Number | Common indicator related to RRF support | RRF pillars | Explanation | Unit |
1 | Savings in annual primary energy consumption | Pillar 1Pillar 3 | Total annual primary energy consumption reduction for supported entities due to support from measures under the Facility. The baseline shall refer to the annual primary energy consumption before the intervention, and the achieved value shall refer to the annual primary energy consumption for the year after the intervention. For buildings, interventions shall be sufficiently documented to be able to calculate these values, for example by using Energy Performance Certificates or other monitoring systems respecting the criteria as set in Article 10.6 of Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive). For processes in enterprises, the annual primary energy consumption shall be documented based on energy audits in line with Article 8 of Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (the Energy Efficiency Directive) or other relevant technical specifications.Public buildings shall be defined as buildings owned by public authorities and buildings owned by a non-profit organisation, provided that such bodies pursue objectives of general interest such as education, health, environment and transport. Examples include building for public administration, schools, hospitals, etc. | MWh/year |
2 | Additional operational capacity installed for renewable energy | Pillar 1Pillar 3 | Additional capacity installed for renewable energy due to the support from measures under the Facility, and which is operational (i.e. connected to the grid, if applicable, and fully ready to produce or already producing energy). Production capacity shall be defined as the "net maximum electrical capacity" as defined by Eurostat.Renewable energy shall be defined as "energy from renewable non-fossil sources namely wind, solar (thermal and photovoltaic) and geothermal energy, ambient energy, tide, wave and other ocean energy, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas, and biogas" (see Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council). The indicator shall also capture electrolyser capacity for hydrogen production built up with support by measures under the Facility. The indicator shall be collected and reported separately between (i) capacity for renewable energy production; and (ii) electrolyser capacity for hydrogen production | MW |
3 | Alternative fuels infrastructure (refuelling/recharging points) | Pillar 1Pillar 3 | Number of refuelling/recharging points (new or upgraded) for clean vehicles supported by measures under the Facility.A recharging point shall be defined as an interface that is capable of charging one electric vehicle at a time or exchanging a battery of one electric vehicle at a time. A refuelling point shall refer to a refuelling facility for the provision of alternative fuel through a fixed or a mobile installation.Alternative fuel shall be defined to include fuels or power sources which serve, at least partly, as a substitute for fossil oil sources in the energy supply to transport and which have the potential to contribute to its decarbonisation and enhance the environmental performance of the transport sector and that are in line with Directive (EU) 2018/2001.The indicator shall be collected and reported separately between (i) recharging; and (ii) refuelling points. As part of the latter, (iii) hydrogen refuelling points shall be reported separately. | Refuelling/recharging points |
4 | Population benefiting from protection measures against floods, wildfires, and other climate related natural disasters | Pillar 1Pillar 4 | Population living in areas where protection infrastructure (including green infrastructure and nature-based solutions for adaptation to climate change) is built or significantly upgraded due to support by measures under the Facility in order to reduce vulnerability to flood, wildfire and other climate-related natural risks (storms, droughts, heatwaves). The indicator shall cover protection measures, which are clearly localised in high risk areas and which address directly the specific risks, as opposed to more general measures implemented at national or regional level. For floods, the indicator shall count the resident population at risk. | Persons |
5 | Additional dwellings with internet access provided via very high capacity networks | Pillar 2Pillar 4 | Total number of dwellings with access to very high capacity networks, as defined in the BEREC Guidelines on Very High Capacity Networks (BoR (20) 165) that only had access to slower connections or did not have internet access at all before the support by measures under the Facility. As such, it shall also consider 5G network coverage and upgrades to gigabit speed. The improved internet access must be a direct consequence of the support by measures under the Facility. The indicator shall measure dwellings with the possibility to access and not the actual take up.A dwelling shall be defined as "a room or a suite of rooms in a permanent building or a structurally separated part of a building which (…) is designed for habitation by one private household all year around" (see Commission (Eurostat)).The indicator does not count collective dwellings such as hospitals, old people’s homes, residential homes, prisons, military barracks, religious institutions, boarding houses, workers’ hostels, etc. | Dwellings |
6 | Enterprises supported to develop or adopt digital products, services and application processes | Pillar 2Pillar 3 | Number of enterprises supported to develop or adopt new or significantly upgraded services, products and processes based on digital technologies, due to support by measures under the Facility. This includes advanced digital technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, block chain, cloud and edge infrastructures and data spaces, quantum and high performance computing. Significant upgrades shall cover only new functionalities. The information shall therefore be collected separately (i) for enterprises supported to develop digital technologies and solutions; and (ii) for enterprises supported to adopt digital solutions to transform their services, products or processes. It shall also be collected by size of enterprise.An enterprise shall be counted once regardless of how many times it receives support to digitalise by measures under the Facility.An enterprise and the disaggregation by size of enterprise shall be defined as per the definition adopted for indicator 9. | Enterprises |
7 | Users of new and upgraded public digital services, products and processes | Pillar 2Pillar 5 | Number of users of the digital public services, products and processes newly developed or significantly upgraded through support by measures under the Facility. Significant upgrades shall cover only new functionalities. The indicator shall have a baseline of 0 only if the digital service, product or process is new. Users refer to the clients of the public services and products newly developed or upgraded through support by measures under the Facility, and to the staff of the public institution using the digital processes newly developed or significantly upgraded through support by measures under the Facility. If individual users cannot be identified, counting the same client using an online service several times shall not be considered as double counting. | Users/year |
8 | Researchers working in supported research facilities | Pillar 3 | Number of researchers using directly, in their line of activity, the public or private research facility or the equipment for which support by measures under the Facility is awarded. The indicator shall be measured in terms of annual full time equivalents (FTEs), calculated according to the methodology provided in the OECD Frascati Manual 2015.The support must improve the research facility or the quality of research equipment. Replacements without quality increase shall be excluded, as is maintenance.The R & D vacant positions shall not be counted, neither support staff for R & D (i.e. posts not directly involved in R & D activities).Annual FTE of R & D personnel shall be defined as the ratio of working hours actually spent on R & D during a calendar year divided by the total number of hours conventionally worked in the same period by an individual or a group. By convention a person cannot perform more than one FTE on R & D on a biannual basis. The number of hours conventionally worked shall be determined on the basis of normative/statutory working hours. A full time person shall be identified with reference to their employment status, the type of contract (full time or part time) and their level of engagement in R & D (see OECD Frascati Manual 2015, Chapter 5.3).The indicator shall be disaggregated by gender. | Annual Full Time Equivalent |
9 | Enterprises supported (of which small – including micro, medium, large) | Pillar 3 | The indicator shall count all enterprises that receive monetary or in-kind support by measures under the Facility.The enterprise shall be defined as the smallest combination of legal units that is an organisational unit producing goods and services, which benefits from a certain degree of autonomy in decision making, especially for the allocation of its current resources, carrying out one or more activities at one or more locations. An enterprise may be a sole legal unit. Legal units shall include legal persons whose existence is recognised by law independently of the individuals or institutions which may own them or are members of them, such as general partnerships, private limited partnerships, limited liability companies, incorporated companies etc. Legal units shall also include natural persons who are engaged in an economic activity in their own right, such as the owner and operator of a shop or a garage, a lawyer or a self-employed handicrafts-person (Commission (Eurostat), based on Council Regulation (EEC) No 696/93, Section III A of 15.3.1993).The indicator shall be collected and reported by size of enterprise. For the purpose of this indicator, enterprises shall be defined as profit-oriented organisations that produce goods and services to satisfy market needs.Classification of enterprises:Small, including micro, enterprise (0-49 employees and self-employed and annual turnover -≤ EUR 10 million or balance sheet – ≤ EUR 10 million);Medium enterprise (50-249 employees and self-employed and annual turnover >EUR 10 million – ≤ EUR 50 million or balance sheet > EUR 10 million -≤ EUR 43 million);Large enterprises (> 250 employees and self-employed and turnover > EUR 50 million or balance sheet > EUR 43 million);If either of the 2 thresholds (employees and self-employed and annual turnover/balance sheet) is exceeded the enterprises shall be categorised in the size category above;(Commission (Eurostat) based on Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC, Annex, Articles 2-3);The size of the enterprise supported shall be measured at the start of the support. | Enterprises |
10 | Number of participants in education or training | Pillar 2Pillar 4Pillar 6 | The indicator shall take into account the number of participants to education (ISCED 0-8, adult learning) and training (off-the-job/in-the-job training, continuous vocational education and training, etc.) activities supported by measures under the Facility, including participants to digital skills trainings. It shall therefore be collected and reported on by (i) participants in education or training; and of those, (ii) participants in digital skills training. It shall also be disaggregated by gender and age.Participants shall be counted upon entering the education or training activity. | Persons |
11 | Number of people in employment or engaged in job searching activities | Pillar 3Pillar 4 | Unemployed or inactive persons who have received support by measures under the RRF, and who are in employment, including self-employment, or who were inactive when receiving that support and who are newly engaged in job searching activities, immediately after receiving that support.The indicator shall be disaggregated by gender and age."Engaged in job searching" shall be defined to include persons usually without work, available for work and actively seeking work, as per the definition of "Unemployed".Persons who have newly registered with the public employment services as jobseeker shall always be counted even if they are not immediately available for work. | Persons |
12 | Capacity of new or modernised health care facilities | Pillar 4Pillar 5 | The maximum annual number of persons that can be served by a new or modernised health care facility due to support by measures under the Facility at least once during a period of one year.Modernisation shall not include energy renovation or maintenance and repairs. Healthcare facilities shall include hospitals, clinics, outpatient care centres, specialised care centres etc. | Persons/year |
13 | Classroom capacity of new or modernised childcare and education facilities | Pillar 4Pillar 6 | Classroom capacity in terms of the maximum number of places in the new or modernised early childhood education and care and education facilities (ISCED 0-8) due to support by measures under the Facility. Classroom capacity shall be calculated in accordance with national legislation, but it shall not include teachers, parents, auxiliary personnel or any other persons who may also use the facilities.Early childhood education and care facilities such as crèches and pre-schools shall refer to those designed for children from birth to the start of primary education (ISCED 0). Education facilities shall include schools (ISCED 1-3, ISCED 4) and higher education (ISCED 5-8). The indicator shall cover childcare or education facilities that are newly built or modernised (for example, for increasing hygiene and safety standards), and modernisation shall not include energy renovation or maintenance and repairs. | Persons |
14 | Number of young people aged 15-29 years receiving support | Pillar 6 | The number of participants aged 15-29 years old upon receiving monetary or in-kind support by measures under the Facility.The indicator shall be disaggregated by gender. | Persons |