the ERDF; (ii) L502: use of European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) support: whether the LAG is receiving support under the ESF+; (iii) L503: use of European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) support: whether the LAG is receiving support under the EMFAF; (iv) L504: use of other European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) (e.g. the Just Transition Fund);
(f) L600: total number of LAG’s members This field provides information on the total number of the LAG’s members referred to in Article 31(2), point (b), of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060. Member States shall report the number of LAG’s members broken down by type of organisation, as follows: (i) L601: number of LAG’s members that represent public administrations; (ii) L602: number of LAG’s members that are representatives of private local economic interests (e.g. economic organisations, local businesses, etc.); (iii) L603: number of LAG’s members that are representatives of social local interests (e.g. non-governmental organisations, local associations, etc.); (iv) L604: Number of LAG’s members falling under other categories than those listed in points (i), (ii) and (iii);
(g) L610: total number of LAG’s members in the LAG’s decision-making body Member States shall report the number of LAG’s members in the decision-making body by type of organisation, as follows: (i) L611: number of members of LAG’s decision-making body that represent public administrations; (ii) L612: number of members in LAG’s decision-making body members that are representatives of private local economic interests (e.g. economic organisations, local businesses, etc.); (iii) L613: number of members in LAG’s decision-making body that are representatives of social local interests (e.g. non-governmental organisations, local associations, etc.); (iv) L614: number of members in LAG’s decision-making body falling under others categories than those listed in points (i), (ii) and (iii); Gender of members in the LAG’s decision-making body Member States shall report the number of members in LAG’s decision-making body by gender (L615 to L618); Age of members in the LAG’s decision-making body Member States shall report the number of members in LAG’s decision-making body by age, as follows: (v) L619: number of young persons in LAG’s decision-making body This field applies to persons who are below a certain age limit as defined by Member States; (vi) L620: age limit defined by the Member State for the variable referred to in point (v).
(a) L100: identification of LAG (ID); (b) L700: total number of operations implemented by the LAG This field provides the total number of operations implemented by the LAG, without double counting. Member States shall report the number of operations by type of promotor, as follows: (i) L701: number of operations implemented by private individuals or businesses; (ii) L702: number of operations implemented by public administrations; (iii) L703: number of operations implemented by representatives of private economic local interests (e.g. business associations, chamber of commerce, etc.); (iv) L704: number of operations implemented by representatives of social local interests (e.g. non-governmental organisations, local associations, etc.); (v) L705: number of operations implemented by research organisations; (vi) L706: number of operations jointly implemented by several types of promoters; (vii) L707: number of operations implemented by promotors that fall under other categories than those listed in points (i) to (vi); Member States shall report the number of interregional or transnational cooperation operations as follows: (viii) L708: number of interregional cooperation projects implemented by the LAG; (ix) L709: number of transnational cooperation projects implemented by the LAG;
(c) L710: number of operations which are innovative in the local context Member States shall report operations, which are innovative in the local context as set out in Article 31(2), point (d), of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060. Member States, regional authorities or the LAG shall define the term "innovative in the local context"; (d) Operations by objective/area This field indicates the one or multiple objectives/areas to which a given operation relates, as follows: (i) L801: number of operations related to knowledge transfer, including advice, training and knowledge-exchange on sustainable, economic, social, environmental and climate-friendly performance; (ii) L802: number of operations related to producer organisations, local markets, short supply chains and quality schemes, including investment support, marketing activities, etc.; (iii) L803: number of operations related to renewable energy production capacities, including bio-based; (iv) L804: number of operations contributing to environmental sustainability and the achievement of climate mitigation and adaptation goals in rural areas; (v) L805: number of operations which create jobs; (vi) L806: number of operations supporting rural businesses, including bio-economy; (vii) L807: number of operations related to smart village strategies; (viii) L808: number of operations improving access to services and infrastructure, including broadband; (ix) L809: number of operations in the area of social inclusion; (x) L810: number of operations that fall under other categories than those listed in points (i) to (ix).
(a) L900: total Union budget under EAFRD planned, per community-led local development strategy (LDS); (b) L910: total amount from EAFRD committed to support the implementation of operations, including cooperation activities and preparation, selected under the LDS; (c) L920: total amount of Union contribution paid from the EAFRD per LDS Member States shall report the Union contribution paid from the EAFRD broken down by actions provided for in Article 34(1), points (a), (b) and (c), of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060: (i) L921: total amount from EAFRD paid for capacity building and preparatory actions supporting the design and future implementation of the LDS; (ii) L922: total amount from EAFRD paid for the implementation of operations, including cooperation activities and their preparation, selected under the LDS; (iii) L923: total amount from EAFRD paid for the management, monitoring and evaluation of the LDS and its animation, including the facilitation of exchanges between stakeholders.