Chemical | CAS No | EC No | CN code | Subcategory | Use limitation | Countries for which no notification is required |
1,1-Dichloroethene | 75-35-4 | 200-864-0 | ex29032900 | i(2) | sr | |
1,1,1-Trichloroethane | 71-55-6 | 200-756-3 | ex29031900 | i(2) | b | |
1,1,2-Trichloroethane | 79-00-5 | 201-166-9 | ex29031900 | i(2) | sr | |
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane | 630-20-6 | 211-135-1 | ex29031900 | i(2) | sr | |
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane | 79-34-5 | 201-197-8 | ex29031900 | i(2) | sr | |
1,2-Dibromoethane (Ethylene dibromide) | 106-93-4 | 203-444-5 | ex29036200 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride) | 107-06-2 | 203-458-1 | ex29031500 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
i(2) | b |
1,3-Dichloropropene | 542-75-6 | 208-826-5 | ex29032900 | p(1) | b | |
1,3-Dichloropropene (cis) ((Z)-1,3-dichloropropene) | 10061-01-5 | 233-195-8 | ex29032900 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
2-Aminobutane | 13952-84-6 | 237-732-7 | ex29211999 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
2-Naphthylamine and its salts | 91-59-8553-00-4612-52-2and others | 202-080-4209-030-0210-313-6and others | ex29214500 | i(1)-i(2) | b-b | |
2-Naphthyloxyacetic acid | 120-23-0 | 204-380-0 | ex29189990 | p(1) | b | |
2,4-Dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) | 121-14-2 | 204-450-0 | ex29042000 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-b | |
2,4,5-T and its salts and esters | 93-76-5and others | 202-273-3and others | ex29189100 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
3-Decen-2-one | 10519-33-2 | 234-059-0 | ex29141990 | p(1) | b | |
4-Aminobiphenyl (biphenyl-4-amine) and its salts | 92-67-12113-61-3and others | 202-177-1and others | ex29214900 | i(1)-i(2) | b-b | |
4-Nitrobiphenyl | 92-93-3 | 202-204-7 | ex29042000 | i(1)-i(2) | b-b | |
4,4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane (MDA) | 101-77-9 | 202-974-4 | ex29215990 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-b | |
5-Tert-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylene | 81-15-2 | 201-329-4 | ex29042000 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-b | |
Acephate | 30560-19-1 | 250-241-2 | ex29309098 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Acetochlor | 34256-82-1 | 251-899-3 | ex29242970 | p(1) | b | |
Acifluorfen | 50594-66-6 | 256-634-5 | ex29189990 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Alachlor | 15972-60-8 | 240-110-8 | ex29242500 | p(1) | b | |
Aldicarb | 116-06-3 | 204-123-2 | ex29308000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Ametryn | 834-12-8 | 212-634-7 | ex29336980 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Amitraz | 33089-61-1 | 251-375-4 | ex29252900 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Amitrole | 61-82-5 | 200-521-5 | ex29339980 | p(1) | b | |
Anthraquinone | 84-65-1 | 201-549-0 | ex29146100 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Arsenic compounds | | | | p(2) | sr | |
Asbestos Fibres: | 1332-21-4and others | | ex25249000 | | | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Actinolite | 77536-66-4 | | ex25249000 | i | b | |
Antophyllite | 77536-67-5 | | ex25249000 | i | b | |
Amosite | 12172-73-5 | | ex25249000 | i | b | |
Crocidolite | 12001-28-4 | | ex25241000 | i | b | |
Tremolite | 77536-68-6 | | ex25249000 | i | b | |
Chrysotile | 12001-29-5, 132207-32-0 | | ex25249000 | i | b | |
Asulam | 3337-71-12302-17-2 | 222-077-1218-953-8 | ex29359090 | p(1) | b | |
Atrazine | 1912-24-9 | 217-617-8 | ex29336910 | p(1) | b | |
Azinphos-ethyl | 2642-71-9 | 220-147-6 | ex29339980 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Azinphos-methyl | 86-50-0 | 201-676-1 | ex29339200 | p(1) | b | |
Azocyclotin | 41083-11-8 | 255-209-1 | ex29339980 | p(1) | b | |
Benalaxyl | 71626-11-4 | 275-728-7 | ex29242970 | p(1) | b | |
Benfuracarb | 82560-54-1 | | ex29329900 | p(1) | b | |
Bensultap | 17606-31-4 | | ex29309098 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Benzene | 71-43-2 | 200-753-7 | ex29022000ex27071000 | i(2) | sr | |
Benzene as a constituent of other substances in concentrations equal to, or greater than 0,1 % by weight | | | ex27071000 | i(2) | sr | |
Benzidine and its saltsBenzidine derivatives | 92-87-536341-27-2and others | 202-199-1252-984-8and others | ex29215990 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-b | |
i(2) | b | |
Benzyl butyl phthalate | 85-68-7 | 201-622-7 | ex29173400 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-b | |
Beta-cyfluthrin | 1820573-27-0 | | ex29269070 | p(1) | b | |
Beta-cypermethrin | 65731-84-2 | 265-898-0 | ex29269070 | p(1) | b | |
Bifenthrin | 82657-04-3 | | ex29162000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-sr | |
Binapacryl | 485-31-4 | 207-612-9 | ex29161600 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
i(2) | b |
Bis(pentabromophenyl) ether | 1163-19-5 | 214-604-9 | ex29093038 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-b | |
Bitertanol | 55179-31-2 | 259-513-5 | ex29339980 | p(1) | b | |
Bromoxynil | 1689-84-53861-41-456634-95-81689-99-2 | 216-882-7223-374-9260-300-4216-885-3 | ex29269070 | p(1) | b | |
Butralin | 33629-47-9 | 251-607-4 | ex29214900 | p(1) | b | |
Cadmium and its compounds | 7440-43-9and others | 231-152-8and others | ex8112and others | i(1)-i(2) | sr-sr | |
Cadusafos | 95465-99-9 | | ex29309098 | p(1) | b | |
Calciferol | 50-14-6 | 200-014-9 | ex29362900 | p(1) | b | |
Captafol | 2425-06-1 | 219-363-3 | ex29308000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Carbaryl | 63-25-2 | 200-555-0 | ex29242970 | p(1)-p(2) | b–b | |
Carbendazim | 10605-21-7 | 234-232-0 | ex29339980 | p(1) | b | |
Carbofuran | 1563-66-2 | 216-353-0 | ex29329900 | p(1) | b | |
Carbon tetrachloride | 56-23-5 | 200-262-8 | ex29031400 | i(2) | b | |
Carbosulfan | 55285-14-8 | 259-565-9 | ex29329900 | p(1) | b | |
Cartap | 15263-53-3 | | ex29302000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Chinomethionat | 2439-01-2 | 219-455-3 | ex29349990 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Chlorate | 7775-09-910137-74-37783-92-8and others | 231-887-4233-378-2232-034-9and others | ex28291100ex28291900ex28432900 | p(1) | b | |
Chlordimeform | 6164-98-3 | 228-200-5 | ex29252100 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Chlorfenapyr | 122453-73-0 | | ex29339980 | p(1) | b | |
Chlorfenvinphos | 470-90-6 | 207-432-0 | ex29199000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Chlormephos | 24934-91-6 | 246-538-1 | ex29309098 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Chlorobenzilate | 510-15-6 | 208-110-2 | ex29181800 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Chloroform | 67-66-3 | 200-663-8 | ex29031300 | i(2) | b | |
Chloropicrin | 76-06-2 | 200-930-9 | ex29049100 | p(1) | b | |
Chlorothalonil | 1897-45-6 | 217-588-1 | ex29269070 | p(1) | b | |
Chlorpropham | 101-21-3 | 202-925-7 | ex29242970 | p(1) | b | |
Chlorpyrifos | 2921-88-2 | 220-864-4 | ex29333999 | p(1) | b | |
Chlorpyrifos-methyl | 5598-13-0 | 227-011-5 | ex29333999 | p(1) | b | |
Chlorthal-dimethyl | 1861-32-1 | 217-464-7 | ex29173995 | p(1) | b | |
Chlozolinate | 84332-86-5 | 282-714-4 | ex29349990 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Cholecalciferol | 67-97-0 | 200-673-2 | ex29362900 | p(1) | b | |
Cinidon-ethyl | 142891-20-1 | | ex29251995 | p(1) | b | |
Clothianidin | 210880-92-5 | 433-460-1 | ex29341000 | p(1) | b | |
Coumafuryl | 117-52-2 | 204-195-5 | ex29322090 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Creosote and creosote related substances | 8001-58-9 | 232-287-5 | ex27079100ex38070090 | | | |
61789-28-4 | 263-047-8 | ex27079100 | | | |
84650-04-4 | 283-484-8 | ex27074000ex27075000 | | | |
90640-84-9 | 292-605-3 | ex27079100 | | | |
65996-91-0 | 266-026-1 | ex38070090ex27079919 | i(2) | b | |
90640-80-5 | 292-602-7 | ex27079920 | | | |
65996-85-2 | 266-019-3 | ex27079980 | | | |
8021-39-4 | 232-419-1 | ex38070090 | | | |
122384-78-5 | 310-191-5 | ex38070090 | | | |
Crimidine | 535-89-7 | 208-622-6 | ex29335995 | p(1) | b | |
Cyanamide | 420-04-2 | 206-992-3 | ex28539090 | p(1) | b | |
Cyanazine | 21725-46-2 | 244-544-9 | ex29336980 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Cybutryne | 28159-98-0 | 248-872-3 | ex29336980 | p(2) | b | |
Cyclanilide | 113136-77-9 | 419-150-7 | ex29242970 | p(1) | b | |
Cyfluthrin | 68359-37-5 | 269-855-7 | ex29269070 | p(1) | b | |
Cyhalothrine | 68085-85-8 | 268-450-2 | ex29269070 | p(1) | b | |
Cyhexatin | 13121-70-5 | 236-049-1 | ex29319000 | p(1) | b | |
DBB (Di-μ-oxo-di-n-butylstannio-hydroxyborane/dioxastannaboretan-4-ol) | 75113-37-0 | 401-040-5 | ex29319000 | i(1) | b | |
Desmedipham | 13684-56-5 | 237-198-5 | ex29242970 | p(1) | b | |
Diarsenic pentaoxide | 1303-28-2 | 215-116-9 | ex28112990 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-b | |
Diazinon | 333-41-5 | 206-373-8 | ex29335910 | p(1) | b | |
Dibutyltin compounds | 683-18-177-58-71067-33-0and others | 211-670-0201-039-8213-928-8and others | ex29319000 | i(2) | sr | |
Dichlobenil | 1194-65-6 | 214-787-5 | ex29269070 | p(1) | b | |
Dicloran | 99-30-9 | 202-746-4 | ex29214200 | p(1) | b | |
Dichlorvos | 62-73-7 | 200-547-7 | ex29199000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Didecyldimethylammonium chloride | 7173-51-5 | 230-525-2 | ex29239000 | p(1) | b | |
Diisobutyl phthalate | 84-69-5 | 201-553-2 | ex29173400 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-b | |
Dimethenamid | 87674-68-8 | | ex29349990 | p(1) | b | |
Dimethoate | 60-51-5 | 200-480-3 | ex29309098 | p(1) | b | |
Diniconazole-M | 83657-18-5 | | ex29339980 | p(1) | b | |
Dinitro-ortho-cresol (DNOC) and its salts (such as ammonium salt, potassium salt and sodium salt) | 534-52-1 | 208-601-1 | ex29089200 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
2980-64-5 | 221-037-0 |
5787-96-2 | |
2312-76-7 | 219-007-7 |
Dinobuton | 973-21-7 | 213-546-1 | ex29209010 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Dinoseb and its salts and esters | 88-85-7and others | 201-861-7and others | ex29089100 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
ex29153600 | i(2) | b |
Dinoterb | 1420-07-1 | 215-813-8 | ex29089900 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Dioctyltin compounds | 3542-36-7870-08-616091-18-2and others | 222-583-2212-791-1240-253-6and others | ex29319000 | i(2) | sr | |
Diphenylamine | 122-39-4 | 204-539-4 | ex29214400 | p(1) | b | |
Diquat, including diquat dibromide | 2764-72-985-00-7 | 220-433-0201-579-4 | ex29339980 | p(1) | b | |
DPX KE 459 (flupyrsulfuron-methyl) | 150315-10-9144740-54-5 | | ex29359090 | p(1) | b | |
Dustable powder formulations containing a combination of: | | | ex38089990 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Benomyl at or above 7 % | 17804-35-2 | 241-775-7 | ex29339980 | | | |
Carbofuran at or above 10 % | 1563-66-2 | 216-353-0 | ex29329900 | | | |
and Thiram at or above 15 % | 137-26-8 | 205-286-2 | ex29303000 | | | |
Empenthrin | 54406-48-3 | 259-154-4 | ex29162000 | p(2) | b | |
Epoxiconazole | 135319-73-2 | 406-850-2 | ex29349990 | p(1) | b | |
Ethalfluralin | 55283-68-6 | 259-564-3 | ex29214300 | p(1) | b | |
Ethion | 563-12-2 | 209-242-3 | ex29309098 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Ethoprophos | 13194-48-4 | 236-152-1 | ex29309098 | p(1) | b | |
Ethoxysulfuron | 126801-58-9 | | ex29335995 | p(1) | b | |
Ethoxyquin | 91-53-2 | 202-075-7 | ex29334990 | p(1) | b | |
Ethylene oxide (Oxirane) | 75-21-8 | 200-849-9 | ex29101000 | p(1) | b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Fenamidone | 161326-34-7 | | ex29332990 | p(1) | b | |
Fenarimol | 60168-88-9 | 262-095-7 | ex29335995 | p(1) | b | |
Fenamiphos | 22224-92-6 | 244-848-1 | ex29309098 | p(1) | b | |
Fenbutatin oxide | 13356-08-6 | 236-407-7 | ex29319000 | p(1) | b | |
Fenitrothion | 122-14-5 | 204-524-2 | ex29201900 | p(1) | b | |
Fenpropathrin | 39515-41-8 | 254-485-0 | ex29269070 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Fenthion | 55-38-9 | 200-231-9 | ex29309098 | p(1) | sr | |
Fentin acetate | 900-95-8 | 212-984-0 | ex29319000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Fentin hydroxide | 76-87-9 | 200-990-6 | ex29319000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Fenvalerate | 51630-58-1 | 257-326-3 | ex29269070 | p(1) | b | |
Ferbam | 14484-64-1 | 238-484-2 | ex29302000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Fipronil | 120068-37-3 | 424-610-5 | ex29331990 | p(1) | b | |
Flufenoxuron | 101463-69-8 | 417-680-3 | ex29242100 | p(1)-p(2) | b-sr | |
Fluoroacetamide | 640-19-7 | 211-363-1 | ex29241200 | p(1) | b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Flurenol | 467-69-6 | 207-397-1 | ex29181998 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Flurprimidol | 56425-91-3 | | ex29335995 | p(1) | b | |
Flurtamone | 96525-23-4 | | ex29321900 | p(1) | b | |
Furathiocarb | 65907-30-4 | 265-974-3 | ex29329900 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Glufosinate, including glufosinate ammonium | 51276-47-277182-82-2 | 257-102-5278-636-5 | ex29314990 | p(1) | b | |
Guazatine | 108173-90-6115044-19-4 | 236-855-3 | ex38089990 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Hexachloroethane | 67-72-1 | 200-666-4 | ex29031900 | i(1) | sr | |
Hexazinone | 51235-04-2 | 257-074-4 | ex29336980 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Imidacloprid | 138261-41-3 | 428-040-8 | ex29333999 | p(1) | sr | |
Iminoctadine | 13516-27-3 | 236-855-3 | ex29252900 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Indolylacetic acid | 87-51-4 | 201-748-2 | ex29339980 | p(1) | b | |
Iprodione | 36734-19-7 | 253-178-9 | ex29332100 | p(1) | b | |
Isoproturon | 34123-59-6 | 251-835-4 | ex29242100 | p(1) | b | |
Isoxathion | 18854-01-8 | 242-624-8 | ex29349990 | p(1) | b | |
Lead and its compounds | 7439-92-1598-63-01319-46-67446-14-27784-40-97758-97-61344-37-225808-74-613424-46-9301-04-27446-27-715245-44-0and others | 231-100-4209-943-4215-290-6231-198-9232-064-2231-846-0215-693-7247-278-1236-542-1206-104-4231-205-5239-290-0and others | ex78011000, ex78042000ex28369917ex32064970ex28332960ex28429080ex28415000ex32062000ex28269080ex28500060ex29152900ex28352990, ex32064970ex29089900 | i(2) | sr | |
Linuron | 330-55-2 | 206-356-5 | ex29280090 | p(1) | b | |
Malathion | 121-75-5 | 204-497-7 | ex29309098 | p(2) | b | |
Maleic hydrazide salts other than choline, potassium and sodium salts | 5716-15-442489-17-836518-59-965445-74-151137-11-2and others | 227-213-3255-849-1253-082-7265-780-9and others | ex29339980 | p(1) | b | |
Mancozeb | 8018-01-7 | | ex38089230 | p(1) | b | |
Maneb | 12427-38-2 | 235-654-8 | ex38249993 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Mecoprop | 7085-19-093-65-2 | 230-386-8202-264-4 | ex29189990 | p(1) | b | |
Mercury | 7439-97-6 | 231-106-7 | ex280540 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-b | |
Mercury compounds, including inorganic mercury compounds, alkyl mercury compounds and alkyloxyalkyl and aryl mercury compounds except mercury compounds listed in Annex V | 62-38-4,26545-49-3and others | 200-532-5,247-783-7and others | ex28521000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Methamidophos | 10265-92-6 | 233-606-0 | ex29308000 | p(1) | b | |
Methidathion | 950-37-8 | 213-449-4 | ex29349990 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Methiocarb | 2032-65-7 | 217-991-2 | ex29309098 | p(1) | b | |
Methomyl | 16752-77-5 | 240-815-0 | ex29309098 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Methyl bromide | 74-83-9 | 200-813-2 | ex29036100 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Methyl-parathion | 298-00-0 | 206-050-1 | ex29201100 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Metoxuron | 19937-59-8 | 243-433-2 | ex29242100 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Monocrotophos | 6923-22-4 | 230-042-7 | ex29241200 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Monolinuron | 1746-81-2 | 217-129-5 | ex29280090 | p(1) | b | |
Monomethyl-dibromo-diphenyl methaneTradename: DBBT | 99688-47-8 | 402-210-1 | ex29039980 | i(1) | b | |
Monomethyl-dichloro-diphenyl methane;Tradename: Ugilec 121 or Ugilec 21 | | 400-140-6 | ex29039980 | i(1)-i(2) | b-b | |
Monomethyl-tetrachlorodiphenyl methane;Tradename: Ugilec 141 | 76253-60-6 | 278-404-3 | ex29039980 | i(1)-i(2) | b-b | |
Monuron | 150-68-5 | 205-766-1 | ex29242100 | p(1) | b | |
Naled | 300-76-5 | 206-098-3 | ex29199000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Nicotine | 54-11-5 | 200-193-3 | ex29397910 | p(1) | b | |
Nitrofen | 1836-75-5 | 217-406-0 | ex29093090 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Nonylphenols C6H4(OH)C9H19 | 25154-52-3 (phenol, nonyl-) | 246-672-0 | ex29071300 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-sr | |
84852-15-3 (phenol, 4-nonyl-, branched) | 284-325-5 | ex29071300 | | | |
11066-49-2 (isononylphenol) | 234-284-4 | ex29071300 | | | |
90481-04-2, (phenol, nonyl-, branched) | 291-844-0 | ex29071300 | | | |
104-40-5(p-nonylphenol)and others | 203-199-4and others | ex29071300 | | | |
Nonylphenol ethoxylates (C2H4O)nC15H24O | 9016-45-926027-38-368412-54-437205-87-1127087-87-0and others | | ex34024200ex39072911ex38249992 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-sr | |
p(1)-p(2) | b-b |
Commercial octabromodiphenyl ether, including- hexabromo diphenyl ether
- heptabromo diphenyl ether
| 36483-60-068928-80-3 | 253-058-6273-031-2 | ex38248800ex29093038 | i(1)-i(2) | b-b | |
Omethoate | 1113-02-6 | 214-197-8 | ex29309098 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Orthosulfamuron | 213464-77-8 | | ex29335995 | p(1) | b | |
Oxadiargyl | 39807-15-3 | 254-637-6 | ex29349990 | p(1) | b | |
Oxasulfuron | 144651-06-9 | | ex29359090 | p(1) | b | |
Oxydemeton-methyl | 301-12-2 | 206-110-7 | ex29309098 | p(1) | b | |
Paraquat | 4685-14-71910-42-52074-50-2 | 225-141-7217-615-7218-196-3 | ex29333999 | p(1) | b | |
Parathion | 56-38-2 | 200-271-7 | ex29201100 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Pebulate | 1114-71-2 | 214-215-4 | ex29302000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether, including- tetrabromo diphenyl ether
- pentabromo diphenyl ether
| 40088-47-932534-81-9 | 254-787-2251-084-2 | ex29093031ex29093038ex38248800 | i(1)-i(2) | b-b | |
Pentachloroethane | 76-01-7 | 200-925-1 | ex29031900 | i(2) | sr | |
Pentachlorophenol and its salts and esters | 87-86-5and others | 201-778-6and others | ex29081100and others | p(1)-p(2) | b-sr | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds | 335-67-1and others | 206-397-9and others | ex29159070and others | i(1)-i(2) | sr-b | |
Perfluorooctane sulfonates(PFOS) C8F17SO2X(X = OH, Metal salt (O-M+), halide, amide, and other derivatives including polymers)/ | 1763-23-12795-39-370225-14-856773-42-34151-50-257589-85-268081-83-4and others | 217-179-8220-527-1274-460-8260-375-3223-980-3260-837-4268-357-7and others | ex29043100ex29043400ex29221600ex29233000ex29352000ex29242970ex38249992 | i(1) | sr | |
Permethrin | 52645-53-1 | 258-067-9 | ex29162000 | p(1) | b | |
Phorate | 298-02-2 | 206-052-2 | ex29309098 | p(1) | b | |
Phosalone | 2310-17-0 | 218-996-2 | ex29349990 | p(1) | b | |
Phosphamidon (soluble liquid formulations of the substance that exceed 1000 g active ingredient/l) | 13171-21-6 (mixture, (E) & (Z) isomers)23783-98-4 ((Z)-isomer)297-99-4 ((E)-isomer) | 236-116-5 | ex29241200ex38085900 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Picoxystrobin | 117428-22-5 | | ex29333999 | p(1) | b | |
Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) except hexabromo-biphenyl | 13654-09-6,27858-07-7and others | 237-137-2,248-696-7and others | ex29039980 | i(1) | sr | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT) | 61788-33-8 | 262-968-2 | ex29039980 | i(1) | b | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Procymidone | 32809-16-8 | 251-233-1 | ex29251995 | p(1) | b | |
Propachlor | 1918-16-7 | 217-638-2 | ex29242970 | p(1) | b | |
Propanil | 709-98-8 | 211-914-6 | ex29242970 | p(1) | b | |
Propham | 122-42-9 | 204-542-0 | ex29242970 | p(1) | b | |
Propargite | 2312-35-8 | 219-006-1 | ex29209070 | p(1) | b | |
Propiconazole | 60207-90-1 | 262-104-4 | ex29349990 | p(1) | b | |
Propineb | 12071-83-99016-72-2 | 235-134-0 | ex29302000 | p(1) | b | |
Propisochlor | 86763-47-5 | | ex29242970 | p(1) | b | |
Pymetrozine | 123312-89-0 | | ex29336980 | p(1) | b | |
Pyrazophos | 13457-18-6 | 236-656-1 | ex29335995 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Quinoxyfen | 124495-18-7 | | ex29334990 | p(1) | b | |
Quintozene | 82-68-8 | 201-435-0 | ex29049900 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Rotenone | 83-79-4 | 201-501-9 | ex29329900 | p(1) | b | |
Scilliroside | 507-60-8 | 208-077-4 | ex29389090 | p(1) | b | |
Simazine | 122-34-9 | 204-535-2 | ex29336910 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Strychnine | 57-24-9 | 200-319-7 | ex29397990 | p(1) | b | |
Tecnazene | 117-18-0 | 204-178-2 | ex29049900 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Tepraloxydim | 149979-41-9 | | ex29329900ex38089327 | p(1) | b | |
Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | 235-963-8 | ex29309098 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Tetraethyl lead | 78-00-2 | 201-075-4 | ex29311000 | i(1) | sr | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Tetramethyl lead | 75-74-1 | 200-897-0 | ex29311000 | i(1) | sr | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Thallium sulphate | 7446-18-6 | 231-201-3 | ex28332980 | p(1) | b | |
Thiacloprid | 111988-49-9 | | ex29341000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Thiamethoxam | 153719-23-4 | 428-650-4 | ex29341000 | p(1) | b | |
Thiobencarb | 28249-77-6 | 248-924-5 | ex29302000 | p(1) | b | |
Thiocyclam | 31895-22-4 | 250-859-2 | ex29349990 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Thiodicarb | 59669-26-0 | 261-848-7 | ex29309098 | p(1) | b | |
Thiophanate-methyl | 23564-05-8 | 245-740-7 | ex29309098 | p(1) | b | |
Thiram | 137-26-8 | 205-286-2 | ex29303000 | p(1)-p(2) | b-sr | |
Tolylfluanid | 731-27-1 | 211-986-9 | ex29309098 | p(1) | b | |
Triasulfuron | 82097-50-5 | | ex29359090 | p(1) | b | |
Triazophos | 24017-47-8 | 245-986-5 | ex29339980 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
All tributyltin compounds, including: | | | ex29312000 | p(2)i(1)-i(2) | bsr-sr | |
Tributyltin oxide | 56-35-9 | 200-268-0 | |
Tributyltin fluoride | 1983-10-4 | 217-847-9 | |
Tributyltin methacrylate | 2155-70-6 | 218-452-4 | |
Tributyltin benzoate | 4342-36-3 | 224-399-8 | |
Tributyltin chloride | 1461-22-9 | 215-958-7 | |
Tributyltin linoleate | 24124-25-2 | 246-024-7 | |
Tributyltin naphthenate | 85409-17-2 | 287-083-9 | |
| and others | and others | | | | |
Trichlorfon | 52-68-6 | 200-149-3 | ex29315400 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Trichlorobenzene | 120-82-1 | 204-428-0 | ex29039980 | i(2) | sr | |
Triclosan | 3380-34-5 | 222-182-2 | ex29095000 | p(2) | b | |
Tricyclazole | 41814-78-2 | 255-559-5 | ex29349990 | p(1) | b | |
Tridemorph | 24602-86-6 | 246-347-3 | ex29349990 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Triflumuron | 64628-44-0 | 264-980-3 | ex29242100 | p(2) | b | |
Trifluralin | 1582-09-8 | 216-428-8 | ex29214300 | p(1) | b | |
Triorganostannic compounds other than tributyltin compounds | | | ex29319000 and others | p(2) | sr | |
i(2) | sr | |
Tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate | 115-96-8 | 204-118-5 | ex29199000 | i(1)-i(2) | sr-b | |
Tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate | 126-72-7 | 204-799-9 | ex29191000 | i(1) | sr | Please refer to PIC circular at |
Tris(aziridinyl)phosphinoxide (1,1′,1′-phosphoryltriaziridine) | 545-55-1 | 208-892-5 | ex29339980 | i(1) | sr | |
Vamidothion | 2275-23-2 | 218-894-8 | ex29309098 | p(1)-p(2) | b-b | |
Vinclozolin | 50471-44-8 | 256-599-6 | ex29349990 | p(1) | b | |
Warfarin | 81-81-2 | 201-377-6 | ex29322090 | p(1) | b | |
Zineb | 12122-67-7 | 235-180-1 | ex38249993ex38089230 | p(1) | b | |