Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1104 of 1 July 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 68/2013 on the Catalogue of feed materials (Text with EEA relevance)
Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1104of 1 July 2022amending Regulation (EU) No 68/2013 on the Catalogue of feed materials(Text with EEA relevance) THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on the placing on the market and use of feed, amending European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 and repealing Council Directive 79/373/EEC, Commission Directive 80/511/EEC, Council Directives 82/471/EEC, 83/228/EEC, 93/74/EEC, 93/113/EC and 96/25/EC and Commission Decision 2004/217/ECOJ L 229, 1.9.2009, p. 1., and in particular Article 26 (3) thereof,Whereas:(1)Since the last revision of the Catalogue of feed materials pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 68/2013Commission Regulation (EU) No 68/2013 of 16 January 2013 on the Catalogue of feed materials (OJ L 29, 30.1.2013, p. 1). published 2017, the appropriate representatives of the European feed business sectors have, in consultation with other parties concerned, in collaboration with the competent national authorities and taking into account relevant experience from opinions issued by the European Food Safety Authority and scientific or technological developments, developed amendments to the Catalogue of feed materials.(2)Those amendments concern clarifications of the general provisions, new entries for treatment processes and for feed materials and adaptations of existing entries. In particular, specific provisions concerning the description, maximum contents of chemical impurities and particulars concerning the compulsory declarations, as referred to in Article 16(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009, should be established for certain emerging feed materials in order to provide for more detailed information on the respective products’ properties. In order to foster the valorisation of certain feed materials originating from the bio-economy, food or biofuel sector, such feed materials should rather have the denominator "co-product" than "by-product", as the latter has a depreciative character. However, this rewording should not apply to animal by-products falling within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 (OJ L 300, 14.11.2009, p. 1).. Moreover, the provisions of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 68/2013 concerning the products and co-products obtained by fermentation should be amended, in order to better reflect the different kinds of fermentation products.(3)The amendments to the Catalogue of feed materials should take into account the provisions laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/758Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) of 2021/758 of 7 May 2021 on the status of certain products as feed additives within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council and on the withdrawal from the market of certain feed additives (OJ L 162, 10.5.2021, p. 5)., with regard to the status of certain products, including the transitional measures specified therein. In particular, Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/758 provides that the products sodium citrates, potassium citrates, sorbitol, mannitol and calcium hydroxide are feed additives to be withdrawn from the market under Article 10(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition (OJ L 268, 18.10.2003, p. 29)., whilst they were also included in the Catalogue of feed materials. In order to take account of the legal uncertainty about the classification of those additives, Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/758 provides for a transitional period until 30 May 2028 for their withdrawal from the market and use. This should allow interested parties to submit new applications for authorisation of those feed additives in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003. The consequential removal of the said products from the Catalogue of feed materials should therefore be accompanied by a similar transitional period, as far as their placing on the market and use as feed materials are concerned.(4)Furthermore, Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/758 provides that the products xylitol, ammonium lactate and ammonium acetate, respectively included in the Catalogue of feed materials, are feed additives within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003. As a result of the classification of those products as feed additives in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/758, it is appropriate to provide for a transitional period as the one laid down in that Implementing Regulation, in order to allow interested parties to adapt to the new status of those products and to submit a new application for authorisation of those feed additives under the procedures set out in Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003.(5)The conditions set out in Article 26(4) of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 are fulfilled.(6)Given the very high number of amendments to be made to Regulation (EU) No 68/2013, it is appropriate, for reasons of coherence, clarity and simplification, to replace the Annex to that Regulation.(7)It is appropriate to reduce the administrative burden on the operators by providing a sufficient period of time allowing a smooth conversion of labelling to avoid unnecessary disruption to commercial practices.(8)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1The Annex to Regulation (EU) No 68/2013 is replaced by the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2Feed materials which have been labelled before 24 July 2023 in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 68/2013 as it stood before being amended by this Regulation may continue to be placed on the market and used until stocks are exhausted.
Article 3The feed additives sodium citrates, potassium citrates, sorbitol, mannitol, calcium hydroxide, xylitol, ammonium lactate and ammonium acetate may continue to be placed on the market and used as feed materials until 30 May 2028 at the latest.
Article 4This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 1 July 2022.For the CommissionThe PresidentUrsula von der LeyenANNEXCATALOGUE OF FEED MATERIALSPART AGeneral provisions:(1)The use of this Catalogue by the feed business operators shall be voluntary. However, the name of a feed material listed in Part C may be used only for a feed material complying with the requirements of the entry concerned.(2)All entries in the list of feed materials in Part C shall comply with the restrictions on the use of feed materials in accordance with the relevant legislation of the Union; particular attention shall be paid to compliance with Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on genetically modified food and feed (OJ L 268, 18.10.2003, p. 1). for feed materials that are or are produced from genetically modified organisms, or result from a fermentation process involving genetically modified micro-organisms. Feed materials consisting of or containing animal by-products shall fulfil the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 (OJ L 300, 14.11.2009, p. 1). and of Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011Commission Regulation (EC) No 142/2011 of 25 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and implementing Council Directive 97/78/EC as regards certain samples and items exempt from veterinary checks at the border under that Directive (OJ L 54, 26.2.2011, p. 1). and their use may be subject to restrictions pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (OJ L 147, 31.5.2001, p. 1).. Feed business operators using a feed material entered in the Catalogue shall ensure that it complies with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009.(3)"Former foodstuffs" means foodstuffs, other than catering reflux, which were manufactured for human consumption in full compliance with the Union food law but which are no longer intended for human consumption for practical or logistical reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects and which do not present any health risks when used as feed. The setting of maximum contents as referred to in point 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 shall not be applicable to former foodstuffs and catering reflux. It shall apply when further processed as feed.(4)In accordance with good practice as referred to in Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 183/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 January 2005 laying down requirements for feed hygiene (OJ L 35, 8.2.2005, p. 1)., feed materials shall be free from chemical impurities resulting from their manufacturing process and from processing aids, unless a specific maximum content is fixed in the Catalogue. Substances prohibited for use in feed shall not be present and for those substances such maximum contents shall not be fixed. In the interest of transparency, feed materials with tolerated residues are complemented with relevant information provided by feed business operators in the context of usual commercial transactions.(5)In accordance with good practice as referred to in Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005, application of the ALARAAs Low As Reasonably Achievable. principle and without prejudice to the application of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005, Directive 2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDirective 2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 May 2002 on undesirable substances in animal feed - Council statement (OJ L 140, 30.5.2002, p. 10)., Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414EEC (OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 1). and Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 1831/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition (OJ L 268, 18.10.2003, p. 29)., it is appropriate to specify in the Catalogue of feed materials the maximum contents for chemical impurities resulting from the manufacturing process or from processing aids that are present at levels of 0,1 % or above. Maximum contents may also be set in the Catalogue for chemical impurities and processing aids present at levels lower than 0,1 % if deemed suitable for good trading practices. Unless otherwise specified in Part B or C of this Annex, any maximum content is expressed on a weight/weight basisThe provisions concerning chemical impurities and processing aids established in this paragraph shall not apply to feed materials listed in the Register of feed materials as referred to in Article 24(6) of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009..The specific maximum contents for chemical impurities and processing aids are set either in the description of the process in Part B, in the description of the feed material in Part C or at the end of a category in Part C. Unless a specific maximum content is set in Part C, any maximum content set in Part B for a given process is applicable to any feed material listed in Part C in so far as the description of the feed material makes reference to this process and in so far as the process at stake meets the description given in Part B.(6)Feed materials not listed in Chapter 12 of Part C which have been manufactured by fermentation and/or which have a natural presence of microorganisms may be placed on the market with live microorganisms as long as the intended use of the feed materials and compound feed containing them is(a)not the multiplication of the microorganisms; and(b)not linked to a function exerted by microorganism(s) according to Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003.The presence of micro-organisms, as well as any function resulting thereof shall not be claimed on the feed materials and the compound feed containing them.(7)The botanical purity of a feed material shall not be less than 95 %. However, botanical impurities such as residues of other oil seeds or oil fruits derived from a previous manufacturing process shall not exceed 0,5 % for each type of oil seed or fruit. Derogating from these general rules a specific level shall be set in the list of feed materials in Part C.(8)The common name/qualifier of one or more of the processes, as listed in the last column of the glossary of processes in Part B, shallBy derogation from this obligation, for the process "drying" the common name/qualifier may be added. be included, if applicable, in the name of the feed material as laid down in Part C to indicate that it has undergone the respective process or processes, unless this process is provided for in the respective description of the feed material in Part C. A feed material whose name is a combination of a name listed in Part C with the common name/qualifier of one or more of the processes listed in Part B shall be considered as included in the Catalogue and its label shall bear the compulsory declarations applicable for this feed material as set out in the last columns of Parts B and C, as applicable. Whenever set out in the last column of Part B, the specific method used for the process shall be specified in the name of the feed material. If the combination of the name of the feed material and the qualifier relating to the production process exists in part C, the declarations set out in the last columns of part C apply exclusively. The name of the feed material as referred to in Article 24(1a) of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 shall be the name listed in Part C together with the common name/qualifier of one or more of the processes listed in Part B, as appropriate.(9)If the manufacturing process for a feed material differs from the description of the process concerned, as set out in the glossary of processes in Part B, the manufacturing process shall be set out in the description of the feed material concerned.(10)For a number of feed materials, synonyms may be used. Such synonyms are included in square brackets in the column "name" of the entry for the feed material concerned in the list of feed materials in Part C.(11)In the list of feed materials in Part C, apart from animal by-products, the word "product" or "co-product", as appropriate, is used instead of the word "by-product" to reflect the market situation and the language used in practice by feed business operators to highlight the commercial value of feed materials.(12)The botanical name of a plant is only given in the description of the first entry in the list of feed materials in Part C concerning that plant.(13)The underlying principle for the compulsory labelling of analytical constituents of a certain feed material in the Catalogue is, whether a certain product contains high concentrations of a specific constituent, or the manufacturing process has changed the nutritional characteristics of the product.(14)Article 15(g) of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 in conjunction with point 6 of Annex I to that Regulation lays down labelling requirements as regards the moisture content. Article 16(1)(b) of that Regulation in conjunction with its Annex V lays down labelling requirements as regards other analytical constituents. In addition, point 5 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 requires the declaration of the level of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid if it exceeds 2,2 % in general or for certain feed material if it exceeds the level set in the relevant section of Annex V to that Regulation. However, some entries in the list of feed materials in Part C deviate from those rules as follows:(a)compulsory declarations regarding analytical constituents in the list of feed materials in Part C replace the compulsory declarations as set out in the relevant section of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009;(b)if the column relating to compulsory declarations in the list of feed materials in Part C is left blank with respect to the analytical constituents that would have to be declared in accordance with the relevant section of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009, none of those constituents need be labelled. For ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, however, where no level is set in the list of feed materials in Part C, the level shall be declared if it exceeds 2,2 %;(c)where one or more specific moisture levels are set in the column "compulsory declarations" of the list of feed materials in Part C, those levels shall apply instead of the levels in point 6 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009. However, if the moisture content is below 14 % its declaration is not compulsory. Where no specific moisture level is set in that column, point 6 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 shall apply.(15)A feed business operator, who claims a feed material has more properties than those specified in the column "description" of the list of feed materials in Part C, or refers to a process listed in Part B that can be assimilated to a claim (e.g. rumen protection), shall comply with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009. Furthermore, feed materials may meet a particular nutritional purpose in accordance with Articles 9 and 10 of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009.(16)If a feed material listed in part C, for which it is required in a footnote that the name shall be supplemented with the species, consists of several species, it can only be considered as a feed material, when the characteristics and the origin of the plants or the animals used for the feed materials, or parts thereof, are the same.PART BGlossary of processes
In German "Konzentrieren" may be replaced by "Eindicken" where appropriate, in which case the common qualifier should be "eingedickt".The principal purpose of the resulting feed materials is to supply proteins, carbohydrates, fats, energy, minerals or dietary fibres."Decortication" may be replaced by "dehulling" or "dehusking" where appropriate, in which case the common qualifier should be "dehulled" or "dehusked".In the case of rice, this process is referred to as "husking" and the common qualifier as "husked".Extract refers to the liquid phase containing the solubles (e.g. fat/oil, sugar or other soluble components). The principal purpose of these extracts as feed materials is to supply proteins, carbohydrates, fats, energy, minerals or dietary fibres. The fact that extraction is listed as a process for feed materials does not preclude that extracts can be classified as feed additives.Co-product of extraction refers to the remaining fraction of the extraction process other than the extract, e.g. meal or pulp. The principal purpose of these co-products of extraction as feed materials is to supply proteins, carbohydrates, fats, energy, minerals or dietary fibres.In French the name "issues" may be used.In German the qualifier "aufgeschlossen" and the name "Quellwasser" (referring to starch) may be used. In Danish the qualifier "Kvældning" and the name "Kvældet" (referring to starch) may be used.In French "Pressage" may be replaced by "Extraction mécanique" where appropriate.Instructions for proper and safe use shall be respected.
ProcessDefinitionCommon name/qualifier
1Air fractionationSeparation of particles by means of an air streamAir fractionated
2AspirationProcess to remove dust, fine particles and other particulates with suspended grain fines from bulk grain during transfer by means of an air-flowAspirated
3BlanchingProcess consisting of heat treatment of an organic substance by boiling or steaming in order to denature natural enzymes, soften tissue and remove raw flavouring, followed by immersion in cold water to halt the cooking processBlanched
4BleachingRemoving naturally occurring colour by chemical or physical processes or by the use of bleaching earthBleached
5ChillingLowering the temperature below ambient but above freezing point to aid preservation.Chilled
6ChoppingReduction of particle size using one or more knivesChopped
7CleaningRemoval of objects (contaminants, e.g. stones) or vegetative parts of the plant e.g. unattached particles of straw or husks or weedsCleaned/sorted
8ConcentrationRemoval of water and/or other constituentsConcentrate
9CondensationTransition of a substance from a gaseous to a liquid phaseCondensed
10CookingThe application of heat to change the physical and chemical characteristics of feed materialsCooked
11CrushingReduction of particle size using a crusherCrushed
12CrystallisationPurification by the formation of solid crystals from a liquid solution. Impurities in the liquid are usually not incorporated into the lattice structure of the crystalCrystallised
13DecorticationComplete or partial removal of outer layers from grains, seeds, fruits, nuts and othersDecorticated, partially decorticated
14Dehulling/dehuskingRemoval of the outer skins of beans, grains and seeds usually by physical meansDehulled or dehusked
15DepectinisingExtraction of pectins from a feed materialDepectinised
16DesiccationProcess of extracting moistureDesiccated or dehydrated
17DeslimingProcess used to remove the slime layer on a surfaceDeslimed
18DesugaringComplete or partial removal of mono- and disaccharides from molasses and other material containing sugar by chemical or physical meansDesugared, partially desugared
19DetoxificationProcess by which toxic contaminants are destroyed or reduced in concentrationDetoxified
20DistillationFractionation of liquids by boiling and collecting condensed vapour into a separate containerDistilled
21DryingDehydration by artificial or natural processesNaturally dried or artificially dried, as appropriate
22EnsilingProcess by which natural deterioration of feed materials is controlled by acidification in anaerobic condition resulting from natural fermentation or/and addition of silage additivesEnsiled
23EvaporationReducing water contentEvaporated
24ExpansionThermal process, during which the product’s internal water content, abruptly steamed, leads to the breaking-up of the productExpanded or puffed
25ExpellingRemoval of oil/fat by pressingExpeller/cake and oil/fat
26ExtractionRemoval by partial or total separation of soluble constituents from a raw material with water or another solvent into liquid and solid phases, the resulting materials being an extract and one or several co-products of extractionExtract/oil/sugar or co-product of extraction/meal/molasses/pulp, as appropriate
27ExtrusionThermal process during which the product’s internal water content is rapidly evaporated leading to the breaking-down of the product, combined with specific shaping of the product by passing through a defined orificeExtruded
28FermentationProcess in which micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi or yeasts either are produced or used on materials to modify their chemical composition or propertiesFermented
29FiltrationThe process of passing a liquid through a porous media or membrane filter in order to remove solid particles, resulting in the filtered feed material and the filter residue2Filtered
30FlakingRolling of moist heat-treated material to generate thin pieces of materialFlakes
31Flour millingReduction of particle size of dry grain and to facilitate separation into constituent fractions (principally flour, bran and middlings)Flour, bran, middlings or feed, as appropriate
32WinterisationCooling of oils separates the more saturated parts of the oils and the more unsaturated parts of the oil. The more saturated parts of the oil congeal by cooling, while the more unsaturated parts of the oil are liquid and may e.g. be decanted. The winterized product is the congealed oilWinterised
33FragmentationProcess of breaking a feed material into fragmentsFragmented
34FryingProcess of cooking feed materials in an oil or fatFried
35GellingProcess to form a gel, a solid, jelly-like material that can have properties ranging from soft and weak to hard and tough usually using gelling agentsGelled
36GranulationTreatment of feed materials to obtain a specific particle size and consistencyGranulated
37Grinding/millingReducing the particle size of solid feed materials in a dry or wet processGround or milled
38HeatingHeat treatments carried out under specific conditions such as pressure and moistureHeated / Heat treated
39HydrogenationCatalytic process aimed at saturating double bonds of oils/fats/fatty acids, carried out at high temperature under hydrogen pressure, in order to obtain partially of or fully saturated triglycerides/fatty acids, or polyols by reduction of carbonyl groups of carbohydrates to hydroxyl groupsHydrogenated, partially hydrogenated
40HydrolysisReduction of molecular size by appropriate treatment with water and either heat/pressure, enzymes or acid/alkali. For hydrolysed feed materials covered by Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009, the definition laid down therein appliesHydrolysed
41LiquefyingTransition from a solid or a gas phase into a liquidLiquefied
42MacerationProcess of placing either a raw material proposed for a feed material, or a feed material itself, in a liquid in order to solubilize its compounds, using mechanical methods. This results in a reduction of the size of the feed material2Macerated
43MaltingAllowing grain to commence germination to activate naturally occurring enzymes that are able to break down starch to fermentable carbohydrates and proteins to amino acids and peptidesMalted
44MeltingTransition from a solid to a liquid phase by the application of heatMelted
45MicronisationProcess of reducing the average diameter of a solid material’s particles to the micrometre scaleMicronised
46ParboilingProcess of soaking in water and subjecting to a heat treatment so that starch is fully gelatinised, followed by a drying processParboiled
47PasteurisationHeating to a critical temperature for a specified time to eliminate harmful micro-organisms, followed by rapid coolingPasteurised
48PeelingRemoval of the skin/peel from fruit and vegetablesPeeled
49PelletingShaping by compression through a diePellet, pelleted
50Rice millingRemoval of almost all or part of the bran and embryo from husked riceMilled
51PregelatinisationModification of starch to significantly improve its swelling properties in cold waterPregelatinised
52PressingPartial or total separation of liquid and solid phases by mechanical forcesPressed
53RefiningComplete or partial removal of impurities or unwanted components by chemical/physical treatmentRefined, partially refined
54RoastingHeating of feed materials into a dry state to improve digestibility, increase colour and/or reduce naturally occurring anti-nutritive factorsRoasted
55RollingReduction of particle size by passing the material, e.g. grains, between pairs of rollersRolled
56Rumen protectionProcess which, either by physical treatment with use of heat, pressure, steam and combination of such conditions and/or through the action of e.g. lignosulfonates, sodium hydroxide or organic acids (such as propionic or tannic acid) aims to protect the nutrients from degradation in the rumen.Feed materials shall not be rumen protected by formaldehydeRumen protected through the action of [insert as applicable]
57Sieving/ScreeningSeparation of particles of different sizes by passing feed materials through screen(s) whilst being shaken or pouredSieved, sifted, screened
58SkimmingSeparating the top floating layer of a liquid by mechanical means, e.g. milk fatSkimmed
59SlicingCutting feed materials into flat piecesSliced
60Soaking/SteepingMoistening and softening of feed materials, usually seeds, to reduce cooking time, aid seed coat removal and facilitate water uptake to activate the germination process or reduce concentration of naturally occurring anti-nutritive factorsSteeped
61Spray-dryingReducing the moisture content of a liquid by creating a spray or mist of feed material to increase the surface area to weight ratio through which warm air is blown[Spray-]dried, powder
62SteamingProcess using pressurised steam for heating and cooking to increase digestibilitySteamed
63ToastingHeating using dry heat usually applied to oilseeds, e.g. to reduce or remove naturally occurring anti-nutritive factorsToasted
64Ultra-filtrationFiltration of liquids through a fine membrane permeable to small molecules onlyUltra-filtered
65DegerminationProcess of complete or partial removal of germ from crushed cereal grainDegermed, degerminated
66Infra-red micronisationThermal process using infrared heat for cooking and roasting cereals, roots, seeds or tubers, or their co-products, usually followed by flakingInfrared micronised
67Oil/fats and hydrogenated oils/fats splittingChemical process of hydrolysis of fats/oils. The reaction of fats/oils with water, carried out at high temperatures and pressures, allows obtaining crude fatty acids in the hydrophobic phase and sweet waters (crude glycerol) in the hydrophilic phaseSplit
68Ultrasound sonicationRelease of soluble compounds by mechanical processing with power ultrasound and heat in waterSonicated
69Mechanical food packaging removalMechanical removal of packaging materialMechanically unpacked
70Alkali treatment[soda treatment]Applying sodium hydroxide on a feed material rich in fiber to improve its digestibilitySoda treated
PART CList of feed materials1.Cereal grains and products derived thereof
The name may be replaced by the name in […], as appropriateThe name may be supplemented by the cereal species."maize" can either be referred to as such or as "corn".If this product has been subject to a finer milling the word "fine" may be added to the name or the name may be replaced by a corresponding denomination.
NumberNameDescriptionCompulsory declarations
1.1.1BarleyGrains of Hordeum vulgare L.
1.1.2Barley, puffedProduct obtained from milled or broken barley by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressureStarch
1.1.3Barley, roastedProduct of barley roasting process which is partially roasted with low colourStarch, if > 10 %Crude protein, if > 15 %
1.1.4Barley flakesProduct obtained by steaming or infrared micronisation and rolling dehusked barley. It may contain a small proportion of barley husksStarch
1.1.5Barley fibreProduct of barley starch manufacture. It consists of particles of endosperm and principally of fibreCrude fibreCrude protein, if > 10 %
1.1.6Barley hullsProduct obtained after dry milling, screening and dehulling of barley grainsCrude fibreCrude protein, if > 10 %
1.1.7Barley middlingsProduct obtained during the processing of screened, dehusked barley into pearl barley, semolina or flour. It consists principally of particles of endosperm with fine fragments of outer skins and some grain screenings.Crude fibreStarch
1.1.8Barley proteinProduct from barley obtained after starch and bran separation. It consists principally of protein.Crude protein
1.1.9Barley protein feedProduct from barley obtained after starch separation. It consists principally of protein and particles of endosperm.Moisture, if < 45 % or > 60 %If moisture < 45 %:Crude proteinStarch
1.1.10Barley solublesProduct from barley obtained after wet protein and starch extractionCrude protein
1.1.11Barley branProduct of flour manufacture, obtained from screened grains of dehusked barley. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which the greater part of the endosperm has been removed.Crude fibre
1.1.12Liquid barley starchSecondary starch fraction from the production of starch from barleyIf moisture < 50 %:Starch
1.1.13Malting barley screeningsProduct from mechanical screening (size fractionation) consisting of undersized barley kernels and fractions of barley kernels separated before the malting processCrude fibreCrude ash if > 2,2 %
1.1.14Malting barley and malt finesProduct consisting of fractions of barley kernels and malt separated during the production of maltCrude fibre
1.1.15Malting barley husksProduct from malting barley cleaning consisting of fractions of husk and finesCrude fibre
1.1.16Barley distillers solids, wetProduct of ethanol manufacture from barley. It contains solid feed fraction from distillationMoisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %If moisture < 65 %:Crude protein
1.1.17Barley distillers solubles, wetProduct of ethanol manufacture from barley. It contains soluble feed fraction from distillationMoisture, if < 45 % or > 70 %If moisture < 45 %:Crude protein
1.1.18MaltProduct from germinated cereals, dried, milled and/or extracted
1.1.19Malt rootletsProduct from malting cereals germination and malt cleaning consisting of rootlets, cereal fines, husks and small broken malted cereal grains
1.2.1MaizeGrains of Zea mays L. ssp. mays
1.2.2Maize flakesProduct obtained by steaming or infrared micronising and rolling dehusked maize. It may contain a small proportion of maize husksStarch
1.2.3Maize middlingsProduct of the manufacture of flour or semolina from maize. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in maize bran. It may contain some maize germ fragments.Crude fibreStarchCrude fat if > 5 %
1.2.4Maize branProduct of the manufacture of flour or semolina from maize. It consists principally of outer skins and some maize germ fragments, with some endosperm particlesCrude fibre
1.2.5Maize cobsCentral core of a maize ear. It may include small quantities of maize and spathes which might not have been removed during mechanical harvestingCrude fibreStarch
1.2.6Maize screeningsFraction of maize kernels separated by the screening process at product intake
1.2.7Maize fibreProduct from the manufacture of maize starch. It consists principally of fibreMoisture, if < 50 % or > 70 %If moisture < 50 %:Crude fibre
1.2.8Maize protein [Maize gluten]Product from the manufacture of maize starch. It consists principally of protein (prolamins) obtained during separation of starchMoisture, if < 70 % or > 90 %If moisture < 70 %:Crude protein
1.2.9Maize protein feed [Maize gluten feed]Product obtained during the manufacture of maize starch. It is composed of bran and maize solubles. The product may also include broken maize and co-products from oil extraction of maize germs. Other products derived from starch and from the refining or fermentation of starch products may be added.May contain up to 2 % sodium and 2 % chlorideMoisture, if < 40 % or > 65 %If moisture < 40 %:Crude proteinCrude fibreStarch
1.2.10Maize germProduct of the manufacture of semolina, flour or starch from maize. It consists predominately of maize germ, outer skins and parts of the endospermMoisture, if < 40 % or > 60 %If moisture < 40 %:Crude proteinCrude fat
1.2.11Maize germ expellerProduct of oil manufacture obtained by pressing processed maize germ to which parts of the endosperm and testa may still adhereCrude proteinCrude fat
1.2.12Maize germ mealProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of processed maize germCrude protein
1.2.13Crude maize germ oilOil and fat obtained either by pressing and/or extraction of maize germsMoisture, if > 1 %
1.2.14Maize, puffedProduct obtained from milled or broken maize by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressureStarch
1.2.15Maize steep liquorConcentrated liquid fraction from the steeping process of cornMoisture, if < 45 % or > 65 %If moisture < 45 %:Crude protein
1.2.16Sweet maize silageCo-product of the sweet corn processing industry, composed of centre cobs, husks, base of the kernels, chopped and drained or pressed. Generated by chopping sweet corn cobs, husks and leaves, with presence of sweet corn kernelsCrude fibre
1.2.17Crushed degerminated (degermed) maizeProduct obtained by degermination of crushed maize. It consists principally of endosperm fragments and may contain some maize germ and outer skin particlesCrude fibreStarch
1.2.18Maize gritsHard, flinty portions of ground maize containing little or no bran or germsCrude fibreStarch
1.2.19Maize germ meal feedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of processed maize germ. Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to:1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres)1,3 % of crude lecithins2 % of soap stocksCrude protein
1.2.20Corn cob mixGrains and cobs of maize
1.2.21Corn cob mix with husksGrains, cobs and husks of maize
1.3.1MilletGrains of Panicum miliaceum L.
1.4.1OatsGrains of Avena sativa L. and other cultivars of oats
1.4.2Dehulled oatsDehulled grains of oats
1.4.3Oat flakesProduct obtained by steaming or infra red micronising and rolling dehusked oats. It may contain a small proportion of oat husks.Starch
1.4.4Oat middlingsProduct obtained during the processing of screened, dehusked oats into oat groats and flour. It consists principally of oat bran and some endospermCrude fibreStarch
1.4.5Oat branProduct of flour manufacture, obtained from screened grains of dehusked oat. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and particles of grain from which the greater part of the endosperm has been removed.Crude fibre
1.4.6Oat hullsProduct obtained during dehulling of oat grainsCrude fibre
1.4.7Oat, puffedProduct obtained from milled or broken oat by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressureStarch
1.4.8Oat groatsCleaned oats with the hull removedCrude fibreStarch
1.4.9Oat flourProduct obtained by milling of oat grainsCrude fibreStarch
1.4.10Fodder oat flourOats product with high content in starch, after decorticationCrude fibre
1.4.11Oat feedProduct obtained during the processing of screened, dehusked oats into oat groats and flour. It consists principally of oat bran and some endospermCrude Fibre
1.5.1Quinoa seed, extractedCleaned whole seed of the quinoa plant (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) from which the saponin contained in the seeds outer layer has been removed
1.6.1Broken ricePart of rice kernel of Oryza sativa L. with a length less than three-quarters of a whole kernel. The rice may have been parboiledStarch
1.6.2Milled riceHusked rice from which almost all the bran and embryo have been removed during rice milling. The rice may have been parboiledStarch
1.6.3Pre-gelatinised riceProduct obtained from milled or broken rice by pre-gelatinisationStarch
1.6.4Extruded riceProduct obtained by extruding rice flourStarch
1.6.5Rice flakesProduct obtained by flaking pre-gelatinised rice kernels or broken kernelsStarch
1.6.6Husked ricePaddy (Oryza sativa L.) from which the husk only has been removed. The processes of husking and handling may result in some loss of branStarchCrude fibre
1.6.7Ground fodder riceProduct obtained by grinding fodder rice, consisting either of green, chalky or unripe grains, sifted out during the milling of husked rice, or of normal husked grains which are yellow or spottedStarch
1.6.8Rice flourProduct obtained by grinding milled rice. The rice may have been parboiledStarch
1.6.9Husked rice, flourProduct obtained by grinding husked rice. The rice may have been parboiledStarchCrude fibre
1.6.10Rice branProduct obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of the outer layers of the kernel (pericarp, seed coat, nucleus, aleurone) with part of the germ. The rice may have been parboiled or extrudedCrude fibre
1.6.11Rice bran with calcium carbonateProduct obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of the outer layers of the kernel (pericarp, seed coat, nucleus, aleurone) with part of the germ. It may contain up to 23 % of calcium carbonate used as processing aid. The rice may have been parboiledCrude fibreCalcium carbonate
1.6.12Defatted rice branRice bran resulting from oil extractionCrude fibre
1.6.13Rice bran oilOil extracted from stabilised rice bran
1.6.14Rice middlingsProduct of rice flour and starch production, obtained by dry or wet milling and sieving. It consists principally of starch, protein, fat and fibre. The rice may have been parboiled. May contain up to 0,25 % sodium and up to 0,25 % sulphateStarch, if > 20 %Crude protein, if > 10 %Crude fat, if > 5 %Crude fibre
1.6.15Rice middlings with calcium carbonateProduct obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of particles of aleurone layer and endosperm. It may contain up 23 % of calcium carbonate used as processing aid. The rice may have been parboiledStarchCrude proteinCrude fatCrude fibreCalcium carbonate
1.6.16RiceGrains of Oryza sativa L.
1.6.17Rice germProduct obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of the embryoCrude fatCrude protein
1.6.18Rice germ expeller5Product remaining after rice germ has been crushed to expel the oilCrude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
1.6.20Rice proteinProduct of rice starch production, obtained by wet milling sieving, separation, concentration and dryingCrude protein
1.6.21Liquid rice feedConcentrated liquid product of wet milling and sieving riceStarch
1.6.22Rice, puffedProduct obtained by expanding rice kernels or broken kernelsStarch
1.6.23Rice, fermentedProduct obtained by fermentation of riceStarch
1.6.24Malformed rice, milled/chalky rice, milledProduct obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of malformed kernels and/or chalky kernels and/or damaged kernels and/or naturally coloured kernel (green, red, yellow), and/or normal husked grain, whole or brokenStarch
1.6.25Immature rice, milledProduct obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of immature and/or chalky kernelsStarch
1.7.1RyeGrains of Secale cereale L.
1.7.2Rye middlingsProduct of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of particles of endosperm, with fine fragments of the outer skins and some miscellaneous parts of the grainStarchCrude fibre
1.7.3Rye feedProduct of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins, and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in rye branStarchCrude fibre
1.7.4Rye branProduct of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins, and of particles of grain from which most of the endosperm has been removedStarchCrude fibre
1.8.1Sorghum [Milo]Grains/seeds of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench
1.8.2Sorghum whiteGrains of specific cultivars of Sorghum with a white seed coat.
1.8.3Sorghum feedDried product obtained during the separation of sorghum starch. It consists principally of bran. The product may also include dried residues of maceration water and germs could be addedCrude protein
1.9.1SpeltGrains of spelt Triticum spelta L., Triticum dicoccum Schrank or Triticum monococcum L.
1.9.2Spelt branProduct of the manufacture of spelt flour. It consists principally of outer skins and some spelt germ fragments, with some endosperm particles.Crude fibre
1.9.3Spelt hullsProduct obtained during dehulling of spelt grainsCrude fibre
1.9.4Spelt middlingsProduct obtained during the processing of screened, dehulled spelt into spelt flour. It consists principally of particles of endosperm with fine fragments of the outer skins and some grain screenings.Crude fibreStarch
1.10.1TriticaleGrains of Triticum × Secale cereale L. Hybrid
1.11.1WheatGrains of Triticum aestivum L., Triticum durum Desf. and other wheat cultivars.
1.11.2Wheat rootletsProduct from malting wheat germination and malt cleaning consisting of rootlets, cereal fines, husks and small broken malted wheat grains
1.11.3Wheat, pre-gelatinisedProduct obtained from milled or broken wheat by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressureStarch
1.11.4Wheat middlingsProduct of flour manufacture obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of particles of endosperm with fine fragments of the outer skins and some grain screenings.Crude fibreStarch
1.11.5Wheat flakesProduct obtained by steaming or infrared micronising and rolling dehusked wheat. It may contain a small proportion of wheat husks.Crude fibreStarch
1.11.6Wheat feedProduct of flour or malting manufacture obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in wheat bran.Crude fibre
1.11.7Wheat branProduct of flour or malting manufacture obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which the greater part of the endosperm has been removedCrude fibre
1.11.8Malted fermented wheat particlesProduct obtained by the combined processes of malting and fermentation of wheat and wheat bran. The product is then dried and ground.StarchCrude fibre
1.11.10Wheat fibreFibre extracted from wheat processing. It consists principally of fibreMoisture, if < 60 % or > 80 %If moisture < 60 %:Crude fibre
1.11.11Wheat germProduct of flour milling consisting essentially of wheat germ, rolled or otherwise, to which fragments of endosperm and outer skin may still adhereCrude proteinCrude fat
1.11.12Wheat germ, fermentedProduct of fermentation of wheat germCrude proteinCrude fat
1.11.13Wheat germ expeller5Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing wheat germ (Triticum aestivum L., Triticum durum Desf. and other wheat cultivars and dehusked spelt (Triticum spelta L., Triticum dicoccum Schrank, Triticum monococcum L.)) to which parts of the endosperm and testa may still adhereCrude protein
1.11.15Wheat proteinWheat protein extracted during starch or ethanol production, maybe partially hydrolysedCrude protein
1.11.16Wheat gluten feedProduct from the manufacture of wheat starch and gluten. It consists of bran, from which the germ may have been partially removed. Wheat solubles, broken wheat and other products derived from starch and from the refining or fermentation of starch products may be addedMoisture, if < 45 % or > 60 %If moisture < 45 %:Crude proteinStarch
1.11.18Vital wheat glutenWheat protein characterised by high viscoelasticity as hydrated, with minimum 80 % protein (N × 6,25) and maximum 2 % ash on dry substanceCrude protein
1.11.19Liquid wheat starchProduct obtained from the production of starch/glucose and gluten from wheatMoisture, if < 65 % or > 85 %If moisture < 65 %:Starch
1.11.20Wheat starch containing protein, partially de-sugaredProduct obtained during the production of wheat starch mainly comprising partially sugared starch, the soluble proteins and other soluble parts of the endospermCrude proteinStarchTotal sugars calculated as sucrose
1.11.21Wheat solublesProduct of wheat obtained after wet protein and starch extraction. May be hydrolysedMoisture if < 55 % or > 85 %If moisture < 55 %:Crude protein
1.11.22Wheat yeast concentrateWet co-product that is released after the fermentation of wheat starch for alcohol productionMoisture, if < 60 % or > 80 %If moisture < 60 %:Crude protein
1.11.23Malting wheat screeningsProduct from mechanical screening (size fractionation) consisting of undersized wheat kernels and fractions of wheat kernels separated before the malting processCrude fibre
1.11.24Malting wheat and malt finesProduct consisting of fractions of wheat kernels and malt separated during the production of maltCrude fibre
1.11.25Malting wheat husksProduct from malting wheat cleaning consisting of fractions of husk and finesCrude fibre
1.11.26Wheat aleuroneProduct obtained by splitting the layer of aleurone from wheat branCrude proteinCrude fiber
1.12.2Grain flourFlour from milling grainsStarchCrude fibre
1.12.3Grain protein concentrateConcentrate and dried product obtained from grain after starch removal through yeast fermentationCrude protein
1.12.4Cereal grains screeningsProducts from mechanical screening (size fractionation) consisting of small grains and fractions of grain kernels, which may be germinated, separated before further processing of the grain. The products contain more crude fibre (e.g. hulls) than the unfractionated cerealsCrude fibre
1.12.5Grain germProduct of flour milling and the manufacture of starch consisting principally of grain germ, rolled or otherwise, to which fragments of endosperm and outer skin may still adhereCrude protein,Crude fat
1.12.6Grain spent wash syrupProduct of grain obtained through the evaporation of the concentrate of the spent wash from the fermentation and distillation of grain used in the production of grain spiritMoisture, if < 45 % or > 70 %If moisture < 45 %:Crude protein
1.12.7Moist distillers’ grainsMoist product consisting in the solid fraction by centrifugation and/or filtration of spent wash from fermented and distilled grains used in the production of grain spiritMoisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %If moisture < 65 %:Crude protein
1.12.8Concentrated distillers solublesMoist product from production of alcohol by fermentation and distilling a mash of wheat and sugar syrup after previous separation of bran and gluten. It may contain dead cells and/or parts of the fermentation micro-organisms.May contain up to 4 % potassium at a moisture content of 12 %Moisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %If moisture < 65 %:Crude protein, if > 10 %
1.12.9Distillers’ grains and solublesProduct obtained when producing alcohol by fermentation and distilling grain mash of cereals and/or other starchy and sugar containing products. They may contain dead cells and/or parts of the fermentation micro-organisms. May contain 2 % sulphate and/or up to 2 % potassium at a moisture content of 12 %Moisture, if < 60 % or > 80 %If moisture < 60 %:Crude protein
1.12.10Distillers’ dried grainsProduct of alcohol distillation obtained by drying solid co-products of fermented grains. May contain up to 2 % potassium at a moisture content of 12 %Crude protein
1.12.11Distillers’ dark grains [Distillers’ dried grains and solubles]Product of alcohol distillation obtained by drying solid co-products of fermented grains to which pot ale syrup or evaporated spent wash has been added. May contain up to 2 % potassium at a moisture content of 12 %Crude protein
1.12.12Brewers’ grainsProduct of brewing composed of co-products from malted and unmalted cereals and other starchy products, which may contain hop materials. Typically marketed in a moist condition but may also be sold in a dried form. May contain up to 0,3 % dimethyl polysiloxane, may contain up to 1,5 % enzymes, may contain up to 1,8 % bentoniteMoisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %If moisture < 65 %:Crude protein
1.12.13DraffSolid product of cereal whisky production. It consists of co-products from hot water extraction of malted cereal. Typically marketed in the moist form after the extract has been removed by gravityMoisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %If moisture < 65 %:Crude protein
1.12.14Mash filter grainsSolid product obtained through the production of beer, malt extract and whisky spirit. It consists of the co-products of hot water extraction of ground malt and possibly other sugar or starch-rich adjuncts. Typically marketed in the moist form after the extract has been removed by pressingMoisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %If moisture < 65 %:Crude protein
1.12.15Pot aleThe product remaining in the still from the first (wash) distillation of a malt distilleryCrude protein, if > 10 %
1.12.16Pot ale syrupProduct from the first (wash) distillation of a malt distillery produced by evaporating the pot ale remaining in the stillMoisture, if < 45 % or > 70 %If moisture < 45 %:Crude protein
2.Oil seeds, oil fruits, and products derived thereof
The term "expeller" may be replaced by "cake""Groundnut" may be replaced by "peanut" in case of Arachis hypogaea.The indication "low in glucosinolate" as defined in Union legislation may be added, where appropriate..The name "vegetable oil and fat" may be replaced by the term "vegetable oil" or "vegetable fat", as appropriate. It shall be supplemented by the plant species and as appropriate by the part of the plant. It shall be specified whether the oil(s) and/or fat(s) is/are crude or refined.Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 639/2014 of 11 March 2014 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing rules for direct payments to farmers under support schemes within the framework of the common agricultural policy and amending Annex X to that Regulation (OJ L 181, 20.6.2014, p. 1).
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
2.1.1Babassu expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing Babassu palm nuts Orbignya varietiesCrude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.2.1Camelina seedSeeds of Camelina sativa L. Crantz
2.2.2Camelina, expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing seeds of CamelinaCrude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.2.3Camelina mealProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of Camelina seed expellerCrude protein
2.3.1Cocoa husksTeguments of dried and roasted beans of Theobroma cacao L.Crude fibre
2.3.2Cocoa hullsProduct obtained from processing beans of Theobroma cacao L.Crude fibreCrude protein
2.3.3Cocoa bean meal, partially decorticatedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of dried and roasted beans of Theobroma cacao L. from which part of the husks has been removedCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.4.1Copra expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing the dried kernel (endosperm) and outer husk (tegument) of the seed of the coconut palm Cocos nucifera L.Crude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.4.2Copra, hydrolysed expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing and enzymatic hydrolisation of the dried kernel (endosperm) and outer husk (tegument) of the seed of the coconut palm Cocos nucifera L.Crude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.4.3Copra mealProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of the dried kernel (endosperm) and outer husk (tegument) of the seed of the coconut palm Cocos nucifera L.Crude protein
2.5.1Cotton seedSeeds of Gossypium spp. from which the fibres have been removed
2.5.2Cotton seed meal, partially decorticatedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of cotton from which fibres and part of the husks have been removed. (Maximum crude fibre 22,5 % in the dry matter)Crude proteinCrude fibre
2.5.3Cotton seed expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing seeds of cotton from which fibres have been removedCrude proteinCrude fibreCrude fat
2.6.1Groundnut expeller, partially decorticatedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing partially decorticated groundnuts Arachis hypogaea L. and other species of Arachis(Maximum crude fibre content 16 % in the dry matter)Crude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.6.2Groundnut meal, partially decorticatedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of partially decorticated groundnut expeller (Maximum crude fibre content 16 % in the dry matter)Crude proteinCrude fibre
2.6.3Groundnut expeller, decorticatedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing decorticated groundnutsCrude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.6.4Groundnutmeal, decorticatedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of decorticated groundnut expellerCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.6.5GroundnutSeeds from Arachis hypogaea and other species of Arachis
2.7.1Kapok expellerProduct of oil manufacture obtained by pressing Kapok seeds (Ceiba pentadra L. Gaertn.)Crude proteinCrude fibre
2.8.1LinseedSeeds of linseed Linum usitatissimum L. (Minimum botanical purity 93 %) as whole, flattened or ground linseed
2.8.2Linseed expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing linseedCrude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.8.3Linseed mealProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of linseed expellerCrude protein
2.8.4Linseed expeller feedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing linseed. Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to:1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres)1,3 % of crude lecithins2 % of soap stocksCrude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.8.5Linseed meal feedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of linseed expeller. Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to:1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres)1,3 % crude lecithins2 % soap stocksCrude protein
2.9.1Mustard branProduct of the manufacture of mustard (Brassica juncea L.). It consists of fragments of the outer skins and particles of grainCrude fibre
2.9.2Mustard seed mealProduct obtained by the extraction of volatile mustard oil from mustard seedsCrude protein
2.10.1Niger seedSeeds of the niger plant Guizotia abyssinica (L. F.) Cass
2.10.2Niger seed expeller5Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of the niger plant (Ash insoluble in HCl: maximum 3,4 %)Crude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.11.1Olive pulpProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of pressed olives Olea europea L. separated as far as possible from parts of the kernelCrude proteinCrude fibreCrude fat
2.11.2Defatted olive meal feedProduct of olive oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of olive pulp expeller separated as far as possible from parts of the kernel. Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to:1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres)1,3 % crude lecithins2 % soap stocksCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.11.3Defatted olive mealProduct of olive oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of olive pulp expeller separated as far as possible from parts of the kernelCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.12.1Palm kernel expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of palm kernels Elaeis guineensis Jacq., Corozo oleifera (HBK) L. H. Bailey (Elaeis melanococca auct.) from which as much as possible of the hard shell has been removedCrude proteinCrude fibreCrude fat
2.12.2Palm kernel mealProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of palm kernels from which as much as possible of the hard shell has been removedCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.13.1Pumpkin and squash seedSeeds of Cucurbita pepo L. and plants of the genus Cucurbita
2.13.2Pumpkin and squash seed, expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing seeds of Cucurbita pepo and plants of the genus CucurbitaCrude proteinCrude fat
2.14.1Rape seedSeeds of rape Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera (Metzg.) Sinsk. Indian sarson Brassica napus L. var. glauca (Roxb.) O.E. Schulz and Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera (Metzg.) Sinsk. Minimum botanical purity 94 %
2.14.2Rape seed expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing seeds of rapeCrude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.14.3Rape seed mealProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of rape seed expellerCrude protein
2.14.4Rape seed, extrudedProduct obtained from whole rape by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressure increasing starch gelatinisationCrude proteinCrude fat
2.14.5Rape seed protein concentrateProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by separation of protein fraction of rape seed expeller or rape seedCrude protein
2.14.6Rape seed expeller feedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing seeds of rape. Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to:1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres)1,3 % crude lecithins2 % soap stocksCrude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.14.7Rape seed meal feedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of rape seed expeller. Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to:1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres)1,3 % crude lecithins2 % soap stocksCrude protein
2.15.1Safflower seedSeeds of the safflower Carthamus tinctorius L.
2.15.2Safflower seed meal, partially decorticatedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of partially decorticated seeds of safflowerCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.15.3Safflower hullsProduct obtained during dehulling of safflower seedsCrude fibre
2.16.1Sesame seedSeeds of Sesamum indicum L.
2.17.1Sesame seed, partially dehulledProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by removing part of the husksCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.17.2Sesame hullsProduct obtained during dehulling of sesame seedsCrude fibre
2.17.3Sesame seed expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing seeds of the sesame plant (Ash insoluble in HCl: maximum 5 %)Crude proteinCrude fibreCrude fat
2.18.1Toasted soya (beans)Soya beans (Glycine max L. Merr.) subjected to an appropriate heat treatment (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.)
2.18.2Soya (bean) expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing the seed of soyaCrude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.18.3Soya (bean) mealProduct of oil manufacture, obtained from soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.)Crude proteinCrude fibreif > 8 % in dry matter
2.18.4Soya (bean) meal, dehulledProduct of oil manufacture, obtained from dehulled soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,5 mg N/g × min.)Crude protein
2.18.5Soya (bean) hullsProduct obtained during dehulling of soya beansCrude fibre
2.18.6Soya beans, extrudedProduct obtained from soya beans by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressure increasing starch gelatinisationCrude proteinCrude fat
2.18.7Soya (bean) protein concentrateProduct obtained from dehulled, fat extracted soya beans, after a second extraction or enzymatic treatment to reduce the level of nitrogen-free extract. May contain inactivated enzymesCrude protein
2.18.8Soya bean pulp [Soya bean paste]Product obtained during extraction of soya beans for food preparationCrude protein
2.18.9Soya bean molassesProduct obtained during the processing of soya beanCrude proteinCrude fat
2.18.10Co-product from soybean preparationProducts obtained when processing soybeans to obtain soybean food preparationsCrude protein
2.18.11Soya (beans)Soya beans (Glycine max L. Merr.)Urease activity if > 0,4 mg N/g × min
2.18.12Soybean, flakesProduct obtained by steaming or infrared micronising and rolling dehulled soya beans (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.)Crude protein
2.18.13Soya (bean) meal feedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained from soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.). Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to:1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres)1,3 % crude lecithins1,5 % soap stocksCrude proteinCrude fibreif > 8 % in dry matter
2.18.14Soya (bean) meal feed, dehulledProduct of oil manufacture, obtained from dehulled soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,5 mg N/g × min.). Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to:1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres)1,3 % crude lecithins1,5 % soap stocksCrude protein
2.18.15Fermented soya (bean) protein (concentrate)Product obtained from dehulled, fat extracted soya beans, after microbial fermentation to reduce the level of nitrogen-free extract. It may also include dead cells and/or parts thereof of the fermentation micro-organisms usedCrude protein
2.18.16Soy flour toasted or steamedSoya beans which have been toasted or steamed and ground into a flour (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.)
2.19.1Sunflower seedSeeds of the sunflower Helianthus annuus L.
2.19.2Sunflower seed expellerProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing seeds of the sunflowerCrude proteinCrude fatCrude fibre
2.19.3Sunflower seed mealProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of sunflower seed expellerCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.19.4Sunflower seed meal, dehulledProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of expeller of sunflower seeds from which part or all of the husks has been removed. Maximum crude fibre 27,5 % in the dry matterCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.19.5Sunflower seed hullsProduct obtained during dehulling of sunflower seedsCrude fibre
2.19.6Sunflower seed meal feedProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of sunflower seed expeller. Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to:1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres)1,3 % crude lecithins2 % soap stocksCrude protein
2.19.7Sunflower seed meal feed, dehulledProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of expeller of sunflower seeds from which part or all of the husks has been removed. Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to:1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres)1,3 % crude lecithins2 % soap stocks.Maximum crude fibre: 27,5 % in the dry matterCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.19.8High-protein low-cellulose fraction of sunflower mealProduct of the processing of sunflower meal, obtained by grinding and fractionation (sieving and air fractionation) of sunflower seed meal, dehulled.Minimum crude protein content: 45 % on 8 % moisture basis.Maximum crude fibre content: 8 % on 8 % moisture basisCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.19.9High-cellulose fraction of sunflower mealProduct of the processing of sunflower meal, obtained by grinding and fractionation (sieving and air fractionation) of sunflower seed meal, dehulled.Minimum crude fibre content: 38 % on 8 % moisture basis.Minimum crude protein content: 17 % on 8 % moisture basisCrude proteinCrude fibre
2.19.10High-protein low-cellulose fraction of sunflower meal feedProduct of the processing of sunflower meal, obtained by grinding and fractionation (sieving and air fractionation) of sunflower seed meal, dehulled. Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to 1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres).Minimum crude protein content: 45 % on 9,5 % moisture basis.Maximum crude fibre content: 8 % on 10 % moisture basisCrude protein, crude fibre
2.19.11High-cellulose fraction of sunflower meal feedProduct of the processing of sunflower meal, obtained by grinding and fractionation (sieving and air fractionation) of sunflower seed meal, dehulled. Only when produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, the product may contain up to 1 % of the sum of used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres).Minimum crude fibre content: 38 % on 10 % moisture basis.Minimum crude protein content: 17 % on 8 % moisture basisCrude protein, crude fibre
2.20.1Vegetable oil and fatOil and fat obtained either by pressing and/or extraction from oilseeds or oil fruits (excluding castor oil from the ricinus plant)Moisture, if > 1 %
2.21.1Crude lecithinsProduct obtained during degumming of crude oil from oilseeds and oil fruits with water. Citric acid, phosphoric acid, sodium hydroxide or enzymes may be added during degumming of the crude oil
2.22.1Hemp seedSeeds from varieties of Cannabis sativa L. with a tetrahydrocannabinol content < 0,2 % according to the quantification method established in Regulation (EU) No 639/2014
2.22.2Hemp expellerProduct of oil manufacture obtained by pressing hemp seeds from varieties of Cannabis sativa L. with a tetrahydrocannabinol content < 0,2 % according to the quantification method established in Regulation (EU) No 639/2014Crude proteinCrude fibre
2.22.3Hemp seed oilOil obtained by pressing of hemp seeds from varieties of Cannabis sativa L. with a tetrahydrocannabinol content < 0,2 % according to the quantification method established in Regulation (EU) No 639/2014Moisture, if > 1 %
2.23.1Poppy seedSeeds of Papaver somniferum L.
2.23.2Poppy mealProduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of expeller of poppy seedsCrude protein
2.24.1Chia seedSeed of Salvia hispanica L.
3.Legume seeds and products derived thereof
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
3.1.1Beans, toastedSeeds of Phaseolus spp. or Vigna spp. subjected to an appropriate heat treatment
3.1.2Bean protein concentrateProduct obtained from the separated bean fruit water, when producing starchCrude protein
3.2.1Carob podsDried fruits of the carob tree Ceratonia siliqua L. containing the carob seedCrude fibre
3.2.3Kibbled carobProduct obtained by crushing dried fruits (pods) of the carob tree and from which the carob seeds have been removedCrude fibre
3.2.4Carob powder; [carob flour]Product obtained by micronisation of the dried fruits (pods) of the carob tree from which the carob seeds have been removedCrude fibreTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose
3.2.5Carob germGerm of the carob seed of the carob treeCrude protein
3.2.6Carob germ, expeller5Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of germ of carobCrude protein
3.2.7Carob seedSeed (kernel) obtained from the carob pod and consisting of endosperm, husk and germCrude fibre
3.2.8Carob seed huskHusk of the carob seed, obtained by decortication of seeds of the carob treeCrude fibre
3.3.1Chick peasSeeds of Cicer arietinum L.
3.4.1ErvilSeeds of Ervum ervilia L.
3.5.1Fenugreek seedSeed of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
3.6.1Guar mealProduct obtained after extraction of mucilage from seeds of guar bean Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) TaubCrude protein
3.6.2Guar germs mealProduct of mucilage extraction from the germ of seeds of guar beanCrude protein
3.7.1Horse beansSeeds of Vicia faba L. ssp. faba var. equina Pers. and var. minuta (Alef.) Mansf.
3.7.2Horse bean flakesProduct obtained by steaming or infrared micronising and rolling dehusked horse beans.StarchCrude protein
3.7.3Film horse beans; [Faba bean hulls]Product obtained during dehulling horse bean seeds, consisting mainly of external envelopesCrude fibreCrude protein
3.7.4Horse beans, dehulledProduct obtained during dehulling horse bean seeds, consisting mainly of bean kernels from horse beansCrude proteinCrude fibre
3.7.5Horse bean proteinProduct obtained by grinding and air fractionation of horse beansCrude protein
3.8.1LentilsSeeds of Lens culinaris a.o. Medik.
3.8.2Lentil hullsProduct obtained during dehulling process of lentil seedsCrude fibre
3.9.1Sweet lupinsSeeds of Lupinus spp. with a maximum of 5 % bitter seedsCrude protein
3.9.2Sweet lupins, dehulledDehulled sweet lupin seedsCrude protein
3.9.3Film lupins; [lupin hulls]Product obtained during dehulling of sweet lupin seeds, consisting mainly of external envelopes.Crude proteinCrude fibre
3.9.4Lupin pulpProduct obtained after extraction of components of sweet lupins.Crude fibre
3.9.5Lupin middlingsProduct obtained during the manufacture of flour from sweet lupin. It consists principally of particles of cotyledon, and to a lesser extent, of skinsCrude proteinCrude fibre
3.9.6Lupin proteinProduct obtained from the separated sweet lupin fruit water when producing starch, or after grinding and air fractionationCrude protein
3.9.7Lupin protein mealProduct of sweet lupin processing to produce a high protein mealCrude protein
3.10.1Mung beansBeans of Vigna radiata L.
3.11.1PeasSeeds of Pisum spp.
3.11.2Pea branProduct obtained during the manufacture of pea meal. It is composed mainly of skins removed during the skinning and cleaning of peasCrude fibre
3.11.3Pea flakesProduct obtained by steaming or infra red micronising and rolling dehulled seeds of peasStarch
3.11.4Pea flourProduct obtained during the grinding of peasCrude protein
3.11.5Pea hullsProduct obtained during the manufacture of pea meal from peas. It is mainly composed of skins removed during the skinning and cleaning and, to a lesser extent, of endospermCrude fibre
3.11.6Peas, dehulledDehulled pea seedsCrude proteinCrude fibre
3.11.7Pea middlingsProduct obtained during the manufacture of pea flour. It consists principally of particles of cotyledon, and to a lesser extent, of skinsCrude proteinCrude fibre
3.11.8Pea screeningsProduct from mechanical screening consisting of fractions of pea kernels separated before further processingCrude fibre
3.11.9Pea proteinProduct obtained from the separated pea fruit water when producing starch, or after grinding and air fractionation, maybe partially hydrolysedCrude protein
3.11.10Pea pulp [internal pea fiber]Product obtained from starch and protein wet extraction from peas. It is mainly composed of internal fibre and starchMoisture if < 70 % or > 85 %StarchCrude fibreAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
3.11.11Pea solublesProduct obtained from starch and protein wet extraction from peas. It is mainly composed of soluble proteins and oligosaccharidesMoisture if < 60 % or > 85 %Total sugars, calculated as sucroseCrude protein
3.11.12Pea fibreProduct obtained by extraction after grinding and sieving of dehulled peasCrude fibre
3.11.13Pea creamProduct obtained from starch and protein wet extraction from peas. It is mainly composed of soluble proteins, internal fibre, starch and oligo-saccharides. It may contain up to 1 % organic acidsMoisture if < 50 % or > 85 %Crude ProteinCrude FiberStarch
3.12.1VetchesSeeds of Vicia sativa L. var. sativa and other varieties
3.13.1Chickling vetchSeeds of Lathyrus sativus L. subjected to an appropriate heat treatmentMethod of heat treatment
3.14.1Monantha vetchSeeds of Vicia monanthos Desf.
4.Tubers, roots, and products derived thereof
Expressions differ mainly in their moisture content and are to be used as appropriate.The name shall be supplemented by the plant species.
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
4.1.1Sugar beetRoot of Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Doell
4.1.2Sugar beet tops and tailsFresh product of the manufacture of sugar consisting mainly of cleaned pieces of sugar beet with or without parts of beet leavesAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 5 % of dry matterMoisture if < 50 %
4.1.3(Beet) sugar [sucrose]Sugar extracted from sugar beets using water
4.1.4(Sugar) beet molassesSyrupy product obtained during the manufacture or refining of sugar from sugar beets. May contain up to 0,5 % antifoaming agents, 0,5 % antiscaling agents, 2 % sulphate and 0,25 % sulphiteTotal sugars, calculated as sucroseMoisture, if > 28 %
4.1.5(Sugar) beet molasses, partially desugared and/or debetainisedProduct obtained after further extraction using water of sucrose and/or betaine from sugar beet molasses. May contain up to 2 % sulphate and 0,25 % sulphiteTotal sugars, calculated as sucroseMoisture, if > 28 %
4.1.6Isomaltulose molassesNon-crystallised fraction from the manufacture of isomaltulose by enzymatic conversion of sucrose from sugar beetsMoisture if > 40 %
4.1.7Wet (sugar) beet pulpProduct of the manufacture of sugar consisting of slices of sugar beet that have had sugar extracted with water. Minimum moisture content: 82 %. Sugar content is low and declines towards zero due to (lactic acid) fermentationAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 5 % of dry matterMoisture, if < 82 % or > 92 %
4.1.8Pressed (sugar) beet pulpProduct of the manufacture of sugar consisting of slices of sugar beet that have had sugar extracted with water and have been mechanically pressed. Maximum moisture content: 82 %. Sugar content is low and declines towards zero due to (lactic acid) fermentation. May contain up to 1 % sulphateAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 5 % of dry matterMoisture if < 65 % or > 82 %
4.1.9Pressed (sugar) beet pulp, molassedProduct of the manufacture of sugar consisting of slices of sugar beet that have had sugar extracted with water, have been mechanically pressed, and with molasses added. Maximum moisture content: 82 %. Sugar content declines due to (lactic acid) fermentation. May contain up to 1 % sulphateAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 5 % of dry matterMoisture if < 65 % or > 82 %
4.1.10Dried (sugar) beet pulpProduct of the manufacture of sugar consisting of slices of sugar beet that have had sugar extracted with water, mechanically pressed and dried. May contain up to 2 % sulphateAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matterTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose, if > 10,5 %
4.1.11Dried (sugar) beet pulp, molassedProduct of the manufacture of sugar consisting of slices of sugar beet that have had sugar extracted with water, mechanically pressed, and dried, with molasses added. May contain up to 0,5 % antifoaming agents and 2 % sulphateAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matterTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose
4.1.12Sugar syrupProduct obtained by processing of sugar and/or molasses. May contain up to 0,5 % sulphate and 0,25 % sulphiteTotal sugars, calculated as sucroseMoisture, if > 35 %
4.1.13(Sugar) beet pieces, boiledProduct of the manufacture of edible syrup from sugar beetIf dried:ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matterIf pressed:ash insoluble in HCl, if > 5 % of dry matterMoisture, if < 50 %
4.1.15(Sugar) beet molasses, betaine rich, liquid / driedProduct obtained after extraction of sugar by using water and further filtration of sugar beet molasses. The product thereof contains the constituents of molasses and a maximum of 20 % naturally occurring betaine.May contain up to 0,5 % antifoaming agents, 0,5 % antiscaling agents, 2 % sulphate and 0,25 % sulphiteBetaine contentTotal sugars, calculated as sucroseMoisture, if > 14 %
4.1.16IsomaltuloseIsomaltulose as crystalline monohydrate substance. It is obtained by enzymatic conversion of sucrose from sugar beets
4.2.1Beetroot juiceJuice from pressing of red beet (Beta vulgaris convar. crassa var. conditiva) with subsequent concentration and pasteurisation, maintaining the typical vegetable-like taste and flavourMoisture if < 50 % or > 60 %Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
4.3.1CarrotsRoot of the yellow or red carrot Daucus carota L.
4.3.2Carrot peelings, steamedMoist product from the carrot processing industry consisting of peelings removed from carrot roots by steam treatment to which auxiliary flows of gelatinous carrot starch may be added. Maximum moisture content: 97 %Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matterMoisture, if > 97 %
4.3.3Carrot scrapingsMoist product obtained from mechanical separation in processing carrots and carrot remnants. The product may have been subject to heat treatment. Maximum moisture content: 97 %Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matterMoisture, if > 97 %
4.3.4Carrot flakesProduct obtained by flaking roots of yellow or red carrots, which are subsequently dried
4.3.5Carrot, driedRoots of yellow or red carrots regardless of their presentation, which are subsequently driedCrude fibre
4.3.6Carrot feed, driedProduct constituted of internal pulp and outer skins that are driedCrude fibre
4.3.7Carrot juiceJuice from pressing of carrot roots with subsequent concentration and pasteurisationMoisture if < 40 % or > 60 %
4.4.1Chicory rootsRoots of Cichorium intybus L.
4.4.2Chicory tops and tailsFresh product from chicory processing. It consists predominantly of cleaned pieces of chicory and parts of leavesAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matterMoisture if < 50 %
4.4.3Chicory seedSeed of Cichorium intybus L.
4.4.4Pressed chicory pulpProduct of the manufacture of inulin from roots of Cichorium intybus L. consisting of extracted and mechanically pressed slices of chicory. The (soluble) chicory carbohydrates and water have been partly removed. May contain up to 1 % sulphate and 0,2 % sulphiteCrude fibreAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matterMoisture if < 65 % or > 82 %
4.4.5Dried chicory pulpProduct of the manufacture of inulin from roots of Cichorium intybus L. consisting of extracted and mechanically pressed slices of chicory and subsequent drying. The (soluble) chicory carbohydrates have been partly extracted. May contain up to 2 % sulphate and 0,5 % sulphiteCrude fibreAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
4.4.6Chicory roots powderProduct obtained by chopping, drying and grinding chicory roots. May contain up to 1 % of anticaking agentsCrude fibreAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
4.4.7Chicory molassesProduct of chicory processing, obtained during the production of inulin and oligofructose. Chicory molasses consists of organic plant material and minerals. May contain up to 0,5 % antifoaming agentsCrude proteinCrude ashMoisture if < 20 % or > 30 %
4.4.8Chicory vinassesCo-product from chicory processing obtained after the separation of inulin and oligofructose and ion exchange elution. Chicory vinasses consists of organic plant material and minerals. May contain up to 1 % antifoaming agentsCrude proteinCrude ashMoisture if < 30 % or > 40 %
4.4.9InulinInulin is a fructan extracted from e.g. roots of Cichorium intybus L., Inula helenium or Helianthus tuberosus; raw inulin may contain up to 1 % sulphate and 0,5 % sulphite
4.4.10Oligofructose syrupProduct obtained by partial hydrolysis of inulin from Cichorium intybus L.; raw oligofructose syrup may contain up to 1 % sulphate 0,5 % sulphiteMoisture if < 20 % or > 30 %
4.4.11Oligofructose, driedProduct obtained by partial hydrolysis of inulin from Cichorium intybus L. and subsequent drying
4.5.1Garlic, driedWhite to yellow powder of pure, ground garlic, Allium sativum L.
4.6.1Manioc [tapioca]; [cassava]Roots of Manihot esculenta Crantz, regardless of their presentationMoisture if < 60 % or > 70 %
4.6.2Manioc, dried [tapioca, dried]Roots of Manioc, regardless of their presentation, which are subsequently driedStarchAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
4.7.1Onion pulpMoist product obtained from processing onions (genus Allium) and consisting of both skins and whole onions. If obtained from the production process for onion oil, then it mostly consists of cooked remains of onionsCrude fibreAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
4.7.2Onions, friedSkinned and crumbed onion pieces which are then friedCrude fibreAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matterCrude fat
4.7.3Onions solubles, driedDry product obtained from processing fresh onions. It is obtained by alcoholic and/or water extraction, the water or alcoholic fraction is separated and spray dried. It consists mainly of carbohydratesCrude fibre
4.8.1PotatoesTubers of Solanum tuberosum L.Moisture if < 72 % or > 88 %
4.8.2Potatoes, peeledPotatoes from which the skin is removed using steam treatmentStarchCrude fibreAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
4.8.3Potato peelings, steamedMoist product from the potato processing industry consisting of peelings removed by steam treatment from potato tubers to which auxiliary flows of gelatinous potato starch may be addedMoisture if > 93 %Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
4.8.4Potato cuttings, rawProduct obtained from potatoes during the preparation of potato products for human consumption, which may have been peeledMoisture if > 88 %Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
4.8.5Potato scrapingsProduct obtained from mechanical separation in the processing of potatoes and potato remnants. The product may have been subject to heat treatmentMoisture if > 93 %Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
4.8.6Potato, mashedBlanched or boiled and then mashed potato productStarchCrude fibreAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
4.8.7Potato flakesProduct obtained by rotary drying of washed, peeled or unpeeled steamed potatoesStarchCrude fibreAsh insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
4.8.8Potato pulpProduct of the manufacture of potato starch consisting of extracted ground potatoesMoisture, if < 77 % or > 88 %
4.8.9Potato pulp, driedDried product of the manufacture of potato starch consisting of extracted ground potatoes
4.8.10Potato proteinProduct of starch manufacture composed mainly of protein substances obtained after the separation of starchCrude protein
4.8.11Potato protein, hydrolysedProtein obtained by a controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of potato proteinsCrude protein
4.8.12Potato protein, fermentedProduct obtained by fermentation of potato protein and subsequent spray-dryingCrude protein
4.8.13Potato protein fermented, liquidLiquid product obtained by fermentation of potato proteinCrude protein
4.8.14Potato juice, concentratedConcentrated product of the manufacture of potato starch, consisting of the remaining substance after partial removal of fibre, proteins and starch from the whole potato pulp and evaporation of part of the waterMoisture if < 50 % or > 60 %If moisture < 50 %:Crude proteinCrude ash
4.8.15Potato granulesPotatoes after washing, peeling, size reduction (cutting, flaking, etc.) and drying
4.9.1Sweet potatoTubers of Ipomoea batatas L. regardless of their presentationMoisture if < 57 % or > 78 %
4.10.1Jerusalem artichoke [Topinambur]Tubers of Helianthus tuberosus L. regardless of their presentationMoisture if < 75 % or > 80 %
4.11.1Red radish juiceJuice from pressing roots of Red Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) with subsequent drying and pasteurisationMoisture if < 30 % or > 50 %
5.Other seeds and fruits, and products derived thereof
The word "citrus" shall be replaced by the citrus species.The word "fruit" shall be replaced by the name of the fruit of the plant species, as appropriate.
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
5.1.1AcornWhole fruits of the pendunculate oak Quercus robur L., the sessile oak Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., the cork oak Quercus suber L., or other species of the Quercus gender
5.1.2Acorn, dehulledProduct obtained during dehulling of acornCrude proteinCrude fibre
5.2.1AlmondWhole or broken fruit Prunus dulcis, with or without hulls
5.2.2Almond hullsAlmond hulls obtained from dehusked almond seeds by physical separation from the kernels and groundCrude fibre
5.2.3Almond kernel expeller5Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of almond kernelsCrude proteinCrude fibre
5.3.1Anise seedSeeds of Pimpinella anisum
5.4.1Apple pulp, dried; [apple pomace, dried]Product obtained from the production of juice of Malus domestica or cider production. It consists principally of internal pulp and outer skins that are driedCrude fibre
5.4.2Apple pulp, pressed; [apple pomace, pressed]Moist product obtained from the production of apple juice or cider production. It consists principally of internal pulp and outer skins that are pressedCrude fibre
5.4.3Apple molassesProduct obtained after producing pectin from apple pulpCrude proteinCrude fibreCrude oils and fats, if > 10 %
5.5.1Sugar beet seedSeeds of sugar beet
5.6.1BuckwheatSeeds of Fagopyrum esculentum
5.6.2Buckwheat hulls and branProduct obtained during the milling of buckwheat grainsCrude fibre
5.6.3Buckwheat middlingsProduct of flour manufacture, obtained from screened buckwheat. It consists principally of particles of endosperm, with fine fragments of the outer and some miscellaneous parts of the grain. It must contain no more than 10 % crude fibreCrude fibreStarch
5.7.1Red cabbage seedSeeds of Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. Rubra
5.8.1Canary grass seedSeeds of Phalaris canariensis
5.9.1Caraway seedSeeds from Carum carvi L.
5.12.1Whole or broken chestnutsProduct of the production of chestnut flour, consisting mainly of particles of endosperm, with fine fragments of envelopes and a few remnants of chestnut (Castanea spp.)Crude proteinCrude fibre
5.13.1Citrus pulpProduct obtained by pressing citrus fruits Citrus (L.) spp. or during the production of citrus juice. May contain collectively up to 1 % methanol, ethanol and propan-2-ol, on an anhydrous basisCrude fibre
5.13.2Citrus pulp, driedProduct obtained by pressing citrus fruits or during the production of citrus juice, which is subsequently dried. May contain collectively up to 1 % methanol, ethanol and propan-2-ol, on an anhydrous basisCrude fibre
5.14.1Red clover seedSeeds of Trifolium pratense L.
5.14.2White clover seedSeeds of Trifolium repens L.
5.15.1Coffee skinsProduct obtained from dehusked seeds of the Coffea plantCrude fibre
5.16.1Cornflower seedSeeds of Centaurea cyanus L.
5.17.1Cucumber seedSeeds of Cucumis sativus L.
5.18.1Cypress seedSeeds of Cupressus L.
5.19.1Date fruitFruits of Phoenix dactylifera L.
5.19.2Date seedWhole seeds of Phoenix dactylifera L.Crude fibre
5.20.1Fennel seedSeeds of Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
5.21.1Fig fruitFruits of Ficus carica L.
5.22.1Fruit kernels11Product consisting of the inner, edible seeds of a nut or fruit stone
5.22.2Fruit pulpProduct obtained during the production of fruit juice and fruit pureeCrude fibre
5.22.3Fruit pulp, driedProduct obtained during the production of fruit juice and fruit puree which is subsequently driedCrude fibre
5.23.1Garden cressSeeds from Lepidium sativum L.Crude fibre
5.24.1Graminaceous seedsSeeds from graminoids of the families Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae
5.25.1Grape pipsPips from Vitis L. separated from grape pulp, from which the oil has not been removedCrude fatCrude fibre
5.25.2Grape pips mealProduct obtained during the extraction of oil from grape pipsCrude fibre
5.25.3Grape pulp [grape marc]Grape pulp dried rapidly after the extraction of alcohol from which as much as possible of the stalks and pips have been removedCrude fibre
5.25.4Grape pips solubleProduct obtained from grape pips after producing grape juice. It principally contains carbohydratesCrude fibre
5.26.1HazelnutWhole or broken fruit of Corylus (L.) spp., with or without hulls
5.26.2Hazelnut expeller5Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing hazelnut kernelsCrude proteinCrude fibre
5.27.1PectinPectin is obtained by aqueous extraction (of natural strains) of appropriate plant material, usually citrus fruits or apples. No organic precipitant shall be used other than methanol, ethanol and propan-2-ol. May contain collectively up to 1 % methanol, ethanol and propan-2-ol, on an anhydrous basis. Pectin consists mainly of the partial methyl esters of polygalacturonic acid and their ammonium, sodium, potassium and calcium salts
5.28.1Perilla seedSeeds of Perilla frutescens L. and its milling products
5.29.1Pine nutSeeds from Pinus (L.) spp.
5.30.1PistachioFruit of Pistacia vera L.
5.31.1Plantago seedSeeds of Plantago (L.) spp.
5.32.1Radish seedSeeds of Raphanus sativus L.
5.33.1Spinach seedSeeds of Spinacia oleracea L.
5.34.1Thistle seedSeeds from Carduus marianus L.
5.35.1Tomato pulp [tomato pomace]Product obtained by pressing tomatoes Solanum lycopersicum L. during production of tomato juice. It consists principally of tomato peel and seedsCrude fibre
5.36.1Yarrow seedSeeds of Achillea millefolium L.
5.37.1Apricot kernel expeller5Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing apricot kernels (Prunus armeniaca L.). It may contain hydrocyanic acidCrude proteinCrude fibre
5.38.1Black cumin expeller5Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing black cumin seeds (Bunium persicum L.)Crude proteinCrude fibre
5.39.1Borage seed expeller5Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing borage seeds (Borago officinalis L.)Crude proteinCrude fibre
5.40.1Evening primrose expeller5Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing evening primrose seeds (Oenothera L.)Crude proteinCrude fibre
5.41.1Pomegranate expeller5Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing pomegranate seeds (Punica granatum L.)Crude proteinCrude fibre
5.42.1Walnut kernel expeller5Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing walnut kernels (Juglans regia L.)Crude proteinCrude fibre
6.Forages and roughage, and products derived thereof
The species of plants may be added to the name.With the exception of Cannabis sativa L.The term "meal" may be replaced by "pellets". The method of drying may be added to the name.
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
6.1.1Beet leavesLeaves of Beta spp.
6.2.1Cereal plants11Whole plants of cereal species or parts thereofAsh insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.3.1Cereals straw11Straw of cereals
6.3.2Cereal straw, treated11Product obtained by an appropriate treatment of cereal strawSodium, if treated with NaOH
6.4.1Clover mealProduct obtained by drying and milling clover Trifolium spp. It may contain up to 20 % lucerne (Medicago sativa L. and Medicago var. Martyn) or other forage crops dried and milled at the same time as the cloverCrude proteinCrude fibreAsh insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.5.1Forage meal [grass meal]; [green meal]Product obtained by drying and milling and in some cases compacting forage plantsCrude proteinCrude fibreAsh insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.6.1HaySpecies of any grass or legumes plants or herbs, field dried or artificially driedAsh insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.6.2Grass; herbs; legume plants, driedProduct obtained from grass, herbs or legume plants that has been artificially dehydrated (in any form)Ash insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.6.3Grass; herbs; legume plants; [green forage]Fresh biomass consisting of grass, legume plants or herbsAsh insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.6.4Green silageEnsiled biomass from arable land and grassland consisting of any grass, legume plants or herbsAsh insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.6.5HaylageEnsiled or dried arable crops consisting of grass, legume plants or herbs with a minimum of 50 % dry matter content, wrapped in bales or stored in silosAsh insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.7.1Hemp flourFlour ground from stems from hemp from varieties of Cannabis sativa L. with a tetrahydrocannabinol content < 0,2 % according to the quantification method established in Regulation (EU) No 639/2014Crude protein
6.7.2Hemp fibreProduct obtained during the mechanical processing of hemp stems from varieties of Cannabis sativa L. with a tetrahydrocannabinol content < 0,2 % according to the quantification method established in Regulation (EU) No 639/2014Crude fibre
6.8.1Horse bean strawStraw of horse bean (Vicia faba L. ssp. faba var. equina Pers. and var. minuta (Alef.) Mansf.)
6.9.1Linseed strawStraw of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)
6.10.1Lucerne [alfalfa]Medicago sativa L. and Medicago var. Martyn plants or parts thereofAsh insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.10.2Lucerne, field dried; [alfalfa field dried]Lucerne, field driedAsh insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.10.3Lucerne, high temperature dried [alfalfa, high temperature dried]; [dehydrated Lucerne]Lucerne artificially dehydrated, in any formCrude proteinCrude fibreAsh insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.10.4Lucerne, extruded [alfalfa, extruded]Alfalfa pellets that have been extruded
6.10.5Lucerne meal [alfalfa meal16]Product obtained by drying and milling Lucerne. It may contain up to 20 % clover or other forage crop dried and milled at the same time as the lucerneCrude proteinCrude fibreAsh insoluble, in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter
6.10.6Lucerne pomace [alfalfa pomace]Dried product obtained by pressing the juice from lucerneCrude proteinCrude fibre
6.10.7Lucerne protein concentrate [alfalfa protein concentrate]Product obtained by artificially drying fractions of lucerne press juice, which have been separated by centrifugation and heat treated to precipitate proteinCrude proteinCarotene
6.10.8Lucerne solublesProduct obtained after protein extraction from lucerne juiceCrude protein
6.11.1Maize silageEnsiled plants or parts thereof of Zea mays L. ssp. Mays
6.12.1Pea strawStraw of Pisum spp.
6.13.1Rapeseed7 strawStraw of Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera (Metzg.) Sinsk., of Indian sarson Brassica napus L. var. glauca (Roxb.) O.E. Schulz and of rape Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera (Metzg.)
7.Other plants, algae, funghi and products derived thereof
The name shall be supplemented, as appropriate, by the plant, fungus or algae species. If the obtained feed material contains other species above 5 %, these species shall be also indicated.
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
7.1.1AlgaeAlgae, live or processed, including fresh, chilled or frozen algae. May contain up to 0,1 % antifoaming agentsCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ashIodine if > 100 ppm
7.1.2Algae, driedProduct obtained by drying algae. This product may have been washed to reduce the iodine content and the algae have been inactivated. May contain up to 0,1 % antifoaming agentsCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ashIodine if > 100 ppm
7.1.3Algae mealProduct of algae oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of algae. The algae have been inactivated. May contain up to 0,1 % antifoaming agentsCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ashIodine if > 100 ppm
7.1.4Algal oilOil obtained by extraction from algae. May contain up to 0,1 % antifoaming agentsCrude fatMoisture if > 1 %
7.1.6Seaweed mealProduct obtained by drying and crushing macro-algae, in particular red, brown or green algae. This product may have been washed to reduce the iodine content. May contain up to 0,1 % antifoaming agentsCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ashIodine if > 100 ppm
7.1.7Algae meal from AsparagopsisProduct obtained by drying and crushing macro-algae of the genus Asparagopsis. May be washed to reduce iodine and bromine contentCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ashIodine if > 100 ppm
7.2.1Fungi, driedDried mushroom and/or mycelium derived from edible fungi, rich in fiber, amino-acids, and poly-saccharidesCrude fibreCrude protein
7.3.1BarksCleaned and dried bark of trees or bushesCrude fibre
7.4.1Blossoms15, , driedAll parts of dried blossoms of consumable plants and their fractionsCrude fibre
7.5.1Broccoli, driedProduct obtained by drying the plant Brassica oleracea L. after washing, size reduction (cutting, flaking, etc.) and water content removal
7.6.1(Sugar) cane molassesSyrupy product obtained during the manufacture or refining of sugar from Saccharum L. May contain up to 0,5 % antifoaming agents, 0,5 % antiscaling agents, 3,5 % sulphate and 0,25 % sulphiteTotal sugars, calculated as sucroseMoisture, if > 30 %
7.6.2(Sugar) cane Molasses, partially desugaredProduct obtained after further extraction using water of sucrose from sugar cane molassesTotal sugars, calculated as sucroseMoisture, if > 28 %
7.6.3(Cane) sugar [sucrose]Sugar extracted from sugar cane using water
7.6.4Cane bagasseProduct obtained during extraction using water of sugar from sugar cane. It consists mainly of fibresCrude fibre
7.7.1Leaves15,, driedDried leaves of consumable plants and their fractionsCrude fibre
7.8.1LignocelluloseProduct obtained by means of mechanical processing of raw natural dried wood and which predominantly consists of lignocellulose
7.8.2PowdercelluloseProduct obtained by decomposition, separation of lignin and further cleaning as cellulose from vegetable fibre15 of untreated wood and which is modified by mechanical processing only. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) minimum 87 %
7.9.1Liquorice rootRoot of Glycyrrhiza L.
7.10.1MintProduct obtained from drying aerial parts of the plants Mentha apicata, Mentha piperita or Mentha viridis (L.), regardless of their presentation.
7.11.1Spinach, driedProduct obtained from drying the plant Spinacia oleracea L., regardless of its presentation
7.12.1Mojave yuccaPulverised product obtained from stems of Yucca schidigera RoezlCrude fibre
7.12.2Yucca [Schidigera] juiceProduct obtained by cutting and pressing stems of Yucca Schidigera, composed mainly of carbohydrates
7.13.1Vegetable carbon; [charcoal]Product obtained by carbonisation of organic vegetal material
7.14.1WoodChemically untreated wood or wood fibresCrude fibre
7.14.2Wood molassesProduct obtained by means of heating and pressing of raw, untreated wood and which predominantly consists of xyloseTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose
7.15.1Waxy-leaf nightshade mealProduct obtained by drying and grinding the leaves of Solanum glaucophyllumCrude fibreVitamin D3
8.Milk products and products derived thereofFeed materials in this chapter shall fulfil the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 and the specific requirements for milk, colostrum, and certain other products derived from milk according to Annex X to Regulation (EU) No 142/2011.
Expressions are not synonymous and differ mainly in their moisture content, respective expression to be used as appropriate. The term "powder" implies a moisture content below 12 % and may replace the term "dried" or "concentrated and dried".
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
8.1.1Butter and butter productsButter and products obtained by production or processing of butter (e.g. butter serum), unless listed separatelyCrude proteinCrude fatLactoseMoisture if > 6 %
8.2.1Buttermilk/buttermilk powderProduct obtained by churning butter out of cream or similar processes.Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;up to 0,3 % inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 0,5 % alkali e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing propertiesCrude proteinCrude fatLactoseMoisture if > 6 %
8.3.1CaseinProduct obtained from skimmed or buttermilk by drying casein precipitated by means of acids or rennetCrude proteinMoisture if > 10 %
8.4.1CaseinateProduct extracted from curd or casein through use of neutralising substances and dryingCrude proteinMoisture if > 10 %
8.5.1Cheese and cheese productsCheese and products made of cheese and of milk based productsCrude proteinCrude fat
8.6.1Colostrum/colostrum powderThe fluid secreted by the mammary glands of milk-producing animals up to five days post parturitionCrude protein
8.7.1Dairy by-productsProducts obtained when producing dairy products, including centrifuge or separator sludge, white water, milk minerals.Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;up to 0,3 % inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 0,5 % alkali e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing propertiesMoistureCrude proteinCrude fatTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose
8.8.1Fermented milk productsProducts obtained by fermentation of milk (e.g. yoghurt etc.)Crude proteinCrude fat
8.9.1LactoseThe sugar separated from milk or whey by purification and dryingMoisture if > 5 %
8.10.1Milk/milk powder18Normal mammary secretion obtained from one or more milkingsCrude proteinCrude fatMoisture if > 5 %
8.11.1Skimmed milk/skimmed milk powderMilk whose fat content has been reduced by separationCrude proteinMoisture if > 5 %
8.12.1Milk fatProduct obtained by skimming milkCrude fat
8.13.1Milk protein powderProduct obtained by drying protein compounds extracted from milk by chemical or physical treatmentCrude proteinMoisture if > 8 %
8.14.1Condensed and evaporated milk and their productsCondensed and evaporated milk and products obtained by production or processing of these productsCrude proteinCrude fatMoisture if > 5 %
8.15.1Milk permeate/Milk permeate powderProduct obtained from the liquid phase of (ultra, nano or micro) filtration of milk and from which lactose may have been partly removed.Reverse osmosis may be appliedCrude ashCrude proteinLactoseMoisture if > 8 %
8.16.1Milk retentate/milk retentate powderProduct retained on the membrane from (ultra, nano or micro) filtration of milkCrude proteinCrude ashLactoseMoisture if > 8 %
8.17.1Whey/whey powderProduct of cheese, quark or casein manufacturing or similar processes.Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;up to 0,3 % inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 0,5 % alkali e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing propertiesCrude proteinLactoseMoisture if > 8 %Crude ash
8.18.1Delactosed whey/delactosed whey powderWhey from which the lactose has been partly removed.Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;up to 0,3 % inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 0,5 % alkali e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing propertiesCrude proteinLactoseMoisture if > 8 %Crude ash
8.19.1Whey protein/whey protein powderProduct obtained by drying whey protein compounds extracted from whey by chemical or physical treatment.Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;up to 0,3 % inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 0,5 % alkali e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing propertiesCrude proteinMoisture if > 8 %
8.20.1Demineralised, delactosed whey/demineralised, delactosed whey powderWhey from which lactose and minerals have been partly removed.Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;up to 0,3 % inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 0,5 % alkali e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing propertiesCrude proteinLactoseCrude ashMoisture if > 8 %
8.21.1Whey permeate/whey permeate powderProduct from the liquid phase of (ultra, nano or micro) filtration of whey and from which lactose may have been partly removed. Reverse osmosis may be applied.Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;up to 0,3 % inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 0,5 % alkali e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing propertiesCrude ashCrude proteinLactoseMoisture if > 8 %
8.22.1Whey retentate/whey retentate powderProduct retained on the membrane from (ultra, nano or micro) filtration of whey.Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;up to 0,3 % inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 0,5 % alkali e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many stages of production processes;up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing propertiesCrude proteinCrude ashLactoseMoisture if > 8 %
9.Land animal products and products derived thereofFeed materials in this chapter shall fulfil the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009. The name of the feed materials shall be supplemented with the indication according to Annex X or Annex XIII to Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 or Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 for clarifying the specific requirements and a clear identification regarding restrictions to use according to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001.
Without prejudice to mandatory requirements concerning labelling, commercial documents and health certificates for animal by-products and derived products as laid down in Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 (Annex VIII, Chapter III) and if the Catalogue is used for labelling purposes, the name shall be replaced as appropriate to provide adequate information, by:the animal species andthe part of the animal product (e.g. liver, meat (only if skeletal muscle)), and/orthe life stage (e.g. larvae) and/orthe naming of the animal species not used in respect of the ban on intra-species recycling (e.g. poultry-free)or supplemented as appropriate to provide adequate information, by:the animal species and/orthe part of the animal product (e.g. liver, meat (only if skeletal muscle)), and/orthe life stage (e.g. larvae) and/orthe naming of the animal species not used in respect of the ban on intra-species recycling.Without prejudice to mandatory requirements concerning labelling, commercial documents and health certificates for animal by-products and derived products as laid down in Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 (Annex VIII, Chapter III) and Regulation 999/2001, Annex IV, and if the Catalogue is used for labelling purposes, the name shall be supplemented as appropriate to provide adequate information, by:the animal species processed (e.g. porcine, ruminant, avian, insect) and/orthe life stage (e.g. larvae) and/orthe material processed (e.g. bone) and/orthe process used (e.g. defatted, refined) and/orthe naming of the animal species not used in respect of the ban on intra-species recycling (e.g. poultry-free).The name shall be replaced by the name of the specific product, as appropriate.
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
9.1.1Animal by-productsWhole or parts of warm-blooded land animals, fresh, frozen, cooked, acid treated or driedCrude proteinCrude fatMoisture if > 8 %
9.2.1Animal fatProduct composed of fat from land animals, including invertebrates other than species pathogenic to humans and animals in all their life stages. If extracted with solvents, may contain up to 0,1 % hexaneCrude fatMoisture if > 1 %
9.3.1Apiculture by-productsHoney, beeswax, royal jelly, propolis, pollen, processed or unprocessedTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose
9.4.1Processed animal proteinProduct obtained by heating, drying and grinding whole or parts of land animals, including invertebrates in all their life stages from which the fat may have been partially extracted or physically removed. If extracted with solvents, may contain up to 0,1 % hexaneCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ashMoisture if > 8 %
9.5.1Gelatine process derived proteinsDried animal proteins derived from the production of gelatine obtained from raw materials pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004Crude proteinCrude fatCrude ashMoisture if > 8 %
9.6.1Hydrolysed animal proteinsPolypeptides, peptides and amino acids, and mixtures thereof, obtained by hydrolysis of animal by-products, which can be concentrated by dryingCrude proteinMoisture if > 8 %
9.7.1Blood mealProduct derived from the heat treatment of blood of slaughtered warm-blooded animalsCrude proteinMoisture if > 8 %
9.8.1Blood productsProducts derived from blood or fractions of blood of slaughtered warm-blooded animals; they include dried/frozen/liquid plasma, dried whole blood, dried/frozen/liquid red cells or fractions thereof and mixturesCrude proteinMoisture if > 8 %
9.9.1Catering reflux [catering recycling]All waste food containing material of animal origin including used cooking oil originating in restaurants, catering facilities and kitchens, including central kitchens and household kitchensCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ashMoisture if > 8 %
9.10.1CollagenProtein-based product derived from animal bones, hides, skins and tendonsCrude proteinMoisture if > 8 %
9.11.1Feather mealProduct obtained by drying and grinding feathers of slaughtered animalsCrude proteinMoisture if > 8 %
9.12.1GelatineNatural, soluble protein, gelling or non-gelling, obtained by the partial hydrolysis of collagen produced from bones, hides and skins, tendons and sinews of animalsCrude proteinMoisture if > 8 %
9.13.1GreavesProduct obtained from the manufacture of tallow, lard and other extracted or physically removed fats of animal origin, fresh, frozen or dried.If extracted with solvents, may contain up to 0,1 % hexaneCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ashMoisture if > 8 %
9.14.1Products of animal originFormer foodstuff containing animal products; with or without treatment such as fresh, frozen, driedCrude proteinCrude fatMoisture if > 8 %
9.15.1EggsWhole eggs of Gallus gallus L. with or without shells
9.15.2AlbumenProduct obtained from eggs after the separation of shells and yolk, pasteurised and possibly denaturedCrude proteinMethod of denaturation, if applicable
9.15.3Egg products, driedProducts consisting of pasteurised dried eggs, without shells or a mixture of different proportions of dried albumen and dried egg yolkCrude proteinCrude fatMoisture if > 5 %
9.15.4Egg powder, sugaredDried whole or parts of eggs, sugaredCrude proteinCrude fatMoisture if > 5 %Total sugars, calculated as sucrose
9.15.5Egg shells, driedProduct obtained from poultry eggs, after the content (yolk and albumen) has been removed. Shells are driedCrude ash
9.16.1Terrestrial invertebrates, liveLive terrestrial invertebrates, in all their life stages, other than species having adverse effects on plant, animals and human health
9.16.2Terrestrial invertebrates, deadDead terrestrial invertebrates, other than species having adverse effects on plant, animals and human health, in all their life stages, with or without treatment but not processed as referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009Crude proteinCrude fatCrude ash
9.17.1Cholesterol from woolgreaseProduct obtained from woolgrease (lanolin) by saponification, separations and crystallization. Minimum content of (3β)-cholest-5-en-3-ol, C27H46O: 90 %
10.Fish, other aquatic animals and products derived thereofFeed materials in this chapter shall fulfil the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 and Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 and may be subject to restrictions in use according to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001.
The name shall be supplemented by the animal species.The name shall be supplemented by the animal species, when produced from farmed fish/crustacean, as relevant.
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
10.1.1Aquatic invertebratesWhole or parts of marine or freshwater invertebrates, in all their life stages, other than species pathogenic to humans and animalsCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ash
10.2.1By-products from aquatic animalsOriginating from establishments or plants preparing or manufacturing products for human consumptionCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ash
10.3.1Crustacea mealProduct obtained by heating, pressing and drying whole or parts of crustacean including wild and farmed shrimpCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
10.4.1FishWhole or parts of fish: fresh, frozen, cooked, acid treated or driedCrude proteinMoisture if > 8 %
10.4.2Fish mealProduct obtained by heating, pressing and drying whole or parts of fish and to which fish solubles may have been re-added prior to dryingCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ash, if > 20 %Moisture if > 8 %
10.4.3Fish solublesCondensed product obtained during manufacture of fishmeal which has been separated and stabilised by acidification or dryingCrude proteinCrude fatMoisture if > 5 %
10.4.4Fish protein, hydrolysedProteins obtained by hydrolysis of whole or parts of fish, which can be concentrated by dryingCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ash, if > 20 %Moisture if > 8 %
10.4.5Fishbone mealProduct obtained by heating, pressing and drying parts of fish. It consists principally of fishboneCrude ash
10.4.6Fish oilOil obtained from fish or parts of fish followed by centrifugation to remove water (may include species specific details e.g. cod liver oil)Crude fatMoisture if > 1 %
10.4.7Fish oil, hydrogenatedOil obtained from hydrogenation of fish oilMoisture if > 1 %
10.4.8Fish oil stearine [Winterized fish oil]Fraction of fish oil with a high content of saturated fats obtained during the refining of crude fish oil to refined fish oil using the process winterization in which the saturated fats are congealed and subsequently collectedCrude fatMoisture if > 1 %
10.5.1Krill oilOil obtained from cooked and pressed marine planktonic krill followed by centrifugation to remove waterMoisture if > 1 %
10.5.2Krill protein concentrate, hydrolysedProduct obtained by the enzymatic hydrolysis of whole or parts of krill, often concentrated by dryingCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ash, if > 20 %Moisture if > 8 %
10.6.1Marine annelid mealProduct obtained by heating and drying whole or parts of marine annelids, including Nereis virens M. SarsCrude fatAsh if > 20 %Moisture if > 8 %
10.7.1Marine zooplankton mealProduct obtained by heating, pressing and drying marine zooplankton e.g. krillCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ash, if > 20 %Moisture if > 8 %
10.7.2Marine zooplankton oilOil obtained from cooked and pressed marine zooplankton followed by centrifugation to remove waterMoisture if > 1 %
10.8.1Mollusc mealProduct obtained by heating and drying whole or parts of molluscs including squid and bi-valvesCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ash, if > 20 %Moisture if > 8 %
10.9.1Squid mealProduct obtained by heating, pressing and drying whole squid or parts of squidCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ash, if > 20 %Moisture if > 8 %
10.10.1Starfish meal [sea star meal]Product obtained by heating, pressing and drying whole Asteroidea or parts of AsteroideCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ash, if > 20 %Moisture if > 8 %
10.11.1Marine invertebrates mealProduct obtained by heating, pressing and drying whole or parts of marine invertebratesCrude proteinCrude fatCrude ash, if > 20 %Moisture if > 8 %
11.Minerals and products derived thereofFeed materials in this chapter containing animal by-products shall fulfil the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 and Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 and may be subject to restrictions in use according to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001.
The nature of the source may be indicated additionally in the name or replace it.May be placed on the market and used until 30 May 2028 in accordance with Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2022/1104.The name shall be amended or supplemented to specify the fatty and/or organic acid, as appropriateThis does not preclude that specific salts of organic acids are classified as feed additivesThe name shall be supplemented by the amino acid or the source of amino acids used.The manufacturing process may be included in the name.The name shall be supplemented by "from bones", where appropriate.Sodium citrates may be placed on the market and used until 30 May 2028 in accordance with Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2022/1104.Potassium citrates may be placed on the market and used until 30 May 2028 in accordance with Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2022/1104.
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
11.1.1Calcium carbonate [limestone]Product obtained by grinding sources of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), such as limestone or by precipitation from acid solution.May contain up to 0,25 % propylene glycol. May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aidsCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.2Calcareous marine shellsProduct of natural origin, obtained from marine shells, ground or granulated, such as oyster shells or seashellsCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.3Calcium and magnesium carbonateNatural mixture of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and magnesium carbonate (MgCO3). May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aidsCalciumMagnesiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.4MaerlProduct of natural origin obtained from calcareous marine algae, ground or granulatedCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.5LithothamnProduct of natural origin obtained from calcareous marine algae (Phymatolithon calcareum (Pall.)), ground or granulatedCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.6Calcium chlorideCalcium chloride (CaCl2) and its hydrate froms. May contain up to 0,2 % barium sulphateCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.7Calcium hydroxideCalcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2).May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aidsCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.8Calcium sulphate anhydrousCalcium sulphate anhydrous (CaSO4) obtained by grinding calcium sulphate anhydrous or dehydration of calcium sulphate dihydrateCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.9Calcium sulphate hemihydrateCalcium sulphate hemihydrate (CaSO4 × ½ H2O) obtained by partially dehydrating calcium sulphate dihydrateCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.10Calcium sulphate dihydrateCalcium sulphate dihydrate (CaSO4 × 2H2O) obtained by grinding calcium sulphate dihydrate or hydration of calcium sulphate hemihydrateCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.11Calcium salts of organic acidsCalcium salts of edible organic acids with at least 4 carbon atomsCalciumOrganic acid
11.1.12Calcium oxideCalcium oxide (CaO) obtained from calcination of naturally occurring limestone. May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aidsCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.13Calcium gluconateCalcium salt of gluconic acid generally expressed as Ca(C6H11O7)2 and its hydrated formsCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.14Calcium chelatesCa(x)1-3 x nH2O(x) = anion of amino acids from soya protein hydrolysate or synthetic amino acids authorised as feed additive. The chelation of the cation is proven by a maximum of 10 % molecules exceeding 1500 Daltons and adequate analytical method proving the chelated structure of the feed material.May contain up to 40 % chlorideCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.15Calcium sulphate/carbonateProduct obtained during the manufacturing of sodium carbonateCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.16Calcium pidolateCalcium L-pidolate (C10H12CaN2O6 ). May contain up to 5 % glutamic acidCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.1.17Calcium carbonate-magnesium oxideProduct obtained by heating of natural calcium and magnesium containing substances like dolomite. May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aidsCalciumMagnesium
11.1.18Calcium nitrate double salt5 Ca(NO3)2 x NH4NO3x10 H2O. Derives from a chemical synthesis of calcium carbonate rock and nitric acidCalciumNitrogen
11.2.1Magnesium oxideCalcined magnesium oxide (MgO), not less than 70 % MgOMagnesiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 15 %,Iron content as Fe2O3 if > 5 %.
11.2.2Magnesium sulphate heptahydrateMagnesium sulphate (MgSO4 × 7 H2O)MagnesiumSulphurAsh insoluble in HCl if > 15 %
11.2.3Magnesium sulphate monohydrateMagnesium sulphate (MgSO4 × H2O)MagnesiumSulphurAsh insoluble in HCl if > 15 %
11.2.4Magnesium sulphate anhydrousAnhydrous magnesium sulphate (MgSO4)MagnesiumSulphurAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.2.5Magnesium propionateMagnesium propionate (C6H10MgO4)Magnesium
11.2.6Magnesium chlorideMagnesium chloride (MgCl2) or solution obtained by natural concentration of sea water after deposit of sodium chlorideMagnesiumChlorineAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.2.7Magnesium carbonateNatural magnesium carbonate (MgCO3)MagnesiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.2.8Magnesium hydroxideMagnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2)MagnesiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.2.9Magnesium potassium sulphateMagnesium potassium sulphate (K2Mg(SO4)2 x nH2O, n= 4,6)MagnesiumPotassiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.2.10Magnesium salts of organic acidsMagnesium salts of edible organic acids with at least 4 carbon atomsMagnesiumOrganic acid
11.2.11Magnesium gluconateMagnesium salt of gluconic acid generally expressed as Mg(C6H11O7)2 and its hydrated formsMagnesiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.2.12Magnesium chelatesformula Mg(x)1-3 x nH2O(x) = anion of amino acids from soya protein hydrolysate or synthetic amino acids authorised as feed additive.The chelation of the cation is proven by a maximum of 10 % molecules exceeding 1500 Daltons and adequate analytical method proving the chelated structure of the feed material.May contain up to 55 % chloride and/or sulphateMagnesiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.2.13Magnesium pidolateMagnesium L-pidolate (C10H12MgN2O6). May contain up to 5 % glutamic acidMagnesiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.3.1Dicalcium phosphate, [calcium hydrogen orthophosphate]Calcium monohydrogen phosphate obtained from bones or inorganic sources (CaHPO4 × nH2O, n = 0 or 2).Ca/P > 1,2.May contain up to 3 % chloride expressed as NaClCalciumTotal phosphorusP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.3.2Monodicalcium phosphateProduct composed of dicalcium phosphate and monocalcium phosphate (CaHPO4 × Ca(H2PO4)2 × nH2O, n = 0 or 1)0,8 < Ca/P < 1,3Total phosphorus,CalciumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.3Monocalcium phosphate; [calcium tetrahydrogen diorthophosphate]Calcium-bis dihydrogenphosphate (Ca(H2PO4)2 × nH2O, n=0 or 1)Ca/P < 0,9Total phosphorusCalciumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.4Tricalcium phosphate [tricalcium orthophosphate]Tricalcium phosphate from bones or inorganic sources (Ca3(PO4)2 × H2O) or hydroxyl apatite (Ca5(PO4)3OH)Ca/P > 1,3CalciumTotal phosphorusP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.3.5Calcium-magnesium phosphateCalcium-magnesium phosphate (Ca3Mg3(PO4)4).CalciumMagnesiumTotal phosphorusP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.6Defluorinated phosphateProduct obtained from inorganic sources, calcined and further heat treated.Total phosphorusCalciumSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.3.7Dicalcium pyrophosphate; [Dicalcium diphosphate]Dicalcium pyrophosphate (Ca2P2O7) from bones or inorganic sources.Total phosphorusCalciumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.8Magnesium phosphateProduct consisting of monobasic and/or di-basic and/or tri-basic magnesium phosphate.Total phosphorusMagnesiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.3.9Sodium-calcium-magnesium phosphateProduct consisting of sodium-calcium-magnesium phosphate.Total phosphorusMagnesiumCalciumSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.10Monosodium phosphate; [Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate]Monosodium phosphate.(NaH2PO4 × nH2O ; n = 0, 1 or 2)Total phosphorusSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.11Disodium phosphate; [Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate]Disodium phosphate (Na2HPO4 × nH2O ; n = 0, 2, 7 or 12)Total phosphorusSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.12Trisodium Phosphate; [Trisodium orthophosphate]Trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4 × nH2O ; n = 0, 1/2, 1, 6, 8 or 12)Total phosphorusSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.13Sodium pyrophosphate; [Tetrasodium diphosphate]Sodium pyrophosphate (Na4P2O7× nH2O ; n = 0 or 10)Total phosphorusSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.14Monopotassium phosphate; [Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate]Monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4)Total phosphorusPotassiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.15Dipotassium phosphate; [Di-potassium hydrogen orthophosphate]Dipotassium phosphate (K2HPO4 × nH2O; n= 0, 3 or 6)Total phosphorusPotassiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.16Calcium sodium phosphateCalcium sodium phosphate (CaNaPO4)Total phosphorusCalciumSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.17Monoammonium phosphate; [Ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate]Monoammonium phosphate (NH4H2PO4)Total nitrogenTotal phosphorusP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.18Diammonium phosphate; [Diammonium hydrogen orthophosphate]Diammonium phosphate ((NH4)2HPO4)Total nitrogenTotal phosphorusP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.19Sodium tripolyphosphate; [Penta sodium triphosphate]Sodium tripolyphosphate (Na5P3O10 × nH2O ; n = 0 or 6)Total phosphorusSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.20Sodium magnesium phosphateSodium-magnesium phosphate (MgNaPO4)Total phosphorusMagnesiumSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.21Magnesium hypophosphiteMagnesium hypophosphite (Mg(H2PO2)2 × 6H2O)MagnesiumTotal phosphorusP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.22Degelatinised bone mealDegelatinised, sterilised and ground bones from which the fat has been removed.Total phosphorusCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.3.23Bone ashMineral residues from the incineration, combustion or gasification of animal by-products.Total phosphorusCalciumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.3.24Calcium polyphosphateHeterogeneous mixtures of calcium salts of condensed polyphosphoric acids of general formula H(n+2)PnO(3n+1) where "n" is not less than 2.Total phosphorusCalciumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.25Calcium dihydrogen diphosphateMonocalcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate(CaH2P2O7)Total phosphorusCalciumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.26Magnesium acid pyrophosphateMagnesium acid pyrophosphate (MgH2P2O7.) Produced from purified phosphoric acid and purified magnesium hydroxide or magnesium oxide by evaporation of water and condensation of the orthophosphate to diphosphate.Total phosphorusMagnesiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.27Disodium dihydrogen diphosphateDisodium dihydrogen diphosphate (Na2H2P2O7)Total phosphorusSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.28Trisodium diphosphateTrisodium monohydrogen diphosphate (anhydrous: Na3HP2O7; monohydrate: Na3HP2O7 × nH2O; n = 0, 1 or 9)Total phosphorusSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.29Sodium polyphosphate; [Sodium hexametaphosphate]Heterogeneous mixtures of sodium salts of linear condensed polyphosphoric acids of general formula H(n + 2)PnO(3n + 1) where "n" is not less than 2.Total phosphorusSodiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.30Tripotassium phosphateTripotassium monophosphate ( K3PO4 × nH2O; n = 0, 1, 3, 7 or 9)Total phosphorusPotassiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.31Tetrapotassium di-phosphateTetrapotassium pyrophosphate (K4P2O7 × nH2O; n = 0, 1 or 3)Total phosphorusPotassiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.32Pentapotassium tri-phosphatePentapotassium tri-polyphosphate (K5P3O10)Total phosphorusPotassiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.33Potassium polyphosphateHeterogeneous mixtures of potassium salts of linear condensed polyphosphoric acids of general formula H(n + 2)PnO(3n + 1) where "n" is not less than 2Total phosphorusPotassiumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.3.34Calcium sodium polyphosphateCalcium sodium polyphosphateTotal phosphorusSodiumCalciumP insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %
11.4.1Sodium chlorideSodium chloride (NaCl) or product obtained by evaporative crystallisation from brine (saturated or depleted in another process) (vacuum salt) or evaporation of seawater (marine salt and solar salt) or grinding rock saltSodiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.4.2Sodium bicarbonate [sodium hydrogencarbonate]Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)SodiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.4.3Sodium/ammonium (bi)carbonate [sodium/ammonium (hydrogen)carbonate]Product obtained during the production of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, with traces of ammonium bicarbonate (ammonium bicarbonate max. 5 %)SodiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.4.4Sodium carbonateSodium carbonate (Na2CO3)SodiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.4.5Sodium sesquicarbonate [trisodium hydrogendicarbonate]Sodium sesquicarbonate (Na3H(CO3)2)SodiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.4.6Sodium sulphateSodium sulphate (Na2SO4)May contain up to 0,3 % methionineSodiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.4.7Sodium salts of organic acids,Sodium salts of edible organic acids with at least 4 carbon atoms27SodiumOrganic acid
11.4.8Sodium gluconateSodium salt of gluconic acid generally expressed as Na(C6H11O7) and its hydrated forms.SodiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.5.1Potassium chloridePotassium chloride (KCl) or product obtained by evaporation of seawater or grinding natural sources of potassium chloridePotassiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.5.2Potassium sulphatePotassium sulphate (K2SO4)PotassiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.5.3Potassium carbonatePotassium carbonate (K2CO3)PotassiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.5.4Potassium bicarbonate [potassium hydrogen carbonate]Potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3)PotassiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 10 %
11.5.5Potassium salts of organic acids,Potassium salts of edible organic acids with at least 4 carbon atomsPotassiumOrganic acid
11.5.6Potassium pidolatePotassium L-pidolate (C5H6KNO3). May contain up to 5 % glutamic acidPotassiumAsh insoluble in HCl if > 5 %
11.6.1Flower of sulphurPowder obtained from natural deposits of the mineral. Also, product obtained from oil refinery production as practised by sulphur manufacturersSulphur
11.7.1AttapulgiteNatural magnesium-aluminium-silicon mineralMagnesium
11.7.2QuartzNaturally occurring mineral obtained by grinding sources of quartz.May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aids
11.7.3CristobaliteSilicon dioxide (SiO2) obtained from the re-crystallisation of quartzMay contain up to 0,1 % grinding aids
11.8.1Ammonium sulphateAmmonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4) obtained by chemical synthesis. May be presented in the form of an aqueous solutionNitrogenSulphur
11.8.3Ammonium salts of organic acidsAmmonium salts of edible organic acids with at least 4 carbon atomsNitrogenOrganic acid
11.8.4Ammonium lactateAmmonium lactate (CH3CHOHCOONH4). Includes the Ammonium lactate produced by fermentation with Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactococcus lactis ssp., Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus spp, or Bifidobacterium spp., containing not less than 7 % nitrogen.May contain up to 2 % phosphorus, 2 % potassium, 0,7 % magnesium, 2 % sodium, 2 % sulphates 0,5 % chlorides, 5 % sugars and 0,1 % silicone antifoamNitrogenCrude ashPotassium if > 1,5 %Magnesium if > 1,5 %,sodium if > 1,5 %
11.8.5Ammonium acetateAmmonium acetate (CH3COONH4) in aqueous solution, containing not less than 55 % Ammonium acetateNitrogen
11.9.1Flint grit (gizzard)Product obtained by crushing naturally occurring mineral in the form of gravelParticle size
11.9.2Redstone (gizzard)Product obtained by crushing and milling of products derived from the burning of clayParticle sizeMoisture if > 2 %
12.Products and co-products obtained by fermentation using microorganismsFeed materials whose number starts with "12.1" are fermentation products obtained from whole micro-organisms or their parts. Feed materials whose number starts with "12.2" are fermentation co-products mainly consisting of microbial biomass and those whose number starts with "12.3" are other fermentation co-products.Feed materials whose number starts with "12.1" or "12.2" may contain up to 0,3 % antifoaming agents, 1,5 % filtration/clarifying agents and 2,9 % propionic acid. Feed materials whose number starts with "12.3" may contain up to 0,6 % antifoaming agents, 0,5 % antiscaling agents and 0,2 % sulphites.All microorganisms (including germinable spores) used for fermentation shall be inactivated resulting in absence of viable micro-organisms in the feed materials.Feed materials in this chapter produced from genetically modified micro-organisms shall be compliant with Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 on genetically modified food and feed.
The used name of the yeast strains may vary from the scientific taxonomy. Therefore, synonyms of the yeast strains listed could also be used.Parts means any soluble and insoluble fractions of the microorganism including from the membrane or the inner parts of the cell.Shall not be cultivated on n-alkanes (Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 767/2009, as amended).The species of microorganism(s) shall be indicated with the name of the feed material, and the term "inactivated" may be added (i.e. "name as in the catalogue" + "name of the species"; examples (i) "Single cell proteins from Methylococcus capsulatus", (ii) "Inactivated Lactobacillus acidophilus").
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
12.1.5Yeasts, inactivated [brewers' yeast, inactivated, if appropriate]Whole yeasts and parts thereof obtained from Saccharomyces bayanus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces pastorianus, Saccharomyces carlsbergensis, Kluyveromyces lactis, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Metschnikowia pulcherrima, Metschnikowia fructicola, Torulaspora delbrueckii, Cyberlindnera jadinii, Saccharomycodes ludwigii, Wickerhamomyces anomalus, Debaryomyces hansenii, Pichia guilliermondii, Yarrowia lypolitica or Brettanomyces ssp. on substrate/culture medium consisting of a carbon source mostly of vegetal origin, a nitrogen source of vegetal or chemical origin, vitamins and mineralsMoisture if < 75 % or > 97 %If moisture < 75 %:Crude proteinPropionic acid if > 0,5 %
12.1.9Single cell proteins from fungiFermentation product obtained from culture of Aspergillus oryzae, Paecilomyces varioti or Trichoderma viride on substrates mostly of vegetable origin such as molasses, sugar syrup, alcohol, distillery residues, cereals and products containing starch, fruit juice, whey, lactic acid, sugar, hydrolysed vegetable fibres and fermentation nutrients such as ammonia or mineral saltsCrude proteinCrude ashPropionic acid if > 0,5 %
12.1.10Product from Bacillus subtilis rich in proteinFermentation product obtained from culture of Bacillus subtilis on substrates mostly of vegetable origin such as molasses, sugar syrup, alcohol, distillery residues, cereals and products containing starch, fruit juice, whey, lactic acid, sugar, hydrolysed vegetable fibres and fermentation nutrients such as ammonia or mineral saltsCrude proteinCrude ashPropionic acid if > 0,5 %
12.1.12Yeasts productsAll yeasts32 and parts thereof obtained by cracking and/or fractionation of yeast cells from Saccharomyces bayanus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces pastorianus, Saccharomyces carlsbergensis, Kluyveromyces lactis, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Metschnikowia pulcherrima, Metschnikowia fructicola, Torulaspora delbrueckii, Cyberlindnera jadinii, Saccharomycodes ludwigii, Wickerhamomyces anomalus, Debaryomyces hansenii, Pichia guilliermondii, Yarrowia lypolitica or Brettanomyces ssp. on substrate/culture medium consisting of a carbon source mostly of vegetal origin, a nitrogen source of vegetal or chemical origin, vitamins and mineralsMoisture if < 75 % or > 97 %
12.1.13Single cell proteins from bacteriaProtein products obtained by fermentation with bacteria on a substrate/culture medium consisting of methanol (fermented with Methylophilus methylotrophus) or natural gas (fermented with Methylococcus capsulatus, Alcaligenes acidovorans, Aneurinibacillus danicus (previously known as Bacillus brevis) and/or Bacillus firmus) as carbon source, a nitrogen source of vegetal or chemical origin, vitamins and mineralsCrude proteinCrude ash
12.1.14Inactivated bacteria and parts thereofWhole bacteria or their parts obtained from Bifidobacterium spp., Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lacticaseibacillus casei, Limosilactobacillus fermentum (formerly known as Lactobacillus fermentum), Lacticaseibacillus paracasei (formerly known as Lactobacillus paracasei), Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (formerly known as Lactobacillus plantarum), Limosilactobacillus reuteri (formerly known as Lactobacillus reuteri), Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus (formerly known as Lactobacillus rhamnosus), Lactobacillus helveticus or Streptococcus thermophiles or other species of bacteria authorised as feed additives fermented on substrate/culture medium consisting of a carbon source mostly of vegetal origin, a nitrogen source of vegetal or chemical origin, vitamins and mineralsCrude ash
12.2.8Bacterial biomass rich in proteinProtein rich co-products obtained from the production of amino acids, vitamins, organic acids, enzymes and/or their salts obtained by fermentation with Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus velezensis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus smithii, Corynebacterium casei, Corynebacterium glutamicum, Corynebacterium melassecola, Ensifer adhaerens, Enterococcus faecium, Escherichia coli K12 or Lactobacillaceae on substrate/culture medium consisting of a carbon source mostly of vegetal origin, a nitrogen source of vegetal or chemical origin, vitamins and minerals. The product may be hydrolysedCrude proteinCrude ash
12.2.9Fungal biomassProtein rich co-products obtained from the production of products such as enzymes, vitamins and/or organic acids obtained by fermentation with Ashbya gossypii, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus tubingensis, Aspergillus sojae, Neurospora intermedia, Neurospora tetrasperma, Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma longibrachiatum or Trichoderma reesei on substrate/culture medium consisting of a carbon source mostly of vegetal origin, a nitrogen source of vegetal or chemical origin, vitamins and mineralsCrude proteinCrude ash
12.3.1Vinasses [condensed molasses soluble]Co-products derived from the industrial processing of musts/worts issued from microbial fermentation processes such as alcohol, organic acids or yeast manufacture. They are composed of the liquid/paste fraction obtained after the separation of the fermentation musts/worts. They may also include dead cells and/or parts thereof of the fermentation micro-organisms usedCrude proteinSubstrate and indication of production process as appropriate
12.3.2Co-products of (salts of) amino-acids productionCo-products from the production of amino acids and their salts by fermentation with Escherichia coli K12, Corynebacterium casei, Corynebacterium glutamicum or Corynebacterium melassecola on substrate/culture medium consisting of a carbon source mostly of vegetal origin, a nitrogen source of vegetal or chemical origin, vitamins and mineralsCrude proteinCrude ash
12.3.3Co-products of enzymes productionCo-products from the production of enzymes by fermentation with Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus tubingensis, Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus sojae, Neurospora intermedia, Trichoderma longibrachiatum, Trichoderma viride or Trichoderma reesei on substrate/culture medium consisting of a carbon source of vegetal origin, a nitrogen source of vegetal or chemical origin, vitamins and mineralsCrude proteinCrude ash
12.3.4Bacterial product rich in polyhydroxybutyrateProduct containing 3-hydroxybutyrate and 3-hydroxyvalerate, produced via fermentation with Cupriavidus necator, and non-viable bacterial protein meal remaining from the producing bacteria and fermentation brothButyrate
12.3.5Bacterial product rich in ammonium lactateAmmonium lactate (CH3CHOHCOONH4) rich product from fermentation with Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and other Lactobacillaceae, Lactococcus lactis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Streptococcus thermophiles or Bifidobacterium spp., containing not less than 5,6 % nitrogenNitrogenCrude ashPotassium if > 1,5 %Magnesium if > 1,5 %,sodium if > 1,5 %
12.3.6Co-product from the production of glucono-delta-lactone, rich in gluconic acidLiquid co-product from the cristallisation of food grade glucono-delta-lactone obtained by fermentation with Gluconobacter oxydans or Aspergillus niger. It contains a minimum of 50 % of gluconic acidGluconic acid
13.MiscellaneousFeed materials in this chapter containing animal by-products shall fulfil the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 and Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 and may be subject to restrictions in use according to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001.
As defined in Article 2(g) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs (OJ L 338, 22.12.2005, p. 1).The name shall be supplemented by the words "from animal tissues" or "from fermentation", as appropriate.The name shall be supplemented by the indication of the botanical origin.With the exception of mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol.The name shall be supplemented by the indication of the botanical or animal origin, as appropriate.The name of the feed materials shall be supplemented by the words "from splitting", "from fermentation" or "from enzymatic transesterification", as appropriate.
NumberName1DescriptionCompulsory declarations
13.1.1Products from the bakery and pasta industryProducts obtained during and from the production of bread, biscuits, wafers or pastaStarchTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose,Crude fat, if > 5 %
13.1.2Products from the pastry industryProducts obtained during and from the production of pastry and cakesStarchTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose,Crude fat, if > 5 %
13.1.3Products of the breakfast cereal manufactureSubstances or products that are intended or where it is reasonable to expect that they can be consumed by humans in their processed, partially processed or unprocessed formsCrude protein, if > 10 %Crude fibreCrude oils/fats, if > 10 %,Starch, if > 30 %Total sugars, calculated as sucrose, if > 10 %
13.1.4Products from the confectionery industryProducts obtained during and from the production of sweets, including chocolate goodsStarchCrude fat, if > 5 %Total sugars, calculated as sucrose
13.1.5Products of the ice-cream industryProducts obtained during the production of ice-creamStarchTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose,Crude fat
13.1.6Products and co-products from processing fresh fruits and vegetables17Products obtained when processing fresh fruit and vegetables (including peel, whole pieces of fruit/vegetables, and mixtures thereof). They may have been frozenStarchCrude fibreCrude fat, if > 5 %Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 %
13.1.7Products from the processing of plants17Products obtained from freezing or drying whole plants15 or their partsCrude Fibre
13.1.8Products from processing of spices and seasonings17Products obtained from freezing or drying spices and seasonings or their partsCrude protein, if > 10 %Crude fibreCrude oils/fats, if > 10 %,Starch, if > 30 %Total sugars, calculated as sucrose, if > 10 %
13.1.9Products from the processing of herbs17Products obtained from crushing, grinding, freezing or drying herbs or their partsCrude Fibre
13.1.10Products from the potato processing industryProducts obtained when processing potatoes. They may have been frozenStarchCrude fibreCrude fat, if > 5 %Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 %
13.1.11Products and co-products of the sauces productionSubstances from the sauces-production that are intended or where it is reasonable to expect that they can be consumed by humans in their processed, partially processed or unprocessed formsCrude fat
13.1.12Products and co-products from the savoury snacks industryProducts and co-products of the savoury snacks industry obtained during and from the production of savoury snacks — potato chips, potato and/or cereal based snacks (direct extruded, dough based and pelleted snacks) and nutsCrude fat
13.1.13Products from the ready-to-eat food industryProducts obtained during the production of ready-to-eat foodCrude fat, if > 5 %
13.1.14Plants co-products from spirits productionSolid products from plants (including berries and seeds such as anise) obtained after maceration of these plants in an alcoholic solution or after alcoholic evaporation/distillation, or both, in the elaboration of flavourings for the spirits production. These products must be distilled to eliminate the alcoholic residueCrude protein, if > 10 %Crude fibreCrude oils/fats, if > 10 %
13.1.15Feed beerProduct of the brewing process which is not marketable as a human beverageAlcohol contentMoisture if < 75 %
13.1.16Sweet flavored drinkProducts from the soft drink industry obtained from the production of sweet flavoured soft drinks or from unpacked non-marketable sweet-flavoured soft drinksTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose.Moisture if > 30 %
13.1.17Fruit SyrupProducts from the fruit syrup industry obtained from the manufacture of fruit syrup for human consumptionTotal sugars, calculated as sucroseMoisture if > 30 %
13.1.18Sweet flavored syrupProducts from the sweet flavored syrup industry obtained from the production of syrup or from unpacked non-marketable syrupTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose.Moisture if > 30 %
13.1.19Used food factory vegetable oilsVegetable oils having been used by food business operators in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 for cooking purposes and which have not been in contact with meat, animal fats, fish or aquatic animalsMoisture, if > 1 %
13.2.1Caramelised sugarsProduct obtained by the controlled heating of any sugarTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose
13.2.2DextroseDextrose is obtained after hydrolysis of starch and consists of purified, crystallised glucose, with or without crystal water
13.2.3FructoseFructose as purified crystalline powder. It is obtained from glucose in glucose syrup by the use of glucose isomerase and from sucrose inversion
13.2.4Glucose syrupGlucose syrup is a purified and concentrated aqueous solution of nutritive saccharides obtained through hydrolysis from starchMoisture if > 30 %
13.2.5Glucose molassesProduct produced during refining process of glucose syrupsTotal sugars, calculated as sucrose
13.2.6XyloseSugar extracted from wood
13.2.7LactuloseSemi-synthetic disaccharide (4-O-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-fructose) obtained from lactose through the isomerisation of glucose to fructose. Present in heat treated milk and milk products
13.2.8Glucosamine (Chitosamine)Amino sugar (monosaccharide) being part of the structure of the polysaccharides chitosan and chitin. Produced by the hydrolysis of crustacean and other arthropod exoskeletons or by fermentation of grain such as corn or wheatSodium or Potassium, as applicable
13.2.9Xylo-oligosaccharideChains of xylose molecules linked with β1–4 bonds with degree of polymerization ranging from 2 to 10 and produced from enzymatic hydrolysis of various feedstocks rich in hemicelluloseMoisture if > 5 %
13.2.10Gluco-oligosaccharideProduct obtained by either fermentation or hydrolysis and/or physical thermal treatment of glucose polymers, glucose, sucrose and maltoseMoisture if > 28 %
13.2.11Fructo-oligosaccharidesProduct obtained from sugar from sugar beet or sugar cane through an enzymatic process or from physical treatment of fresh cultivated pasture grassMoisture if > 28 %
13.2.12TrehaloseNon-reducing disaccharide consisting in two glucose moieties linked by an α-1,1-glucosidic bond. It is produced from liquefied starch further to multistep enzymatic process.trehalose if < 98,0 % (on anhydrous base),moisture if > 11,0 %
13.3.2Starch, pre-gelatinisedProduct consisting of starch expanded by heat treatmentStarch
13.3.3Starch mixtureProduct consisting of native and/or modified food starch obtained from different botanical sourcesStarch
13.3.4Starch hydrolysates cakeProduct from starch hydrolysis liquor filtration which consists of the following: protein, starch, polysaccharides, fat, oil and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, wood fibre)Moisture if < 25 % or > 45 %If moisture < 25 %:Crude fatCrude protein
13.3.5DextrinDextrin is partially acid hydrolysed starch.
13.3.6MaltodextrinMaltodextrin is the partially hydrolysed starch
13.4.1PolydextroseRandomly bonded bulk polymer of glucose produced by thermal polymerisation of D-Glucose
13.5.1PolyolsProduct obtained by hydrogenation or fermentation and consisting of reduced mono, di- or oligosaccharides or polysaccharides
13.5.2IsomaltSugar alcohol obtained from sucrose after enzymatic conversion and hydrogenation
13.5.3Mannitol25Product obtained by hydrogenation or fermentation and consisting of reduced glucose and/or fructose
13.5.4Xylitol25Product obtained by hydrogenation and fermentation of xylose
13.5.5Sorbitol25Product obtained by hydrogenation of glucose
13.6.1Acid oils from chemical refiningProduct obtained during the deacidification of oils and fats of vegetable or animal origin by means of alkali, followed by an acidulation with subsequent separation of the aqueous phase, containing free fatty acids, oils or fats and natural components of seeds, fruits or animal tissues such as mono- and diglycerides, crude lecithin and fibresCrude fatMoisture if > 1 %
13.6.2Fatty acids esterified with glycerol26Glycerides obtained by esterification of fatty acids with glycerol. May contain up to 50 ppm nickel from hydrogenationMoisture if > 1 %Crude fatNickel if > 20 ppm
13.6.3Mono di and tri glycerides of fatty acids26Product consisting of reaction mass of mono-, di- and triesters of glycerol with fatty acids.They may contain small amounts of free fatty acids and up to 7 % glycerol.May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenationCrude fatNickel if > 20 ppm
13.6.4Salts of fatty acids26Product obtained by reaction of fatty acids with at least 4 carbon atoms with calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium hydroxides, oxides or salts.May contain up to 50 ppm nickel from hydrogenationCrude fat (after hydrolysis)MoistureCa or Na or K or Mg (when appropriate)Nickel if > 20 ppm
13.6.5Fatty acid distillates from physical refiningProduct obtained during the deacidification of oils and fats of vegetable or animal origin by means of distillation containing free fatty acids, oils or fats and natural components of seeds, fruits or animal tissues such as mono- and diglycerides, sterols and tocopherolsCrude fatMoisture if > 1 %
13.6.6Crude fatty acids,Product obtained by fermentation of organic matter, by enzymatic interesterification of oil or by oil/fat splitting. By definition it consists of crude fatty acids C4-C24, aliphatic, linear, monocarboxylic, saturated and unsaturated. May contain up to 50 ppm nickel in case it has undergone hydrogenationCrude fatMoisture if > 1 %Nickel if > 20 ppm
13.6.7Pure distilled fatty acids,Product obtained by the distillation of crude fatty acids produced by fermentation of organic matter, by enzymatic interesterification of oil or by oil/fat splitting potentially plus hydrogenation. By definition it consists of pure distilled fatty acids C4-C24, aliphatic, linear, monocarboxylic, saturated and unsaturated.May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel in case it has undergone hydrogenationCrude fatMoisture if > 1 %Nickel if > 20 ppm
13.6.8Soap stocksProduct obtained during the deacidification of vegetable oils and fats by means of aqueous calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium hydroxide solution, containing salts of fatty acids, oils or fats and natural components of seeds, fruits or animal tissues such as mono- and diglycerides, crude lecithin and fibresMoisture if < 40 and > 50 %Ca or Na or K or Mg, as appropriate
13.6.9Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids esterified with organic acids26Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids with at least 4 carbon atoms esterified with organic acidsCrude fat
13.6.10Sucrose esters of fatty acids26Esters of saccharose and fatty acidsTotal sugars, calculated as sucroseCrude fat
13.6.11Sucroglycerides of fatty acids26Mixture of esters of saccharose and mono and di-glycerides of fatty acidsTotal sugars, calculated as sucroseCrude fat
13.6.12PalmitoylglucosamineLipid organic compound present in the roots of many plants and particularly in most leguminous plants. Palmitoylglucosamine (C22H43NO6) is produced by acylation of D-glucosamine with palmitic acid. May contain up to 0,5 % acetoneCrude fatMoisture if > 2 %
13.6.13Salt of lactylates of fatty acidsNon-glyceride ester of fatty acids. The product can be a calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium salt of fatty acids esterified with lactic acid. It may contain the salts of free fatty acids and lactic acidCrude fatMoisture if > 1 %Nickel if > 20 ppmCa or Na or K or Mg as appropriate
13.6.14PalmitoylethanolamideLipid organic compound present in soy lecithin, eggs and other feed sources. Palmitoylethanolamide (C18H37NO2) is produced by synthesis from the reaction of palmitic acid with ethanolamineCrude fatMoisture if > 2 %
13.8.1Glycerine, crude[Glycerol, crude]Co-product obtained from:the oleochemical process of oil/fat splitting to obtain fatty acids and sweet water, followed by concentration of the sweet water to get crude glycerol or by transesterification (may contain up to 0,5 % methanol) of natural oils/fats to obtain fatty acid methyl esters and sweet water, followed by concentration of the sweet water to get crude glycerol;the production of biodiesel (methyl or ethyl esters of fatty acids) by transesterification of oils and fats of unspecified vegetable and animal origin. Mineral and organic salts might remain in the glycerine (up to 7,5 %). May contain up to 0,5 % methanol and up to 4 % of matter organic non glycerol (MONG) comprising of fatty acid methyl esters, fatty acid ethyl esters, free fatty acids and glycerides;saponification of oils/fats of vegetable or animal origin, normally with alkali/alkaline earths, to obtain soaps.May contain up to 50 ppm nickel from hydrogenationGlycerolPotassium if > 1,5 %Sodium if > 1,5 %Nickel if > 20 ppm
13.8.2Glycerine[Glycerol]Product obtained from:the oleochemical process of (a) oil/fat splitting followed by concentration of sweet waters and refining by distillation (see part B, glossary of processes, entry 20) or ion-exchange process; (b) transesterification of natural oils/fats to obtain fatty acid methyl esters and crude sweet water, followed by concentration of the sweet water to get crude glycerol and refining by distillation or ion-exchange process;the production of biodiesel (methyl or ethyl esters of fatty acids) by transesterification of oils and fats of unspecified vegetable and animal origin with subsequent refining of the glycerine. Minimum glycerol content: 99 % of dry matter;saponification of oils/fats of vegetable or animal origin, normally with alkali/alkaline earths, to obtain soaps, followed by refining of crude glycerol and distillation.May contain up to 50 ppm nickel from hydrogenationGlycerol if < 99 % on dry matter basisSodium if > 0,1 %Potassium if > 0,1 %Nickel if > 20 ppm
13.9.1Methyl sulphonyl methaneOrgano-sulfur compound ((CH3)2SO2) obtained by chemical synthesis which is identical to the naturally occurring source in plantsSulphur
13.10.1PeatProduct from the natural decomposition of plant (mainly sphagnum) in anaerobic and oligotrophic environmentCrude Fibre
13.10.2LeonarditeProduct that is a naturally occurring mineral complex of phenolic hydrocarbons, also known as humate, which originates from the decomposition of organic matter over the course of millions of yearsCrude Fibre
13.11.1Propylene glycol; [1,2-propanediol]; [propane-1,2-diol]Organic compound (a diol or double alcohol) with formula C3H8O2. It is a viscous liquid with a faintly sweet taste, hygroscopic and miscible with water, acetone, and chloroform. May contain up to 0,3 % di-propylene glycol
13.11.2Mono-esters of propylene glycol and fatty acids26Mono-esters of propylene glycol and fatty acids, alone or in mixtures with di-estersPropylene glycolCrude fat
13.12.1Hyaluronic acid36Glucosamineglucan (polysaccharide) with repeating unit consisting of an amino sugar (N-acetyl-D- glucosamine) and D-glucuronic acid present in the skin, synovial fluid and the umbilical cord, produced, for example, from animal tissue or by bacterial fermentationSodium or Potassium, as applicable
13.12.2Chondroitin sulphate36Product obtained by extraction from tendons, bones and other animal tissues containing cartilage and soft connective tissues, or by sulphation of chondroitin isolated from microbial fermentationSodium