Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/759 of 14 December 2021 amending Annex VII to Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards a methodology for calculating the amount of renewable energy used for cooling and district cooling
— | Q | = | the estimated total usable heat delivered by heat pumps fulfilling the criteria referred to in Article 7(4), implemented as follows: Only heat pumps for which SPF > 1,15 * 1/η shall be taken into account, |
— | SPF | = | the estimated average seasonal performance factor for those heat pumps, |
— | Η | = | the ratio between total gross production of electricity and the primary energy consumption for the production of electricity and shall be calculated as an EU average based on Eurostat data. |
(1) "cooling" means the extraction of heat from an enclosed or indoor space (comfort application) or from a process in order to reduce the space or process temperature to, or maintain it at, a specified temperature (set point); for cooling systems, the extracted heat is rejected into and absorbed by the ambient air, ambient water or the ground, where the environment (air, ground, and water) provides a sink for the heat extracted and thus functions as a cold source; (2) "cooling system" means an assembly of components consisting of a heat extraction system, one or several cooling devices and a heat rejection system, complemented in the case of active cooling with a cooling medium in the form of fluid that work together to generate a specified heat transfer and, thus, ensures a required temperature; (a) for space cooling, the cooling system can be either a free cooling system or a cooling system embedding a cooling generator, and for which cooling is one of the primary functions; (b) for process cooling, the cooling system is embedding a cooling generator, and for which cooling is one of the primary functions;
(3) "free cooling" means a cooling system using a natural cold source to extract heat from the space or process to be cooled via fluid(s) transportation with pump(s) and/or fan(s) and which does not require the use of a cooling generator; (4) "cooling generator" means the part of a cooling system that generates a temperature difference allowing heat extraction from the space or process to be cooled, using a vapour compression cycle, a sorption cycle or driven by another thermodynamic cycle, used when the cold source is unavailable or insufficient; (5) "active cooling" means the removal of heat from a space or process, for which an energy input is needed to meet the cooling demand, used when the natural flow of energy is unavailable or insufficient and can occur with or without a cooling generator; (6) "passive cooling" means the removal of heat by the natural flow of energy through conduction, convection, radiation or mass transfer without the need for moving a cooling fluid to extract and reject heat or to generate a lower temperature with a cooling generator, including decreasing the need for cooling by building design features such as building insulation, green roof, vegetal wall, shading or increased building mass, by ventilation or by using comfort fans; (7) "ventilation" means the natural or forced movement of air to introduce ambient air inside a space with the aim to ensure appropriate indoor air quality, including temperature; (8) "comfort fan" means a product that includes a fan and electric motor assembly to move air and provide summer comfort by increasing the air speed around human body giving a thermal feeling of coolness; (9) "renewable energy quantity for cooling" means the cooling supply that has been generated with a specified energy efficiency expressed as a Seasonal Performance Factor calculated in primary energy; (10) "heat sink" or "cold source" means an external natural sink into which the heat extracted from the space or process is transferred; it can be ambient air, ambient water in the form of natural or artificial water bodies and geothermal formations beneath the surface of solid earth; (11) "heat extraction system" means a device that removes heat from the space or process to be cooled, such as an evaporator in a vapour compression cycle; (12) "cooling device" means a device designed to perform active cooling; (13) "heat rejection system" means the device where the final heat transfer from the cooling medium to the heat sink occurs, such as the air-to-refrigerant condenser in an air-cooled vapour compression cycle; (14) "energy input" means the energy needed to transport the fluid (free cooling), or the energy needed to transport the fluid and to drive the cooling generator (active cooling with a cooling generator); (15) "district cooling" means the distribution of thermal energy in the form of chilled liquids, from central or decentralised sources of production through a network to multiple buildings or sites, for the use of space or process cooling; (16) "primary seasonal performance factor" means a metric of the primary energy conversion efficiency of the cooling system; (17) "equivalent full load hours" means the number of hours a cooling system runs with full load to produce the amount of cooling that it actually produces during a year but at varying loads; (18) "Cooling Degree Days" means the climate values computed with a base of 18 °C used as input to determine equivalent full load hours.
1. When calculating the amount of renewable energy used for cooling, Member States shall count active cooling, including district cooling, regardless of whether it is free cooling or a cooling generator is used. 2. Member States shall not count: (a) passive cooling, although where ventilation air is used as a heat transport medium for cooling, the corresponding cooling supply, which can be supplied either by a cooling generator or by free cooling is part of renewable cooling calculation. b) the following technologies or processes of cooling: (i) cooling in means of transportation ;The renewable cooling definition concerns only stationary cooling. (ii) cooling systems whose primary function is to produce or store perishable materials at specified temperatures (refrigeration and freezing); (iii) cooling systems with space or process cooling temperature set points lower than 2 °C; (iv) cooling systems with space or process cooling temperature set points above 30 °C; (v) cooling of waste heat resulting from energy generation, industrial processes and the tertiary sector (waste heat) .Waste heat is defined in Article 2(9) of this Directive. Waste heat can be accounted for the purposes of Articles 23 and 24 of this Directive.
(c) energy used for cooling in power generation plants; cement, iron and steel manufacturing; wastewater treatment plants; information technology facilities (such as data centres); power transmission and distribution facilities; and transportation infrastructures.
For space cooling: For process cooling:
SEER and SEPR are seasonal performance factors (SEER stands for "Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio", SEPR stands for "Seasonal Energy Performance Ratio") in final energy defined according to Regulation (EU) 2016/2281 and Regulation (EU) No 206/2012;Part 1 of the study ENER/C1/2018-493 on "Cooling Technologies Overview and Market Share" provides more detailed definitions and equations for these metrics in chapter 1.5 "Energy efficiency metrics of state-of-the-art cooling systems". η is the average ratio of total gross production of electricity to the primary energy consumption for electricity production in the EU (η = 0.475 and 1/η = 2.1).
for space cooling in the residential sector: EFLH = 96 + 0.85 * CDD for space cooling in the tertiary sector: EFLH = 475 + 0.49 * CDD for process cooling: EFLH = τ s * (7300 + 0.32 * CDD)